Course policies and expectations

FALL 2012 (27 AUGUST 2012 VERSION)
1. Course Information and Goals
Class number
MATH 208: Analytic Geometry and Calculus III (4.00 Credit Hours)
Section 001: 3717 / Section 002: 3718
P, C, or higher in MATH 107 (or equivalent)
Dr. Mitchel T. Keller, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor (I generally reply within 24 hours, except on weekends)
Section 001: Oldfather Hall 204, MWRF 0830–0920
Section 002: Oldfather Hall 304, MWRF 0930–1020
Office Hours MWR 1100–1200 and by appointment (Generally not available Tuesdays)
Office Avery Hall 238 (402.472.9119)
Text Hughes-Hallett, Gleason, McCallum, et al., Calculus: Single and Multivariable.
(Custom for UNL.) Fifth edition. ISBN: 9781118141557.
Supplies iClicker 2
ACE Outcome 3: This course satisfies ACE Outcome 3: "Use mathematical, computational, statistical, or
formal reasoning (including reasoning based on principles of logic) to solve problems, draw inferences,
and determine reasonableness." Your instructor will provide examples, you will discuss them in class, and
you will practice with numerous homework problems. The tests will test how well you’ve mastered the
material. The final exam will be the primary means of assessing your achievement of ACE Outcome 3.
Teaching philosophy. Over time, I’ve come to view teaching and learning as a shared journey on which
my students and I embark each semester. I am the subject matter expert responsible for providing information and guidance, setting expectations, and assessing how well students meet those expectations. My
students are responsible for much hard work, including reading the text, participating in class activities,
and doing out-of-class assignments, regardless of whether or not they are graded. There is only so much
that can be conveyed in fifty minutes, and my own personal experience and educational research agree
that students get far less out of a fifty-minute lecture than their professors hope. Thus, I have chosen to
take an approach that is more work both for you and for me but has better results. I endeavor to create
an environment that is highly conducive to learning. Yes, I still lecture, but rarely is it for fifty minutes.
Instead, I expect that you read before coming to class and provide reactions to that reading. I use that
information to develop the plan for the class session, which will likely involve me talking for a while
and more time with students working together in small groups to grapple with the material, often after
answering a question via clickers. I’ll be there to support, guide, and correct misconceptions. Sure, I could
expect you to do this alone outside of class, but over time I’ve realized a few things about working in
groups. As a student, I usually understood something better when I went over it with classmates, even if
I was the one who thought I understood it completely and explained it to a peer. As a researcher, I am
more productive and effective when I collaborate. Friends in industry report that teams are increasingly
used to produce the best results. Furthermore, having me there to help in the early stages ensures that
we’re traveling together on this journey.
Why Math 208?1 Math 208 is the last of three courses in the calculus sequence, but it is much more than
the final third of the material covered in the name of calculus. The ideas and methods of precalculus
1Adapted from Prof. Glenn Ledder’s Preface to Math 208 document.
(functions and geometry in particular), differential calculus, and integral calculus previously studied in
one dimension are generalized to multi-dimensional space. Math 208 therefore serves as a summary
of functions and calculus. Most of the material in Math 106 and Math 107 is concerned with the two
central objects of one-variable calculus: the derivative and the definite integral. In higher dimensions, the
derivative of one-variable calculus generalizes to partial derivatives, gradients, and directional derivatives,
while the definite integral generalizes to integrals over regions in space and integrals along curves and
across surfaces. Similarly, the geometry of curves in the plane generalizes to curves and surfaces in
space, defined directly or parametrically. Math 208 builds on prior courses more than any other course in
mathematics. It is not only a course in its own right, but it is also a recapitulation of your prior study of
functions and calculus.
The tools of multivariable calculus are also a key to applications in engineering and the sciences, and
therefore Math 208 is required for all engineering majors and students majoring in chemistry and physics.
We have so much content to explore in terms of developing the key ideas of multivariable calculus that
we won’t have time to really explore applications in physical sciences and engineering in class. However,
Math 208 will work to build the problem solving skills that you’ll need to solve problems in your majors
in future courses. We will also have a writing assignment due near the end of the semester that will get
you to explore an application of some topic in multivariable calculus to a problem in your discipline.
Course description and goals. The bulletin describes the content of Math 208 as “Vectors and surfaces, parametric equations and motion, functions of several variables, partial differentiation, maximumminimum, Lagrange multipliers, multiple integration, vector fields, path integrals, Green’s Theorem, and
applications.” Many (But not all!) of the words in this (very comprehensive) list of topics should be familiar from earlier mathematics courses. In this course, you will expand your understanding of these ideas.
Generally, this will happen by first expanding our thinking from functions of a single variable to functions
of more than one variable. For example, in most introductory calculus courses, you’ll be asked to solve a
problem where you maximize a company’s profits. In doing so, you create a function that gives the profit
P( x ) the company makes if it builds and sells x widgets. Such models are often overly simplistic, however.
For instance, what if the company is actually capable of producing two different sizes of widgets? Then
you’d be concerned about producing x widgets of Type 1 and y widgets of Type 2 and maximizing the
profit P( x, y).
In addition to expanding our thinking from one variable to more than one, we will introduce a number
of new ideas. However, they probably won’t be completely foreign to you. For example, if you’ve studied
physics, you’re probably familiar with one of the most important ideas we’ll introduce in this course—
vectors. One way to think of a vector is as something that has both magnitude and direction. For example,
it’s not terribly meaningful to say that an airplane is flying at 450 miles per hour. If, however, we say
that it’s flying at 450 miles per hour due east, then we know something useful about the airplane’s travel.
Vectors will be a recurring theme in this course as we study how to connect them to differentiation and
It’s one thing to list the topics for a course but another to say what you as students will be able to do
upon successfully completing the course. The course goals I have set for students in this course are listed
(1) Students will be able to visualize and think about objects in 3-dimensional space.
(2) Students will understand the concepts of derivatives and integrals for functions of more than one
(3) Students will describe curves and surfaces as vector-valued functions using parametric representations.
(4) Students will understand the concepts of vector fields and calculus of vector fields.
(5) Students will use the concepts and techniques of multivariable calculus to perform calculations by
building on their knowledge of single variable calculus.
(6) Students will use multivariable calculus as a tool to solve science and engineering problems.
(7) Students will describe how mathematical models and multivariable calculus techniques are valuable computational and conceptual tools for solving real-world problems in their discipline.
(8) Students will carefully read a mathematics textbook and, based on the reading, identify areas of
difficulty and form questions they need answered in order to enhance their understanding.
(9) Students will communicate mathematical ideas using standard written English.
The first six of these goals are verbatim (or slightly modified emphasize the use of prior knowledge in the
case of #5) from the goals listed by the Department of Mathematics. The last three goals address skills that
I feel are important for success in this course, future mathematics courses, and future courses involving
mathematical content.
Instructional methods. I hope the material above has helped you understand that this course is going
to incorporate some instructional practices that aren’t (yet) standard in mathematics courses. (A math
professor who wants you to write sentences and paragraphs? What is the world coming to?) Getting
some extra shut-eye or reading The Daily Nebraskan in class is going to be pretty hard, as there will be
lots of interaction, even when I’m presenting at the board. Outside of class, I expect that you will spend
between two and three hours working on this class for every hour you spend in class. That means eight to
twelve hours per week working on Math 208 outside class, and I expect you to distribute that throughout
the week in order to keep up. Procrastinating to weeks of tests will likely result in disaster. In class, I’ll
use clicker questions to check how well you understand something I just explained, and depending on
responses, we might move into an activity. Usually an activity will require you to work with three peers
to answer a question. These sorts of teaching and learning activities will be chosen to help you prepare
for the various assessments in the course and to achieve the course goals.
2. Assessment and Grading
Grade components. Your grade in this course will be based on seven categories of work: Homework,
Preparation and Participation, Writing Assignment, Group Project, Web Assessments, Tests, and Final
Exam. These categories and their weights are described below.
Homework: Homework problems will be assigned for each section of the text. Homework will be
collected in class each week, generally on Monday. On Mondays when we do not meet or meet
for a test, homework will be collected on Wednesday. To balance your workload for homework,
I will clearly post on Blackboard which sections’ questions are to be submitted on a particular
day. Homework is due at the posted time, so if you must miss class, submit in advance! (A legible
scanned copy emailed to me is acceptable under extreme circumstances.) Late homework will not
be accepted. Please note that we will only grade a selection of the problems assigned. On occasion,
I may let you know that a specific problem or problems will definitely be graded, but this should
be treated as an exception rather than normal.
I will drop the lowest homework grade (or one zero for a homework set not submitted) in computing this grade component. Each remaining homework set will be counted equally in computing
your homework grade, which will be 10 percent of your course grade.
Preparation and Participation: This category contains two subcategories: reading questions and
class participation.
• To make the most effective use of time in class, reading questions will be assigned via Blackboard prior to most class meetings. You are responsible for reading the assigned section(s) of
the text and giving short (one- to three-sentence) responses to questions in your own words. The
questions will generally check your understanding of what you’ve read so that I can tailor the
class plan. Thus, reading question responses must submitted by 2100 (9pm) the night before
the class meeting. (Responses for Monday’s classes are due Sunday night, etc.) Each reading
assignment will be graded with either a 0 or a 1. A score of 1 will be assigned if you submit
the assignment on time and your response reflects that you’ve read the material, even if you
didn’t understand it all. A score of 0 will be assigned if you fail to submit the assignment,
miss the deadline, or submit the assignment but your response does not sufficiently reflect
that you read the material. The reading questions will be worth five percent of your grade,
with 100 points being the maximum possible in this category.
• To create an environment that provides the best opportunities for students to learn, this will
be a very active class. To facilitate this, you will receive credit for class participation. Class
participation will be worth four percent of your grade, with 100 points being the maximum
possible in this category. Your participation grade will be determined primarily by your
responses to clicker questions in class. Whether your answer is correct or incorrect does
not matter, simply that you are in class and responding to questions. This participation
will allow me to adjust class plans on the fly and to keep all students involved. Although
clicker questions will be the primary basis for determining participation grades, I will consider
participation in meaningful discussions related to the class on Piazza in borderline situations.
• Your grade on reading assignments and clicker questions will be determined using the following guidelines:
Reading Assignments Clicker Questions
Score Fraction
100 At least 95%
with scores of 1
At least 85%
with scores of 1
At least 75%
with scores of 1
At least 65%
with scores of 1
At least 55%
with scores of 1
At least 35%
with scores of 1
Less than 35% with scores of 1
Writing Assignment: There will be an individual writing assignment (requiring three to five doublespaced pages) as part of the requirements for this course. It will be worth 5% of your course grade
and will be due 5 December 2012. By 19 November 2012 you must give a draft of your writing
assignment to your designated peer for feedback to help you improve your draft before making the
final submission. Full details of the writing assignment will be provided no later than 12 October
Group Project: There will be a group project as part of the requirements for this course. You will
work in your regular group of three to four students to complete this application project which
will be worth 10% of your course grade. The group project will require a brief typed report.
Accompanying calculations can be done by hand or printouts from computer software. The group
project will be assigned 1 October 2012 and will be due in final form on 31 October 2012. You must
also submit a draft of your group project on or before 22 October 2012. I will give you feedback
on this draft so that you can improve the final version. Additional details will be distributed when
the group project is assigned.
Web Assessments: There will be three online assessments delivered through Maple TA inside Blackboard this semester. They will reinforce important skills and concepts from first-year calculus.
For each web assessment, you will have approximately one week in which to complete it. The
calculus concepts web assessment will be worth 15 points. The differentiation and integration web
assessments will each be worth 30 points. Additional details will be provided when they web
assessments are assigned. Web assessments will count as 7.5% of your course grade.
Tests: There will be six tests this semester. This larger number of tests was selected to help you keep
up with the material so that no single test covers an overwhelming amount of new material. The
tests may contain fewer problems than might appear on a typical 50-minute test. They may also
be designed to allow you more time to solve an interesting application problem since there is less
material being assessed on each test.
The tests will be given on 7 September 12, 21 September 12, 8 October 12, 26 October 12,
9 November 12, and 30 November 12. The attached course schedule gives an estimate of the
material each test will cover, but that is subject to change as the term progresses. Any changes will
be announced in class and online. Each test will be worth 6.5% of your course. grade.
Final Exam: The time for the final exam is 1800–2000 (6–8pm), Monday, 10 December 2012, Room
TBA. You are expected to arrange your personal and work schedule to allow you to take the exam
at that time. Students with conflicting exam schedules may be allowed to take an alternate final,
which is always given after the regularly scheduled final. No student will be allowed to take the
final exam early. A picture ID (driver’s license or student ID) may be required to take the final
exam. The final exam will count as 19.5% of your course grade.
Grade computation. The table below summarizes weights for each category of work this semester and
has room for you to record your grades. Completing it should be self-explanatory, except for homework.
Your homework Raw Score is the average of the scores (out of 10 points) awarded on your homework sets
with the lowest homework set excluded. Thus, if we have 13 homework sets, add up the best 12 scores
and divide by 12 to get your Raw Score for homework.
Reading questions
Group Project
Writing Assignment
Web Assessments
Test I
Test II
Test III
Test IV
Test V
Test VI
Due date(s) Weight Raw Score Points Possible
Most classes
31 Oct 12
5 Dec 12
7 Sept 12
21 Sept 12
8 Oct 12
26 Oct 12
9 Nov 12
30 Nov 12
10 Dec 12
Percentage Earned
To compute your course grade, divide your Raw Score by the Points Possible for each line above and
record it in the Percentage Earned column. Then multiply each Percentage Earned (as a percentage, so
5% = 0.05) by the corresponding Weight and add up these values. This will give you a number x between
0 and 1. Letter grades will be assigned via the following table.
Score Range
0.97 ≤ x ≤ 1
0.93 ≤ x < 0.97
0.90 ≤ x < 0.93
0.87 ≤ x < 0.90
0.83 ≤ x < 0.87
0.80 ≤ x < 0.83
Score Range
0.77 ≤ x < 0.80
0.73 ≤ x < 0.77
0.70 ≤ x < 0.73
0.67 ≤ x < 0.70
0.63 ≤ x < 0.67
0.60 ≤ x < 0.63
0 ≤ x < 0.60
Final grades in this course, however, will be determined by the judgment of the instructor. In particular,
to receive a final grade of C or higher, your exam average must be at least a C−. Your exam average
will count each of the six tests with a weight of 1/9 and the final exam with a weight of 1/3. Any student
with a calculated course grade of C or higher who has an exam average of D+ or below will receive a
final course grade of C−. All other students will receive their calculated course grade as their final course
Make-up tests and late work. I discourage make-ups, and generally will not approve them unless required by UNL policy. Any student with a valid reason for missing a test must obtain permission from
me at least two weeks before the test date.
Late submission of assignments will not be allowed except under extraordinary, unforeseen circumstances. For assignments to be submitted via Blackboard, submission will automatically be shut down at
the assignment’s due date and time. In the event you are unable to come to class on days when assignments to be submitted in class are due, you should email them as Adobe PDF files to
prior to the end of the class meeting in which they are due.
Feedback. Feedback beyond numerical grades will be given at several times during the semester. This
feedback will take several forms such as a comment from me during an activity or formal feedback on
a draft. At times, you will be expected to give feedback to your peers on their work. You will also be
given opportunities to review your progress on an assignment or in the course overall to determine if you
are making adequate progress. Giving and receiving feedback are valuable skills that you will need in
the future, both as a student and in your career. Feedback should be given respectfully, and you should
work to use feedback to improve your work in the future. Prior to formal feedback opportunities, we will
discuss our expectations for feedback as a class. Feedback provides an important chance to take stock of
progress in the course and make corrections before an assignment is due or before the end of the term.
3. Groups and Piazza Discussions
Groups. This semester you will work with classmates in groups almost every day. Most of the time, this
will be as part of designated groups. I will make initial group assignments no later than 28 August 2012.
Until then, I’ll assign ad hoc groups in class on a daily basis. To facilitate our groups, we’ll use a deck
of playing cards. The rank of a card is its value (Ace, Two, . . . , Queen, King), and its suit is the symbol
(hearts ♥, diamonds ♦, spades ♠, clubs ♣) on the card. You will be assigned to a group consisting of the
four students with the same rank (so “Kings” or “Sevens”). I’ll have a set of cards to use to randomly call
on students in class, and I might also assign roles in your groups for that class meeting based on the suit
of your card. I reserve the right to rearrange the groups after Test II and after Test IV (and in the unlikely
event any group drops below three students because of students dropping the class).
Piazza. Online discussion outside of class can be very helpful. In particular, it allows everyone in the
class to see questions and answers rather than one-to-one email correspondence with me. Obviously
there are some things that require private email, and I welcome messages. However, questions about
course content are of broad interest, and I want to encourage discussion and follow-up questions. Since
Blackboard’s forums are rather clunky, we’ll be using the free website Piazza
for our discussions. This provides a wiki-style opportunity for you to answer each others’ questions, edit
those answers, ask follow-up questions, and read and comment on my answers. I’ll provide a quick Piazza
demonstration in class during the first week. Participation on Piazza is voluntary, but I hope you’ll make
frequent use of it. Don’t be surprised if I reply to an emailed question with “That’s a great question to post
on Piazza!” To incentivize your online participation, I will consider your active contributions to Piazza
discussions when resolving borderline grading situations.
4. Homework
The attached schedule contains a list of exercises and problems for each section of the text that we’ll
cover this semester. I will post on Backboard the date on which each section’s questions are to be submitted. (Homework will generally be due on Mondays.) A selection of the homework questions will be
graded, and the graded homework will be returned to you. I do not plan to post solutions for homework
questions, but will try to post comments about common problems students encountered in order to help
you prepare for the tests. I encourage you to work as many exercises problems as you can (i.e., more
than you need to turn in). Mathematics is not a spectator sport! The only way to learn mathematics is
by getting your hands dirty, and you will only accomplish that in this course by answering homework
questions. If you get stuck, you’re more than welcome to post a question on Piazza (the preferred first
step!), send me an email, or visit with me in my office.
Collaboration on homework. You are permitted to work in groups of at most four students when solving
homework problems. (I anticipate your collaboration will be primarily with members of your assigned
group. However, I will not make this a requirement.) You must, however, write up your solutions for
the problems on your own. The process of explaining your solution in writing (using complete sentences
whenever possible!) will help you better understand the material. Each member of a group that worked
together on a homework set must write at the top of their homework submission “I collaborated on this
.” where the other group members’ names are used to fill in the blank.
assignment with
5. Course Policies
Attendance: Attendance contributes to your grade in the form of participation points for clicker
question responses, but otherwise attendance is not taken or required. However, you certainly are
expected to attend class, arriving on time and staying until the end of class. You are also expected
to sit with your group so that you can work with them during class.
Technology use in class: Other than times where class activities require them, I discourage use of
laptops, smart phones, or other electronic devices during class. Students are expected to discontinue use of electronic devices if the instructor or another student deems them distracting.
Noise from telephones, etc.: Audible noises from cellular telephones and computers will not be tolerated. This includes the noise made by some models when set to vibrate. Please turn your phone
off or set it on silent before class begins.
Showing and explaining work: For all problems submitted for grading (homework, tests, exams,
etc.), your answer should be written using complete sentences to explain how you reached your
answer. Your explanations are important not just to receive partial credit in cases where your
answer is not correct but also to support your answer and receive full credit when correct. Correct
answers that are not fully supported by explanations using complete sentences will generally
not receive full credit.
Technology use on assignments: You are free to use any calculator or computer algebra system
(Wolfram|Alpha, Mathematica, MATLAB, Maple, etc.) on homework. You will be permitted to
use any standard calculator not possessing communications capability on all tests and exams. You
cannot use a calculator built into a cell phone. You will not be allowed to use a tablet or notebook
computer or equivalent. If you have any questions about whether the calculator you intend to use
is acceptable, please contact me at least three calendar days prior to the test or exam.
Regrades: If you have questions about the grading of anything in this class, you must return it
directly to me (not my mailbox or your group folder) within one week of the date it was handed
back. Attach a separate piece of paper indicating what you want regraded and the reasons you
feel a regrade is appropriate. Do not write anything on the item to be regraded itself. I reserve the
right to retain scans of any and all graded work prior to returning it to prevent regrade abuse.
Record retention: You should retain all graded materials returned to you until after final grades have
been posted. You will need them to support any claim that your grade was inaccurately computed.
Collaboration: You are encouraged to form informal study groups to work exercises and problems
and enhance your understanding of the material. Formal groups will be assigned for certain
activities and the group project. See the information above regarding collaboration on homework
for details on how you may work together on problems to be graded. For tests, and exams, unless
otherwise specified in writing, you are to work completely alone without the aid of texts or notes.
You are only allowed to use one clicker transmitter in class; the use of more than one clicker will
be treated as academic dishonesty under the Student Code of Conduct. The smallest grade penalty
I will impose for using more than one clicker will be a full letter grade reduction (e.g., from B+ to
C+) in the final course grade for all students involved.
These policies and the course schedule are subject to change depending on how the semester progresses.
Any changes will be announced in class, on Blackboard, and with an updated version of this document.
The update date will be clearly indicated in the document’s title.
6. University Policies
Academic Integrity. I take academic integrity very seriously and have been involved in preventing, identifying, and adjudicating student misconduct for many years. All work in this course must be completed in
a manner consistent with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Student Code of Conduct. I encourage you
to make use of any old tests, exams, quizzes, and homework from previous incarnations of this course.
The more exercises and problems you work, the more successful you will be in this course. The tests and
exam you will see in this course will not be identical to those given in previous semesters or by other
instructors. I will endeavor to provide old or sample questions leading up to each of the tests.
Cheating via any means is unethical and unacceptable. Unless specified in writing, you are to work
completely alone without the aid of notes or texts on quizzes, tests, and exams.
Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary defines plagiarize as “to steal and pass off (the ideas or words
of another) as one’s own : use (another’s production) without crediting the source”. Plagiarism is unacceptable in this course. When submitting writing assignments and the group project, you must properly
quote and cite any references used. Note that paraphrasing a writer’s text without giving attribution is
plagiarism. If you are familiar with your discipline’s style for citations, you may use it. Otherwise, please
use the MLA or APA style for citations.
Behavior contrary to the above expectations will not be tolerated and will be handled via the appropriate channels. If I determine you are responsible for or complicit in academic misconduct in this course,
there will be a grade penalty ranging from receiving a score of zero on the graded item in question to
receiving a grade of F as your final course grade. (See the course policy on collaboration above for information on the grade penalty for using more than one clicker.) You will also be reported to Judicial Affairs
for possible disciplinary proceedings under the Student Code of Conduct. If you have questions regarding
academic integrity policies in this course, please talk to me. It is much better to ask permission than to
beg forgiveness in these situations.
Special needs. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the instructor for a confidential discussion of their individual needs for academic accommodation. It is the policy of the University of NebraskaLincoln to provide flexible and individualized accommodation to students with documented disabilities
that may affect their ability to fully participate in course activities or to meet course requirements. To receive accommodation services, students must be registered with the Services for Students with Disabilities
(SSD) office, 132 Canfield Administration, 472-3787 voice or TTY.
Incomplete grades. Incomplete grades will be assigned only under extraordinary circumstances in accordance with the UNL Bulletin and other policies provided by Registration and Records. If you feel an
incomplete grade is warranted, you must contact me before final grades are due on 15 December 2012.
Advanced Placement: If this is the first college mathematics course that you have attempted, then you
may be eligible for 10 hours of free credit for Math 106 and Math 107, provided you earn a grade of P, C or
better in Math 208 this semester. To be considered for this credit, you should register with the Department
of Mathematics, 203 Avery Hall, by Friday, 14 September 2012.
Department Grading Appeals Policy. The Department of Mathematics does not tolerate discrimination
or harassment on the basis of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation. If you believe you have been
subject to such discrimination or harassment in this or any math course, please contact the department. If,
for this or any other reason, you believe that your grade was assigned incorrectly or capriciously, appeals
should be made to (in order) the instructor, the department chair, the departmental grading appeals
committee, and the college grading appeals committee.
Course Evaluation. The Department of Mathematics Course Evaluation Form will be available through
your Blackboard account during the last two weeks of class. You’ll get an email when the form becomes
available. Evaluations are anonymous and instructors do not see any of the responses until after final
grades have been submitted. Evaluations are important—the department uses evaluations to improve
instruction. Please complete the evaluation and take the time to do so thoughtfully.
7. Support Services
Writing. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Writing Center can provide you with meaningful support
as you write for this class as well as for every course in which you enroll. Trained peer consultants
are available to talk with you as you plan, draft, and revise your writing. Please check the Writing
Center website ( for locations, hours, and information about scheduling