&:Kuta Software - Infinite Pre-Algebra Name_______________________________ Rotations of Shapes Date________________ Period____ Graph the image of the figure using the transformation given. 1) rotation 180° about the origin 2) rotation 90° counterclockwise about the origin y y B S Q x Lx J H 3) rotation 90° clockwise about the origin 4) rotation 180° about the origin y y F B x M x H H U 5) rotation 90° clockwise about the origin U(1, −2), W(0, 2), K(3, 2), G(3, −3) F 6) rotation 180° about the origin V(2, 0), S(1, 3), G(5, 0) y y x ©U X2P0l1y1z EKZuLtcae cSjoifXtKwOaWrIe7 4LlLiCB.d 8 aA7l1ld 8rbitgphAtysP 2r4eEspenr9vJeRdQ.A M jMualdBeD TwCiWtshC eIxn8ftiOnmipt0e8 sPnr0eW-HAclRgBeWbmrka7.W x -1- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Find the coordinates of the vertices of each figure after the given transformation. 7) rotation 180° about the origin Z(−1, −5), K(−1, 0), C(1, 1), N(3, −2) 8) rotation 180° about the origin L(1, 3), Z(5, 5), F(4, 2) 9) rotation 90° clockwise about the origin S(1, −4), W(1, 0), J(3, −4) 10) rotation 180° about the origin V(−5, −3), A(−3, 1), G(0, −3) Write a rule to describe each transformation. 11) 12) Q' y y N' N T' R S' E' R' Q E U' X x X' U x S T 13) 14) y y Y Z V' T H T' T' T x H' x V Z' ©b 32G0p1f1s NKDuttoat QS1ozfjtlwiabr8e7 ELjLRC0.y T qALlrlp Er9ipghhTtysV crCebsme3rAvNeCdd.z m yMMajdzeH nw9ictlhz 2IHnqfni2nriRt8eb wPKrjeu-NAdlEgEewbxraaP.m Y' -2- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Pre-Algebra Name___________________________________ Reflections of Shapes Date________________ Period____ Graph the image of the figure using the transformation given. 1) reflection across the x-axis 2) reflection across y = 3 y U y X G L L x x Q 4) reflection across the x-axis 3) reflection across y = 1 y y D T Z Y I M x x P 5) reflection across the x-axis T(2, 2), C(2, 5), Z(5, 4), F(5, 0) 6) reflection across y = −2 H(−1, −5), M(−1, −4), B(1, −2), C(3, −3) y y x ©5 D2A051V2A UK1umt5aB PSwoqfetFwOaDrfeS TL7LiCF.O t BA6lBlk krliTg3h3tDsU Crkepshe9r3vle2dp.W 0 AM5aUdMeR mwViitVhz xIunWf3i6ntiRtkex kPMrseu-xAXlegre2bWraal.4 x -1- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Find the coordinates of the vertices of each figure after the given transformation. 7) reflection across the x-axis K(1, −1), N(4, 0), Q(4, −4) 8) reflection across y = −1 R(−3, −5), N(−4, 0), V(−2, −1), E(0, −4) 9) reflection across x = 3 F(2, 2), W(2, 5), K(3, 2) 10) reflection across x = −1 V(−3, −1), Z(−3, 2), G(−1, 3), M(1, 1) Write a rule to describe each transformation. 11) 12) y y X' G G' I' I X F F' x K H H' Z Z' 13) x K' 14) y y N' N X' X x ©t 32u0c1Z29 UKRu3tzaw jSIoZfbtzwYaArOev bLILECM.1 C yAel5lQ hrUiPgzhVtWsq HrjensSetrKvCewd2.V z rMjard0eK HwaidtOhZ ZI8nffDiFnTiJtBeZ SPKrMeg-4AklDgfeXblrgai.g x M B M' B' U U' S' -2- S Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Pre-Algebra Name___________________________________ Rotations of Shapes Date________________ Period____ Graph the image of the figure using the transformation given. 1) rotation 180° about the origin y 2) rotation 90° counterclockwise about the origin H' L'y J' B B' S S' Q' x Q Lx J H 3) rotation 90° clockwise about the origin 4) rotation 180° about the origin y B' y F' U' M' F H' B F' H' x x H M H U 5) rotation 90° clockwise about the origin U(1, −2), W(0, 2), K(3, 2), G(3, −3) F 6) rotation 180° about the origin V(2, 0), S(1, 3), G(5, 0) y y S K W W' G' V' V x U' Gx U G' K' G ©v V2S0L1J1H VKwujtLaQ 7SHo2fSt8wlaUrMei yL6LeCP.r 0 oAclyll ArsingzhytFsC Tr4e1sAeKrMvTeSdP.z b 0MeardfeI rwMiqtRhI XImn1fci5nviit2e6 7PjrBeH-SAcl4gLeObErIaf.j S' -1- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Find the coordinates of the vertices of each figure after the given transformation. 7) rotation 180° about the origin Z(−1, −5), K(−1, 0), C(1, 1), N(3, −2) Z'(1, 5), K'(1, 0), C'(−1, −1), N'(−3, 2) 9) rotation 90° clockwise about the origin S(1, −4), W(1, 0), J(3, −4) S'(−4, −1), W'(0, −1), J'(−4, −3) Write a rule to describe each transformation. 8) rotation 180° about the origin L(1, 3), Z(5, 5), F(4, 2) L'(−1, −3), Z'(−5, −5), F'(−4, −2) 10) rotation 180° about the origin V(−5, −3), A(−3, 1), G(0, −3) V'(5, 3), A'(3, −1), G'(0, 3) 11) 12) Q' y y N' N T' R S' E' R' Q E U' X x X' U x S T rotation 90° clockwise about the origin 13) rotation 180° about the origin 14) y y Y Z V' T H T' T' T x H' x V Z' Y' rotation 180° about the origin rotation 180° about the origin Create your own worksheets like this one with Infinite Pre-Algebra. Free trial available at KutaSoftware.com ©o z2q0J1k1h WKRudtja4 ySuoLfnt1wfaprieX YL3LLCZ.2 A fAClllj PrpisgHhZtAs4 ErLe8s6ezrUvheEd8.K g 8MaaTdYel 4wTistqh4 eIynufeiYnxi4teeo 3PMrEe3-uA0lCgeerbhruaL.I -2- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Pre-Algebra Name___________________________________ Reflections of Shapes Date________________ Period____ Graph the image of the figure using the transformation given. 1) reflection across the x-axis 2) reflection across y = 3 y y UL' X U'L X' G L Q' x x Q L' G' 4) reflection across the x-axis 3) reflection across y = 1 y y D T Z I' Y P' Y' I M' M x x P T' Z' D' 5) reflection across the x-axis T(2, 2), C(2, 5), Z(5, 4), F(5, 0) y 6) reflection across y = −2 H(−1, −5), M(−1, −4), B(1, −2), C(3, −3) y C Z T H' F' Fx M' x C' B B' T' C M Z' C' ©b r2p0a142f sKJujtnaH BSdoVfutCwqaurgeP wLpLsCp.1 l QAPlHlP Qr8iNgKhqtmsE rrtersgeKrYvSeadJ.S w nMta9dbef HwHibtjhc gIknvf7ibnWiBtpe6 rPYrseQ-KA5lWgTeQbKrcaX.I H -1- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Find the coordinates of the vertices of each figure after the given transformation. 7) reflection across the x-axis K(1, −1), N(4, 0), Q(4, −4) 8) reflection across y = −1 R(−3, −5), N(−4, 0), V(−2, −1), E(0, −4) N'(4, 0), Q'(4, 4), K'(1, 1) N'(−4, −2), V'(−2, −1), E'(0, 2), R'(−3, 3) 9) reflection across x = 3 F(2, 2), W(2, 5), K(3, 2) 10) reflection across x = −1 V(−3, −1), Z(−3, 2), G(−1, 3), M(1, 1) W'(4, 5), K'(3, 2), F'(4, 2) Z'(1, 2), G'(−1, 3), M'(−3, 1), V'(1, −1) Write a rule to describe each transformation. 11) 12) y y X' G G' I' I X F F' x K H x K' H' reflection across the y-axis reflection across x = −2 13) Z' Z 14) y y N' N X' X x x M B M' B' U U' S' reflection across x = −2 S reflection across x = 2 Create your own worksheets like this one with Infinite Pre-Algebra. Free trial available at KutaSoftware.com ©K a2p0P1o2m PKpuGtfaw ySCo5fxtJwBa0rOeQ uLCLHCk.V c UANlzl8 trDiUgChCtbsl QrieUsUesrVvyeUdP.8 i 2MYakdseA TwMi6tBh8 JIBnefuientiWtHea EPur9eE-dAol6gceZbDrDal.I -2- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC