BIO 233 Human Anatomy

Human Anatomy
BIO 233 – Winter 2014
Instructor: Maxime Trempe, Ph.D.
Monday to Friday, 9h to 16h (appointment recommended)
Tuesday, 19h00 – 22h00
Course description and objectives
The anatomy of several major body systems will be discussed in the context of human
health and disease. This course is designed for students interested in the biomedical sciences or
health education. Students will develop their understanding of human anatomy and will acquire
the ability to communicate scientific concepts to their patients or students. Using lectures, case
studies and group works, students will gain an overview of some of the most important systems
of the body, as well as the disease associated with these systems.
Specific objectives:
Know the anatomy of targeted body systems.
Know the cause(s) of certain diseases
Understand the relation between the anatomy and the functions of targeted body
Understand the basic mechanisms of homeostasis
Use the anatomical concepts to solve health-related problems
Vulgarize scientific information
Know: Be able to retransmit or reproduce with precision some information,
knowledge or procedures previously learned.
Understand: Grasp the nature and the meaning of the knowledge.
Use: Utilize the knowledge previously learned to solve as best as possible new
Specific skills:
Oral and written communication skills
Critical thinking skills
Problem solving abilities (+)
Information literacy skills (+)
Social confidence and inter-personnel competence
Human Anatomy – Winter 2014
In-class workshops
Mid-term exam
Final exam
Scattered during the semester, these short quizzes will be designed to review the
information presented in the previous class.
In-class workshops
Short learning activities at the end of the class. These workshops will give you the
opportunity to review and/or push a little more the subjects discussed in class. The majority of
the workshops will be made in small groups, some will be made individually. Expect small
presentations, case studies, answer grids, etc.
Mid-term and Final exam
Multiple answers and short response questions. Expect case study like questions to
challenge your understanding of the anatomy and functions of the systems studied in class. Midterm: February 25. Final: During the final exam period (date to be announced by the Registrar).
Reading (suggested)
McConnell, T.H. & Hull, K.L. (2011). Human Form Human Function: Essentials of Anatomy &
Physiology. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Cohen, B.J. & Hull, K.L. (2013). Study guide for Memmler's the human body in health and
disease. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Health
Articles on Moodle
Human Anatomy – Winter 2014
Absolutely no plagiarism will be tolerated. Always clearly identify and cite the reference
if using a portion of text written by someone else. Severe penalties from grade deduction to
course failure will be applied. Please refer to the Academic Calendar (p.19) for more details.
Quality of the language
All works, from reports to in-class workshops should be written with care. Points will be
deducted for works that do not meet the university standards (up to 20%).
Themes and tentative schedule
Jan 14
Jan 21
Jan 28
Feb 4
Feb 11
Feb 18
Feb 25
Mar 4
Mar 11
Mar 18
Mar 25
April 1
April 8
Course presentation. Key concepts.
Skin and membranes
Communication between the cells
Bones and joints I
Bones and joints II
Muscles I
March Break
Muscles II
Nervous system
Cardiovascular system
Respiratory system
Lymphatic system
Human Anatomy – Winter 2014