N EW AS OF 2009 ………………………………………. 3
A CADEMIC O FFENSES …………………………. 3
G RADING G UIDELINES …………………………. 6
C ONTACT I NFORMATION ………………..……………. 7
A CADEMIC H ANDBOOK …………………..…………... 8
……………….…………. 8
…………………………………………. 9
C OURSE O UTLINES ………………………………..…. 9
E XAMS AND T ESTS …………………………………… 10
G RADE S UBMISSIONS ………………………………… 12
G RADE A PPEALS …………………………………….. 13
T EACHER E VALUATIONS ………………………………. 15
………………………………. 15
… 18
As of Sept. 1, 2009, the Psychology Department at Western is undertaking new measures to detect academic offenses and curtail grade inflation.
Beginning in Sept. 2009, the following paragraph will be inserted into each course outline under the heading
Students are responsible for understanding the nature and avoiding the occurrence of plagiarism and other scholastic offenses. Plagiarism and cheating are considered very serious offenses because they undermine the integrity of research and education. Actions constituting a scholastic offense are described at the following link http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/handbook/appeals/scholoff.pdf
. As of Sept. 1, 2009, the
Department of Psychology will take the following steps to detect scholastic offenses. All multiple-choice tests and exams will be checked for similarities in the pattern of responses using reliable software, and records will be made of student seating locations in all tests and exams. All written assignments will be submitted to TurnItIn, a service designed to detect and deter plagiarism by comparing written material to over 5 billion pages of content located on the
Internet or in TurnItIn’s databases. All papers submitted for such checking will be included as source documents in the reference database for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of papers subsequently submitted to the system. Use of the service is subject to the licensing agreement, currently between The University of Western Ontario and Turnitin.com
( http://turnitin.com/static/index.html
Possible penalties for a scholastic offense include failure of the assignment, failure of the course, suspension from the University, and expulsion from the University.
Implications of Changes for Instructors
All written assignments should be submitted to TurnItIn. Instructors who have never used
TurnitIn outside of WebCt must use TurnitIn through WebCT (for pamphlet and video instructions, see http://www.uwo.ca/its/itrc/resources.html , sixth from bottom).
Exams a. For multiple choice exams, creating two or more forms with scrambled items makes cheating more difficult. b. Students must bring their student cards to all tests and exams. Cards should be checked during the exam to confirm students’ identities.
c. At their exam desks, students may have only the exam, writing equipment, and aids approved by the instructor (e.g., log tables). Proctors must ensure that students have no other aids such as texts, notes, electronic equipment (e.g., calculators, dictionaries, phones) etc. d. Student proctors should be reminded to be vigilant (e.g., watch carefully, circulate around the exam room, no reading during the exam, etc.) and to bring any concerns about cheating or inappropriate behavior to the chief proctor’s attention immediately. e. Nominal Rolls or seating plans should be kept for every test or exam administered. For tests or exams, Nominal Roll sheets can be downloaded at http://psychology.uwo.ca/pdfs/NominaRollSheet.pdf
, or picked up from SSC 7417, the
Psychology Main Office (SSC 7418), Susan Smith-Goddard (SSC 7400), or Faith
Hennessy (WH 326E). The Office of the Registrar will continue to provide Nominal Roll sheets for final examinations. f. Run the cheating analysis within the Scantron program for each test or exam. If there are highly similar patterns of responses for two or more students, the instructor should then check the Nominal Roll to see where these students were sitting during the exam. g. As noted on the Nominal Roll, retain these forms until you submit your grades, and then deliver them to Susan for departmental records.
What to Do if An Academic Offense is Suspected
Summary : Instructors who suspect exam cheating, plagiarism, or other academic misconduct must follow up sufficiently to decide whether the incident warrants further investigation and possible penalty. If so, the instructor refers the matter to Prof. Steve Lupker (called the Chair’s
Designate below). a. During an exam , if students appear to be talking, signaling, using unauthorized aides or notes, showing their papers to other students etc., proctors should observe briefly to ensure that they can later describe the behavior. If available, it is ideal to have a second proctor witness the suspicious behavior. The proctor should stop the inappropriate behavior (e.g., tell students to stop talking or looking around, confiscate notes) if this can be done with without disrupting nearby students. If not, wait until the end of the exam to confiscate unauthorized materials. b. If an instructor has reason to believe that an academic offence may have occurred , he or she has a duty to investigate to decide if the incident should be reported to the Chair’s Designate for further action. The instructor arranges a meeting with the student and briefly tells the student his or her concerns about the exam or assignment (e.g., student’s answers are very similar to those of a neighbour, an essay includes others’ work without proper acknowledgement). The instructor gives the student a chance to respond to the allegation of academic misconduct.
If two or more students appear to be involved in an incident, it is best to interview and make decisions about each one individually. c. After meeting with the student(s): i. If the instructor is satisfied that there was no academic misconduct, then the instructor tells the student that that no action need be taken. ii. If the instructor still believes that an academic offence may have occurred despite the student’s response, the instructor refers the matter to the Chair’s
Designate (Steve Lupker, lupker@uwo.ca). If desired, the instructor may inform the student that the Chair’s Designate will consider the evidence and, if warranted, will impose a penalty after consultation with the instructor. iii. If the student declines to meet with the instructor or the instructor is unable to contact the student after a reasonable time, then the instructor should refer the matter directly to the Chair’s Designate. d. When referring a suspected offence to the Chair’s Designate, the instructor should provide all relevant information about the incident. This might include: copies of exams or scantron printouts showing similar test answers, scantron cheating reports, nominal rolls showing where suspected students were seated, written assignments with
Turnitin reports or other source materials, notes from proctors or other observers, notes of the instructor’s interview with the student. e. The Chair’s Designate reviews the evidence provided by the instructor, offers the student another opportunity to respond, and may gather additional evidence. If the student is found guilty, the Chair’s Designate consults the instructor before imposing a penalty. f. If the penalty changes the student’s grade in a test, assignment, or course, the instructor must complete a paper Grade Revision Form available from Susan.
The University Grading Guidelines will be included in all course outlines to give students a realistic set of expectations of performance standards associated with each grade
( http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/handbook/general/grades_undergrad.pdf
Grad e Percent
A+ 90-100
C 60-69
D 50-59
F below 50 Fail
One could scarcely expect better from a student at this level
Superior work that is clearly above average
Good work, meeting all requirements, and eminently satisfactory
Competent work, meeting requirements
Fair work, minimally acceptable
In addition, the Psychology Department has developed the following grading guidelines for courses at each level of the undergraduate program. Course marks should be distributed around the following averages:
70% 1000-level and 2000-level courses
72% 2100-2990-level courses
75% 3000-level courses
80% 4000-level courses
Psychology Main Office – Room 7418
Beata Jaroslawski, Administrative Assistant
Fax: 661-3961 beata@uwo.ca
Psychology Undergraduate Office – Room 7400
Susan Smith-Goddard, Undergraduate Coordinator
519-661-2068 sgoddard@uwo.ca
Psychology Undergraduate Counselling – Room 7402
Ramona Fudge, Psychology Program Advisor
519-661-3678 psycouns@uwo.ca or rfudge@uwo.ca
Psychology Chair -- Room 7412
Albert Katz
519-661-2066 psychair@uwo.ca
Associate Chair - Undergraduate Affairs – Room 322 Westminster Hall
Leora Swartzman
519-661-2111 ext. 84654 lswartzm@uwo.ca
Associate Chair - Graduate Affairs – Room 7326
J. Paul Minda
519-661-2111 ext. 84689 jpminda@uwo.ca
Administrative Officer – Room 7410
Dianne McCormack
519-661-2065 dlmccorm@uwo.ca
Media Technician – Room 1226
Rick Cornwall
519-661-2057 rmcornwa@uwo.ca
The Academic Handbook is available at uwo.ca/univsec/handbook/
The Teaching Support Centre, located in Room 122 DB Weldon Library, is available to assist instructors in their teaching activities. Visit the Teaching Support Centre website at: uwo.ca/tsc
The Teaching Support Centre, in partnership with Western Libraries and Information
Technology Services, delivers teaching support in three important areas:
1. Instructional development and the scholarship of teaching
2. Learning technologies and online course development
3. Information literacy and research skill development
Each course instructor has been assigned an administrative assistant for teaching-related materials. Please contact your administrative staff member for assistance, to obtain supplies, to arrange for photocopying, etc.
A list of the films that can be shown in classes is provided on the Psychology website: http://psychology.uwo.ca/deptaccess.htm To access the list, use “uwopsych” as the user name and
“filmdb” as the password.
To book these films please contact Rick Cornwall rmcornwa@uwo.ca
(661-2057) for videos, films and equipment. They also are the people to contact if you need to borrow A/V equipment in Social
Many of the classrooms provide a VCR, computer and an overhead projector. To access this equipment, you need a standard A/V key which will open all A/V equipment cabinets in classrooms. It is available from the Support Services Building, Room 5300 from 8:00am until 5:00pm (fall/winter) or
8:30am-4:30pm (summer), Monday-Friday. There is no charge for this key for UWO instructors.
If you need to borrow A/V equipment in Social Science, see Rick Cornwall and if you need to borrow equipment for rooms outside of Social Science, please contact:
Classroom A/V Technical Support and Services
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
519-661-2111 ext 82222 www.ipb.uwo.ca/cmg /
Email: cmg@uwo.ca
This useful website displays classroom facilities and capacity by building: http://www.ipb.uwo.ca/cmg/buildings.php
Susan Smith-Goddard, SSC Room 7400, 519-661-2068 sgoddard@uwo.ca
Susan will contact you regarding textbook and custom-printed course material orders.
You may organize your course packs through InPrint, UCC Room 340. Visit their website at: http://www.usc.uwo.ca/inprint
Contact the Custom Course Materials Office (Kim Derrah, kjderrah@uwo.ca
, ext 82960) to arrange for copyright permission for more than one copy of any materials published in books or journals for distribution in class, placement on library reserve or in collections of readings to be sold. Copyright laws do not permit faculty to copy or distribute published materials unless copyright permission has been attained, granting permission by the copyright holder.
You may also choose to place material into a short loan collection at Weldon Library. This ensures fair access to required readings for all students. Please see: http://www.lib.uwo.ca/borrowing/submit_course_reserves.html
If your on-campus course still has space available when the Paper Add/Drop Period begins (Sep
15/Jan16), your class list will be taken to the Add/Drop area and students will be added by Susan.
Once the Add period ends (Sep 16/Jan 17), your class list will be placed in your mailbox. It may take up to two weeks for the Registrar to incorporate all the changes.
If your on-campus course is full on Sep 15/Jan16, your class list will be placed in your mailbox and you control whether to add additional students over your course capacity.
Please note that classes end at 20 minutes after the hour.
Gary Kim of Distance Studies gkim23@uwo.ca or ext 84879, Western Student Services Bldg (WSSB)
Room 2140, handles all adds & drops for online courses.
( http://uwo.ca/univsec/handbook/exam/courseoutlines_undergrad.pdf
Course outline templates will be forwarded to you by Susan. Please use and modify this template when composing your course outline. Course outlines must include the following information, effective May
• If applicable, prerequisites for the course and a notation regarding the Senate regulation with respect the student’s responsibility for ensuring that course prerequisites have been successfully completed. The following statement should be added to outlines numbered 2115A/B and above : “Unless you have either the requisites for this course or written special permission from your Dean to enroll in it, you will be removed from this course and it will be deleted from your record. This decision may not be appealed. You will
receive no adjustment to your fees in the event that you are dropped from a course for failing to have the necessary prerequisites.”
• Calendar description or general description of course content
• Academic year
• Textbook(s)
• A statement of what is expected of the student by way of preparation, tests, exercises, essays, laboratory reports, etc.
• Evaluation and relative weight of the assignments
• Test and lecture schedule
• Department policies and procedures
• Statement on plagiarism as a serious scholastic offense
• Statement advising that plagiarism software will be used to check all written work as well as multiple choice tests & exams
Please submit an electronic copy of your outline in Word or PDF format to Anthony Dobravec
( adobrave@uwo.ca
), as soon as possible before the start of classes for inclusion on the department website.
Check the following site for the university policy on scheduling class tests: http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/handbook
Generally tests cannot be scheduled in the last 3 weeks of class.
To get tests photocopied, contact your administrative assistant. To obtain exam booklets for midterm tests , please see Beata Jaroslawski in the Psychology main office (Room 7418). Exam booklets are available in 4, 8 or 20 page sizes. For final exams only , booklets are requested in advance within the
Exam Request Memo (see farther down next section) sent via e-mail by Susan.
Exam Format
The front page of all examinations and tests should contain the following information:
- UWO & Department Headings (same as on course outlines)
- Course & Section Number; Length and Format of Exam (3 hour essay, 2 hour multiple choice, etc.)
- Academic Year (i.e., 2011-2012)
- Date of Exam
- Instructor Name
- Aids Allowed * this is very important!* (it is suggested that logarithmic, periodic and statistical tables be included as a page of the examination to be printed. This saves possible confusion of a separate handout in the examination room)
To obtain scantron sheets for multiple choice exams, please contact Rick Cornwall at rmcornwa@uwo.ca
, SSC Room 1226, or at 519-661-2057.
Exam and Test Rooms :
If you would like to arrange your tests in a different location because of space constraint in your lecture room, contact Sue Williams (Office of Institutional Planning and Budgeting, swilliam@uwo.ca
, ext.
Final exam room reservations are handled by the Registrar’s Office (see section on final exams).
Susan will send out communications about exam rooms. Special requests (large room as opposed to a number of small rooms, preferred time or date, etc.) can be made at this time.
Exam Proctors
To arrange proctors for your tests and exams, contact Melissa Care: mmohan4@uwo.ca
Exam Marking of Multiple Choice Exams :
Instructors and Teaching Assistants in the Faculty of Social Science (main campus) may take their multiple choice exam sheets to the Social Science Network and Data Services (SSNDS) main office
SSC 1018 for scanning. This is a free service offered during regular office hours 8:30-4:30 Monday through Friday providing 24 hour (or less) turnaround processing. The sheets need to be put into piles of 50. This helps to verify that the machine scanning process is accurate.
After the exam sheets have been scanned, the exams can be graded using Scan Exam-II scoring software (see http://ssnds.uwo.ca/softwaredownloads.asp
). There are Scan Exam-II self-help notes on this site.
Overall, the scoring software is straightforward to use and provides very useful feedback to the instructor regarding the performance of the students and the exam questions themselves. It also allows you to check for unusual patterns of responding which could indicate cheating. Students need to be aware that you will be using this software. Please ensure that you take an accurate seating plan (using
Nominal Rolls) of where students sat when they wrote the exam. Without this seating plan, it will be difficult to argue that the students copied from one another.
Final Exam & Mid-Year Test Scheduling
An Exam Request Memo will be e-mailed by Susan Smith-Goddard in order to schedule exams in
December and April (as well as during the summer). The Registrar’s Office will print the final exam only and deliver it to your exam room if your exam is submitted by the Registrar’s deadline. (Susan will advise you about the deadlines). The Department strongly encourages course instructors to
meet this deadline because of the savings to the department in printing costs.
* Please note final exam printing does not apply to summer sessions.
The course instructor and proctor(s) should be at the exam room a half hour before the exam starts to receive and sign for the examinations.
Make-Up Exams and Assignments
If students must miss a midterm test or any other course assignment worth 10% or more of the final grade (other than the final exam), they must go to the Academic Counselling Office of their home
Faculty with documentation; the counselor will contact the instructor to confirm that the documentation is valid. Instructors may then make the appropriate accommodation.
If students miss a final exam, they must go to the Academic Counselling Office of their home Faculty with documentation to obtain a “Recommendation for a Special Exam’ or “Recommendation of
Incomplete” form. Students cannot write a make-up exam without this form . This form must be signed by the instructor and the student and include the date, time and location of the make-up exam.
Instructor and student will mutually arrange a convenient time for the student to write the exam. The
SPC or INC form is then given to Susan Smith-Goddard (Room 7400).
For up to eight students, a room can be booked for writing the exam using the Department of
Psychology on-line room reservation system http://psyclone2.ssc.uwo.ca/roombooking/login.asp
If you need a larger room, contact Sue Williams at ext. 84861 or swilliam@uwo.ca and she can book a room elsewhere on campus.
To arrange proctors for your tests and exams, contact Melissa Care ( mmohan4@uwo.ca
Retaining Student Papers
Departments/instructors are REQUIRED to retain all papers (final exams or otherwise) which have not been returned to the student and for which a mark has been assigned, for a period of 12 months. The
12-month period begins at the last regularly scheduled class of a course if there is no final exam, or the date marks were submitted after the final exam, or if an appeal has been made, the date the student is informed of the decision, whichever is later.
Instructors are REQUIRED to maintain complete records of all marks and grades (and their relative weights) for individual assignments, tests, etc., which are used in calculating the final overall grade in a course for a period of 12 months from the date of the last regularly scheduled class of a course.
( http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/handbook )
In the event that a student requests it, an instructor shall produce and review with the student all papers
(final examination or other) not returned to the student and for which a mark has been assigned. A student who has appealed in writing to a Department Chair (or designate) shall be granted access, upon his or her request, to such papers under supervisory arrangements established by the appropriate
Dean. ( From http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/handbook/exam/retention.pdf)
Grades may be submitted using a program called Marks Management System (MMS) or through
WebCT. MMS is available for download from the following site: http://ssnds.uwo.ca/softwaredownloads.asp
Please request an up-to-date class list from the Registrar’s Extranet
( https://www1.regx.uwo.ca/extranet/default.cfm
) or from Susan (sgoddard@uwo.ca) if you are a graduate student lecturer.
Complete electronic grade submission instructions for MMS are available on the Department of
Psychology website at: http://psychology.uwo.ca/deptaccess.htm (under ‘Electronic Submission of
Grades’). Click on PC or MacIntosh. For help submitting grades through WebCT, contact the
Instructional Technology Resource Centre (ITRC) at: ext 85513
If a student is missing a test or assignment for no apparent reason, calculate the final grade by assigning a zero for the missing assignment. It can be revised later if need be. The Department of
Psychology follows the UWO grading guidelines noted below:
A+ 90-100
50-59 below 50
One could scarcely expect better from a student at this level
Superior work that is clearly above average
Good work, meeting all requirements, and eminently satisfactory
Competent work, meeting requirements
Fair work, minimally acceptable
In addition, the Department has issued the following grade guidelines for Psychology courses as of July
20, 2009:
Averages should be around
70% for Introduction to Psychology
70% for courses in the 2000-2099 range
72% for courses in the 2100-2999 range
75% for courses in the 3000-3999 range
80% for 4000-4999
Please contact Prof Leora Swartzman ( lswartzm@uwo.ca
) if you have any questions regarding historical class averages in the Psychology department.
GRADES ARE DUE ONE WEEK AFTER YOUR FINAL EXAM (or one week after classes end if there is no final exam)
You will require a UWO e-mail account (see below) in order to submit your grades and they must be sent from an on-campus computer.
To Susan
1. Paper copy of Grade Submission Form, signed
2. Grade Breakdown (alphabetical list of student name, number, grade on each assignment, weight of each assignment)
3. Grade Distribution (statistics for final grade column only)
To Registrar
1. Electronic version of final grades submitted but only after they have been approved by
Leora Swartzman
Note that if you submit grades through WebCT, Leora Swartzman will receive the electronic file for approval but you must submit the three items above to Susan in paper form.
If a student is unhappy with his/her grade, he or she must first appeal to the instructor. As the instructor, you must decide whether or not the claim is reasonable. If you decide to change the grade, you can submit a grade revision form. Susan (sgoddard@uwo.ca) can help you with this. If the student is still unhappy with the outcome, he or she must appeal to Leora Swartzman ( lswartzm@uwo.ca
) in
writing . Prof Swartzman may solicit a secondary grader for the student’s work if warranted. Please do not hesitate to consult Leora if you need advice.
You are entitled to make grade changes on academic but not on compassionate grounds. Grade changes on compassionate grounds can only be made by the Dean. If the student is not happy with the outcome after Prof Swartzman has made a decision on the appeal, he or she can appeal to the
If students require accommodation for work representing 10% or more of their overall grade, they are now subject to the university’s policy on accommodation for medical illness, found at: http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/handbook/appeals/accommodation_medical.pdf
There is a new form called a 'Student Medical Certificate' they must take to the Dean's office of their home Faculty. Once reviewed and assessed, the Dean's office will consult with the instructor if accommodation may be made. This is no longer up to the instructor.
The Vice Provost (Academic Programs & Students) and Registrar’s Office announced the following two initiatives in the fall of 2008 .
The first initiative is the launching of a new database and extranet functionality which will allow SSD to communicate its recommendations for academic accommodation to course instructors on a secure website. Once SSD has prepared recommendations for a student, an email message will be sent to the relevant instructors that will inform them that recommendations are ready for their consideration.
The instructors may view the recommendations by accessing the extranet using their UWO email user identification and password. The site will allow instructors who are prepared to agree with the recommendations to indicate their agreement on-line. These instructors also will be able to indicate whether they will arrange accommodated exams themselves or will be requesting assistance with these arrangements. In the latter case, the site will allow instructors to enter information concerning exam dates, times, etc. into the database. Any concerns, questions, or disagreements about the recommendations will need to be taken up through direct communication with SSD. Accordingly, the site will direct instructors to contact SSD if they have questions.
Examination Services
The second initiative is the centralization of exam functions in the newly formed Examination Services in
Registrial Services. This service consists of: Central Examinations & Adjudication, Graduation &
Programs, Distance Studies Examinations, and Accommodated Examinations (which refers to exams that are administered with disability-related accommodation only). The accommodated exam functions were transferred from SSD to Examination Services. SSD will continue to work with faculty to establish exam and other academic accommodations, however, the exams will be administered by Examination
Services (unless instructors wish to administer the exams under the conditions of the accommodation themselves). The exception to this new arrangement applies to accommodated exams for King’s
University College courses. These exams will continue to be administered at King’s by /SSD: Kings
(KUC)/ who are affiliated with SSD: Western (UCC). So, for King’s courses, SSD: Kings (KUC) will contact instructors and administrative staff members in order to make arrangements for obtaining and
returning exams that they are to administer. For all other courses, Examination Services will make arrangements with instructors and administrative staff when requested.
Course evaluations are administered during the last three weeks of courses in Nov-Dec and Mar-Apr and during the last week of class during the summer sessions. Susan Smith-Goddard will send out a memo asking for your preference of date and time for the evaluation and for the name of an individual who will administer the questionnaire. This person is typically your Teaching Assistant (TA). You also have the option of having a supplementary department questionnaire administered to your class. If you wish to view the questions on this supplementary form, please ask Susan (sgoddard@uwo.ca).
Graduate Teaching Assistant duties and appropriate hours of work are regulated under the GTA collective agreement between UWO and The Public Service Alliance of Canada, Local 00610.
GTA duties may include:
• Instruction, lecturing or supervision in classes, tutorials or laboratories
• Preparation of materials or set-up of required displays or apparatus for classes, tutorials or laboratories; presence at designated lectures
• Holding office hours and meeting with students; grading of essays, assignments; conducting of field trips
• Employer required training
• Employer required meetings
• Reading and corresponding with students via e-mail relevant to the assigned course;
• Administering teacher evaluations
• Other teaching related duties: GTAs for Psychology are also required to proctor up to 4 other
Psychology exams or tests throughout the academic year (usually 2 per term for a 10 hrs/wk TA and 1 per term for a 5 hrs/wk TA)
Instructors must prepare a Duties Specification Letter (DSL) at the beginning of term that stipulates approximately how many hours will be expected for each of the GTA duties. GTAs may not work more hours than they are assigned. Although it is expected that workload will vary week to week, they may not work more than 70 hrs total per term for a 5 hrs/week TA or 140 hrs total for a 10 hrs/week TA.
GTAs cannot be expected to work on a course prior to, or after the end of term.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Teaching Assistantships, please contact Paul Minda,
Associate Chair - Graduate Affairs, ext.84689 ( jpminda@uwo.ca
The Department of Psychology provides program advising for undergraduate students. Ramona Fudge provides information regarding eligibility, course selections, program planning, prerequisites, course substitutions, etc. Students may book appointments with Ramona by contacting Susan Smith-Goddard at 519-661-2068. There are no walk-in times. Brief enquiries may also be sent by e-mail to psycouns@uwo.ca
The following website has complete information for both full-time and part-time faculty members: http://deansoffice.ssc.uwo.ca/facultyinfo.htm
The Human Resources/Payroll system assigns a UWO ID number to all Western employees. Please check with the Department Administrative Officer (Dianne McCormack, ext. 82065) for your ID number.
This number is required for most university services such as keys, parking, library services, travel discounts, etc. Western identification cards are available in Room 1120, Western Student Services
Building (WSSB). Be patient as this can take time.
Fax Machines:
The department has self-service fax machines in SSC Room7420 (fax number 519-850-2517) and in
WH Room 305E (fax number 519850-2554). Instructions for sending faxes are posted nearby these machines. The department will cover long distance fax charges related to teaching. Please record fax transactions in the binder.
Key Requisitions:
Please visit the Physical Plant website at http://www.uwo.ca/ppd and click on ‘Building Access
Requisition form’ on the left hand side. A paper copy of these forms is also available from the Psych
Main Office (Room 7418).
Key requisitions can be authorized by:
Dianne McCormack, Administrative Officer (Room 7410)
Albert Katz, Chair (please leave requisition with main office, room 7418)
Paul Minda (Room 7326 SSC)
Leora Swarzman, Associate Chair (Room 312E Westminster Hall)
Social Science Centre - Mailboxes are located in the photocopier room (Room 7420, Social Science
Centre). Four mailboxes are designated ‘Part-Time Instructors’. Mail may be picked up during regular business hours (8:30am-4:30pm Mon-Fri) or after hours using the SM5 key.
Westminster Hall – Mailboxes are located in the photocopier room (Room 305E).
Part Time Instructors’ Offices:
Room 7440 is designated as the office for Part Time Instructors. You will be assigned to this office
(unless you already have an office). Since this office is shared, we request you provide Beata
Jaroslawski (beata@uwo.ca) with your office hours.
Course related photocopying may be done through your administrative assistant. Photocopiers are available on the 7 th floor (room 7420 and 7417) of SSC, and in Room 305E of WH. Large volume (250+) copying should be sent to Graphic Services by your administrative assistant.
Daniella Chirila
Ramona Fudge
Rick Cornwall
Administrative Assistant
Undergraduate Program Advisor
Media Technician/Orders/Receiving
82057 dchirila@uwo.ca rfudge@uwo.ca rmcornwa@uwo.ca
Anthony Dobravec
Faith Hennessy
Beata Jaroslawski
Computing Manager
Administrative Assistant – Clinical Program –
Westminster College
Administrative Assistant to the Chair and
Administrative Officer
82068 adobrave@uwo.ca
Scott MacDougall-
Dianne McCormack
Jacek Majewski
Nancy Nuzum
Darren Pitre
Pam Roccatagliata
Animal Care Manager
Finance, Payroll and Human Resources
Animal Care Technician
University Lab School Secretary – Westminster
Graduate Program Assistant Colleen Ross-Keech
Susan Smith-Goddard Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Stephanie Saar Graduate Program Coordinator
Karen Krug
Administrative Officer
University Lab School Director – Westminster College 83668 smacdou2@uwo.ca
82068 sgoddard@uwo.ca
82064 stephanie.saar@uwo.ca kkrug@uwo.ca