Medical Terminology! Chapter 6 - Medical Terminology Basics! ! Analyzing and Defining Medical Terms! ! Medical terminology is a dynamic, fluid, and ever-evolving discipline in which terms are created to describe pioneering surgical procedures, cutting-edge technological innovations, and newly discovered pathological conditions. As a result, new medical terms are constantly being absorbed into the vast body of knowledge that is medical terminology.! ! A large number of medical terms are built from word parts. There are four types of word parts in medical terminology:! ! Word Part Definition Prefix A single letter or a group of letters placed before a root word (or series of root words). The prefix shows a particular relationship, such as prepositional or adverbial. In general, most prefixes in medical terminology are used in everyday speech. Root Word The word part (or parts) that provides the main meaning of a medical term. Suffix A single letter or a group of letters added to the end of a root word (or series of root words. The suffix indicates the grammatical function of the medical term (noun, adjective, verb, or adverb). Combining Vowel A vowel that links together word parts for ease of pronunciation. Usually, the combining vowel is o, but it occasionally will be a, e, i, or u. ! Together a root word and combining vowel are called a combining form. Word parts may be combined in any of several different ways to build a medical term.! ! Let’s analyze a medical term and its word parts by following a basic guide line that will help you develop important skills in mastering the basics of medical terminology. You will learn how to dissect a medical term into its individual word parts and then reconstruct those word parts to determine the meaning of the term as a whole.! ! At this point, don’t worry that you don’t know the meanings of the word parts; just pay attention to the process of analyzing the term. You will be able to use this process to understand a medical term that you have never seen before. We will illustrate the process using the four medical terms below:! ! • • • • ! gastrology! gastroenterology! intragastric! gastrectomy! Example 1! The medical term gastrology is defined as “the study of the stomach.” This term contains a combining form (root word plus combining vowel) and a suffix.! ! Follow these steps to analyze the medical term gastrology:! ! 1.! ! ! Divide the term into its word parts. Note that a slash is used to separate each ! word part.! Medical Term Dissection gastrology ! 2.! ! gastr / o / logy Define each word part.! Word Part Type of Word Part Meaning of Word Part gastr / o root word + combining vowel = combining form gastr = stomach! o = combining vowel logy suffix logy = study of ! 3.! Arrange the word parts in the correct order. To figure out the meaning of a medical term, begin with the suffix. Then go back to the beginning of the term and work your way across.! ! ! ! ! ! gastr = stomach! ! ! ! ! o! ! ! logy = study of! gastrology = the study of the stomach ! Example 2! The medical term gastroenterology means “the study of the stomach and the intestines.” (Typically, the combining form enter/o is used to refer to the small intestine.) This term contains two root words, two combining vowels, and a suffix.! ! Follow these steps to analyze the medical term gastroenterology:! ! 1.! Divide the term into its word parts by placing a slash between each word part.! ! Medical Term gastroenterology ! ! ! ! Dissection gastr / o / enter / o / logy 2.! ! Define each word part.! Word Part Type of Word Part Meaning of Word Part gastr / o root word + combining vowel = combining form gastr = stomach! o = combining vowel enter / o root word + combining vowel = combining form enter = intestines! o = combining vowel logy suffix logy = study of ! 3.! Arrange the word parts in the correct order. Begin with the suffix; then go back to the beginning of the term and work your way across.! ! gastr = stomach! ! o! ! enter = intestines! o! logy = study of! ! ! ! gastroenterology = the study of the stomach and intestines! ! Example 3! The medical term intragastric means “pertaining to within the stomach.” This term contains a prefix, a root word, and a suffix. It does not require any combining vowels.! ! Follow these steps to analyze the medical term intragastric:! ! 1.! Divide the term into its word parts by placing a slash between each word part.! ! Medical Term Dissection intragastric ! 2.! ! intra / gastr / ic Define each word part.! Word Part Type of Word Part Meaning of Word Part intra prefix intra = within gastr root word gastr = stomach ic suffix ic = pertaining to ! 3.! ! ! ! ! ! Arrange the word parts in the correct order.! intra = within ! ! ! gastr = stomach! ! intragastric = pertaining to within the stomach! ic = pertaining to! Example 4 ! Gastrectomy is defined as “the excision (surgical removal) of the stomach.” This term contains a root word and a suffix. It does not require a combining vowel.! ! Follow these steps to analyze the medical term gastrectomy:! ! 1.! Divide the term into its word parts by placing a slash between each word part.! ! Medical Term Dissection gastrectomy ! 2.! ! gastr / ectomy Define each word part.! Word Part Type of Word Part Meaning of Word Part gastr root word gastr = stomach ectomy suffix ectomy = excision or surgical removal ! 3.! Arrange the word parts in the correct order.! ! ! gastr = stomach! ! ! ectomy = excision/surgical removal! ! ! ! gastrectomy = the excision or surgical removal of the stomach! ! ! ! Medical Word Parts! ! Now that you understand how a medical term is built from prefixes, root words, and suffixes, we will discuss each of these word parts in more detail.! ! Prefixes! ! Medical prefixes often express information about diseases or abnormal conditions; anatomical position, location, or direction; measurement; time; number; and color. Adding or changing a prefix changes the meaning of the medical term.! ! Following are some common prefixes that denote number, quantity, position, location, and direction in medical terminology.! ! ! ! ! Prefixes that Indicate Number! ! ! ! ! ! Prefix Meaning bi- two di- two; double quad- four tri- three uni- one Prefixes that Indicate Quantity, Size, or Magnitude! Prefix Meaning hemi- half hyper- above normal hypo- below normal poly- many; much Prefixes that Indicate Position, Direction, or Location! Prefix Meaning ab- away from ad- toward endo- within hypo- below inter- between intra- within para- near; beside peri- around post- after pre- before sub- beneath; below trans- through; across Root Words and Combining Forms! ! A root word is the foundation of most medical terms and gives the essential meaning of the term. Most medical terms are derived from Greek or Latin.! ! All medical terms have one or more root words. The root word often indicates a body part, but it may also denote an anatomical or physiological quality or condition. If a medical term contains more than one root word, those root words are typically joined by a combining vowel. Together, a root word and a combining vowel are called a combining form.! ! Suffixes! ! A suffix is a single letter or group of letters added to the end of a prefix, root word, or combining form. A suffix modifies the meaning of the word part to which it is added. When written by itself, a suffix is preceded by a hyphen.! ! Suffixes modify medical terms by denoting information about diseases or abnormal conditions, surgical procedures, diagnostic procedures, medical specialties, or healthcare specialties and practitioners.! ! Suffixes Associated with Diseases and Disorders! Suffix Meaning -ac pertaining to -al pertaining to -algia pain -cele hernia; swelling; protrusion -ectasis dilatation; dilation; expansion -edema swelling -emia blood condition -ia condition -iasis abnormal condition -itis inflammation -malacia softening -megaly large; enlargement -oma tumor; mass -osis abnormal condition ! ! ! Suffix Meaning -pathy disease -penia deficiency; abnormal reduction -rrhexis rupture -trophy development Suffixes Associated with Diagnostic Procedures! Suffix Meaning -gram record; image -graph instrument used to record an image -graphy process of recording an image -meter instrument used to measure -metry process of measuring -scope instrument used to observe -scopy process of observing Suffixes Associated with Surgical Procedures! Suffix Meaning -centesis surgical puncture (to remove fluid) -ectomy surgical removal; excision -lysis breakdown; loosening; dissolving -pexy surgical fixation -plasty surgical repair -rrhaphy suture -stomy new opening (created surgically) -tomy incision; cut into -tripsy crushing