REPORT OF ACTIVITIES 2012 THE REPORT SUMMARY: 1. – INITIAL CONSIDERATIONS 2. – STATITICAL REPORT OF EVENT VISITORS 3. – THE TROPHY “ FRIEND OF COLLECTOR” 4. – PHOTOS – SOME PHOTOS 5. – EXPOCATADORES 2013 6. - CLIPPING 7. – ACTIVITIES PROGRAM OF DEVELOPMENT - Reviravolta - EXPO CATADORES 2012 INITIAL CONSIDERATIONS Officially opened on the morning of the last day 28, the third edition of 'Expo Collectors' exceeded expectations and demonstrated that came thanks to the organizational skills, commitment and involvement of all social actors participants, sponsors and exhibitors, plus the large number of audience among collectors, visitors, technicians, exhibitors and social partners, totaling an audience of over 7,500 people during the three-day event, an average of 2,500 people per day. The presentation of new discussions and various experiments focusing on sustainability and its aspects as a whole, has made the event would become a kind of postcard collectors and their multiple stakeholders and social partners. The visit of football player Neymar Jr. - poster boy of Guarana Antarctica - and former ex-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, and the Minister of Environment Secretary: Gilberto Carvalho and Bruno Covas and others and also relevant actors social, offered a sampling of the importance of this meeting space, business and exchange of experience acquired in each edition. During the fair, collectors from visiting countries voiced excitement and satisfaction in participating in an event capable of mobilizing the category in Latin America, and other countries whose scavengers fighting for environmental causes. Who came from far approved the organization. "If I can numbered 1-10, is 10. Each person participating will leave with much allowance to their bases, their origins. It is important to exchange experiences between regions because the language picker is unique, "said Rivaldo Fernandes Pimenta, who traveled two days and two nights between Caraúbas in RN, and São Paulo. INITIAL CONSIDERATIONS Who left the other end was also pleased, as Melania Marli Menezes, Rio Grande do Sul "It was very good, interesting to take our bases, to stand up and balance more. I thought the important testimonies of people who do not support incineration. "The collector Ernesto Cárcamo Meza, president of the Central Cooperative sifters of Honduras, hopes to participate more often in Expocatadores. "This exhibition is very important, because in our country there is no such event. It's the first time I am here in Brazil participating in this exhibition, "he said. Similarly, the collector Silvio Ruiz Grissales, Association of Recyclers of Bogotá (ARB), in Colombia, proudly emphasizes participation in every edition of the fair, where he had the opportunity to make new friends and learn more Latino siblings. "I love Brazil and Brazilian Movement of scavengers, because these fellows make the struggle for collectors of the world," he said. Have the hunter Jonas Vieira Machado, the Cooperfênix, located in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, said that the meeting and the union in the event of scavengers are wonderful, and stress that does not want to lose the opportunity to participate in other editions. "I'm feeling great. Regarding the level of learning also doubled what we already knew, I'm more aware of things. Regarding the machinery, I did not know and now I know, "he said. One of the exhibitors at the trade show since the beginning of the project, the entrepreneur Helio Makoto Hatisuka - Fragmaq company - did not skimp on the praise of scavengers organizational skills and his determination to hold an event level. "Every show is 100% in advance. It was thus the first, advanced 100% in the second and now more advanced 100%. For those watching from the beginning, our progress is immense, "he said. INITIAL CONSIDERATIONS Ronei Alves da Silva, one of the leaders of the Movement in the RS explained that the event is crucial to centralize and disseminate information scavengers. "It works as a training process for us to take ownership of the information and knowledge and come back with tools to win fights. Only knowledge liberates. " The language of universalized collectors enabled the exchange of experiences with delegations from 12 countries, including Bolivia, Ecuador, India, South Africa, Colombia and Venezuela. After the general thanks to supporters, collectors of other countries took the floor and stressed the importance of unity for the cause worldwide. "I'm proud to be here, I learned a lot these days and I'll take the experience there," said the representative of Kenya. One of the leaders of the National Movement of the Homeless also took the floor: "With great pride we present here and hope that this union becomes stronger every day." At the end, a theater group that encouraged the runners of the event left an important message against incineration: "There is no right way to do wrong." Alex Cardoso, leadership MNCR / RS, finalized yet optimistic. "The fate of nature and the human being are intertwined. Without human nature has not. Life is beautiful, yes. And it is that we depend! "He said. And thanks to those who actually make it happen. "The same gratitude is for all of us collectors, we're here." Statistical report of the event visitors Who are the event visitors? 6% 1% From where came the visitors from Brazil? 10,35% 6% Catadores 43% 14% outros With visitors from 14 countries, with the largest number coming from India, Africa, Colombia, Venezuela, Azores, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Honduras. 6,31% Nordeste Centro Oeste Prefeituras e governos Imprensa 5,51% Norte Visitantes Expositores 29% 2,56% 75,27% Sudeste Sul Statistical report of the event visitors Purpose of visit? 4,38% What is the purchasing power of the visitor? 8,19% Aprova Buscar novos equipamentos e tecnologia 21% 31,05% 46% Buscar informações sobre o mercado Encontrar fornecedores 46,10% 10,29% Recomenda 10% Fazer contato com cooperativas Especifica Fazer contato com orgãos governamentais Não tem envolvi 4% 2% % Aprova Buscar novos equipamentos e tecnologia Buscar informações sobre o mercado 46,10% 21% 46% Encontrar fornecedores Fazer contato com cooperativas Compra Recomenda 10% Especifica Fazer contato com orgãos governamentais Não tem envolvimento 4% 2% Compra Statistical report of the event visitors From what department belong? What is the activity area? Terceiro setor Administrativo 23% 41% Compras 10% 8% Operacional 3% 13% 8% 5% 3% 3% Consultoria Empresa estatal Técnico Sucaterio Terceiro setor Agente comercial 21% 41% 4% Aparista Coleta seletiva de material Logística Marketing Operacional 6% Estudante Comercial Compras 5% 12% Pesquisa e desenvolvimento Administrativo 24% Aparista Coleta seletiva de ma Marketing 8% 5% 4% Logística 13% 15% Agente comercial 21% Comercial 24% 8% 5% 12% 6% 3% Consultoria Empresa estatal Pesquisa e desenvolvimento Estudante Técnico Sucaterio Statistical report of the event visitors Business activity? With materials that work? 2% 15% 14% 3% Comércio Consultoria 19% % de materiais coletados 83% 71% Governo Industria de máquinas e equipamentos57% 33% Logistica 7% 7% 52% 49% Serviço 28% 28% Comércio Consultoria 19% 46% 36% Tecnologia Transporte 3% 49% Governo Industria de máquinas e equipamentos Logistica Serviço Tecnologia Transporte PET Pláticos Papel Papelão Metais Ferro e aço Aluminio Metais não ferrosos Vidros Eletrônicos Óleos e Borracha Materiais produtos não químicos recicláveis TROPHY “Friend of Collector” List of honorees with the Trophy "Friend of Collector" - Gilberto Carvalho: Chief Minister of the General Secretariat of the Presidency - Diogo Sant `ana: Coordinator of the Interministerial Committee for Social Inclusion of Collectors - Jorge Streit: President of the Bank of Brazil Foundation - Henrique Pires: Director of the Department of Health - FUNASA - Oscar Fergutz: Programme Manager of Fundación AVINA - José Aparecido Barbosa: Manager Corporate Communications - PETROBRAS - Silvano Silverio: Secretary of Urban Water Resources and Environment of the Ministry of Environment - Jorge Samek: Director General of Itaipu Binational - LULA: Illustrious Guest - Marilza Aparecida de Lima: MNCR - National Movement of Collectors of Recyclable - Madalena Duarte: MNCR - National Movement of Collectors of Recyclable EXPOCATADORES 2013 !!! ANHEMBI WEST PAVILLION DECEMBER, 18th – 20th SÃO PAULO BRAZIL CLIPPING - You tube: Lula with trophy in hand - Moves Expocatadores 2012 revenue of revenue of $ 23 million in business. Sustainability Magazine - 03.12.12 - The program for Sunday, 02/12, is filled with news, check. Trade and Business - 02/12/12 - Expocatadores 2012 should generate about $ 10 million in business 3862&Categoria=CONJUNTURA Monitor Mercantil - 29/11/2012 - EPS events makes it possible to Expocatadores 2012 DIG Now - 11/27/2012 - EPS event makes it possible to Expocatadores 2012 Speaking of shows - 27/11/2012 - Expocatadores 2012 moves revenue of R$ 23 milhões in business a+receita+de+R+23+milhes+em+negcios Cellulose Online -04.12. 2012 - Waiting for selective collection and the end of the dumps in the country Brasil Econômico Online – 29.11.2012 - Neymar visit the Show to promote recycling and hits the ball with scavengers ESPN – 28.11.2012 - Neymar visita feira em prol da reciclagem e bate bola com catadores Gazeta Esportiva – 28.11.2012 ACTIVITIES TRAINING PROGRAM - REVIRAVOLTA MAIN AUDITORIUM - From collector to collector - 10 years of the National Movement of Recyclable Materials - MNCR - Actions - Closure of Dumps Plans and Overview of Municipal Solid Waste Integrated Management | PMGIRS - The vision of the MNCR. - Strategies and global alliances to support recycling inclusive. - OFFICIAL OPENING - Seal Delivery Friend Catador - Fashion show of pickers - Prosecutors and support the cause of Collectors: - Overview of Sectoral Agreements to implement the Reverse Logistics: - The Pro-Catador and opportunities: - Reuse energy in the context of Integrated Solid Waste: - The role of scavengers on shared responsibility - the need of municipal incentives: AUDITORIUM 1 - Management and Technology - Mechanisms of Social Protection and Human Rights of Collectors: - Monitoring of indicators in waste management - The path to social control and profit and loss management: - Definition Flows and Operational Processes. The benefits to organizations of collectors: - Book launch National Policy, Management and Solid Waste Management - Technical and legal aspects in the management of solid waste: - Technologies in waste management - threats and opportunities for organizations of collectors: - Integration and Network Marketing - Opportunities, Challenges and advantages: - Technologies and Opportunities for advancement in the Value Chain of Different Recyclable Materials: - Organic Waste Recovery - Experiences and Opportunities: AUDITORIUM 2 - Incidence Policy and Sustainable Economic Development - Vision Shared Legal Disclaimer: - Payment for Environmental Services Urban - Policy and Instruments - Transparency and Social Control in Waste Management - Access to Information Act: - Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic. Global Challenges and opportunities: - Social Business Strategy at Waste Management: - PNRS and mechanisms for granting tax benefits: - Planning and development of environmental projects: - Public Private Partnerships: - Environmental Law - The role of prosecutors in recognition of collectors: AUDITORIUM 3 - Human Development and Training - The Free Communication and Social Networks - how to leverage their cause: - Involvement of civil society in environmental causes: - National Education Policy Environmental and Waste Management: - Importance of partnerships to consolidate the organizations of collectors: - Future Vision - Evolution of management of waste and the role of enterprises of waste pickers of recyclable materials: - New cooperative law - changes, advances and setbacks: - Solidarity Economy - Prospects and Challenges: - Tools for Cooperative Governance and Management: - PNRS - The challenges of integration and relationships with independent collectors: AUDITORIUM 4 - Major events and institutional linkages - Sustainability and Waste Management in the host cities of the 2014 World Cup: - Major Sporting Events and its Social and Environmental Impacts: - Waste management in large private institutions and events: - Meeting of Promoters of Justice and Attorneys (closed to guests) - Red Seal Meeting (closed to guests) - Workshop on Communication - how to speak to the press - Filo Communications (closed to guests) Bank of Brazil Foundation Auditorium - Lecture on Disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment - Workshop "Orienting to Credit" - Cooperatives - Workshop "Financial health is priceless" - Pickers - Workshop "Orienting to Credit" - Cooperatives - Workshop "Financial health is priceless" - Pickers - Lecture on Disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment EXHIBITORS - 2012 3E ENGENHARIA ABI PET AMBEV AES ELETROPAULO BIOTECHNOS BNDES BRASIL CANADA CATA FORTE CEF CEMPRE CLODAM COCA-COLA COPPE UFRJ ELETROBRÁS EPS HEINEKEN FRAGMAQ FUNASA FUNDAÇÃO AVINA FUNDAÇÃO BANCO DO BRASIL IGUAÇUMEC IMBRA METAIS INCUBADORAS TECNOLÓGICAS DE COOPERATIVA INSTITUTO GEA ITAIPU - BINACIONAL FGV - ITCP FIAT FUSCO MOTOSEGURA KUBITZ MDS (MINISTÉRIO DO DESENVOLVIMENTO SOCIAL) MICROLINS MMA (MINISTERIO DO MEIO AMBIENTE) MNCR - MOVIMENTO NACIONAL DOS CATADORES DE RECICLAVEIS MPR - MOVIMENTO POPULAÇÃO DE RUA MTE (MINISTERIO DO TRABALHO E EMPREGO) MUNDANO – ARTE EM GRAFITE NATURA PANGEA PEPSICO PETROBRAS PREFEITURA DE GUARULHOS - MUSEU DO LIXO REFORPLÁSTICA SACOLAS EDILU SECRETARIA DA DIVERCIDADE SENAI TECSCAN UNITRABALHO SPONSORS AND SUPPORTERS OFFICIAL SPONSORS SPONSORS SUPPORTERS CONTACT EPS - Event Planning Solutions Av. Vereador José Diniz, 3135 – 8º Floor Campo Belo - São Paulo – SP + 55 11 5531.4455