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Table of Contents
Message from CEO Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC)
Message from President Technopreneurs Association of Malaysia (TeAM)
Message from President Malaysian Association of Bumiputera ICT
Industry And Entrepreneurs (NEF)
Information about Go Global
Infopro Sdn Bhd
eBworx Berhad
Macro Kiosk Berhad
Open Dynamics Sdn Bhd
25 Berhad 31
Sigmax-e Services Sdn Bhd 35
Silverlake Axis Sdn Bhd
Rexit Berhad
Authentic Venture Sdn Bhd
Netinfinium Corporation Sdn Bhd 53
iSentric Sdn Bhd 57
N2N Connect Berhad
Terato Tech Sdn Bhd
SyQic Capital Sdn Bhd
Polarizone Technologies Sdn Bhd
GlobeOSS Sdn Bhd
Commerce Dot Com Sdn Bhd
EssentialBiz Sdn Bhd
ItraMAS Corporation Sdn Bhd 107
Pentasoft Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Century Software (M) Sdn Bhd
Arahe Solutions Sdn Bhd
ePROTEA Technologies Sdn Bhd 125
Microlink Solutions Berhad
CALMS Technologies Sdn Bhd
MOL AccessPortal Berhad
Fexsoft (M) Sdn Bhd 143
CWorks Systems Berhad
DBV Technologies Sdn Bhd
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 03
Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and Greetings,
Malaysia’s success in the global ICT industry is built on the
determination of our people and companies, to relentlessly
pursue efficiencies, excellence and innovation to make ourselves
a competitive force in world markets. The Malaysian ICT industry
has evolved and Malaysian ICT firms have boldly moved forward
and become global icons themselves. With the world’s economy
increasingly driven by technological innovations, it has become
imperative to harness the necessary ICT knowledge to stay
current and ahead.
I am heartened to see this admirable effort by Technopreneurs
Association of Malaysia (TeAM) and Malaysian Association of
Bumiputera ICT Industry and Entrepreneurs (NEF) in creating
reliable avenue to generate ICT investment and participation.
Not only does it seamlessly sync with Malaysia’s Vision 2020
to transform the nation into a knowledge-based Economy
through the utilization of application and services of Information
and Communication Technology; it will also promote wider
utilization of services enabled by ICT for the general public.
This collection of reputable ICT service providers share the same
vision and for those of us who have long believed in Malaysia’s
ICT potential to become a competitive global player, we are
delighted to provide them with this opportunity. We also believe
that technological partnerships through sharing, transfer and
funding is the essential catalyst to ensure continuous growth and
So it is with great pleasure that I present the inaugural issue of
Go Global directory 2010/11. I would also like to congratulate
and commend TeAM and NEF for a job well done with hopes
that the effort will flourish alongside Malaysia’s ICT industry by
leaps and bounds.
With warm regards,
Datuk Badlisham Ghazali
Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC)
04 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
The Go Global Directory was mooted as a means
in which to assist Malaysian technology companies
tackle a persistent challenge in the effort to attract
global buyers and clients. Research and surveys
amongst Malaysian ICT companies conducted
by MDeC, and on a smaller scale, by TeAM and
NEF amongst their members, revealed that many
international buyers and potential customers found
it time-consuming to isolate and determine which
Malaysian ICT companies were seeking to export
to services and products to the global marketplace.
Ascertaining the specific services and products of the
export-ready Malaysian ICT companies was also a
challenge for international buyers.
The Go Global Directory therefore was conceived
specifically to deal with this problem. Unlike
conventional ICT directories, the Go Global
Directory is a select catalogue, consisting solely
of Malaysia’s best-of-breed ICT companies that are
focused on export-centric products and services. To
provide a high level of comfort and validation to
international buyers, these companies have further
been evaluated and assessed stringently by MDeC,
TeAM and the NEF to ensure that they are able to
meet the international product and service demands
of global customers.
As an organization, TeAM has always placed great
importance on professional development.
are constantly working to come up with ideas and
programs which will assist technopreneurs under our
umbrella organization and their companies leapfrog
into the global arena via our Go Global initiative. The
Go Global Directory is but one of the products of our
efforts in this area and the first of many efforts by TeAM
to help our members and the nascent Malaysian ICT
industry tap into the global ICT marketplace.
I would like to take this opportunity to express
my thanks to our partners on this project, the
Malaysian Association of Bumiputera ICT Industry
and Entrepreneurs (NEF) and the Multimedia
Development Corporation (MDeC) for their assistance
in bringing the Go Global Directory to fruition. TeAM
looks forward to future collaborations with both NEF
and MDeC as we all work towards putting Malaysia
on the map in the field of ICT.
Koh Lee Ching
Technopreneurs Association of Malaysia (TeAM)
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 05
Assalamualaikum W.B.T,
Alhamdulillah, by the infinite blessing of Allah s.a.w, TeAM, NEF
and MSC Malaysia have successfully published the inaugural
issue of Go Global Directory 2010/11.
This is indeed another milestone in our aim to get more
companies to tackle the overseas market. The Go Global program
is designed as such where participating companies leverage the
power of the group in going abroad. It is this synergistic efforts
that we hope will be able to catalyze these companies further
in their various targetted markets. They have created a presence
in their home country and now it is time to take on the world.
It is our hope that with this Go Global Directory, which will
be circulated around the world via the network of government
offices in various countries, the companies will gain better
traction in the global market. This of course cannot be done in
isolation, we would also like to thank MATRADE in their support
to circulate this directory to its overseas offices.
With this publication of Go Global Directory 2010/11, we hope
the companies will be able to foster new business opportunity
overseas and other potential ventures and hence, supports
Malaysia’s aspiration towards service industry as the main
economic driver.
I would like to also express our special appreciation to Chairman
of Go Global program from both TeAM and NEF, MDeC and
MATRADE. It is their effort and drive that has brought the
program to where it is today. Many thanks to everyone involved
in this initiative.
Thank you.
With warm regards and Salaams,
Ashran Dato’ Ghazi
Malaysian Association of Bumiputera ICT Industry and
Entrepreneurs (NEF)
06 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
The Go Global Directory is designed to be a one-stop source of information for
foreign companies looking to do business with or procure the services of Information,
Communications and Technology (ICT) service providers in Malaysia.
Every company featured in the Go Global Directory has
been carefully screened and assessed by TeAM, MDeC
and NEF to ensure that their products and services
are of international export standards, and that the
companies have the capacity and capabilities required
to meet the service demands and requirements of
international customers.
Armed with this Directory, foreign and international
buyers will be able to focus their search for service
or product suppliers on Malaysian companies and
service providers of the highest repute and who hold
themselves to international world-class standards of
service delivery and product excellence.
The Go Global Directory is also positioned to enable
Malaysian ICT companies and service providers to
gain greater exposure in the international marketplace.
In addition to distribution by MDeC at all major IT
trade events, the Directory will be utilised by various
government bodies and agencies to promote Malaysian
ICT companies at various international exhibitions and
The Go Global Directory currently contains only 30
companies but TeAM and NEF are confident that this
Director will only grow and expand as Malaysian
ICT companies continue to achieve new heights
in innovation, service quality and research and
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Go Global Directory 2010/11
Infopro Sdn Bhd
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The Company
About Us
INFOPRO is an ISO 9001 certified and CMMI
assessed global financial solution provider. We design,
implement, and support financial solutions to over 80
financial institutions worldwide. Headquarter in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. INFOPRO has been serving the
global financial industry for over 23 years.
INFOPRO’s processes and procedures are well in
place to ensure first-rate services and deliverables. The
company’s impressive achievement of 100% successful
implementation track record is a testament to its
aggressive engagement of Research and Development,
leading to enhanced levels of competency. By aligning
client’s IT needs to their businesses, INFOPRO releases
powerful tools for its clients in the highly-competitive
financial markets.
Stellar Growth in Established and Emerging
In every geography region that we operate, our
market approach is a pragmatic blend of playing to
our strength and providing solutions according to
the unique requirements of each market. INFOPRO
accordingly uses the most suitable business model of
each market-such as a joint venture in the Middle East,
community-based-service model in South East Asia.
Starting from its first oversea operation within the
South East Asian region in the mid 1990s, it has now
expanded to the Middle East, Africa and China. We are
strengthening our foothold in the Asia Pacific region
and planning to expand across the pacific towards the
To date, INFOPRO has operational sites in over 28
10 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
Industry Focus
Geographical Diversification of Revenues,
Employees and Customers
In every geography region that we operate, our
market approach is a pragmatic blend of playing to
our strength and providing solutions according to
the unique requirements of each market. INFOPRO
accordingly uses the most suitable business model for
each market such as a joint venture in the Middle East,
community-based service model in South East Asia.
“We have proven 100% track record of implementation
and migration. An achievement that help propelled us
the forefront of the industry”
CEO Mr. Chuah Wan Pin
• Focused…
We are focused on Service Sector
• Specialist…
We are specialist in the banking industry
• Leadership…
We are leading solutions provider
• Established…
Almost a quarter of a century
• Regarded as the competition…
We are the competition
• Product Breadth…
We have huge intellectual property
• Loyal Customers…
We have a good track record
• Cutting Edge…
We spend 25% our turnover on R&D
• International…
We support customers across 3 continents
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 11
Business Activities
eICBA System- A Total Banking Solution
Seamless Integration
INFOPRO embraces the latest technology and the
world-class banking practices in the development of its
flagship banking solutions- eICBA System. It provides
the full spectrum of Conventional Banking, Islamic
Banking and Electronic Banking solutions, and it is able
to run on all open system platforms provided by all
major vendors.
INFOPRO has invested more than MYR (Malaysian
Ringgit) 170 million in the development of eICBA
Customer Database
System over the past 23 years.
eICBA is designed to suit various types and sizes
Data Warehouse
of financial originations. It supports various type of
workflows to ensure accurate information reaches the
right people at the right time.
Decision Support System
Email & Groupware
Credit, Debit and Smartcard
Over-The-Counter Attended Transactions
SMS Banking
Corporate Terminal & Internet Banking
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Mix of Global and Regional Partnerships To
Facilitate Local Adoption
• Rich Functionality
INFOPRO has a range of partnerships both at global
• Up-to-date Technology
and regional levels to facilitate local adoption.
• Scalability
INFOPRO has strong and established partnership with
• Support Multilingual Function
global technology leaders such as Microsoft, Oracle
•Built-in rules to ensure information
& IBM. Equally well chosen and effective are its local
accuracy security maintained
partnerships that provide critical advantage in customer
• Seamless integration
engagement by understanding local market challenges
•Utilizes international and local
and product requirements ensuring the offered
solutions support the company’s growth strategies
in emerging markets. Our thoughtful approach to
partnership selection has contributed both to our
successful globalization and to the foundation of every
•Based on Open Systems – supports
multiple OS (Windows, Unix, Linux, Z/
successful partnership.
Standardization of Quality across the Globe
The main feature distinguishing INFOPRO from
• J2EE Compliant
• Browser (Web) Based Thin Client
• n-Tier Architecture
• Supports Cluster Technology
• Security: SSL,Triple DES & Digital Certs
• Tools: Oracle Tools, Java\
other top IT solution providers of the world is the
resolute focus on development of new technology
and superior usage of IT platform and solution
technology architecture, and infrastructure. With early
adoption of new technology applications and global
availability of software, INFOPRO is ahead of the
technology adoption curve, when compared to others
J2EE Compliant
in its industry, and is able to service better quality to
• Highly scalable
customers. Equally important is the seamless integration
• Ease of integration
of their skilled workforce providing low-cost and highquality technology with local delivery capabilities.
“Over 25% of our total revenue goes to investment of
R&D. We need to always adapt the changes around us.
Only then can we technologically and culturally be
COO Mr. Mathew Chuah
• Branches
• Off-site locations
• Corporate Terminal
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 13
Contact Us
Malaysia (Corporate Office)
Block B3 level 8,
Leisure Commerce Square,
No 9 Jalan PJS 8/9,
46150 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603-7876 6666
Fax: +603-7876 1233
The Philippiness
Unit 303, Hanston Building Emerald Avenue
Ortigas Center Pasig City,
Philippines 1605
Tel: +632-910 6296
Fax: +632-631 3041
United Arab Emirates
PO Box 54565
Unit 3EG05 East Wing 3,
Dubai Airport Free Zone
Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971-4 299 2297
Fax: +977-4 299 4252
Other Offices & Representatives:
Singapore | Shanghai, China | Accra, Ghana
14 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
Go Global Directory 2010/11
eBworx Berhad
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 15
The Company
eBworx is a leading international consulting
eBworx is focused in providing solutions in the banking
and technology solutions firm specialising in the
sector and its integrated suite of credit management
financial services industry. Banks are the center of
solution (Loans Origination and Collection & Recovery)
our business and we deliver innovative and high-
and delivery channel solutions (Cash Management,
performance solution to our clients, supporting them
Internet and Mobile Banking, Branch Delivery) and
in their business objectives. The turn of the century
Trade Finance provides best of breed solutions to banks
has seen our clients faced with new challenges in
in the region.
risk management, BASEL II compliancy, merger and
acquisition, changing technology environment and at
The company boasts an impressive list of blue-chip
the heart of it, the drive to achieve increased customer
clients which include regional banking giants such as
OCBC and CIMB Group; Tier-1 banks in Malaysia such
as RHB Banking Group, AmBank Group, EON Banking
We begin by understanding our client’s requirements.
Group and Alliance Financial Group; PT Bank Central
We couple our solution consulting with leading
Asia, PT Bank Danamon Indonesia and BII Maybank in
practices. And most of all, we help our clients leverage
Indonesia; KASIKORNBANK in Thailand and Hua Xia
on technology as an enabler, delivering solutions which
Bank in China.
propel them to the next stage.
With our vast experiences in many project
eBworx was founded on May 2, 1998 with a vision to
implementations, supported by our domain expertise
develop the company into a leading global financial
in financial services industry, eBworx is able to
solutions provider. In line with this vision, eBworx has
differentiate itself from a pure software company into a
remained focused on helping financial institutions in
full service solutions firm. We are able to bring about
three main areas:
solutions which will address the banks’ business needs
• To gear towards electronic banking
whilst providing banks with consulting services in our
• To be more customer-centric in sales & operations
areas of expertise.
•To better manage lending practices & to move
towards Basel II compliance
eBworx was granted MSC Malaysia status on
11 February 2002 by Multimedia Development
Corporation (MDeC) and was listed on the ACE Market
(previously MESDAQ) on 17 November 2003.
The eBworx Group is a regional financial solutions
specialist, providing a wide array of innovative digital
commerce solutions to the financial services industry.
We have presence and clients across the region in
countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia,
Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong and China. eBworx
offshore development centre is based in Chengdu,
China where we focus on research and development
for strategic applications.
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Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 17
Business Activities
eBworx solutions are flexible and modular and our consultants are domain experts, working to bring our wealth of
consulting and implementation experience to our clients, enhancing and ensuring their competitive advantage.
Our solution offering includes the following:
1. Digital Delivery Channels Suite
3. Information Management Services
• Digital Retail Internet Banking (DRIB)
• Customer Information Files (CIF)
•Digital Mobile Banking (DMB) covering various
• Collateral Management
devices ranging from Apple iOS to Android to
• Central Liability Management
•Digital Transaction Banking (DTB) which includes
• Digital Branch Delivery System (DBDS)
4. TradeSpring
Cash Management and Trade Front-End
2. Digital Business Centre Suite
• Digital Credit Management System (DCMS)
• Digital Collection and Recovery System (DCRS)
• Digital Credit Evaluation Engine (DCES)
Industry Focus
Contact us
Level 3A Block B, Axis Business Park,
No. 10 Jalan Bersatu 13/4,
46200 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603-7956 9822
Fax: +603-7957 2661
Contact Person: Andrew Goh
18 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
5. Digital Portal Manager
Go Global Directory 2010/11
Macro Kiosk Berhad
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 19
The Company
MACROKIOSK is a multi-country mobile messaging technology enabler mobilizing
technologies specifically in the area of mobile services, mobile monetization and
telco-grade solutions.
Year 2000 saw the inception of Macro Kiosk Berhad
MACROKIOSK is committed to providing scalable
(“MACROKIOSK”), a subsidiary of Goldis Berhad
mobile messaging solutions to conveniently
with the vision to become the leading Mobile
disseminate mission-critical services over borderless
Messaging Technology Enabler in Asia. MACROKIOSK
market and constantly satisfying beyond customer
provides world-class mobile messaging connectivity
and solutions to a large-scale customer base with
instantaneous mobile messaging connectivity to more
MACROKIOSK obtained its MSC Malaysia status in
than 2 billion mobile subscribers around the world.
year 2001, allowing the company to undertake research
and development in the area of mobile messaging
Combining continual innovation and revolution,
technology. MACROKIOSK continuously improve its
MACROKIOSK’s Global Mobile Messaging Network -
pursuit in mobile technology enhancement locally
etracker is robustly connected to more than 500 mobile
and regionally, to be a top of emerging mobility trends
operators worldwide for 2-way bulk messaging, and is
powering customers from 18 different industries.
directly connected to more than 130 mobile operators
for premium messaging.
MACROKIOSK is an award-winning company, with
a string of accolades awarded by internationally
Primarily focusing on mobile messaging gateway
acclaimed establishment and faculties. Presence in
and mobile messaging solutions, MACROKIOSK’s
10 countries, namely Brunei, China, Hong Kong,
services cater to different stakeholders of the mobile
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan,
industry namely mobile operators, solution providers,
Thailand and Vietnam makes MACROKIOSK the
application developers, content providers, and system
preferred Mobile Messaging Gateway and Solutions
integrators - as well as to any companies who wants to
Enabler to a multitude of local and global clienteles.
leverage on the mobile channel, ranging from banks
to airlines to television networks to retail stores, aside
from many others in different industries. Such distinct
companies by and large have international and global
presence; MACROKIOSK will be the perfect business
partner to work with.
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Website Snapshot:
MACROKIOSK Accreditation and Accolades
Licensed Company
Licensed Company
Nationwide ICP
Licensed Company
2009 MSC Malaysia CDP Achievement Award
2008 ASEAN Business Award
2007 | 2006 Enterprise 50 Award
2007 Frost & Sullivan Malaysia Telecoms Award
2006 Ernst & Young Emerging Entrepreneur Of The Year Award
2006 | 2005 Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific Award
2006 | 2005 2004 ACM Best @ Show Awards
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 21
Mobile Enterprise Services (MES)
Mobile Financial Services (MFS)
MACROKIOSK Mobile Enterprise Services (MES)
MACROKIOSK suite of Mobile Financial Services
enables the immediate delivery of bulk messages
comprises of multiple mobile channels namely
around the world. Transacting on our etracker network,
SMS, MMS, WAP, authentication and downloadable
MES is able to route 2-way messages with more than
applications to mobile phones. Mobile Fund Transfers,
500 mobile operators worldwide, making it possible
Transaction Authorization Code (TAC), Mobile
for you to communicate and reach your clients
Alerts, Mobile Reminders, Mobile Enquiries, Mobile
efficiently and cost-effectively without the limitation
Request, Mobile Payments and Mobile Top-Ups are
of geographical boundaries. MES enables anyone from
some examples that MACROKIOSK Mobile Financial
governments, multinationals, SMIs, SMEs, to SOHOs to
Services caters for. This solution allows mobile phones
leverage on mobile messaging to achieve their business
to be used as a channel to execute mobile commerce
communication goals.
whereby transfers, payments and enquiries can be done
seamlessly regardless of geographical locations and
Mobile Interactive Services (MIS)
mobile phone types.
MACROKIOSK Mobile Interactive Services (MIS) is
Mobile Aviation Services
a secure and reliable platform designed for you to
monetize your mobile contents/services. Connected to
MACROKIOSK offers a total mobility experience
etracker, you are able to engage in premium chargeable
in Mobile Aviation Services that includes Mobile
messaging service with the customer base of more than
Booking, Mobile Ticketing and Airline Transaction
130 mobile operators. MIS essentially acts as the selling
SMS Alerts. MACROKIOSK suite of Mobile Aviation
middleware between you and mobile operators for the
Services comprises of multiple mobile channels namely
delivery of your mobile contents/services to millions
SMS, MMS, WAP, authentication and downloadable
of mobile subscribers. Operating with a charging
applications to mobile phones. This solution allows
component, the platform facilitates an efficient reverse-
mobile phones to be used as a channel to execute
charging payment system where MACROKIOSK
mobile commerce whereby booking, purchasing and
contracts with the mobile operator to fulfill your sales
authenticating can be done seamlessly regardless of
geographical locations and mobile phone types.
Mobile Authentication Services (MAS)
Mobile Monetization Services
MACROKIOSK Mobile Authentication Services (MAS)
MACROKIOSK Mobile Monetization Services platform
revolutionizes the paradigm of authentication through
enable application developers to gain an accelerated
the use of SMS. MAS combine a two-dimensional
monetization channel, integrates sales and distribution
(2D) barcode technology with GSM picture messaging
components effectively while also allowing the
technology to provide you a paperless solution for your
high flexibility in establishing the preferred revenue
authenticating needs. Supporting various 2D barcode
model. Be it social games, videos or business tools,
formats such as Quick Response Code, Datamatrix and
MACROKIOSK offers a robust merchandizing platform
mCode, MAS converts text or picture messages into a
that supports different charging models such as flat-rate,
2D barcode to be transmitted to the mobile phone via
per-usage, per-session or subscription basis. etracker
SMS or WAP push. Each code delivered to the mobile
direct access to the mobile operators also provides
user is a unique code that is non-replicable to other
the advantage of having multiple shortcodes for
mobile users, thus ensuring a single usage expiry.
simultaneous connectivity to different country markets.
22 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
Industry Focus
To date MACROKIOSK is powering 18 industries namely:
• Advertising / Marketing
• Hospitality / Hotel Services
• Aviation
• Information Technology / Solutions / e-Commerce
• Banking / Finance / Securities
• Insurance
• Broadcasting
• Publishing
• Education
• Property / Real Estate
• Entertainment
• Retail / Wholesale
• Logistics / Supply Chain / Transportation
• SOHOs / SMIs / SMEs
• Food & Beverage
• Telecommunications
• Healthcare
• Tourism / Travel
Contact us
Company Brand: MACROKIOSK
Mezzanine Floor,
Menara Tan & Tan,
207, Jalan Tun Razak,
50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +603 2164 8100
Fax: +603 2164 9100
Company Presence: Brunei, China, Hong Kong,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,
Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand,
Contact person: Kenny Goh
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Go Global Directory 2010/11
Open Dynamics Sdn Bhd
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The Company
Staying competitive in today’s high-powered, on-
Open Dynamics’ flagship product, Joget Workflow,
demand business landscape means recognizing the
is a people-driven form-based open source workflow
day-to-day challenges of organizations and integrating
management system. It is a stand-alone application that
the right skill and creative approach to meet them
can manage and automate processes that are unique to
effectively. Open Dynamics understands that and
each organization, creating added value. Incorporated
always tries to find the better way. Leveraging more
in Malaysia in 2009 and the United States (CA) in
than 30 years of combined experience in software
2010, Open Dynamics provides training, support,
design and development, this team of enthusiastic
consultancy services and partnership opportunities for
professionals is committed to developing open source
Joget Workflow, a robust workflow management system
software solutions that help organizations generate
that can serve as a pivotal factor for today’s bustling
operational speed and increase productivity through
business workflow processes that can be captured and
managed easily and intuitively.
Design via Workflow Designer and
Deploy to the server
Enchance and update
processes when necessary
Designing Et
Deploying a
Process using Joget
Start process and perform tasks
26 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
Map participants to
users and activities to
forms and plug-ins
Business Activities
Open Dynamics operates primarily in the free and open source software sector and is the proponent and sponsor of the
open source Joget Workflow Project.
What is Joget Workflow?
Joget Workflow (jōgĕt wûrk’flō’) is a people-driven, form-based workflow management system. This stand-alone
application can manage and automate processes that are unique to each organization, creating added value.
The system serves as a platform for users to design, deploy and run different types of workflows for different types of
organizational processes. Workflow designers can create dynamic workflows that can be updated anytime. Each activity
can be mapped with a form to capture the user’s input, while serving as a plug-in for system integration.
Joget Workflow is XPDL compliant and has a plug-in architecture to extend its usability. The system can be used on its own
to manage the flow of processes and data captured from forms, or it can be seamlessly integrated in various ways to your
existing systems to build complete applications tailor-fit to your unique needs. Capable of synchronous and asynchronous
integration, Joget Workflow provides the ability to automate, manage and continuously improve business processes, while
reducing the burden of paper-based work. It can be integrated to other portals or system applications using AJAX or JSON API.
Joget Workflow
Workflow Designer
Workflow Engine
Workflow Management Console
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 27
Business processes can now
be supported and maintained,
deployed across the enterprise
and quickly modified as
processes evolve. Joget
Workflow’s simple and rapid
deployment, coupled with
its graphical point-and-click
tools, built-in workflow logic
and reusable object libraries,
enables even complex processes
to be easily designed and
Key Benefits of Joget Workflow
Increased Efficiency and Productivity
•Elimination of unnecessary steps due to automation
of business processes
•Faster and more consistent completion of manual
processes, and with minimal errors
Ease of Use and Simplicity
•Visually configurable rules and actions, allowing
business processes to be automated without custom
•Point-and-click configuration, enabling rapid
Improved Process Control
•Standardization of processes and availability of audit
• Predefined and documented steps
• Consistent business practices
development and deployment
•Capacity to accommodate all business needs
regardless of process complexity
•Intuitive user interface to easily design work
•Improved efficiency in organizations as a result of
transparency in processes
Lowered Cost
•Fewer mistakes and work delays results in increased
Focus on Business Needs
•Business managers can now focus on important
business decisions rather than routine task
assignments and reporting.
•Consistency in business processes allows for better
anticipation of customer demands and greater
predictability in levels of customer response.
Business Process Improvement
•Flexibility over processes enables quick redesign in
line with evolving business needs.
•Focus on business processes leads to better
streamlining and simplification.
•Improvement of internal processes increases
efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.
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productivity and faster delivery.
•Employees can be guided through complex
procedures, hence reducing the cost of training.
Open Dynamics Services
Open Dynamics offers a full range of services under the Joget Workflow Project:
•Enterprise Support - Technical support services provide direct access to our engineers who are ready to assist you in the
design, development, deployment, and management of workflow processes on Joget Workflow.
•Technical Consultancy - Need to integrate with other software or systems? Tap into our consultants’ technical knowhow.
•Software Training - Need to be up and running fast with Joget Workflow? Get our trainers to provide you with in-house
basic and advance training.
•Partnerships - We are constantly looking for business partners for Joget Workflow, whether for training, distribution,
technology sharing or OEM opportunities.
Industry Focus
• Participation in government open source initiatives
• Horizontal businesses
Contact us
C-01-3, Block C, Plaza Glomac No.6, Jalan SS7/19, Kelana Jaya
47301 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603-7885 8032
Fax: +603-7885 8035 OPEN DYNAMICS INC.
440 N. Wolfe Rd. - Sunnyvale,
CA 94085, USA
Tel: +1 408-480 5105
Fax: +1 408-773 8462
Contact person: Jack Hii
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Go Global Directory 2010/11 Berhad
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The Company
The company was founded in August 2008 with
the vision to provide a complete end-to-end
We believe the great coaching from Guy Kawasaki
e-commerce platform to the Asia industry by easily
who states that a business that operates with a “great
setting up online-businesses and trading in the global
meaning in mind”, profit will follow. It is our vision to
marketplace. In a short span of three months, we have
become Asia’s largest, complete e-commerce platform,
obtained the MSC Malaysia status from Multimedia
bringing the world back to you. We have crafted
Development Corporation (MDeC) in early January
our business objective by delivering our belief in
2009 in recognition for our innovative research and
e-commerce changing lifestyle.
development efforts in e-Commerce era.
1.Global optimization
In April 2009, when was just five will establish its status as a major
months old, we are proud to launch our brainchild,
player, possibly to be the largest e-commerce, the fourth generation e-commerce
platform in the Asia. We aim to land our footprint
solution to the public. Being young and energetic,
onto at least more than thirteen countries as was well received and we were pleased
we expand, as well as to glocalize our system
that in a glimpse; our community grew to several
and operation. We will continue to pursue our
hundred merchants and still growing.
growth strategy in future to prepare us for global
Today, we penetrated into three countries, mainly
Malaysia, Philippines and Hong Kong and employ over
2.Creating New Opportunities and Changing Lifestyle
40 people from these countries. We’ve experienced aims to see and enable everyone
major, rapid change but have held fast to our company
to operate their business online. With the slow
aspirations to attract not the best knowledge workers
downturn of the economy, we hope to assist SME/
in the market, instead a committed, determined and
SMIs to expand their market reach as well as to assist
passionate team, who puts away individual pride
fresh graduates and unemployed to join us in our
and personal agenda in achieving our never-ending
e-entrepreneur program. We believe with correct
training and education in e-commerce, they are able
to start up their own dream and excel during time of
Our commitment to innovation reflected in our values,
crisis. Apart from that, we pursue a dream and aim,
which underpin to our devotion to our customers’
believing that e-commerce will soon dominate and
success in e-commerce, and eventually changing for a
change our future lifestyle.
better lifestyle in this bloating Internet industry.
3.Increasing Competitiveness in Internet Retailing
The perfect e-commerce ecosystem would be
intelligent enough to know not only the sales and
profit gain, but also to forecast and advice the
business trend for the next few years, preparing our
business partners to face the changes. Given the
state of the e-commerce technology today, that’s a
far-reaching vision requiring research, development
and innovation to realize. is
committed to blaze that trail, thus increasing our
competitiveness among existing e-commerce market
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Business Activities solely focuses on providing a complete
•Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System
e-commerce ecosystem from deployment of the
‘Customers First’ is the all time businesses favourite
backend system to the development of design and
support as well as consultation on online businesses.
As more and more people enter the busy working
Another important component in our
life, demand for having any kind of a 1-stop service
system is built in with CRM system, which enables
has indeed increased over the time. is
you to track and organize your customer contacts
designed, equipped with an end-to-end e-commerce
as well as to approach your potential customers. It
trading platform to cater such massive demand in the
is an effective sales-network approach to know and
market today.
understand your customer’s needs and requirements,
which eventually boost company profit. Our CRM Overview
consists of Front-office operation, Back-office is an innovative and easiest solution
operation, Business relationships, and advanced
for you to be part of global trend by transforming
phase of business intelligence analysis.
traditional business concept into a borderless e-trading
platform. We call this platform the e-commerce 4.0,
• E-Payment Gateway System
the fourth generation e-commerce solution that features
Highly secured and designed with fraud prevention
not only a complete e-Commerce tools you need, but
and detection mechanism, our e-payment system is
also a business intelligent trading engine. SMilDS.
able to accept more than 15 mainstream currencies
com is also a platform with low entry barrier for SMEs
in the world. Our payment gateway business partner
in Asia, designed and glocalized with simplicity and
is a Malaysia government authorised company which
user-friendly to suit all group demands from non-IT to
is highly trained and expertise in online payment
IT savvies.
services. Apart from accepting a variety of payments
from credit cards to online banking,
Equipped with complete e-commerce tools and owning
acts as a Facilitator in managing your transactions,
your own customer database, nothing can stop from
lowering frauds with our built-in detection tools, as
transforming YOU into an e-commerce GURU! Take
well as a impose risk management system to protect
advantage of features and see for yourself
data privacy. These ensure all payment transactions
how can change your business trend and
are processed efficiently and smoothly.
be a part of your lifestyle!
• E-Logistic System
Key Components incorporates the e-logistic system,
• Advance e-commerce Web Store
whereby we integrate our tracking system and a ready-customised a trendy yet simple
built-in consignment note printing feature with our
and user-friendly web-store for you, with more than
logistic partners such as PosLaju, Citylink Express,
hundreds of designed and sophisticated templates
UPS, and Fedex to simplify the shipping process for
to choose. All you need to do is just to upload your
all our merchants. Our logistic partners are from
products as well as your company logo into your
reputable backgrounds, reliable and professional
Back Office and you are ready for business.
in ensuring the shipment is delivered timely and
We also introduce the FIRST cross-selling e-trading
engine in the world through Cross-
Apart from that, we incorporate our online system
selling allows other merchants to sell different
whereby customers can track their respective
products in their web-store, where they can earn
shipments in real time. will act as
commissions set by the product owner. This helps
a facilitator to monitor the shipment, ensuring both
not only to expand your product range, but also
our buyers and merchants are well informed on the
expanding customer base and market reach. Thus,
shipment status as well as ensuring all damages and
through this function, products can be sold and
investigation is done accordingly.
bought in the global marketplace and creates a healthy
competitiveness amongst the web-store owners.
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Our Partners
Businesses around the globe are actively looking for niche consultancy services to take on challenges and opportunities,
and to raise competitiveness in the market. As a borderless business platform and gateway to the biggest marketplace,
the Internet, is the perfect marketing channel for shrewd business. Based on such an understanding of the
intricate need for a realistic platform in the market that will deliver genuine and solid results that promises to reach the
right consumers and to optimize limited resources, can help, providing businesses with an innovative and
alternative marketing channel.
Some of our partners include:
Industry Focus
Online Retail and Promotion for SMIs and SMEs.
Contact us
Malaysia Headquarters:
60, Jalan Puteri 2/2, Bandar Puteri, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
Hong Kong Office:
Unit 1-2, 18 Floor, No. 26, Nathan Road, TST, Kawloon, Hong Kong
Philippines Office:
10th Floor, Herrera Tower, 98 V.A., Rufino Street, Makati City, 1227 Philippines.
Tel: +603 8068 4607
Fax: +603 8068 5718
Website: |
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Go Global Directory 2010/11
Sigmax-e Services Sdn Bhd
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The Company
Located in the cost - quality sweet
spot of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
SigMax-e is able to offer a great lowcost location coupled with world-class
infrastructure! It is no surprise therefore
that, within a short span of five years,
it has been able to attract some of the
best-known brands in the world to
its books. Dell, Sony, Panasonic, The
Commonwealth to name just a few!
When you are looking to enhance the productivity of
your back office, you have two big options…
You may look at process re-engineering and deploy
well known methods like six sigma, OR…
•if the process is not strategic to your core business,
you may choose to outsource to a low cost partner.
SigMax E Services has been established to address
exactly these needs. Sigmax-E specializes in providing
productivity solutions to enhance the quality and
reduce the costs of your back-office processes. It
deploys process management best practices from world
class companies and proven methodologies like Six
Sigma to achieve these ends for its clients.
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SigMax-e provides two lines of services:
Process Outsourcing
• Book Keeping
• Account Reconciliation
• Financial analysis
• Customised Reports
• Expense claims processing
• Billing
• Data Capture
• Transaction Processing
Project Management
SigMax-e helps UK accounting firm to cut
costs and speed-up book-keeping
• Training
• Facilitating:
- Quality improvement
- Cost-cutting
•Accountancy firm (AF) in London looks to cut costs
in book keeping and data entry to provide more
cost-effective services to its clients
- New process design
• Design and implementation of
plans for Shared Services and
Results: (after 12 Months)
•AF outsources the functions from receipt of
• Process works effectively and is stable
vouchers, invoices, bank statements, etc to
preparation of Trial Balance. After a detailed study,
•Trained employee at SigMax-e, successfully trains
other staff
AF prefers Malaysia due to availability of large
• Scope expanded to cover 40 companies
numbers of UK-trained accountants and stable
• SLA implementation timelines improved
•AF expresses satisfaction with progress and agrees to
•It outsources the process to Sigmax-e based on its
knowledgeable accounting staff, stable infrastructure
expand scope further to include analysis of accounts
and preparation of Audit Files by SigMax-e
and proven capability of delivering to SLAs
• AF sends trainer to train SigMax-e staff for one week.
•Process established for scanning all documents in
Key success factors are:
London and storing them on secure server. SigMax-e
Partnership model
logs in accesses documents, captures data, saves
Flexibility in crafting solutions
‘back-up’ file on server for B to access and process
Transparency in discussing defects and problems
• Outsourcing commenced with 4 accounts
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 37
The way it works…
1.Invoices and other paper-based inputs are scanned
and stored in electronic form,
2.Inputs received electronically, via fax or the web are
stored in the same way.
3.This data is transmitted via periodic file transfers or
a accessed direct via 3270 / terminal server / web
4.Transaction processing / ERP systems accessed via
3270 sessions / terminal server or other web-based
5.In most cases, data is retained at customer site and
not duplicated.
6.State of the art security and compression systems
used to ensure confidentiality and minimize
bandwidth usage.
Sigmax-e deploys proven methodologies and best practices to migrate client processes
to its offices and then goes about systematically eliminating waste and fat from them to
ensure continuous improvement.
The graph below depicts SigMax-e’s systematic approach from prospecting to operations.
• Explore Opportunity
‘Bostomer’ needs
• Hire & Train Staff
•Get sign-off on
•Study process
dynamics, Metrics & • Set up infrastructure
• Explain Value
staff profile
•Develop ‘Bostomer’
• Identify ‘Bostomer(s)’
• Id. Regulatory issues
comm. plan
• Respond to RFI
•Design Process & IT • Test systems & skills
•Obtain RFP / sign-off
• SLA with Exit clauses
for Solution design
• Submit proposal
• Get OK for cut-over
• Close sale
• Contact Client
• Earn Trust
2 Toll
38 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
5 Toll Gates,
•Measure outputs vs.
•Measure process
• Manage staff
•MIS, Dashboards &
Performance Analysis
improvement &
‘Bostomer’ feedback
Billing &
•Capture output
data on Quality & Volumes
• Raise invoices
• Pursue collections
Client Endorsement
Industry Focus
Companies with a global focus
Start-up dot coms
Contact us
Unit IB 1&2,
MSC Malaysia Technology Commercialisation Centre,
Persiaran Multimedia,
63000 Cyberjaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603-8313 8135
Fax: +603-8313 8136
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Terato Tech Sdn Bhd (Terato Tech)
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The Company
Terato Tech Sdn. Bhd. (Terato Tech) is a company
focusing on mobile applications development.
Mobile platforms which Terato Tech is well verse of
includes the Apple iPhone, Google Android and the
Palm Pre. Terato Tech Sdn Bhd was established on 11
Sep 2008 with a paid-up capital of MYR (Malaysian
Ringgit) 100,000. In 11 Sep 2009 just one year after its
establishment Terato Tech received its MSC Malaysia
status from Multimedia Development Corporation
(MDeC) which accorded Terato Tech Pioneer Status for
its Mobile Application Development & R&D activities.
The People
REZA FAHMI RAZALI has been in the IT industry
from the young age of 17, sweeping up international
IT awards such as the MSC Malaysia APICTA and
APMITTA with his maiden project,, a portal
for teens and car modifications with over 2 million
hits and 50,000 members. He was in the National IT
Council of Malaysia from 2001-2003, and partnered
with TV3’s Remaja from 2002 to 2005, and was also
in the ASEAN + 5 Leadership Exchange program in
2002. He was also involved with the initial setup
of, which is now ASTRO’s biggest
content provider targeting the youth demographic
In Sep 2008 Terato Tech was a two man show company,
through TV, radio and web presence. Some of his feats
now in July 2010 the Team has grown to 15 full time
include having directed and produced a few short
staffs, a testament to its high growth potential
movies for including Get Away in KL 1 &
2, and From Bangi to Oklahoma. He graduated from
Oklahoma University in 2006 with a BA in Finance,
minoring in Management Information System. Upon
graduation, he became a sales consultant at Dell USA
and upon returning to Malaysia, has also became
adviser to various organizations for the development of
technopreneurs. Reza Fahmi was also in the panel of
judges for the ICT Category at the Malaysia Technology
Expo 2008 & 2009.
REZA HAZRI RAZALI started out his IT venture with
a diploma in Computer Science from the National
Computing Center before furthering his studies with
an Advanced Diploma in the same field and later
graduating with a BSc. Computer Science from
Oklahoma City University in 2005. Together with
Reza Fahmi, he jointly developed and maintained the
portal with a more behind-the-scenes
approach, jointly developing and programming for the
website as well as being in charge of the content. His
deep passion in motor sports partially led to
being identified as one of the nation’s premier source of
car modifications and community info centre.
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Business Activities
Terato Tech has worked with numerous companies and agencies from all over Malaysia. Among our clients are.
1. CIMB Bank Berhad
CIMB Group is Malaysia’s second largest financial services provider and one of Southeast Asia’s
leading universal banking
groups. As at 31 December 2009, CIMB Group was the third largest company on Bursa Malaysia
with a market capitalisation
of approximately MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 45.3 billion.
Terato Tech develop the CIMB Clicks for iPhone Application which allow users to check their
Account Balance, Do Currency Conversion, Calculate The Home Loans and locate their favourite
CIMB branch and ATM’s on the go.
The Application is currently the top app in the finance category in the Malaysia AppStore.
2. Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC)
Established on 18 September 2006, Halal Industry Development Corporation coordinates the
overall development of the Halal industry in Malaysia. Focusing on development of Halal
standards, audit and certification, plus capacity building for Halal products and services, HDC
promotes participation and facilitates growth of Malaysian companies in the global Halal market.
Terato Tech develop the HALAL application for HDC which would enable a user to locate for
HALAL Premises, Search for Data in the HALAL Directory and Subscribe to HALAL news, all on
the go.
3. UMW Toyota Motor
UMW Toyota Motor Sdn Bhd is a joint venture between UMW Holdings Berhad and Japan’s
Toyota Motor Corporation and Toyota Tsusho Corporation.
UMW Group is No.1 in Malaysia’s overall vehicle sales through our Toyota and Lexus franchises
and our investment in Perodua. Terato Tech assist UMW Toyota Motor to develop the PQ “Prius
Quotient” Test Brain Game.
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4. SOLQIB (Solat Qiblat for iPhone)
SOLQIB addresse two main challenges of performing solat in the most efficient and effective
manner i.e. it uses the GPS and Compass capability of the iPhone to determine the prayer times
and direction to Kaaba.
Absolutely no inputs such as country and city codes are needed. No necessity to carry any
booklet or remember codes.
Instead SOLQIB will determine your location (you will need to ensure your iPhone is showing
the local time) using the build-in GPS to extract the datasets and establish the prayer times at your
location and establish the direction to Kaaba.
5. IslamKids Wudhu
Wudhu’ is the Islamic act of washing parts of our body before performing the solat. Learning
Wudhu’ has never been so much fun! Try Wudhu’ app now and have fun learning Wudhu with
6. 1Malaysia Parliament
1Malaysia Parliament is an e-Parliament tool developed by Terato Tech Sdn Bhd for Ministry of
Science Technology and Innovation Malaysia.
It aims to enhance communcation channel between the MP and the people.
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Business Activities
Terato Tech has built several different product lines which will enable development of application on the apple platform
rapidly by providing and efficient framework, processes, production and enhancement
1. Prototype Game Engine:
2.Silent Mode Publishing Engine
Prototype Game Engine is Terato Tech’s game engine
SilentMode is Terato Tech’s publishing engine on the
which has been developed since June 2009. The game
iPad which has been used to power AIYO! Magazine
engine has numerous component such as multiplayer
for iPad.
support, map tiling, chat engine, AI and physics all
SilentMode is designed to be in tandem with the
common workflow of a publishing company. That
The prototype game engine has been successfully
means that a publisher wouldn’t have to change their
used to come out with the game Qalvinius which was
current process of designing and publishing their
released on the Application Store in June 2010 and has
normal magazines as integration with SilentMode is
went on to become top app in USA, China, Taiwan,
seamless and hassle free.
Philippines and 50 other countries.
Publisher will also have the ability to add multimedia
elements such as images, movies, slideshow, web
links, html5 widget and much-much more through the
SilentMode editor right from the iPad itself. SilentMode
has been used to successfully deploy AIYO! Mag, a
monthly magazine that is free to anyone that has a pair
of eyes to spare! From gadgets to fresh talents, we cover
them all in a fashionable way. If that wasn’t enough,
AIYO! is also in every way interactive to the user.
AIYO! has been picked as Apple New & Noteworthy
App and has been featured by the TIMES UK as one of
the fashionable apps to be used on the iPad.
SilentMode will be made available for Select Private
Beta in October 2010.
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Industry Focus
Mobile Application Development iPhone, Android, BlackBerry Games Development
Contact Us
Suite 805A 1st Floor,
Bangi Business Park,
43650 Bandar Baru Bangi,
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603-8925 8929
Fax: +603-8925 9260
Contact Person: Reza F. Razali
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Go Global Directory 2010/11
SyQic Capital Sdn Bhd
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The Company
Internet Protocol Television
Why SyQic’s
The Era of IPTV is upon us and viewers want
as viewers become more savvy and sophisticated but
the high capital outlay and the time it takes to deploy
The demand for IPTV is growing at a tremendous speed
is of great concern. This is where SyQic’s expertise and
Who’S SyQic?
SyQic Capital (SyQic) was started by team of
broadcasting professionals in May 2004 in the area
of broadcast design and consultancy and software
development services. Anticipating the decline of
traditional broadcasting industry, a strategic decision
was made to focus on the development of an IPTV
platform in the year 2006.
Intensively investing in R&D, SyQic is now the owner
and the operator of the Over The Top (OTT) IPTV
know-how takes effect. A Managed Service Provider,
SyQic consists of a dedicated team who have been in
the business for the last 6 years with success stories
having deployed Broadband TV in Malaysia and the
Phillippines. Partnered with several content providers,
SyQic will ensure deployment of IPTV to the masses
with your current infrastructure within 8 weeks. The
choice of Broadband or IPTV is merely a preference
and both can seamlessly stream content on multiple
devices, Live or VOD with SyQic’s proprietary the
YOONIC™ P2P platform.
platform branded as YOONIC. Licensed as a complete
entertainment information and services platform (that
Huge initial capital
Managed Services
Distribution Cost α
Audience Size
Content Delivery
Content viewing
pattern & behavior
Multiple Devices &
Replicate proven TV
business model
Media Consultancy &
Strategic Planning
can be “white labeled”) or purely as a technology
solution, YOONIC is capable of delivering rich
media content particularly video where the internet
broadband infrastructure is not optimally set up to
deliver video content.
As an endorsement SyQic Capital’s capabilities, the
company has commercial deployments in Malaysia,
Philippines, Indonesia and commercial trials in other
regions. Apart from Kuala Lumpur and Singapore,
SyQic also has offices in China, Indonesia and the
Philippines. And is already in talks with partners in the
Middle East and Latin America.
The complete SyQic IPTV experince
Joe is a busy man. A typical day of meetings back
to back, with clients and staff. But he needs to keep
abreast of his stocks and the world news. He also
finds a little time to unwind as he catches up with the
latest sport updates. On the way home, he is already
planning to spend some quality time with his loved
ones and of course a little time for himself at the end of
the day.
Illustration: Multiple access to SyQic’s Yoonic IPTV
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a) Over-the-Top IPTV
b) Broadband TV (BBTV)
Telecommunication companies around the world are
Expectations amongst users have grown and one
getting into the IPTV business to make their services
expects their favourite contents available anytime
more attractive. The YOONIC™ platform minimizes
and anywhere. The YOONIC™ platform enables
buffering and SyQic’s content management services
the delivery of broadcast quality video even with
ensure superior quality of service over public internet
broadband limitations. Delivered on peer-to-peer (P2P)
connections with minimal bandwidth.
streaming technology, YOONIC™ lightens server load
and delivers content seamlessly and continuously
In designing IPTV that meets the needs of our
throughout the chosen country and can also be
individual clients, SyQic considers Content Strategies,
delivered out of the country.
Business Model Structure, Technical Infrastructure
Requirements, Consumer Demands, Market Conditions,
Budget and Licensing and Regulatory Requirements.
Market Challenges & Demands
Telco’s, Broadcasters, Education Institution, Hospitality Industries and Businesses alike are embracing the Power of IPTV.
More and more of these entities are accepting the challenges that accompany this new and exciting venture.
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SyQic’s end to end IPTV Ecosystem
Advantages P2P CDN Technology
Expectations amongst users have grown and one expects their favourite contents available anytime and anywhere. The
YOONIC™ platform enables the delivery of broadcast quality video even with broadband limitations. Delivered on peerto-peer (P2P) streaming technology, YOONIC™ lightens server load and delivers content seamlessly and continuously
throughout the chosen country and can also be delivered out of the country.
Speed To Market
Most IPTV solutions take nine to twelve months to
setup. Syqic is able to setup and manage an IPTV
service from start-to-end in just 8 weeks.Our Speed-To-
Market advantage provides the competitive edge to our
YOONIC™ is designed to work within the current
infrastructure and Bandwidth, delivering Live and Vod
content over multiple devices.
Stream gets stronger with more concurrent users.
Customized Experience
User are demanding their favourite content to be
accessible anytime, anywhere and with any device they
choose. With SyQic’s end-to-end solution, we deliver
customized experiences based on each and every
supported device whether it be a OTT STB (OverThe-Top Set Top Box), PC (Personal Computer), IPad,
Connected TV or Mobile Device.
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Content Security
End To End IPTV Solutions
SyQic puts to rest the assumption that P2P networks
For success it takes more than just the platform.
are not safe having developed a robust secured system
It takes hands-on experience and proficiency to
that protect its content from piracy. SyQic’s YOONIC™
compete in the ever changing media world. The
proprietary DRM has been acclaimed and approved
discerning and sophisticated user expects the best,
by top movie studios. This enables the clients to take
and SyQic is equipped to provide. SyQic manages
advantage of the P2P network whilst protecting their
all hardware,firmware and software components and
content at the same time.
customization,making it a unique proposition to the
individual client.
is flexible to perform most types of
customization that the client requires,
faster and cheaper as we own the entire
end to end YOONIC™ IPTV technology
value chain.
Managed Services
In the competitive media industry, SyQic allows
for the clients to focus on what they do best which
is marketing, whilst SyQic takes care of building,
deployment and operation. Key benefits include:
•Optimal level of professional support and service
without additional staff hiring by the cient.
•Reduction of CAPEX costs,including traditional
Success Stories
service fees,hardware,technical support and
•Eliminates the risk of making a large CAPEX
investment to accommodate unplanned business
changes such as the increase in subscriber base or
In December 2008 when it entered into a collaboration
ad-hock bandwidth requirements.
agreement with TMNet Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of
•Accommodate adoption of new business
oppourtunities due to reduction of initial start-up
Telekom Malaysia, to operate its Broadband TV service
under the brand name Hypp.TV
To date has over 30 Live and VOD channels.
WITH SYQIS’S has also delivered live events including the
Fully outsourced & managed model,
Prime Minister’s Budget Speech, Manchester United’s
Our clients can expend its IPTV market & yet keep cost
Asian Tour during their visit to Malaysia and the launch
predictable and manageable.
of TM’s High-Speed-Broad-Band.
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 77
Contact Us
Kelvin Saw,
Director of Marketing and Business Development
11, Jalan Kartunis U1/47,
Temasya Industrial Park,
40150 Glenmarie Shah Alam,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: +603-5569 1788
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Go Global Directory 2010/11
Polarizone Technologies Sdn Bhd
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The Company
Polarizone Technologies is a rapidly growing wireless technological company with its Head Office at Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. Polarizone specializes in market driven R&D in wireless communication to develop novel products and services
across the ICT value chain. We are committed to provide mobility solutions based on innovative wireless platforms.
Polarizone Technologies is a High Technology Electronic Protection Specialist providing cutting edge technology solutions
to the military, homeland security and enterprise security customers. Polarizone has developed a ground breaking
technology in Anti Jamming Wireless communication and Programmable IED protection jamming through rigorous R&D
and has exciting plans to commercialize them in the global market. Polarizone envisages to be the most effective and
trusted electronic protection technology provider against the threat of terrorism and asymmetric warfare.
Polarizone has 4 streams of core products. These are;
Polarizone has received the following certificates and
1) RCIED Wideband Jammer: Wireless communication
jamming equipment including portable protection
for vehicles and troops against IEDs (with
crossover application to the commercial sector)
and jamming equipment for prevention of enemy
communications, these provide the defence forces
•Awarded & Filed 3 patents under World Intellectual
Property Organization (WIPO) for Anti Jamming
•1st company in Malaysia to receive the US Air Force
Grant for Anti Jamming Technology
of the world with the ability to protect their soldiers
• Best in R&D award by MSC Malaysia APICTA 2009
and their equipment and enables those services to
•Most Innovative Company by Malaysia Venture
operate in an environment of relative protection
Capital Association, 2009
• Best in Security by MSC Malaysia APICTA 2010
2) Anti Jamming Wireless Link: An Anti Jamming (Jam
Proof) wireless link which is able to support triple
play applications. This is a ground breaking invention
in anti jamming and is probably the most secure and
survivable wireless link in the market.
3) Software Defined Radio: A test bench product
that enables testing of many types of wireless
communication using software defined radios
4) Radar Threat Emitter: A training system that enables
military pilots to be adequately rained in radar
destruction (a vital precursor to sending in attack and
bomber aircraft)
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Jampro: Wideband All-in-1 Jammer
JAMPRO is a programmable jamming system which provides a user friendly interface in selecting the frequency bands and
the jamming power. JAMPRO employs Software Radio technology to enable the generation of efficient jamming waveforms
which enhances the power efficiency of the jammer. Additionally, it offers a discrete control of the output power by using
innovative discrete power control module. The combination of digital signal generation and the discrete power control
enables a versatile jamming with flexibility in both jamming signal and jamming power control.
•Total jamming of all frequency from 20 - 500 Mhz &
other frequency bands
• Programmability in frequency band
• User selectable window for communications
• Man pack & vehicle installation kits
• Rugged watertight construction
• Dedicated outputs for GSM frequency bands
• HF / VHF / UHF / Microwave (Up to 3 Ghz)
Jampro Man Pack
• GSM Jamming
• EDGE, 3G, HSDPA Jamming
• IED/RCIED Jamming
• Tactical Radio Jamming
Jampro Gui
• Tetra Jamming
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Communications & EW
TRIATA - M09 is an innovative ECCM enables
Anti-Jamming Radio
battlefield communication system capable of
withstanding all nown types of Jamming attacs.
The TRIATA radio is an IP enable ANTI Jamming
communication system which provides a high data
rate of 2Mbps within a narrow spectrum. The high
data rate offered by the radio enables TRIPPLE PLAY
applications such as real time video, audio and high
speed data transmission. The system supports HTTP,
TCP/IP protocols and provides Ethernet, USB,and RS
232c interfaces.
TRIATA - M09 comes equipped with GPS receiver and
an external GPS antenna. The Command & Control
software does polling of the radios at every 1 second to
geo-locate the radios and to update their positions in
battlefield awareness map. This process is automated
and provides the instantaneous position of the vehicle
or manpack at any point in time.
TRIATA - M09 is a Software Define Radio (SDR)
which enables the use of ECCM signals. The system
configuration is a 2 in 2 out MIMO (2 transmit antennas
and 2 receive antennas) and the jammer cancellation is
achieved by an innovative Space Time Code. Being an
SDR the system is future proof and system upgrades are
done by uploading the new software.
The anti jamming (ECCM) offered by TRIATA M9 is
stronger than the conventional frequency hopping.
Frequency Hopping radios fail under the follower
jammer or predictive jammer attack. The TRIATA M9
has proven to be resilient against the Barrage, Spot,
Follower and Predictive Jammers.
Key Features
1. Most resilient anti jamming (ECCM) waveform
2.Two transmit antenna, Two receive antenna
3. Innovative Space Time Code for ECCM
4.IP enabled anti jamming system with 2 Mbps
5.Immune to follower, predictive, barrage and spot
Man Pack
6.Able to transmit real-time audio, video and highspeed data
7. Ethernet, USB,RS 232c interfaces
8. Built-in GPS modules with external antennas
9.Command & Control interface wth multilevel
10. Customer specific encryption for COMSEC
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Intelligent Terminal
A highly versatile software defined radio based
platform for efficient design and fast prototyping of
modern wireless standards
Design,Simulation & Prototyping
Polarizone product line in broadband wireless design
offer modular solutions which provide baseband
and RF functionalities. These cost effective platforms
offer an end-to-end platform involving baseband
processing capability. These innovative solutions save
enormous time and money for teaching and research in
Broadband wireless communication systems.
SDR design bench (SDB05) is a flexible and
reconfigurable platform for teaching and research in
modern wireless communication system. The design
bench can be used as a versatile demonstration system
for teaching wireless communication.Additionally,
the design bench offers a cost effective platform for
research in modern wireless system susch as Software
Defined Radio,emerging standards such as WiFi,
WiMAX and so on.
SDB05 offers an all encompassing platform consisting
of a transmitting unit, receiving unit and the necessary
antennas. The system comes with all hardware and
software and other accessories such as power supplies
and antennas. It has a software based logic analyzer
for easy analysis of the baseband signals. The baseband
and RF sections are interfaced seamlessly to offer
programmability in both the section.
• Real time data transmission
• Real time voice and video transmission
• Baseband + ADC/DAC + RF Transceiver + Antennas
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Contact Us
G-2-10, Block G,
Jalan 2, Ara Damansara,
47301 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603-7842 8041
Fax: +603-7842 8042
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Go Global Directory 2010/11
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The Company
XYBASE is a systems integrator, IPR developer and
solutions provider. We have implemented a number
of large IT projects and are known worldwide for
our airport IT expertise. The company provides
comprehensive, cost-effective and state-of-the-art
solutions to clients, based on their businesses, without
prejudice on the technologies available.
Today, XYBASE is in a position to offer unique products
and services ranging from software, high-technologybased products and services to specialised industry
expertise. Apart from providing highly-skilled expertise
in Information Technology, XYBASE also offers
specialised infrastructure-based solutions in accordance
with the developments in the world today. XYBASE
also invests in business research and development to
create and develop new and enhanced products and
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“XYBASE is always SENSITIVE towards technological
evolution and market needs , and our ability to
REACT QUICKLY so as to strive for leadership position
is constantly a THRUST within the organisation.”
Our Philosophy
Partnering for the Future
The business of XYBASE is all about bringing people,
We strongly believe that strategic partnership is the
best approach to getting things done. Our strategic
partnerships with leading IT providers are aimed to
provide the best solutions for our customers. No matter
how sophisticated the solution and technology can be,
interaction and understanding between people will
finally contribute towards success.
ideas, skills, products and clients together to form a
successful combination. We believe in the “Do it”
philosophy where our team members are constantly
challenged to explore new technologies and
methodologies to provide our customers with premium
quality products and services.
People are our most important asset, being in the
service-oriented and intellectual property business.
XYBASE expects the best from its people, where
innovation, creativity and hard work represent the
culture. Developing a business proposition from a
simple idea is what distinguishes us most from our
competitors. Ideas need to be explored, worked and
tested on before turning it into a reality. Originating
from the IT background is what makes our business
perspective exciting and full of possibilities.
“We accept the challenge by responding with
innovation and creativity and pushing the limits”
Research and Development
As the Information and Technology Industry demands
a high degree of innovation and creativity, XYBASE
places strong emphasis on research and development.
Our focus is based on practical software applications to
integrating multiple technologies together.
Our team of research engineers take great pride not
just in developing these products but also to build
themselves into a world-class high technology team.
All these efforts and strategy are further strengthened
by Malaysia’s focus into Research and Development,
especially into the areas of Information and Technology.
XYBASE is constantly enhancing its products and
releasing new versions into the market. These efforts
come through our software council.
The advancements in technology and competitive
forces are two key reasons why businesses need
to be technologically driven. Strong IT skills and
knowledge are expected out of our team and XYBASE
continuously builds specialised and repetitive skills,
be it technical or business. And this is what makes our
people commanding and valuable to our clients, the
knowledge of both. More often than not, we prefer
to remain neutral on our product selection. Quality
The software council is a deliberate program where
industry experts, business developers, application
business consultants and technical developers group
together on a regular basis to decide on:
and technical superiority are key criteria. In the final
analysis, the integration of technologies must make
good business sense to our clients, which is what our
business is all about.
The ability to meet our clients’ requirements and to
continually serve with the highest satisfaction level
is what we strive for in XYBASE. Through the years,
XYBASE has managed to build a wide range and
depth of experience in the industry. But what is more
important, is our team members’ desire to learn, get
better and do what seems difficult or impossible’. Our
• Application systems’ contents
• Technological platforms
• Methodology
Through the software council, our R&D is steered
according to a well-planned methodology to address
the industry needs and concerns. We have been a
great supporter of open source technologies and, have
developed and implemented a number of systems using
open source technologies. We are still continuing with
exploring new open source technologies.
drive and commitment is again our difference.
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Our Services
XYBASE today, provides our clients with not only a
one-stop-centre for their IT needs, but also services
that may complement their business strategies. A high
value-added is our strength in our service offerings.
Categorically, our service offerings are:
•Strategic Systems Planning, Design, Engineering and
In addition to the service offerings, XYBASE is also
• Systems Integration Management and Service
require specific and specialised skills in the areas of:
• Testing
• Project Management
• Quality Assurance and Configuration Management
• Training and Transfer of Technology
• Maintenance and Support Management
focused into providing our clients with solutions which
• High-End Technologies
• Specialised Application Systems
• Infrastructure Type Technologies.
• Helpdesk
Our Products
Through our concerted efforts in research and
XYBASE Message Broker
development XYBASE offers a range of solutions that
The XYBASE Message Broker supports our systems
combines the latest technology with state-of-the-art
integration services. It is tailored for any business with
operations methods. Our airportXpert suite for instance,
heavy transactions traffic such as financial institutions.
is poised to change the way airports of the future
The XYBASE Message Broker enables data from
operate. Our products are:
different systems to be sent to other systems. It features
a multi-platform environment and makes integration
• airportXpert
efficient and cost effective to implement.
• XYBASE Message Broker
airportXpert is designed to integrate both operational as
well as commercial information, encourage proactive
management, increase profits, enhance efficiency and
decision making and planning. Among our airportXpert
• XODB - Operational Database
• XMB - Message Broker
• XFlight - Flight Management System
• XCommerce - Commercial Management System
• XTMS - Terminal Management System
We are now working on a new version of the
airportXpert suite which will be released into the
market in the near future.
Third Party Product
We also partner with key principals in providing 3rd
party Products such as TechnologyOne.
Our skills in developing and implementing many
bespoke accounting and finance based system have
resulted in us acquiring the capability to implement
accounting systems such as TechnologyOne Core
Enterprise Suite. The TechnologyOne enterprise
suite offers one solution with one interface and one
database, designed to drive innovation, improve
operational efficiencies and introduce measurable
process improvement.
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Business Contact
B-06-02, Block B, Plaza Glomac
No. 6 Jalan SS7/19, Kelana Jaya,
47301 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: +603-7885 0003
Fax: +603-7885 0007
XYBASE Helpdesk:
Tel: +603-7883 0105
Fax: +603-7883 0195
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globeOSS Sdn Bhd
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Service Assurance Company
Enabling Service Providers to manage next generation multi-service
communications networks by generating network and transactional
information into business insights.
globeOSS is a privately-owned company established for the global OSS market. We provide the most advanced
technologies for Mobile Broadband (MBB), Next Generation Networks (NGN), SS7/SigTran Signaling and IP Core Networks
monitoring surveillance and analysis in the area of OSS Service Assurance. It has gained a strong reputation for high quality
OSS solutions and services for the telecom operators.
globeOSS designs and delivers OSS systems, services and software that drive next-generation communications networks.
globeOSS uses its strength in OSS capability to create reliable, innovative and cost effective OSS Solutions and Services.
globeOSS provides service assurance solutions deploying technologies such as 2G, 3G, LTE, IPTV, VoIP, IP Core networks,
NGN and IMS. globeOSS’ team of highly skilled professionals is client-focused and results-driven. They have vast
experience in OSS and an excellent record in delivering quality results.
The Company
globeOSS History
Established in 2006, globeOSS designs and delivers
Network data collection is an expensive and difficult
OSS systems, services and software that drive next-
task with little visibility from customer centric
generation wireless communications networks.
perspective. With globeOSS next generation collection
device and data analytics engine, Telco Operators can
The mission of the Company is to provide solutions to
now have the richness of data collected in near real-
operators who are moving from traditional telephony
to new high speed IP based networks for OSS Service
Assurance, turning network information into business
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globeOSS R&D Elements
Using passive probe technology to capture at high
across the networks. This enhanced intelligence enables
speed and analyze Telco transaction to provide
Telecom Operators to take a proactive approach to
intelligence of subscriber, services, terminal, location
customer assurance.
and network information for 2G, 3G, LTE, IPTV, VoIP, IP
Core networks, NGN and IMS.
Providing proactive customer assurance using
enhanced correlated intelligence requires capturing
Extreme high performance data analysis for Telco
KPIs, customer and service in a single record! Often
networks with analytic and predictive function
IPDR, xDR and CDR does not contain KPI data.
Roaming Assurance using simulated SS7 messages
to provide visibility of partner network roaming
Most Telecom Operators uses mediated and/or billed
performance for SMS, Voice and Data Roaming.
data for churn prediction models and often missing the
negative elements of the customer experience. This is
Using correlated signaling and user data as the
because there are cases where an attempted call does
source for OSS network data provides a richer set
not even make it to the switch.
of information than switched data. Combining this
OSS information from various networks – Packet
It is the ability to capture and analyze successful and
Switch Core, Circuit Switch Core, NGN and IP Core
unsuccessful calls that provides the foundation for
– Customer Experience can be measured. At the same
measuring customer experience.
time, the troubleshooting by customer is made possible
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Business Activities
Turning Network and Transaction Data into Business Insights
GlobeOSS Data Explorer (GDX) is high performance
Organizing data
centralized data models based on network and
The GDX brings together two innovative techniques
transaction information from the Telco network, turning
that help to speed up the whole investigative process:
the information into business insights in the area of
On-Line Analytic Processing (OLAP) organizes data
Roaming, 3G, IMS, LTE, NGN, Broadband etc.
from the GDX into a multi-dimensional database - a
cube that is easy to understand and navigate.
High Quality Data
High quality data is provided by our network probes
Packaged Analytics use the OLAP technology to build
platform and business intelligence feeds. This system
modules based on best industry practices. Each module
connects unobtrusively to the telecommunications
enables analysis of a particular service or network
networks and can track and record full details of every
technology and includes relevant data enrichment,
voice call or data transaction.
data management, analysis views and measures. The
visualizations produced by the modules can be used
Storing data
immediately or further customized as necessary.
The records are extracted, processed and stored in
a centralized high performance data repository– the
The GDX Visual is highly accessible, with an intuitive,
GDX. This robust and scalable Oracle based data
web-based interface that lets users manipulate the data
repository solution has been designed specifically
in any way they want, save the results for later reuse or
for the management, correlation and storage
share them with colleagues in other departments via
of huge volumes of usage records derived from
intranet web pages or Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables.
communications networks.
enrichment, data management, analysis views and
measures. The visualizations produced by the modules
can be used immediately or further customized as
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Managed Services
globeOSS Managed Services Center (gMSC) has been
established to provide flexible and cost-effective
outsourced services based on various ownership
models, tailored to the needs of each customer. Each
of our services are designed and executed in alignment
with the goals and operational needs of our customers.
It is designed to deliver rapid return on investment and
scale as you need.
gMSC is a central surveillance center serving customers
of network monitoring needs. It has been established
in 2005 offering our customers a blend of business and
technology expertise to help our customers achieve
their service assurance monitoring short-term and longterm business needs. Our business has grown over the
last few years.
gMSC offers OSS (Operation Support System) solutions
as a managed service. It will enhance the value of your
network investment through 7x24x365 monitoring of
faults, performance and SLAs for Telco networks, IT
infrastructure and Mobile Operator Roaming Services.
gMSC utilizes carrier-class end-to-end solutions for OSS.
The solution will include fault management system,
performance management system, service quality
management system, SLA management, reporting,
dashboards and service desk solutions.
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Industry Focus
Telecommunication - Mobile Operators, Fixed Line Operators, NGN / Broadband Operators and WIMAX Operators.
We provide the most advanced technologies for Mobile Broadband (MBB), Next Generation Networks (NGN), SS7 /
SigTran Signaling, and IP Core Networks monitoring surveillance and analysis in the area of OSS Service Assurance.
Contact Us
Level 1, The Podium, Wisma Synergy,
72, Persiaran Jubli Perak,
Seksyen 22,
40000 Shah Alam,
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603-5198 0222
Fax: +603-5102 6777
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Go Global Directory 2010/11
Commerce Dot Com Sdn Bhd
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The Company
CDC Background
Commerce Dot Com is a leading e-commerce service provider that offers solutions and technical know-how to the
business-to-business (B2B) and Government-to-business (G2B) community using the latest expertise IT has to offer.
CDC are the creators of Malaysia’s pioneering, and, the world’s first electronic procurement system implemented on a
national scale; the ePerolehan. With a notable track record in managing the ePerolehan, CDC aspires to be the benchmark
leader in Government and public sector electronic procurement.
Business Activities
CDC Offerings
We offer an extensive, fully integrated and automated the entire sourcing, fulfilment, and payment process. Our solutions
enable organizations and Government’s to optimize spending on goods & services, process & policy compliance that in
return will improve efficiency at all level.
Supplier Registration
Product Catalogue
Direct Purchase
Electronic Auction
Purchase Order
Inventory System
Delivery Order
Financial System
Industry Expertise
At ePerolehan, we pride in our Personnel and Management possessing extensive industry experience and domain insight.
We prioritize in constantly ensuring our eProcurement solutions are able to be customized according to each and every
specific need, covering various industries from public and private sectors.
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Flagship Project: ePerolehan
ePerolehan is an online procurement system that has transformed conventional procurement practice of over 2,500
government agencies in Malaysia since 2000. It enables business transactions between these Government agencies and
registered suppliers in a virtual and secure marketplace through streamlined processes. As a result, the Government’s
service delivery is increased to a higher level, along with the transparency and accountability of the public procurement
With the automation of the entire procurement cycle in ePerolehan, registered suppliers will also gain from the
opportunities of reaching broader base of buyers, coupled with lower operating costs, shorter turnaround time, additional
revenue and increased customer satisfaction. To date, over 2 million procurement transaction amounting up to MYR
(Malaysian Ringgit) 25 billion has gone through the ePerolehan system, accomplishing the nation’s aspiration to create a
robust G2B interaction.
eP caters comprehensive procurement modes for the Government including Supplier Registration module:
Supplier Registration
• The main portal that allows suppliers to register with the Ministry of Finance
•A supplier registration system that encompasses activities such as signing up for new registration, renewals, supplier’s
profile update and application for Bumiputera status
Central Contract
•For procurement involving specific goods contracted to selected suppliers by the Ministry of Finance, for a specific time frame
Direct Purchase
• For procurement of goods and services with value amounting to MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 50,000
• For procurement of goods and services valued between MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 50,000-MYR500,000
• For procurement of goods and services above MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 500,000
• A procurement mode where suppliers compete interactively based on the Electronic Reverse Auction (ERA) concept.
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Our Asset
Strong Execution
• Robust change management implementation
• Extensive Change Management workforce
Client Relationship
• Compelling customer value proposition
• Distinct culture of high customer satisfaction
Industry Expertise
• Proven Industry/domain depth and expertise
• Knowledge of public and private sector industry
• Proven implementation to more than 2,500 Government offices
Technology Know-How
• Scalable and innovative technology platform
• Adopts latest encryption technology
• Localised Customisation and Integration
Value-Added Services
• Extensive nationwide service centres
• 24 hour dedicated customer call centre
• Effective training program for specific customers
• Enhanced Customer Relationship Management
Our Achievements
•Pioneers in electronic procurement service in
•Advocating ICT adoption in Government
•Championing Open Source technology in
•Drastic increase of eP usage through the Malaysian
Governments intervention – 98% of all Government
Agencies are eP Enabled
•Reduction in turnaround procurement time –
average payment period upon delivery is now less
than 14 days
• Faster online supplier registration
•Over 100,000 ePerolehan registered suppliers
100 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
Value Added Business
Product and
by Government agencies and suppliers alike,
Tender2U - A Tender Notification System
For Suppliers
Commerce Dot Com Sdn Bhd provides ePerolehan
Tender2u is a quotation and tender notification system
users with core enablement products as well as
for subscribed suppliers that send notifications via
products which gives added value to the ePerolehan
short message service (SMS), facsimile, email and/or
a Tender2u account. Currently, sources for quotations
In order to facilitate the smooth adoption of ePerolehan
ePerolehan Centre
The eP Centre is a ‘one stop centre’ made to increase
and tender information come from the Federal
Government, state government, local authorities,
statutory bodies and private companies.
the quality of services and aid Government Agencies as
system. It also help simplify dealings between suppliers
ePerolehan Direktori – An Annual
Publication Directory
and the Government through the free consultation
The ePerolehan Directory is an electronic annual
services. Today, there are 11 eP Centres nationwide.
directory guide that is distributed to all government
well as eP registered suppliers in using the ePerolehan
ePerolehan Access Medium
agencies nationwide. The ePerolehan Directory
is an effective business advertising tool that lists
ePerolehan is the official market place for Government
all ePerolehan-enabled suppliers. It also provides
agencies and suppliers. It is secure, reliable and safe
government users with an easy-to-use electronic
due to the use of public key cryptography and digital
catalogue that makes it easier to search for products
signature technology. Confidentiality is assured at
and services.
all times where all transactions are conducted in the
strictest confidence within a trusted environment.
It gives suppliers the opportunity to promote and
All access to ePerolehan uses the ePerolehan Access
expand their business activities with the government,
Medium which is a digital certificate to prevent
allowing them to stay competitive in an e-commerce
unauthorized access. It provides the highest level of
trust and security for electronic transactions over the
eCAT version 2.0 - Online Catalogue System
eCAT is an electronic catalogue solution for suppliers to
facilitate the marketing of their products and services to
government agencies. It complements marketing efforts
via online catalogues making it easier for government
agencies to browse through their products. Suppliers
can upload and update their products and services
specifications and price structures easily.
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 101
Value Added
Product and Services
• Date Established: June 1999
• No. of employees: 250
• Paid up capital: MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 40,000,001
• 11 ePerolehan service centres nationwide
• Shareholders: P
uncak Semangat Sdn Bhd (81%),
• Professional 24/7 call-centre services
Puncak Semangat Technology Sdn Bhd
• Over 11 years experience in e-Commerce solutions
(19%), Special share of MYR (Malaysian
•Awarded by the Government of Malaysia to develop
Ringgit) 1.00 by MOF Inc.
Value Added
Product and Services
Tingkat 2, Wisma Amtek,
No 15, Jalan Tandang,
46050 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603-7985 7700
Fax: +603-7985 7800
Contact person: Muallif Shahrel
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Go Global Directory 2010/11
EssentialBiz Sdn Bhd
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With the advent of high-speed, high-traffic digital channels such as the Internet and mobile networks, there is a growing
need for organizations to address the issue where all their digital information converge.
Founded in 2000, EssentialBiz Sdn Bhd was established with the purpose of developing digital convergence solutions
for businesses to communicate with their employees, partners and customers. EssentialBiz develops Web and mobile
applications so that companies are free to concentrate on their core capabilities rather than on their Internet infrastructure.
In other words, EssentialBiz allows you the freedom to concentrate on what’s really important – your business.
We work side by side with our clients - building a strategic partnership by defining their business needs, envisioning their
solutions, designing and implementing their systems and ensuring smooth, seamless transference of technology.
Indeed, EssentialBiz brings speed, simplicity and skill. Speed because we build solutions incorporating best practices for
the Internet industry. Simplicity because we take care of our customers’ technical infrastructure complexities, allowing
them to focus on their core business. Skill because EssentialBiz is focused only on the software industry and possesses indepth industry expertise.
The Company
EssentialBiz’s areas of specialty include the
Mobile Solutions and Services
skilful application of Internet technologies and
When it comes to web services, the focus is on
implementations of projects involving next-generation
componentized software that can be published once
mobile services.
and be accessed millions of times by thousands of
users on multiple devices. Analysts predict that in the
EssentialBiz employs today’s state of the art
near future consumers and enterprises will demand
development tools that allow developers, IT
access to these web services on more devices, such
professionals, and business managers to easily build
as smartphones and mobile tablets. Industry analysts
dynamic Web and Mobile applications / services that
estimate that the number of users accessing the Internet
span applications and platforms over the Internet, for
over wireless links will outgrow those using personal
their respective organizations.
computers. The message is clear: enterprises that want
Internet / Intranet Application Development
to stay on top of their game need to provide wireless
channels to their customers.
The Internet constantly changes the way in which
applications and services are provided. In the current
EssentialBiz provides expertise in implementing
stage, opportunities abound, fueling a scurry of
wireless data services, systems and software enabling
creative brainstorming and strategic planning. As a
people to use mobile devices for wireless data
result, many businesses will need to develop custom
communications and real-time information. We design,
software solutions that cater to those ideas and facilitate
develop and support complete wireless systems for
scalability and customization as strategies continue to
enterprises seeking to make data available to their
mobile workers or consumers. Our capabilities include
mobile development expertise, maintenance and
With an expert staff that is fully qualified to manage
and implement all phases of a custom development
lifecycle using proven methodologies, techniques and
tools, EssentialBiz delivers successfully no matter how
challenging the endeavor.
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deployment of mobile services.
EssentialBiz can help you build, buy, manage and use
Application Service Provider
ICT to provide solutions that ensure your business
Our experience in hosting, support, maintenance, and
success. Our services encompass the complete system
enhancements of applications allows our clients to
design, development and implementation cycle. While
focus resources on their core business while we support
EssentialBiz’s core competencies are continually
their information systems. Our strategic alliances
evolving, they span a range that includes the following:
with best-of-breed partners and ISPs (Independent
Custom Application Development
Service Providers) allow clients on-line access to latest
technology solutions at reasonable costs.
Our core competencies, understanding of business
issues in key industries, proven methodologies and
EssentialBiz’s latest reference project can be found
expertise in emerging technologies provide our clients
at, which itself is integrated to
with on-time, cost effective and cutting edge solutions.
Our experienced staff uses rapid application
development methodologies, de facto simulation
toolkits, and industry proven framewoks to shorten the
development cycle.
Rseven Architecture
Rseven is one of the brainchild application from EssentialBiz, which is a mobile backup & sync solution
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 105
Industry Focus
Mobile and wireless services, ICT
Contact Us
A-1-8 Setiawangsa Business Suites
54200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +603-4251 0500
Contact person: Azlan Shah
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Go Global Directory 2010/11
ItraMAS Corporation Sdn Bhd
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The Company
About Us
ItraMAS Corporation Sdn Bhd was founded in 1999. Its
core business then was as an Intelligent Transportation
System (ITS) solutions provider.
In addition, the group diversified its business emphasis
to the design & manufacturing of unique & innovative
LED-based products in the traffic, media, architectural
lighting, general lighting, public lighting and
automotive sectors targeting the local & global markets.
Corporate Values
Creativity and Innovation
• To challenge paradigms
•To be flexible, adaptable & timely in dealing with
• To create solutions and ideas
•To have the ability to adjust work priorities while
maintaining high productivity and efficiency
•To be committed to our work and to the continual
enhancement of knowledge and skills
• To strive for continuous improvement
• To be receptive and supportive to change
•To maintain good interpersonal relationships
•To adopt open communications and sharing of ideas
•To maintain a high level of professionalism in our
business dealings
• To adopt fairness and consistency
• To deliver as promised
• To respect and maintain confidentiality
108 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
and knowledge
• To balance work and quality of life
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
Integration of electronics, communication and information system to improve the efficiency of safety of road transportation.
Security and Surveillance System
A robust system that enables security operators to
actions to accelerate response time. i.tac Command &
detect, react, and analyse the security and safety
Control Centre software for Security & Surveillance is
threats. It provides seamless integration to multi-vendor
an intelligent integrated control central software that
devices and disparate system across the enterprise
allows customer to manage all their security systems
platform to provide a holistic view of the situation. The
such as CCTVs, door access etc via an single intuitive
system gathers and correlates information from
graphical user interface.
various devices which then coordinates the response
LED Lighting
Total LED Lighting Solutions
Our lighting division specializes in the design;
OEM/ODM manufacturing services for many other
manufacturing and marketing of modern LED based
global brands spanning the markets in North America,
lighting solutions to meet customers’ needs. Our
Europe, the Middle East and Australia.
lighting products include indoor and outdoor systems
that embody design and innovation which raise the
With the commitment and achievement of ISO
standard of modern lighting technology.
9001:2000 / ISO 14001:2004 Quality Management
System Standards, we will continue to produce high
Our LED lighting products are marketed under the
quality and innovative products and continue to invest
leading brand of Q-RAY™ globally. The recognition of
in modern technologies to bring effective lighting
innovation, quality and timely delivery of our products
solutions to our worldwide customers.
has earned us the opportunity to provide
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 109
New Era in Lighting Industry
Light Emitting Diode (LED) is a small, technologically advanced device that generates light by passing current through
layers of a semi-conductor material housed in a chip. Touted as a new energy-saving light source that will one day replace
conventional light source, LED represents the dawning of a new age in the lighting industry.
Unlike conventional light sources, LEDs are solid-state lighting devices that do not utilize filaments, gas or mercury to
produce light, thereby eliminating traditional lighting challenges such as costly energy consumption, troublesome periodic
maintenance, unpleasant heat & glare; damaging ultra violet radiations and limited color control.
Worldwide trend towards LED Technology
•US: Regulated LED lighting Applications facilitated by Dept of Energy (DOE). Congress approved USD 100 million to
encourage LED adoption from 2008 to 2012.
• Australia: Banned usage of inefficient light source.
• China: 7 LED cities declared.
• European Union : Banning of Incandescent light bulbs starting Year 2010.
•Others: Clinton Initiative include Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin, Bogota, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Caracas, Chicago, Delhi,
Dhaka, Hanoi, Hong Kong, Houston, Istanbul, Jakarta, Johannesburg, Karachi, Lagos, Lima, London, Los Angeles,
Madrid, Manila, Melbourne, Mexico City, Moscow, Mumbai, New York, Paris, Philadelphia, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, Sao
Paulo, Seoul, Shanghai, Sydney, Toronto, Tokyo, & Warsaw
Contact Us
No.1, Jalan PJU 8/5A,
Damansara Perdana
47820 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603-7727 0979
Fax: +603-7727 4979
110 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
Go Global Directory 2010/11
Pentasoft Malaysia Sdn Bhd
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The Company
Pentasoft is a Total Insurance Solution Provider
Our system is used by reputable customers; among
focusing on Insurance (Traditional) and Takaful
them are AVIVA NDB, SABB Takaful (member HSBC
(Islamic Insurance) industry only.
Group), MCIS Zurich, Legal and General, Tokio
Marine, etc.
Pentasoft offers a single end-to-end Insurance and
Takaful Solution that covers all lines of business:
Our customers are in Malaysia, South East Asia,
Individual Life, Group Life and Investment Linked
Middle East, Africa, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Our
for Insurance, Family and General for Takaful. It
business is to assist Insurance and Takaful companies to
spans across functions like illustration, quotation, new
achieve transformational growth through Operational
business, policy servicing, claims, agency management,
Excellence and Innovation.
commission and benefits, accounting, and services.
112 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
Our Quality Assurance
Pentasoft, an MSC Malaysia Status company, is certified
with IT industry’s well recognized Carnegie Melon
USA, CMMI Level 5 for software development. In year
2006, there were only about 350 companies in the
world who have secured Level 5.
To substantiate our commitment to excel in customer
service, Pentasoft is certified with ISO/IEC 20000
which is the most recognized certification for IT
Service Management. In year 2009, there were only
about 450 companies in the world that have achieved
the certification.
Pentasoft is a member of OMG (Object Management
Group) and shall be an ACORD member by year
2010. OMG is an international not for profit computer
industry standards consortium. ACORD is a global nonprofit standards development organization serving the
insurance and related financial services industry.
The above certifications enshrine Pentasoft’s culture to
seek for continuous improvement and to be a strong
proponent for quality and standards. With these world
class operations we are geared to serve you with the
Our People
Because Pentasoft focuses only in Insurance and
Takaful, our members have great depth in knowledge
and understanding of the industry. Our people employs
winning combination of technical and industry
knowledge acquired through the many years of
experience, research and teamwork.
Our Key Partners:
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 113
Business Activities
By leveraging on our technology solutions and expertise, insurance companies are achieving full
potential by:
• Going to market with new products faster;
• Tailoring simple insurance products for bancassurance;
•Facilitating customers to buy insurance anytime anywhere;
•System-wide efficiencies for seamless delivery of products and services
• Optimizing pricing and profitability
• Automating knowledge processes
•Motivate channels by giving them commission as soon as premiums are received;
•Retaining valuable customers by being customer oriented
Pentasoft IT solutions are functionally rich and user-friendly. Our products can be structured
•All lines of business: Life (Individual, Group), General (Motor, Fire, Home, Personal Accident, Medical/Hospital, Marine,
etc.), Takaful (Family, General); and spans,
•All business processes/functions: Quotations, Illustrations, Underwriting, Policy Issuance, Policy Administration, Claims,
Premium Accounting, Reinsurance; with,
•Multiple Channel Management: Agency, Bancassurance, Broker, Direct, Credit, Retail, Corporate; with,
•Tailored Compensation and benefits, for staff, intermediaries and other producers, leaders; offering a,
•Wide range of products (Individual or Group Plans, Personal Lines, Property & Casualty, Traditional Ordinary Life, Unit
Linked, Universal Life, Annuities/Pensions, Takaful etc.); supported with,
•Flexible parameterized product set up which enables fast and easy product configuration for launch, multiple options
for easy product innovations, customized compensation schemes, choice of currencies and premium discounts. These
are complemented with,
•Automated and straight through business processes that allows on-the-spot automated underwriting and acceptance,
through policy issuance and policy delivery.
• Customer Oriented: customizable to meet customers’ needs and wants
• Process Driven Systems: all functional activities are seamlessly modeled into the end-to-end process
• Designed the way people work under real scenarios
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Our Insurance Solution Framework : PentaISF
List of Products
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 115
Industry Focus
Insurance (Traditional) and Takaful (Islamic Insurance)
Contact Us
Suite 3A02, Menara PJ,
AMCORP Trade Centre,
No.18, Jalan Persiaran Barat,
46050 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: +603-7955 3043 / +603-7620 3043
Fax: +603-7957 1187
Contact Person: Ms Saraswathy
116 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
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Century Software (M) Sdn Bhd (CSM)
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The Company
Century Software (M) Sdn Bhd (CSM) was incorporated
made software. CFg and CFc is complete suite of
under the Malaysia Company Act 1965 as a private
financial management software made up of more than
limited company on 3rd September 1997.
25 modules. The solution was specially designed and
developed to cater all business requirements and user
CSM is a one hundred percent (100%) Malaysian
sizes particularly in the Government (Public Sector) and
owned company holds MSC Malaysia status (obtained
Commercial Sector.
in 17 August 2006) with branch / affiliate offices in
Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Zambia, Indonesia and
The integrated financial management software is a
US (Atlanta).
fully WEB based and built using the latest WEB 2
technology. The software provides flexibility to run on
CSM is principally involved in the design,
all popular platforms such as Windows, UNIX, Linux
development, implementation and marketing of
and Mac operating systems and also supports multiple
financial and related software.
databases including PostgresSQL from proprietary to
open source database.
Century Software entire business operations that
includes system design, development, installation,
Century Software possesses a team of over 100
implementation, maintenance and support are currently
well-qualified and experienced professionals from
certified by ISO 9001:2008.
various industries, backgrounds and expertise. Our
project managers and other key delivery personnel
Century Software main products, Century Financial
are PRINCE2 Project Management certified while
Government (CFg) and Century Financial Commercial
our consultants (implementer’s) are mostly qualified
(CFc) are one hundred (100%) percent Malaysian
We pledge to devote our expertise towards excellence
in creating competitive advantage for our customers by
offering The Financial Management Solution of Choice.
To be the Market Leader in providing the next
generation Financial Management Solution
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Value Added Services
It is a policy of Century Software to strategically form smart partnerships with our customers to provide valued-added
services such as:
Project Management Systems Implementation
v. Training
ii. Custom Design & Software Development
vi. Business Performance Improvement Advisory
iii. System Maintenance & Support
vii. Support and Helpdesk
iv. System Integration
Research and Development
Products - Software Solutions for Your Business
Integrated Century Financials, Century iPurchasing, Century Business Performance Management, Century Local Council,
Century Retail, Century Distribution, Century Analytical and Century Payroll Portal solutions.
List of Century Software Federal Statutory Body Customers:
Prime Minister’s Department
Ministry of Federal Territories
• Penang Regional Development Authority
• Labuan Corporation
• Human Rights Commission of Malaysia
Ministry of Youth and Sports
• National Sports Council
Ministry of Human Resource
• National Skills Development Fund
Ministry of Transport
• Social Security Organisation
• Railway Asset Corporation
• Port Kelang Authority
Ministry of Finance
• Bintulu Port Authority
• Langkawi Development Authority
• Penang Port Authority
• Inland Revenue Board
• Johor Port Authority
• Retirement Fund Incorporated
• Kuantan Port Authority
• Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research
Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry
•Malaysia Agriculture Research and Development
Ministry of Higher Education
• Universiti Malaysia Sabah
• Kemubu Agriculture Development Institute
• Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia
• Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia
• Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang
• Farmers Organisation Authority Malaysia
• Universiti Putra Malaysia, Bintulu
• Muda Agriculture Development Authority
• Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
• Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board
• National Higher Education Fund
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 119
• National Accreditation Board
• Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation
• Universiti Malaya Medical Centre
• Malaysian Industrial Development Authority
• Universiti of Malaya
• National Defence University of Malaysia
Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities
• Universiti of Malaysia Kelantan
• National Kenaf and Tobacco Board
• Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
• Malaysian Cocoa Board
• Malaysia Qualification Agency
• Malaysian Palm Oil Board
• Malaysian Pepper Board
Ministry of Women, Family and Community
• Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board
•National Population and Family Development
Ministry of Entrepreneur Cooperative Development
• Co-Operative College of Malaysia
• Malaysia Co-Operative Societies
Ministry of Domestic, Trade, Cooperative and
Ministry of Science, Technology and Information
• Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia
• Academy of Science Malaysia
• Companies Commission of Malaysia
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Rural and Regional Development
• Malaysian Health Promotion Board
• South East Johor Development Authority
• South Kelantan Development Authority
Ministry of Housing and Government
• Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing
Ministry of Information Communication and Culture
• Board of Trustees National Art Gallery
• Malaysia Handicraft Development Corporation
Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water
• National Academy of Arts, Culture and Heritage
• National Water Services Commission
• Energy Commission
Ministry of International Trade and Industry
• Malaysia Productivity Corporation
Contact Us
C-17-07, Level 7, Block C,
3 Two Square, 2 Jalan 19/1,
46300 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: +603-79627888
Fax: +603-79627800
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Go Global Directory 2010/11
Arahe Solutions Sdn Bhd
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The Company
Our Core Values
We are in the business of maximizing the value of the customers we serve. We believe
that only when our customers win,we win. And we do so by focusing on delivering
faster, better, and smarter solutions for our customers.
Our Corporate Background
The Facado platform:
Arahe is the leading Web Acceleration Systems and
•Extends Web browsers with the intelligence and
Rich Internet Application ( RIA ) solutions specialist.
Designed to meet new customer focus in business
strategy of enterprises, our flagship products have been
proven to be reliable and robust business solution that
deliver compelling business results to our customers –
speed of a desktop application
•Allows applications to be built that are truly device
•Makes it easy and fast to deploy user interfaces for
Web applications
which include some of the biggest names around.
It provides significant return in investment to the
corporation, advantages to developers who are creating
For both public websites and critical enterprises web
and deploying Web-based enterprise applications and a
applications, speed and application responsiveness
better experience for the end user.
can make or break you. Slow sites drive users to the
competition and sluggish productivity. Adding capacity
and improving performance is critical, but IT expenses
Information Workspace for Enterprise
require careful consideration. Sitecelerate optimizes
The InfoSmart is built on Facado technology, leveraging
and accelerates images and text for servers delivering
on the next generation of RIA platform and current
Web sites and Web Applications. SiteCelerate speeds
IT technologies. InfoSmart provides an advanced
delivery of your Web content 2 to 10 times – to every
base for you to rapidly deliver Rich Internet Business
user, on every connection speed, from any device. In
Applications (RIBA) that are robust, scalable, feature-
addition, SiteCelerate adds scalability, improves site
rich and with true Graphics User Interface ( GUI )
performance, and provides an excellent experience to
ease-of use.
Web site visitors.
The InfoSmart not only increases the performance,
usability and productivity of the company, it also
NetCelerate, the next generation Web Cache System,
reduces the cost of entire network infrastructure.
is an ideal solution for content acceleration today that
The reason that we could archive this was due to the
grows into the enterprise Content Delivery Network
massive reductions on server interactions. Therefore,
of tomorrow. NetCelerate accelerates all Web content
customer service organization with the InfoSmart will
traffic on a network, delivering files, Web pages,
enjoy the result of increasing their Return of Investment
and application data 2 – 10 time faster. NetCelerate
( ROI ) by increasing productivity and reducing cost at
enables you to cost-effectively add scalability, improve
the same time.
performance, and provide consistent quality to all
users, wheather they sit on your LAN, telework from
home, or dial in from the road.
An effective and automated Intergrated Inquiry and
Complaints Management System (ICMS) is an essential
part of Customer Service quality. The ICMS, built on
Enterprise and software vendors looking to deliver
Facado technology, provides automated, is a web-based
complex, interactive business applications over the
tools for registering, managing and reporting on inquiry
Web are faced with many challanges and obstacles,
and complaints, event details, investigational follow-
given current technology.
ups and resolution. This is based on an automated webbased workflow and assignment system.
Facado Platform is a thin, smart client that allows for
the creation and deployment of dynamic user interfaces
for Web-based enterprise applications and delivers the
client-side user interface solutions for the emerging
Web Services computing model.
122 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
And also we worked with Malaysia’s
Employees Provident Fund ( EPF ) to improve its
Enabling 20,000 Insurance Agents
customer service over the web.
Users were unable to use the web-based motor
“We are facing speed and performance challenges
e-Cover Note Application due to server & bandwidth
with our Employee Provident Fund (EPF) Portal and our
overload and slow speed. With our web acceleration
i-Account System.. we engaged arahE to do a trial using
technology, we were able to increase user access speed
their web-acceleration technology, SiteCelerate... we
by 100-200% and reduce bandwidth utilization by
drove down download times to less than 10 secs on
65% which amounts to a estimated savings for MYR
average and improve performance by more than 300%.
(Malaysian Ringgit) 500,000 per year for the customer.
Amazingly, we were also able to reduce Bandwidth use
The application can now take up to 4,000 concurrent
by 80% and improve server scalability of the i-Account
users easily.
system by 40 times.”
Speeding up a Slow Enterprise Portal
Boosting the Air Waves
DiGi Telecommunication
The Media Prima group of companies (TV3, 8TV,
Pages of the portal cannot even download during peak
NTV7, FlyFM, HotFM, TV9)
hours when traffic is high. Many remote branches
Facing tremendous bandwidth utilization issues,
including customer service centers faced problems in
this customer’s web servers were also stretched with
using the portal and this impacted the ROI expected
between 3 to 3.5 million hits per day. The graphically-
of the portal. With SiteCelerate, we were able to
rich content becomes painfully difficult for customers
significantly improve the performance of the enterprise
to access. With SiteCelerate installed, we reduced
portal hosted in Europe. The average speed was
bandwidth utilization by more than 40% and improved
sigficantly improved from 40 seconds down to 1-2
web server capacity by more than 50%. More
seconds. We also saved bandwidth on the WAN and
importantly, their customers can now access even
VPN connection and allow other critical applications
the heaviest and most graphic-intensive web site with
to run.
GPRS/EDGE connections.
And we also Showed Them
Making Peoplesoft Usable in 200 Branches
(the richer & smarter way to build enterprise web
Hong Leong Bank
Millions were spent on a PeopleSoft deployment – but
Leveraging on our Rich Internet Application ( RIA )
the customer cannot deploy the web application to all
platform, Facado, we also helped DiGi implement
users due to slow access speed and congestion. With
a smarter and richer web-based contact center
SiteCelerate, we were able to leverage the millions
knowledge portal which has helped us improve the
spent on the PeopleSoft deployment. The customer
average call handling time by 56% from 9 minutes to 4
avoided the potentially costly upgrades to all WAN
minutes. And staff training time for the same portal was
links and we achieved 300% increase in server
also reduced by 70%. Overall productivity gain
capacity, 70% bandwidth reduction, and average 400%
faster access. And we did this all in 1 day.
Powering and Enhancing the Exchange’s
Web Presence
Bursa Malaysia
With Arahe’s web acceleration solution, we were
able to significantly improve the performance of our
web servers and off-load our backend servers. Our
customers were able to access the site even when
using a slower connection (GPRS/EDGE) Overall, the
website is faster and you can now get the stock market
information you want much much quicker and easier.
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 123
And we also Showed Them
And word got around to Maybank
(the richer & smarter way to build enterprise web
(on what we did at DiGi) - MAYBANK
“After seeing and experiencing what arahE did at DiGi,
Leveraging on our Rich Internet Application ( RIA )
we decided that we should also use their Rich Internet
platform, Facado, we also helped us DiGi implement
Application Platform, Facado.
a smarter and richer web-based contact center
knowledge portal which has helped us improve the
In a call center, the responsiveness of the system
average call handling time by 56% from 9 minutes to
is critical as it directly impacts our call handling
4 minutes. And staff training time for the same portal
efficiency and our customer service level. With arahE’s
was also reduced by 70%. Overall productivity gain
Rich Internet platform, we can now strive to deliver
exceeds 30%. And amazingly, this RIA solution can
faster, better and smarter e-services to our customers.“
support 700 concurrent users nationwide with 1/3 less
server power.
Not Surprisingly.... We Soon Got
(the attention from the business of global delivery as
With such compelling results, we also leveraged
well) - DHL
Arahe’s Facado to build our Dealers Portal.
“To address the effective use and deployment of our
web-based Contact Center in countries where low
And we also Showed Them
bandwidth, low-end servers, slow client terminals, we
(the richer & smarter way to build enterprise web
use arahE’s rich and smart client technology, Facado.
applications) - DIGI
By implementing this rich internet application platform,
“Leveraging on their Rich Internet Application platform,
not only can our customer service agents provide faster
Facado, arahe also helped us implement a smarter
and better services to our customers, they can continue
and richer web-based contact center handling time by
to work even when they are disconnected from the
56% from 9 minutes to 4 minutes. And staff training
country server. That’s a smart way to ensure productivity
time for the same portal was reduced by 70%. Overall
without being dependent on connectivity.“
productivity gain exceeds 30%. And amazingly, we
were able to support 700 concurrent users nationwide
And we are now also Helping Companies
with 1/3 server power.“
(including China to run faster, better, and smarter too)
With such compelling results, we also leveraged arahE’s
Facado to build our Dealers Portal.
Contact Us
Suite B-09-01, Plaza Mont Kiara,
2 Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara,
50480 Kuala Lumpur,
Tel: +603-6201 8315
Fax: +603-6201 8325
124 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
Go Global Directory 2010/11
ePROTEA Technologies Sdn Bhd
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The Company
ePROTEA Technologies Sdn Bhd incorporated on 6th
January 2000 is a Malaysian-based enterprise software
solutions provider, which develops and markets its own
intellectual property (IP) solutions for the Banking and
Securities Industry.
We are creative, highly versatile team of technically
competent professionals with a vision. We pride
ourselves as we have undertaken and successfully
implemented large-scale projects many times over for
prominent clients whom you have witnessed.
Our Vision
The partners together have this one vision that we want
to create an identity - a world-class software developer.
The quest for excellence - is within us, to want to do
We’re also a participant in the
better all the time and to make full use of our given
MasterCard Vendor Program since year 2003.
However, at the end of it, it is about how successful we
have been fulfilling our destiny.
Hence, in whatever we do, we want to be able to
do more for the development of our community and
economic progress for our society-at-large. Thus we
In April 2004 and Jan 2005, we have achieved a
hope all in all we be known as a caring Malaysian
special privilege accorded by IBM International Inc as
world-class software developer.
an IBM OEM Software Partner and Oracle Inc ASFU
partner respectively, that means that we have the right
to resell their software products bundled with our
home-grown applications across territories globally
Our Achievements
Our company has been granted MSC Malaysia status
by Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC)
since year 2000. For more information about MSC
Malaysia status, please log-in at URL
my. We have set-up ePROTEA MSC Sdn Bhd office in
CyberJaya. We have activated our Pioneer Status since
the year 2004.
126 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
Product & Services
Here is what ePROTEA cardworks™ 2007 delivers:
1. ePROTEA chequeworks 2007
• Fast, real time, non-stop transactional processing
At ePROTEA (pronounced e-pro-teer), we are helping
• Round the clock availability
banks, billers and individuals nationwide meet the
• Fail-safe data integrity
requirements for cheque truncation by improving
• Supports Islamic banking principles
efficiency to achieve a common day-hold fund. And at
•Comprehensive risk management solution with
a cost that’s hard to beat!
online fraud detection system
•Automated chargeback & presentment system
Moreover, with our premium and home-grown
ePROTEA chequeworks 2007, what used to take 5
All these at only US$1* per card at prevailing exchange
to 7 days for clearing can be done in one (T+1) with
rate - that’s innovation by ePROTEA
our high-tech solution - without adding unnecessary
complexities or cost to the operation.
ePROTEA Group Of Companies
ePROTEA Technologies SB (502943P) current paid-
And it’s nice to know you can put our solution to work
up capital is MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 1.5 Million.
sooner with our flexible financial terms and packages.
Authorized Capital MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 5 Million.
It serves as an investment company and specialized
Here’s what ePROTEA chequeworks™ 2007 delivers:
system integrator.
•Outward Cheque Clearing System with IQA (Image
Quality Assessment)
ePROTEA MSC SB (515271A) current paid-up capital
• Inward Cheque Clearing System
is MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 2.5 million. Authorized
• Positive Pay Cheque Identification
Capital MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 5 Million. This is
• Signature Verification
an MSC Malaysia status company accorded by the
•Cheque Fraud Detection System with case
Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) for
management (Q1 2008)
• CAR & LAR Verify (Q2 2008)
all MDC-Approved Business Activities. This entity is
wholly-owned by ePROTEA Technologies SB. Serves as
the R&D arm for ePROTEA Group of Companies. Plans
Try beating this. Cheque-to-cash realisation by the next
to increase paid-up to MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 3.0
day @ only 30 sen per cheque* even for your remote
million and authorized to MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 10
branches - that’s innovation by ePROTEA.
million by year 2006.
2. ePROTEA cardworks™ 2007
ePROTEA ASIA SB (692327T) is the marketing arms
At ePROTEA (pronounced e-pro-teer), we provide a
of the ePROTEA Group of Companies. The company
non-stop, comprehensive card processing solution that
has a paid-up capital of MYR (Malaysian Ringgit)
delivers robust and highly scalable capabilities for all
250,000.00. Authorized Capital MYR (Malaysian
your critical card business needs.
Ringgit) 1 Million.
And it’s nice to know you can put our premium
ePROTEA CardSolutions SB (706710P) is the business
ePROTEA cardworks™ 2007 to work sooner with our
card operation and consultancy arm of the ePROTEA
flexible financial monetization model to suit different
Group of Companies. The company has a paid-up
organization sizes and budgets.
capital of MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 250,000.00.
Authorized Capital MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 1 Million.
Does it get any better than this? You bet. At ePROTEA
we will always do more to live up to our Plus 1
iSHANEZ Technologies SB (760027T) is an Ministry
business philosophy for the benefit of our customer’s
of Finance (MOF) Status company. The company
business. Our support service is legendary in the
has a paid-up capital of MYR (Malaysian Ringgit)
industry today because of our passion for giving our
100,000.00. Authorised Capital MYR (Malaysian
best at the fastest time always.
Ringgit) 100,000.00. Plans to increase paid-up capital
to MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 250,000.00 by year 2008.
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 127
Contact Us
New Signature Office
Level 29, Menara PROMET,
Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +603-2330 1900
Fax: +603-2330 1901
128 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
Go Global Directory 2010/11
Microlink Solutions Berhad
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The Company
Our Vision
To be a global leader in providing Shari’ah banking solutions through our commitment in research and development, and
partnership with Shari’ah institutions.
Our Mission
To be a trusted banking solution provider, delivering
We have a capable team with extensive banking &
reliable innovative results that customers can
finance knowledge and ICT development skills as well
experience, doing so with integrity, commitment,
as a management team with many years of experience
teamwork, professionalism and flexibility. We aim to
in financial institutions in Malaysia and globally.
be expert in our field through the solutions that we
Today, Microlink is listed on the ACE market and is a
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Level
Established since 1994, Microlink Solutions Berhad is
3 company. We are supported by reference sites
an award-winning Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC)
throughout South East Asia, the Middle East and North
Malaysia status company specialising in the provision
Africa and have won numerous accolades from the
of end-to-end banking solutions for both conventional
industry, including the “Industry Excellence Award”
and Islamic financial institutions.
by the Malaysia Ministry of International Trade and
Operating in Malaysia for more than 15 years, we offer
a diverse range of solutions encompassing all major
Backed by our corporate vision to stay at the forefront
components of the banking process. We are also noted
of our industry, we continue to invest in human
as a leading player in Islamic Banking applications,
capital and research and development so that we
spurred by our direct involvements in the thriving
can consistently offer relevant, high-quality banking
Islamic Banking sector that Malaysia has become
solutions to power the conventional and Islamic
renowned for.
banking sector into the New Economy.
Our in-house suite of products – marketed under the
“OneSolution” brandname – is a result of many years
of research and development. “OneSolution” addresses
all major retail, wholesale and investment banking
needs of financial institutions; with Islamic components
ensuring Shari’ah compliance is readily achieved.
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Utilising web-based technologies, Microlink’s “OneSolution” offers comprehensive
end-to-end solutioning to effectively support the operations of all financial institutions.
Solution Highlights
•Centralised real-time online transactional processing coupled with faster response time, lower bandwidth requirements
and 24x7 online banking capabilities.
•Multiple electronic delivery channels to support banking functions over Automated Teller Machines, Phone Banking,
Internet Banking and Desktop Banking.
•Customer Information System eliminates redundant information from multiple sources by carrying out customer
monitoring and other verification functions from a common platform.
•Seamless integration with Microlink’s Islamic Financing Suite of Solutions allows Islamic financial institutions to readily
adopt “OneSolution” whilst complying with Shari’ah principles.
•Dedicated ServicesInOne Support Centre connects our clienteles to a team of customer service personnel, ensuring
professional assistance and speedy resolution of technical issues at all time.
Award For Achievement
Year 2008
Year 2004
•Awarded by the Ministry of International Trade and
• Awarded by Sun Microsystems
Industry, Malaysia (MITI).
• Industry Excellence Award 2007
• Premier System Integrator Malaysia
• Best System Integrator
• Best Application – Islamic Banking System
Year 2007
•Awarded By Malaysia Mini of International Trade
and Industry (MITI)
• Export Excellence Award (Services) 2006
Year 2003
• Awarded by PIKOM Computimes
• ICT Software of the Year
•Awarded By Nanyang Siang Pau
• Outstanding SMEs Winner Award 2007
Year 2001
• Awarded by Sun Microsystems
Year 2006
• Sales Performance Excellence (Banking)
•Awarded by Islamic Finance News
•Best Islamic Finance Technology Provider, 2nd place
Year 1999
• Awarded by Deloitte
• Awarded by Oracle
•Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific 2006
• The Most Strategic Partner of the Year
• Awarded by Sun Microsystems
• Awarded by Halal Journal
•System Integrator with the Most Strategic Win of
• Best Islamic Financial Service or Product
the Year
Year 2005
•Awarded by Deloitte and International Institute of
Islamic Finance Inc
•Special Recognition for Outstanding Contribution to
Islamic Finance Industry for IT Solutions
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Our Clients
Contact Us
6th Floor, Menara Atlan,
161B, Jalan Ampang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +603-2171 2200
Fax: +603-2171 2240
Contact person: Ong Chong Ling
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CALMS Technologies Sdn Bhd
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Calms Technologies Sdn Bhd specializes in multi applications card based solutions focusing in One Card environment.
Calms Technologies saw that many companies embarking on the use of smartcards faced problems affecting smooth
implementation as they required multiple applications and cards. A system was needed that would allow more applications
to be shared and subsequently added onto the same card. Calms Technologies’ core solution Card Application Life Cycle
Management System (CALMS) enables various fragmented system to linked together for improved business process in card
issuance and management as well as improved security and data integrity with automated data sharing. The company also
has a full range of other off-the-shelf smartcard applications suitable for Education, Government, Large Enterprises, Clubs,
Retail and Financial sectors.
The Company
Formed in 2002, Calms Technologies Sdn Bhd is now a
market leader in providing integrated multi applications
card solution having helped many of its customers to
enjoy the benefit of One Card environment. Calms
Technologies help companies to simplify and automate
their fragmented systems through the use of one card.
Calms Technologies believes in providing practical,
realistic and sustainable solutions to its customers as
the success of the implementation means a win-win
long term partnership with the customers. The solutions
are built based on modular and platform independent
architecture ensuring that customers are able to start
small and grow on the complexity of implementations
as necessary.
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CALMS handles the process of encoding and
printing, including card policy for access and exit by
incorporating the various devices including door and
alarm systems. In addition, CALMS is fully integrated
with other Calms Technologies software to enable the
activation for other usage such as meal allowance and
electronic payment at the cafeteria, library card for
borrowing books, time attendance registration for the
payroll purposes, access into buildings or car parks and
many more.
Product Overview
Card Application Life-Cycle Management System
•Core system required for any smart card
•Manages the card life cycle and different
applications residing on the card.
•Integrates and interfaces with third party system to
enable efficient data management and data integrity
across fragmented system.
• Secure key management ensuring security and peace
of mind for users.
E-Purse System (EPurS)
•Enables users to issue and manage their own
electronic cash in a close environment.
•Supports multi merchants with auto and manual top
up features.
•Comprehensive Point of Sales applications with
items and inventory management. Support both cash
and cashless payment.
Visitor Management System (ViMS)
•Provides better management for building and
security as all visitor activities are monitored.
•Keep and track visitors movement (whose, who,
where and when, purpose of visit)
•Automate and fasten visitor processing, reducing
human error.
•Enhance reputation of company by improving
customer services
Time Attendance Management System (TAMS)
•Efficiently manages attendance and overtime
•Automatic alert for late/non attendance with user
response mechanism.
•Flexible export and integration to third party payroll
or financial system.
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Product Overview (Cont’d)
Membership Management System (MEMS)
•Enables easy registration, racking and management
of a membership program.
•Comes with easy to use Point of Sale application for
activity and item payment collections.
•Scalable and expandable with CALMS other
Meal Plan System (MPS)
•Automates and replaces the conventional issuance of
paper base voucher.
•Flexibility to integrate with human resource and
attendance system for rule base voucher award and
The CALMS smartcard solution helps corporations and
organizations automate and improve their operational
processes, cut costs and boost productivity without
compromising security.
Slashes costs
The implementation of CALMS results in controlled
issuance and tracking of individuals leading to
enhanced productivity and improved business
processes that saves time and optimizes resources
while ensuring better security. The solution primarily
simplifies operation processes for clients, and this
translates into huge costs savings. Whatever system
they may be using, we help to simplify their operations
and give them peace of mind on card handling from
beginning to end.
Productivity boost
The implementation of CALMS has helped some
of the country’s biggest corporations to reap major
productivity gains in the management of their
smartcard systems. Prior to deployment of Calms
Technologies’ solution, one of the region’s biggest
budget airlines services provider would typically
plough through a long series of loops before cards
could be issued and distributed. Such procedures when
repeated and multiplied many times over in a company
with a huge user base of thousands would translate into
very high costs involving time and labour.
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Enhances security and control
CALMS gives peace of mind to customers by ensuring
card handling is secure and efficiently processed.
Financial institution clients have benefited from CALMS
Visitor Management System that tracks not only the
movement of visitors to the company’s premises but
that of its staff and contractors. The system has a feature
which alerts the management against blacklisted
Multiple usage
The implementation of the Access Control System
in the smartcard not only helps ensure security by
controlling who could access which points and at what
time, it can also be encoded with other applications
that help track meal purchases and subsidies allocated
to the user.
Business Contact
Block M, UPM-MTDC Technology Centre
University Putra Malaysia, Serdang
43400, Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603-8941 8708
Fax: +603-8941 8709
Contact Person: Adam Tan
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MOL AccessPortal Berhad
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The Company
Our Vision
To be the trusted e-payments and e-lifestyle enabler in Asia that unlocks new possibilities and builds winning partnerships.
Our Mission
We are passionate about our customers, delivering greater choices, convenience and simplicity in all that we do.
We are committed to building successful and sustainable partnerships based on trust, mutuality and integrity.
We harness the best in technology to continuously deliver secure, reliable and robust payment infrastructure capabilities to
our customers and partners.
Our people uphold a high performance corporate culture, always dedicated to value creation across stakeholders employees, customers, partners and shareholders.
Product & Services
1. Payment Services
MOLPoints: is an online micropayment system
developed and operated by MOL. This payment system
enables consumers to purchase online products and
services via the portal and pay at over
540,000 channels across more than 75 countries
worldwide. There are over 15,000 physical and virtual
payment channels across Malaysia alone.
MOLReloads: An application that facilitates electronic
distribution of prepaid airtime and PINs through a
terminal-based infrastructure for MOLPoints and
external prepaid service providers. MOLReloads has
been implemented in over 1000 7-Eleven outlets across
MOL Cards: MOL Cards is a prepaid payment service
which has the features of a credit card with prepaid
convenience that leverages on MOL Points reload
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2. Media Services
Friendster: Friendster, a pioneer and a leading global
online social network, is focused on helping young
people stay in touch with friends and discover new
people and things that are important to them. Friendster
prides itself in delivering an easy-to-use, fun and
interactive environment where users can easily connect
with anyone around the world via www.friendster.
com or from any Internet-ready
mobile device. Friendster has been granted five patents
since July 2006, validating the company´s early and
continual innovation in online social networking. A
Fun and Simple Site – it’s more fun to connect and
communicate with friends
Friendster Music: Only Friendster Music provides an
enhanced social music discovery platform delivering
global music for Asia.
Friendster Games: Friendster Games aims to deliver
easy to access, entertaining, locally flavored and
highly immersive MMO web games to Friendster
users. Leveraging on Friendster’s user base and MOL’s
distribution reach, Friendster Games aggregates
browser based games providing an engaging and social
Friendster WiFi: Friendster WiFi is a free high-speed
wireless Internet connection made available at every
Starbucks, Kenny Rogers, Wendy’s and Krispy Kreme
outlet in Malaysia. The provision of the Friendster WiFi
service is financed by selling advertising blocks on the
landing page of the service.
Friendster iCafé: Friendster iCafé Management
System is a cybercafé management system that
allows cybercafé owners to manage their computers,
customers, accounts and billing needs. The system is
designed to protect and control a cybercafé system
and time usage of its computers and game consoles.
Friendster iCafé Management System allows cybercafé
owners to easily manage their customer accounts and
to develop their security infrastructures in addition to
obtaining detailed usage reports of their customers.
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Contact Us
Regional Headquarters
Lot 07-03 & 08-03, Level 7 & 8,
Berjaya Times Square,
No. 1, Jalan Imbi,
55100 Kuala Lumpur,
Tel: +603-2082 1251
Fax: +603-2082 1252 / +603-2082 1253
Contact person: Nor Badron
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Fexsoft (M) Sdn Bhd
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FexQMS is a web-based online Quality Control and Statistical Process Control (SPC) Software System that manages all
stages of QC process cycle from incoming material to in-process manufacturing all the way to outgoing products.
In addition, FexQMS predicts whether a machine will produce defective products in real-time (with an accuracy of
99.73%), alerts Production Personnel of Quality Problems using tower lights and email and coordinates the problem
solving process from initial identification of the problem until the problem is resolved and verified by authorised personnel.
The Company
Our Business
Fexsoft (M) Sdn Bhd was established in 2007 to provide
online plant-wide Quality Control and Statistical
Process Control Software Systems to the manufacturing
industry. Fexsoft’s principal activities include Research,
Development and Marketing of Quality Control
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Our People
Fexsoft has a group of key people who have many years
of experience in helping numerous Japanese multinational manufacturers design, implement and support
large scale Quality Control and Management Software
In addition, Fexsoft has also a team of engineers with
expertise in different engineering fields (electrical,
mechanical, chemical and software engineering) who
are also experts in software development.
Our Customers
Fexsoft’s multinational manufacturing customers
1. Hitachi Air-conditioning (M) Sdn Bhd (HAPM)
2. Yoshiden (M) Sdn Bhd
3. Malaysia Sumitomo Metal Mining Sdn Bhd (MSMM)
4. Spansion (KL) Sdn Bhd
5. Sumitomo Electric Sintered Components Sdn Bhd
6. S.E.H. (M) Sdn Bhd
7. S.E.H. (Shah Alam) Sdn Bhd
8. ShinEtsu Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd
9. Guinness Anchor Bhd
10. Kenseisha (M) Sdn Bhd
11. Asahi Kosei (M) Sdn Bhd
12. Omega Semiconductor Sdn Bhd
13. Nikon (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
14. PT Yamamoto Keiki Indonesia
15. Top Glove Sdn Bhd
Our Current Markets
FexQMS is currently marketed in Malaysia, Indonesia,
Thailand and the Philippines. Our Resellers in the
region are:
• PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera (Indonesia)
• DKSH (Thailand) Ltd
• DKSH Technology Philippines, Inc
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Business Activities
Product Features
Over the years, we have fine-tuned a cost-effective
FexQMS is a web-based online Quality Control and
project implementation framework that extends across
Statistical Process Control (SPC) Software System that
all aspects of the project life cycle; from requirement
manages all stages of QC process cycle from incoming
analysis to design, implementation, training and post
material to in-process manufacturing all the way to
project support.
outgoing products.
•FexQMS automates data collection from different
measuring equipment from diverse brands
•FexQMS has a built-in real-time Statistical Process
Control (SPC) engine that could predict product
Data Collection Automation Services
To ease tedious manual data collection, we help
manufacturers link up their automated test equipments
(ATEs) and gages to their IT systems (ERP, WMS, MES,
SPC, etc).
quality problems with an accuracy of 99.73%.
•Traceability of all quality control and quality
problem records
•When there are quality problems in the production
This enables huge amount of data to be collected
and analyzed in real-time, reduces data collection
manpower needs and improves data accuracy. To date,
floor, FexQMS will alert Production Personnel of
we have successfully linked up numerous different
Quality Problems using tower light and through
equipments for our multinational clients.
•When they are quality problems in the production
Example of gages and equipment we have integrated
floor, FexQMS will coordinate the problem solving
include digital caliper, vision measuring system, CMM
process from initial identification of the problem
and X-Ray inspection machine.
until the problem is resolved and verified by
authorised personnel.
•FexQMS can easily be deployed at multiple factories
Support and Maintenance Services
Fexsoft is committed to leveraging our technical
at different geographical locations because it is a
support expertise and infrastructure to ensure that
web-based software system
you maximize your software investment. Our highly
•FexQMS can easily be configured to suit different
competent support personnel is committed to provide
types of manufacturing with minimal customization
reliable and timely resolution to your software
(eg. Semiconductor, Precision Metal, Food &
operational issues using state-of-the-art software
Beverage, Automotive Components, etc)
virtualization and internet-based remote support
Value Propositions
•Help customers minimize Cost of Poor Quality
Every customer support request is tracked and managed
Control and Management (CoPQ) such as Customer
through our web-based issue tracking system to ensure
Claims, scraps, reworks, goods return, downtime and
mission-critical problems are resolved promptly. In
loss of business by 10%
addition, we communicate with you closely so that you
•Help customers minimize time, cost and effort in
are updated on the progress.
data collection and reporting by 30%
•Provide customers with a 24x7, responsive, efficient
Our service philosophy is to provide the best
and full traceability system to manage the entire
information and solutions, in order to keep your
Quality Control Cycle.
business up and running. We emphasize on preventive
maintenance to minimize unplanned system downtime
Professional Services
during normal operational hours.
At Fexsoft, we know that customers only start to enjoy
a return on investment once their application is in
Our customers can take advantage of the following
operation. We provide your team with a single point
support package:
of contact for technical expertise and development
• Premier 7×24 support
resources. This highly skilled team ensures that you
• Standard 5×9 support
maximize your ROI by providing implementation,
training, customization and consulting services.
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FexQMS is applicable to all manufacturing industries which include:
•Semiconductor Manufacturing (Wafer, Front-end, Back-end, and Components, etc)
• Automotive Component Manufacturing
•Precision metal fabrication (machining, stamping, powder metallurgy, etc)
• Precision Plastic Manufacturing
•Precision electronic components manufacturing (PCB, Plating, Etching, Chemical)
• Food, Beverage and Consumables Manufacturing
• Rubber related manufacturing (Tyres, gloves, etc)
• Petrochemical, Oleo-chemical Manufacturing
• Other mass production manufacturing
Business Contact
9, Jalan BP 2/9,
Bandar Bukit Puchong,
47100 Puchong,
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603-8060 3672
Fax: +603-8061 8902
Contact Person: Ng Chee Kwong
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CWorks Systems Berhad
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The Company
Every day facilities worth billions of dollars, from cities to churches, plants to mills, depend on our maintenance
management software to ensure their maintenance run smoothly by working smart not hard. Simply, sensibly, smartly.
Since 2001.
Why CWorks?
Satisfying users the customized way!
We believe that no standard maintenance management
“The CWorks Support Team is the greatest I have come
software will fully fit everyone’s needs. Our software is
across to date. They are fast, flexible and always willing
supported with proven customization services to ensure
to help out with customizing an amazing piece of
that you get maintenance software that are useful to
software. We were up and running in as little as two
weeks, and with over 2,000 assets, that is a testament
to the software’s reliability and ease of use. I’m not
afraid to recommend this software to any large-scale
plant in the world.”- Marshall Whitney, Berry Plastics Victoria, TX
Business Activities
Start Fast, Finish Strong
With a million users at thousands of companies and
organizations in over 100 countries, CWorks range of
maintenance management softwares are proven tools
for the management of maintenance operations and
“It allowed us to keep track of PM’s and have a better
history of maintenance on our equipment. furthermore,
CWorks is easy to use and fulfill our constant need of
information on who did what and when. On top of all
that, the support team help me out in a timely manner
when I needed it” - Christian Paradis, Canada
“The ease of entering detailed information into the
database enables managers to see a full cost and
repair history for every piece of equipment.”- [Plant],
November 20, 2006
MS Access database solution. Effective for single
sites with up to 5 users. Works Orders, Preventive
Maintenance, Materials, Purchasing.
Web based solution for multi users and multi sites use.
it is made affordable through monthly subscription with
no high IT overheads that normally comes with web
based software. Work Orders, Preventive Maintenance,
“[Before CWorks CMMS],downtime translated to at
least 45 minutes per day due to equipment failure,
malfunction, or maintenance, Basically, it was panic
maintenance instead of preventive maintenance” [Pump & Systems Magazine], Stan Howarth, Facility
Manager, Coast Mountain Dairy, September 2006
“After trialing a number of solutions to maintain our
inventory, we found CWorks to be both flexible and
user friendly. The fact that it cost a fraction of other
inventory management systems we didn’t hesitate
to purchase the system. After several weeks we have
hundreds of items in the database and CWorks has
exceeded our Expectations”- Simon Bridgewater, Renal
Technical Services. Bradford Hospitals NHS Trust
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Materials, Purchasing
Service & Support
Product support and implementation services is provided by CWorks, an award winning, publicly listed, global leader of
maintenance management solutions with one million users in over 100 countries. If you have a question, please browse
CWorks FAQ for answers or contact us.
Premium support is available through phone, live chat and priority email during officehours from our international support
centers in New York, USA, Melbourne, Australia and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
“Your customer service is the best. I am glad to recommend your products to all of my associates”
Dale King, Denny Price Family YMCA
“I have been writing you for almost a year now and I always get answer from you the next day. Don’t you go on vacation
or doesn’t you become sick ? You have to let me know what vitamin you are taking because it surely helps keeping your
Chung Yik Suen
“... the support team too had been very helpful and provided satisfactory assistance throughout. Our assets are more
easily manageable now and we would not hesitate to recommend CWorks to other similar facility and maintenance
Khadijah Mahyuddin,
Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC), Malaysia
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Contact Us
Block G,
UPM-MTDC Tech. Centre One,
Lebuh Silikon, Universiti Putra Malaysia,
43400 Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: +603-8656 9041 / +603-8656 9042
Fax: +603-8656 9043
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DBV Technologies Sdn Bhd
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The Company
DBV Technologies specialises in systems management and integration, software development and solution architectures.
Incorporated in 1997, we are a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and registered with the Malaysian Ministry of Finance
We operate in the space between business minds, seeking to bring organisational balance through deploying, augmenting,
and supporting the technologies that run your business. We develop and deliver Microsoft solutions that increase
productivity, facilitate faster and more effective decision-making, and enable a sustainable, competitive advantage.
Irrespective of your IT needs, you can rest assured that we will shine and provide personalised services that are
straightforward, transparent and easy for you. We are passionate about the things we do and put our special relationship
with Microsoft to work for you
Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Incident Reporting & Analysis
Our products manage all elements of an organization’s safety, health and environment program with a strong emphasis
on the process of data relate to accidents, incidents and near misses and management of all associated actions and costs.
It can be run under cloud or on premises, provide instant multi user, global access to real time information which enable
clients’ to record, manage and track all of their workplace incidents.
Our Clients
Our experience in providing real world solutions is evident from our list of customers which include organizations from the
government and private sectors.
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Oil & gas, chemical, shipping, construction and manufacturing
Business Contact
Suite 602,Level 6,Block B3
Leisure Commerce Square
Jalan PJS 8/9, Bandar Sunway
47160 Selangor,Malaysia.
Tel: +603-7491 9188 (General)
Fax: +603-7492 1020
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Silverlake Axis Sdn Bhd
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The Company
Today’s economic climate and competitive business
landscape give rise to the need for financial institutions
to address various challenges and requirements.
In addition, these institutions also have to look
into providing solutions to meet the needs of their
discerning customers.
Silverlake Axis has a proven history in helping financial
institutions stay agile. We have been a leading provider
of end-to-end universal integrated banking solution to
major financial institutions since 1989. Our installed
Silverlake Axis empowers financial
institutions with the right solution
foundation to continuously improve
their world-class business delivery
and customer services capabilities.
base in Asia and Middle East exceeds 100 customers
including 40% of the Top 20 largest banks in South East
Our years of experience has helped us understand
the challenges that financial institutions are facing in
meeting the demands of their customers, in staying
ahead of the competition, in responding to the
changing economic climate, be it locally or within the
region. Hence, we are a trusted solutions provider and
have a 100% success track record in delivering end-toend core banking implementation and enhancement,
backed by strong management and key software
development team.
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Solution Offerings
Silverlake Axis Integrated Banking Solution (SIBS)
Silverlake Axis Integrated Islamic Banking Solution
Silverlake Axis Integrated Banking Solution (SIBS) assists
financial institutions address challenges and leverages
Silverlake Axis Integrated Islamic Banking Solution
opportunities driven primarily by market forces such
(SIIBS) is a complete suite of applications that meet the
as customer choices, compliance requirements,
requirement of any Islamic Bank. SIIBS incorporates all
need for cost efficiency, business consolidations and
features necessary to be an adaptive platform to support
a world-class financial institution while complying to
Syariah requirement.
SIBS is designed on the Silverlake Axis Solution
Architecture comprising the Representation, Logistics
Silverlake Axis Integrated Provident Fund System
and Core Layers.
Silverlake Axis Integrated Provident Fund System
The Representation Layer is powered by SIBS Customer
(SIPFS) is a comprehensive employee provident fund
Facing Software Engines to deliver world-class customer
registration module. Its main function is registering of
interactions and experience through multiple customer
new members such as Government and Private Sectors
touch points.
and to keep current and accurate lifetime member
profile information, including nominees’ details. This
The Logistics Layer provides the enabling technologies
module provides a wide range of capabilities that
to deliver straight through business process and
allows users to seamlessly access information via a
information integration at the front office, middle office
single user-interface.
and back office to achieve greater business process
efficiency, transparency and control.
Silverlake Axis Card System (SCS)
Silverlake Axis Card System (SCS) is one of the most
The Core Layer, anchored on the SIBS Product
advanced and complete card solutions used by both
Factory and Information Repository, enables speedy
financial institutions and card processors today. A
definition of new products and services through more
global payments system, SCS transcends national
than 10,000 user configurable and pre-integrated
boundaries, offering 24X7 authorisation and different
solution attributes/parameters and objects. SIBS
types of settlement capability.
supports Customer Centricity for all transactions and
interactions, throughout the entire life cycle of the
Silverlake Axis Retail Merchandising System (PROFIT)
customer relationships. Comprising more than 7,000
Silverlake Axis Retail Merchandising System (PROFIT)
Banking Tables, the SIBS Information Repository can be
is a fully integrated retail system with a complete
leveraged for risk management, data mining, customer
integrated solution developed for retailers based on the
analytics, cross-selling, customer care, product
actual dynamics of the merchandising cycle. PROFIT
development, customer behavioural analysis and
provides comprehensive end-to-end business process,
performance management.
opportunity management, performance reporting and
decision support to retail management.
SIBS offers a suite of over 40 modules catering to
Conventional, Islamic and Micro banking that support
front office, middle office and back office operations.
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Service Offerings
Implementation and Customisation Services
Application Management Services
Our end-to-end implementation services include:
Our Application Management team assigns resources
• Project Management
with the required skills and experience to plan, manage
• Requirements Definitions
and deliver the functional requirements, to leverage
• Software Customisation
and enhance our banking solution.
• Life-cycle Testing
• Data Conversion
Business and IT Consulting Services
•Hardware Requirements Assessment &
Environment Setup
Our Consulting Services aim to assist customers by
• Training for Trainers & End Users
find opportunities for competitive advantage.
providing strategic technology planning and analysis to
• Migration & Rollout
• Pilot Implementation
Outsourcing Services
• Post Implementation Support
Our Outsourcing Services provide a foundation
for continuous strategic change through flexible,
Program Management Services
outsourced delivery model and consulting expertise.
Our Program Management Services framework supports
and manage multiple related projects as a whole to
IT Systems Management
achieve common strategic business goals.
Our IT Systems Management includes marketing,
implementing and maintaining tools for software
Application Maintenance and Support Services
change and deployment controls, hot-site data
Our Maintenance and Support Services include 24x7
mirroring and application recovery, reports
Customer Support Services and Customer Specific Release
management and distribution, security management.
Services for software supplied and installed by us.
Contact Us
Kuala Lumpur
Suite 3A-3, Level 3, Block 3A, Plaza Sentral
Jalan Stesen Sentral 5,
Kuala Lumpur Sentral,
50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: +603-92073000
Fax: +603-92073111
Lot 5.04, 5th Floor,
Menara 1, Faber Towers,
Jalan Desa Bahagia, Taman Desa,
58100 Kuala Lumpur,
Tel: +603-79832288
Fax: +603-79836555
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Go Global Directory 2010/11
Rexit Berhad
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Rexit Berhad (“Rexit”) is a company that focuses on delivering solutions and services to the
Insurance industry. Rexit’s intimate knowledge and understanding of the business processes
and operations of the industry, its capability to continually identify advances in technology
and successfully adapting those for the benefit of its customers have made Rexit the
solutions partner of choice.
Rexit is currently listed on the ACE market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd.
The Company
Rexit has grown from four-person operations in 1998
The e-Cover application has since been expanded to
into a public listed company in November 2005.
cover all classes of general insurance. Currently, more
than 35,000 intermediaries, 10 insurance companies,
Rexit offers several web-based insurance solutions
over twenty unit trust companies, four banks, a
which cater for the front-end marketing and sales
statutory body and telcos are participating in one of
functions, as well as the back-end operations and
the largest e-commerce portals in the country with
management requirements of insurance companies.
over 500,000 transactions a month. The e-Cover portal
currently transact over MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) 1.5
Rexit is a key Shared Services and Outsourcing (“SSO”)
billion in terms of premium value annually.
partner to the financial services industry by offering its
solutions on an Applications Service Provider (“ASP”)
Through a common interface, agents can transact
model. Rexit has recognized that this ‘pay per use’
for multi-principals using the same device instead of
model can greatly benefit its customers, as there is
different terminals and operating environments in the
no need for upfront capital expenditure, the high cost
past. The capability is extended to any location so
of developing and upgrading an application or the
long as there is access to the Internet. This fits into the
related costs of maintaining and managing the required
business model of providing service anytime, anywhere
which most insurance agents operate in.
A major milestone was reached in January 2005 when
Rexit Software has met all the regulatory requirements,
the Malaysian Government mandated that all insurance
especially those of Central Bank of Malaysia on the
information to be transmitted electronically to the
Guidelines on Management of IT Environment (GPIS1)
Road Transport Department (“JPJ”) via the paperless
for its solutions to the insurance industry.
electronic insurance (“eInsurans”) service only and
that physical insurance cover was no longer in use. In
As a public-listed entity, Rexit not only has the financial
conjunction with the eInsurans initiative, JPJ appointed
capacity to undertake large IT projects but also has
Rexit’s 20% - owned associated company, Reward-
the experience in managing large IT infrastructures. Sdn Bhd to be an electronic gateway provider
It also operates under the stringent requirements of
between JPJ and the insurance companies.
various regulatory bodies ensuring that there is proper
corporate governance and prudence in its operations.
With the launch of the eInsurans initiative, Rexit
introduced its e-Cover application through its wholly
Rexit expanded its operations overseas with the
owned subsidiary, Rexit Software Sdn Bhd (“Rexit
incorporation of Rexit International Sdn Bhd (“Rexit
Software”). The e-Cover application enabled the
International”). In 2008, Rexit signed agreements
insurance companies to utilize their agency network
with Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. and its subsidiary in
partnership to capture the policyholders’ information at
Hong Kong Sompo Japan Insurance (Hong Kong) Co.
the point of customer contact. This meant that source
Ltd. for the implementation of our IIMS. The system
data is now entered by thousands of agents instead
implemented at their Hong Kong office has since gone
of relying on personnel of insurance companies and
live in January 2010.
the system is simple to use and easily accessible. This
has greatly helped to enhance the delivery system and
customer service of the insurance companies.
46 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
In order for the group to continuously stay ahead in the
the Federation of Malaysian Unit Trust Managers) in
competitive information technology business and to
2009 as the third party administrator for electronic
provide new and enhanced software solutions to meet
investment submissions. The application known as the
the needs of our customers, Rexit also has set up a
electronic Pilihan Pelaburan Ahli system (“e-PPA“) is
wholly-owned subsidiary, Rexit Software (Guangzhou)
an industry platform for the electronic submission of
Co Ltd for the purpose of carrying out research and
unit trust applications and redemption to the Kumpulan
development for our overseas projects. Furthermore,
Wang Simpanan Pekerja (“KWSP”) (Employee Provident
the setting up of this base will provide the group with
the availability of additional resources for projects in
the region
The e-PPA system also facilitates the electronic
settlement of the various electronic transactions
Rexit was appointed by the Federation of Investment
using the KWSP members’ fund. The system has gone
Managers Malaysia (“FIMM”) (formerly known as
‘live’ since January 2010 and currently we have 34
customers using our e-PPA system which carry out over
40,000 transactions per month.
Business Activities
Recognition and Awards
Rexit Software and Rexit International were granted MSC (“Multimedia Super Corridor”) Malaysia status by Multimedia
Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDeC) in 2004 and 2008 respectively.
Rexit Software won the MSC Malaysia APICTA
The shared services model adopted has helped to
Merit Awards for the local and international “Best of
significantly reduce the cost of ownership as well as to
Financial Applications” categories in 2006.
provide our customers with the capability to reach out
to their customers via their agency networks efficiently
Furthermore, as part of Rexit’s continuous improvement
and cost-ffectively.
strategy, Rexit has achieved the Capability Maturity
Model Integration (“CMMI”) rating (Level 3) in
December 2008.
The Integrated Insurance Management System is able
to support the processes, work-flows and operations
Rexit was also awarded the Business Times-CIMA
of an insurance company which includes Marketing,
Corporate Governance Award 2010 for Best in ACE
Intermediary Management, Operations, Underwriting,
Market in October 2010.
Claims Management, Compliance, Reinsurance,
Insurance Accounting, Treasury, etc as well as providing
Business Activities/ Products and Services
Executive Information System requirements.
Rexit offers a broad range of solutions and services
specifically for the financial services industry,
specifically for insurance companies as well as other
The electronic Claims Management System is a
business that want to benefit from implementing
claims processing and management system with an
secured e-commerce.
integrated workflow, imaging, document management
and messaging systems which is purpose built for the
Our insurance products and services support the entire
insurance industry.
spectrum of insurance process and operations spanning
from the external sales and marketing process through
the various distribution channels which include agents,
The electronic Pilihan Pelaburan Ahli enables approved
brokers and banks through to the internal operations
unit trust or asset management companies to submit
that involve the management of intermediaries and
investment application to the EPF electronically. This
service providers, policy administration, underwriting,
has resulted in significant turnaround times for the
customer services, claims management, compliance,
approval of investment and redemption transactions
reinsurance, etc.
carried out by EPF members. The use of the e-PPA
system has also addressed the issue of fraud as all cases
are authenticated electronically
The e-Cover application, which is offered on an
Application Service Provider basis, is available 24x7.
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 47
Industry Focus
Insurance software solutions and system integration services
Contact Us
No.42, Jalan BM1/2,
Taman Bukit Mayang Emas
47301 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603-7803 6623
Fax: +603-7803 6922
Contact Person: Wong Phooi Hong
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Authentic Venture Sdn Bhd
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The Company
We Improve Your Company Productivity
Improve Productivity by Monitoring your Employee Internet Activities and Bandwidth Usage
Improve Productivity by
Automating your IT
Asset Management
Track your Laptop
Anytime, Anywhere
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Employees spend 2 Hrs 05 min nonproductive hours a day. 44.7% time
wasters is web surfing.
Productivity Intelligence
(AOL and survey).
Employee spend over one hour a day
on social media
eTrax Unique Features
• Easy Monitoring from Dashboard.
• Drill down to detail when required
• You can build your Company Policy
• Monitor from Anywhere, Anytime
•Monitor $ and Time loses from Internet and
Bandwidth abuses
•Send your staff your Productivity message
AssetCentral helps you to reduce cost by managing thousands of computers using our automated IT Asset Management System
Online IT Asset Management
AssetCentral provides comprehensive management
of IT Asset with automatic discovery of hardware,
software, software licenses, software usage, version and
• AssetXplorer-Automated Discovery
• Hardware Alarm Monitoring
• Software License Management
• Software Driver Management
• Automated Asset Registration
• Hardware Change Monitoring
• Automated Staff Link
• Monitor Anywhere, Anytime
• Can be Hosted in the Cloud or Local server
• Automated Audit
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 51
AsseTrax Laptop Tracking System
AsseTrax is an advanced laptop tracking software that enables you to track your laptop anywhere in the world. AsseTrax is
the solution that you have been looking for to track your laptop and recover it when it is stolen.
• Have Peace of Mind
• Register Ownership of your Laptop
• Track your Laptop Anywhere
• Reduce Laptop Stolen
• Recover your Stolen Laptop
• Avoid Purchasing Stolen Laptop
• Track your Laptop Anywhere
Contact Us
Malaysia Office:
Block U, UPM-MTDC,
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia
US Office:
440 N. Wolfe Rd. Sunnyvale,
CA 94085
Tel: +603-8941 2739 / 8650
Fax: +603-8941 8651
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Netinfinium Corporation Sdn Bhd
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Netinfinium Corporation has been in the business of online marketing and communications for over a decade. Our inhouse developed best of breed CRM (Customer Relationship Management) products and services provide clients with
flexibility and scalability for improved efficiency. We pride ourselves with providing IT based options that reduce our
shared carbon footprint and increase consumer delight.
Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Netinfinium attained MSC Malaysia Status in February 2002. Listed in the
Deloitte’s Asia Pacific Top 500 Fastest Growing IT Companies and Red Herring Asia Top 100 Technology Company,
Netinfinium had been awarded with the AWSJ Asia Innovations Award, MC2 Creative Award, Asia Interactive Award,
ZDNet Asia Top 10 Asian TechnoVisionaries and Malaysian Business Ethics Excellence Award.
The Company
Netinfinium Corporation Sdn Bhd was established in
Corporation) for our continuous effort to propel
2000; upon the constant commitment to developing
Malaysia into the forefront of Information Technology
and providing solutions and top-notch innovative
and to conduct further research and high tech solution
business services to clients, in the areas of Internet-
development activities in the field of email based
based marketing and communications. NetInfinium’s
billing systems.
mission is to add value, improve the productivity,
lower costs and increase the efficiency of our clients
We have provided services and solutions for numerous
operations by empowering them with the latest and
projects, a large portion being for multinational
most appropriate technology and ‘know-how’ for their
corporations in Malaysia, in the fields of Internet-based
business and operational needs.
technology solutions development, consultancy and
We provide our clients with effective solutions and
services that encompass:-
An upper-hand we have at NetInfinium is the strong
•E-Statement generation, encryption delivery,
partnership we have with world renowned names
tracking & reporting solution
such as IBM, Sun Microsystems, Microsoft and HP.
• Email/SMS campaign, broadcast & tracking solution
Our partnership and strategic alliance gives us the
•Integrated marketing (Interactive Web / SMS / Email)
capabilities of delivering value, beyond your highest
& campaign coordination
• Web Portal and Intranet Design and Development
• Web Based Application Design and Development
Netinfinium is also a member of MDA (Malaysian
• Interactive Marketing Consultancy
Digital Association), PIKOM (Association of the
Computer and Multimedia Industry Malaysia), ADMA
NetInfinium Corporation Sdn Bhd attained MSC
(Asia Digital Marketing Association) and DMA (Direct
Malaysia (Multimedia Super Corridor) status in 2002,
Marketing Association).
and in 2003, was awarded the MGS (Multimedia Grant
Scheme) grant by the MDeC (Multimedia Development
54 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
Business Activities
Our solutions are developed based on industry standards and utilizing “best-of-breed” solutions from our partners such as
HP, IBM, Microsoft, and Sun Microsystems.
DirectSecure™ E-Statement Delivery & Bill
Payment Solution
An advanced end-to-end e-Statement solution designed
to deliver statements, letters of credit, invoices, points
balance statements, credit due reminders etc. via the
medium of email, sms, web or fax in the most efficient
and secure manner.
It also enables consumers to pay their bills via secure
encrypted email without the need to login into any
website. This solution offers convenience to consumers
and helps billers differentiate themselves from their
Electronic Campaign Management
An advanced high volume speed email, SMS and fax
broadcasting system that enables organizations to fully
utilize the power of electronic marketing.
The system can be deployed as an installed solution
in your infrastructure (InterECM) or we can open
up access to the system for you via web login and
password (
Web Portal / Intranet Design & Development
Creating award winning websites and special web based tools and applications in furtherance of the client’s identity or
brand message. This service caters only for Medium to Large Corporations; our skill sets include IA Analysis, Creative
Design, User-Centered Design, etc.
Web based Applications Development & Integration
Develop, integrate, migrate, and synchronize web-based applications with backend systems to create customized
applications for different business needs are our strength. Topple with vast marketing, sales & IT experiences garnered over
the years with our various clienteles.
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 55
Industry Focus
Banking, Insurance, Securities, Advertising Agencies, FMCG, Internet Portals, Loyalty program operators, Retailers and
Telecommunications, Government
Contact Us
D-02-8, Jalan SS6/20A, Dataran Glomac,
Pusat Bandar Kelana Jaya,
47301 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603- 7880 7793
Fax: +603 7880 0753
For sales enquiries:
For corporate matters:
For support services:
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Go Global Directory 2010/11
iSentric Sdn Bhd
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The Company
iSentric Sdn Bhd is a MSC Malaysia status company
incorporated in year 2001 and commenced its
business actively in year 2003. It was founded by our
Below are some of our products offerings:
Banking & Financial Solution
2 directors, Mr Aaron Lee and Mr Roy Ng. Currently,
• Mobile Banking Solution
iSentric has a total workforce of 25 employees and
• Mobile Prepaid Reload Solution
with business presence in regional countries such as
• Mobile Insurance
Singapore and Indonesia.
iSentric headquarter is situated at No.3, Jalan 51A/227,
46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Our R&D &
Total Customer Support Centre is situated at AB13,
Traditional & New Media
• Mobile Blogging Solution
• Mobile Content Management Solution
MSC Malaysia Technology Commercialisation Centre,
• Mobile Classified Solution
63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
• Mobile Interactive Solution
iSentric focuses in providing mobile business solutions
Traditional & New Media
to customers from Banks & Financial Institutions,
• Mobile Blogging Solution
Interactive Media and Enterprise sectors. Our primary
• Mobile Content Management Solution
service offerings under the Mobility2u brand are
• Mobile Classified Solution
Mobile Banking Solutions and Mobile Commerce
Solutions. iSentric is committed to provide a ‘one stop’
solution, providing a reliable and robust SMS service
for banks and financial institutions. It’s our intent to
offer responsive message delivery, capacity for high
volumes, and support for two-way interactive services.
It provides end to end secured solution for
Mobile Banking Applications from development,
customization, service provisioning, maintenance,
future upgrade to customer care. Our Mobile Banking
Solution implemented is in compliance with Bank
Negara Malaysia’s Guidelines on Management of IT
Environment (GPIS 1).
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• Mobile Interactive Solution
Business Activities
With our in-house mobility solutions, we help clients to identify opportunities for building value through integration of
wireless technology into their infrastructure and hence help them increase their business revenue, improve productivity,
increase operational efficiency, and reduction in operational cost.
iSentric has formed strong alliances with the Malaysian mobile operators, such as Maxis, DiGi and Celcom and U-mobile.
Hence, we have the ability to provide multiple operators system integration services for software and hardware as well as
both-ways interactive SMS from all networks. In addition, iSentric has established network connections to local operators
in Singapore and Indonesia as well.
With continuous effort in innovation, developments and growth, iSentric has been granted the following awards and
recognition as below:
(i)Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific Award (ranked 6th fastest growing technology company in Malaysia and 67th
in Asia Pacific) - year 2006
(ii) Golden Bull Award (being one of the 100 Outstanding SMEs) - year 2007
(iii)MSC Malaysia APICTA Awards (under the category best of financial application –mobility2u-mobile business solutions) - year
(iv) SME Recognition Award (under the category of SME Innovation Excellence Award) - year 2007
(v) MCBC Business Excellence Award (under category of Industry Excellence in IT) - year 2008
(vi) Enterprise 50 Award (ranked no.12 from the 50 winners) - year 2009
Contact Us
No 3, Jalan 51A/227,
46100 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603-7875 1000
Fax: +603-7874 2000
Contact person: Aaron Lee
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N2N Connect Berhad
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The Company
Mission Statement
To be the number 1 one stop Innovative Application Service Provider for the e-Commerce and m-Commerce segments of
the Financial Industry, both locally and regionally.
Competitive Advantage
First mover advantages
N2N is renowned for gaining several first mover
advantages, commanding market share, pricing power
and economies of scale.
Business and technology knowledge
Our key management has been involved in the ICT
industry for more than 25 years with 10 years in
financial industry. Their in-depth knowledge and
N2N was incorporated in Malaysia as a private limited
company on 10 August 2000 under the name of N2N
Connect Sdn Bhd. It was converted to a public limited
company on 29 September 2004. On 1 July 2004,
N2N was awarded Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC)
Malaysia status by the Multimedia Development
Corporation (MDeC) of Malaysia.
The Company is principally involved in the R&D
of software packages and provision of design,
experience allow N2N to conceptualise and develop
innovative solutions and services for our capital market
clients, service providers and devices manufacturers,
who leverage on such solutions for a competitive edge
over their competitors.
Innovation and creativity
We have successfully developed a suite of solutions
and services which is user-friendly and wide-ranging
capturing large market segment of investors.
programming and consultancy services and related
activities, namely:
• Capital Market Application Services via the
Application Service Provider (ASP) business model
• Mobile-Commerce, Content and Services via Telco
• News Content Services via partnerships with Dow
Jones, The Edge and Xin Hua Financial News (XFN),
Web design, hosting and network management
N2N markets its core enterprise-wide integrated
e-commerce securities trading solutions to local stock
broking firms and banks. It also focuses on online
transactions with emphasis in the capital market
segments, including online stock trading and related
services. Its products and services range from online
trading portals within the stock broking industry,
hosting and managing network services to wealth and
risk management solutions and m-commerce solutions
and sale of mobile devices.
The Company’s entry into m-commerce adds mobility
to its existing services through:
• SMSConnect™ (Corporate SMS, News and SMS
• MobileConnect™ (Mobile Phone and PDA Real Time
Stock Price and Trading)
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Affordable ASP business model
Our business model is based on innovate the invention
and commercialization of technology, combined with
deep insight into the performance and processes of
business and industries with the goals of helping our
clients transform their enterprises for competitive
advantage and providing long-term value to our
shareholders. In support of these objectives, our
business model has been developed over time through
strategic investments in services and technologies
that have the best long-term growth and profitability
prospects based on the value they deliver to clients.
With an efficient and cost effective Application
Service Provider (ASP) business model, stock broking
companies do not have to incur high initial capital
outlay to acquire a quality online and mobile stock
trading system.
Products and Services
N2N provides the latest most comprehensive
PDAConnect™ and MobileConnect™
and reliable application in accessing global multi
PDAConnect™ and MobileConnect™ are mobile
instrument markets information, tools and analysis.
wireless applications developed for equity trading. Both
Our objective is to educate and enable investors into
applications enable users, who register to trade with
making sound choices when it comes to investment
our panel of stockbrokers, to trade in a totally mobile
decisions. Solutions are delivered through multi-
environment, in addition to streaming real-time stock
channels: PC, PDA and Mobile Phones and are
and trading related information.
multilingual. Through our panel of brokers, investors
are also able to trade securely and instantaneously
anytime anywhere.
TraderConnect™ incorporates a powerful technical
analysis toolkit and innovative trading capabilities to
deliver state-of-the-art desktop trading management
system. Explore the various analysis tools and trading
strategies, create charts and analyze the stock market
or other investment products by testing your investment
ideas and optimizing your potential returns.
SMSConnect™ is a software application developed
to provide on-line stock or trading information and /
or facilitate trading related transactions via SMS.
SMSConnect™ can operate on a stand-alone basis
or within eBrokerConnect™. On a stand-alone basis,
SMSConnect™ offers corporations and organizations
an affordable mean of information dissemination and
communication to the mass public or certain identied
persons. When used within the eBrokerConnect™
eBrokerConnect™ is the core engine for the e-broking
context, SMSConnect™ contains applications
trading solutions which handles the online internet
which allow (amongst others) stock alerts to be sent
trading solution currently deployed by our panel of
to customers whose preset thresholds have been
stockbrokers to handle their online internet trading
triggered and stock prices and news to be sent by
system. eBrokerConnect™ provides a comprehensive
telecommunication providers and/or our panel
range of services and products, including live and real-
time stock prices, web and client server trading system,
research and news publications, remote order routing
via Financial International Exchange (FIX) to external
system. The entire trading system can be viewed in
English, Chinese and Arabic languages.
An extended suite of financial order routing system,
GlobalConnect™, which allows cross border trading
will enhance eBroker Connect, offering users multi
market access with the facility to send and receive
foreign order instruction.
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 63
Business Activities
Corporate Structure
Going Global
10 August 2000
Malaysia, N2N incorporated as a private limited
1 July 2004
Malaysia, N2N awarded Multimedia Super Corridor
(MSC) Malaysia status by Multimedia Development
Corporation (MDeC).
29 September 2004
Malaysia, N2N converted to a public limited company.
8 November 2005
Malaysia, N2N listed on Mesdaq of Bursa Saham
Clients And Partners
N2N’s focus is in providing Online Trading, Online Risk
Management, Mobile and SMS Trading and Marketing
31 May 2004
services and Derivatives and Wealth Management
Singapore, N2N Connect incorporated as a private
limited company N2N Connect Pte. Ltd.
Finance Institutions
Bursa Malaysia Securities
Singapore Exchange
Securities (SGX)
K&N Kenanga
Saudi Stock Exchange
PM Securities
SJ Securities
Jakarta Stock Exchange
The Stock Trading
Center of Vietnam (STC)
64 | Go Global Directory 2010/11
Apex Securities TA Securities
CIMB Securities
November 2007
Vietnam, FNSN2N established under a joint venture
Middle East
9 January 2007
Dubai, U.A.E N2N Arabia established under a joint
venture agreement.
Electronic Trading Architecture
Industry Focus
The Company is principally involved in the R&D
of software packages and provision of design,
programming and consultancy services and related
activities for our clients and partners, namely:
l.Capital Market Application Services via the ASP
Busines smodel
ll.Mobile-Commerce, Content and Services via Telco
lll.News Content Services via partnerships with Dow
Jones, The Edge and Xin Hua Financial News (XFN),
Web design, hosting and network management
Go Global Directory 2010/11 | 65
Contact Us
Suite 4.03, 4th Floor,
Kompleks Antarabangsa,
Jalan Sultan Ismail,
50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3, Anson Road,
#34-02 Springleaf Tower,
Singapore 079909
Tel: +603-2163 2000
Fax: +603-2163 6222
HelpDesk: +603-2171 2000
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Tel: +65-6536 4832
Fax: +65-6234 2814
HelpDesk: +65-6311 5052
Suite 17-13, Level 17,
G Tower, 199,
Jalan Tun Razak,
50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Infopro Sdn Bhd
eBworx Berhad
Macro Kiosk Berhad
Open Dynamics Sdn Bhd
25 Berhad 31
Sigmax-e Services Sdn Bhd 35
Silverlake Axis Sdn Bhd
Rexit Berhad
Authentic Venture Sdn Bhd
Netinfinium Corporation Sdn Bhd 53
iSentric Sdn Bhd 57
N2N Connect Berhad
Terato Tech Sdn Bhd
SyQic Capital Sdn Bhd
Polarizone Technologies Sdn Bhd
GlobeOSS Sdn Bhd
Commerce Dot Com Sdn Bhd
EssentialBiz Sdn Bhd
ItraMAS Corporation Sdn Bhd 107
Pentasoft Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Century Software (M) Sdn Bhd
Arahe Solutions Sdn Bhd
ePROTEA Technologies Sdn Bhd 125
Microlink Solutions Berhad
CALMS Technologies Sdn Bhd
MOL AccessPortal Berhad
Fexsoft (M) Sdn Bhd 143
CWorks Systems Berhad
DBV Technologies Sdn Bhd
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