English 9A Scope and Sequence: Required Essays: Personal Narrative Short Story Literary Analysis Letter Character Analysis Essay Unit 1: Paragraph Form: Students will demonstrate the ability to create a solid paragraph. Students will demonstrate the ability to differentiate between different types of fiction and nonfiction writing. Students must be able to state the definitions of the terms: Setting, Plot, Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution, Conflict, (Internal and External) Point of View (Narrator), First Person, Third Person Limited, Third Person Omniscient Students must analyze the use of such term with works of literature Students will make predictions about literature. Works “The Giant’s House” “The Washwoman” “New Directions” Major Assignment: Personal Narrative Students will write a personal narrative using sensory details and correct grammar and paragraphing. Day 1: Rules, Class Intro, Mission Statements, and Data Folders Paragraph Form Fiction and Nonfiction Diagnostic Test Assignment: Write a five sentence paragraph about self Reading Assignment pages 2-5 Day 2: Reading Quiz Hand Out Guided Reading Packet Elizabeth McCraken Video: Intro and Writing Info Define Important Literary Terms: Students will analyze and discuss characteristics of fiction writing. Students will recognize fictional characters and analyze their character traits and motives. Students will discern the point of view of a fictional story. Students will define conflict analyze elements of conflict in a story Students will compare and contrast two pieces of literature from different genres, by the same author. Read and Discuss “The Giant’s House” Day 3 ISTEP Practice Make a list of vivid memories Discuss prior story and review Review Day 2 Reading Quiz Review Essential Terms Vocabulary Work Day 4 Students will make predictions about pieces of literature. Students will compare and contrast two pieces of literature from the same genre. ISTEP Practice Review Vocabulary Read “Washwoman” and Discuss Read “New Directions” and Discuss Compare and Contrast Stories Day 5 ISTEP Practice Writing Workshop page 41 Test Review/ Vocabulary Flashcards Library to Check out books Day 6 Test I Assign Autobiographical Narrative Make a timeline: Gathering Details Page 88 Shape your writing: Identify your main point Provide Elaboration: Choose vivid details Assignment: Rough Draft Due Day 8 Students will need to have a flash drive for class! Day 7 Writing Workshop Day 8 Peer Editing Day (Final Draft Due Day 12) Day 9 Flex day as determined by testing(MAP etc.) Unit 2 Fahrenheit 451: Students will not only define literary terms, but locate and discuss their use in literature. Students will demonstrate this knowledge orally through daily class discussion and in written journals, essays, tests and quizzes. Students will write an analytical letter demonstrating their understanding of symbolism as it relates to 451. Students will also write essays demonstrating their understand of the elements of plot and character as related to 451. Students will locate and explain the purpose and meaning of figurative language used in 451, and differentiate between figurative and literal language. Day 10 Fireman Quick write (Stream of Conscience Writing) Introduce Unit 2 Fahrenheit 451 Read Pages 1-10 underline and highlight Students will read for comprehension and analysis of literary devices: author’s purpose, characterization and motivation, and literal versus figurative language. Students will engage in active reading. Writers Workshop: Typing and Revising: Check First Sentences, Read Model, and Edit Work Homework: Visit www.sparknotes.com and look for information on symbols: phoenix, salamander, and hearth Students will need to have a highlighter for class! Day 11 Flex Day as per Outside Testing (MAP) Day 12 Narrative Due Journal: Are you Happy? Explain. Read pages 10-14 and discuss using literary terms Day 13 Journal: What has happened so far? Making predictions: What do you think will happen next? Read Fahrenheit 451 pages 14-24 Students will pick out and describe the use of foreshadowing, figurative language, setting, and character. Assignment: Look up the term Paradox. Day 14 Quiz over literary terms and Fahrenheit 451. Read Fahrenheit 451 pages 24-31 Day 15 Read Fahrenheit 451 pages 31-40. Research: How is Benjamin Franklin connected to the events in 451, and how is that connection significant? Day 16 Read Fahrenheit 451 pages 41-63 Day 17 Journal: What has happens so far in 451? (Plot Summary) Making predictions: What do you think will happen next? Read Fahrenheit 451 pages 63-68 Assign Literature Letter ( Due Day 20) Day 18 Quiz over “The Hearth and the Salamandar” Read Fahrenheit 451 pages 71-77 Assignment: Student will write a discussion question over the assigned reading. Day 19 Class Discussion Read Fahrenheit 451 pages 77-91 Assignment: Students will write a discussion question over 451 Day 20 Work Day Day 21 451 Discussion Writing Conferences over Literature Letter (Final Draft Due Day 24) Assignment: Read Fahrenheit 451 pages 91-110 with Lit. Circle Assignment Day 22 Journal: Have you ever failed to stand up for someone or something and regretted it? Explain. If you have not, what helps you to stand up for others and your beliefs? Lit. Circle and Class Discussions Writing Conferences over Literature Letter Day 23 Journal: What has happened in the book so far? Making predictions: What do you think will happen next? Quiz over part II Read pages 113-121 Day 24 Lit. Letter Due In Class Writing We have read the Exposition, Rising Action, and Climax of 451. In a 5 paragraph essay explain these three elements of plot and how they relate to 451. Day 25 Discussion Read Fahrenheit 451 pages 121-136 Day 26 Draw Figurative Language from 451 Assignment: Read pages 137-165 with lit. circle assignment Day 27 Class Discussion: Lit. Circle Review Coda and Afterward Day 28 451 Review Day Library to check out books Day 29 451 Test Unit 3: Starting with this Unit, and continuing for the rest of the trimester, students will start each class period with 15 minutes of Sustained Silent Reading of a book of their choice. Nonfiction Review Students will read a work and determine author’s purpose. They will discuss voice and word choice. Students will differentiate between a word’s denotation and connotation. Day 30 Vocabulary from pages 94-96 Students will read “from a White House Diary” on pages 97-103 Assignment: Do questions on page 104 and Vocabulary Builder on page 105 Day 31 Review Vocabulary and Prior Work Read “My English” Assignment: Do questions on page 114 and Vocabulary Builder on Page 115 Day 32 Choose a writing prompt from 105 or 115 and complete an essay Test Review Day 33 Unit 3 Test Assignment: Short Stories Vocabulary Page 184-185 Read pages 172-179 and answer questions on page 179 Unit 4 Short Stories Students will discuss the literary elements of a short story, focusing on plot, character, irony and various other literary terms. Students will use short stories text to make inferences. Day 34 Most Dangerous Game Journal Review Short Stories Vocabulary Begin reading “The Most Dangerous Game” pg 214-229 Make Predictions, Make inferences, Review foreshadowing, irony, setting, character, conflicts: internal and external, mood Think aloud page 118 Day 35 Finish Reading “Most Dangerous Game” 229-235 Do questions on page 236, building vocabulary on page 237, and writing an alternative ending. Day 36 Timed Writing: Page 239 Assignments: Vocabulary, Read “The Interlopers” 254-261, Do questions on page262 Day 37 Prior Review Assign Short Story (Due Day 41) Writing Workshop Assignment: Vocabulary Day 38 Students will analyze cause and effect. Students will explain character motivation. Vocabulary Review Read “The Necklace” Assign Questions 1-5 and Vocabulary Builder Day 39 Writing Workshop #1 In Class Writing: Character Analysis Work on short story Day 40 Read “Rules of the Game” Assignment: Do Questions Day 41 In Class Writing Character Analysis *Peer Editing Day Day 42 Final Short Story Due Choose a literary analysis to type and turn in Writing workshop Day 43 Lesson: Symbolism and Allegory Read “The Scarlet Ibis” Assignment: Page 361 do questions 1-4 Day 44 Read “The Golden Kite” Test Review Day 45 Unit 4 Test Day 46-Day 57 Read and Discuss A Raisin in the Sun Students will identify theme, character, setting and many other literary terms from A Raisin in the Sun. Students will review characteristics of Drama. Students will compare media presentations of A Raisin in the Sun. Day 58-60 Final Review, Final, Final Reflection The Final Exam for this class is cumulative, and skills based. Anything covered in the course can and will appear on the exam.