A method for evaluating channels Charles Moore, Avago Technologies Adam Healey Healey, LSI Corporation 100 00 Gb/s Backplane ac p a e a and d Coppe Copper S Study udy G Group oup Singapore, March 2011 Supporters • Brian Misek, Avago Technologies • Rich Ri h Mellitz, M llit IIntel t l A method for evaluating channels 2 Background • IEEE 802.3baTM-2010 introduced new methods for evaluating channels – Pulse P lse response amplit amplitude, de 85 833 – Integrated crosstalk noise (ICN), 85.10.7 • The influence of channel insertion loss deviation (ILD) and return loss on link performance f was recognized by not rigorously quantified f A method for evaluating channels 3 Objectives • Extend the ICN calculations to quantify the impact of channel ILD and return loss • For the study group, provide a method for estimating the suitability of channels for use at some bit rate – Justify J if reach h objectives bj i • For the (prospective) task force, provide a framework for the definition of channel performance requirements A method for evaluating channels 4 The basic method consists of 4 steps 1. Predict the available signal at the receiver given the channel and an assumed transmitter 2. Compute an equivalent noise that represents the interference from nearby channels (crosstalk) and residual inter-symbol interference (ISI) 3. Apply an estimate of the additional SNR loss corresponding to “real world” implementations of the receiver and transmitter 4. Compute the SNR and compare it to a target intended to provide a symbol error ratio (SER) better than 10−12 This method is described and justified by text and equations. Equations are derived in Appendix A. Incidental c de a values, a ues, which c may ay cchanged a ged without ou cchanging a g g the e method, e od, a are e tabulated in Appendix B. A method for evaluating channels 5 Signal measure • The signal measure is the dibit amplitude which is the product of the transmitted amplitude and the dibit gain • Considers the influence of pre-cursor ISI from the first following bit – Not correctable by the decision feedback equalizer • Includes representations of the transmitter and receiver filters The dibit gain is the peak of response to the stimulus: ti l +1 0.25 0.2 gdibit 0 1 UI 2 UI Amplitude, V 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 −1 -0.05 -0.1 01 88 90 92 94 96 98 Time, UI A method for evaluating channels 6 Sources of noise Insertion loss deviation Victim transmitter Ht 2 H ild At2 = 1 + ( f ft )4 2 Receiver Transmitter re-reflection H rrtx 2 Hr = 2 1 1 + ( f f r )8 Receiver re-reflection H rrrx 2 Transmitter-receiver re-reflection H ft 2 A2fft = 1 + ( f f ft ) 4 Far-end aggressor H nt Near-end aggressor A method for evaluating channels 2 Ant2 = 1 + ( f f nt ) 4 H rrtxrx 2 Far-end crosstalk Integrated crosstalk noise 10 − MDFEXTloss /10 Near-end crosstalk 10 − MDNEXTloss /10 7 Insertion loss deviation (ILD) noise • Most cleanly designed channels with low reflections have a transfer function which mayy be modeled as: H = ex log( H fit ) = x ≅ γ 0 + γ 1 f + γ 2 f + γ 4 f 2 γ i = α i + jβ i • Since most channels will have this basic characteristic, it is reasonable to expect that transmitters and receivers are designed to equalize it • Deviations from the transfer function model will represent unexpected perturbations that may p y be difficult to equalize q • The difference between the actual transfer function and the best fit to the model may be considered to be error term whose power can be added to the total noise H ild = H − H fit • The best fit is the one that minimizes Hild in the least mean squares sense and this is a fit weighted by H A method for evaluating channels 8 Best fit calculation ⎡ H ( f1 ) H ( f1 ) f1 ⎢ H ( f 2 ) H ( f1 ) f1 F w= ⎢ ⎢ M M ⎢ ⎢⎣ H ( f N ) H ( f N ) f N ⎡γ 0 ⎤ ⎢γ ⎥ 1 γ =⎢ ⎥ ⎢γ 2 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣γ 4 ⎦ H ( f1 ) f1 H ( f2 ) f2 M H ( fN ) fN H ( f1 ) f12 ⎤ ⎥ H ( f 2 ) f 22 ⎥ ⎥ M ⎥ 2 H ( f N ) f N ⎥⎦ ⎡ H ( f1 ) log( H ( f1 )) ⎤ ⎢ H ( f ) log( ⎥ g( H ( f 2 2 )) ⎥ y=⎢ ⎥ ⎢ M ⎥ ⎢ H ( f ) log( H ( f )) N N ⎦ ⎣ γ lms = ( FwT Fw ) −1 FwT y x lms = γ 0lms + γ 1lms f + γ 2lms f + γ 4lms f 2 H fit = e x lms •T To avoid id undue d iinfluence fl ffrom signals i l which hi h contribute t ib t littl little noise, i th the range of the fit is limited such that fN < fmax • The value of log(H( f )) is ambiguous but the form used here “unwraps” the h phase h – The magnitude may be fit independently from the phase by substituting the magnitude of H( f ) for H( f ) in the expressions above to yield α lms – The unwrapped phase may then be fit directly to yield β lms A method for evaluating channels 9 ILD noise example fci_cc_short_2to10 0 fci_cc_short_2to10 0.8 SDD21 Fit 0.7 -10 0.6 0.5 Amplitude, V Magnitude, dB B -20 -30 -40 0.4 0.3 0.2 ILD 0.1 -50 -60 SDD21 Fit ILD 0 5 10 15 Frequency, GHz A method for evaluating channels 20 25 0 30 -0.1 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Time, UI at 25.7813 GBd 65 70 75 10 Re-reflection interference (noise) • Transmitter, receiver, and channel return loss influence the transfer function of the assembled link ⎡ s11 S=⎢ ⎣ s21 Transmitter 1 2 Channel Γ1 Γ1 s12 ⎤ s22 ⎥⎦ Γ2 Transmitter re-reflection s11 H rrtx = s11Γ1s21 s21 s21 s22 s21 Γ1 A method for evaluating channels Receiver s12 s21 Γ2 Γ2 Receiver re-reflection H rrrx = s21Γ2 s22 Transmitter-receiver re-reflection H rrtxrx = s21Γ2 s12 Γ1s21 11 Re-reflection noise example fci_cc_short_15to7 0 RRTX RRRX RRTXRX -10 0.06 0.04 Amplitude, V Magnitude, dB B RRTX RRRX RRTXRX SDD21 0.08 -20 -30 -40 0.02 0 -0.02 RRTXRX -0.04 -0.06 -50 -0.08 -60 fci_cc_short_15to7 0.1 0 5 10 15 Frequency, GHz A method for evaluating channels 20 25 30 -0.1 30 RRTX, RRRX 40 50 60 70 80 Time, UI at 25.7813 GBd 90 100 110 12 Calculating and combining noise • Calculate the power of each noise term using the ICN integral • Assume noise sources are statistically independent 2 2 2 σ ch2 = σ 2fx + σ nx2 + σ ild2 + σ rrtx + σ rrrx + σ rrtxrx σ 2fx σ 2fx = 2Δf ∑ W ft ( f n )10 − MDFEXT loss / 10 n σ nx2 σ nx2 = 2Δf ∑ Wnt ( f n )10 − MDNEXT loss / 10 n σ ild2 σ ild2 = 2Δf ∑ Wt ( f n ) H ild ( f n ) 2 σ = 2Δf ∑ Wt ( f n ) H rrtx ( f n ) 2 2 σ rrtx = 2Δf ∑ Wt ( f n ) H rrrx ( f n ) 2 σ 2 rrtx ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ Ant2 1 P( f n ) Wnt ( f n ) = ⎢ 4 ⎥⎢ 8⎥ ⎣1 + ( f n f nt ) ⎦ ⎣1 + ( f n f r ) ⎦ n 2 σ rrrx P( f ) = n 2 σ rrtxrx ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤ At2 1 Wt ( f n ) = ⎢ P( f n ) 4 ⎥⎢ 8⎥ ⎣1 + ( f n f t ) ⎦ ⎣1 + ( f n f r ) ⎦ ⎤⎡ ⎡ A2ft ⎤ 1 W ft ( f n ) = ⎢ P( f n ) 4 ⎥⎢ 8⎥ ⎣1 + ( f n f ft ) ⎦ ⎣1 + ( f n f r ) ⎦ n 2 rrtx Weighting functions: 2 σ rrtxrx = 2Δf ∑ Wt ( f n ) H rrtxrx ( f n ) 2 1 ⎡ sin(π f f b ) ⎤ ⎥ ⎢ fb ⎣ π f fb ⎦ 2 n A method for evaluating channels 13 Implementation penalty • Numerous other effects will limit the achievable SNR but are difficult to predict without detailed simulation • These effects include but are not limited to: – – – – – – – Transmitter jitter Clock recovery error and jitter Minimum slicer overdrive Thermal noise and receiver noise figure Baseline wander Limitations on the accuracy of practical equalizers “Real world” limitations on bandwidth,, linearity, y, etc. of components p • Margin needs to built into the SNR estimate to allow for these effects Amplitude penalty Noise penalty As = Adibit g ip σ n2 = σ ch2 + σ ip2 A method for evaluating channels 14 Target SNR • The SNR may now be computed as As / σn • The SNR that is required for NRZ to provide a SER better than 10−12 may be b calculated l l d using i the h iinverse error ffunction i • SNR2 is approximately 7.03 multi level modulation (L-PAM): (L PAM): • For a fixed differential output voltage, multi-level • yields a reduction in the spacing between adjacent levels • yields somewhat smaller RMS interference amplitude • allows more bits per symbol hence lower symbol rates Symbol rate f b = R log 2 ( L) Target SNR SNRL = SNR2 3 L2 − 1 • Note that inner signal levels have a higher propensity for error and in the limit of large L this effectively doubles the SER • For an SER of 10−12, this could increase the target SNR by 0 0.1 1 dB A method for evaluating channels 15 Comparison to Salz SNR • Salz SNR represents an upper bound on the performance of decision feedback equalizers – Readily computed from the channel insertion loss to crosstalk ratio (ICR) – However, practical equalizers will not perform as well • Salz S S SNR is not very sensitive to pre-cursor ISI, S ILD, and re-reflection f – These can be significant error terms in this analysis – 10GBASE-KR ICR limit assumes a 3 dB SNR penalty due to ILD (and rereflection?) – When considered in detail using this method, the penalty may actually be much greater • Salz SNR should also be adjusted by an implementation penalty – Implementation penalty is explicitly included by this method A method for evaluating channels 16 Conclusions • Link operation at less than a given symbol error ratio can be estimated from a determination of the SNR • The SNR can be derived from characteristics which are represented by collections of scattering parameters • Reasonable suggestions for these calculations have been shown • The authors recommend: – The Study Group use this method, including reasonable refinements, as part of the process to determine channel reach objectives – Should a Task Force be formed, use this method (and refinements) as the framework for defining channel performance requirements A method for evaluating channels 17 Appendix A Derivation of formulae Dibit amplitude The signal measure is dibit amplitude which is the product of the peakto peak transmitted amplitude and the dibit gain. to-peak gain Adibit = At g dibit A.1 A dibit is a signal which consists of a unit positive pulse 1 unit interval (UI) long followed by a unit negative pulse 1 UI long. The dibit gain is the peak of the response p p of a system y to a dibit. In this case,, the system y consists of the transmitter low pass filter, which accounts for the transmitter rise time, the channel, and the receiver low pass filter. Dibit gain can be calculated with a time domain simulator or in the frequency domain by performing the integral: ∞ ⎡ sin 2 (π f f b ) ⎤ j 2 π fτ df dibit (τ ) = 2∫ ⎢2 j ⎥ H t ( f ) SDD 21( f ) H r ( f ) e π f ⎦ 0 ⎣ A method for evaluating channels A.2 19 Dibit amplitude, continued If the transmitter and receiver low pass filters are real, i.e. zero phase, then the peak of the dibit will occur near: ⎡ ⎤ γ1 + γ 2 + 2γ 4 (0.38 f b )⎥ + 0.5 τ e = imag ⎢ ⎢⎣ 2 0.38 f b ⎥⎦ A.3 The coefficients γ i are derived as shown on slide 9. The units of τe are unit intervals. When computed this way, the dibit gain will usually be accurate to better than 0.5 dB. For better accuracy, values at τe ± 0.2 UI can be computed and the peak found by quadratic fitting. A method for evaluating channels 20 Insertion loss deviation (ILD) noise The objective is to find the set of coefficients γ lms that minimize the mean squared error between H and e x. ε n = H ( f n ) − e x( f x lms = γ 0lms + γ 1lms n) A.4 f + γ 2lms f + γ 4lms f 2 A5 A.5 Begin by linearizing e x around γ lms. e ≅e x x lms + ∑ (γ i − γ i lms i ∂e x ) ∂γ i A.6 γ lms E Expansion i off Equation E ti A.6 A 6 yields i ld Equation E ti A.7 A 7 and d Equation E ti A.8. A8 e x ≅ e x + (γ 0 − γ 0lms )e x + (γ 1 − γ 1lms )e x lms lms lms f + (γ 2 − γ 2lms )e x f + (γ 4 − γ 4lms )e x f 2 e x ≅ e x + (γ 0 + γ 1 f + γ 2 f + γ 4 f 2 )e x − (γ 0lms + γ 1lms lms A method for evaluating channels lms lms f + γ 2lms f + γ 4lms f 2 )e x lms lms A.7 A.8 21 Insertion loss deviation (ILD) noise, continued If the model is a good representation of the channel over the frequency range of interest and the error is small, small it can be assumed that: H ≅e x lms l ( H ) ≅ x lms log( A.9 A 10 A.10 Substituting Equations A.9 and A.10 into Equation A.8: e x ≅ H ( f ) + (γ 0 + γ 1 f + γ 2 f + γ 4 f 2 ) H ( f ) − log( H ( f )) H ( f ) A.11 Substituting A.11 into the expression for the fit error Equation A.4 yields: ε n ≅ log( H ( f n )) H ( f n ) − (γ 0 + γ 1 f n + γ 2 f n + γ 4 f n2 ) H ( f n ) A.12 Equation A.12 A 12 is the basis for determining the best fit coefficients γ lms as shown on slide 9. A method for evaluating channels 22 Re-reflection noise So far, the channel transfer function has been assumed to be SDD21 which is measured under the condition of the transmitter and receiver are terminated by the reference impedance. When terminated with a transmitter with output reflection coefficient Γ1 and a receiver with input reflection coefficient Γ2, the transfer function from port 1 to port 2 becomes: H12 = s21 1 − (Γ1s11 + Γ2 s22 + Γ1Γ2 s21s12 − Γ1Γ2 s11s22 ) ⎡ s11 S=⎢ ⎣ s21 Transmitter A method for evaluating channels 1 Γ1 A 13 A.13 s12 ⎤ s22 ⎥⎦ Channel 2 Γ2 Receiver 23 Re-reflection noise, continued Given that 1/(1−x) is approximately 1+x when |x| << 1, the transfer function is approximately: H12 ≅ s21 (1 + Γ1s11 + Γ2 s22 + Γ1Γ2 s21s12 − Γ1Γ2 s11s22 ) A.14 Under this assumption, the magnitude of the denominator is close to 1 so these reflection terms have negligible effect on the dibit gain. Note that the last term in Equation A.14 A 14 is the product of the of second and third terms, which are assumed to be small, and may be safely ignored. In addition, knowing that s21 = s21 yields: 3 H12 ≅ s21 + s11s21Γ1 + s21s22 Γ2 + s21 Γ1Γ2 A.15 The last three terms are called the transmitter re-reflection, re-reflection receiver rereflection, and transmitter-receiver re-reflection respectively. An intuitive interpretation of these terms is given on slide 11. A method for evaluating channels 24 Re-reflection noise computation It would be possible to compute the true transfer function if all of the Sparameters for the channel and the complex reflection coefficients of the transmitter and receiver were known. In general, the provider of the channel will only have access to limits on the magnitude of the reflection coefficients. coefficients A method for evaluating channels 25 Appendix B Parameters for calculations General parameters Parameter Symbol Value Symbol y rate,, GHz fb Variable Victim differential output amplitude, mV peak At 400 Victim transmitter 3 dB bandwidth, GHz ft 0.55 x fb Far-end disturber differential output amplitude, mV peak Aft 400 Far-end disturber 3 dB bandwidth, GHz fft 0.55 x fb N Near-end d di disturber t b differential diff ti l output t t amplitude, lit d mV V peak k Ant 600 Near-end disturber 3 dB bandwidth, GHz fnt 1.00 x fb Receiver 3 dB bandwidth bandwidth, GHz fr 0 75 x fb 0.75 Maximum frequency for transfer function fit, GHz fmax 0.75 x fb Implementation amplitude penalty, V/V gip 0.667 Implementation noise penalty, mV σip 0.024 At g dibit A method for evaluating channels 27 Transmitter and receiver reflection coefficients Parameter Symbol Value Transmitter DC reflection coefficient, V/V g01 0.161 Transmitter return loss reference frequency, GHz f1 1.25 x fb Receiver DC reflection coefficient, V/V g02 0.161 Receiver return loss reference frequency, GHz f2 1.25 x fb Γ1 = 2 g + ( f f1 ) 1 + ( f f1 ) 2 2 01 -2 2 B.1 -4 Γ2 2 2 g 02 + ( f f2 )2 = 1 + ( f f 2 )2 B.2 Magnitude,, dB -6 -8 8 -10 -12 -14 -16 A method for evaluating channels 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Frequency/(Symbol rate) 0.8 1 28