INFORMATION REGARDING THE POSSIBLE WAIVER OF BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS, BASICS OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS, AND FINITE MATHEMATICS Business Information Systems (ISM 3630) A waiver of the business information systems requirement can be granted by: 1. Work Experience a. If you work with a variety of software packages including word processing, spread sheets and graphics and have work experience in programming and database management, the business information systems course may be waived. You will need to provide the School of Business Graduate Programs Office with a detailed letter from your immediate supervisor documenting your experience in the above mentioned items. Upon receipt of this letter, a decision will be made regarding the possible waiver of the course. Basics of Business Economics (BA 6010) Students who have taken principles of economics in high school and have not earned additional college credits in economics with a grade of 3.0 or higher, may have this requirement waived by taking the (SS) Principles of Macroeconomics (ECO 2020) or (SS) Principles of Microeconomics (ECO 2010) exam through the University Testing Office, Room 698 Student Center Building or call (313) 577-3400. If you pass the exam, and submit your scores to the School of Business Graduate Programs Office, the course will be waived. For specific information regarding the exam, contact the University Testing Office at (313) 577-3400. Finite Mathematics/College Algebra (MAT 1500) Students who have taken college algebra in high school and have not earned additional college credits in Mathematics may have this requirement waived by taking the Math Placement Exam and placing into MAT 2010. For specific information regarding the exam, contact the University Testing Office at (313) 577-3400. Wayne State University Ilitch School of Business Graduate Programs Office 5201 Cass Avenue, Prentis 103 Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 577-4511