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SRD-IFPRI-IFAD Policy Dialogue
Climate Change and Agriculture in Vietnam
Hanoi, 16 December 2010
A Policy Dialogue meeting on Climate Change and Agriculture was held in Hanoi on 16 December
2010, bringing together a range of stakeholders including researchers, policymakers, civil society
organisations, and media specialists to share their expertise and experience and develop policy
recommendations. The meeting was co-hosted by a Vietnamese NGO focused on sustainable rural
development at the local level (SRD), an international research institute specializing in food policy
(IFPRI) and a major donor organization, the International Fund for Agricultural Development
The main objectives of this Policy Dialogue were to share knowledge, receive feedback on research
findings, understand the challenges that exist for translating policy research into action on the
ground, and explore ways of collaborating to find solutions. The Policy Dialogue allowed
participants to review and build upon research conducted by SRD and IFPRI on Vietnam’s policy
and institutional framework for addressing climate change and high value agriculture.
In parallel to this research, a virtual discussion has been underway on the IFAD-IFPRI Strategic
Partnership Program blog, where members of Vietnamese civil society with experience supporting
farmers to implement climate change mitigation measures have been sharing their views on what is
needed to promote agricultural mitigation in Vietnam. You can view, or even participate in, the
online discussion here: http://ifadifpri.wordpress.com/2010/10/21/can- vietnams-agricultural-sectorhelp-in-slowing-down- global- warming/?trashed=1&ids=27
In the first half of the Policy Dialogue, presenters shared findings and lessons learned from the
institutional capacity research, from the online virtual discussion, and from the IFAD-IFPRI
Partnership on Climate Change Mitigation Activities and Small-Scale Farmers. The second half of
the Policy Dialogue was dedicated to more in-depth discussions exploring challenges and solutions
for mitigating climate change in the agricultural sector, focusing on two main themes: (a)
institutional capacity, roles, structure, inter-organizational links, and resourcing; and (b) practical
measures that can be implemented by local communities.
A key message that emerged from the Policy Dialogue was that, while Vietnam has robust high
level policies on climate change; small-scale farmers need assistance in identifying practical
mitigation measures that are feasible and bring livelihood benefits. Innovative ideas included
promoting biogas systems that convert livestock waste into organic fertilizer and cooking gas, thus
mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and reducing reliance on chemical fertilizers that damage the
environment and human health. Institutional and policy recommendations included: developing
clear guidance that translates macro policy into practical action plans at the district and commune
level; supporting these with adequate budget allocations; involving NGOs not only in project
implementation but also in policy formulation; building applicable skills among farmers and local
authorities; and making sure technical solutions are backed up by a supportive policies, a strong
communications strategy, and appropriate financial incentives based on cost-benefit analysis.
The atmosphere of the Policy Dialogue was collaborative and forward- looking, and we hope it is
just the beginning of a fruitful ongoing dialogue between researchers, policymakers, and civil
society in Vietnam on how to improve climate change mitigation in the agricultural sector.
Annex 1. Participants of Policy Dialogue on Agriculture and Climate Change:
Luu Duc Khai, Deputy Director, Department of Agriculture & Rural Development Policy Central Institute for Economic Management, Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI)
Nguyen Manh Hai, Deputy Director, Department for Public Service Policies, Central Institute
for Economic Management, Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI)
Truong Quoc Can, Coordinator, Food Rights, Action Aid
Dao Ngoc Ninh, Action Aid
Luong Thi Truong, Director, Center for Sustainable Development in Mountainous areas
Vu Thi Hien, Director, Centre of Research & Development in Upland Areas (CERDA)
Pham Van Thanh, Director, Center for Rural Communities Research & Development (CCRD)
Do Duc Khoi, Director, Center for Population, Environment and Development
Mai Van Trinh, Chair Environmental Modelling and Information Group, Institute for
Agricultural Environment
10 Cao Vinh Hai, Director, CERPA
11 Pham Duc Luu, Admin, CIFPEN
12 Carly Weate, Climate Change Officer, The Australian Foundation for the Peoples of Asia and
the Pacific Ltd
13 Phan Thanh Bien, IFAD project (Ha Tinh province)
14 Nguyen Anh Hung, MPP project (Ha Tinh province)
15 Manh Loc Khoa, GTZ/GOPA (Ha Tinh province)
16 Tran Thuy Binh, Reporter, Hanoi Radio and Television
17 Nguyen Thi Thuy Reporter, Rural Economy Newspaper
18 Ho Thi Phuong Lan, Reporter, Vietnam Televison
19 Nguyen Thanh Tung, Country presence officer, IFAD
20 Suresh Babu, Senior Research Fellow and Program Leader, IFPRI
21 Vu Thi Bich Hop, Executive Director, SRD
22 Vu Van Trieu, Senior Advisor, SRD
23 Pham Thi Bich Ngoc, Climate Change Manager, SRD
24 Wendy Conway Lamb, Climate Change Officer SRD
25 Le Thi Minh Thi, Senior Communications Officer, SRD
26 Nguyen Thi Quynh Chi, Communications Officer, SRD
27 Tran Van Loi, Intern, SRD
Annex 2. Agenda of the Policy Dialogue on Agriculture and Climate Change
(Prestige Hotel, Hanoi, Vietnam, 16 December 2010)
Acti vity
8.00 –
8.30 –
Opening remarks: purpose of thi s Policy Dialogue
Introductions and expectations of all participants
09:00 –
1: Climate change, agriculture and insti tutional capacity
09:15 –
2: Climate change and agriculture case studie s in Vietnam
09:25 –
3: Summary of online forum discussion
09:35 –
Background about the project and findings
Presentation of findings from S RD-IFPRI research
Key messages on climate change mitigation and agriculture
Q & A and participants’ initial comments on the findings
10.15 –
10:30 –
10:40 –
11:10 –
11:45 –
IFAD - Tung
IFPRI - Suresh
SRD - Hop
SDR - Trieu
SRD - Wendy
& Plenary
Tea break
4: Rice seed variety preservation and climate change in Bac Kan
5: Two break-out groups to di scuss challenges and solutions:
a) Institutional capacity: roles, structure, inter-org links, resourc es
b) Emerging issues: what can be done on the ground
6: Feedback presentations from the break-out groups
SRD - Ngoc
a) Trinh & Trieu
b) Hop & Ngoc
and plenary discussion
representative s
Conclusions & what next