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M2810 #101 Su15
Applied Linear Algebra – Syllabus
Instructor: Jason Terry
Office Hours: TBA
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Email: jterry7@cnm.edu
Office: MS-541
Website: http://w3.cnm.edu/~jterry7. It contains assignments, handouts, announcements, etc. I
will also use your CNM email accounts for communication, so make sure to check it regularly.
Textbooks: Choose any of the following textbooks. You may also find your own resources.
(1) Introductory Notes in Linear Algebra, January 2012 Edition by Marcel B. Finan.
(2) Linear Algebra, 2007 Edition by Paul Dawkins.
(3) Elementary Linear Algebra, 7th Edition by Ron Larson.
(4) Applied Linear Algebra, Beta Version (Under Construction) by Jason Terry.
Calculator: Scientific calculators, but no graphing calculators, are allowed on quizzes/tests.
Class/Schedule: MW 5:30pm – 7:20pm in room MS-312 (CRN #93355, Sect. #101).
(1) The homework problems for the material we cover are located on the website.
(2) Homework will not be collected or graded. It is your responsibility to do the
assignments to prepare for the tests. Please seek help when needed by coming to my
office hours, asking questions in class, and using the answers in the textbook.
(3) The proper presentation of your work is extremely important in math. Any other
submitted work must be written correctly and the homework is a vital tool for practice.
(1) A quiz may be given at any time, in-class or take-home, involving recent class material.
(2) There will be 11 quizzes, and your best 10 quiz scores will count toward your final grade.
(3) Missed or late quizzes will not be accepted and cannot be made up.
(4) Quizzes are each worth 10 points.
Math Projects:
(1) You will be given written assignments that utilize your math skills.
(2) You may work together on projects, but all students must submit their own write-up.
(3) Submissions that are late or that do not reflect individual work will not be accepted.
(4) Math Projects will be worth a total of 50 points.
MATLAB Projects:
(1) You will be given programming assignments that utilize MATLAB.
(2) You may work together on projects, but all students must submit their own code.
(3) Submissions that are late or that do not reflect individual work will not be accepted.
(4) MATLAB Projects will be worth a total of 50 points.
(1) Test 1 will be on Wednesday, June 17th, 2015.
(2) Test 2 will be on Wednesday, July 8th, 2015.
(3) Test 3 will be on Wednesday, July 29th, 2015.
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Applied Linear Algebra – Syllabus
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(4) If you miss a test, you may take a makeup test before the next class period from the test
date. You must contact me no later than 24 hours from the test time to arrange the
makeup test. The place and time of the makeup test will be at my convenience. In
general, the makeup test is notably more difficult than the test given to the rest of the
class. Outside these guidelines, the manner in which the points are to be made up (if at
all) is up to me. Therefore, to avoid any undesirable situations, it is strongly inadvisable
to miss a test.
(5) No notes/note-cards are allowed on any test.
(6) Tests are each worth 50 points.
Final Exam: The final exam is comprehensive and is scheduled on Wednesday, August 12th,
2015, 5:30pm – 7:20pm during the regular class period. Keep this time available! No
notes/note-cards are allowed on the final. The final exam is worth 150 points.
Grading: The points earned from all quizzes, projects, tests, and the final exam will be totaled.
Your grade will be based on the percentage of points earned divided by points possible. There is
NO EXTRA CREDIT. The following list gives a breakdown of the point distribution.
10 Quizzes:
100 points
(or 20%)
Math Projects:
50 points
(or 10%)
MATLAB Projects: 50 points
(or 10%)
3 Tests:
150 points
(or 30%)
Final Exam:
150 points
(or 30%)
Total Possible:
500 points
(or 100%)
A percentage of at least 90% is an "A", at least 80% is a "B", at least 70% is a "C", and so on.
You must take the final exam to pass the course. In the event of school closure during finals
week, final grades for the students will be calculated based on all work assessed up to that point
in the course.
Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. A student may be dropped if you miss 15% of contact
time, miss a test and do not schedule a makeup, miss the first class meeting and have not
contacted the instructor, or miss two consecutive class meetings in the first week.
(1) The last day to drop a course without a "W" is Monday, June 8th, 2015.
(2) The last day to drop a course with a "W" and no letter grade is Friday, July 24th, 2015.
(3) It is your responsibility to drop a course and verify your enrollment status.
Holiday: Monday, May 25th, 2015 (Memorial Day)
Disclaimer: This syllabus is subject to change in the event of mitigating circumstances. I will
notify you via the website, email, and/or announcement in class of any significant changes.
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Applied Linear Algebra – Syllabus
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Master Syllabus Information
Course Description: Prerequisite: Math 1715. This course presents systems of linear equations
and matrices; introduction to vector spaces and linear transformations; rank, determinants,
eigenvalues and eigenvectors; applications; and efficient computational and numerical methods
are studied.
Attendance: According to CNM regulations, students enrolled for credit or audit are expected to
attend all class sessions. Students who miss the equivalent of 15% of contact time may be
dropped from the course by the instructor. But it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to
withdraw from the course. Absences from class do not relieve students from responsibility for
missed assignments, material covered in class, or exams.
Student Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, students should be able to:
1. Solve systems of linear equations.
2. Perform matrix operations.
3. Utilize the properties of vector spaces.
4. Utilize the properties of a matrix.
5. Utilize the properties of inner product spaces.
6. Utilize the properties of linear transformations.
7. Solve applied problems using linear algebra and technology.
Disability Statement: We will accommodate students with disabilities documented by the CNM
Disability Resource Center. During the first two weeks of the semester, those students should
inform the instructor of their particular needs.
I, _______________________________ (print name), have read and understood the syllabus for
Math 2810 (CRN #93355, Sect. #101) for Summer 2015 at CNM and agree to its terms and
STUDENT SIGNATURE: ___________________________
DATE: _________________