Excellence Awards - Media Council of Kenya

Annual Journalism
(AJEA) 2013
The Media Council of Kenya extends its gratitude to all who participated in the publication of this newsletter. Special
thanks to the Media Council of Kenya's Media Training Coordinator Ruth Muturi for assembling the content.
We commend the judges at this year's Awards and winners for providing the information as well as last year's winners
and finalists for sharing their experiences from their trip to Geneva, Switzerland.
We also acknowledge the input and support of the Media Council's Communications and Information Officer Jerry
Abuga for editing and overseeing the production of this newsletter.
Lastly, we appreciate the valued supervision by the Media Council of Kenya's Chief Executive Officer Haron Mwangi and
the Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Programs Manager Victor Bwire in safeguarding the quality of this publication.
The Media Council of Kenya is grateful for the generous support of our sponsors who contributed to the success of the
second Annual Journalism Excellence Awards.
Foreword by the CEO
n our efforts to enhance professionalism in the media, the Media Council of
Kenya has been running an Annual Journalism Excellence Awards [AJEA] and
Regional Convention for journalists since 2012 to coincide with the World
Press Freedom Day celebrations. The awards endeavour to identify,
acknowledge, inspire, support and promote media excellence in Kenya.
I am glad that we successfully held the second AJEA gala after a thorough
scrutiny of over 650 stories entered by journalists round the country. Of special
note is the recognition this year of the fast-growing use of information technology
where we honoured journalists who excelled in online journalism.
I congratulate the winners for their exemplary performance. I especially laud journalists from the 'small' media;
vernacular, community and religious media outlets for their superb showing at the awards alongside their counterparts
from mainstream media.
The winners epitomised excellence in journalism and adherence to the Code of Conduct for the Practice of Journalism
as enshrined in the Second Schedule of the Media Act 2007. I commend journalists who submitted entries for the
awards despite their hectic schedule during the electioneering period when we called for entries.
The Council sincerely thanks our sponsors who immensely contributed to the success of this event including Ford
Foundation, UNDP, Kenya Commercial Bank, Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, Co-operative Bank, the
Communications Commission of Kenya and Plan International. We urge more supporters to come on board and join us
in this noble initiative that seeks to boost professionalism in the media in Kenya.
Chief Executive Officer & Secretary to the Council
Word from the AJEA Convener
he Annual Journalism Excellence Awards (AJEA) attracted an array of entries from across the country this year,
with entries from as far as Isiolo and the Coast. It was however noted by the judges that the quality of stories
received had declined, leading to some categories being de-listed. It was however, pointed out was this was not
an accurate representation of the current status of the media industry.
Radio entries increased in number this year and the quality seemed to have improved especially from 'small' and
emerging community media. Concern was raised on a number of entries that seemed to be more of publicity pieces for
non-governmental organisations.
On note was the seemingly lacklustre interest by journalists in submitting entries; there were quite a number that were
entered in the wrong categories. For instance, some entries that would perfect be fit for Children and Youth Affairs
category were submitted for the Gender Category. We encourage journalists to work closely and consult with their
editors when making entries. Journalists also ought to work closely with their editors to determine which of the stories
they have done in a year should be entered.
Print stories always seem to be of good quality in comparison to broadcast. There were entries from county print media
outlets which was encouraging as they seemed to be giving national based journalists a run for their money.
From the submissions, the Council encourages journalists to pursue more investigative stories which were a handful this
year. We also encourage media houses to aid, facilitate and encourage their journalists to pursue such stories in an
endevour to fulfill public interest.
There were unsatisfactory entries in a number of entries which led to the de-listing of certain genres in a number of
categories namely: The Children and Youth Affairs Reporting Category (print), Tourism (television) and Free Press Kenya
Ruth Muturi
Kenya's Finest
Scribes Feted
urtains came down on the 2013 World Press Freedom Day
celebrations in Kenya with the crowning of the country's best
journalists. The Media Council of Kenya's 2nd Annual Journalism
Excellence Awards (AJEA) gala was held in Nairobi on Friday, 3rd May 2013.
The colourful ceremony that was graced by the Commission for the Implementation of
the Constitution Chairman Mr Charles Nyachae saw the Standard Group's Nyambega Gisesa
awarded the Journalist of the Year Award.
Gisesa won five trophies including the journalist of the year (print), young journalist of the year (print),
business and good governance reporting awards.Out of the 618 entries for this year's awards, 39 were
won in the different categories that included new categories such as the Digital Journalism Award, Tourism
and the Life time Achievement Award. Veteran journalist Hillary Ng'weno was awarded the life time
achievement in the Kenyan media industry.
This year's awards saw journalists from vernacular, community and religious media outlets scoop various
Mr Nyachae commended the media for its performance in the last general election and called for more
responsibility in reporting. He commended the media for its persistence in playing its watchdog role.He
urged the media to continue pushing for the implementation of the constitution through reporting on
matters touching on the constitution.
The Chairman of the Media Council of Kenya Joseph Odindo defended the media over its performance at
the April general elections, saying there was no conspiracy on reporting about the historic polls. He termed
covering of the election as one of the most challenging tasks for Kenyan journalists.
The ceremony was attended by key government officials, media executives, journalists, development
partners and guests from regional press councils as well as members of the World Association of Press
The Media Council of Kenya has been running an annual awards and regional convention for journalists
since last year to coincide with the World Press Freedom Day celebrations.
Recognising the Winners
s part of acknowledging their success, a group of winners of the inaugural Annual Journalism Excellence Awards visited
Switzerland for a one-week learning experience. The trip was organised by the World Organization Against Torture
and GMEDIA. The two bodies approached the Media Council of Kenya who provided the list of the following
journalists who had excelled in the inaugural awards:
2012 Reporter and Journalist of the Year Mohammed Ali
Winner, Television, Arts and Culture and Travel Category Lulu Hassan
Winner, Print, Gender Reporting Category Caroline Wafula
Winner, Print Science and Environment Category Wanjohi Kabukuru
Winner Radio, Good Governance Category Kioko Kivandi
2012 AJEA Finalist Radio, Health Category Thomas Bwire
Their Accounts of the trip
Thomas Bwire
"It was a great opportunity to be among the nine Kenyan journalists to attend a five- day workshop held in Geneva,
Switzerland between 12th and 18th May, 2013. We were also joined by another team of four journalists from Guatemala. The
workshop organised by the World Organization Against Torture and GMEDIA under the theme "Media Empowerment
Against Torture" gave me a deeper understanding of human-rights related stories as a journalist. I was able to learn more about
some of the local non-governmental organisations that deal with human rights issues who have now become my sources
whenever I do news and feature stories. I am now glad I can easily work on a story that is well researched and balanced. The
experts whom we engaged with during the sessions were very knowledgeable on the subject. This enhanced my knowledge
of legal mechanisms pertaining to torture and other inhuman treatment or punishment. Experiences that were also shared by
the Guatemala colleagues were great eye openers. We also experienced the developed infrastructure and transport system
that is managed by the government. It was also a great opportunity to meet our very own Attorney General Prof Githu
Muigai, who made a presentation at one of the meetings I attended. I commend the Media Council of Kenya for the immense
contribution it is making in enhancing professionalism among journalists".
Caroline Wafula
"This was a second appearance for Kenya at the periodic review on torture.
The sessions were graced by different speakers on torture and human rights issues and gave the Kenyan and Guatemala
delegates an opportunity to network as well as share experiences with the likes of Mr Roland Chauville, the founder and
executive director of the Geneva- based The Universal Periodic Review (UPR), a new and unique mechanism of the United
Nations which started in April 2008 and consists of the review of the human rights practices of all States in the world, once
every four years and a half. We also interacted with officials of the World Organisation Against Torture and the Norwegian
mission.I learnt a lot about human rights and torture issues and made new contacts. On coming back to Kenya, I have been
able to file a couple of news articles on human rights issues which I am glad have been published by the Nation Media Group.
I am grateful to the Media Council of Kenya for recognising and appreciating our talent. I set foot in Switzerland courtesy of the
Media Council's Annual Journalism Excellence Awards!”
Kioko Wa Kivandi
“The Geneva experience was an eye opener on human rights issues. I got real life experiences on the UN Mechanisms on
Human Rights which gave me a new approach on the same. As a result I have been following up on human rights issues
within Nakuru (where I am based as a journalist) and its environs while at the same time seeking to see if Kenya is conscious to
the recommendations given by the Convention against Torture.
Besides this, I have been requested by the Nakuru Catholic Justice and Peace Commission (CJPC) to proof read a document
on Devolution and Human Rights they are currently drafting. The knowledge I have on Human Rights has made the whole
exercise much more interesting and exciting. Thank you Media Council for the exposure!"
Below are the winners and runners up of the Media Council of Kenya's 2nd Annual Journalism Excellence
Awards (AJEA). The winners were feted at a gala held at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre on
3rdMay 2013.
ICT and Telecommunications' Reporting Award
Broadcast: Television
David Herbling: Winner(Business Daily- Nation Media
Joe Kiarie: 1st Runner-up (Standard Newspaper)
Nyambega Gisesa: 2nd Runner-up (Nation Newspaper)
Environment Reporting Award
Broadcast: Television
Janet Rop and Hebron Kinyoda Winners (Kenya
News Agency)
Calvin Chitwa: 1st Runner-up (Sayare Television)
Joyce Chege: Winner (The Star Newspaper)
Edwin Cheserek: 1st Runner-up (The Standard)
Lydia Limbe: 2nd Runner-up (The Standard)
Broadcast: Television
Broadcast: Radio
Angel Mueni Katusya: Winner - (KTN)
Rose Wangui& Boniface Mwangi: 1st Runner-up
(Nation Media Group)
John Nene: Winner (British Broadcasting
Violet Otindo: Winner (Citizen TV)
Sylvia Chebet & Mauritius Oduor: 1st Runner-up
(Citizen TV)
Children and Youth Affairs Reporting Award
Broadcast: Radio
Broadcast: Television
Rose Wangui and Wambui Kurema: Winners (NTV)
Mary Luiza and Hebron Mng'oda: 1st Runner-up
(Kenya News Agency)
Hellen Kimaru: 2nd Runner-up (K24)
Sports Reporting Award
Broadcast: Radio
Diana Wanyonyi: Winner (Baraka FM)
Asha Bekidusa: 1st Runner-up [Radio Salaam FM]
Josephat Kioko: 2nd Runner-up [Baraka FM]
Thorn Muli: Winner (Sunday Magazine - The
Elias Makori: 1st Runner-up (Nation Newspaper)
Broadcast: Television
Gender Reporting Award
Lynace Mwashigadi: Winner (Pwani FM)
Jacob Safari: 1st Runner-up (Makalaya Mkoko - Sheki
Brigid Chemweno: Winner- Standard Newspaper
Ronald Bera: 1st Runner-up - Diplomat Magazine
Charles Ng'eno: 2nd Runner-up - Standard Media
Michele Katami Guda: Winner (Kiss TV)
Judy Kosgei & Edwin Mwai: 1st Runner-up (Citizen
Tourism ReportingAward
Nyambega Gisesa: Winner (Daily Nation)
Thorn Mulli: 1st Runner-up (The Standard)
Arts and Culture Reporting Award
Young Journalist of the Year Award
1. Grace Wekesa: Winner (The County Weekly Standard Media Group)
2. Charles Ng'eno:1st Runner-up (The County Weekly Standard Media Group)
3. John Nalianya: 2nd Runner-up (The Star)
Nyambega Gisesa: Winner (Daily Nation)
Carlos Mureithi: 1st Runner-Up (Saturday Nation)
Broadcast: Television
Reporter of the Year Award
Judy Kosgei & Edwin Mwai: Winner (Citizen TV)
Mashirima Kapombe: Winner (NTV)
Mercy Rhoda: 1st Runner-Up (Kiss TV)
Photographer of the Year Award
Thomas Mukoya: Winner (The Standard)
Maarufu Mohamed: 1st Runner-up (Standard on
Joseph Kanyi: 2nd Runner-up (Nation Newspaper)
Nyambega Gisesa: Winner (Daily Nation)
Joe Kiarie: 1st Runner-up (Standard on Saturday)
Cartoonist of the Year Award
Cameraman of the Year Award
Michael Munene: Winner (The Standard)
Eric Ngammau: 1st Runner-up (The Standard)
Business Reporting Award
Jevans Nyabiage: Winner (Business Beat - The
Steve Mbogo: 1st Runner-up (The EastAfrican)
Nyambega Gisesa: 2nd Runner-Up (Sunday Nation)
Bella Genga: Winner (Kiss TV)
Aby Agina: 1st Runner-up (NTV)
Joy Wanja: Winner (Daily Nation)
Kiundu Waweru: 1st Runner-Up (The Standard)
Broadcast: Television
Good Governance Reporting Award
Eugene Osidiana: Winner (K24Tv)
Nelly Onyango: Citizen TV
Health Reporting Award
Broadcast: Television
Asha Mwilu & Dennis Onsarigo: Winner (KTN)
Marie Yambo: 1st Runner-up - (Kenya Broadcasting
Marie Yambo & William Inganga: Winner (KBC)
Judy Kosgei & Mathenge Goko & Hellen Kimaru:
Winner (Citizen TV) - tie between Swahili entry and
English entry
Digital Journalism Award
Nyambega Gisesa: Winner (Daily Nation)
Stephen Mbogo & Peter Mwaura: 1st Runners-up (The
Moses Michira: 2nd Runner-up(Business Daily)
Muthoni Njuki & Judie Kaberia: Winners (Capital
Television and News Bulletin Award
Broadcast: Television
Journalist of the Year Award
Asha Mwilu & Dennis Onsarigo: Winner (KTN)
Charity Waweru: 1st Runner-up (Kiss TV)
Shem Oluchiri: 2nd Runners-up (Kiss TV)
Smriti Vidyarthi - Mohindra Winner (NTV)
Ali Manzu (KTN)
Nyambega Gisesa
Lifetime Contribution in Journalism Award
Hillary Ng'weno
David Herbling (Business Daily)
Story Title: "Twitter link puts smiles on the faces of
Narok's Irish potato farmers"
Herbling's story was on a Soko Shambani application
that is helping Narok farmers market their produce
to Nairobi hoteliers using twitter, and in the process
managing to eliminate exploitative middlemen.
Janet Rop & Hebron Kinyoda (KNA)
Story Title: "Karibu Centre, Thika”
Janet Rop and Hebron Kinyoda presented a story on
ICT, its developments and its effects on education in
John Nene (BBC)
Story Title: "Stampuza Wangari Maathai”
“Stampu za Wangari Maathai” is a story on what the
Kenya Postal Services is doing to keep the memory
of the first Kenyan Nobel Peace Prize winner alive.
Rose Wangui and Wambui Kurema (NTV)
Story Title:"Beads of Bondage"
Rose Wangui and her cameraperson Wambui
Kurema travelled to the remote areas of Samburu
and produced a feature on some of the
retrogressive cultural practices the pastoralist
Samburu community engages in. What would
normally be viewed as an accessory for beauty is
used to bind underage girls in sexual relationships
that would at times result in crude abortions.
Diana Wanyonyi (Baraka FM)
Story Title: "Ubakaji na Haki za Watoto”
Driven by the rising cases of defilement in the Coast
province, Diana Wanyonyi's feature focuses on the
repercussions of defiling underage children.
Brigid Chemweno (The Standard Newspaper)
Story Title: "She Conquered It All”
Her father made several attempts to marry her off
and elders threatened to curse her but Peris Tobiko
as was profiled by Brigid Chemweno in Eve Woman
Magazine, journeyed on to pursue her dreams
becoming the first Maasai female Member of
on from parents to their children. The feature
explores how female commercial sex workers find
themselves lured into the trade by virtue of having
grown in homesteads where this was the norm.
Joyce Chege (The Star)
Story Title: “Naivasha Woman Runs Clinic for Owls”
Joyce Chege profiles an environmentalist, Sarah
Higins, who runs a clinic for owls in Naivasha. This is
a unique story on how Sarah rescues and
rehabilitates injured owls in a locality that views them
as cursed.
Violet Otindo (Citizen TV)
Story Title:"The Dandora Scar"
The Dandora Scar is a series that aired on Citizen
TV and goes beyond highlighting the Dandora
dumpsite and the health hazards it poses for its
residents, giving insight as to why the dumpsite,
which has been in existence for over 26 years might
still be with us for a much longer period.
10. Lynace Mwashigadi (Pwani FM)
Story Title: "The Nile Cabbage”
Mwashigadi presents a story on the threats of the
Nile Cabbage and its effect on the environment at
the Coast.
11. Thorn Mulli (Sunday Standard)
Story Title: "Masaai Olympics Breathes it's first"
Thorn Mulli's story is a descriptive experience of the
inaugural sporting event that brought Maasai Moran
warriors from four manyattas to compete in the
5,000 metres race, spear and rungu throwing and
high jump sporting activities.
12. Michele Katami Guda (Kiss TV)
Story Title: "The House of Pain”
The House of Pain presents an insightful coverage
on the Kenya 7s national rugby team's intense
training sessions.
13. Nyambega Gisesa (Nation Newspaper)
Story Title:"Allure of Northern Kenya"
Gisesa gives his experience in Northern Kenya
where despite a number of hurdles like the lack of
any mobile network, heavy rains and insecurity he
manages to find beautiful sceneries in Baragoi, Sibiloi
National Park, Neolithic and the late Stone Age sites
among others.
Angel Mueni Katusia (KTN)
Story Title:"Flesh of My Flesh"
This is a story on how habits and lifestyles are passed
14. Grace Wekesa (The Standard Newspaper)
Story Title:"Game gives man a reason to crow"
Other than bullfighting another sport that pulls
crowds in Western province is cockfighting. Grace
Wekesa's feature reports on how the slowly fading
sport, if well managed, could earn the region foreign
exchange as a tourist attraction.
security threat in the country during the election
period. This investigative piece covers Nairobi,
Kisumu and Mombasa regions”
22. Mashirima Kapombe (NTV)
Story Title: "Child Beggars”
Mashirima spent a number of nights capturing the
abuse of underage children who are used by their
guardians to beg in the streets in search of their daily
15. Judy Kosgei & Edwin Mwai (Citizen TV)
Story Title: "Bulls on Fire”
Bull fighting is a popular sport in the Western region
and a source of income for some. What most
people do not know is that there is a driving force
that makes the bull fights vicious.
23. Eugene Osidiana (K24)
Winning Entry:''Trash to Cash''
Eugene captures his viewers with his attention to
detail and an eye for colourful images that would
normally escape the naked eye when shooting.
16. Thomas Mukoya (The Standard)
Winning Entry:"A Portfolio of pictures on an explosion in
Thomas Mukoya presented a portfolio of photos
covering the bombing of a public service vehicle in
the Nairobi's Eastleigh Area and its aftermath.
17. Michael Munene (The Standard)
Winning Entry: Munene presented a portfolio of
diverse caricatures and portraits.
24. Joy Wanja (Daily Nation)
Story Title:"The Traditional Midwives of Isiolo"
Giving birth in hospital is considered a sign of
weakness among Turkana women, home deliveries
on the other hand is viewed as a sign of strength
among peers. Joy Wanja presents an eye-witness
account of an Isiolo home delivery in the hands of
traditional birth attendants.
18. Jevans Nyabiage (The Standard)
Story Title: "Banks choke on super profits”
Nyabiage highlights how a majority of banks in
Kenya reported high profits in the last financial year
despite other economic sectors suffering in what
would be referred to as an expensive credit
25. Marie Yambo & William Inganga (KBC)
Story Title:"Second Mothers"
''Second Mothers'' is a story that highlights the
dilemma of traditional birth attendants and their
desire to get recognition by the Government of
Kenya even as the need for their services continues
to wane.
19. Bella Genga (Kiss TV)
Story Title:"24 Hour Economy"
This is a story on retail traders operating from the
famous 'marikiti market' in Nairobi and the harsh
circumstances they operate under on a 24hour cycle
to provide Nairobi residents with fresh produce.
26. Muthoni Njuki & Judie Kaberia (Capital Group)
Story Title:"Birth by the Roadside"
Muthoni and Judie produced a digital incorporation
of text, audio and visual images on the transport
hurdles that Marsabit pregnant women have to
encounter before giving birth.
20. Nyambega Gisesa (Daily Nation)
Story Title:"A weakly force"
'A weakly force' was published in Daily Nation and
gives an account of the deplorable conditions that
Kenyan police officers work under, at home and at
the workplace. This despite the fact that police
reforms was an agenda item in the National Accord
signed in 2007.
27. Smriti Vidyarthi-Mohindra (NTV)
Winning entry: Smriti impressed the judges
presenting a reel that brought out her versatility,
presence and skill in conducting interviews,
anchoring live broadcasts and breaking news.?
21. Asha Mwilu & Dennis Onsarigo (KTN)
Story Title:"Armies of the Underworld"
In the run up to the 2013 elections, Asha Mwilu &
Dennis Onsarigo gave a detailed report on illegal
gangs and groupings for hire that have alleged
relations with politicians and could have posed a
Meet the Winners 2013
Janet Rop
Janet is an employee of the Ministry of
Information and Communication at
the Department of Information's
Kenya News Agency (KNA). Before
joining KNA in 2011, Janet worked
for Kass Media Group where she
believes her skills as a reporter were
first horned. As an Information
Officer, she has been able to grow as a video editor and has
developed the ability to operate a wide range of
camcorders. She is a graduate of Maseno University where
she pursued Communication and Media Studies with IT.
Though she covers general news, she prefers human
interest features with the hopes of specialising in health. She
enjoys amateur photography and loves to travel.
Rose Wangui
As a Features Reporter with Nation
Broadcasting Division, Rose Wangui's
duties involve general news television
gathering, conducting interviews,
scripting and editing video clips. Her
focus has been mainly on human
interest stories touching on social,
health and environmental issues.She
believes Journalism is about telling stories, world changing
and agenda-setting stories that are not just about suffering
but also of triumph.
Wambui Kurema
Wambui Kurema's work as a
cameraperson at times translates her
into doing reporting work. She is a
graduate of Daystar University and
has worked for various media houses
and Public Relations Firms like K24
and Gina Din Corporate
Hebron Kinyoda
Hebron is a 27- year-old diploma
holder in Journalism and Public
Relations from the Kenya Polytechnic.
He also holds a Certificate in Camera
operations from Mohammed Amin
Foundation. He is a freelance TV
cameraman at the Kenya News
Agency (KNA) Nairobi.
Diana Wanyonyi
Diana is currently based at Baraka FM
in Mombasa as a broadcast journalist
where she has been for the past three
years. As a senior reporter, her
passion revolves around reporting on
land issues, women and children's
rights issues. She has also been
involved in the production of radio
features and is also keen on current
affairs and developing news worthy ideas. She has
corresponded for African Woman and Child Feature
Service's newspaper - The Reject. Other media awards she
has bagged include Family Planning Reporting Award
category in 2012 organized by the National Council of
Population and Development - Tupange Awards,
Internews Talk Check Media Awards 2013.
John Nene
For the second year running, John
Nene has retained his title as winner
of the 'ICT and Telecommunications
reporting' category in Radio. He
started his journalism career with The
Weekly Review as a sports reporter
before moving to Kenya Times as
Chief Sports Reporter from where he
later joined KTN as a Chief Sports sub. In 1998 he joined
BBC where he is based to date. The major events he has
covered have been the Olympic Games (thrice), the World
Cup in South Africa and the world athletics championships.
Though not limiting himself to covering sports he enjoys
doing features on education, the environment, health and
other human interest stories.
Brigid Chemweno
Brigid Chemweno has been a writer
for the Standard Media Group for
Kajiado County since November
2012. She has also worked with
Kajiado County Press, a monthly
publication. Other media houses she
has worked for as a reporter include
Chamge FM, Kass FM and the Kenya
News Agency in Marakwet District. She holds a diploma in
Broadcast journalism from the Kenya Institute of Mass
Communication (KIMC).
Many of them are picked up by other media outlets and
sparking off debates that sometimes leading to action from
government or relevant institutions. She has worked for
Endemol as a Camera person and Citizen TV as a reporter
having graduated from the Kenya Institute of Mass
Communication. She has won a CNN Multichoice Award
and is a fellow at Internews (Kenya) and the World
Federation of Science Journalists.
Lynace Mwashigadi
Born and raised at the Coast
province, Lynace Mwashigadi holds a
diploma in Broadcast Media from the
Mombasa Polytechnic. She has been
a radio presenter with Pwani
FM(Kenya Broadcasting
Corporation) for slightly over two
years. Her experience extends to
being a producer and a news Anchor, which has seen her
being nominated for a number of media awards like the
Social Media Awards for Human Rights, Nzumari Awards
and the Coast Awards. She is philanthropically involved
with Media 16, a group that helps an orphanage in Bura,
Taita Taveta County.
Angel Mueni Katusia
Having won several awards from
organisations like the Kenya Media
N e t w o r k o n Po p u l a t i o n a n d
Development (KEMEP) and UNFPA,
Angel Katusia is also a maternal health
champion for Ribbon Alliance, an
international organization on safe
She enjoys pursuing feature stories
on gender and health with a particular interest on
reproductive health.
Thorn Mulli
Thorn Mulli is a budding Journalist
attached to the Magazine Section of
The Standard Newspaper. His forte is
feature writing but he also manages
Generation Next, a teenage and kids
pull-out magazine that runs on
Sundays. He holds a Degree in
Literature and Communication
which has helped him hone his
passion in reading and writing.
Joyce Chege
J o y c e C h e g e i s 2 1 - y e a r- o l d
correspondent with the Star
Newspaper from Naivasha with
whom she has been corresponding
for a period of about 6 months. She
formally started writing in 2011
despite not having had any journalistic
training. For the past two years she
has widely contributed for a number of online publications,
having developed an interest on environmental reporting.
She believes that 'safeguarding the environment for
generations and generations to come is her call of duty.'
Michele Katami Guda
Michelle Katami started her
journalism career as a radio producer
at Radio Jambo and is also a writer in
the making. She is a zealous sports girl
currently working as a sports
journalist at Kiss TV. She holds a
Diploma in journalism from the
Kenya Institute of Mass
Communication (KIMC). She has also
attended other trainings with the BBC School of Journalism
and World Service, London, the Radio Netherlands
Training Centre and The Guardian Expert in preparation for
the 2012 London Olympics.
Violet Otindo
Violet Otindo is a seasoned journalist
with K24 Television and is the
National Chairperson of Media for
Environment, Science, Health and
Agriculture (MESHA). She has a knack
for covering Science, Environment,
Health, Development and general
human interest feature stories. Most
of her stories are developed into
compelling narratives with captivating visuals as she has a
keen eye that provides unusual and intriguing angles to a
story. Her work brings attention to issues touching mostly
on women and children by advocating action and change.
connecting with people and writing stories that are
representative of a situation. She believes she is a go-getter
who takes on new exploits as well as complementing those
that have already been accomplished. Other awards she
has won include the Tom Arocho Journalist of the Year
Award, Children's Rights Media Awards and the Kenya
Media Population Awards.
Nyambega Gisesa
Nyambega Gisesa started his
journalism career at the tender age of
14 and by the age of 17 his works had
been published by the Nation Media
Group (NMG) publications. He
joined the now defunct Daily
Metronewspaper where he ran a
column 'campus vybe' that ran him
into trouble with the university for its candidness and
Marie Yambo
Marie became a journalist after
developing an interest in sharing
i n f o r m a t i o n . To d e v e l o p h e r
confidence she started participating in
public speaking events from school.
Other than anchoring and reporting
on business, she also produces a
weekly segment on health matters
and has won other awards including
the Story Fest Media Awards and the Child Rights Media
Awards. She loves working out at the gym, visiting parks
and finds peace in nature. The best book she has ever read
is Stephen Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People."
He has covered high end risky assignments ranging from
the Battle for Kismayu to investigating the militant
organisation Al-Shabaab, often at his personal risk. He is the
only Print Journalist from Kenya to have ever covered a
direct combat attack military operation in the war against AlShabaab. He is currently writing a book about his
controversial suspension from the university and the
ongoing war against the Al-Shabaab militants in Somalia.
Grace Wekesa
Grace Wekesa is a reporter with the
Standard Media Groupbased in
Kakamega and has a Bachelors
degree in Journalism and Mass
Communication from Masinde
Muliro University having majored in
Electronic and Print Media. Her
passion has led her to pursue feature
stories on various topics ranging from
agriculture, environment, development, health, arts and
Muthoni Njuki
Muthoni holds a Bachelor of Arts
degree in Journalism from United
States International University
(USIU). Her role at Capital FM is to
create audio-visual content that bring
out both beauty and personality, all
through the lenses. Winning the
Media Council of Kenya's Annual
Journalism Excellence Award (AJEA)
has injected a fresh drive to inspire, be inspired and create
more in the multimedia sector for her as a journalist.
Jevans Nyabiage
Jevans is a writer with The Standard
Newspapers and a contributor for
the weekly business publication
Business Beat.
Judie Kaberia
Judie started her journalism career in
2003 and is a Special Projects
Reporter at Capital FM. She is a local
Coordinator for Institute on War and
Peace Reporting and Wayamo
Communication Foundation. She
loves telling stories on human rights,
accountability, justice, gender and
Joy Wanja
Joy Wanja has worked for the Nation
Media Group for over five years. She
speaks a number of foreign languages
like Chinese, Japanese, French and
Kenyan sign language. She is based at
the health and science news desk.
She has a Bachelor of Education (Arts)
from Kenyatta University from where
she joined the Nation Media Group
having gone through the media lab programme. Most of
her stories have a human-interest angle to them as she likes
Smriti Vidyarthi - Mohindra
Smriti has worked as an anchor and
reporter for NTV since 2008. She
fronts major live events and breaking
news, conducts interviews with
inuential figures and frequently
reports on daily assignments and features. Notable
coverage includes the International Criminal Courts'
investigations into the perpetrators of the 2007/8 postelection violence in Kenya. Smriti has interviewed Rwanda's
President Paul Kagame, U2 rock band lead singer Bono and
three-time Olympic Gold Medalist Usain Bolt. Beyond
anchoring and reporting, Smriti is a moderator and has
moderated for the International Press Institute. Smriti was
last year awarded the Best News Anchor of the Year at the
inaugural Media Council of Kenya Journalism Excellence
Awards. Prior to working at NTV, Smriti was a Business
News Anchor at K24. She holds a BA in Theatre and
Performance Studies from the University of Warwick (UK)
and a Masters Degree in International Broadcast Journalism
from City University (UK).
Asha Mwilu
Having developed an interest in
journalism back in high school at St.
Georges Girls, Asha has a Bachelor in
Arts degree having majored in
Broadcast Journalism. She has
worked for 97.11FM and is currently
based at Kenya Television Network
(KTN). Other awards she has been
recognised in are the Kenya International Film Festivals,
Zanzibar International Film Festivals and the Microsoft
Imagine Cup.
Mashirima Kapombe
Mashirima is currently pursuing a
Bachelors degree at Daystar
University and has worked for various
media houses as a News Anchor and
reporter. At the tender age of 23 one
of her career highlights was covering
the 2013 general elections.
Thomas Mukoya
Mukoya is a Nairobi- based
photojournalist who has worked with
Reuters News Agency since 2004.
He began as a freelance
photographer in 1998 after
graduating with a diploma in
Journalism from the Kenya Institute of
Mass Communication (KIMC). He
has worked at the Nation Media
Group and The People Daily Newspaper. He is a member
of the World Press Photo Dream Team; Twenty-Ten and
Beyond, Foreign Correspondents Association of East Africa
(FCAEA), and the president and founding member of
Photojournalists Association of Kenya (PAK). Having
travelled widely across Africa, Thomas has won a number
of awards like the 2012 Photographers Giving Back (PGB)
Award and the 2003 Kenya Union of Journalists
'Photojournalist of the year Award. He has extensively
worked with humanitarian organisations as a photographer
and has interests in film making, documentary, photography
and fundraising.
Eugene Osidiana
Eugene developed an interest in
media while still at Vihiga High School
in western Kenya where he was an
official in the school's media club. He
started his career at the Kenya News
Agency (KNA) as an intern
progressing on to working for Trans
World Radio. He is currently an
employee of K24 where he doubles
up as a video editor and a cameraman.
William Inganga
As an employee of Kenya News Agency (KNA) in the
Department of Film Services (DFS), Inganga has specialised
in the coverage of HIV/AIDS. He is a holder of a Diploma
from the Kenya Institute of Mass Communication (KIMC).
As a cameraperson, he is also a fellow with Internews in
Kenya and has been a winner in the Multichoice CNN
Awards in the HIV/AIDS category.
Michael Munene
Munene perceives himself as one of
Kenya's leading Editorial cartoonists.
An employee of the Standard Media
Group, he creatively exhibits high
quality portraits and paintings on a
variety of platforms.
Lifetime Contribution in Journalism Award
Hillary Ng'weno was born in Nairobi on 28th June 1938. He went to school at Mangu High
School and was the first Kenyan to attend Harvard University (Class of '61). He went back to
Harvard as the first African fellow of the Harvard Center for International Affairs (1968-1969).
Ng'weno has been a journalist since 1962, starting off at the Nation group of newspapers for
which he was the first African Editor-in-Chief between 1964-65. He went on to edit and
publish a number of his own publications, including The Weekly Review 1975-1999. He was
also a columnist for Newsweek for more than ten years. In 1992, he launched the first fully
Kenyan-owned indigenous private TV station in Kenya, STV which he later on relinquished
ownership in 1997 to go into freelance TV production. He has produced dozens of TV
programmes, including The Making of a Nation.
Hillary Ng'weno
The 2013 Judges
consultancy in media and communications to various
organisations in Kenya, among them the Foreign Service
Joy Mueni
Ms Joy Mueni is a lecturer of
journalism and mass communication
at the University of Nairobi's School
of Journalism and Mass
Communication. She has a Master of
Arts degree from Daystar University
and is currently pursuing doctoral
studies in mass communication. Before joining the
academia, Ms Mueni worked in the print section of Nation
Media Group specifically with Daily Nation and the now
defunct Daily Metro.
Martha Mbugguss
Ms Martha Mbugguss teaches at the
Africa Nazarene University where
she is also the founding chair of the
Mass Communication Department.
She holds a Masters degree in
Communication from Daystar
University, a postgraduate Diploma in
Mass Communication from the
University of Nairobi's School of Journalismand Mass
Communication and a BA from Jabalpur University,
Madhya Pradesh, India. She is currently pursuing a PhD at
Moi University. Previously she worked as a lecturer at
Daystar University and as a Communications Director at
the National Council of Churches of Kenya. Before then
she was a long serving journalist at both the Nation Media
Group and Standard Group. She is the author of 'A Date
with Jesus' and co-author of 'Gender Union'.
Other than journalism and media studies, her interests are
in gender representation in the mass media, popular
culture, conict sensitive journalism and election reporting.
She is in the process of writing a book on the Kenyan hiphop culture and its depiction of women in videos.
Aileen Kimutai
Ms Aileen Kimutai is a seasoned sports journalist who began
her career at the Kenya Times as a trainee sports reporter.
She then moved to KTN between 1990 and 2003, rising to
head the sports department. She is currently a sports
correspondent with AFP based in Nairobi.
Joe Kadhi
Mr Joe Kadhi is a former Managing
Editor of both the Sunday Nation and
the Daily Nation. He edited the two
national newspapers for a total of 15
years during which time he wrote a
weekly provocative column known
as 'Why? Asks Joe Kadhi'. During his
long editorship of the two papers he
had to resist a lot of pressure from the
Government of the time which led to his arrest and a short
period behind bars when he was accused of disrespecting
KANU, the ruling party. He taught postgraduate journalism
students at the University of Nairobi for almost a decade at
a time when he was also a visiting lecturer at the Graduate
School of Journalism, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. At
that time he was also a regular lecturer on 'Media and
Democracy' to visiting students from St. Lawrence
University, New York, for a period of five years. Joe Kadhi is
Isaiah K. Cherutich
Mr IsaiahCherutich is a broadcast
journalist who is currently an
Electronic Media and Public Relations
lecturer at USIU, Nairobi. He is also
the immediate former head of
department of the USIU Journalism
program, a position he had held since
September 2005. He has over 19
years' experience in the industry
having worked at KTN in the 1990s
and the Chief Public Relations Officer at the National
Housing Corporation from 1996 to 2000. He has also
taught in various institutions of higher learning, among them
Moi University, Kenya Institute of Mass Communication
and Maseno University. He continues to provide
currently a lecturer at USIU Nairobi where he teaches
journalism, especially media ethics. He was part of the team
that established the journalism department at USIU 13
years ago. He heads the Department of Extended Studies,
which regularly brings in journalism students from Norway
for a series of lectures. He is the author of several books.
the pioneers who created the Internet Section in Nation
Media Group. Other capacities he has served are as a
News Editor, Convergence Editor and Editorial
Administration Manager. A graduate of the School of
Journalism, University of Nairobi (1972-74), Frank also
trained at the Radio Nederland School of Journalism,
Hilversum (1981-82). He was awarded a Harry Brittan
Fellowship in 1987 that saw him undergo further media
training at Regents College, London, and Oxford
Joseph Nyanoti
Mr Joseph Nyanoti is currently a
Journalism lecturer at USIU and has
also taught at the University of
Nairobi, Daystar University and
Tangaza College. His teaching areas
are Print media, Communication
Research Methods, Media Law and
Ethics and Theories of Mass
Communication. His research area is
the youth and television content.
Caleb Atemi
Mr Caleb Atemi is an Editor and
Communications consultant based in
Nairobi. He also doubles up as a
media trainer. He is currently a
l e c t u r e r a t Ke n y a M e t h o d i s t
University, having also taught at
Tangaza, USIU and KIMC. Prior to
that, he worked for NSSF, Internews,
and Oxfam and had been a journalist with the Nation Media
Group for many years. Mr Atemi has also consulted for
various organizations including the World Bank, PANOS,
NACC, Kenya Human Rights Commission, AMREF, AWC,
ACE Communications, the International Federation of the
Red Cross and Red Crescent and IAVI, among others.
Mr Atemi has a Masters degree in Journalism Studies from
Cardiff University, UK. He has several published works,
some biographies and others on media training.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Literature and Linguistics, a
postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communication and a
Master of Arts in Communication Studies from the
University of Nairobi. He is currently doing his PhD in
Media and Cultural Studies at the University of Nairobi.
Before joining the academia, Mr Nyanoti practised
journalism for 17 years at Kenya Times, Standard Group
and finally at Nation Media Group, where he edited The
Jared Obuya
Mr Jared Obuya has 15 years of
experience working for the local and
international media. He currently
teaches journalism and media studies
at the Department of
Communication Studies of Moi
University. His research interests are
media accountability.
Christine Nguku
Miss Christine Nguku is a seasoned
Media Professional and Media
Executive Manager with 17 years of
journalism and media corporate
management. She teaches in the
department of Communications and
Journalism at Kenya Methodist
University. She has communications
experience in Management and
Strategic Planning, Corporate Communication
Management, Project Management, Developing
Corporate Communications and Media Strategy Plans,
Development and Production of Publications, and Public
Media Relations Communications. She is currently
consulting Manager for seven FM radio stations of a
Christian organisation. Christine is one of the lead
consultants of Centre for Strategic Development (CSD) incharge of Media and Communications. Through CSD, she
is part of the team developing Communication Strategy policy and implementation for the Kenya government's
National Drought Management Authority (NDMA).
Previously, Christine was a co-founder and Chief Executive
Officer of Eastern Broadcasting Corporation, where she
developed and executed the Mbaitu FM Radio Station set
Frank Wanyama
Mr Frank Ojiambo Wanyama, 61, has
enjoyed a distinguished career in
journalism spanning over three
decades at some of the major media
houses in the country. He worked at
the Standard Media Group for 21
years at various positions that
included News Editor, Editorial
Manager and Assistant Editor. He also
was National Chairman, Kenya Union of Journalists (19801991). He became a part-time lecturer at the Kenya
Institute of Mass Communication (KIMC) in 1995,
specialising in reporting, editorial writing, investigative
reporting and media ethics.In October 1997 he was among
up and technical plan. Christine is a seasoned journalist
having worked at Kenya's first private television station KTN for 13 years rising through the ranks from junior
reporter to Alternate News Editor. She holds a Master of
Arts degree in Contemporary Warfare and Peace from the
University of Sussex, Brighton, Britain and Bachelor of Arts
degree, Mass Communication and Community
Development from Messiah College, Pennsylvania, USA.
previously lectured as an adjunct at Drexel University,
Eastern University and The University of Sciences. Prof.
Obonyo is an external examiner at both undergraduate and
graduate levels at several universities in the East African
region. He has been a newspaper reporter and written and
edited magazines in Kenya. He is a former Chairman of the
Media Council of Kenya and also a member of the
International Communication Association (ICA), the
National Communication Association (NCA), the
International Association for Media and Communication
Research (IAMCR), the World Association for Christian
Communication (WACC), and of Orbicom.
Edwin Nyutho
Mr Edwin Nyutho is a Lecturer at the
University of Nairobi's School of
Journalism and Mass Communication
where he is currently pursuing his
PhD studies in Mass Communication.
He has trained in Photojournalism,
radio and video production. His
experience in communication
extends from teaching to media consultancy, film
production trainer, script writing, directing and producing.
He is a national adjudicator in the inaugural Kenya Schools
and Colleges Film Festival, a Chief Judge in the PRSK Annual
Gala and Awards for Excellence Judging Process. Books and
articles he has published include; Broadcasting: The Next
Big Training Challenge in the Media Observer, a newsletter of
the Media Council of Kenya in September 2005, By God's
Grace, an article published by Drum magazine January
2005, Gate Keeping and Agenda Setting in 'A New
Democratic Error?' Published by the University of Nairobi's
School of Journalism and Mass Communication in 1994
and the Eyes of Africa, An illustrated biography on
Mohamed Amin.
Peter Mwaura
Mr Peter Mwaura is a veteran
journalist and communications expert
who has published books and papers
on communication policy in Kenya.
He is a regular columnist with the
Saturday Nation and a former
director of the University of Nairobi's
School of Journalism. Other positions
he has held have been; Editor-in-Chief of Nation
Newspapers, media consultant with UNESCO, Editor with
the Pan African New Agency and Senior Information
Officer with the United Nations in New York and Deputy
Director of the UN Information Centre Nairobi. He is a
founder and current Senior Lecturer of the Department of
Communication and Journalism of the Kenya Methodist
Stephen Ndegwa
Mr Stephen Ndegwa entered the
media as a correspondent for The
Standard Newspapers while working
as a graduate school teacher in English
and Literature at Lamu Boys
Secondary School. He subsequently
resigned from the teaching profession
to work as a full time journalist. He has worked as a writer
and editor for various newspapers and magazines locally,
and corresponded for a couple of magazines overseas. He
is the Chairman of the Media Development Association
where he has organised various media events including
workshops and seminars, including publishing newsletters
and books. In his 15 years work experience in various
capacities as a media and communication specialist,
Stephen has worked in diverse cultural settings in Kenya. In
addition to his work as a communicator, Stephen is also a
columnist in two local dailies in Kenya.
Hiram Mucheke
Mr Hiram Mucheke is the Principal of
the Kenya Institute of Mass
Communication. He is a former
member of the Media Council of
Kenya where he represented middle
level media training institutions at the
Council and was the chair of the
Finance and Administration Committee of the Council. He
has also worked at the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation as
Professor Levi Obonyo
Professor Levi Obonyo is the Dean,
School of Communication, Language
and Performing Arts. Prof. Obonyo
has been engaged in the field of
communication in one form or the
other for nearly 20 years, and has
been heading the Department of
Communication since 2006. He
Edward Mwasi
Mr Edward Mwasi is a publishing
expert, who currently works at the
Kenya Yearbook Editorial Board
(Ministry of Information,
Communication and Technology) as
Pr o d u c t i o n M a n a g e r w i t h a
responsibility to oversee the
production processes of the Kenya
Yearbook and other publications as mandated by the
Government of Kenya. Before joining the Kenya Yearbook,
Edward worked with the Nation Media as Chief Graphic
Designer, where he spearheaded innovative graphical
interpretation of Editorial content. In his early professional
years, he worked for various advertising agencies as a
graphic designer where he honed his graphic design skills,
rising to the rank of Creative Director at Kenwide Media.
He has handled various publishing projects both locally and
internationally among them; redesigning mainstream
newspapers in Uganda and Tanzania while at the Nation,
and, pioneering other newspapers in Kenya and South
Wangethi Mwangi
Mr Wangethi Mwangi has more than
30 years' experience in media
operations, ranging from strategic
editorial planning and
implementation, media research,
newspaper production, newsroom,
people and project management. He
has devoted a substantial portion of
his professional life directing media policy and shaping the
editorial strategies of the Nation Media. Currently, he has
engagements with the Media Councils of Kenya and
Tanzania, the African Media Initiative and the Aga Khan
Graduate School of Media and Communications,
specialising in media leadership and journalistic ethics,
journalists' safety and security, media independence and
responsibility, and media education.
John Gachie
Mr John Gachie has an M.A. in
Journalism Studies from the
University of Wales, Cardiff. He was a
former Foreign News Editor with the
Nation Media Group and is currently
a Media Consultant and Trainer in the
region. He has covered major
conicts in Africa, Middle East and Asia
as a journalist and has authored
various reports and publications on media, human rights
and safety and protection of journalists in the region. He has
sat on the board of the Legal Resources Foundation Trust
(LRF) and is currently a member of ARTICLE 19 Eastern
Africa regional board.