A service oriented approach to the assessment of Infrastructure Security Author: Marcelo Masera, Joint Research Centre, European Commission via E. Fermi 1, 21020 Ispra – VA- Italy. Phone: +039 0332789238, Fax: +039 0332789576. Email: marcelo.masera@jrc.it Author: Igor Nai Fovino, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, via E. Fermi 1, 21020 Ispra – VA- Italy. Phone: +039 0332786541, Fax: +039 0332789576. Email: igor.nai@jrc.it Abstract: The pervasive use of the information and communication technologies (ICT) in Critical Infrastructures requires the introduction of specific security assessment approaches. The study of the local effects of vulnerabilities and failures has to be put in the context of the whole system, as ICT systems are highly interconnected. In addition most industrial control and communication systems are getting connected with corporate information systems. This facilitates the access from internal and external networks, and converts ICT security assessment in a primary concern. Some approaches have been proposed based on the relationships between structural and functional descriptions and security goals, and at associating vulnerabilities to known attacks. These methodologies are typically based on the analysis of local problems. In the present paper, we want to propose a further step: the systematic correlation and analysis of structural, functional and security information, under a service–oriented light. In order to achieve this objective we propose to center the analysis on the concept of service, linking the interactions among services (modeled as service chains) with that of vulnerabilities, threats and attacks. It is demonstrated how this approach facilitates the assessment of security Key Words: Critical Infrastructures, Security Assessment, Services, Threats, Vulnerabilities, Attacks, System-of-Systems. Introduction Security threats are one of the main problems of this computer-based era. All systems making use of information and communication technologies (ICT) are prone to failures and vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious software and agents. Industrial critical installations present particular features that differentiate them from more conventional ICT systems. Industrial systems combine typical information system (e.g. data bases), with real-time elements implementing the control functions. In the latest years, these hybrid infrastructures started to be connected to internal and external communication networks, and security has become a subject of primary concern, especially relevant to the complex field of Critical Infrastructure Protection. Security risk assessment and management of critical industrial IT infrastructures is a relatively new discipline. Most efforts are concentrated on typical corporate information systems. Industrial systems present some specific features: the co–existence of heterogeneous environments (e.g. real–time and desktop applications), and the constraints deriving from physical phenomena (e.g. power stability) and business objectives (e.g. productivity and performance). These factors determine how IT systems can be handled: for instance, it is not always possible to stop industrial system for installing security patches. The assessment and management of security issues deal with a varied set of information: some referring to the system characteristics (e.g. identification of vulnerabilities and assets, security policies), other to threats (their intentions, resources, capabilities), and other to the potential attack mechanisms and the relative countermeasures that could be applied in order to avoid or mitigate the effects of negative incidents. In addition one has to consider the interactions of malicious acts with accidental failures and human errors. The evolution of systems intro infrastructures adds a further level of complexity: infrastructures are systems–of–systems, greatly interconnected (mainly due to the pervasive use of ICT), and characterised by interdependencies that can give place to system–wide propagation of negative effects. Some approaches have been proposed to the analysis of infrastructural systems (see next section). They generally aim at linking structural and functional descriptions to security goals, and at associating vulnerabilities to known attacks. Taking as starting point an embryonic security assessment methodology presented by Masera and Nai [25], in the present paper, we propose a further step: enriching the local treatment of security– relevant information, to an assessment based on the systematic correlation and analysis of such information. This would allow passing from a point view of security events, to one revealing dependencies of infrastructural aystems. We first present an overview of the present state of the art in the field of system and security modeling. Then we focus our attention on the relationships existing among the different “information sets” that can be used for describing a system from the security standpoint. Finally we introduce a security assessment approach based on the analysis of those relationships, using the concept of service as the guiding principle. State of The Art In the scientific literature there is no comprehensive work tailored to industrial ICT security assessment, however there is relevant work in the field of ICT security, system modelling and system safety. In this section we give an overview of approaches relevant to the topic of this paper. The assessment of industrial systems is traditionally the field of classical safety risk studies. Only recently security issues have started to be considered of primary relevance. Keeney et al. [1] presented a study on computer system sabotage of critical infrastructures. Stoneburner, Goguen and Feringa [2] in their study on Risk Management for Information Technology Systems described a nine-step procedure for the risk assessment of information systems. Moreover Swiderski and Snyder [3] introduced the concept of threat modelling, and a structured approach for identifying, evaluating, and mitigating risks to system security. A study of such approach on a Web Application environment is showed in [4]. In addition, there are some tools developed for general purpose like “Microsoft Security Assessment Tool” [7], and “Citicus” [8]. The first one is a traditional “check list” assessment process; in other words, the whole assessment process goes through a series of “question-answer” sessions, guiding the analysis through an iterative process, and producing as output a set of recommendations and best practices. It is quick and easy method, that can only provide rough results far from precise and exhaustive. The second tool, Citicus, is based on the concept of perceived information risks, categorising them according to some customized criteria. The OCTAVE approach [5], introduced by the Software Engineering Institute in the late 90s, currently represents the most complete and exhaustive methodology for information systems, but it hasn’t been used and conceived for industrial applications. The more relevant tool was developed by the project CORAS (2001-2003) [6], supporting a methodology for model-based risk analysis of security-critical systems – but this methodology has been applied to e-government and e-commerce, not to industrial control systems or, in general to heterogeneous complex systems. From these methods we can derive some useful remarks. The assessment of security requires the proper description of the system at issue, from all relevant perspectives: policies and operations, structure and function, physical links and information flows, etc. The problem of “Infrastructure Modelling” has been treated mainly for design and operational purposes, but the analysis of security requires further considerations Different approaches have been suggested in order to model systems in light of security. The work presented in [5] by Alberts & Dorofee is a good example of a risk assessment methodology based on a system description. However such a description lacks mainly in two points: it is not formal and, more relevant, it cannot deal with complex System-ofSystems. Folker den Braber et al. present in [11] another risk assessment approach partially based on a system description. It tries to partially capture the concept of adverse environment by introducing (using UML) the concept of “Threat Scenario”. This, of course, is an advance in the representation of systems that could be adapted for the description of several interacting systems. Nevertheless, this was not the intention of the authors and represents only a possible adaptation of the methodology. Masera and Nai Fovino in three correlated works [12, 13, 14], present an approach based on the concept of system–of–systems, that preserves the operational and managerial independence of the components while capturing at the same time the concept of relationship among components, services and subsystems. In the present work we adopt as starting point such approach (summarized in a deeper detail in the following section). Finally, security assessment needs to consider attack scenarios. There exist several methods used to describe security information related to malicious acts. Historically the first approach in that sense was related to the creation of vulnerability databases (of which Bugtraq [15] is an example). However, they are basically focused on the description of vulnerabilities, lacking completely (but that isn't their goal) the description of the means and ways by which they can be exploited by attacks. The most promising approach capturing the latter characteristic is the Graph Based Attack Models [16]. In this category two can be considered the main modeling approaches: Petri Net based Models and Attack Trees models. A good example of the first category is the Attack Net Model introduced by McDermott [28] in which the places of a Petri Net represent the steps of an attack and the transitions are used to capture precise actions performed by the attackers. The second approach (attack trees), proposed originally by Bruce Schneier [17] is based on the use of expansion trees to show the different attack lines that could affect a system describing their steps and their interrelationships. Such an approach has been extended by Masera and Nai [18] by introducing the concept of Attack Projection. In the present paper we adopt such attack representation as reference. Preliminary Environment Definitions A risk assessment of ICT industrial infrastructures requires two types of characterizations, which we denominate Security Definitions and System Definitions. In what follows we give some preliminary description of such concepts. Security description This refers to security-related concepts such as threat, vulnerability, attack and risk. More in detail, Threat, as defined in [19] and in the Internet RFC glossary of terms, is a potential for violation of security, which exists when there is a circumstance, capability, action, or event that could breach security and cause harm. A Vulnerability, by definition [21][22], is a weakness in the architecture design/implementation of an application or a service. As direct consequence, an Attack can be identified as the entire process implemented by a Threat Agent to exploit a system by taking advantage of one or more Vulnerabilities. Finally, as a summary of the previous definition, a Risk, according to the ISO/IEC 17799:2000 [20], may be defined as the probability that a damaging incident is happening (when a threat can be actualized by exploiting a vulnerability), times the potential damage. System description This refers to all the concepts required for system modeling, as the definitions of system, sub-system, component, service etc. Every system can be defined as a collection of entities collaborating to realize a set of objectives [23]. For an inheritance principle, such definition is true also for the concept of sub-system. Masera and Nai in [12, 13] define a component as an atomic object able to fulfill actively or passively defined tasks and the services as tasks performed by components or sub-systems (such services can be “on request”). Moreover the same authors define the concept of dependency among components and sub-systems (e.g. a system object A depends from a system object B if B is required by A in order to reach its mission) and, in [13] the concept of information flow as a set of point-to-point relationships describing the whole life cycle of an information item. Finally in [25] an Asset is defined as any element (in the more general sense of the term) with value to the relevant stakeholders of the related system. As the loss (or at least the impairment) of an asset will negatively affect that value, the objective of security management is to appropriately protect them. Therefore assets are the security-relevant entities of the system because (a) their destruction, inability to perform its intended functions, or disclosure to unauthorized agents cause a detrimental effect, (b) malicious threats agents might have an interest in targeting them, (c) they can be exposed to malicious actions by vulnerabilities and faults of the components or by errors of the operators of the system. An Asset could take two main forms: an internal set of components whose loss will cause detriment to the owner/operator of the system, or an external service supplied to users of the system. For example a costly component or a set of sensitive data could be examples of internal assets. A control function is an example of external asset. The type of assets that distinguishes IT-based systems from physical systems are of course “Information Assets” - Masera and Nai [13] proposed an approach for their description. The Service oriented Paradigm Beyond the basic description of components, vulnerabilities, attacks etc., we see the need for a paradigm assisting in the interconnection of the different elements that need to be analyzed. One has to identify and examine, for example, the potential effect that a vulnerability affecting a component might have on the whole system (e.g. on the business objectives of a certain industrial facility). As the elements to be considered in a “systemof-systems” situation are manifold, a key challenge is to avoid an excess of data that will hamper the analysis by obfuscating the most significant aspects. For dealing with this question, we make use of the concept of Service – see [12,13]. In this light, objects in a system are producers/consumers of services. This concept allows generating a very detailed description of the relationships and of the dependence mechanisms, which are at the basis of the security relevant issues of infrastructural systems. More in detail: Definition: we define a service as a tuple s =< name , description, ID, sdr > where name identifies the service, description gives a brief functional description of the service and ID is the identifier of the “producer of the service” and sdr represents the information on the dependencies of the service (i.e. “in order to fulfill its duty the service x needs the direct support of the services k,z,m”). The concept of service has its complement: Disservice, the lack of provision of the service. The concept of disservice is used in the field of dependability, but its importance has been not yet captured in the field of ICT security assessment. Applying a service-oriented description, the system assumes a “network” aspect. Every component and subsystem is directly or indirectly interconnected –by what we call “Service Chains”– with all of those components/subsystems which are in some way necessary for the proper provision of its intended services. Regarding Assets, it is possible to describe them as a mix of internal and external services – more than just a set of hardware and software elements. This is a more operative approach that permits linking the system and the security descriptions of a system. Information, components and subsystems provide or require services to other information, components and subsystems – and certain services coalesce through service chains in elements of specific value for the system’s stakeholders: these are the system assets. To clarify the concept, let’s consider the following example: a system X provides to external customers an Information Service IS (e.g. a power plant supplies data on the energy produced). Such service is performed by means of a Web Application Service (WAS) at the subsystem level. The data forwarded to the customers are stored in a database, which provides a Storage Service (SS). Such data are the results of computation based on the information retrieved by remote Field Sensors which provide a Field Monitoring Service (FMS).The high-level service IS, is linked to WAS in a functional way. Moreover there exists an information flow link between WAS and SS, and between SS and FMS. In other words, there exists an indirect service link between IS, WAS and FMS. Such set of links, showing how, for instance, a failure of FMS could have an effect on IS, present a good example of service chain. As in [14] we can define a service relation as follows: Definition: a system Sn is defined as a set Sn={s1.. .sn, desc} where s1.. .sn are services provided by Sn and desc is the general description of the system. Without loosing generality we can describe a subsystem and a component in the same way. Definition: Let SoS = {Sa, Sb,…, Sn} be the set of the systems/subsystems/components in SoS, let Serv be the set of all the services of SoS, a service dependency record is a tuple sdr =< s, s id , inset, outset, lf > , where s is a service, Sid is the identifier of a system/subsystem/component Sa in SoS (which “produces” the service), Inset where Inset = {< d , w >| d ∈ Serv , w ∈ ℵ} represents the collection of the services directly contributing to the realization of the service, with an associated relevance w; lf represents a second order logic expression describing, combined with the weights w of Inset, how and with which relevance the contributing services are logically linked. For instance the provision of service A requires the combination of services B, C and D, with a logic [(wb.B ∧ wc.C ) ∨ wd .D] . Finally Outset is the list of services to which the service s directly provides a contribution. Applying this to a SoS, we are then able to reconstruct all the links among services. We call this the “service chain” of the object under analysis. This is an oriented graph describing the direct and indirect links among all services provided by and within that SoS. From a security perspective, what is important is to use these service chains to recognize all the dependencies that play a role in a security event (e.g. propagation of failures, cascading effects, etc.). As defined in Masera [26], a “security” dependency situation exists when there is a relationship between two systems A and B, such that, an internal fault in B, can be propagated through a chain of faults, errors and failures onto system A. In such case, taking inspiration from Avizienis et al. [27], we can speak of Pathological Chains. Pathological chains can be caused by (a) accidental events due to internal faults or human errors, or (b) malicious attacks. Since every component in our system description has associated a set of known vulnerabilities (i.e. the vulnerabilities which, with a certain plausibility y may affect a target component), we can enrich the description of the pathological chain adding the information related to the vulnerabilities. In this way, the appraisal of service chains considering dependencies and vulnerabilities result in what we call vulnerability chains. The introduction of these chains brings three main advantages: 1. It allows identifying which low level vulnerabilities (associated to low level components) can have an effect on high level services (typically the services provided by the system to the external world). 2. It allows capturing the potential non-negligible side effects of any identified vulnerability. 3. It constitutes the glue that links the system description knowledge (components, services, assets etc.) with the security knowledge (vulnerabilities, attacks, threats) Fig. 1 Example of Vulnerability Chains Service Oriented Vulnerability Analysis Process By adopting the description paradigm presented before, it is possible to identify which low level vulnerabilities (i.e. affecting low level component) can have a negative security effect on the Assets. Basically the approach is the following: 1. For each asset all dependencies are computed (we remember here that an asset can be composed of physical and logical subsystems, services and components). 2. For each element in the asset, we retrieve the services it provides. 3. By exploring the service relationships associated to every service (while taking care of possible cyclic dependencies), we can identify all the low level components which in some way contribute to the service. 4. We associate the vulnerabilities which may potentially affect the low level components, to the Asset. Applying this procedure, we are then able to identify which vulnerability, associated to which component, can have an impact on the assets, and of which nature. This overall knowledge will allow analyzing the effects of threats and attacks, and deciding on the effectiveness of current policies, benchmarking potential solutions, running security scenarios, etc. In our approach, vulnerabilities are classified according to their estimated relevance following an identification of potential threats. In figure 2 the high level pseudo language code of the procedure is shown. Input: the set of System Assets (SA) Output: the set SA enriched with information related to the vulnerabilities associated Main { Select Asset from SA For each element i in Asset do J=i If i is a service then J=service.ID Inspect (J) } Function Inspect (J) { If check_cycle(J)=false then if J.vulnset ≠ ø then Asset.vulnset=Asset.vulnset+J.vulnset for each service provided by J { sdr=retrieve s.sdr for each service in s.sdr.inset Inspect(s.sdr.inset.ID) }} Figure 2: Asset-Vulnerability association pseudo-code Service Oriented Threat Assessment Process Determining the vulnerability of a system is not enough. It is then required to analyze which threats might exploit the identified vulnerabilities. We propose to expand the security analysis process, described by Masera and Nai in [25] into a Service-oriented Threat Assessment Process. The objective of this process is to determine which vulnerable assets are exposed to different types of threats, taking into consideration the vulnerability chains. Usually when this kind of analysis is applied to relatively small systems, it is solved by assigning known threats to possible target assets, on the basis of some, usually not well documented, hypothesis made by the analyst. But this approach, apart from not being systematic, says nothing about the proportion of security situations being considered from the total of negative possible events. Threat analyses can be improved by using the information derived from the previous vulnerability analysis. A threat is relevant only if there is the real possibility to realize it. In the assessment, ICT threats have to be correlated to assets which, from the vulnerability viewpoint, can be affected by them. Similar to the approach presented in the previous section, a “service oriented” threat analysis is as follows: 1. From the set of assets, only the sub-set of assets affected by significant vulnerabilities (as resulted from the previous vulnerability analysis) is selected. 2. For each element of the subset of vulnerable assets, the subsystem services involved are identified. 3. The hypothesized threats (derived from some parallel identification of plausible threats, applicable to the type of system under analysis) are instantiated and correlated to the previously identified subsystem services (as explained in Masera and Nai, [25], an effective way of conducting this analysis is to assign threats only to subsystem services). 4. By exploring the service dependencies and relationships, it is verified which threats can propagate their effects to the vulnerable assets. In this way, not only we are able to obtain a more focused, motivated and documented set of “threatable” subsystem services, but we demonstrate how threats can affect services and therefore assets, directly by targeting components, or indirectly by effects onto correlated assets, which will propagate through the service dependency chains. Service Oriented Attack Analysis The process of Attack Analysis is devoted to the identification of the potential attacks that can be successfully developed by the previously identified threats. The validation of the possibility that an attack take place against a target system is not a simple task, especially in the case of complex and large systems. Attack trees are becoming a normal means for representing the steps and the conditions required to carry out an offensive action against some vulnerable assets. However, attack trees usually are too abstract, in the sense that they refer to types of components. For the validation of attacks, attack trees have to be instantiated for the specific elements and characteristics of the system under analysis. This requires the consideration of all interconnections and relative interdependencies, as most attacks require the combination or concurrency of two or more vulnerabilities, and potential alternative paths. An attack validation conducted without such kind of knowledge will either produce a large number of false positives (i.e. attacks considered valid, but not really exploitable), or will discard potential attacks deriving from vulnerabilities coupled in unobvious ways. The information derived from the service oriented analysis give us the possibility to mitigate those problems by focusing the examination of the attacks onto the vulnerable disservice chains. In other words, by applying these types of knowledge to the disservice chains, we are able to identify whether there is some connection between vulnerable components that is attackable by one of the verified threats. All other chains must be considered safe with respect to the effects of potential attacks. The attack validation in a service oriented perspective proceeds as follows: 1. The attacks that can be associated to the verified threats are identified and presented as hypothesis to be validated 2. For each verified threat, the associated subsystems and all the respective relationships are identified 3. The attack trees associated to each verified threat are validated applying existing information about the disservice chains, the dependency relationships and the possible conditional assertion (i.e. assertions describing some additional conditions needed in order to realize the attack) associated to such objects. 4. The attacks validated are used for computing the potential impact on the assets, taking into consideration all direct or indirect effects from the affected subsystems. In this way we identify the possible set of successfully realizable attacks, examining of only those candidates those are vulnerable, diminishing the number of false positives. Preliminary Results and Conclusions In order to test the performance, quality and benefits of the approach presented, we developed a software tool named InSAW (Industrial Security Assessment Workbench), implementing the analysis steps presented in this work (system description, vulnerability assessment, threat assessment, and attack assessment) plus an additional phase related to the final overall risk assessment. From a technical point of view, the tool is based on a MSSQL relational DB, with an intermediated object oriented layer based on Hibernate and on a set of modular analysis engines developed using the Microsoft .Net technology. The test phase has been conducted as follows: 1. Selection of a set of industrial study cases (remote control of primary substations, control of power plant), and performance of security assessments using our methodology with desktop tools. 2. Application of the InSAW tool, with an automatic determination of service/disservice chains and related computations of vulnerability, threat and attack analysis (there is of course the need to previously input a whole description of the target system). 3. Comparison of the results between the manual and the automatic analyses. Although this is a preliminary set of tests, since their number is limited, the results (some of which can be found in [29]) are promising and allow us to extrapolate some considerations: 1. The service oriented approach provides the analyst with a better and more comprehensive understanding of the relations, connections and dependencies among the different components of the system 2. The vulnerability and threat assessments benefit from the analysis of the service dependencies as it is possible to identify side-effect connections between vulnerabilities and assets which cannot be easily noticed with manual means. 3. The service oriented approach extremely augment the precision of the attack validation, as each attack step can be related to all relevant aspects that might influence it. In conclusion, in this paper, after a presentation of the state of the art, we introduced a new approach to the assessment of infrastructural system security, having as core the concept of service and the description and analysis of the service dependencies. The concept of service facilitates the correlation between the information about the system and the considerations made on the possible security impairments of the system. The proposed assessment approach proceeds by combining the different types of links among the components of the system. Moreover, the whole framework, as described shortly in this section has been fully implemented in a software tool. Automating assessment procedures is of undoubtedly value for analysts, mainly in consideration of the dynamic nature of security events, with the need to consider endless flows of new information on vulnerabilities, threats, attack exploits and countermeasures. In the future we plan to conduct an extensive testing phase in order to strongly verify the correctness of the approach proposed and to present the detailed results obtained in a dedicated paper. Moreover we plan to link such approach with other security-relevant activities, such as early warning, diagnostics and information exchange. Bibliography [1] M. Keeney, E. Kowalski, D. Cappelli, A. Moore, T. Shimeall, S. Rogers. “Insider Threat Study: Computer System Sabotage in Critical Infrastructure Sectors”. CMU, May 2005. [2] G. Stoneburner, A. Goguen, A. 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