RE ADY F O R T HE LIFE ne x t ge ner a tion. PEDAG OGI CAL L Y THE SCIENCE OF BIOLOGY S CI ENTI FI CAL L Y INTERNATIONAL EDITION TENTH EDITION Sadava • Hillis • Heller • Berenbaum TECHNOL OG I CAL L Y READY FOR THE n ext g e n er a ti o n From its first edition, LIFE has set the standard for experiment-based introductory biology texts. There is no stronger textbook for helping students understand not just what we know (scientific facts), but how we know it (the experimental process that leads to their discovery). The new edition of LIFE builds upon this tradition, teaching fundamental concepts and showcasing significant research while responding to changes in biology education with new design and learning features, new technologies, and new assessment resources. LIFE THE SCIENCE OF BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL EDITION TENTH EDITION David Sadava The Claremont Colleges David M. Hillis The University of Texas at Austin H. Craig Heller Stanford University May Berenbaum The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Co-published by Sinauer Associates, Inc., and W. H. Freeman and Company February 2013 Hardback 978-1-1641-3639-9 Life, 10th edition is also available in three split volumes. All split volumes are paperbound and in full colour: VOLUME 1: THE CELL AND HEREDITY (Chapters 1-20) February 2013 | ISBN 978-1-4641-4122-5 Part One, The Science of Life and Its Chemical Basis (Chapters 1-4) Part Two, Cells (Chapters 5-7) Part Three, Cells and Energy (Chapters 8-10) Part Four, Genes and Heredity (Chapters 11-16) Part Five, Genomes (Chapters 17-20) VOLUME 2: EVOLUTION, DIVERSITY, AND ECOLOGY (Chapters 1, 21-33, 54-59) February 2013 | ISBN 978-1-4641-4123-2 Chapter 1, Studying Life Part Six, The Patterns and Processes of Evolution (Chapters 21-25) Part Seven, The Evolution of Diversity (Chapters 26-33) Part Ten, Ecology (Chapters 54-59) VOLUME 3: PLANTS AND ANIMALS (Chapters 1, 34-53) February 2013 | ISBN 978-1-4641-4124-9 Chapter 1, Studying Life Part Eight, Flowering Plants: Form and Function (Chapters 34-39) Part Nine, Animals: Form and Function (Chapters 40-53) For more information (including a sample chapter) visit: Or scan this QR code to learn more about Life, Tenth Edition If you don’t have a QR code reader on your mobile device, go to your device’s app store and search for “QR code reader”—there are many free apps available. After installing the app, use it to scan the code, and you will automatically be taken to the Life site (QR codes appear throughout this brochure for various features). LIFE THE SCIENCE OF BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL EDITION TENTH EDITION M EET TH E A U T HOR S Sadava • Hillis • Heller • Berenbaum DAVID SADAVA is the DAVID M. HILLIS is the Pritzker Family Foundation Professor of Biology, Emeritus at the Keck Science Center of Claremont McKenna, Pitzer, and Scripps, three of The Claremont Colleges. In addition, he is Adjunct Professor of Cancer Cell Biology at the City of Hope Medical Center in Duarte, California. Twice winner of the Huntoon Award for superior teaching, Dr. Sadava has taught courses on introductory biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, plant biology, and cancer biology. In addition to Life: The Science of Biology and Principles of Life, he is the author or coauthor of books on cell biology and on plants, genes, and crop biotechnology. His research has resulted in many papers coauthored with his students, on topics ranging from plant biochemistry to pharmacology of narcotic analgesics to human genetic diseases. For the past 15 years, he has investigated multi-drug resistance in human small-cell lung carcinoma cells with a view to understanding and overcoming this clinical challenge. At the City of Hope, his current work focuses on new anti-cancer agents from plants. He is the featured lecturer in “Understanding Genetics: DNA, Genes and their Real-World Applications,“ a video course for The Great Courses series. Alfred W. Roark Centennial Professor in Integrative Biology and the Director of the Dean’s Scholars Program at the University of Texas at Austin, where he also has directed the School of Biological Sciences and the Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. Dr. Hillis has taught courses in introductory biology, genetics, evolution, systematics, and biodiversity. He has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, awarded a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur fellowship, and has served as President of the Society for the Study of Evolution and of the Society of Systematic Biologists. He served on the National Research Council committee that wrote the report BIO 2010: Transforming Undergraduate Biology Education for Research Biologists. His research interests span much of evolutionary biology, including experimental studies of viral evolution, empirical studies of natural molecular evolution, applications of phylogenetics, analyses of biodiversity, and evolutionary modeling. He is particularly interested in teaching and research about the practical applications of evolutionary biology. H. CRAIG HELLER is the Lorry I. Lokey/Business Wire Professor in Biological Sciences and Human Biology at Stanford University. He has taught in the core biology courses at Stanford since 1972 and served as Director of the Program in Human Biology, Chairman of the Biolo-gical Sciences Department, and Associate Dean of Research. Dr. Heller is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a recipient of the Walter J. Gores Award for excellence in teaching and the Kenneth Cuthberson Award for Exceptional Service to Stanford University. His research is on the neurobiology of sleep and circadian rhythms, mammalian hibernation, the regulation of body temperature, the physiology of human performance, and the neurobiology of learning. He has done research on a huge variety of animals and physiolo-gical problems, including from sleeping kangaroo rats, diving seals, hibernating bears, photo-periodic hamsters, and exercising athletes. Dr. Heller has extended his enthusiasm for promoting active learning via the development of a two-year curriculum in human biology for the middle grades, through the production of Virtual Labs— interactive computer-based modules to teach physiology. MAY BERENBAUM is the Swanlund Professor and Head of the Department of Entomology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She has taught courses in introductory animal biology, entomology, insect ecology and chemical ecology and has received awards at the regional and national levels teaching from the Entomological Society of America. A fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society, she served as President of the American Institute for Biological Sciences in 2009 and currently serves on the Board of Directors of AAAS. Her research addresses insect-plant coevolution from molecular mechanisms of detoxification to impacts of herbivory on community structure. Concerned with the practical application of ecological and evolutionary principles, she has examined impacts of genetic engineering, global climate change, and invasive species on natural and agricultural ecosystems. In recognition of her work, she received the 2011 Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement. Devoted to fostering science literacy, she has published numerous articles and five books on insects for the general public. READY FOR THE NEXT GENERATION… LIFE THE SCIENCE OF BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL EDITION TENTH EDITION PEDAGOGICALLY LI FE, 10E MATCHES THE WAY STUDENTS LEA RN TODAY Sadava • Hillis • Heller • Berenbaum NEW! UNCLUTTERED DESIGN helps students focus on important concepts with a contemporary graphic style and colour palette. To see a complete sample chapter, scan this QR code or visit PEDAGOGICALLY SCIENTIFICALLY TECH NOLOGICALLY NEW! CHAPTER-OPENING STORIES engage student interest and highlight an important concept in the chapter. New to this edition, each story now concludes with a question that carries through the chapter and is answered at the end of the chapter. BALLOON CAPTIONS IN THE FIGURES , a signature innovation of this textbook, provide clear explanations that guide students step by step through experiments and biological processes. SECTION-ENDING RECAPS are phrased in the form of learning objectives. Each offers a brief summary with 2-3 questions so students can check their mastery of the material they have just read. NEW! LEARNING OBJECTIVES: The Instructor’s Manual now includes a set of Learning Objectives for each chapter. These include the major learning goals of the chapter, a detailed set of key concepts, and specific learning objectives for each concept. CONTINUED LIFE THE SCIENCE OF BIOLOGY UPDATED! INVESTIGATING LIFE AND RESEARCH TOOLS FIGURES give students a realistic sense of how science is done. INTERNATIONAL EDITION TENTH EDITION Sadava • Hillis • Heller • Berenbaum PEDAGOGICALLY SCIENTIFICALLY TECH NOLOGICALLY NEW! WORKING WITH DATA EXERCISES , now in the textbook, ask students to answer questions based on data from many of the actual experiments described in the book. References to the original papers for “Working with Data” exercises and “Investigating Life” encourage students to access the primary literature. NEW! LIFE STATISTICS PRIMER , now available in the textbook, introduces some of the basic statistical techniques used in biological research, including common techniques and methods of analyzing data (such as those used in some of the Working with Data exercises) NEW! CHAPTER ENDING SELF QUIZZES now contain multiple levels of questions based on Bloom’s taxonomy (Remembering, Understanding & Applying, Analyzing & Evaluating). A number of questions are accompanied by illustrations or data tables. Answers to all these questions are in the book. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIFE THE SCIENCE OF BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL EDITION TENTH EDITION Sadava • Hillis • Heller • Berenbaum READY FOR THE NEXT GENERATION… SCIENTIFICALLY LIFE, 10E KEEPS PACE WITH IMPORTANT NEW RESEARCH P ART ONE: THE SCIENCE OF LIFE AND ITS CHEMICAL BASIS PEDAGOGICALLY SCIENTIFICALLY TECH NOLOGICALLY 1. Studying Life 2. Small Molecules and the Chemistry of Life 3. Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Lipids 4. Nucleic Acids and the Origin of Life n n n n NEW: n n n n n n Emphasis on weak forces in biology (van der Waals, etc.) Discussion of cis-trans isomers Discussion and illustration of right-and left-handed helices Discussion and illustration of how protein structure changes with covalent modification and interaction with other molecules Reorganization and separate discussion of DNA and RNA Updated discussion of biological theories on the origin of life P ART TWO: CELLS 5. Cells: The Working Units of Life 6. Cell Membranes 7. Cell Communication and Multicellularity n P AR T FO U R : GENES AND HEREDITY 11.The Cell Cycle and Cell Division 12. Inheritance, Genes, and Chromosomes 13. DNA and Its Role in Heredity 14. From DNA to Protein: Gene Expression 15. Gene Mutation and Molecular Medicine 16. Regulation of Gene Expression NEW: n n n NEW: n n n n n n n n n Clearer description and illustration of microscopy and staining methods More focused discussion of the use of experimental manipulations of living systems to discover cause and effect in biology More focused description of animal cell junctions Illustrated description of the role of the extracellular matrix in cell movement Reorganization: membrane potential discussion now in Chapter 45, Neurons, Glia, and Nervous Systems, where it is most relevant Clear comparison, with examples and table, of exocytosis and endocytosis Addition and discussion of juxtacrine signaling Discussion of cross-talk in signaling pathways Discussion and illustrations of the role of cell signaling in the evolution of multicellularity More focused and better illustrated descriptions of biochemical pathways such as glycolysis and the citric acid cycle to eliminate excessive details Illustrated mechanism of how ATP is made Use of running as example of the integration of catabolism and anabolism More discussion with illustrations of the roles of accessory pigments and reaction center in photosynthesis Clearer discussion of the significance of photorespiration and C3 and C4 plants n n n n n n n n n n Clearer description and illustrations of cell cycle checkpoints Updated and illustrated description of chromatid attachment and separation New examples of asexual reproduction Reorganization: cytogenetics after meiosis New illustration of the role of aneuploidy in the evolution of modern wheat Clearer description of the role of probability in genetics New example of incomplete dominance in eggplant Molecular basis of multiple alleles and codominance in blood groups Clearer, illustrated description of basic features of DNA structure, including weak forces and the exposure of important chemical groups for protein recognition Clear, illustrated description of the origin of DNA replication Updated descriptions of the different forms of RNA in cells Illustrated comparison between prokaryote gene without introns and eukaryotic gene with introns to clarify gene structure Improved description of signaling in proteins for intercellular distribution P ART THREE: CELLS AND ENERGY 8.Energy, Enzymes, and Metabolism 9.Pathways that Harvest Chemical Energy 10. Photosynthesis: Energy from Sunlight NEW: n n n Well illustrated molecular structures for enzymesubstrate interactions Clearer and better illustrated description of enzyme inhibition with examples New Working With Data exercise on the use of enzyme inhibition to make a herbicide continued P AR T FI V E : GENOMES 17. Genomes 18. Recombinant DNA and Biotechnology 19. Differential Gene Expression in Development 20. Development and Evolutionary Change NEW: n n Updated focus on genome sequencing and analysis Improved description of transposons and moveable sequences continued n n n n n n n n n n Coverage of minimal genome and synthetic genetics: “artificial cells” Better and clearer examples of gene cloning vectors and hosts Revised focus on reporter genes in cloning Use of PCR in making DNA and mutations Clearer discussion of the advantages of and concerns about biotechnology Updated discussion of stem cell technologies and applications Reorganization to emphasize general developmental processes and then cloning More focused description of the major concepts of development and cell fate determination Updated description of molecular switches in development Clearer description of fruit fly early development with emphasis on molecular processes and general concepts shown PA R T S I X: THE PATTERNS AND PROCESSES OF EVOLUTION 21. Mechanisms of Evolution 22. Reconstructing and Using Phylogenies 23. Speciation 24. Evolution of Genes and Genomes 25. The History of Life on Earth n n n n n n n n n n Added emphasis on importance of microbiomes New information on evolution of viruses New phylogenetic treatment of microbial eukaryotes New chapter opener on photosynthetic organisms and the Gulf Oil Spill New discussion and illustrations on the use of algae for biofuel production Added illustrations and examples on the importance of plants to human society New experimental studies using fungi Updated animal phylogeny New illustrations of evolution of tetrapod limbs New illustration on role of neoteny in human evolution P ART EIGHT : FLOWERING PLANTS: Form and Function 34. The Plant Body 35. Transport in Plants 36. Plant Nutrition 37. Regulation of Plant Growth 38. Reproduction in Flowering Plants 39. Plant Responses to Environmental Challenges NEW: n n n n n n n n n NEW: NEW: n n n n n n n n n New section on the historical development of evolutionary theory New problem-oriented approach; students gain hands-on experience working with data Real, clear examples of the process of speciation Coverage of experimental approaches to evolution New information on evolution of genomes Clear explanations of the importance of geological changes to evolutionary history Updated geological chronology New information on mass extinction events New examples and illustrations of the evolution of multicellularity n n n n n n n n PA R T S EVEN : THE EVOLUTION OF DIVERSITY n 26.Bacteria, Archaea, and Viruses 27. The Origin and Diversification of Eukaryotes 28. Plants without Seeds: From Water to Land 29. The Evolution of Seed Plants 30. The Evolution and Diversity of Fungi 31. Animal Origins and the Evolution of Body Plans 32. Protostome Animals 33.Deuterostome Animals n NEW: n n n n Fully updated taxonomic treatment The only textbook with extensive coverage of the tree of life,complete with online links to photos, maps, keys, and more on all of life’s diversity Extensive video coverage of the diversity of life, with QR links, making diversity come alive for students Students gain first-hand understanding of biodiversity through working with data problems continued Clearer focus on general concepts of plant body plan and its organization Comparison between plant and animal development and anatomy Updated descriptions of transport in xylem and phloem New descriptions of water relations and of plant adaptations to water stress in the context of transport mechanisms New material on genes involved in mineral nutrition in a model organism Reorganization of hormone material to emphasize concepts and molecular approaches Clearer explanations of the roles of photoreceptors Revised description of angiosperm gamete formation and double fertilization Updated discussion of signals for flowering, including molecular mechanisms Updated description of plant responses to herbivores and pathogens PART NINE: ANIMALS: Form and Function 40. Physiology, Homeostasis, and Temperature Regulation 41. Animal Hormones 42. Immunology: Animal Defense Systems 43. Animal Reproduction 44.Animal Development: From Genes to Organisms 45. Neurons, Glia, and Nervous Systems 46. Sensory Systems 47. The Mammalian Nervous System 48.Musculoskeletal Systems 49. Gas Exchange 50. Circulatory Systems 51. Nutrition, Digestion, and Absorption 52. Salt and Water Balance and Nitrogen Excretion 53. Animal Behavior Expanded emphasis on the experiments that underlie our understanding of animal physiology Feature story and accompanying Working with Data exercise focus on the most recently discovered hormone, irisin, illuminating the nature of hormones and how they are identified and their functions understood Immunology chapter introduces the concept of “herd immunity” to its discussion of the importance of vaccination, and a revised organization consolidates material on B cells and antibody production The role circadian rhythms play in childbirth is explained via a Working with Data exercise Updated material on right-left asymmetry in mammalian development includes a Working with Data exercise Extensive and important new information on glia, the most numerous and least understood cell type in the nervous system Streamlined organization of neural system coverage Revised and simplified explanations of difficult concepts such as mammalian gastrulation, the physiology of vision, and the renal countercurrent multiplier Revised art clarifies presentations of the circulatory system and the complicated processes involved in nitrogen excretion P AR T T E N: ECOLOGY 54. Ecology and the Distribution of Life 55. Population Ecology 56. Species Interactions and Coevolution 57. Community Ecology 58. Ecosystems and Global Ecology 59. Biodiversity and Conservation Biology NEW: n n n n n n n n n Integration of fire as an ecological factor affecting ecology of organisms, biomes, and ecosystems, including a feature on fynbos plants that germinate in response to smoke Improved diagram and new Working with Data exercise on the mark recapture method of estimating population size Expanded discussion of aquatic biomes and their characteristics New Working with Data exercise illustrating reciprocal selective responses in predator-prey interactions New information on the ecological role of toxins in nectar Integration of energy flow and nutrient cycling, with new emphasis on how energy powers nutrient cycles New feature opening story on the Mississippi Delta dead zone and its effect on the seafood industry New feature opening story on loss of kokanee salmon from Flathead Lake, Minnesota, illustrating the cascading negative effects of a wellintentioned species introduction New information on the role of habitat corridors in conservation planning, based on research in a natural setting in Palenque National Park in Mexico READY FOR THE NEXT GENERATION… LIFE THE SCIENCE OF BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL EDITION TENTH EDITION Sadava • Hillis • Heller • Berenbaum TECHNOLOGICALLY LI FE, 10 E TA KES F ULL ADVANTAGE OF TODA Y’S COM M UNICATION CA PA BILITITES NEW! INSTANT ACCESS CODES (Quick Response or QR Codes) and DIRECT WEB ADDRESSES integrated into the text let students link to dynamic resources at the right moment, via their smartphones, tablets, or any Web browser. All student resources are now fully mobiledevice compatible for more efficient studying. TECH NOLOGICALLY developed exclusively for this book in the style of the Tenth Edition’s artwork. They present complex topics in a clear, easy-tofollow format that combines a detailed animation with an introduction and conclusion. Animations are available in multiple formats, and the easy-to-use interface offers continuous play and stepthrough options, optional audio narration, and a full text transcript. Scan the Instant Access code to view a sample. Go to Animated Tutorial 49.2 Airflow in Mammals s SCIENTIFICALLY ANIMATED TUTORIALS were s PEDAGOGICALLY NEW! MEDIA CLIPS include fascinating and compelling short video segments that help students engage with the book’s content as they read. Scan the Instant Access code to view a sample. Go to Media Clip 13.1 Discovery of the Double Helix INTERACTIVE CHAPTER SUMMARIES combine a review of important concepts with links to key figures from the chapter, all relevant animated tutorials, and activities, for a comprehensive chapter review. Scan the Instant Access code to view a sample. Go to the Interactive Summary to review key figures, Animated Tutorials, and Activities ACTIVITIES help students learn important facts and concepts through labeling steps in processes, identifying parts of structures, building diagrams, and identifying different types of organisms. NEW! LIFE FLASHCARDS APP (iPHONE and iPAD) makes it easy for students to study important biological terminology wherever they are. Flashcards are organized by chapter, and can be viewed in browse mode or quiz mode. The app also provides a full glossary with audio pronunciations for every term. THE LIFE 10E MEDIA & SUPPLEMENTS Instructor’s Media Library (ISBN: 978-1-4641-2364-1) includes a vast array of media and assessment resources to aid instructors in planning an effective course, preparing engaging lectures, and assessing student comprehension. It includes: Textbook Figures & Tables • Multiple versions: Whole, reformatted, and unlabeled • High- and Low-resolution JPEGs, and PDFs PowerPoints Resources • Figures and Tables • Figures with Editable Labels • Layered Art • Lecture Presentation • Supplemental Photos ALSO FOR INSTRUCTORS ALSO FOR STUDENTS Instructor’s Resource Kit (Printed) ISBN: 978-1-4641-4131-7 Student Study Guide Printed Test Bank ISBN: 978-1-4292-5579-0 A Student Handbook for Writing in Biology, Third Edition By Karin Knisely ISBN: 978-1-4292-3491-7 Computerized Test Bank ISBN: 978-1-4641-4128-7 Videos and Animations Supplemental Photo Collection Active Learning Exercises Instructor’s Manual Lecture Notes Test Bank Word Files Media Guide ISBN: 978-1-4641-2365-8 Overhead Transparencies ISBN: 978-1-4641-4127-0 e-Packs (for Course Management Systems, WebCT, Blackboard, Angel, and other requested systems) ALSO AVAILABLE FROM SINAUER ASSOCIATES, INC. AND W. H. FREEMAN AND COMPANY… PRINCIPLES OF LIFE, FIRST EDITION David M. Hillis, The University of Texas at Austin David Sadava, The Claremont Colleges H. Craig Heller, Stanford University Mary V. Price, Emerita, The University of California, Riverside © 2012, co-published by Sinauer Associates, Inc., and W. H. Freeman and Company Hardback ISBN: 978-1-4292-8657-2 Written in the spirit of the reform movement that is reinvigorating the introductory majors course, Principles of Life cuts through the thicket of excessive detail to focus on what matters most in the study of biology today. Students explore the most essential biological ideas and information in the context of the field’s defining experiments, and are actively engaged in analyzing research data. The result is a textbook that is hundreds of pages shorter (and significantly less expensive) than current majors introductory books. This title may not be available in all areas. Please contact your representative for more information. “Our department adopted Principles of Life last year as part of our effort to refocus our introductory sequence in a manner consistent with the NSF/AAAS mandate ‘Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education.’ While the text is substantially slimmer than the dominant introductory biology books in the market, we found that essential concepts and content are well represented. I found that I was able to address foundational material as deeply as I had in the past, but I was able to do so more efficiently. As a result—for the first time in eight years teaching this course—I was able to address all of the major sections I’d aspired to teach in the semester. I look forward to using the text again this fall.” —JEFF BROWN, University of Portland, Department of Biology REQUEST YOUR INSPECTION COPY TODAY! Request your inspection copy online at or contact Lecturer Services on February 2013 Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4641-3639-9 Co-published by Sinauer Associates, Inc., and W. H. Freeman and Company lecturerservices@ or +44 (0)1256 302794 Note: Inspection copies are provided to teaching academics with a registered academic address teaching a class of at least 20 students. Please note that all inspection copy requests are subject to approval and that requests to send inspection copies overseas are fulfilled entirely at the discretion of our local representatives. When requesting an inspection copy, please provide your academic address, email address and module details. FOR THE LAB INQUIRY BIOLOGY instructs in the process of science by allowing students to ask their own questions, gather background information, formulate hypotheses, design and carry out experiments, collect and analyze data, and formulate conclusions. It is designed for any sized introductory biology course, large or small. Volume 1 Contents: INQUIRY BIOLOGY A Laboratory Manual, Volumes 1 & 2 Mary Tyler, University of Maine Ryan W. Cowan, University of Maine Jennifer L. Lockhart, University of Maine Paperback Volume 1 | June 2013 | ISBN: 978-1-4292-9288-7 Volume 2 | June 2013 | ISBN: 978-1-4292-9289-4 Introduction to Biology: Through the Microscope • Observation and Classification: Examining the Organisms of Pond Water • Environmental Biology: Experimenting with Pond-Water Organisms • Peer Review: Evaluating the Integrity of the Process • Cell Structure: Examining Diversity and Function • Photosynthesis: Experimenting with FabPlants • Cell Division: Examining Mitosis and Experimenting with Bacteria • Meiosis: Understanding Sex through Mendelian Genetics • Genetics: Examining Inheritance Patterns through Punnett Squares • The Poster Session: Presenting Research to the Community Volume 2 Contents: The Biology of Organisms: Functions of Life • The Diversity of Life: Observing How Organisms Function • Experimenting with Fungi: Exploring Questions About the Fungi Kingdom • Analyzing Data: Interpreting Your Experimental Results • Transpiration: Plants Cooling the Planet • Cardiopulmonary System I: Getting Blood to Where it is Needed • Cardiopulmonary System II: Breathing for Gas Exchange • Osmoregulation and Excretion: What Urine Can Tell You about Health • Animal Development: Exploring Reproduction Using Chick Embryos • The Symposium: Presenting Research Through a Talk Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XS RE ADY F O R T HE LIFE next ge ner a tion. P E D AG O G I C ALL Y THE SCIENCE OF BIOLOGY S C I EN T I F I C ALL Y INTERNATIONAL EDITION TENTH EDITION Sadava • Hillis • Heller • Berenbaum T E CH N O LO G I C AL L Y To see a complete sample chapter, scan this QR code or visit If you don’t have a QR code reader on your mobile device, go to your device’s app store and search for “QR code reader”— there are many free apps available. After installing the app, use it to scan the code, and you will automatically be taken to the Life site. (QR codes appear throughout this brochure for various features.)