PSYCHOLOGY UNIT 4 SAC | 2013 PREPARATION NOTES: Resource provided: Your Textbook PLUS Sandra Cabot’s Book KEY KNOWLEDGE AREAS: Keep in mind these examinable key knowledge dot points when reading the books, and jot down notes and page references as you encounter the information below: • allostasis (stability through change brought about by the brain’s regulation of the body’s response to stress) as a model that integrates biological, • psychological and social factors that explain an individual’s response to stress – strategies for coping with stress including biofeedback, meditation/relaxation, physical exercise 1 PLUS, choose ONE of the following two mental Illnesses to focus on: Anxiety disorder: Specific Phobia OR Mood Disorder: Major Depression 2 As you read your book, make notes that pertain to the following key knowledge dot points stated below: Application of a biopsychosocial framework to understanding ONE of the following four types of mental disorder and its management: Anxiety disorder: specific phobia • biological contributing factors: role of the stress response; role of the neurotransmitter gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA) in the management of phobic anxiety • psychological contributing factors: psychodynamic, behavioural and cognitive models; the use of psychotherapies in treatment including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), systematic desensitisation and flooding • socio-cultural contributing factors: specific environmental triggers such as being bitten by a dog; parental modelling and transmission of threat information • the interaction between biological, psychological and socio-cultural factors which contributto an understanding of the disorder and its management OR Mood disorder: major depression • biological contributing factors: role of genes in contributing to the risk of developing major depression; roles of the neurotransmitters serotonin and noradrenaline in major depression; the function of antidepressant medication in management • psychological contributing factors: learned helplessness; stress; the use of psychotherapies in management including cognitive behaviour therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy • socio-cultural contributing factors: abuse, poverty, social isolation and social stressors as risk factors; support factors including family and social networks and recovery groups • the interaction between biological, psychological and socio-cultural factors which contribute to an understanding of the disorder and its management 3 Assessment of levels of achievement The student’s level of achievement for Unit 4 will be determined by Schoolassessed Coursework and an end-of-year examination. Contribution to final assessment School-assessed Coursework for Units 3 & 4 will contribute 40 per cent. The level of achievement for Units 3 and 4 is also assessed by an end-of-year examination, which will contribute 60 per cent. End-of-year examination All key knowledge that underpins the outcomes in Units 3 and 4 including the underlying principles related to elements of a biopsychosocial framework, and the set of key skills listed on page 13 of the study design are examinable, except: • specific details related to the study of a specific mental disorder (one of: specific phobia, major depression, gambling or schizophrenia). Conditions The examination will be completed under the following conditions: • Duration: two and a half hours. 4 The UNIT 4 SAC is worth 20%. You will have two SAC’s to do. I will give you more information regarding your SAC near the end of Term 2. However, as you can see above, Outcome 1 of Unit 4 SAC will be a folio of at least 5 practical activities and annotations on selected aspects of learning, worth 10%. Outcome 2 of Unit 4 SAC will have two components. • The first being your choice of either Major Depression or Anxiety (focusing on a phobia). This will be related to the book reading and it will be a VISUAL Presentation on A2 poster paper. (Worth 5%) • The second item will be centered on STRESS. Again, the book will provide you with valuable resources to gather information from regarding stress. What causes stress and how can it be managed. I will provide you with full details on how to present these SAC’s later on. For now, start making notes that will fit into both SAC’s: • U4O2: SAC 1- Notes related to either Anxiety or Depression (separate your notes into the two category, then choose which one you would like to major in) • U4O2: SAC 2 – Notes related to Stress 5