TEMPLEtones - Templeton Presbyterian Church

Templeton Presbyterian 2012: Celebrating 125 Years as a Church Family
Volume 2012
Issue 5
Saturday & Sunday,
May 5-6, 2012
Inside this issue:
Anniversary News
Pastor’s Page
Adult Christian Ed
Stephen Ministry
New Employee
News & Notes
Sudent Ministry
Children’s Ministry 13
Men’s Ministry
May 2012
125th Anniversary
Saturday 9am-1pm
Chapel open house
Sunday morning
Special Worship
Sunday afternoon
All Church BBQ Picnic
Details Inside!
125th Anniversary Celebration
May 5-6, 2012
See, Hear and Experience the history of Templeton First Presbyterian Church!
9am – 1pm: Historical Chapel Open House
Docent Tours
Photographic displays – Vintage Newspaper Articles – Artifacts
Original Art
Music from the Pump Organ
10am: Celebration Worship Service
Steeple Bell Ringing by Families
Music by the Band, Choir (past & present) and Handbells
Special Guests: Former pastors, Rev. Stephen Knowles and Rev. Bob Ohman
Honoring the Legacy of Our Past as We Look to Our Future
12:00pm: All-Church BBQ Picnic
Tri-Tip and Chicken BBQ with all the fixin’s, Hot dogs for the Kids…
Strawberry Shortcake Dessert!
Relaxing Fellowship with old friends while making new ones
Cupcake Decorating for the Children
Leisurely activities such as Volleyball, Whiffle Ball and Corn hole
Spirited Relays and Contests: Water Balloon Toss, Sack and 3-Legged Races
(Multiple categories and special anniversary trophies!)
No Reservations or Tickets Required!
We are requesting donations of: Adults - $5
Children 6-12 - $2.50
5 & under Free
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Pastor’s Page
Thank you for your willingness to participate in events unique to our regular worship pattern last Sunday. First of all,
the Congregational Picture was delightful, semi-controlled chaos. I was unrealistically optimistic that we could do it
in 12 minutes, but it still seemed to go about as smoothly as possible, given all the variables involved. Great to see the
wide range of ages, family, and well…of just people arrayed in front of our Chapel, which is one year younger than the
church itself. Of course, I couldn’t help but realize there were faces missing – people not in worship, for whatever
reason, that “should” be in a picture of this sort. No picture will ever provide a perfect “snapshot in time” and include
everyone, so we’ll just have to mentally ‘photoshop’ in their faces when we look at who we were on April 22, 2012.
Our Lectio Divina approach to the scripture was the other different piece of worship I asked you to experience, and
again, I was grateful for your willingness to enter into the exercise. In just the sampling of responses, I could tell there
was an honest and varied engagement with the text. The time available, as well as the nature of the setting, prohibited
me from reading them all, but I plan to compile the responses in some fashion for us to get an overall sense of the
thoughts, feelings, convictions, questions and doubts represented by our community of disciples.
Our Anniversary Weekend is rapidly approaching. Hopefully you aren’t feeling inundated with information and
invitations, but it’s hard not to over-promote it, as milestones are few and far between. 125 isn’t the most significant of
anniversaries, but it does fall on the quarter-century mark, and if nothing else, gives us an excuse to commemorate
what God has done over the years, celebrate who we are at this point in time, and look forward to where God will
take us in the future. For me, it is especially meaningful because this is the longest pastoral relationship I’ve had with
any church (and, God-willing, it will be my last), so it feels particularly special to be a part of something that recognizes
the longevity of God’s faithfulness and the faithfulness of God’s people.
It has been a fun experience to plan and prepare with the committee, whose members are Walt Winfield, Cri Cri Eastin,
Jean Schweitzer, Alice White, Carol Bowery, Ron Clark and Debby Price. Each brings their unique gifts, perspective and
relationship to the church over the years, and we’ve worked together well in crafting just the right amount and blend
of activity to the weekend. Cri Cri did an awesome job on publicity, and landed for us the cover and cover story in the
May issue of Paso Robles Magazine. Be sure to look for that and get a copy. Ron, with his experience and expertise in
Historical Societies and Museums, has overseen (with lots of help from Jean) the historical record-keeping of the
church and presentation of the church’s history in the chapel. Walter, with his gift for planning events, has been
organizing the Chapel Open House on Saturday. Carol has spearheaded our commemorative gift item, Debby has led
the charge on the Picnic and BBQ, and Alice and I have been working on the Worship Service, encouraging former
leaders and members to attend and participate. Oh, and the congregational photo we took last Sunday? That was
Jean’s idea.  Others not on the committee have also been helpful – Dean Dawson has built the display cabinets for
the Chapel; Chet and Jayme Finley are planning and preparing the bulk of the cooking for the picnic, along with the
Fellowship Committee members who are taking care of dessert, drinks, etc.; Robert and Nancy are overseeing games
and activities for the picnic; Vern, Iris and the Worship Committee are working on various elements of the worship
service; Evan and other B&G personnel are working on sprucing up the entrance to the Chapel (including dealing with
an underground varmint who appears to have feasted on the roots of the Italian Cypress by the steps); Mike and Sue
Tindell made the beautiful banners publicizing the event for the community; and of course, the office staff, as usual, has
been performing their behind-the-scenes efforts to support all the work involved in a project such as this.
My hope is that this will be the best-attended and most-celebrated all-church event we’ve had in my almost fourteen
years as your pastor. I urge you to make plans to attend everything you can that weekend; let’s affirm who we are to
ourselves…and declare who we are to the community in which we have lived and served for 125 years. THANKS BE TO
May 2012
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Adult Christian Ed
Adult Study—Sunday mornings at 8:30 AM in the library
From May 13 through June 3 we will be viewing the Visual Bible International production of the Gospel of John
narrated by Christopher Plummer (DVD), followed by discussion. An epic in the spirit of The Passion of the Christ,
this widely acclaimed motion picture is a meticulous recreation of the turbulent era of Jesus and the events that
changed the course of history! Narrated by Golden Globe nominee Christopher Plummer (Best Supporting Actor,
American Tragedy, 2000), it’s the bold and powerful story of Jesus as told by his disciple John. The best-loved but
least understood of the gospels, John presents a uniquely human portrait of courage and passion encompassing
Jesus' entire three-year ministry, the final years of his life. Intimate and reflective, The Gospel of John offers an
unparalleled opportunity to experience the incomparable life and times of Jesus Christ.
If you would like to recommend particular studies to the Adult Christian Education committee for consideration for
our 2012-2013 Adult Study year, please contact Anne Spohnhauer.
If you are not currently participating in a small group, you might be interested in one of the small groups listed below!
Ongoing small groups:
Men's Book Group—1st/3rd Monday 7-8 PM (see info below) at the church...see Walter Winfield
Women's Group—Thursday 10:00-11:30 AM (Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster) in the church library...see
Robin Scott
Men's Group—Thursday at 6:30 AM at the Lebens' home...see Mick Lebens
Monday Women’s Book Study...evening study and dinner at The Odyssey Café—Monday at 5:30 PM (New Testament indepth study: Hebrews)...see Joanne Breffle or Anne Spohnhauer
ACE Committee meetings are the second Sunday of each month. The next ACE meeting is on Sunday, June 15 shortly
after church. If you are interested in the spiritual development of the adults in our congregation and would like to
become a member of this committee, please contact Anne Spohnhauer.
Men's Book Group Starts a New Book in May
........and the new book is??????
Here's a complete book, an inspiring and practical guide for Men who seek to reflect
God's glory in their lives together with interesting chapters, thought provoking study
guide and other back-of-the book resources. This is the 10th anniversary edition of
this highly acclaimed book which is well suited for our personal discussions. We meet
the 1st and 3rd Monday nights in the church library starting at 7:00 and ending
promptly at 8:00. We welcome anyone to join us.....Carl, John, Don, Bruce, Stan, Jim,
Ken, Donn, Ray and others as we read, reflect and discuss these great Christian
writers. Call Walt Winfield at 466-9730 for more info on this long-standing church
group who will start their new book on May 21st.
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Missions News
IMPACT Ukraine 2012
Dear Fellow Christians:
I am so blessed to have the time and health to once again represent First Pres and the
Santa Barbara Presbytery by travelling to Ukraine this summer as part of the IMPACT
Mission Team. Our team of two adults and six young people will again support Nita
Hansen with her ministry - God's Hidden Treasures (http://www.godshiddentreasures.org/).
We will primarily be working with the area's forgotten: older mentally-disabled kids
at a school (orphanage), and physically disabled people in the community who
desperately need mobility aids. Through this mission, we will be able to spend significant time working with the young
people in the orphanage as well as reaching out to the disabled in the community supplying life-changing mobility aids.
Last year we spent a week and a half "in-country," but at Nita's request we have extended this year's mission to two and
a half weeks. With the week's training and team building that will occur at a retreat in the Santa Barbara mountains, we
will be gone for a little over three weeks. Make no mistake, this is not a vacation, but it is extremely rewarding and
participating in last year's trip has made me hunger for more. It is literally food for the soul.
If you would like to join me, there are many ways. First - and most important - please pray for our team as we prepare
for the trip, during the trip, and with the emotions that we will experience after the trip. Second, please participate in the
Rummage Sale that will occur on May 19. This will help in funding part of this trip. Finally, if you feel so moved,
participate financially by contributing to the Ukraine mission by sending a donation via the internet (https://
sna.etapestry.com/fundraiser/IMPACT/impact2012/). If you use the website you will need to navigate through the menus
to my (Bill Crout) page. You can also send a check made out to "IMPACT" at 6067 Shirrell Way, Goleta, CA 93117.
Be sure to list my name in the comment section on your check.
Thank you and God Bless You!
The Mission Committee is sponsoring our 2nd annual
Church Rummage Sale on Saturday, May
This is a way for you to contribute to the church's mission outreach to our community and internationally.
Please bring your gently used items to the Sanctuary beginning on Monday, May 14, 2012. We will accept
your household items (including books), but would ask that you not bring clothing for the sale. The Fellowship
Hall will be used for Templeton High School testing during this week, so please leave items in the church.
We also need volunteers to sign up to assist us with the sale. There will be a sign-up table in Butler Hall after
services on May 6 and 13. We will need people to price items and set up on Friday afternoon (the18th), to
work on the day of the sale, and help with clean up. We particularly need people with pick-up trucks before
& after the sale. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful congregation that supports our activities.
We are looking forward to a very successful and fun day!
May 2012
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Stephen Ministry
GriefShare Update
The growth and positive outlooks that result from having a Stephen Ministry relationship happen within the trust that
occurs in a one-on-one relationship. But we are directed to “Bear one another’s burdens “ ( Gal 6:2) and the
GriefShare model provides a program where we all become supportive, prayerful caregivers for each other. Even
mature Christians with a solid faith need ongoing comfort and encouragement during the grieving period.
Stephen Ministry has been facilitating a 13 week GriefShare seminar on Wednesday evenings. The program has several
parts: video seminar by experts and survivors of grief, group support discussion, and a workbook, Your Journey from
Mourning to Joy, that provides scripture study and reflective activity during the week. GriefShare is for anyone who is
hurting because of the death of a loved one. GriefShare provides a Christ-centered perspective that helps people deal
with questions about death, our own mortality and eternal life. The participants are grieving losses that occurred from
five years to two months ago. There is no time limit or “appropriate time” to get through grief.
We started with a group of 8 people but people continue to come and the group evolves. New people are welcomed
at any time and some attend occasionally as their situations allow. It has been a privilege to see the Lord working in
this group. Many of the participants are not from our congregation and some are not active Christians, but they feel
God’s love here. As particular hurts or fears are shared or a new person joins the group, the members (who are all
grieving and hurt themselves) reach out to the person in need and support them.
Ideally the GriefShare 13 week seminar should be offered two or three times a year. As we have seen, there is a
continual need for it and participants may benefit from attending several cycles. May 16 is the last meeting for this
cycle, and Stephen Ministry will be deciding on the next schedule. We are looking for people who would be interested
in facilitating the next group. The group facilitators do not have to be Stephen Ministers. The GriefShare program
created by Church Initiatives has many support materials and has a website, GriefShare.org , with a wealth of
information. The Lord is has been very evident in the chapel on Wednesday evenings. If this ministry is something
that you would like to find out more about, contact Jonesie Abernathy 434-3145, or Kathy Loeschner 237-2938.
Learn about Issues of Hearing Impairment
Karen M. Scott, Au.D. will be speaking on Tuesday, June 12, at 6:30pm in the library.
Stephen Ministry, as part of its continual training for Stephen Ministers, invited
Ms. Scott, an audiologist from SLO, to speak. Because of the importance of this
topic in an aging population, the meeting is open to all. If you are living with,
providing care for, or experiencing hearing impairment, please feel welcome to
attend to learn ways to improve communication. Contact Jonesie Abernathy 4343145, or Lois Ecklund 461-1470, for more information.
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Student Ministry
all nighter!
All 2012
Friday, June 15th—16th
2pm - 8am
This event is to celebrate the completion of another
grade in school and the beginning of Summer 2012
All 5th - 12th grade grads are welcome to join.
Meet at the Ravine @ 2:00pm
Bow l
Paso Bowl @ 6:30pm
Back to church @ 10pm
Karaoke If you would like to drive, chaperone or bring
food, please call me. We will provide
transportation from the Ravine and Paso Bowl.
Only $25!
Reserve your spot with your $25 now.
Water slides, Bowling,
Karaoke, Wii, dodge ball,
Pizza, Games &
much more!!!
$25 (permission slip required)
Questions? Call/text Robert
cell: (707) 685-2616
May 2012
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Stewardship &F
…a personal word from your pastor.
In reviewing the Financial Report on the opposite page, you may have noticed certain figures— such as our having
received only 92% of what was pledged, and that our contributions are only 87% of our expenditures. This
represents the lowest level of pledge giving for as far back as we can remember. The good news about that is,
generally speaking, we do a great job in giving what we say we will give. The other news is that this year, for many
reasons (some may be out of our control) we have had more of a struggle in staying current with our giving
commitments. The ebb and flow of income to budget has fluctuated more this year than any in recent memory. We
are only managing to stay ahead of expenses because of intentional reduction of expenses. As we approach the end
of our Fiscal Year (June 30) we are becoming increasingly concerned that our overall giving will be insufficient to end
the year on solid financial footing, which will also jeopardize the budget for our next fiscal year beginning in July.
We don’t talk a lot about money over the course of the year. Mostly we only put in the Templetones a quarterly
report prepared by our very capable and conscientious Business Manager, Pete Perino. But quarterly reports can be
overlooked, or taken for granted, and it becomes easy to think that things are fine…when in fact they are not. And
since most of us think in terms of a financial calendar year, we may not realize that for us, June is like December for
everyone else. With June rapidly approaching, we hope to get our budget back to a healthy balance before our fiscal
year comes to a close.
SO…without placing any undue and/or additional stress on anyone’s finances, we are asking you to check your
records to see if you are current with your pledge commitments, and if possible, to catch up by the end of June, if
not sooner. No one person who gets behind in their giving will make or break our budget, but when one becomes
many, the impact can be significant. I am not asking anyone to do what they financially cannot do, but simply
encouraging us all to be as faithful and regular as possible in our stewardship to God and to the financial needs of our
church. Thank you for reading this and responding in whatever way feels appropriate and helpful.
Stewardship Dedication Sunday: May 13.
Please bring or turn in your Pledge Cards by this date. If you do not intend to pledge, PLEASE – still send in your card
indicating your decision. That will save us much time in following up with those we haven’t yet heard from. We are
very excited about what is happening in our church and are eagerly looking forward to next year…and beyond! (Only
75 years to our Bi-Centennial!) Our plans for next year are currently facing a deficit of around $40,000, which is significant. We are hoping there will be a sufficient number of people willing and able to increase their pledge, or become first-time givers, so that we can reduce that deficit to “0” by the time we finalize next year’s budget.
Per Capita P
We are asking all those who can, to help the church pay its per capita payment for 2012. This is payment based on the num
bly. The amount assessed per member for 2012 is $38.13. We are currently re-directing the General Assembly portion
to still go to the General Assembly, simply write “GA Per Capita” in the memo line.
Page 8
July 2011 – March 2012 FINANCIAL REPORT
The first nine months of FY12 the General Fund ended in a reasonable financial condition with the help of a $16,000
carryover from last year and $8,625 in grants from the Presbytery and the General Assembly. However, your church
is still not self-supporting with contributions covering 87% of expenses. For nine months, pledges are only 92% of the
amount pledged. Hopefully, this will improve in the remaining three months.
A summary of General Fund income and expenditures, and the allocation
of expenditures by major categories is:
Pledges Received:
Total Contributions:
Total Income
Total Expenditures:
Net Income
92% of the amount pledged
87% of the expenditures
Christian Education
All Other
Missions 5.2%
Worship & Music
Adjusted Net Income
- $31,112
Without grants and carryover
Other Personnel
Youth Director
The personnel categories account for 70% of the total expenditures.
These categories include the salary of the pastor, youth director, music
director, and office personnel plus the indirect associated costs such as payroll taxes, benefits and insurance. The
administration category includes office, utilities, and buildings & grounds. The all other category includes General Assembly & Synod per capita assessment, Presbytery mission share, stewardship & finance, and membership & fellowship.
The Property Fund pays the mortgage on 618 S. Main St property. For nine months, pledges are only 89% of the
amount pledged. Hopefully, this will improve in the remaining three months. A summary of the Property Fund income and expenditures is:
Pledges Received:
$24,76489% of the amount pledged
Total Contributions
$26,94995% of the expenditures
Total Income
Total Expenditures:
Net Income
The starting fund balance of $1908 has decreased slightly to $1337.
Detailed financial reports are available from the church office. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!
Mark Elliott, Stewardship & Finance Elder
Pete Perino, Business Manager
ayment Due
mber of members we have that goes toward supporting the administration of the Presbytery, Synod and General Assemn of that amount ($6.63) to support the work of The Fellowship of Presbyterians. For those who wish their GA portion
May 2012
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Page 10
Meet Our Newest Staff Member
Katrina Merson After reviewing a large number of resumes and having several interviews, we chose Katrina to
be our new Church Secretary. Some of you may already know her through her involvement in
the community, and her daughters’ involvement in our youth ministry. (Both girls have
volunteered with VBS, and daughter Sarah was “Mary” in the Living Nativity the last two years.)
If you haven’t met her yet, feel free to stop by the office and introduce yourself sometime! In
the meanwhile, here are some notes she provided to introduce herself to all of you.
I currently own Katrina Merson Design, specializing in Interior Home Design, but also creating fabulous parties and
personalized gift baskets.
My husband Frank is a 3rd generation SLO family; his father was the first AG professor at Cal Poly when it was an all
boys school and Foothill Blvd was a dirt road. We married on Valentines’ Day in 1988, so that my husband would
easily remember our anniversary. I moved from Long Beach, CA to this area over 30 years ago and love it!
I have two amazing daughters who are my most precious gifts from the Lord! Bekah, 21, a THS grad 2010, has her
16 unit ECE certificate and will become a Special Education teacher; and Sarah, a THS 2012 grad, is going on to
college, although we don't know for certain yet where she’ll go. She hopes to be an attorney for the CIA/FBI to
protect our country. I have been involved in my daughters’ lives as a parent with Mock Trial, Drama, Fellowship of
Christian Students, ASB, Templeton Education Foundation, CASA fundraisers and anything else they’ve been involved
in. This will be a new chapter for me as an almost empty nester; it will be exciting to see where GOD leads me next!
I love spending quiet time talking with my Lord, and LOVE spending time doing anything at all with my precious
daughters. I am a talker, that's for sure; I'd rather spend time with friends or making new friends, watch a local
school play, or have friends over for a red-box movie night before spending money to go to the movies. And
cooking is the best, Food Channel anyone? My favorite food is dark chocolate anything, minus sardines of course.
I’ve served in church ministry since the age of 8 as the daughter of a Southern Baptist minister. Since then I have
served as church secretary, elder/hospital care, worship singer, and volunteered with children’s ministry, youth
ministry, women's ministry, hospitality ministry and
I am thankful to have raised two daughters who love the
Lord and want to serve Him with their talents; they are
my greatest treasure and accomplishment. Most days
you will find me at THS, home, Trader Joes, having
coffee with a friend, Target, or here at the church! I have
loved every minute of being a Mom, it is the best job
I feel it a privilege to be here to serve the family at
Templeton First Presbyterian Church, the most gracious
and loving folks in Templeton if you ask me :) I look
forward to getting to know each of you.
May 2012
Page 11
News, Notes, & Classifieds
There will be a Congregational Meeting immediately after the service on May 20th, in order to elect the
new Officers for the Congregation for the 2012-2013 fiscal year.
The list of the nominees who answered the Lord’s calling to the positions of Elder and Deacon are listed below:
Elders Class of 2015
Daniel Hahn
Bill Crout
Jack Pollock
Cynthia Gaw
Joanna Lade (class of 2014)
Jackie Chess (class of 2015)
Les Nye (class of 2015)
Christie Viveros (class of 2015)
Peter Gaw (class of 2015)
Members of the Nominating Committee for 2012-2013 are still being finalized.
We are grateful to the current Nominating Committee for their prayer and work this year:
Walter Winfield, Pat Cairns, Brendy Alsup, Mick Lebens, Richann Robinson, and Evan Mason.
I am in immediate need of temporary childcare for my 10-year-old son. He
attends Vineyard Elementary School in Templeton and we live in Atascadero. I at
least need assistance with transportation home after school and daycare service if
possible, from May 1 to June 8, 2012. I can pay a small monthly amount.
I have been attending this church for 7 months, but I may not have met everyone
here yet. If you have any questions or need additional information please contact me.
Claire Waldron, phone: 661-599-5254, cwaldo268@gmail.com
The Lansford family would like to extend their gratitude for the overwhelming support received after
the birth of our second daughter, Alexandra Rose. All the delicious meals provided to us and the
beautiful handmade blanket, burp cloth and hand blankies were so thoughtful and special! We
appreciated everything so much. Thank you! ———-The Lansfords
Templeton High School will have their annual Advanced Placement Testing in the
Fellowship Hall weekdays from May 7 to May 18. If you have business at the
church during their testing, please be sensitive to their need for a quiet,
distraction-free environment for these tests that may have a real impact on their
college careers. (If you want to make sure that they’re not testing when you want to come
by, please check the calendar for testing days and times.)
Thank you for your consideration!
Page 12
Children’s Ministry
Puzzled: Believing There’s a Bigger Picture
HOPE: believing that something good can come out of something bad. This is the
message Christ gave us when he sacrificed Himself on the Cross for our Sins, then
Rose Again the third day. And this is the message we have focused on all this month
in Faith Factory. Amy Engelmann and the Whites, Emily and Robert, with the
worship band, blew out Faith Factory this year for Easter, acting out the Easter story
from several different perspectives, demonstrating to the kids upstairs that Easter is
way more than eggs (although we had those too!) The rest of the month, Dan and
other volunteers, including several of the older teens, have used puzzles and riddles
to help kids grasp that even when we can’t see the big picture, and we don’t understand what is happening, Jesus has
provided us with the base of Hope that no matter what is going on in your life, it is all part of God’s plan. Even if you
can’t see how all those things, good or bad, happening in your life, are going to make something good, God can. You
just need to maintain faith and hope in Christ.
Faith Factory this past month also welcomed its newest member to the nursery:
Alexandra Rose Lansford was born to Jennifer Karanian, Jeremy Lansford, and big sister
Georgianna Lansford on March 14, 2012, at 9:22 a.m. at Twin Cities Hospital. She was 9
pounds, 10 ounces, and 22 inches long. Mom, baby and family are all doing well and were very
excited to welcome her into the world.
As summer approaches, Faith Factory is preparing to take off with this year’s VBS,
June 9-12, from 9am-12noon, and with an Ice Cream Social Thursday
evening at 6:30 p.m. At this year’s program, “Aviation Wonders:
Encountering God’s Awesome Power,” watch amazing things happen
as kids encounter God like never before,-against the backdrop of
some of the world's most marvelous natural wonders. Your kids will
embark on a world tour of some of God's greatest creations,
encountering God in ways they never imagined. Exploring Psalm 147:
15, Our Lord is Great, Vast in Power, His Understanding is Infinite, kids will recognize God's power over all
things, and learn to rely on that Power. VBS fills fast, so make sure to stop in and sign up at the church
For the 125th Year Celebration Picnic in the Park on May 6, Faith
Factory is hosting the cupcake decorating booth. So make sure to stop by and have your child
decorate a cupcake in between the games and contests being hosted by Youth Ministries.
May 2012
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MAY Calendar
Page 14
0 AM
Guest Speaker: Patrick Little
As a budding musician, like many teen-agers, Pat had a band. Being in a band and being a Pastor’s Kid meant
that the church sanctuary became his “garage.” One of the few perks to offset whatever other disadvantages of
being a PK. Pat parlayed that practice arena into his very first, and very successful (by high school standards)
first band, Jericho Road, which enjoyed a powerful ministry to youth and the school campuses in the North
Country. Later, at Cal Poly, he formed The Pat Little Band, which eventually opened a door to move down to
San Diego as the worship band for Flood, a church with a significant outreach to college students and young
adults. PLB eventually evolved into The Folly, and finally, in December of 2011,the band dissolved in order
for the members to pursue individual careers. Through it all, Pat has led worship in multiple settings,
written over thirty songs, produced four CDs, and is now back in Templeton working for Wells Fargo as he
discerns where God is leading next. Many of the men of this church were instrumental in encouraging Pat’s
gifts and ministry, something for which he remains deeply grateful. Delighted for the invitation to come and
speak, Pat will share (and sing) about his music, songwriting and journey as a worship leader.
Great Food … Great Cooks … Great Guys … Great Time!
May 2012
Page 15
Templeton Presbyterian Church
610 South Main Street, Templeton CA 93465
805-434-1921, www.templetonpres.org
Office Hours: 9am-3pm Monday-Thursday
May 3: National Day of Prayer
May 5: Anniversary Open House in the Chapel
May 6: Special Worship and Church Picnic in the Park
See inside front cover
May 77--18: Templeton High School AP Testing in Butler Hall (sshhhh)
May 12: Men’s Ministry Breakfast
See inside back cover
May 13: Stewardship Dedication Sunday
May 17: Voyagers @ Historical Museum
See pages 88--9
See page 10
May 19: Rummage Sale (Missions Fundraiser)
May 20: Congregational Meeting
Page 16
See page 5
See page 12