Perch Dissection WS:

Perch Dissection WS:
Pre Lab Questions:
1. What does Osteichthyes mean?
2. What is an operculum, and what is its purpose?
3. What type of caudal fin does a perch have? Use Figure 24.16 to help.
4. What type of scales does a Perch have? (See page 526-7)
5. What is the function of the swim bladder?
6. Explain the type of birth most perch have. (Look at Fig. 24.35)
7. How does this birth differ from Salmon? (Figure 24.37)
Table 1 - Fish Measurements (cm)
Total Length
Fork Length
Figure 1: External Perch Anatomy - Use this picture to label ALL items on Lab WS.
Figure 2 - Gill Structure: Label gill arch, gill raker, and gill filaments
Table 2 – Fins
Name of Fin
Number of
Figure 3 - Structure your Scale on the picture below.
Q: Estimate how old is your fish?
Explain why you think this.
Figure 5 - Internal Perch Anatomy – Label ALL Parts on WS
Questions & Observations:
1. Are both jaws of the fish equally movable? Explain your answer.
2. Does the perch have eyelids?
3. How many gills are located on each side of the perch? What covering
protects them? What color were the gills?
4.Which fin was the largest? What other difference do you notice in
this fin when it was compared to the others?
5. What was the sex of your fish? 6. Explain how eels are catadromous? And salmon are anadromous?
7. Try a different picture. Label the picture below. Heart, Mouth, Pharynx,
Esophagus, Stomach, Intestine, Anus, Kidneys, Swim Bladder