Lesson 13 God Gives You Your Organ With Many Jobs; Filter System Vocabulary dialysis: (dī al′ ǝ sǝs) use of a machine to purify the blood of persons whose kidneys do not work properly filter: to remove impurities from a liquid or gas parasites: (par′ ǝ sīts′) plants or animals that live on or in another plant or animal transplant: (trans′ plant) to replace a diseased organ with a healthy organ by the use of surgery Pronounce these words to someone. Read Chapter 60 (pages 284-286) in the textbook. Do these exercises. 1. a. Describe the liver. b. Is it the largest organ of your body? 2. What important fluid does it produce? 3. What does bile do? 4. Where is bile stored? 5. What are two things that the liver filters from the blood? Label the liver and the surrounding organs. 6.a. b. d c. d. a e. e b c f f. 36 Lessons 13 Do these exercises. 7. Why does the liver need to make new cells. 8. Name six things the liver stores. 9. List the six jobs the liver performs. Read Chapter 61 (pages 287-288) in the textbook. Write true if the sentence is true and false if the sentence is false. 10. You will die if you lose a kidney. 11. The kidneys may stop working because of injury or disease. 12. Kidneys don’t need water to function properly. Do these exercises. 13. Write a short description of what the kidneys do. 14. Water, urea, and salts filtered by the kidneys form stored in the , which is . 15. If a person’s kidneys do not work, he has two options to stay alive. What are they? 37 Lesson 13 Label the kidneys and surrounding organs. a a 16.a. b. b c. d. c d Looking Back Write true if the sentence is true and false if the sentence is false. Correct any false statements. 17. Digestion of food begins in the stomach. 18. Food is absorbed into the blood through the villi. 19. Food in the stomach is mixed with gastric juices. 20. Bile from the liver helps digest fats. 21. Enzymes from the pancreas help digest food. 22. Your epiglottis prevents food from entering your esophagus. Match these items. 23. incisors a.hydrochloric acid and enzymes 24. saliva b.removes waste materials 25. gastric juices c.grinding teeth 26. fats, proteins, carbohydrates d.most important digestive organ 27. molars e.prepares food for your body to use 28. small intestine f.cutting teeth 29. large intestine g.changes starch to sugar 30. digestive system h.three main kinds of food digested 38 Lesson 14 God Gives You Your Air Supplier Vocabulary alveoli: (al vē′ ǝ lī) tiny air sacs in the lungs bronchi: (brän′ kī) two main branches of the wind pipe bronchiole: (brän′ kē ōl′) a small branch of a bronchus bronchus: (brän′ kǝs) either of the two main branches of the windpipe diaphragm: (dī′ ǝ fram′) a strong muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen emphysema: (em′ fǝ zē′ mǝ) a swelling of the lungs that makes breathing difficult exhale: to breathe out microscope: an instrument that makes small objects look larger pleura: (plůr′ ǝ) a thin membrane covering the lungs of mammals and human beings Pronounce these words to someone. Read Chapter 62 (pages 290-292) in the textbook. Write true if the sentence is true and false if the sentence is false. 1. You exhale oxygen. 2. Your lungs rest on your stomach. Do these exercises. 3. Is breathing voluntary or involuntary? 4. What do the cilia in your trachea do? 5. When you breathe, what do your lungs take out of the air? What do they put back in it? 6. Why is breathing smoke bad for your lungs? 7. To keep your lungs healthy, what kind of air should you breathe? 8. Approximately how many alveoli are in your lungs? 39 Lesson 14 Match these items. 9. pleural fluid a.swelling of the lungs that makes breathing difficult 10. bronchi b.main branches of wind pipe 11. emphysema c.double membrane; covers lungs 12. alveoli d.muscle that lungs rest on 13. diaphragm e.keeps pleural membranes from rubbing 14. exhale f.small branches of the bronchi 15. pleura g.tiny air sacs 16. bronchioles h.to breathe out Do this experiment. 17. Do the experiment on page 293 in the textbook. b Label parts of your air supply system. 18.a. c d a b. c. d. e. f. 40 e f Lesson 14 Looking Back Write true if the sentence is true and false if the sentence is false. Correct any false statements. 19. The gallbladder destroys parasites and poisons. 20. he liver regulates blood sugar, produces vitamin A, filters blood, and T regulates blood volume. 21. The liver filters water, urea, and salts from your body. 22. Doctors can replace a diseased kidney with a healthy one. Complete these sentences. 23. The largest organ in your body is your . 24. The liver can grow new to replace diseased ones. 25.The produces bile, which helps digest . 26.The the body. are two bean-shaped organs that remove wastes from 27. People with kidney diseases may be kept alive by a machine or a kidney transplant. 28. The liver 29.The and proteins. blood and regulates blood . stores digested food, sugar, starch, vitamins, minerals, 30. Waste body liquid called leaves the body by the urethra. 31. The liver helps blood to body. 32. Bile is stored in the , pass through walls, and infections in the . 41