REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) RFP SUMMARY INFORMATION TABLE PROJECT TITLE PROJECT TO STRENGTHEN INSTITUTIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE ON STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS TO SUPPORT BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY IN MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA, 2013-2017 (MENA STAR project) PROJECT COMPONENT SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FOCUS ENVIRONMENT AREA REFERENCE NUMBER ISO/DEVT/MENA STAR/SD/2015-001 ISSUE DATE 30 OCTOBER 2015 CLOSING DATE 20 NOVEMBER 2015, 1700 CET (Geneva time) RFP submission e-mail Last date for RFP 13 NOVEMBER 2015 clarification requests RFP clarification requests e-mail ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, invites proposals for the above mentioned Project. This Request for Proposal (RFP) is designed to help you produce a proposal that is acceptable to ISO as well as ensuring that submitters are given equal consideration; it contains the following parts: Part A “Instructions and terms for submitting proposals” gives an informative guidance and instructions for submission of proposal. Part B “Terms of Reference” states the scope of work for the Project. Please note, that submitting a proposal in response to this RFP constitutes an acceptance of the terms indicated herein. Part C “Evaluation process and criteria” contains information on how ISO will evaluate all proposals received in response to this RFP in accordance with the evaluation criteria. ISO reserves the right to reject any proposal. The ISO general terms and conditions for consultancy work forms an integral part of this RFP (attached hereto as Annex 1) and will be incorporated by reference in the resulting Project Agreement. This RFP shall not be construed as a contract. The RFP in no way obligates ISO to award a contract, nor does it commit ISO to pay any costs or expenses incurred in the preparation or submission of proposals. For the purpose of this RFP, all communications shall be in writing and sent to the appropriate ISO contact email address provided above (see, RFP summary Information table above). All proposals must be received by ISO before the RFP closing date and time through the email address provided above. Any proposal(s) submitted must be valid for 30 calendar days from the deadline for submission. Nothing in this RFP, nor ISO’s receipt of a submission of candidature, represents or creates any binding obligation for either ISO or the consultant to enter into any legal commitment whatsoever. 3|Page Table of Contents PART A - INSTRUCTIONS AND TERMS FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSALS ............. 4 1. Format of your Proposal ...................................................................................................... 4 2. RFP schedule and deadlines .............................................................................................. 5 3. Submission of Proposals ..................................................................................................... 5 4. RFP clarifications, amendments and point of contact ......................................... 5 PART B – TERMS OF REFERENCE .......................................................................................... 6 1. ISO International Organization for Standardization ............................................... 6 2. Development and Training .................................................................................................. 6 3. The MENA STAR Project ....................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Overview of the project ..................................................................................................... 6 3.2 The focus area of environment ..................................................................................... 8 3.3 Consultants’ assignments including duration, timeline and location ...... 9 3.4 Project financials/Honoraria and expenses ......................................................... 10 3.5 Required profile of the consultants ......................................................................... 11 3.5.1 Qualifications and technical experience ........................................................... 11 3.5.2 Experience in the type of work required ............................................................ 11 3.5.3 Additional skills .............................................................................................................. 11 3.6 Conflict of Interest and disclosures ........................................................................ 11 3.7 Joint venture or consortium (or other form of association) ........................ 12 3.8 ISO General terms and conditions of contract ................................................... 12 PART C- EVALUATION PROCESS AND CRITERIA ......................................................... 13 1. Preliminary examination ..................................................................................................... 13 2. Evaluation criteria ................................................................................................................. 13 3. Pre-award review and approval ...................................................................................... 14 PART A - INSTRUCTIONS AND TERMS FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSALS 1. Format of your Proposal All proposals shall be submitted in English and be set out in three main parts: Part 1: Executive Summary Part 2: Technical response to the terms of reference Part 3: Completed consultant(s) profile form – one form for each qualified expert For joint venture or consortium submitting a proposal, in addition to the above documentation a signed “Statement of Intent” shall also be included (see section 3.7). 1.1. Part 1: Executive Summary This should be an overview and motivation of your proposal covering how you intend to achieve the project objective, describing how consultant(s) intend to deliver the tasks in order to meet the project output, including the proposed approach and methodology for implementation, resources and quality assurance measures, etc. 1.2. Part 2: Technical response to the terms of reference The technical response submission shall contain the following in responding to the terms of reference, in particular the required profile of the consultants (see point 3.6); Brief description of qualification, technical experience; with special focus on the knowledge of the subject matter; Highlighting general or specific experience with similar projects; Familiarity with the countries of the target region; Organization profile and activities in areas related to the project (if relevant) Attachments of max. three most relevant references (summaries, letters or attestation) 1.3. Part 3: Completed consultant(s) profile – one form for each qualified expert The list of the consultant(s) who will be assigned to work on the project and their respective CVs (2 pages max.). This part of the proposal submission should include a completed individual consultant form given in Annex 2. All consultant(s) must confirm and indicate their availability and country grouping to work on this project until the assignment is completed. 2. RFP schedule and deadlines Activity Publish or advertise for Request for Proposals (RFP) Clarification of requests last date Deadline for receipt of Proposals Long listing of Proposals Evaluation of Proposals Review, approval and final selection Notification to all proposal submitters Stand still – No action period Contract award Expected dates 30 October 2015 13 November 2015 20 November 2015 23 November 2015 Latest by 27 November 2015 1 December 2015 2 December 2015 02-09 December 2015 10 December 2015 Note 1: Any submission received by ISO after expiry of the deadline, as well as partial proposals not meeting the requirements specified in this RFP, may not be considered. 3. Submission of Proposals All proposals must be submitted electronically by email as one file attachment in Portable Document Format (PDF). The PDF file shall be named appropriately and must not exceed 10MB in size. To facilitate handling process, the “subject line” of the email must contain the following: the RFP number indicated in the Invitation notice and the submitter’s name: e.g. “ISO/DEVT/MENA STAR/SD/2015-001_ (Consultant’s or Organization’s name)” 4. RFP clarifications, amendments and point of contact Any query necessary for the preparation of the proposal must be addressed in writing by email to Roswitha Franz, ISO Central Secretariat, by latest 13 November 2015. Where a query results in need to clarify any information contained in the RFP, an Addendum shall be posted on the website informing all prospective bidders. At any time prior to the closing deadline, ISO may amend the RFP by issuing an amendment thereto. Any amendment made will be issued as an Addendum and shall be posted on the ISO procurement webpage informing all prospective proposal submitters. It is the responsibility of the prospective submitter to regular consult this webpage to ensure being aware of any amendment to the RFP. ISO at its discretion reserves the right to extend the RFP closing deadline or to issue an amendment to the RFP. 6|Page PART B – TERMS OF REFERENCE 1. ISO International Organization for Standardization ISO is the world’s largest developer of voluntary International Standards, bringing benefits for businesses, government and society. It is an International non-governmental organisation founded in 1947, and since then has published more than 20 000 International Standards covering almost all aspects of technology and business. The ISO Central Secretariat (ISO/CS) is based in Geneva, Switzerland. ISO holds membership from 162 countries from all regions of the world. Each ISO member is the recognized and representative national standards body (NSB) in its country. 2. Development and Training Currently, over three-quarter of ISO members are from developing countries. ISO has increasingly provided training and technical assistance to its developing country members since the 1980s with the view of supporting their participation in international standardization. Given the increasing importance of standards, donor funding increased since 2007 that enabled ISO to considerably increase the volume of technical assistance and training it provides to developing countries. At the same time, the variety of courses and subjects requested from ISO members also increased and ISO has been widening its portfolio of courses/activities accordingly. ISO’s work linked to technical assistance for developing countries is framed in the ISO Action Plan for developing countries 2011-2015 (APDC 2), and the next Action plan (2016-2020) is currently under development in close consultation with the ISO members in developing countries. The implementation of the APDC is managed by the Development and Training Services (DEVT) unit at ISO/CS. 3. The MENA STAR Project 3.1 Overview of the project The project to strengthen the institutional infrastructure on standards and regulations to support business and industry in Middle East and North Africa (MENA STAR) has been designed to target 11 countries in the region. It covers a series of activities to strengthen institutions developing and using standards, and to increase the capacity of business and industry to apply key standards within the context of sustainable development. 7|Page Table 1 below provides some basic facts of the MENA STAR project Donor agency Implementing agency Project duration Project launch Project countries Project website Development objective Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) ISO Central Secretariat The duration of the project was originally set at 5 years (20132017). Following a late start for a number of logistical reasons (2015 instead of 2013), this period has of necessity been reduced, but discussions and negotiations will be pursued with a view to exploring the possibility of reinstating the originally-intended project duration. 31 March to 1 April 2015 Algeria, Egypt, Iraq*, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya***, Morocco, Syrian Arab Rep.**, Tunisia, Yemen*, Palestine* *Country missions by consultants will be conducted subject to updated security status for each of the above countries, with a specific attention to those with an asterisk. ** Withdrawn from ISO membership since February 2015 *** Suspended from ISO membership since July 2015 Strengthen institutions developing and using standards as well as the capacity of business and industry to apply standards within the context of sustainable development The objectives and related outputs of the project can be summarized as follows: Strengthen institutions developing and using standards as well as the capacity of business and industry to apply standards within the context of sustainable development Objective 2 Objective 1 Strengthen national quality infrastructure Promote good practices for sustainable development Output 2.1 Output 1.1 National quality infrastructure strengthened, in particular the NSB at institutional level Output 1.2 Output 1.3 Collaboration between NSB and trade promotion organizations (TPOs) at national and regional level established and strengthened Regional cooperation and awareness on the role and benefits of International Standards improved among MENA countries National human capacity built on the use of International Standards linked to sustainable development, with focus on greener economy (environment, energy, water) Output 2.2 Improved national awareness on International Standards linked to sustainable development, with focus on greener economy (environment, energy, water) 8|Page The following country grouping will be applied during the implementation of the project for language reasons: Group 1 EnglishEgypt, Iraq*, Jordan, Palestine, 20 national trainees speaking Yemen* Group 2 French-speaking Algeria, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia 16 national trainees *Country missions by international consultants to these countries are currently not advised by the Swiss Authority – alternative ways of implementing the national activities have to be identified and will be discussed with the successful proposal provider. 3.2 The focus area of environment ISO aims to support its members in the project countries to promote the implementation of selected International Standards on environment through the MENA STAR project, component “sustainable development” (Output 2.1 and Output 2.2) and is therefore seeking for consultants or entities to provide capacity building and training. The purpose of this RFP is for ISO to select a set of consultants (individuals or institutions, and/or joint teams or separately) who can provide these services. The specific tasks to be undertaken by the selected consultant(s) include the following and are summarized in Table 2 below: Course materials preparation - Develop or revise training course material for a train-thetrainer module on the subject (i.e., course outline, programme, course content, pre-course assignments, supporting instruction guides and materials, etc.) Delivery of train-the-trainer course – evaluation of pre-course assignments, train and facilitate training course on the subject, and evaluate trainee’s performance. Perform and contribute to preparatory activities for two-rounds of national follow-ups (1day national seminar and 2-days national workshop), such as review and advice to trainees on developed national workshop/seminar programmes, materials, etc. Co-delivery of two rounds of national follow-up (workshop and seminar) in collaboration with the national trainees Preparation and facilitation of experience sharing and refresher train-the-trainer follow-up workshop for trainees Reporting on an agreed basis as a result of training activity or support provided to individual trainees on national planning or distance mentoring, support any contemplated follow-up actions associated with a national trainee or by country grouping Based on the baseline survey, conducted prior the project, and as agreed during the project launch meeting the following ISO standards should be targeted under this focus area: ISO 14040: 2006 - Environmental management -- Life cycle assessment ISO/TS 14067:2013 - Greenhouse gases -- Carbon footprint of products ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental management systems -- Requirements with guidance for use In order to achieve these two outputs, each country, through their National Steering Committee (NSC) set up by the NSB, will select four national trainees who will be trained in the focus area of environment. The project includes a series of events where the national trainees will participate to enhance their knowledge first, and then go to the national level and apply what they have learnt, by replicating training and engaging in practical exercises, as follows: 9|Page 1. The national trainees will participate in a dedicated regional Training of Trainers (ToT) organized for the focus area on Environment in English or French. In this training, they will have the opportunity to participate in exercises and group work, and practice their presentation skills under supervision of the international consultants. 2. Thereafter, the four trainees will go to their countries and co-deliver presentations with an international consultant in two events at the national level. These events will consist of a 1-day awareness-raising seminar open to a wider audience of up to 100 participants, and immediately followed by a 2-day workshop aimed at a selected group of 25 participants. Both events at the national level will be hosted by the NSBs with the financial support from the project. 3. With the aim to consolidate the knowledge gained and build up on new content and skills developed by trainees, a second round of the same type of activities mentioned above will be conducted as follows: a regional refresher ToT (English and French), a second awareness-raising seminar and workshop in each country. 3.3 Consultants’ assignments including duration, timeline and location The Consultancy contract will run for the duration of the project. The project will be implemented at regional level (as per the country grouping provided above), followed by national follow up activities. Each ToT will be prepared and facilitated by a team of two consultants per country grouping, who will then split the country responsibilities and continue working with the selected national trainees per country for the national follow-up events and the implementation exercise. Therefore we are looking for two consultants per country grouping, each having to complete the following tasks at regional level: CONSULTANTS' TASKS MAN-DAYS (IN TOTAL) Preparation of the first ToT: 3 Developing/revising training material, developing the training agenda, etc. Facilitation of the first ToT 5 Follow-up on the first ToT: 2 Reporting, evaluation of national trainees, distance mentoring for national trainees, etc. Preparation of the refresher ToT: 2 Developing/revising training material, developing the training agenda, etc. Facilitation of the refresher ToT 5 Follow-up on the refresher ToT: 1 Reporting, evaluation of national trainees, distance mentoring for national trainees, etc. INHOME- INDICATIVE COUNTRY BASED TIMELINE 0 3 end 2015/first quarter 2016 5 0 0 2 first quarter 2016 first quarter 2016 0 2 end 2016/first quarter 2017 5 0 0 1 first quarter 2017 first quarter 2017 10 | P a g e Following the ToT, the team of consultants will then split country responsibility in order to complete the following tasks at national level: CONSULTANTS' TASKS MAN-DAYS (IN TOTAL) Preparation of the first round of national 2 follow-up: Revising programme and material for the national events, distance mentoring of national trainees, etc. Assist in the first round of national follow-up 3 events to support and guide the national trainees Preparation of the second round of national 1 follow-up: Revising programme and material for the national events, distance mentoring of national trainees, etc. Assist in the second round of national 3 follow-up events to support and guide the national trainees Follow up on the second national round of 1 national follow-up events INHOME- INDICATIVE COUNTRY BASED TIMELINE 0 2 Second to fourth quarter 2016 3 0 Second to fourth quarter 2016 0 1 Second to fourth quarter 2017 3 0 Second to fourth quarter 2017 0 1 Second to fourth quarter 2017 Note 1: The man-days for the national follow-up (10 in total) will be increased depending on the number of countries followed by the selected consultant. Note 2: The national follow-up can only by conducted by consultants who have also delivered the first ToT. Note 3: The venues of the ToTs events will be decided in due course Note 4: The tables above indicate the minimum man-days to implement the project. The allocated man-days are subject to change in case additional requests are submitted by the countries via the annual Joint Coordination Committee meeting. Each consultant is requested to indicate in the consultant’s profile a) The country grouping he/she is submitting the proposal for b) The number of countries including country preference for which he/she is available to conduct the national follow-up 3.4 Project financials/Honoraria and expenses For carrying out the assignments, ISO will compensate the international consultant, based on a rate of CHF 850 per man-day. The total amount of compensation will depend on the distribution of the country responsibilities for the national follow-up among the selected consultants for each country group. 11 | P a g e For country missions, travel and living expenses will be covered by ISO as follows: Economy class flights (most direct and lowest cost fare) from the city of residence to mission destination and back, including airport taxes and transfers Transportation from home to the airport and back Hotel accommodation at mission destination with hotel-provided breakfast and taxes Consultants travelling on mission for ISO receive a daily allowance of CHF 90 to pay for meals and incidentals. Should no meals be provided as part of the mission, the consultant may claim reimbursement of the full amount (CHF 90). In case lunch is provided, the daily allowance is reduced by CHF 30. Should both lunch and dinner be provided in the context of the mission, the consultant may only claim reimbursement of CHF 30. 3.5 Required profile of the consultants Consultants who possess the following profile are invited to submit their candidature: 3.5.1 Qualifications and technical experience University degree in engineering, economics, business administration or technical fields Knowledge and working experience in the application of the following ISO standards ISO 14040: 2006 and ISO/TS 14067:2013 Knowledge and working experience in the application of other standards in the ISO 14000 family is a plus in particular ISO 14001, ISO 14020 and ISO 14064 Knowledge and working experience in training facilitation and pedagogical skills Involvement in ISO’s technical work of standards development in the area of environmental management and sustainable development 3.5.2 Experience in the type of work required Experience of international projects of comparable size, complexity and technical speciality Experience in working with developing countries in particular in the MENA region 3.5.3 Additional skills Languages: English (written and spoken); ability to write clearly, present and moderate workshops in English [French language where relevant]. Computer capability: MS-Office (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel). Managerial abilities: good organizational, project management, time-management and problem-solving skills, and initiative capabilities. Communication skills: good written and oral communication skills, ability to deal with people of different cultures. Ability to monitor and motivate participants and to “actively listen and respond” to participants’ contributions. 3.6 Conflict of Interest and disclosures Bidders must disclose in their Proposals details of any circumstances (known), including personal, financial and business activities that will, or might, give rise to a conflict of interest, if they were awarded this contract. Where bidders identify any potential conflicts they should state how they intend to avoid such conflicts. ISO reserves the right to reject any Proposal which, in ISO’s opinion, gives rise, or could potentially give rise to, a conflict of interest. 12 | P a g e All bidders must disclose: a. If they are subject of any proceedings or other arrangements relating to bankruptcy, insolvency or financial standing. b. If they are subject of any proceedings, relating to: corruption including the offence of bribery; fraud including theft, and not fulfilling any obligations relating to payment of taxes; and/or money laundering. 3.7 Joint venture or consortium (or other form of association) For the performance of this project, subcontracting is prohibited. Where the Proposal is submitted as a joint bid in conjunction with one or more consultants coming together (i.e. joint venture or other form of association) then, in the absence of a joint venture agreement the ‘associated consultant(s)’ shall be deemed to be a sub-contractor to the bidder and shall not be a party to the contract. Proposals submitted by a potential joint venture must include in the proposal submission documents a signed “Statement of Intent” to form a joint venture with a description of the composition or constitution of the joint venture in the event of being successful. 3.8 ISO General terms and conditions of contract The ISO general terms and conditions of contracting for consultancy work attached hereto as Annex 1 shall apply for the consultancy work to be performed under the MENA Star Project. These terms and conditions will form an integral part of any resulting Project Agreement and will be incorporated by reference. 13 | P a g e PART C- EVALUATION PROCESS AND CRITERIA The evaluation of the proposals received will be performed by an evaluation committee composed of ISO/CS employees from different units. This committee may involve national project managers of the beneficiary countries as observers. The following three-stage process will be used based on methodology and criteria summarized below: 1. Preliminary examination The initial stage will examine whether the proposal submitters have provided all the required information and/or associated documents. The preliminary examination shall be on a pass/fail basis. 2. Evaluation criteria In evaluating the complete proposals received, ISO will seek the most appropriate offer based on the following criteria: 1. Qualification and technical experience (42.5%) University degree in engineering, economics, business administration or technical fields Knowledge and working experience in the application of the following ISO standards ISO 14040: 2006 and ISO/TS 14067:2013 Knowledge and working experience in the application of other standards in the ISO 14000 family in particular ISO 14001, ISO 14020 and ISO 14064 Knowledge and working experience in training facilitation and pedagogical skills Involvement in ISO’s technical work of standards development in the area of environmental management and sustainable development Membership of professional organization Publications and professional attainment 2. Experience in the type of work required (22.5%) Experience of international projects of comparable size, complexity and technical speciality Experience in working with developing countries in particular in the MENA region References and/or past performance evaluations 3. Compliance to terms of reference Adequacy of approach (22.5 %) Technical response to the terms of reference Ability to meet timeframes and quality assurance mechanisms Absence of possible conflict of interest (related to personal, financial and business issues) 4. Additional skills (12.5 %) Ability to write clearly, present and moderate workshops in English [French language where relevant for French speaking countries]. Computer capability: MS-Office (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel). The evaluation will be based on a scoring system. 14 | P a g e 3. Pre-award review and approval The final stage prior to award will involve a team of reviewers that is an independent of the evaluation team which will assess that due process and proper protocols have been followed. The turnaround will not exceed two days.