Image Analysis: A tool for identification and classification of feathers from birds of prey. Antonio Y. Solís1; José J. Chanona2*; Marcela Vergara1; María de L. Alonso1, José Blasco3 1 Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Unidad Xochimilco. Calzada del Hueso No. 1100, Col. Villa Quietud. Del. Coyoacán. México 04960, México D. F. 2 Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas. IPN. Prolongación de Carpio y Plan de Ayala s/n, Col. Santo Tomas C.P. 11340 Delegación Miguel Hidalgo México, D.F. 3 Centro de Agroingeniería. Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA), Ctra. Moncada-Náquera km 5, 46113 Moncada (Valencia), Spain *Corresponding author: Abstract The red tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicencis spp.) has an important role in the food webs as predators, pest controllers of small mammals (rodents and rabbits), and thus they provide an important balance in the ecosystem and agricultural zones. About 17 subspecies of red-tailed hawk has been reported and its main phenotypic difference is the plumage color which varied from white-brown to dark brown. The aim of this work was to use image analysis methodology for categorized the types of red tailed hawk feathers based in geometric, color and texture descriptors, as a preliminary approaching for providing criteria for the classification of the subspecies detected in the Republic of Mexico. Around 68 feathers of red tailed hawk were collected from 20 birds. Feathers from breast, wings and tail zones could be obtained and they were characterized by using image analysis methodology. A rectangular image lighting system with a digital camera was used to obtain the color images. Pre-processing consisted of crop, grey level and binary operations. Twelve features of each feather were selected to characterize the different kinds of feathers in the birds using a simple ANOVA for the classification. Geometric and color parameters were efficient to classify the types of feathers in the birds by zone and position. Breast zone provide four types of feathers (vaned 1-4) that correspond at different heights of breast. From wings zone it was possible to separate three types of fly feathers (primary, secondary and tertiary). Tail feathers provide only one type. Image analysis was successful and non-invasive tool for characterization of red tailed hawk feathers. This preliminary study provides information for describe of plumage of red tailed hawk and it could be helpful for classification and conservation the subspecies present in México. Key words: Buteo jamaicencis, biological control, image analysis 1. Introduction Birds benefits growers by providing important regulating services by scavenging carcasses and waste, by controlling population of invertebrate and vertebrate pests or by pollinating and dispersing the seeds of plants (Sekercioglu, 2006). Species extinction is irreversibly lost, because some provides environmental services, their disappearance promotes a disequilibrium in the ecosystems and agricultural zones. The red tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicencis) has an important role in the food webs as predators, pest controllers of small mammals (rodents and rabbits), and thus they provide an important balance in the ecosystem. About 17 subspecies of red-tailed hawk has been reported and its main phenotypic difference is the plumage color which varied from white-brown to dark brown. The birds have several kinds of feathers but only three are characteristic. Vaned feathers, these cover the entire body of bird and provide external protection against agents such as rain, sun or abrasion. There are three types of flight feathers: primary, secondary and tertiary. Flight feathers usually are covered by short vanned feathers and tail feathers which are inserted in the last caudal vertebrae and it have functions to drive fly (Figure 1). Plumage color on the breast of these birds has been used as a criterion to identify the different subspecies, but this criterion tends to be subjective because it depends on visual appreciation (Ferguson-Lees et al., 2001). An important aspect to preserve this specie could be the characterization of subspecies trough their feathers by means of image analysis. This could be useful as a quantitative tool to establish criteria for the classification of subspecies of redtailed hawk. The aim of this work was to use image analysis methodology for categorized the types of red tailed hawk feathers based in geometric, color and texture descriptors, as a preliminary approaching for providing criteria for the classification of the subspecies detected in the Republic of Mexico. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Collection of feathers. We used a total of 68 breast and wing feathers pre-classified in vaned, flight (remiges) and tail (rectrices) feathers, collected from the CIVS (Centro para la Conservación e Investigación de la Vida Silvestre, Mexico), they were placed in paper envelopes and stored in a cool dry place for analysis. 2.2. Image Acquisition. An image processing methodology was used for characterized the feathers according to reported by Arzate-Vázquez et al., (2011). A rectangular image lighting system with a CCD digital camera (Canon EOS Kiss Digital 10 Mpx, Japan) was used to obtain the images in RGB format. The digital camera was mounted on the inspection chamber at a distance of 60 cm from the feathers. The lighting depends on daylight fluorescent lamps, free from outside interference. Previously, the capture parameters were fixed in the camera, performing a calibration of the camera using a colorimeter (Minolta Chroma Meter CR400, Osaka Light source model D65) in accordance with those reported by Leon et al. (2006). The images were acquired using feathers black matte background parameters held constant capture of the camera (zoom, brightness, contrast, exposure level, resolution etc.). The images, with a size of 2456 x 2592 pixels, were stored in JPEG format in RGB 24-bit resolution on a wooden base covered with velvet paper to reduce glare. The images analyzed using a personal computer (Dell Precision 380) with an Intel Pentium IV 3 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 160 GB hard drive (500 GB of storage). 2.3. Image processing. Twelve features of each feather (area, perimeter, Feret diameter, aspect ratio, roundness, fractal dimension of contour (FDc), entropy, energy, fractal texture (FT), and HSB color parameters) were selected to characterized the different kinds of feathers (Figure 1). Pre-processing consisted of crop, grey level conversion and binary operations. For processing and segmentation of images, it were transformed to grayscale 8-bit for the extraction of texture parameters (entropy, energy and fractal texture) and geometric (area, perimeter, Feret, DF contour) and image format 24-bit RGB was retained for the analysis of color. In addition, for color analysis the images feathers were separated into HSB channels and their values were obtained. The extraction and meaning of image features have been described previously by Haralick et al., (1973); Perea-Flores, et al. (2011) and Arzate-Vazquez et. al., (2012). All operations in image analysis were carried out with ImageJ program v. 1.34s (National Institutes of Health, USA). A simple ANOVA was used for statistical analysis of feathers. Flight Feathers Primary Va ne d Feathe r s Vaned 1 Vaned 2 Vaned 3 Flight Feathers Secondary Vaned 4 Flight Feathers Tertiary Tail Feathers Vaned Feathers Flight Feathers Tail Feathers Rachis RGB Color Images Hollow shaft, Calamus Barb Afterfeather Rachis Figure 1. Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicencis) and its kinds of feathers. 2.4. Entropy and Fractal Dimension texture. From the gray-scale images, we measured the entropy of the image in the direction 0°, using the plug-in "Texture GLCM" (Haralick, 1973) in the ImageJ program. For the calculation of the fractal dimension was used plug-in "MapFractalCount" with the option "include subgraph" selected in ImageJ. This plug-in is based on the Box Counting Method (MCC) proposed by Chen Wen et al. (2003), where the image is divided into volumes (boxes) size virtual "r" while the program performs counting the number of boxes intercepted (Nr), the algorithm is iterated by decreasing the size of box. The fractal dimension obtained by this method is determined from the slope obtained from least squares linear regression of logarithmic graph vs Nr. 1/r. 2.5. Color estimation. To determine the color of the feathers in the RGB images we used the function "RGB to HSB stack" (Sacha, 2004) of ImageJ which converts the RGB image to the parameters of the HSB color space, then using the command "Histogram" performed the measurement of color image which provides an average value of each parameter and histogram values (Papadakis et al. 2000). The methodology described above was used to determine the HSB values and histogram of each feather. Finally, the H parameter is used to determine the color. 3. Results and discussion. 3.1. Geometric and texture parameters. Table 1 shows the values of area, perimeter, Feret diameter obtained for each feathers group. ANOVA analysis allowed finding the statistical differences between groups and subgroups of feathers (vaned and flight). Vaned feathers increased its size since top until bottom of bird chest, thus two different sizes could be observed, one subgroup correspond to vaned 1 and 2, while vaned 3 and 4 can be separate into other subgroup. Small vaned (1 and 2) feathers can be associated to feathers of top zone of bird chest, these has been reported as feathers useful for differentiation of subspecies and functions as nuptial plumage (courtship). While the feathers with the largest area are located mainly in the abdominal area, these corresponds to functions of weather protection and adaptation environmental (Ferguson-Lees et al., 2001). The flight feathers showed an increased in the size with respect to position into the wing. Feathers with smaller sizes corresponded to tertiary (T) zone; secondary (S) feathers showed major sizes than tertiary feathers and primary (P) feathers were largest size than other feathers. Primary feathers must be having strength and flexibility to withstand the force of flight, for this reason these feathers showed a largest size. Tail feathers showed similar sizes to flight feathers. Table 1. Geometric and texture parameters of kinds of feathers (red-tailed hawk). Area Kinds of feathers 2 (mm ) x10 abc -4 Perimeter Feret Diameter (mm) (mm) Vaned 1 5182.453±1676 a 629±468 b Vaned 2 5524.002±1404 a 1084±166 Vaned 3 7242.625±1305 b Vaned 4 7479.765±1083 c Flight T 6647.51±532 Flight S 7439.65±146 Flight P 8355.68±506 Tail Aspect Ratio Roundness a 0.417±0.093 a 0.436±0.040 b 0.531±0.076 a 0.402±0.034 FDc Energy 111±82 a 2.480±0.505 a 1.055±0.195 a 152±18 a 2.314±0.238 a 1.175±0.008 1340±352 a 168±14 a 1.915±0.266 b 1.178±0.036 1325±169 a 192±14 b 2.502±0.214 a 1.177±0.024 a 1010±160 a 209±25 b 3.84±0.91 a 0.27±0.06 a 1.16±0.02 a c 1003±134 a 223±22 a 4.04±0.87 a 0.26±0.05 a 1.15±0.02 b 1065±293 a 239±21 a 4.16±0.72 a 0.25±0.06 a 1.14±0.03 7586.03±1020 1083±211 228±20 4.74±0.61 0.21±0.03 Entropy a 0.509±0.065 a 0.451±0.065 a 0.459±0.062 a FT a 6.443±0.653 a 2.575±0.012 a 6.945±0.602 a 6.816±0.489 0.511±0.135 a 6.256±1.206 0.45±0.13 a 6.384±1.225 a 0.53±0.19 a 5.525±1.773 a 0.65±0.20 b 1.16±0.03 0.45±0.13 b a 2.574±0.010 a 2.561±0.010 a 2.559±0.009 a 2.561±0.005 a 2.555±0.001 4.454±1.994 b 2.547±0.005 6.22±1.00 2.554±0.008 c a a a b c Same letter in the same column and subgroup indicate no significant difference (p<0.05) AR, FDc and roundness parameters allowed to evaluate the shape of the feathers. Vaned feathers were more irregular and compact than flight and tail feathers. In the case of vaned 1, 2, and 4 they were not found significant differences between the shape parameters, while vaned 3 was significantly different than other vaned feathers. This difference could be due to that these feathers are used to protect the abdominal zone, being more irregular and compact (minor AR and roundness values). Flight and tail feathers have more elongated shape than vaned; for flight feathers they were not found significant differences in shape parameters. Tail feathers were more elongated than flight feathers possibly because these have functions to control and drive the fly. Energy, entropy and FT parameters were used for evaluated homogeneity of feathers appearance. For groups were not found significant differences in energy and entropy parameters. As it was expected vaned feathers showed a more irregularity than flight and tail feathers due to color pattern of vaned feathers which have functions to camouflage and courtship. Only FT parameter was useful to find differences between subgroups on the homogeneity pattern of feathers. Thus vaned 1 and 2 were different with respect to vaned 3 and 4; this could be associated to different functions that have these feathers in the bird as it has been mentioned above. In the case of flight feathers showed differences in the values of FT parameter according to position of feathers in the wings, the irregularity was decreased from tertiary to primary feathers; this can be due to that the feathers in the tip of wings (primary) are more colored and homogenous than tertiary and secondary feathers. Also, tail feathers presented a homogeneity pattern similar to flight tertiary feathers. Vaned Feathers 3.5 7 Vaned 1 Vaned 2 Vaned 3 Vaned 4 6 1.0 Vanned 1 Vanned 2 Vanned 3 Vanned 4 3.0 Vanned 1 Vanned 2 Vanned 3 Vanned 4 0.8 2.5 5 0.6 2.0 4 1.5 2 1 0.4 %Frequency % Frequency % Frequency 3 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 50 100 150 0.2 20 40 200 60 80 100 0 20 40 Saturation 60 80 100 Brightness Hue angle Flight Feathers 3.5 10 Flight Primary Flight Secondary Flight Terciary 8 1.2 Flight Primary Flight Secondary Flight Treciary 3.0 Flight Primary Flight Secondary Flight Terciary 1.0 2.5 0.8 6 2.0 0.6 1.5 2 % Frequency % Frequency % Frequency 4 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 0 50 100 150 0 200 20 40 60 80 0.4 0.2 0.0 100 0 Saturation Hue angle 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness Tail Feathers 10 1.2 Tail Feathers 1.6 Tail Feathers Tail Feathers 1.4 1.0 8 1.2 0.8 1.0 6 0.6 2 0.8 % Frequency % Frequency % Frequency 4 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 0 50 100 Hue angle 150 200 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 20 40 60 Saturation 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Brightness Figure 2. Histogram of HSB coordinates of feathers on the red-tailed hawk. 3.2. Color parameters. Color histograms for H, S and B cannels showed different pattern of distribution for the three kinds of feathers studied (Figure 2). H, S and B histograms for vaned feathers showed a major variability than flight and tail feathers. H histogram of vaned showed the presence of red-brown (0º-40º) and white (50º-100º) color tones; while the white tones decreased and also red-brown tones increased for flight and tail feathers. For vaned feathers the histograms in the coordinate S suggest that there is a difference in the saturation of the color tones for vaned 2 with respect to vaned 1, 3 and 4. This could be related with presence of different subspecies in batch the feathers analyzed. The histograms of S coordinate for tertiary and secondary flight feathers were similar, while primary presented saturation towards darker tones (0º-10º). Tail showed high saturation of red-brown tones values in the range of 40º-80º, because these feathers have a red color more homogenous than other feathers. Brightness coordinate showed a wide distribution in vaned feathers, while flight presented peaks around 20º, 40º and 60º; in both cases; this fact indicates that brightness change with the changes of tone and saturation of the color pattern of the feathers that is more heterogeneous than tail feathers. Thus this information could be useful to classify different subspecies by using color patterns manly in the breast or vanned feathers. 4. Conclusions Image analysis was successful and non-invasive tool for characterization of red tailed hawk feathers. Due to the variability of colors presented in feathers vanned, these can be used for the characterization of the subspecies. This preliminary study provides information for describe morphology and color of plumage of red tailed hawk and it could be helpful for classification and conservation the subspecies present in México. 5. Acknowledgements Antonio Yoná Solís Ceja wishes to thanks CONACyT for the mixed scholarship provided. SIPIPN 20121001, CONACyT, COFAA/PIFI-IPN, Cátedra Coca-Cola Jóvenes Investigadores 2011. Cátedra Coca-Cola-CONACyT para Jóvenes Investigadores 2011. DGVS-SEMARNAT. 6. References. Arzate I., Perea M. J., Calderón G., Moreno M. A., Calvo H., Godoy S., Quevedo R., Gutiérrez G. F., & Chanona J. J. (2011). Image processing applied to classification of avocado variety Hass (Persea americana Mill) during the ripening process. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 4(7), 1307-1313. Chen W. S., Yuan S. Y., & Hsieh C. M. (2003). Two algorithms to estimate fractal dimension of gray level images, Optical Engineering, 42(8), 2452 – 2464. Ferguson-Lees, J., & Christie, D. A. (2001). 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