Physics 402, Quantum Physics II, Fall 2015 • Instructor: Prof. Victor

Physics 402, Quantum Physics II, Fall 2015
• Instructor: Prof. Victor Galitski
Office: PHY2330 (PHY = The John S. Toll Physics Building # 082)
Phone: 301-405-6107
• Grader: Kaustubh Deshpande
Phone: 516-225-4807
• Schedule
Lectures: Mon 10:00am - 10:50am & Wed 10:00am - 11:50am in PHY1402
Recitations: Fri 10:00am - 10:50am in PHY1402
Instructor’s office hours: Wed after class in PHY2330
Grader’s office hours: Wed 3:00pm-3:50pm PHYS0104
• Class web-page:
All course materials, including this syllabus, homework assignments, solutions, notes,
etc. will be posted to the following web-page∼galitski/PHYS402/
• Recommended Text:
D. Griffiths, “Introduction to Quantum Mechanics,” 2nd edition, is the recommended
text. The lectures will not follow the book verbatim, so if you prefer any of the many
other quantum mechanics texts available, feel free to use them.
• Goals of the course:
To learn further foundations and applications of quantum mechanics. We will primarily cover the 2nd half of Griffiths (Chaps. 5-11) but will also spend time on modern applications of quantum theory including Bose-Einstein condensation, elements
of superconductivity, elements of condensed matter physics (e.g., band structure and
phonons), basic ideas of quantum computation, and elements of Feynman’s formulation
of quantum mechanics.
• Grading policy:
Your course (letter) grade is determined by your numerical scores on homeworks (30%),
two midterms (30%), and one final (40%).
• Homework:
Homework is assigned approximately every week via the class well-page and will be
due before lecture begins. Late homework will not be accepted. Collaboration is
encouraged, but copying is not allowed. Your lowest homework grade will be dropped.
Syllabus, Phys402, Fall 2015, Prof. Galitski
Week 1: Reminder of basic concepts of quantum mechanics: pioneering experiments, waveparticle duality, “derivation” of the Schrödinger equation; solution of the Schrödinger
equation to describe dynamics (life-time) of a quantum wave-packet
Week 2: Reminder of basic concepts of quantum mechanics (continued): Born interpretation
of quantum mechanics, Dirac notations, representations; algebraic solution of the harmonic oscillator potential using ladder operators.
Week 3: Two-particle systems [Griffiths 5.1]; fermions, bosons [Griffiths 5.1], and exotic anyons;
two-particle bound states in 1D, 2D, and 3D
Week 4: Atoms and periodic system [Griffiths 5.2]; elements of the variational approach [Griffiths 7.1], the ground state of Helium [Griffiths 7.2]
Week 5: Elements of many-particle quantum physics; Fermi gas [Griffiths 5.3]; Bose-Einstein
condensates; Cooper pairing in the theory of superconductivity
Week 6: Solids. Electrons in a periodic crystal potential; Band structure [Griffiths 5.3 & 5.4]
Week 7: Collective modes in classical and quantum crystals: phonons
First mid-term exam
Week 8: Time-independent non-degenerate perturbation theory [Griffiths 6.1]; anharmonic oscillator in 1D
Week 9: Time-independent degenerate perturbation theory; fine structure of hydrogen, Zeeman
effect, hyperfine splitting [Griffiths 6.2]
Week 10: Time-dependent quantum mechanics; Spin in a time-dependent magnetic field [Griffiths
9.1]; Adiabatic perturbations, Geometrical quantal (Berry) phase [Griffiths 10.1 & 10.2]
Week 11: Sudden Perturbations
Week 12: Time-dependent perturbation theory; Emission and absorption of radiation; spontaneous emission [Griffiths 9.2 & 9.3]
Second mid-term exam
Week 13: Theory of scattering; Partial wave decomposition [Griffiths 11.1 & 11.2]
Week 14: Born approximation [Griffiths 11.3]
Week 15: Elements of Feynman’s approach to quantum mechanics; quantum-to-classical correspondence; standard semiclassical analysis (WKB approximation)
Final exam