LEARNING STYLES AND EFFECTIVE LEARNING HABITS OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS: A CASE FROM TURKEY AYTAC GOGUS HATICE GUNES Center for Individual and Academic Development (CIAD) Sabanci University Istanbul, Turkey This study investigates leartiing styles and effective learnitig habits in a Turkish University. Research based on a small private utiiversity in Istanbul found that the percentages of undergraduate students examined by Kolb's Leaming Style Inventory listed in rank order from most to least were convergers first, assimilators second, accommodators and divergers (almost equal percentages) last. Moreover, this pattern remained stable when gender, faculty, grade level, academic success, weekly time management and study planning variables were at issue. On the other hand, it was observed that significantly higher levels of effective leaming habits were revealed in women, seniors, academically successful ones, and students who studied regularly as well as engaged in social activities; however, using different learning styles did not make any contribution to the level of the use of effective learning habits. The results were discussed from an applied perspective and in the current higher education admission system in Turkey. Keywords leaming styles; leaming strategies; study habits; university students; study strategies Introduction the learner, but also on the individual's Families, students, and institutions invest enormous financial resources in higher education. Moreover, this investment is not solely financial; students also try to build up their adult life and gain effective equipments in the higher education process. Motivation to protect this investment and the rates of failing in university and dropping out from graduate school force researchers to understand the variables related to academic success and failure, and share this knowledge with all stakeholders, namely families, students, universities, as well as policy makers. Educational achievement depends not only on the intellectual ability and skills of leaming style (Kolb, 1984), which refers to the consistent way in which a leamer responds to or interacts with stimuli in the leaming context, as a replacement of cognitive styles theorems from 1970s (Loo, 2004). Leaming styles are defined as different ways used by individuals to process and organize information and as a sort of way of thinking, comprehending and processing information (Kolb, 1984; Sadler-Smith, 1996). In this sense, leaming style is related to both sensory and the mental. Kolb's Leaming Cycle and Leaming Style Inventory (Kolb, 1984) are widely used in order to understand the stages of learning and the ways people prefer to 586 Learning Styles... / 587 receive and process new information. In the literature, study skills refer to the student's knowledge of study methods, the ability to manage time and available resources to meet the demands of academic tasks. Study habits reflect regular acts of studying in which the students engage in. Study attitudes are defined as attitudes toward studying, and students' approval of the broader goals of higher education (Crede & Kuncel, 2008). Many researchers are interested in identifying these variables that contribute to the performance of a university student's academic success. Some empirical findings, on the other hand, have demonstrated that a significant number of undergraduates possess inadequate study skills, such as difficulties with time management, note-taking, understanding how to prepare for different types of tests, and managing anxiety. Eortunately, examples of qualities or behaviors such as student motivation, leaming habits, study skills and beliefs about success, may be enhanced via external instructions and support (Proctor, Prevatt, Adams, Reaser, & Petscher, 2006). As can be seen, university students' approaches to leaming vary and their ways of leaming may not always match those that professors use in their teaching. Which leaming styles do students prefer? How do effective leaming habits relate to their individual characteristics and skills, like time management and studying? The current study explores leaming styles and effective leaming habits in a Turkish university. Learning styles, leaming skills, and leaming habits Application of leaming style theories is a popular strategy for improving the education of university students and is consistent with responding to individual educational needs (Salter at al., 2006). Various theories were developed in order to describe the observed differences of approaches to leaming, such as Gardner's multiple intelligences (1993), Kolb's leaming styles (1985), Gregorc's cognitive style differences (1984), and various extensions of Jung's psychological types (1970). There is empirical and theoretical literature on study skills, study habits, study attitudes, meta-cognitive skills (Crede & Kuncel, 2008), leaming styles and leaming preferences (Kolb, 1985). Erequently used inventories include the Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes (Brown & Holtzman, 1967), Learning and Study Skills Inventory (Weinstein & Palmer, 2002), Inventory of Learning Processes (Schmeck, Geisler-Brenstein, & Cercy, 1991), the Study Process Questionnaire (Biggs, 1987), the Leaming Style Inventory (Kolb 1985), and other leaming style inventories (e.g., Dunn & Dunn, 1978; Felder & Silverman, 1988; Jung, 1970; Kolb, 1985; McCarthy, 1987). Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) represents the work of twentieth century theorists of human leaming and development-notably John Dewey, Kurt Lewin, Jean Piaget, William James, Carl Jung, Paulo Freiré, and Carl Rogers- who placed conscious intentional action based on subjective experience at the center of the leaming process (Kolb & Kolb, 2005). The 588 / College Student Journal Concrete Experience 7\ / • ' Diverging Accommodating 1 i Reflective Active Experimentation \ Assimilating Converging \ \7 \ ••-.... ..•••••• Abstract Conceptualization Figure 1. Kolb's Leaming Cycle (Kolb, 1984). theory (Kolb, 1984) defends that leaming is a combinafion of experience, cognition, perception, and behavior. Based on ELT, David A. Kolb (1984) developed Leaming Cycle Model and Leaming Style Inventory in 1969. Kolb's Leaming Cycle model presents a meta-cognitive experiential leaming process based on adult leaming and group dynamics. Kolb's Learning Cycle model is a popular approach to defining and measuring leaming styles in higher education (Salter et al., 2006). According to Kolb's Leaming Cycle model, leaming is perceived as a four-stage cycle including Concrete Experience (CE), Reflective Observation (RO), Abstract Conceptualization (AC), and Active Experimentation (AE) (Kolb, 1984). The model starts with concrete experience, which forms the basis for observafion and reflection on experiences (reflective observation); these observations are assimilated into concepts and generalizations (abstract conceptualization) that guide new experiences and interacfions with the world (active experimentation) (Loo, 2004). Kolb's Leaming Cycle model reflects two independent dimensions based on (a) perceiving, how one makes information meaningful, which involves concrete experience (feeling) and abstract conceptualization (thinking), and (b) processing, how one takes in information, which involves active experimentation (doing) and reflective observation (watching). These two dimensions form the following four quadrants reflecting four learning styles (see Figure 1): accommodator, diverger, assimilator, and converger. Leamers may prefer one component of each of these two dimensions, resulting in a preferred leaming style. Preference for CE and RO results in a divergent style (diverger); RO and AC results in an assimilative Learning Styles... / 589 style (assimilator); AC and AE results in a convergent style (converger); and AE and CE results in an accommodative style (accommodator). The model describes divergers as people who tend to be imaginative, emotional, people-oriented, and good in situations that call for generation of ideas such as brainstorming; assimilators value the world of ideas and their greatest strength lies in ability to induce reasoning, integrate ideas and formulate theoretical models; convergers, the opposite in many ways from divergers, are drawn to technical tasks and problems and tend to be good at decision making and problem solving, especially when there is a single correct answer or solution; accommodators, opposite in many ways from assimilators, are action-oriented, risk-takers, comfortable with people, and excel at carrying out plans and completing tasks (Salter et al., 2006). According to Kolb and Kolb (2005: 8), main role of Learning Styles Inventory (LSI) is 'to serve as an educational tool to increase individuals' understanding of the process of leaming from experience and their unique individual approach to leaming. Thus, learners can monitor their leaming process and select approaches that work best for them in different leaming situations (Kolb & Kolb, 2005). In literature, study or leaming skills are defined as competence in acquiring, recording, organizing, synthesizing, remembering, and using information and ideas, and are among the skills that can be modified for leamers of all ages (Proctor et al., 2006). As mentioned before, study skills include a variety of activities, includ- ing time management, setting appropriate goals, selecting an appropriate study environment, employing appropriate note-taking strategies, selecting main ideas, and organization (Proctor et al., 2006). Numerous studies have demonstrated the link between study skills and academic success (e.g.. Grade Point Average) in university students (Kem at al., 1998; Proctor et al., 2006). For instance, time management with study and social activity planning has emerged as a predictor of college GPA and quality of academic performance (Britton & Tesser, 1991 ; Proctor et al., 2006). Also, a significant relationship was found between academic success and students' information processing skills, ability to select main ideas, self-testing, motivation, time management, amount of note taking and quality of students' notes and concentration (Baker & Lombardi, 1985; Proctor et al., 2006). Overall, it has been suggested that these and other types of study skills account for approximately 15% of the variance in the academic achievement of undergraduates (Proctor et al., 2006). Method Research questions The presented study mainly investigates effective leaming habits and leaming styles of undergraduate students in a Turkish university. This study aims to explore the relationships between students' leaming styles, their effective leaming habits, their academic performance, and their skills and demographic characteristics such as weekly time management, study planning. 590 / College Student Journal gender, grade level, faculty and living arrangements. The study addresses the following questions: 1. Which leaming styles do students present? 2. How do students' effective learning habits relate to their demographic characteristics such as gender, faculty, grade level and skills such as weekly time management, and study planning? 3. How do students' effective learning habits relate to their academic performance? 4. Is there a linkage between learning styles and effective leaming habits? Participants and procedure Participants were the undergraduate students of a small private university in stanbul, Turkey. The survey instrument, the aim of the research and the consent form were mentioned to undergraduate students via e-mail and also by means of students who took the course Project 102 in the 2009-2010 Spring semester. 512 volunteer students participated in this study. Each application lasted approximately half an hour. From the total of 512 volunteer participants, 94 students did not respond to all items in the survey. Therefore, only the responses of 418 students were analyzed. There were three sections in the instrument: background information, leaming style inventory (Kolb 1985), and leaming habits. Excel and SPSS were used during analyses of the data. Measures Demographic data. Demographic characteristics and academic performance information were obtained through the individual items reflecting gender, living arrangement, grade level, faculty and cumulative grade point averages. Cumulative GPA served as a measure of academic performance. Weekly time management and study planning. Three items were designed to assess students' weekly time management (time spent for study and time spent for social activities) and their preferences about study planning. In order to assess weekly time management, students were instmcted to indicate how much time they spent in a week for studying and for social activities ranging from 1-5 hours, 6-10 hours to 11 hours and plus. With regard to study planning, students were asked to determine whether they generally study regularly, during exam weeks, or just before the day of exam. Learning styles. The Leaming Styles Inventory (LSI-2) (Kolb, 1985) was used to examine students' individual leaming preferences. The LSI is a self-report instmment designed to examine individual's preference for learning along the four dimensions of experiential leaming theory (Kolb, 1985). Kolb (1985) developed the LSI based on his theory of experiential learning on peoples' different approaches to perceiving and processing information. The LSI is a self-report instmment and is composed of 12 short statements followed by four possible sentence endings. The individuals are required to rank order each of four sentence endings based on their preference for using the four distinct leaming modes. Every individual utilizes each of the four leaming modes to Learning Styles... /591 some extent, but she/he also has a preferred learning style for perceiving and transforming the information. Turkish version of The LSI-2 was adapted by Askar and Akkoyunlu (1993). Turkish version is a reliable and valid instmment; intemal reliability of four main leaming modes and two bi-polar dimensions were found to be high with a Cronbach alpha between .88 and .73 (see Askar & Akkoyunlu, 1993). For the current study, it was observed that the internal consistencies of four basic leaming modes were between .73 and .84. Effective learning habits. In the literature, there are numerous inventories which tend to focus on measurement of study skills, habits and attitudes. Some of them are based on empirical approach and include items that especially distinguish between over and underachievers. Some others are based on theoretical considerations or on qualitative analyses of the articulated ways used by students while learning (Crede & Kuncel, 2008). The researchers of the current study preferred to develop a measurement tool derived from the verbalized leaming habits of the Ttirkish students rather than adapt an inventory which was elaborated in a different culture. The lead author, a specialist of the Academic Support Program at Sabanci University, generated 18 items based on non-structured interviews conducted by the peer moderators and students who took her course (Project 102) in 2008-2009 Spring Semester. Peer assistants, as members of the Academic Support Program, coordinate and execute active leaming and peer study and discussion sessions, and they are supervised by program special- ists with regular meetings. These meetings and discussion sessions served as fmitful environment to exatnine common leaming habits used by students. Peer assistants and students were asked to simply verbalize about their useful leaming habits, such as how they leam effectively and which useful strategies they engage in. The statements that were most commonly used by students were selected. Some of the statements reflected overt behaviors such as generating quesdons about reading materials, asking for help from peers and instructors, doing library research; some of them referred cognitive efforts like trying to build an interconnection between different courses, using information to solve practical problems and the like. The 18 items and a demographic form were administered to 111 undergraduate students and they were instructed to indicate how frequently they used each learning habit on a scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (always). A total of 68 men and 43 women participated in the pilot study in 2008-2009 Spring Semester. Table 1 shows the Effective Leaming Habits items' means, standard deviations, and item-total correlation. Considering reliability, the intemal consistency of the total scale was = . 83. Deletion of individual items did not result in a drop in alpha below .81, indicating that all items contribute relatively equally to the consistency of the scale. In order to examine possible factor structure of the scale, a principal component analysis with varimax rotation with an eigenvalue 1.00 as the criterion, was conducted with no limitation on numbers. In this analysis, most items loaded highest on one general 592 / College Student Journal Table 1. Effective Learning Habits items' means and standard deviations: pilot study Items(N = l Mean 20.1 underline useful information while reading and take notes from readings. 21.1 generate questions about reading materials. 22.1 come to class having reviewed the notes from the previous class. 24.1 seek help from teachers outside of class time regarding the course material that I did not understand. 25.1 seek help from friends regarding the course material that I did not understand. 26.1 ask questions during the class and try to actively participate into the class. 27.1 try to answer the questions that teachers ask in class. 28.1 volunteer to make presentations and state my ideas in class. 37.1 can fmd places to study on campus. 39.1 use the study locations in the Information Center. 41.1 regularly attend lecture hours. 42.1 regularly attend labs and discussion/problem solving sessions of the course. 43.1 use the materials I leam in class to understand events in the world outside of the classroom. 44.1 use materials I leam in one class to better understand the material in a different class. 45. As a college student I believe that I am the only person responsible for my education. 48.1 make a study plan and I try to abide by it. 49.1 do not let my friends distribute my study plans. 50.1 try to fmd a balance between studying and social activities. 3.41 2.29 2.36 2.70 Item-total correlation .14 .40 .04 .51 999 .46 961 .62 3.37 946 .43 3.03 .00 .70 3.13 2.67 3.51 2.65 3.38 4.08 .01 .13 .01 .40 .18 825 .71 .65 .28 .49 .65 .35 3.37 .06 .50 3.41 .06 .69 3.59 .17 .29 2.65 3.17 3.59 .17 .39 .13 .60 .45 .46 factor. A similar pattem was also observed according to scree plot test and it was concluded that the scale is unidimensional in nature. According to the results of the pilot study, it was thought that the scale is a psychometrically sound and a reliable measure, and a total score served as an index of leaming habits in the study which was conducted in 2009-2010 Spring Semester. For this study, Cronbach alpha was found to be .83, as in the pilot study (see Table 1). Results Students' characteristics, weekly time management and study planning Forty-three per cent of the participants were (n = 181) female and 57% were male SD (n = 237). A large majority of the students were living in dorms (n = 345). The survey was administrated to students from two different faculties: (1) Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences (FENS); (2) Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), and Faculty of Management (FMAN). Sixty two per cent of the students (n = 260) were participated from FENS and 37.8% (n = 158) were participated from FASS and FMAN. Students from FENS were overrepresented, since they form the majority of university population. With regard to academic performance, 17.4% (n=73) students had a cumulative GPA between 1-2, 45% (n=188) had a cumulative GPA within the range of 2-3, and 37.6% (n==157) had a cumulative GPA between 3-4. Academic Learning Styles... 7 593 Table 2 Sabanci University students' characteristics, weekly time management and study planning profile (N = 418) Variable Gender Living in Dorms Faculty Grade Level Academic Performance (Cumulative GPA) Hours Spent For Study Hours Spent For Social Activities Study Planning Women Men Yes No FENS* FASS & FMAN** Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior 1.00-2.00 (pass) 2.00-3.00 (successful) 3.00-4.00 (very successful) 1 -5 hours 6-lOhours 10 +hours 1 -5 hours 6-10 hours 10 +hours Regularly Exam weeks Before the day of exam Frequency (n) 181 237 345 73 260 158 113 107 118 80 73 118 107 145 126 147 166 112 140 60 258 110 Percentage (%) 43.3 56.7 82.5 17.5 62.2 37.8 27.0 25.6 28.2 19.2 17.4 45.0 37.6 34.7 30.1 35.2 39.7 26.8 33.5 12.0 61.7 26.3 : FENS: Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences ••: FASS & FMAN: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences & Faculty of Management performance was classified into three groups, namely; pass, successful and very successful. The percentages for time spent for studying and engaging in social activifies were relatively similarly distributed among the students. Most students prefer to study for exams, in other words, during mid-term weeks; only a small percentage (12%) is prone to studying regularly. Other features of the sample are described in Table 2. Learning styles Knowledge of individual leaming styles can help instructors and advisors to design a leaming environment that can be suited to students with different interests and pref- erences. With this in mind, an attempt was made to describe the leaming styles of students according to gender, grade level, faculty, cumulative GPA, weekly time management and study planning. Kolb's Leaming Styles distribufions are shown in Table 3. As can be seen from the table, there were more students with a converging preference (60.5%). The second most prevalent style was assimilafing (30.1%); distributions of diverging (4.55%) and accommodating (4.78%) styles, on the other hand, were considerably similar to each other for all participants. Moreover, this pattem was observed across all variables. As a result, it can be proposed that Turkish students generally like to learn 594 / College Student Journal Table 3 Kolb's Leaming Styles distributions : FENS: Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Assimilalor Accommodator Converger Variable (%) (%) (%) 30.14 4.78 60.53 All Students Gender Women 61.88 27.07 6.08 Men 59.49 32.49 3.80 35.00 5.00 Faculty FENS* 55.38 FASS& 22.15 4.43 68.99 FMAN** Freshmen 64.60 24.78 6.20 Grade Level Sophomore 55.14 37.38 3.74 Junior 60.17 29.66 3.39 Senior 62.50 28.75 6.25 2.74 1.00-2.00 56.16 36.99 Academic 4.79 2.00-3.00 53.19 37.76 Performance 5.73 3.00-4.00 71.34 17.83 Cumulative GPA 33.10 6.90 Hours Spent For Study 1 -5 hours 55.17 30.16 2.38 6-10 hours 61.90 27.21 4.76 10 +hours 64.63 33.74 4.82 Hours Spent For Social 1 -5 hours 55.42 6-10 hours 62.50 25.89 7.14 Activities 10 +hours 65.00 29.29 2.68 2.00 Study Planning Regularly 68.00 18.00 6.59 Exam weeks 61.24 29.84 1.82 Before the 55.46 36.36 day of exam *: FASS & FMAN: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences & Faculty of Management through practical application like solving problems, trying to make correct decisions and preferring to deal with technical works or problems as opposed to working with social relations (converging). Second dominant learning style was focusing on abstract concepts, making reflective observation and assimilating them into an integrated explanation (assimilating). Turkish students rarely prefer leaming through carrying out experiments, taking risks (accommodators); generating new ideas, observing situations from different perspectives, and bringing different ideas together (divergers). Since evaluating individual differences Diverger (%) 4.55 4.97 4.22 4.62 4.43 4.42 3.74 6.78 2.50 4.11 4.26 5.10 4.83 5.56 3.40 6.02 4.64 2.86 12.00 2.33 6.36 in leaming styles was a core objective of the current study, we compared percentages of converger, assimilator, accommodator and diverger styles according to school, gender and academic performance. A series of two-sample t-test were performed to determine whether there were significant differences between groups in terms of proportions of four learning styles (see Table 4). When we looked at faculties of Sabanci University, the results showed that there were significantly greater numbers of students in the converger style among the social science students (FASS and FMAN) (68.99%) compared to engineering students (FENS) Learning Styles... /595 Table 4 Comparison of leaming styles percentages according to faculty and gender Converger Assimilator Accommodator Diverger Converger Assimilator Accommodator Diverger Engineering and Natural Sciences (n = 260) 55.38 35.00 5.00 4.62 Women (n=181) 61.88 27.07 6.08 4.97 Arts and Social Sciences and Management (n=158) 68.99 22.15 4.43 4.43 df / 416 416 416 2.72** 1.11** 0.26 0.09 Men df t (n = 237) 59.49 32.49 3.80 4.22 416 416 416 416 0.41 1.10 0.90 0.40 416 Table 5 Comparison of leaming styles percentages according to academic performance Leaming Styles Converger Assimilator Accommodator Diverger Converger Assimilator Accommodator Diverger Converger Assimilator Accommodator Diverger Pass 56.16 36.99 2.74 4.11 Pass 56.16 36.99 2.74 4.11 Successful 53.19 37.76 4.79 4.26 Successful 53.19 37.76 4.79 4.26 Very Successful 71.34 17.83 5.73 5.10 Very Successful 71.34 17.83 5.73 5.10 (55.33%). For the assimilator style, the opposite pattem was observed in that there were significantly more students in FENS (35%) compared to FASS and FMAN (22.15%). For accommodator and diverger styles, the proportions were found to be similar to each other across the faculties. Women and men, on the other hand, did not show any preference with respect to leaming style. When academic performance is considered, students who had a cumulative GPA between 3-4 revealed a clear prefer- 189 189 ( 0.40 0.10 0.70 0.01 178 178 178 178 2.09* 2.89** 0.94 0.30 223 223 223 223 2.79** 3.31** 0.31 0.29 df 189 189 ence for converger style iJ\.lsA%') compared to students who had a cumulative GPA between 2-3 (53.19%), and to students with a cumulative GPA between 1-2 (56.16%). Conversely, students who had a cumulative GPA between 2-3 (37.16%) and students who had a cumulative GPA between 1-2 (36.99%) reported predominantly assimilator leaming style compared to the very successful group (17.83%) (see Table 5). 596 / College Student Journal Table 6 Varying degrees of effective leaming habits and cumulative GPA Academic Performance- Cumulative GPA Pass Successful Very Successful Effective Leaming Habits Mean SD 48.34' 11.78 9.500 54.69'' 59.47' 10.45 Note. Within column, numbers with different subscripts differ at .05 level using Bonferroni procedure. Effective leaming habits and academic achievement From an empirical approach, an instmment is expected to distinguish among different levels of academic achievement. At a practical level, identifying variables that are most strongly related to academic performance may enable educators as well as students to improve leaming practices. One-way ANOVA was performed, comparing the three cumulative GPA groups as the independent variable and total score of effective leaming habits as dependent variable, in order to find out whether varying degrees of effective leaming habits related to different levels of academic performance. The ANOVA for academic performance and effective leaming habit was significant, F(2,417) = 33.5, p < .001. Post hoc comparisons (Bonferroni) were conducted tofindout the source of difference, and the results revealed that students with high academic performance significantly reported higher levels of effective learning habits (M = 59.47, SD = 11.78) than those with low cumulative GPA's (pass group, M = 48.34, SD = 11.78; successful group, M = 54.69, SD = 9.50) (see Table 6). These results also supported the criterion-related validity of instrument, because the instrument was supposed to measure effective learning habits, and students were asked about their useful learning habits during the item development process. Although this research study was primarily interested in the interplay between academic performance and using effective learning habits, it also examined other demographic variables in an attempt to understand individual differences in using effective leaming habits. An independent t-test was conducted to determine possible gender differences. It was found out that women's mean (M = 57.66, SD = 9.32) effective leaming habits score was significantly higher than men's mean score (M = 53.62, SD = 10.94, i(411) = 4.06, p < .001). One way ANOVAs were performed to compare the three faculties and four grade levels. Although the ANOVA for faculty was not significant F(2, 417) = .66, p>.05, comparisons of the four grades on effective leaming habits levels yielded significant differences F(2, 417) = 7.18, p < .001. Post hoc comparisons (Bonferroni) yielded that senior students reported significantly greater use of effective leaming habits (M = 58.75, SD = 10.88) than freshmen students (M = 52, SD = 10.10). On the other hand, mean scores of sophomore (M = 55.14, SD = 9.55) and junior students Leaming Styles... / 597 Table 7 Varying degrees of effective leaming habits and grade levels Grade Levels Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior Effective Leaming Habits Mean SD 52.00° 10.10 55.14» 9.55 55.40° 9.96 58.75' 10.88 Note. Within column, numbers with different subscripts differ at .05 level using Bonferroni procedure. Table 8 Varying degrees of effective leaming habits, weekly time management and study planning Variables Hours Spent For Study 1 -5 hours 6-10 hours 10 + hours Hours Spent For Social Activities 1-5 hours 6-10 hours 10 +hours Study Planning Regularly Exam oriented (exam weeks) Before the day of exam Effective Leaming Habits Mean SD 50.18° 10.48 57.04'' 9.49 59.06'' 9.15 53.78° 56.31'' 56.52" 10.87 8.99 10.86 62.90° 56.72'' 48.80'^ 9.24 9.26 10.05 Note. Within column, numbers with different subscripts differ at .05 level using Bonferroni procedure. (M = 55.40, SD = 9.96) were found to be of effective leaming habits compared to similar (see Table 7). According these students who spent less time for social results it can be proposed that students activities. It is also not surprising that par"leam" to use effective leaming habits pro- ticipants who study regularly reported gressively. significantly higher levels of effective Similarly, one way ANOVAs were con- leaming habits than those who study only ducted to compare three levels of weekly during exam weeks, or just before the day time management and study planning. The of exam F{2, 417) = 44.43, p < .001 (see analyses yielded significant differences for Table 8). all variables. Firstly, it was found that stuThe effective leamer can use any of the dents who spent 6-10 hours for study in a four styles in different leaming situations week reported significantly higher level of rather than relying only on his/her preeffective leaming habits than those who ferred style (Kolb 1985). This shows that spent less time studying F(2,417) = 33.03, leaming styles are neither better, nor worse p < .001. Similar results were yielded for than each other. Nevertheless, four leamweekly social activities F{2, 417) = 3.25, ing styles are compared in terms of using p < .05, in that students who were social- effective ways of leaming by conducting ly more active also engaged in high levels a one way ANOVA. As expected, no sig- 598 / College Student Journal exceeds the capacity of the university system, nationwide university placement examination is held on an annual basis. The nafional exam is multiple-choice in nature, and consists of verbal and quantitative aptitude tests. High school education is unfortunately devoted to prepare students for the ultimate goal, which Discussions According to Kolb's Leaming Styles is to be successful on this exam. Students' distributions (Kolb, 1985), there were more main endeavor is to be good at choosing students with a converging preference, and the correct answer or solufion to a question. the second most prevalent style was assim- Success in high school courses are generilating. However, there were fewer students ally undermined by students, families, even with diverging or accommodating prefer- instructors due to the current system. Thus, ences. As the most dominant leaming style students were not provided with a leaming of the university students at Sabanci Uni- environment that facilitates creating theoversity (SU), convergers are best at finding retical models, assimilafing models into pracfical uses for ideas, they need to per- an integrated explanation, carrying out ceive the whole, and move from the whole plans and experiments, taking risks, viewto the part. As the second dominant leam- ing situations from many perspectives, ing style, assimilators are best at being imaginative, emotional, and finally, understanding a wide range of informa- being able to relate to people. don and putting it into a concise and logical Although our aim was not to diagnose form. SU students rarely prefer leaming students on the basis of their learning by their feelings (accommodators and styles, Kolb and Kolb (2005) suggest that divergers) or viewing concrete situations the effective leamer can use each of the from many different perspectives. As a leaming styles in different leaming situaresult, it can be proposed that emphasiz- tions rather than rely only on his/her ing feeling and an intuitive approach were preferred style. Leaming is an ongoing and not favored by SU students. This pattem holisfic process of adaptafion to the envidid not show any variation according to ronment; it is not only the result of certain crucial characteristics such as cognifion but also the result of the ability school, grade level, academic success, to move back and forth between different skills like time management and study modes of thinking, feeling, perceiving, and planning. Although it is a mere specula- behaving. In that sense, a leamer is supfion, it could be proposed that students, at posed to create social knowledge and least in SU, seemed very conservative when recreate personal knowledge through the leaming styles were at issue. At present, transformation of experience. From this Turkey has 156 universities (103 public, perspective, a dominant leaming style (con53 private) and since the number of stu- verging) across all variables in higher dents motivated to get into higher education education may be a sign of limited reper- nificant differences were yielded F(3,417) = .359, p > .05. In other words, using different learning styles (diverging, accommodafing, converging, assimilafing) did not make any contribufion to the levels of using effective ways of leaming. Learning Styles... / 599 toire, and this issue needs to be considered by instmctors and policy makers, at least in Sabanci University. Other than investigating leaming styles of students, this research study was interested in the interplay between academic performance and using effective leaming habits, and examined other demographic variables such as grades, gender, time management skills, study and social activity planning skills in order to understand individual differences in using effective learning habits. Academic performance increased when students used effective leaming habits. Students who spent time for study and social activities for about ten hours a week were found to use higher levels of effective leaming habits. The findings supported that developing study skills and time management skills are key factors in using effective leaming habits. It was found that women's effective learning habits score was significantiy higher than men's score, but there were no significant differences between their leaming styles. Study skills, time management skills and leaming habits exhibited strong relations with academic performance in university. Therefore, providing workshops and advising sessions intended to help students acquire appropriate study skills and effective leaming habits gain importance. In addition, recognizing the leaming styles of students contributes to effectiveness (Kazu, 2009). Leaming styles must be kept in mind during the education and training process, and student's interests, expectations and needs should not be ignored. We also examined possible linkage between leaming styles and effective learning habits, but results recommended that there was not a significant contribution of using different leaming styles to the varying level of using effective leaming habits. It could be said that this finding is in line with literature (e.g. Loo, 2004) and a possible relationship between two constmcts needs further investigation. In conclusion, knowing the learning styles of students is highly important both for students and instructors. Knowledge of leaming styles affects students' awareness of how they leam best and contribute to their taking responsibility of their own leaming. Since instmctors prefer to teach in a cognitive style that matches their own, knowing the preferred leaming styles of students can help instmctors to adjust their teaching methods and evaluation tools to best match the different needs of their students (Wolfe et al., 2006). Finding out students' learning styles may empower their leaming experiences, which should be the ultimate goal. Corresponding Author Aytac Ggogus E-mail(s): agogus@sabanciuniv.edu or aytacgogus@yahoo.com. Phone: 90 216 483 9485 (office) & 90 539 723 5245 (cell). Fax: 90 126 483 9480 Short Biographies Aytac Gogus has been an educational researcher and instmctional designer at the Center for Individual and Academic Development, Sabanci University since September 2007. She received her doctoral degree in Instructional Design, Development, and Evaluation (IDD&E) at Syracuse University in May 2006. Hatice Gunes has been a student counselor at the Center for Individual and Academic Development, Sabanci Univer- 600 / College Student Journal sity since October 2007. She received her doctoral degree in psychology at Ankara University in October 2009. Kem, C. W., Fagley, N. S., & Miller, R M. (1998). Correlates of college retention and GPA: Learning and study strategies, testwiseness, attitudes, and ACT. Journal of College Counseling, 1, 26-35. References Kolb D. (1984). Experiential Leaming: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Askar, P. & Akkoyunlu B. (1993). Kolb leamitig style inventory. 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