'' racte Cha ristiss' andApplications of DiodeDetectors Ron Pran Rf & Mlcrowave fYleasurement Symposlum ancl Exhlbltlon ftE FF&TJJ Applicationsof Detectors AbsolutePowerMeasurements RelativePowerMeasurements LevelingLoops Systems Monitoring PulsedRFMeasurements The diode detectoris a very common elementin microwave measurement setupsand findswide applicationin systems. semiconduoordiodesare usedfor measuringabsotutepower. Networkcharacterizationoften employsdiodesto measurerelativepower, aiJteuet;ng loops,systemmonitors,and pulsedRFmeasurements are other applications which rreq*nily employdiode detecrors. The systemperformanceone obtainsis a funoion or trrl aeteaor d;ode,its associared RFmatching circuit'the circuitrywhich processes the dereoed signal,and the environmentalconditions over which the systemmust operate.Tireparameterswhich .;;rJ i;;;"rtor,,.,.n.u of a deteoor are presentin atl isimportant fr?[tj||lT:j." to understand howrtey inrliaa sothartr'eaes;lalfrt". p"rrormance Diodesfor microwavedetectotr semiconductor "rnffi interface Theyare majorig carrierdeviceswhich minimize storedcharge Pointcontactand schottky(hot carrier)diodesare the mostcommon typesof detectori r E\ PSi Pointcontact '7g MFTAL N EPI N+si High BarrierSchottky METAL A@ P IPI P+Si LowBarrierSchonky conventional PN junaion diodes exhibit storedchargeeffeos which limit their operaringfrequency. Currentflow in a metal-semiconducror junoion is due irimarily to maiorirycarriers,so the effeo of chargestorageis minimized.Thismakei devicessuchasthe poinr contao diode o, the Schonky junction performasefficientreoifiersat microwave frequencies. For manyyears,the only way to fabricatethe requiredmetalsemiconductor interfacewasto employa point contactsystem.Thistype of constructionyieldeddiodeswith a wide variationin unit to unir performanceand the delicateassemblyis subjea to damagefrom excessive power, mechanicalshock, or temperaturecycling. -ut more rugged strucrureevolvedby depositingthe 6ariier meral dlreJv on an epitaxiallygrown Ilayer'ordinary schottkydiodeshavea hijh potenri.iu.rii.i.na r.quir. ---ui"i currentto achievesensitivities eguivalentto point contactdiodes.Ttremost recentdevelopmeniii " detectordiodesis the formationof a Schonkybarrieron P type siliconwhich hasa barrierheighrabout % that of ordinary schonky diodes.The low barrier height resultsin delecrors which are electrically similarto point contact devicesbur much more ruggedl Allthree typesof diodes are found in current xF-produas. The K and R 4224 derectorsuse poinr contactdiodes,and achievea sensitivity at 40 GHz tuhichis quite similarto lower tr.lr"n.y point contactdetectors.The 11664AAmplitude Analyzerdetectorsuse biased Schonkydejces ln conjunclion with an AM modulated sourceto achievea -50 dBm sensitivity, and the g4s4Apower sensoremploysa low barrier Schottkydetector and providesCW power measurement ..p.'bility to -70 dBm. Diode Equation -) lr le- vi J -U | = ts[exp(Vilvr) I = diode current Vj : junctionvoftage Vt: "thermalvoltage,, Vt : nKT/q ls: reverse saturationcurrent = K Boltzmann constant Determinedby, T = Absolutetemperature Junctionarea g = Electroncharge materials n = idealityfactor temperature ( 1< n < 2 ) ls changesby 2:1 for temperaturechangeof about 20 degreesc At low signallevels,all.threetypesof diodes.closely obey the equationfor the idealdiode, and rhis will be the startingpoint for rne Jiscuision of deteoor aoion. ihe equationrelaresrhe currenr through the diode to the vohagea.ppearing acrossthe junoion. ri" fr,.r.oerisricsof the diode are reffeoed in the so-called"thermal voliage",vi."Jii" reversesarurationcurrenrrs.At a giventemperature Vt wirl be differentfor varioustypei of diodes, and this.is,"trua"Juv t-heuarueof the idealityfactor n which has a valuein the rangeof 1 io 2. The predominanr faoor which ierer,',,ines;";;;;;;istics of the diode is the valueof the reversesaturation currentls.Thiscurrent is a function of devicearea, materialsusedto form the iunoion' and temper.rrt". iiu i",np.r.,rr" dependenceis very importantbecause mostof p"'io'',n." ;liJI:?i"#:rTH ..i u" related to vaiiations in rs,which.l,r"i", Lyapp,ori,,.'arery a Effectof Reverse SaturationCurrent I in microamps V in millivohs A-low barrierSchortky ls = 25 microamps B-Point contao diode ls = 5 microamps C-High barrierSchottky ls = 2.5nanoamp D-High barrierSchonky wirh 25 microampbias By examiningthe lV curvesfor the varioustypesof detector diodes,rhe influenceof the reverse saturationcurrenl can be seen.curve A is typiialof a low barrierschonkywith is = x microamps.This is contrastedagainsta point contactdevice(curve B) whosels = 5 microamps.curuet i, to..a rypical high.barrierschottkyhavingan ls = 2.5nanoamps.The diodesdescribedby curvesA and B show significantcurrent flow.atviry fow junctionvoltagesand this is the type of tv charaaeristicwhich is desirablefor a low levefdeleoor. Similarbehavioican be obtainedwitn the hif;;;;", schonkyby applyinga biascurrentto.shiftthe operatingpoint to a region similarro that .f?; 1o."barrieror poinr contact device' The penaltyfor doing this ,itie dc offserit i.n is produced. g;asedderedors are either usedfor detectingsignallevelsaboui -s d?-- in dc coupled systemsor are usedin ac coupled systemswhich eliminaresthe effea of rhe offset. Squarelaw Detection SimplifiedAnalysis Vp COS(coT) | = ls[exp(vjNtl-1J = ls[VjA/t+ t/2(yjNt)2+ . . . . 1 Assume:Vj = Vp cos(<oT); Vo << Vp; Vp < Vt I =# + f Unnrt),[1+ cos(2a,T)] cos(a,T) tdc=|{vnru,t' O.neof the major applications of diode detectorsis to measureeither absoluteor relativepower . levels'Al low power levels(<-20 dBm),the diode respondsro the sguareof the voltage appearing acrossthe junction so the deteoed signalbecomesa iunoion of power.An approximlte but accurate analysisrevealsthe reasonfor the squarelaw response.The diode currentcan be estimated by a series expansionof the diode equation.Upon substitutionof a sinusoidaldescriptionfor the signal voltage, restrictingthe analysis to signallevelslessthan vl, and assumingthat the iereoed signalisnegligib-le with respeo to the input voltage,one findsthat three domin.ni t"r-, appearin rhe expression. Two of thesedescribethe fundamentaland secondharmonicof the inpur signjl which are bypassedby a capacitor.A dc term which is proportionalto the sguareof the'input-vokag.r,"prer"nr,rhe detected signal.Experimental evidenceon a wide varietyof detectorsconfirmstt e Jatiaiiyof the analysis. lr nol be surprising.that significantdepariurefrom squarelaw is nored for signallevelsexceeding :P,f.a26 millivolts(about -22 d8,min a 50-ohmsystem)and the dereaed outpur level is-about157o of the peak RF inpur voltageat this power level. Equivafent Circuitof Diode Output Detectedcurrentgivenby: ls ldc = q NONt)'z Define"originresistance" Ro = Yt/ls Substitution yields , - V -p ' IDC ARM Whichsuggests the followingcircuits: Vp' aRoV ] Ro oR Vp' 4Vt Biaseddetectorsaresimilarexceptthat =I Ro "le 19= Biascurrent and fixedcurrenror voltagesourceshaveto be addedto account for the biassignal. lf a new term "origin resistance" is introduced,the analysis can be extendedto obtain a usefulmodet for the deteaed orriur. The origin resistance of rhe diode is simplyrhe slopeof rhe diode lV curveat the point of zero signal. RFcomponentsof rhe diode currentare bypassed, j]l*:L: the outpur of the diode is a dc voltage .. when a cw signalis applied.The analysis suggesrs tharii,e diode output is in the form of a current sourcedrivinga shuntresistorwith a valueei-ualto the origin resisrance. Thiscan be transformedto an equivalentvoltagesourceand seriesresistance. The RFbyplsscapaciloris includedin the modelto accountfor the transientresponseof the detector. An analysis of a biaseddetectorwill leadro a simitar resultexcept fixed sourceshaveto be added and the origin resisrancebecomesa function of Vt and the biascurrent lo. DetectorCircuitConsiderations Matching Network Thematchingnetworkdetermines thesespecs BANDWIDTH swR opEN ItrT'ft Bl[?l?l$r', r,v,w The diode and the matchingnetworkdeterminethe tangentiat signalsensitivity TSS The specifications which are obtainedfor a deteoor are governedprimarill, by the microwavecircuit in which the diode is imbedded.The diode impedance is raiely equalro the zo or tr," sysremso a matchingnetwork is necessary. The designor t-hiscircuitdererminesoperaringbandwidth, SwR, frequencyresponse'and open-circuitvoitage.sensirivity. A systemsrelated,pJ.iii.riion, tangentialsignal sensitivity(TSS), is governedboth by the malchingnerworkand the charaoerisrics of the diode. MatchingCircuits Resistive Matching RT Input ReactiveMatching RF Input l*nv'rl -T-att-1'-- i I = I n= Pointcontact,low barrierSchoftky or biasedSchottky BiasedSchottky(fowRs,tow e) Broadbandwidrh(.Ol- 26.5CHz) L o w S W R( < 1 . 3r o t 8 C H z ) Moderare sensitivity(500pVlp watr) Freq.response:.35 dB .m - 1gGHz (8494) Narrowbandwidrh(ocraveor less) H i g h S W R( 2 : 1t y p i c a l ) High sensitiviry(2000pY/y wan or higher) Freq.response:.5 dB./ocrave Sensitivityspecson chips and packageddiodes almosruniversallyrefer to a reactively matched circuit. Thereare two approaches to the designof the matchingnetwork,either resisliveor reacrive.The resistivenelwork is usedin broadbanddesigns(.01ro 25.5-CHz;and can yield low SWRand flar frequencyresPonse. The sensitivity of resistively marcheddeleclorsis almosrindependentof rhe diode characteristics. The reaoivelymatcheddereaoiswork over only modesrbandwidihs,lenerallyhaue relativelyhigh SWR,and the sensitivity obtainedis a strongfunoion of the diode characteristics. The advantageof reactivematchingis a markedincreasein sensitivity. Thisis due to the fao that the matchingnetworkactsasa transformerso the voltageappliedto the diode junoion is increased by the tquare root of the ratio of origin resistance to Zo. Toobtain a reasonable bandwidrh,biaseddiodei wirh an origin resistance of about 4 timesZo areoften usedin reactivelymatcheddesigns.Thisresuls in a faoor of 4 increasein sensitivity over the resisrive matchingn"t*oik. lt shouldbe-menrionedthar the sensitivityspecifications.Jor diodesin chip or packagedform almostuniversallyassumea reactively matchedcircuit.Regardless of the sensitivity specon a reaoivelymatcheddiode,rhey will all yielj very similarperformancein a resistively matchedcircuitbecausethe transformerpropertiesare nor present. Departurefrom ldealDiode 3 Key Elementsto took for are: R6 SpreadingResistance Ro Origin Resistance G5 ShuntConductance I = Ro Yt/ls R; I R; Non linear Model linear Model (SquareLaw Region) Theslopethroughthe originisreallythe parafrer combination of Roand G, Theseadditionalelementsreducethe sensitivity of the detectorfrom itstheoreticalvafueof Vdet = Vp, 4V The actualdiode will showsomedeparturefrom the idealdevice.Theoretically, the origin resisrance is givenby vt/ls, but a conductance Gsshuntsthe iunoion or tle aoual diode,so rhe slope ar zero signalis definedby the parallelcombination of Ro and Gs.All diodeserhibira spreading resisrance Rb which is in serieswith the nonlinearportion of the diode-Rb,cr, .na rhe parallelcombinarion of Gs and Ro may be dererminedfrom the devicelV curve,and contriburero a Lar.tloiin sensitivity. Low BarrierSchottkyDetectorCircuit r-R FI n p u t 'vi-i -T -'l v,; I I L JDiode circuit wasoptimizedto minimizechangein V; with frequencyand arsoprovidea good marchar the RFinput Ro = origin ResistanceRb = spreadingResistancecj = Junctioncapacitance [p = Leadlnductance Zo = RFLoadResistor c = RFBypass capacitor Rc= Compensation for LpCjResonance Lengthand impedance of stuboptimizedto minimizeSWR A completemodelof the HP low barrierschotrkydeteclorshowslhe elementswhich haveto be consideredduring the designof a broadbandresisrively marcheddereoor. tt e capacirance of the diode Cj and its feadinductanceLp effea the matchand frequencyresponse.A resisrorRc dampsthe resonance of LpCj,and a stubis placedin serieswith the RFload to minimizeSWR. The various elementsin the circuirwork togetherto keep rhe voltageacrossthe junction constanrwith frequency. 10 The Sensitivity_ of the Det".to Diode and the MatchingCircuit r -- l-Y*l :-r--[-'r i*' I I I I I L-- JDiode Vi2 ldealfy Vo=If 1. ldeafity factor increasesVt: , brr Vt=nKT/q 1 <n<2 2. Shuntconductanceof diode: A. Lowers originresistanceR6= '=fu; g. Self-loadingu t = - uo 1+GrRo 3. Matching circuit loss: tv/ -r : 6 V R d A finiteoutPut loadresistorwill havea dramatic effeo on the derectorperformance The sensitivity of the resistively matcheddeteoor is not a srrongfunction of the diode characterisrics, but the actualsensitivitywill be iomewhatlower tnan thai pr.oo"a by rhe analysis. The idealiryfa.or n causesan increasein the valueof Vt. The shuntconduorniu cs lowersrhu orilin ,iriir.n." and also actsasa built-infoadfor the videooutput.Finally, there is a rJu.oion in the junoion volrageVj relative to.the appliedsignalV.du.eto.the lossesproducedby the RFload, Rc and Rb. The combinationo{ rhese effeos causesthe sensitivity of actualdeieoorsro be 30 to soo/;lower rhan ideal. 11 Loadingthe DetectorOutput Vdet R; i*o I I I I Rr I L-- --J Diode Circuitfor Output Equivalent RV vd Rr von I I Vdet=ffiuo Video resistance Rv=Rd +Ru*R. *74/2 Rv is a functionof power level,temperatureand R1 The mostdramaticchangein sensitivity is producedwhen the outputof the derecloris loaded.The finitevideo resistance Rv formsa voltagedividerwhich cansignificantl;,decrease lhe outputvoltage.ln the squarelaw region,Rv is governedmainlyby the originresistance of the diodeRo,but asthe diode is driven out of squarelaw, Rv becomesa complicatedfunctionof power level,temperature,and R,. 12 low BarrierSchoftkyDetector Typica I TransferCharacteristics. At 250C Rr=1ko lfi) mV Rr = 50kO -:;, Vo,rt 1mV -lo o fnputPower(dBm) examiningthe transfercharacteristics of a typicalfow barrierschottkydetector,one can seelhe ,.By effea of load resistance on lhe output voltage.Notethat in the range of -30 to -20 dBm the outpur voltagechangesby 10to i, th-usiniicatingsqu"relaw operarion. Ar higherpower levels,the slopeof rhe 'linear transferfuncrionis cur in half,which is an-indication of ofer.tion. 13 Comparisonof Low and High LevefSignals linear -..-l P < 10 microwansinto 50 ohms Detected voltageproportional to the squareof appliedsignal. F Von Power levelstrearer than 10 milliwans Detected voltageproponional to the peak RFvoltage. Video loadingwill lower the detectedyoltage In the squarelaw region,the waveformof the diodecurrentis almostidenticalto that of the input signal.Underlargesignaloperation,the diodecurrentwaveformbecomesa functionof input signal leveland video output voltage.The output voltagebecomesa complicaredfunctionof load resisiance, power level,and diodecharacteristics. The key point is thatthe derectionlaw will undergoa rransilion from squarelaw to linear.Thisoccurswhen the junoion voltageexceedsVt. In the linearmode rhe diode is actinglike the familiarpeakdetector. 14 Video Resistance Rv Varieswith power, Rr and Y ts Y E d, -10 P d8m when the diode is in squarelaw,the video resistance is essentially constant,but at higherpower levelsthe currentthrough the diode exceedsts and the video resistance becomesa complicared funoion of power, load resistance, and ls. For low barrierdiodes,fs determinesRv ai low fevels.At high levelsthe vafueof Rv is d.eterminedby rhe actualdiode currentand rhe orher ,"rirro* in rhe detector circuit'The percentagechangein Rv and rhe actual transitionfrom squarelaw to linearis governed by ls and R, and the decreasingvalueof Rv can be used to extendthe squareraw range. 15 Transitionfrom SquareLawto Linearts Governedby RatiosRv/Ro and Rr-/Ro a Diodeorigin resistance: co2 --RO=10k Ro = 1'5k t ---Ro=100rl -50 o ag tt) \\. 9-r Detector Video Resistance c .9 -6 .E o 50K .5K .5K 50K 50K Rv=Ro+100fl -10 0 P;n(dBm) TypicalSquareLaw Deviation T h e s q u a r e l a w d e v i a t i o n i s a m e a s u r eo f t h e e r r o r b e t w e e n t h e d i o d e o u t p u t v o l t a g e r e l a t i v et o r h a t p r o d u c e d b y a t r u e p o w e r s e n s i n gd e v i c e .T h e d a t a p r e s e n l e ds h o w st h a t t h e t r a n s i t i o nf r o m s q u a r e l a w t o l i n e a r i s a s t r o n g f u n c t i o n o f v i d e o l o a d . T h i s c a n b e u n d e r s t o o d b y o b s e r v i n gt h a t a t h i g h l e v e l st h e o u t p u t i m p e d a n c e o f t h e d e t e o o r i s d e c r e a s i n gt,h u s t h e v o l t a g ed i v i d e r a c t i o n i s r e d u c e d a n d t e n d s t o c o m p e n s a t ef o r t h e c o m p r e s s i o ni n t h e d i o d e o u t p u t . T h i s e f { e o c a n b e u s e d t o e x t e n d t h e s q u a r e l a w r e g i o n a b o u t 1 0 d B . T h e e f f e o o f l o a d r e s i s t a n c eo n d i o d e l a w i s d e t e r m i n e d b y t h e r a t i o so f R v / R o a n d R , / R o . l f R o i s l a r g e ,t h e v i d e o r e s i s t a n c eR v i s a b o u t e q u a l t o R o a n d t h e d i o d e l a n ' i n t h e l r a n s i t i o n r e g i o n o I - 2 0 t o 0 d B m w i l l b e a s t r o n gf u n c l i o n o f R , . l f t h e R o o f t h e d i o d e i s l o w e r , l o a d i n g w i l l n o r haveas much effeo. 16 TemperatureEffects With proper biascircuit design,temperatureeffectson high barrierdetectorscan be minimized Performanceof low barrierschonky is governedby variationin 15 (Ro=f,t lsaorUles for2O.CAT Videoresistance is alsoa functionof powerand R,'.lf diode is in linearregion,temperaturesensitivity decreases. rmK ; 10k = 200Oro 50k0 5=n, E .9 Sr- u, <-20dBm ilk {0 -20 60 rypicatvideo,.o"ol",ll"iijlo",,'.1'*,,nremperature. effectsis the variationin ls.Forthe derectorthistranslates . The biggestcontributorto temperature to a changein video resistance. As can be seen,rhischangecan span a6out2t/zdecadesover a -60 to 100.c temperaturerange.At higherpower levels,the changein ls is maskedby the large currentsflowingin the diode,so the high levelresisrance mayonrychangeby a factorof 3 or less. 17 Due to variationin Rg the temperaturecoefficient of low barrierSchottkydetectorsis a strong functionof load resistance and power level rd8 .,q9,,-.,=Tt) 0 I -t, / ' , : .,'i/ -./ / / - /.t R, = tO[ -\ i. < I 0 -q .l - r-Ri<: orr rd8 0d8=Ourpur@25'C P - == --20 ! ) dd'h. 8m P'" . P -2 dE -\ dBm -l d8 .-r.rtll <d8 -60 -20 {r .,:r' Lttlr.r.rtrrrr ao ( , High Power Sincethe squarelaw deviationis governedby Rv --, RL tno Ro G the squarelaw,deviationwill alsobe a temperaturesensitiveparameterwhen Rr. Ro Theeffeo of ls variations, power level,and videoloadmakesthe changein sensirivity with temperaturea rathercomplicatedfunction.The datapresentedhere coversan extremerange.Over a narrowertemperaturerange,sensitivity changescanbe minimizedby seleoionof an optimumvideo load,or by designinga lemperaturecompensating amplifier.Sincethe ratioof Ro/R,determines the squarelaw deviation,thisparameter will alsoshowa temperature dependence. Thedatapresented earlierwasactuallyobtainedfrom the samediode measured at -25,25and 100oC. One canconclude from thisthat an optimumdesignexistsfor a specificapplication, but no optimumexistsfor all applications. 18 Risetimeof Detector Rv c Voc Rr - R1= 25f) F2o ns Rr = flX) Rr= 100(! Rr'= 300o Video loadingis an importantconsideration during the measuremenr of pulsedRFsignals.lf one is . dealingwith fastrisetimepu.lses severalprecautionshaveto be exercised.The outpur of the deteoor is takenacrossa capacitorso the RC time constantof the detectorand toad hasto be small.The data presentedshowsthe envelopeof a 10 mw pulseoverlayedon the detectedor,prt. iin." tr," diode is actingasa peakdeteoor, the video impedanceof the iereoor is low so rhe rise time is quite fasr.The decaytime is governedonly by the toadresisrance and can be appreciablylonger. 19 Effectof Cable 3 f tET_q r! R Fl nPUt Scope 4 = sott Rr *l l'-zo ns R, = 50O R, = 100O R1= 3dX) often a cableis usedbetweenthe deteoor and the scope.Thiscable shouldbe rerminatedin irsZo to minimizethe effeo of multiplereflectionsbouncingbei*een rhe scopeand the deteoor. lf the rise timesare long with respectto the time delayin the ca6le,an accurate estimateof cableeffeos can be obtainedby simplyaddingthe capacitance of rhe cableto the output capacirance of the dere.or. 20 Tangential SignalSensitivity (TSS) N J/lfl/]/L [lUUU VVMCASUICd Signallnput I 'tor"sff =4dB € TSSis acceptedto be the signallevelrequiredto producean 8 dB S/N ar rhe svstem output.Thisis equivalent to a 4 dB S/N ar the detecrorinput. A very common systemsspecification for a deteoor is its tangentialsignalsensitivity(TSS). The TSS point is generallyregardedasthe amountof RFpower requireJto producean 8 dB S7Nratio ar the systemoutput' Sometimesthis is referredbackto the input of the squarelaw device,and the ratio is thar of power and is 4 dB. The derivationof the TSSlevelis interesringbecauseit pointsout the paramerers one can work with to maximizethe sensitivityof a system. n TSSDerivation For marimum powet lransfer Rr = Rv Signalinput power Equivalentinpul noisepowel Pr.r= KTBF (YPtr'r)t P.- = t0Rv = RFpower P16.. 7= Opencircuitvoltagesensitiviry R,= Videoresistance of diode K = Boltzmannconsrant T = Absolute temperature t = Amplifier noisefigure B = Amplifier bandwidrh Ps= UsingI dB S/N ar ourpur PN Prss= 3.23x m-m\@ l1s/lo- (YPrss)2 4RvKTBF watts:at 3ooK Sincethe diode is operatedin squarelaw,itssmallsignalmodelcan be used.Toextractmaximum powerfrom the diode it mustbe loadedby with R,= Rv.The videoamplifier hasa noisefigure F so the equivalentinput noisecan be found.By findingthi rarioof signalpowerro noisepower and applying the appropriate ratioof S/N,the powerat the tangential signailevelcan be compured.Norethatthe diode relatedparameters do not offer much helpin obtaininghighersensiriviriei. In resisrively marched detectors, the sensitivity is diode independentuntil Rv is reducedto ratherlow levels.In reaciively matcheddeteclors,high sensitivity can be obrainedat the expenseof RFbandwidrhbunhe high trv increases the noise,and biaseddiodesmustbe usedto minimizethe effeo of ls variarionswirl-r erature.The offsetvoltageproducedby the biasmakesit difficultto measurelow levelsignals unlessAC couplingis.used. The biggestimprovements in sensitivity areobtainedby reduilngrhe system noisefigure and bandwidth.Note that the noiseproducedby the diode is the sameasrhe noise producedby a resistorof valueRv.Thisdiscussion appliesdirecrlyro zero biaseddiodes.For biased detectorsthe presenceof excessnoise(espectally'l/1y produced'bythe biascurrenrcan placeanorher limitationon their ulrimatesensitivity. 22 Non SinusoidalSignals Vd"r = KVt2 The analysis predicts,and experimental evidenceconfirms,that the output of a square law detectorwill be: Vder=K1Vr2+Vr2+VrJ SignalPower Prie=* 1v.,2+vr2*Vrr) As we haveseen,the output of a squarelaw derectormay be expressedby a constantmultipliedby the squareof the RFinput voltage.lf ihe signalis nor sinusoidal, it can be describedby a numberof frequencycomponentssuchas6armonics or modulationsidebands. lt can be determinedanalytically a.ndverifiedexperime.nta.lly rhar the ourput of the squarelaw,diode will be proportional ro the sum of the squaresof the individualfrequencycomponents.Except for a constanr,this is idenricalto the expressionfor the power conlent of rhe signal.Probablythe mosrdramaticdemonstrarionof the ability of the diode to measuretolal power is rhe-application where the squarelaw diode is usedto accuralely measurebroadbandnoisepower. when the diode is operatedout of sguarelaw its responsetransforms to a peakdetectorand rhe direo indicationof power is not obtained.circuitswhich compensate or',shape',the diode output will onfy correctfor the diode'sresponseto a parricularsignal,gen'eralty a sinusoij.ir the signatis not sinusoidal,the relationshipof peakto RM3 vohage lp6*"rt"ir dlfferentand resultsin an error for rhe power measurement. 23 SimplifiedNon LinearDetectorModel DEFINE CONSTANTS GUTSSV2 =Vp(ttn.!l+Xco6 u;=V-V2 l=;o1guj/ul-11 l._ , _{ Vr=Vr+f t f*-uii I v {=*,',,, introducedby the presence the error in powermeasurements !t is difficultto experimentally evaluate of harmonicsbecausethe diodeoutputat high levelsis a functionof the precisephaserelationship of procedureprovidesa methodof the fundamental to the harmonic.A verysimplenonlinearanalysis studyingthiseffect. procedureis a numericalsolutionfor the integralequationthat describes the voltage The analysis sourcevoltageV is calculated, the juncrionvoltage appearingon the bypasscapacitor. The instantaneous the currentl. Thiscurrentis integrated is determined,and the diodeequationis appliedto calculate over a completecycle.After eachcyclethe capacitorvohageis testedto seeif it changedappreciably.lf is made;if not, the resultsare printed. a changeis notedanothercalculation 24 Error Producedby 2ndHarmonic Predictedby SimpleModel 10log rr* (3)2r "'-I '=f) f s t i m a t e dm a x i m u me r r o r l i m i l s , for harmonic20 dB below fundamenral Thisanalysisprocedurewasused to predio the worst caseerror a secondharmonic20 dB below the fundamentalcould producewhen measuringpower with a diode. At row power levels,the diode output is found to be '04 dB high which correspondiio the 17o additionarpower added by the harmonic.At high levelsthe deteoor outpul is seento vary by the directsum of the two volrages,which is an uncenaintyrangeof 0.83to -0.92dB, or roughly+20%when relatedback to an Jqriuatenrpower input. The precisetransitionfrom squarelaw to linearis a function of detectorand load,and experimental evidenceshowsthat actualdiodesshowsomewharlessdeviation than rhe simpleanalysis predicts. 25 More RefinedModelsCan predict TemperatureEffects Temperature Sensitiveparameters ReverseSaturationCurrent t5 = 2:1for 20"C JT to ShuntConductanceG5 Tracksl5 z s; "ThermalVohage" nKT vr=T SpreadingResisrance Rs Rs = k T^s5 = E F F E COTT T I M P E R A T U ROEN SENSITIVIT OYF I E S DD T T E C T O R COMPARED TO NONLINEAR MODEL PWR-20 dBm VIDEOI-OAD NOTED F a z UJU6O T E M P ,D E C R E E S C while we are on the su.bjeoof modeling,it might be inreresring ro seerhe resultsobrainedfrom a more detailedstudywhich wasperformedio verifythe resulrs obriined from a i"ifurr,rr" resrof rhe low barrierschottkydeteoor- T-heonly paramerers which were variedin the model to accountfor a temperaturerangeof -60 to 1000cwere ls, Gs,Vt, and Rb.The f it betweenmodel and actualresultsis fairlygood over from -60 to 55oc, but someerror is nored ar 1(x)oc. Mosr fikely,rhe simple,,rhumb rule" eslimales for the diode parameters are breakingdown and directmeasurements of theseasa functionof temperaruremighr yield a bener fir. 26 Summary Squarelaw detection Circuitrealizations Performa nce characteristics Temperature effects Pulsemeasurements Effea of signalwaveforms variousaspedsof diode detectorshave been discussed. squarelaw deteoion, circuil realizations, loadingeffects,temDeraturecharacteristics, rangentialsensirivity, riserime,and effecs of harmonicsare allfaoorswhich effectthe performancu oi. u"teaor in a particura, application. As with manydevices, the multitudeof interacting parameters makesir impossibl!ioJ"tin" a universal solutionfor all measurementproblems'Hopefully,this work will aid in makinjthe proper rradeoffsnecessary to achievethe desiredlevelof performance ii a glvensystem. t The contributionsand.helpful discussions provided.byRusseflRiley,Luiz - - -peregrino, -'-D""-r Nick Kuhn, pereszenteare gratefullyacknowledg6i. Stevesparks,and in parricular , Bibliography Riley,R. B', A New CrystalDeteclorwith ErtremelyFlel FrequencyResponseHp fournal, Nov. 1963 P A. Szente,5. F.Adam, R. B. Riley,l-ow BarrierSchottly Diode DelectorsMicrowave lournal, Feb.1976 R. I Pratt very tow Lcvel Microwavepower MeesurementsHp fournat, oct. 1975 E K. Davirl,Evolutionof a Diode Detector Hp fournal, Nov. 1972 M' M' Atalfa,Melal SemiconduclorSchottkyBarrierDevicesand Appticationsproceedings of rhe Microelecrronics Symposium, pp 123-iS7Munich, 1966 M' J. lazarus,[. K. Mak, Diode RFRectificationPredictit More ClosetyMicrowaves,teb. 197g C' A' Hoer, K. C' Roe,C. M. Allred,Measudngand MinimizingDiode NonlinearitytEEE Transa6ions on Instrumentation and Measurements Vbl.lM_25,No.4, Dec.l97G F K' Weinert,B. O' Weinschel,D. D. Woodruff, Earretlerand Diode Comparisonfor InsertionLoss Measurements Microwavefournal,March 1975 A' Uhlir' Characlerizationof CryslatDiodesfor Low tevel Microwave Delection Microwave fournal, luly, 1953 H. C. Torrey,C. A. Whirmer,CrystalRectifiersMcGrawHill, t94g 28 HP Archive This vintage Hewlett-Packard document was preserved and distributed by www.hparchive.com Please visit us on the web! The HP Archive thanks George Pontis for his contribution of this material. On-line curator: John Miles, KE5FX jmiles@pop.net