The service network framework—An architectural blueprint for the service network Andy Johnston, Åke Gustafsson, Anders Eriksson and Mike Slssingar The emergence of the Mobile Internet has focused special attention on the service network, which is where network operators can expect to develop, launch and bill for new services in a streamlined way, tapping valuable new sources of revenue. Service networks are complex multivendor, multi-technology environments defined by many different interfaces and standards. Consequently, numerous aspects need to be addressed during the design stage if the service network is to deliver on its promise. Some key drivers for development in the service network are reduced costs and increased revenue. The authors describe Ericsson’s service network framework and its architectural approach to the service network. The combination of mobility and the Internet is creating a new and powerful industry that will deliver attractive, content-rich services to users on the move. However, delivering on the promise of the Mobile Internet requires innovation and effort in every layer of the network, including what is commonly called the service layer. Being the proving ground for many new services in development, much functionality resides in the service layer. This functionality is needed to ensure that services get launched, billed for, and maintained in a secure environment. In the service layer, applications and content are separated from underlying networks, the resulting services being accessed by users from any device and via any network. The Ericsson reference architecture for creating horizontally layered solutions in the service layer (Figure 1) is called the service network framework (SNF). This is defined as an architectural framework that consists of reusable designs for products and solutions in the service layer. BOX A, TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 3GPP Third-generation Partnership Program BGW Border gateway BM Business management CAE Central authentication entity CAS Customer administration system CAZE Central authorization entity CCE Common charging entity CDS Common directory system CME Central management entity CN Core network CPE Central provisioning entity CSE Central session entity FW Firewall FWLB Firewall load balancer HE-VASP Home environment – VASP HTTP Hypertext transfer protocol IETF Internet Engineering Task Force 18 IMS IP L2SW LAN LB LDAP NM O&M RFS SCR SLA SN UE UMTS VASP VLAN W3C IP multimedia system Internet protocol Layer 2 switch Local area network Load balancing Lightweight directory access protocol Network management Operation and maintenance Request for study System component registry Service level agreement Service network User equipment Universal mobile telecommunications system Value-added service provider Virtual LAN World Wide Web Consortium Ericsson believes that the use of a standards-oriented and product-neutral reference architecture is instrumental in delivering well-designed service networks which possess the set of technical qualities that is required to efficiently, flexibly and reliably deliver functionality in the service layer. The SNF is designed to help operators to create service networks that possess several architectural qualities. For example, the service networks must be supportive of various business models and processes. They should also be horizontally layered with common services available via open interfaces, and have clear integration points with peer networks in an end-to-end service environment. Similarly, they must be modular, secure, scalable, available, manageable and standards-compliant. The service network concept Ericsson’s solutions in the service layer are termed service networks. These are designed using the SNF, which defines a service network as any collection of products and solutions that fulfills business needs in the service layer. The emphasis in this definition is on fulfilling business needs while retaining particular architectural qualities in the resultant network. Ideally, the architectural qualities foster a reliable, scalable, flexible and cost-effective network solution at any point in time during the evolution of the network. Creating service networks that fulfill the business needs of the network operator means satisfying the diverse needs and expectations of various stakeholders. Users, for example, want simple, quick and inexpensive access to quality services. Network operators want to grow their business and increase competitiveness. Service providers want to be premium suppliers of services to as many users as possible. Application developers want to capitalize on the services of mobile networks in their applications. Content providers want to increase their customer base and find new channels toward existing customers. And Ericsson wants to create quality service network solutions that solve the business needs of its customers. Network operators who deploy new services have long realized the value of deploying service networks with common architectures that foster common functions and qualities. An important step in masterEricsson Review No. 1, 2003 ing the complexity of service network design entails applying reference architectures of reusable patterns and clear concepts which are based on industry standards and are specifically designed for creating adaptable solutions. The SNF provides architectural principles for creating horizontally layered service networks. By drawing on the architectural components for common management, common provisioning, common charging and other common services, the framework supports the shift from a vertically structured to a horizontally structured service network. Any system that adheres to the SNF architecture may be plugged into the framework and benefit from common provisioning, management, charging, and so on. Application Application Application Service layer Control Connectivity Access Access Access Figure 1 The service layer. Architectural recipes The SNF architecture is guided by a set of architectural policies that are intended to promote and conserve particular qualities in the architectural framework itself. The policies deal with • problem solving—the SNF solves real engineering problems; • preciseness—the SNF is an abstract framework but provides precise specifications; • coherency—the SNF uses a coherent architectural framework throughout; • protocol centricity—the SNF uses protocols as a basic currency for interfaces; Content provider We want to find: – new channels for our content – new ways of reaching our customers – efficient ways of distribution • standards orientation—the SNF embraces standards; • modularity—the SNF emphasizes modularity throughout; • openness—the SNF applies open interfaces, standards and technologies throughout; • product neutrality—the SNF is fully product neutral; and • independence of operating system and programming language—the SNF is fully independent of operating systems and programming languages. Application developer We want to find: – new oppurtunities – new markets and customers – new features Figure 2 Stakeholders of the service network. Service provider User Open interfaces I want to have access to all my services: – anytime – anywhere – with any device Personal services Solutions designed using SNF Business support I want to establish new sources of revenue through: – many new services – best offers to my customers – efficient management Multiple networks Network operator Ericsson We want to create highquality service network solutions that solve business needs and deliver end-user value Ericsson Review No. 1, 2003 I want to: – reduce my cost – increase traffic on my networks – offer services on all networks 19 SNF domain view SNF structural view SNF SNF system type view deployment view SNF data model view SNF tier view SNF blueprint Figure 3 Architectural views of the SNF. Architectural views The architectural framework of the SNF is expressed using a set of architectural views. Each view provides insight into a particular architectural aspect. These views cover domain, structure, system type, deployment, tier, data model and applied areas. Each view works in concert with the other views to capture the architectural statements provided by the framework and, over time, to enable the addition of further statements. Figure 4 SNF domain view. Business management (BM) In addition, the architectural rules and best practices, which are presented along functional and qualitative lines, add support in helping to apply the architecture and provide guidelines. These are held in the SNF rule and SNF guideline catalogs respectively. Domain view The domain view describes an ideal boundary for the service network and defines how Network management (NM) Client (UE) Internet (IN) Service network domain (SN) HE-VASP 20 Core network (CN) VASP Ericsson Review No. 1, 2003 Service contract Compound system Compound system leve l Service contract System 1 Service contract System level Component Service contract Component level System 2 Service contract Component Service contract the service network interconnects and collaborates with other systems present in its environment. Service networks are created in the context of existing technical environments—that is, established groupings of functionality interact with the business and technical functions located in the service network. The domain view captures and reflects the SNF view of the service network environment and identifies the domains with which service networks generally collaborate, making explicit the demarcation and interfaces (reference points) between it and other domains (Box B). System n Component SW component SW SW Service contract Figure 5 SNF structural view. may be provided from a compound system, a system or a component. Finally, within this view, the service contract is the description that specifies how a service can be accessed. It is a combination of the functionality in the service and the protocol transfer mechanisms—for example, the lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) in conjunction with a specific LDAP schema as opposed to the protocol by itself. The service contract is independent of, and is not connected to, a specific compound system, system or component. Structural view The structural view provides a set of abstractions that architects can use for uniformly analyzing, modeling and expressing SNF architectures. Uniform expression is a necessity for creating solutions from a portfolio of reusable systems. The highest level in the view is a compound system, which consists of one or more systems. Much of the architectural guidance in the SNF comes from what it terms the system level, which defines a system as a logical and modular building block that provides certain services over established interfaces. A set of systems works as such a building block to deliver the services that are available in a service network. A service is an object that represents a collection of functionality accessed via protocols. The service is the SNF mechanism for indicating interfaces. One or more services Ericsson Review No. 1, 2003 Users of services Figure 6 SNF system and service. Service contract System Provider of servi ce System Service System Service System Service contract 21 ice> > ervice umes-s <cons m Syste es-serv <provid ger Mana a> on: is- ializati <spec o Telec m no de ay Gatew CME on plicati Ap CPE ler Enab CCE tor Bord Media er ASUS SCS E CSE CAZ CAE CDS SCR Figure 7 SNF system type view. System type view The system type view introduces and specifies a recurring set of SNF systems, which in essence, are a set of logical building blocks for creating service networks. Each system type (Box C) plays a special role in a service network and is specified in terms of responsibility and service (interface). Solution architects may thus refer to system types as specifications for logical building blocks within the service network (Figure 7). Deployment view Much of the SNF architecture rests on the assumption that Internet protocol (IP) connectivity is present in the complete solution. BOX B, DOMAINS OF THE SERVICE NETWORK Service network (SN) Provides a set of end-points that supports each of the interfaces to adjacent domains. The actual content of a particular service network domain varies depending on the set of adjacent domains and the business needs. Business management (BM) Includes entities, such as customer administration systems (CAS), that the operator uses to conduct traditional business management activities—for example, network-wide subscriber management. Network management (NM) Includes the entities, such as network management systems, that the network operator uses to conduct network-wide operation and maintenance (O&M) tasks. User equipment/client (UE) Includes the entities that are expected to access SNF-compliant products and solutions. Internet (IN) Represents the Internet services and qualities employed by the service network 22 domain. These are primarily Internet naming, addressing and routing services and standards. Core network (CN) Contains the access and connectivity functions to the control layer of mobile networks. The control layer controls calls and mobility and contains the entities in GSM, GPRS, UMTS and IP multimedia system (IMS) networks. Value-added service provider (VASP) The term value-added service provider indicates a business entity that provides services to customers of the home environment (HE) service provider. In terms of business and technology, the VASP is only loosely affiliated with the HE service provider. Home environment VASP (HE-VASP An HE-VASP is a VASP that has a service level agreement (SLA) with the HE service provider. The HE-VASP is strongly affiliated in terms of business and technology with the HE service provider (strong trust between parties). Ericsson Review No. 1, 2003 BOX C, SNF SYSTEM TYPES SNF system Serves as the root of the entire system hierarchy and provides a minimum set of interfaces with which each system must comply. Every system type must provide the services provided by the SNF system. The SNF system thus serves as a template specification for every system in the service network. SNF application Is responsible for providing services that are consumed directly by users. SNF enabler Is responsible for providing services that are consumed by application systems. The SNF defines various enablers, such as the common The IP network is a key aspect of the deployment environment for every system in the service network. The SNF deployment view provides guidance for ensuring that the IP network possesses a set of common services and qualities on which every deployed system can rely. Examples of common services include naming, addressing, routing, load-balancing, firewall and security gateway services. Likewise, common qualities include performance, scalability, flexibility, security, and high availability. Figure 8 is a conceptual depiction of how systems are deployed to, and make use of, an IP network with various common services and qualities. Figure 9 shows an example of how a highly available IP network infrastructure can be realized when systems are deployed onto vir- directory system (CDS), which serves as a central directory for user- and service-related data that exposes a lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) interface. SNF gateway Is responsible for providing services that allow systems to delegate protocol handling or conversion tasks. The SNF defines various gateways, such as the border gateway (BGW), which supports single sign-on for HTTP traffic. SNF manager Is responsible for providing service networkwide services. The SNF defines various managers, such as the central provisioning entity (CPE). tual local area networks (VLAN). In this example, the application servers have been deployed on VLAN 1, whereas the gateways have been deployed on VLAN N. Tier view The use of N-tier architectures is an accepted and proven approach toward partitioning or organizing distributed computing architectures that require high levels of scalability and availability. The SNF recommends that N-tier architecture should be employed for organizing systems into scalable and available solutions in a distributed computing environment. The various tiers include client, presentation, business, integration, resource, and data. The client tier is concerned with every device that accesses systems or applications. System Figure 8 SNF deployment view. System System <<uses / deployed to>> <<uses / deployed to>> <<uses / deployed to>> SNF deployment environment (IP network) IP addressing DNS naming IP routing IP network qualities Load balancing Ericsson Review No. 1, 2003 Firewall Security gateway 23 IP backbone FWLB FWLB FW 1 FW 2 Application server 1 LB 1 LB 2 L2SW VLAN 1 L2SW VLAN 2 L2SW L2SW Enabler Figure 9 High-availability deployment environment. L2SW VLAN n Data model view Figure 10 SNF tier view. Client Presentation Application Business Integration Integration Resource Enabler Data 24 Data modeling is an important part of all architectural efforts. The SNF data model view specifies a uniform data model for userand service-related data and associated provisioning within the service network. The SNF data model has been designed • to support various business and service life-cycle models; • to enable designs that distribute userrelated data throughout the service network; • to support and enable the SNF common provisioning model; • to support information on how services are dependent on various systems; and • to support extensions that accommodate solution-specific requirements. Deployment of the data model is generally made through a directory server (system type CDS) within an actual service network. Although the data model can be used to provide access to all user and servicerelated data in a service network, it does not necessarily follow that all data is modeled within the data model. Instead, data can be referenced, which allows for easy integration of existing, stand-alone data models, called affiliate data models. This gives the solution L2SW architect room to design service networks using the main data model and affiliate data models. Applied view The applied view introduces the SNF blueprint, which provides a reference architecture that maps SNF system types, their interfaces, and collaborations to a single view. Some typical and important collaborations depicted in the SNF blueprint are • the central provisioning entity (CPE), CDS, and system component registry (SCR)—to achieve common provisioning of SNF systems that require provisioning; • the central management entity (CME) collaborating with all other SNF systems—to achieve common management; • the common charging entity (CCE) collaborating with all other SNF systems— to achieve common charging; and • the border gateway (BGW), central authentication entity (CAE), and central session entity (CSE)—to achieve single sign-on for HTTP. SNF rule catalog The SNF rule catalog is a set of architectural rules presented along functional and qualEricsson Review No. 1, 2003 itative lines that serves to assist in applying the architecture provided in the various SNF views within product and solution development. The SNF guideline catalog is a set of architectural best practices presented along functional and qualitative lines. Capturing architectural best practices that solve particular design problems in the service layer is a key part of providing a useful and extensible reference architecture for the service network. SNF and standards As one of its prime architectural policies, the SNF embraces all standards from 3GPP, IETF, W3C and others. This is central to its strategy of maintaining the quality and utility of the framework architecture. As new standards emerge, the SNF will evolve accordingly. SNF and products One of Ericsson’s prime strategies is to apply the SNF in product and solutions engineering within the service layer. Products are IN/UE/CN domain • DIAMETER CC • Parlay • DIAMETER DRT • FTP • RADIUS CCE NM domain • HTTP • WAP • POP • RTSP • SMS/MMS • etc APP • DIAMETER CC • Parlay • DIAMETER DRT • FTP • RADIUS account ASUS The SNF provides solution architects with a reliable architectural framework from which to design and build competitive service networks. By depicting the service network through a series of easily accessible views, designers can focus on the different components within the network, highlighting areas where different elements can be reused. This promotes greater openness, optimization of resource utilization, and greater economies of scale. Furthermore, it allows designers to add functionality and provide the overall solution with better performance, reliability, scalability and lower costs of ownership. CN/IN domain CPE CN/IN domain CAE SCS • CAI • CAI-3G • LDAP CDS SCR Uses User Figure 11 SNF data model view—extract. Figure 12 SNF blueprint. • HTTP • RADIUS BGW • RADIUS • SNMP • HTTP Use of services Optional use of services Ericsson Review No. 1, 2003 Conclusion • CAI • CAI-3G CME Service Owns The SNF is being evolved continuously. The evolution is initiated via requests for study (RFS), and work is carried out by an open, collaborative community of workgroups throughout Ericsson. BM domain • SNMP Contracts and pays Subscriber SNF evolution SNF guideline catalog BM domain thus designed and developed according to this strategy, and product road map information is updated accordingly. • RADIUS CC CAZE TNODE • RADIUS CC • LDAP • HTTP CSE SNF system Provisioning services Management services Charging services 25