Mountain Mover Questions - Science

Mountain Movers Questions 1
1. Plate Tectonics Activity
Describe what happens when you drag each arrow – how
does a moving plate affect the shape of the Earth?
2. Intro to Plate Tectonic Theory
a. What is the Plate Tectonics Theory?
b. What was Pangea?
c. Where does plate tectonic activity occur?
M. Poarch -2002
Mountain Movers Questions 2
3. Sea Floor Spread (divergent boundary)
What causes the sea floor to spread apart?
4. The Continental Slide (convergent boundary)
Describe subduction:
5. Slippin’ and a Slidin’ (transform boundary)
Why do transform boundaries cause earthquakes?
6. The Continental Crush (collisional boundary)
Describe how mountains are made at collisional
7. Alfred Wegener –/ Wegener Proposes the Idea of
Continental Drift How did Wegener first get the idea of continental drift?
M. Poarch -2002
Mountain Movers Questions 3
8. Great Global Rift Discovered –
a. How is the Great Global Rift related to the Mid-Ocean
b. What are the “plates” in the Earth’s crust?
9. Hess proposes sea-floor spreading –
How did the discovery of sea-floor spreading help
explain continental drift?
10. Life is found near deep ocean vents
What kind of life is found near the ocean vents?
Describe these living things.
M. Poarch -2002