Nuclear Fission J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová Department of Nuclear Reactors October 31, 2014 Chapter 4 J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 1 / 56 Content 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Process of Fission Fission Reaction and Critical Energy Fissile and Fissionable Nuclei Fission Cross-Section Fertile Material Fission Products Fission Neutrons Prompt and Delayed Neutrons Fission Spectrum Energy from Fission Fission Chain Reaction Multiplication Factor Neutron Moderation Neutron Balance Infinite Reactor Finite Reactor J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 2 / 56 Process of Fission Binging Energy A more stable configuration is obtained when a heavy nuclide is split into two parts J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 3 / 56 Process of Fission Process of Fission There is an equilibrium in a nucleus between Columbian repulsion and nuclear forces among nucleons When a heavy nucleus absorbs a neutron, a compound nucleus is formed with an extra energy corresponding to the binding energy of the neutron Excess of energy received by the compound nucleus formation breaks the balance between forces and causes vibrations of the nucleus There are two possible processes: 1 2 Neutron is captured in the nucleus and γ-ray is emmited to reach the ground state Nucleus is split into two lighter parts and large amount of energy is released J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 4 / 56 Process of Fission Liquid Drop Model of a Nucleus A nucleus has a similar structure like a drop of liquid When a drop receives some energy, the equilibrium state is disturbed The drop can either after shaking and vibrating find a new equilibrium or split into two smaller drops J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 5 / 56 Process of Fission Fission Reaction and Critical Energy Fission Reaction 235 92 U ˚ 97 136 ` n Ñ p236 92 Uq Ñ 36 Kr ` 56 Ba ` 3n ` E J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 6 / 56 Process of Fission Fission Reaction and Critical Energy Fission Reaction (cont’d) Minimal required energy necessary to deform the nucleus to the point where it splits is called critical energy – Ecrit When the kinetic energy of the incident neutron together with binging energy of the compound nucleus is equal or higher then the corresponding critical energy a fission can occur If the binding energy alone is higher than Ecrit , fission can occur with a neutron having essential no kinetic energy J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 7 / 56 Process of Fission Fission Reaction and Critical Energy Critical Energy for Fission Nuclide Ecrit [MeV] Binding Energy [MeV] 232 Th 5.9 6.5 5.5 4.6 5.75 5.3 5.85 5.5 5.5 4.0 * 5.1 * 6.6 * 6.4 * 4.9 * 6.4 233 Th 233 U 234 U 235 U 236 U 238 U 239 U 239 Pu 240 Pu * Neutron binding energy is not relevant, because these nuclides cannot be formed by absorption of a neutron by a nucleus J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 8 / 56 Process of Fission Fissile and Fissionable Nuclei Fissile and Fissionable Nuclides Nuclei that can be fissioned by essentially zero-energy neutrons are called fissile For example: 233 U, 235 U, 239 Pu, 241 Pu Note that nuclei that in fact undergo fission are compound nuclei 234 U, 236 U, 240 Pu, and 242 Pu Even nuclides such as 238 U can be fissioned, but the incident neutron has to have kinetic energy at least 0.6 MeV Nuclei that can undergo fission after being struck by an energetic neutron are not fissile, they are called fissionable J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 9 / 56 Fission Cross-Section Fission Cross-Section A nuclear fission can occur after a compound nucleus formation. Two different shapes of σf depending on the nucleus characteristic: Fissile Isotopes Similar shape as the radiative capture – 1/v region, resonances, smooth function in higher energies, for example 235 U Fissionable Isotopes Zero up to the threshold energy which occurs above the resonance region, for example 238 U J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 10 / 56 Fission Cross-Section Fission Cross-Section of Fissile Nuclides J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 11 / 56 Fission Cross-Section Fission Cross Section of Fissionable Nuclides J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 12 / 56 Fission Cross-Section Capture-to-Fission Ratio During interaction of a low energy neutron with a fissile nuclide, there are only three possible processes 1 2 3 Neutron is captured and a compound nucleus is formed, it can return to the ground state by γ-ray emission Compound nucleus undergoes fission Potential elastic scattering of the incident neutron, but σe is much smaller than σf and σγ Important factor in designing of nuclear reactors is the ratio between radiative capture and fission cross-section – capture-to-fission ratio σγ α“ σf J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 (4-1) 13 / 56 Fission Cross-Section Fertile Material Fertile Capture Radiative capture can lead in special cases to production of a new fissile material This type of reaction is especially important for 232 Th and 238 U nuclides Decay of compound nuclei proceed according to the following reactions: 232 β´ β´ 21,83 min 26,98 d Th ` n ÝÑ 233 Th ÝÝÝÝÝÝÑ 233 Pa ÝÝÝÝÑ 233 U 238 β´ β´ 23,45 min 2,356 d U ` n ÝÑ 239 U ÝÝÝÝÝÝÑ 239 Np ÝÝÝÝÑ 239 Pu (4-2) (4-3) Results of these reactions are 233 U and 239 Pu, respectively, which are fissile materials J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 14 / 56 Fission Products Fission Products 235 92 U ˚ 93 ` n Ñ p236 X ` 140 Y ` 3n ` E 92 Uq Ñ Fission is almost always asymmetric Two fission fragments have different masses Despite of expectation based on energy balance calculations the symmetric fission is rare Ternary fission – the nucleus is split into three fission fragments. It was observed but is a very rare event. This ternary fission is a source of tritium. J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 15 / 56 Fission Products Fission Products (cont’d) Fission products have more neutrons that would correspond to the line of stability (they are to the right from the line of stability) They undergo β ´ decay accompanied by γ radiation Also daughter products of decay can be unstable 115 β´ β´ β´ Pd ÝÝÑ 115 Ag ÝÝÑ 115 Cd ÝÝÑ 115 In (stable) Fission products yields are usually plotted as a function of mass number J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 16 / 56 Fission Products Fission Products Yields for 235 U J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 17 / 56 Fission Products Fission Products Yields for Thermal Fission J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 18 / 56 Fission Neutrons Prompt and Delayed Neutrons Number of Neutrons per Fission Fission can occur in many different ways Number of neutrons released during the fission depends on the way of fission Each form of fission has a probability of occurrence and a number of emitted neutrons Fission neutron yield – ν Average number of neutrons produced by fission The usual value depending on fissile isotope and incident neutron energy is 2-3 fissile neutrons J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 19 / 56 Fission Neutrons Prompt and Delayed Neutrons Number of Neutrons per Fission (cont’d) It is a characteristic value for an isotope Fission neutron yield increases with energy of the incident neutron J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 20 / 56 Fission Neutrons Prompt and Delayed Neutrons Prompt Neutrons 235 92 U ˚ 93 140 ` n Ñ p236 92 Uq Ñ 37 Rb ` 55 Cs ` 3n ` E More than 99 % of all neutrons emitted as a result of a fission event are emitted almost instantly as the fission occurs (within 10´13 sec after the fission) These neutrons are called prompt neutrons Prompt neutrons originate with kinetic between 0.1 MeV and 10 MeV J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 21 / 56 Fission Neutrons Prompt and Delayed Neutrons Delayed Neutrons Some of the fission products are neutron rich and reach the stability by a neutron emission – delayed neutrons precursors Neutrons emitted during decay of precursors are called delayed neutrons Precursors are grouped by their half-life into 6 groups Delayed neutrons are emitted with lower energies than prompt neutrons J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 22 / 56 Fission Neutrons Prompt and Delayed Neutrons Delayed Neutrons Fractions Fraction of ith group of delayed neutrons – βi It is a fraction of all fission neutrons that appear as delayed neutrons in the i th group of delayed neutrons Total fraction of delayed neutrons – β The total fraction of delayed neutrons β is sum of βi β“ νd ν “ d νp ` νd ν The fraction of delayed neutrons is different for different fissile isotopes Delayed neutrons are important for reactor kinetics and control J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 23 / 56 Fission Neutrons Prompt and Delayed Neutrons Delayed Neutrons Data for 235 U Group Precursors half-life [s] 1 2 3 4 5 6 Energy [keV] Fraction βi 55.72 250 22.72 560 6.22 405 2.30 450 0.610 410 0.230 – Total delayed neutron fraction 0.000215 0.001424 0.001274 0.002568 0.000748 0.000273 0.0065 J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 24 / 56 Fission Neutrons Fission Spectrum Prompt Neutron Spectrum Energy distribution depends on the involved isotopes Prompt neutron spectrum can be described by an empirical formula: ? χpEq “ 0.453e´1.036E sinh 2.29E The average energy of prompt neutrons: ż8 s“ E EχpEq dE “ 1.98 MeV 0 The most probable energy Ep = 0.73 MeV J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 25 / 56 Fission Neutrons Fission Spectrum Delayed Neutron Spectrum The average energy of delayed neutrons is approximately 0.5 MeV J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 26 / 56 Energy from Fission Energy from Fission Huge amount of energy is released during the fission However only part of the energy can be used – recoverable energy Form Fission fragments Fission product decay β-rays γ-rays neutrinos Prompt γ-rays Fission neutrons (kinetic energy) Capture γ-rays Total J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Emitted Energy [MeV] Recoverable Energy [MeV] 168 168 8 7 12 7 5 – 207 8 7 – 7 5 3–12 198–207 Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 27 / 56 Fission Chain Reaction Multiplication Factor Multiplication Factor Two important phenomena occur during the fission: release of energy production of new neutrons Production of new neutrons allows to make a self sustainable chain reaction providing the continuous energy release Chain reaction could be described quantitatively in terms of multiplication factor k“ number of neutrons in one generation n “ i number of neutrons in the preceding generation ni´1 J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 (4-4) 28 / 56 Fission Chain Reaction Multiplication Factor Fission Chain Reaction J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 29 / 56 Fission Chain Reaction Multiplication Factor Reactor States k ą 1 Reactor is supercritical and number of fissions is exponentially increasing k “ 1 Reactor is critical and number of fissions is constant in time k ă 1 Reactor is subcritical and number of fissions is decreasing J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 30 / 56 Fission Chain Reaction Multiplication Factor Nuclear Reactor Nuclear reactors are devices where the fission chain reaction can proceed in a controlled manner. Control of the number of fissions (reactor power) is realized by changing the value of the multiplication factor Increase of power is realized by increasing k above 1 Ñ reactor is supercritical When reactor reaches desired power the multiplication factor is set back to 1 Decrease of power is a similar process. At the beginning k has to be bellow 1 Ñ subcritical reactor J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 31 / 56 Fission Chain Reaction Multiplication Factor Nuclear Reactor (cont’d) The change of the multiplication factor is realized by controlling the rate of neutron absorption in the reactor core Absorbing material is usually in the form of control rods Materials with high absorption cross-section in the desired energy range must be used For thermal reactors – B, Cd, Gd J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 32 / 56 Neutron Moderation Thermal Fission The fission cross-section is higher in the thermal energy range Most of the reactors are operated in the thermal neutron energy range, thus they are called thermal reactors Based on the previous discussion: Average energy of neutrons released by fission is 2 MeV Ñ fast neutrons For higher probability of fission reaction it is necessary to decrease the energy of fission neutrons to the thermal energy 0.0253 eV J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 33 / 56 Neutron Moderation Neutron Slowing Down and Diffusion Neutrons lose their energy by scattering reactions with variety of target nuclei – slowing down, moderation Effectiveness of energy decrease depends on the character of target nucleus Slowing down neutrons in a few collisions reduces leakage from the core and resonance absorption (it will be discussed later) When a neutron reaches energy lower than 1 eV, elastic scattering reactions are the most important – diffusion Properties of an ideal moderating material Large scattering cross-section Small absorption cross-section Large energy loss per collision J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 34 / 56 Neutron Moderation Loss of Neutron Energy by Elastic Collision Lethargy is convenient to express the loss of kinetic energy of neutrons by elastic collisions due to the nature of such a reaction Ď Average change of neutron lethargy for one elastic collision – ∆u – similar to average fractional loss of kinetic energy does not depend of the initial neutron kinetic energy prior the collision Ď due to its frequent use – ξ and it is There is new symbol for ∆u called average logarithmic loss of energy ξ is quantity suitable for assessment of moderating properties of materials There is an approximate simple formula (the uncertainty for nuclei with A ă 10 is approximatelly 3 %): ξ“ J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) 2 A` Nuclear Fission (4-5) 2 3 October 31, 2014 35 / 56 Neutron Moderation Number of Collisions to Thermalization ξ is the average logarithmic energy loss Number of collision required to slowing down from higher energy to lower energy is: ´ ¯ Ehigh ln lnpEhigh q ´ lnpElow q Elow “ N“ ξ ξ For example: Slowing down a neutron with an average energy from fission energy 2 MeV to the thermal energy 0.0253 eV by H2 O – 19 collisions by D2 O – 35 collisions by Be – 86 collisions by C – 114 collisions by Fe – 510 collisions by U – 2168 collisions J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 36 / 56 Neutron Moderation Macroscopic Slowing Down Power This value characterises the moderating capability of all the nuclei in 1 cm3 Indicates how rapidly a neutron will slow down in the material With increasing value of MSDP increases also the capability of slowing down of neutrons MSDP “ ξΣs J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission (4-6) October 31, 2014 37 / 56 Neutron Moderation Moderating Ratio Characterises the overall effectiveness of a moderating material taking into account not only scattering reactions, but also possible neutron absorption Even moderators have possibility to absorb neutrons during slowing down Effective moderator has low neutron absorption cross-section Higher MR means higher effectiveness of the moderating material MR “ J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) ξΣs Σa Nuclear Fission (4-7) October 31, 2014 38 / 56 Neutron Moderation Moderating Properties of Selected Light Materials Material ξ NCT˚ MSDP [cm´1 ] MR H2 O D2 O Be B C 0.927 0.510 0.207 0.171 0.158 19 35 86 105 114 1.425 0.177 0.154 0.092 0.083 62 4830 126 0.00086 216 *Number of collisions required to reach thermal energy J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 39 / 56 Neutron Balance Neutron Leakage If a finite reactor is considered, neutrons are lost not only by absorption, but there is also probability of their escape from the reactor It will be shown later that reactor is critical if there is balance between neutron production by fission on the one hand and neutron disappearance realized by absorption and leakage on the other hand Fission, absorption, and leakage rate depend on the reactor composition and dimensions J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 40 / 56 Neutron Balance Neutron Balance in the System Suppose a homogeneous uniform mixture of uranium fuel, moderator, coolant, absorbing material and structural materials inside the reactor core Prompt and delayed neutrons are not distinguished in this simplified case J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 41 / 56 Neutron Balance J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 42 / 56 Neutron Balance J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 42 / 56 Neutron Balance J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 42 / 56 Neutron Balance J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 42 / 56 Neutron Balance J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 42 / 56 Neutron Balance J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 42 / 56 Neutron Balance J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 42 / 56 Neutron Balance Probability of Events PNL – Non-leakage Probability Probability that a neutron will not escape from the reactor Pa – Probability of Absorption in the Fuel Probability that a neutron is absorbed in the fuel material Pf – Probability of Fission Probability that a neutron induces fission What does it mean fuel? It has to be clarified at the beginning of the calculation. Fuel can mean the whole mass of uranium and plutonium in the system, but it can also mean only fissile isotopes of uranium or plutonium. In our case, fuel means all compounds with isotopes of uranium or plutonium J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 43 / 56 Neutron Balance Neutron Generation Initial number of neutrons in one generation is N1 Number of neutrons in the following generation will be N2 : k“ J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) N2 “ ν PNL PAF Pf N1 Nuclear Fission (4-8) October 31, 2014 44 / 56 Neutron Balance Infinite Reactor Neutron Balance in Finite Thermal Reactor J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 45 / 56 Neutron Balance Infinite Reactor Fast Fission Factor – ε Fuel is a mixture of fissile and fissionable isotopes Some fissions can occur also by fast neutrons with fissionable nuclides number of neutrons from fissions by neutrons of all energies ε“ number of neutrons from fissions by neutrons with thermal energy Fast fission increases the number of neutrons in the system by neutrons released by fission of fissionable materials realised by fast neutrons Fast fission is influenced by configuration of the core, enrichment and type of moderator In thermal reactors, fast fission factor is between 1.03 and 1.15 J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 46 / 56 Neutron Balance Infinite Reactor Resonance Escape Probability – p Absorption reactions occur in the whole energy range, but the highest probability of absorption for some isotopes is in the resonance region High value of absorption cross-section for certain resonance energies p“ number of neutrons that reach thermal energy number of fast neutrons that start to slow-down Resonance escape probability increases as the fraction of 238 U decreases The value p increases with higher enrichment Value p is also influenced by the ratio between moderator and fuel volume J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 47 / 56 Neutron Balance Infinite Reactor Radiative Capture The microscopic cross-section close to an resonance can be described by Breit-Wigner formula The formula is valid for narrow isolated resonances Breit-Wigner Formula σγ “ Γn Γγ λ2 g 4π pE ´ Er q2 ` Γ2 {4 (4-9) λ is wavelength of neutron with energy of the resonance Er g is statistical constant Γ “ Γn ` Γγ is width of the resonance, Γn is neutron width and Γγ is radiation width J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 48 / 56 Neutron Balance Infinite Reactor Thermal Utilization Factor – f Neutrons reaching the thermal energy region can be absorbed in the fuel, moderator, or by other materials It is probability of absorption in the fuel f “ number of thermal neutrons absorbed in fuel total number of absorbed thermal neutrons Thermal utilization depends on the fuel nature, type of moderator, and ratio between their volumes J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 49 / 56 Neutron Balance Infinite Reactor Probability of Fission – Pf Thermal neutron absorbed in the fuel can induce fission or can be captured number of neutrons inducing fission in fuel number of neutrons absorbed in fuel ΣFf Pf “ F Σa Pf “ J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 50 / 56 Neutron Balance Infinite Reactor Reproduction factor – η Characterizes average number of neutrons released per one thermal neutron absorbed in the fuel ΣF η “ ν fF Σa J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 51 / 56 Neutron Balance Infinite Reactor Infinite Multiplication Factor In an infinite system all neutrons released during fission must be absorbed Number of neutrons in a successive generation is a product of neutron population in the preceding generation, probability of neutron surviving to the thermal energy range, probability of causing fission, and number of neutrons released during fission Using the formulas defined before, it can be expressed as: k8 “ ε p f ΣFf ν ΣFa Four-Factor Formula – Infinite Multiplication Factor k8 “ ε f p η J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission (4-10) October 31, 2014 52 / 56 Neutron Balance Finite Reactor Finite System There is a probability that a neutron can escape during slowing down or during the following diffusion Leakage from the reactor depends on the mean free path of neutrons: 1 λ„ σ High Energy – small value of cross-sections Ñ long mean free path and high probability of escape Thermal Energy – high value of cross-sections Ñ short mean free path and neutrons are usually absorbed before reaching the system boundary J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 53 / 56 Neutron Balance Finite Reactor Non-Leakage Probability PNL “ PFNL PTNL The overall probability of non-leakage is a product of PFNL fast neutron non-leakage probability and PTNL thermal neutron non-leakage probability Neutron escape is another mean of neutron disappearance from the system It must be reflected in the multiplication factor: Six-Factor Formula – Effective Multiplication Factor keff “ ε f p η PFNL PTNL “ k8 PFNL PTNL J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission (4-11) October 31, 2014 54 / 56 Neutron Balance Finite Reactor Neutron Balance in Finite Thermal Reactor J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 55 / 56 Neutron Balance Finite Reactor Reactivity Reactivity can be understood as a reactor capability to multiply neutron population It is a relative difference from the critical state Reactivity is defined as: k ´1 (4-12) ρ “ eff keff Subcritical reactor keff ă 1 Ñ ρ ă 0 Critical reactor keff “ 1 Ñ ρ “ 0 Supercritical reactor keff ą 1 Ñ ρ ą 0 Value of reactivity is usually very small, therefore auxiliary units are defined, these include: % – 10´2 pcm – 10´5 example: keff “ 1.0005 Ñ ρ “ 0.0004998 “ 0.04998 % “ 49.98 pcm J. Frýbort, L. Heraltová (CTU in Prague) Nuclear Fission October 31, 2014 56 / 56