BIOGRAPHY ~f "'- ,.. VU-QUOC-THONG Former Minister of Social Action and Public Health, Director of the National Institute of Administration, and Vice-President of the National Legislative Assembly of Vietnam. .... Born in 1916, at Nam-Dinh (North Vietnam). Studied at Hanoi and in France. Laureate of the Faculty of Law at Hanoi. Doctor of Law (Public Law), Diploma in Indochinese Juridical Studies. Diploma of higher studies in Political Economy. Entered the Judiciary, 1940. Counselor of the Court of Appeals at Hanoi, 1950. 1 Left the J·u diciary to become Professor of the Faculty of Law at Hanoi in 1951 and Professor at the School of Administration of North Vietnam. After the Geneva Agreement, in 1954, named Professor of the Faculty of Law at the University of Saigon. In 1955 named President of the Council of State of Vietnam, the Supreme Administrative Juridiction of V~etnam• Became a member of the Cabinet of Ngo-Dinh-Diem, established October 5, 1955, as Minister of Social Action and of Public Health. In addition to these governmental functions, was made Director of the National Institute of Administration, an institution created · in July 1955. ~~- After the establishment of the Republic and the ministerial reol!ganiza ·on of October 1955, was retained in the first Cabinet of the Republic at the head of the Department of Social Action and Public Health. Elected Deputy to the Constituent Assem bly in March 1956, then Vice-President of the Committee of the same Assembly to prepare the draft constitution. After the promulgation of the Constitution, In Octobe r 1956, resigned his governmental positions in order to devote himself to the legislative tasks of the First National Legislative Assembly of Vietnam. Elected Vice-President of the National Legislative Assembly in December 1956, member of the Constitutional Court of Vietnam, and Counselor of the High Court of Justice of Vietnam. Elected President of the Codification Committee of the Legislative Assembly in April 1957. x x x 2 Mro Thong at present continues to hold simultaneously the position of Vice-President of the National Legislative Assembly and that of Director of the National Institute of Administration and of Professor of Public Law and Political Scisnce at the Faculty of Law at the University of Saigon. Political, Social and Cultural Activities - Charter member of the political party "Phong-trao tranh thu tu-do" (Movement for the Conquest and Defense of Freedom). Jaycee Senator of Vietnamo Formerly Editor-in-chief of the legal journal "Phap-ly tap-sann and the cultural review "Pho-Thongn. Director and Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Administrative Studieson Represented the University of Hanoi at the Conference of South East Asian Universities, organized by Johns Hopkins Institute in Washington in 1952. Member of the delegation from Vietnam to the Afro Asian Conference at Bandung {Indonesia) in April 1955. PUBLICATIONS Published Works Administrative Decentralization in Vietnam (Paris 1952, 2nd e.di ti on, 420 pp.) What is Social Democracy?n Paris 1953. iiThe Reserved ~owers of States" Paris 1953. -'How We Coneeive the Futl,lre National Assembly of Vietnam" Hano&, 1951. "Control of Administrative Legality in Vietnam". Saigon, 1955. "The raft Constitution of July 2, 1956 of Vietnam" . Saigon, 1957. "Some- Comments on the Constitutional Court of Vietnam" Saigon, 1957. 11 Several Journal Articles, particularly: " "What is National Sovereignty?" {in The-Ky - Hanoi 1956). "Our Opinion on the Draft Constitution of 1946" (in Xay-Dung Hanoi 1956). "The Problem of Reunifi"c ation of Legislationn {in Phap-Ly Tap-San 1945). "History of the Evolution of the Judicial System of Vietnamn {in Pho-Thong Hanoi 1951-1952). "The Use of Vietnamese before the Franco-Vietnamese Mixed Jurisdictions 1951-1952" (in Pho-Thong). nThe Role of Civic Education in the Teaching Programn (in Ph0-Thong Hanoi 1954). nsome Thoughts on the Economy of Vietnam of Tomorrow {in English} (Washington 1952). "The Problem of Training of Cadres of Administration (In Vietnam and in India) (in Times . of Vietnam - Special issue - May 1957). BIOGRAP'.d.Y or iJU ··QUOC-'l'HONG Foz1ner Ministei• ol Social Ac·~ion and Public Health 1 Director of tb~ Inst.itut-3 ot Administration, and Vice-Pres:i.dent of the !\rational Legisl<>.ti ve Ass ably of Victnar.1 .. Born in 1916: at Nam Dinh (North Vietnam),. Studied at Hanoi and in r'ra.nce. Laureate of the Faeulty of Lmr at. Hanoi .. Doctor of !.J&w {Pnblic Law), D:Lplcma in Indochinese Juridical Studies~;::i. uf h:i.gher studies in Poli Fconorr;y. Entered i:;he Judiciary, 194.0. Coun1:1>::.~lor of t.he Cour·t of Appeals .at Hanoi., 1950.. to become Professor of i'the Faculty of at Ha.noi in Prof es~or at the Schoel of Administration of North Vietnam • •4f"\.;er ·t,he Geneva 1\.greement, in 1954; n.em.ed Professor of the Faculty of Lsw Left, t.he Judiciary 1951 s..~d at. the of Saigon .. named i"Tesident of the Council of State of Vietnam, the Supreme Admimstrat.i. ve J'uz-isdiction of' ViEd:.nam.. a memhe::::r of ·the Cabinet of Ngo ...Dinh-Diem, ootab.liahe<l Oct,ober 5, a~ 11initrte_r of Social Aet.5.on and o.r Public Health .. In 1955 In addition -'w theae gcva•1.tmcmtal functiona ~ ·was made IY.trector of the Nation~l Irutitutc of,rci.1on,, and institution created in Ju1y, 1955, 19.'55. · /i..fter· the ee·~C1ulJ.shm0..nt o:t the Republic and the min:le:iterial reorganiza:t.ion of Oct.obe~ 1955, was :t•etained in the firat of the Republic at the hec;:.d of ths Department of Scd.e.1 Action and Public Health. filect8d Deputy t.~ 1;he Conat.'l tue...'1t Aesonb:(y in March 1956, tten Vice-President o:r the GOL..:m.d.ttee of the rsame f...sse<mbly to p:repa:i:·e the draft cons-tH;:ut:J.011ft Jlfter th0 p:r\.1.reulgqtion cf the Constitlltion~ :tn October 1956, !'esigned his governm&rfl:.'~~l positions in order to devote hi.m:gelf to tbe legislative taaim of the First ~fat,:!.ona.l r~ag:lslative Assembly of Viet.nem. ElE:cted '!l_ec ...Presickn-1; of t'he National Legi9lative Aosebly in Dece;nber :t9S6, member of '(.he Conatt tuticnal Cou:et a? '1iet~1l, and Cmmeelor of the High Court ·or J'!lf.1t2.ce of Vietr..:un. Elected President of th~ Codifica tion of the L:?gielati ve Assembly in April 1957. * * * Thong at present. ~on-t.irmcs to hold simultanaously the poaiticn of Vice ...P:t-,:..."5:!.den·l; of the National Lsgi"3lative Ast~embly <md that of Director of th~ 11e.tional Im·W.. tlrte c,f Adi::Lnioi,;ra-t.ion ~.r.d of' Prof eiileor of' Public L..w Politlc~l Science _..t:, the Far;ulty of Lorr: £t the Universtty of Saigon • Mr~ • 2 Charter member of the political part"-J nPho11g ...Trao Tranh Thu Tu-Do" (Movement for the Conquest and Def.'ense of Freedom). Jaycee Senator rlf Vietnam.. Formerly Edito:r.-in"9etdef of the legal journal "Phap-Ly Tap~san'1 and ·(.he caltural review "Phc;-Thong". Director:. and F.d.itor-in~chief of the journal "Administrative Studies" .. Repre~ented the Uni varsity of Hanoi at th~ Conference of Soutl1 East Asian Universities, organized by Johna Ropld.nB Institute in Washington in 1952 .. ·~. Member ot the delGgat,ion from Vietnam to the Af'rO-Asian Conference at Ba."ldung (Indonesia) in f.pril 1955. PU3LT CA'l'I O?B Published W•.Jl"'ka --- ..,_~ Adminiet,:rative Decentralization ~-n Vietnam (Paria: 1952, 2n.d edition:i 420 pp.) ~~t ia Social Dereocracy111 ~ Pi?iS; 1953:- " "'i'he Reserved Pi:mera of State, rr Paris 195,3 .. "Row We Conceive t.he Future National Assembly of Viet.naril," Hanoi, 1951 .. neontrol of l~.dministrative Legality in Vietrmm, 0 Saigon, 1955 .. "The Draft, Conati-uut.ion of July 2~ 1956 of Vietnam~" Saigon, 1957 .. ttSome Commento on foe Consti tui:.i:mal Court o! Vietnam," Saigon, 1957. Several Jour.riml .Art,icles, partieulru... ly: ttWhat, is National .Sovereignty?11 (in ~' Hano:ts 1956) .. r.our Opinion on the Draf·;.. Comti tution of ·194611 (in Xay !:'l.t~, Hanoi, 1_956)~ "The P-.t'Oblem of Reun.ificrdAion of Legislationn (in PhtteLy Ta -San, 194.5). · nH:letory of'r.'.the B'v'olution of tllc S:9's·t.en o1' , etna.m. in !no-Tho~_z, Hanoi: 19~1-1952). "1."he Use of ~ietn.amcse before the Franeo•vietna.'llsee Mixed Jurisdictions" 1951~1952{S.n ~o-fn2.E.~)· "The Role of Clvic fducation in the Teaching Program11 (in Pho-Tho~, Hm;-oi,19'4). 0 Scn11e '!'.noughts on the Economy of Vietnam of T01ti0rrown (in 1'ng)j.sh1 Washington, 1952c "T'ne Problem of 'l'J:>aini.n.g o-r Cadres of Adi,-J.nistration (In. Vietn<!rn and in Ind:i.a) {ln Tir~ of Vi,£~ - Special issue - May, 1957). · .. ,. "' ., . :.. ·.. ,.._ ,