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Baruch College – CUNY
Zicklin School of Business
Department of Marketing and International Business
Fall, 2010 (Revised 10/5/10)
Instructor: Barry Soloff
Monday and Wednesday, 4:10-5:25 (except as noted)
Room VC 11165– Vertical Campus
Office: B12-210-K (cubicle)
Phone: 646-312-3308 (group voicemail)
Phone 212 288-3478 (Cell)
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 5:30:-6:15 and by appointment
Course Objectives
The course is designed to introduce you to the fundamental concepts and principles of marketing and
branding, the discipline of which is both a process and set of activities…part science and part art. By the end
of course you should have a good idea of what marketing is, what are typical marketing activities and how
marketers think. Just as importantly, you will be exposed to how consumers think, because the essence of
good marketing is delivering to consumers the products and services they want to buy in the way they want to
buy them and making sure they remain your customers.
For marketing majors, the course will provide the fundamental building blocks for more advanced study. For all
business majors, the course will help you understand what marketing is, how it works, how it might impact you
and the importance of brands. And for all students, this course will shed some light on what marketers do, how
they operate and how they behave in the marketplace. At a minimum, everyone taking this course will have a
much better understanding of how they are (or are not) being marketed by brands to in their day to day lives.
Key Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course you should be able to:
Appreciate and understand the role of marketing in business
Appreciate the importance and pervasiveness of brands in todays world
Understand the role of the consumer and consumer behavior in marketing
Know basic marketing principles and their underlying rationale
Be able to address marketing problems in real-life situations
Feel confident that you could create a marketing plan when called upon to do so
Understand what a Marketing/Communications plan is and how it works
Be comfortable working as part of a marketing team
Learning methods will include case and article discussions, interactive class exercises, student presentations
and evaluations and written assignments.
Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself!
(Chinese proverb)
You cannot teach human beings anything, all you can do is help them to learn!
Required Text:
M Marketing by Dhruw Grewal and Michael Levy, McGraw-Hill Irwin, Second Edition
Traditional text (ISBN: 0077386434) Available via bookstore
Traditional printed textbook packaged with ConnectPlus access at no additional charge:
(ISBN: 0077399013) Available via bookstore
ConnectPlus: Access to Connect assignments plus an integrated, searchable eBook (no print book):
ISBN (access card): 0077373855 Through Connect, you gain access to assignments, interactive exercises,
videos, quizzes, ebook, and tests with Connect.
Your text may already be bundled with an access card in your bookstore, or purchase online by accessing your
instructor‟s Connect course at the URL you were given (Register there
with your access code ISBN: 0077373855 (includes ebook)
ISBN: 0077373820 (no ebook) or buy access online)
Course Requirements
In order to succeed in this course, you will need to:
Read and understand the assigned material
Attend and participate in class
Think about what you are learning
Complete the assignments as discussed in syllabus
Understand how marketing is different from other areas of business…not black and white
Grading Policy
Baruch is the most ethnically diverse college in the world and your diverse views are critical for this class„s
success. Absences, late arrivals or early departures will be reflected in your class participation grade. Each
student is permitted only two absences. Five points will be deducted to each additional absence. If you miss
more than three classes “including” the allowed absences, please speak with me immediately.
For all written and oral assignments, the key criteria is understanding of the material, ability to absorb the
background and identify the key issues and questions in a clear, concise and thorough manner. Emphasis is
placed on the student‟s ability to summarize the key points and present them in as succinct a manner as
possible to replicate the reality of marketing. In addition, the students will be judged on their ability to present
and discuss the materials assigned and participate in class discussion.
Your grade will be allocated as follows:
Class Exercises and Participation
Advertising Summary
Mid-term Exam
Written Case Analysis
Research Participation
Group Project/Marketing Plan Presentation
Advertising Summary:
You will be asked to discuss a currently running mass advertising/marketing communications advertisement or
campaign that you think is ineffective/ doesn‟t work/does a bad job for the brand. Or you just don‟t like it. In a
2-3 page paper you will 1) explain why you dislike the advertisement/campaign and feel it doesn‟t work and 2)
answer the questions below. This assignment will be due at class 13
1) What is the target audience they are trying to reach?
2) How is the product positioned in the marketplace?
3)What is the key message/benefits they are trying to convey
4) Is the message/key benefit rational, emotional or both (a key message or benefit is what is unique about
the brand and what it does for consumers)
5) What is the reason why they are supporting the key message/benefit (could be rational or
emotional as long as it supports the key/message benefit)
6) What is the brand character/personality/tonality of the brand as if it were a person)
7) What elements of marketing would you like to change if you were marketing manager and provide brief
reasons why?
Written Case Analysis
For each of the two cases (Case/Exam Class 16 and homework case Class 19), you submit for grading, you
will prepare a written analysis in short bullet point format in answer to the assignment questions posted on
blackboard plus attachments as deemed appropriate by the student. This analysis consists of two parts; 1)
addressing the background, key issues and key insights of each case (See Blackboard under Course
Documents for definition and explanation of what these terms mean) and 2) specific questions for each case.
Please note that ideally, the analyses should be no more than 3-4 pages (arial – 12 pt – single spacing)
excluding appendices. Points will be deducted for papers longer than four pages.
Cases submitted for grading must be turned in electronically to my email address
( prior to the beginning of the class on the day the paper is due.
If, as is customary, more than one solution appears reasonable, you should choose the one which, all factors
considered, offers the fewest disadvantages and the greatest strength. Make sure that your arguments are
based on the facts in the case and on logical and clear-cut reasoning/assumptions which are explicitly stated
in your analysis.
Group Project (Integrated Marketing Communications Plan & Campaign)
The objective is to provide practical experience on the basics of developing an integrated marketing
communications campaign and working in groups The emphasis is on analysis, assessment, conducting
consumer research, developing a strategy document, selecting the appropriate media and marketing vehicles
and preparing creative material. Budgeting will not be part of the project.
Students will form teams of four students and inform the professor prior to the 7th class via email. Your project
consists of preparing and presenting an integrated marketing communications campaign. The presentation of
each project will take place during the last four class sessions and will follow the integrated marketing
communications plan format posted on Blackboard. Please note all presentations are due on 12/1 regardless
of when the groups are scheduled for their actual presentation.
Groups must select a global brand (could be a product or a service) that they feel is doing a poor and
ineffective job in their current integrated marketing communications efforts. It could be a brand that is declining
in sales and share and is “in trouble” as they say. Or it could be a campaign that you think is ineffective or just
don‟t like and think that you could do better. Your job is essentially is to show how you can improve their
current marketing communications plan campaign. Please note that the focus is on their marketing
communications and not overall marketing.
The grading of the group project will be as follows:
1. Why brand selected memo (05%)
2. Research Memo (15%)
3. Conference Reports (10%)
4. Milestone (10%)
5. Presentation (45%)
6. Individual Memo (15%)
Specifically, the assignment consists of the following elements and specific assignments. Please note that a
detailed outline of the overall group project format can be found within the course document section within
Blackboard. There is also an excellent action plan format to keep the team on track and appraised of who is
working on what developed by one of last semester‟s teams.
You and your group will work on the assignment throughout the semester. The plan should include the
following elements:
1) Company and Product Description (Brief description of the company, the brand and the segment in
which it competes and the current sales and marketing situation)
2) Brand Research Research (What you know/want to know and understand about your consumer – This
includes secondary research in addition to primary research you will conduct on your brand) You want
to identify factors that motivate purchase behavior (Who is using your brand, how do they think, why
are they using it). As part of this research you should conduct both brand/product as well as
copy/creative research to determine the optimal message.)
3) SWOT Analysis (Make sure you consider and mention if relevant such factors such as the category
size and segments, trends, usage and user profile, purchase and buying decisions, current marketing
campaign and competition
4) Mission Statement (Include sustainable competitive advantage)
5) Marketing Objectives
6) Target Market & Positioning
7) Marketing Mix Strategy (four key factors: Product, price, promotion and place based on what you
believe the target will value)
8) Marketing Communications Strategy (This includes background/top line summary of SWOT analysis,
key learning from research, target audience/segments, positioning statement, consumer benefits,.
reason why and brand tone/personality
9) Marketing Communication Campaign (This is the creative campaign based on the marketing
communications strategy). It should include a creative idea with examples of ads and other
promotional materials you would use. You need to use at least 2 examples of mass media and two
examples from new media/social networkprovide at least 2 executions for each medium. That is, if you
decide to use radio and TV, you need to include 2 radio ads and 2 TV ads (or storyboards). The
campaign should also include three specific events such as a consumer promotion,
sponsorship/branded content, and public Relations. Be sure to describe the objectives and the event
itself and develop a key visual with copy for each event.
1. Why Chosen Group Memo: The choice of brand and key reasons why this particular brand‟s marketing
communications was chosen to improve should be submitted prior to the 11th class in written memo format to
me (one page maximum). In addition, someone from the group should be prepared to give a two to three
minute presentation of the brand selected and state why it was chosen and what they hope to accomplish.
2. Conference reports: The group will be required to submit three conference reports during sessions 12,16,20
and 23. These reports should be one to two pages double-spaced (Arial typeface 12). They each should
summarize a key meetings/discussion of the group.). Format can be found on Blackboard/Assignments.
3. Research Group Memo: A two to three page written memo in bullet point format (Arial typeface 12) to me by
class 25 of both the product/brand and creative research you conducted to show that your findings were
reliable and valid. Format can be found on Blackboard/Assignments. This consists of four sections:
a) Objectives/what you hoped to gain
b) Design/what type (survey, interviews, focus groups) did you use and why
c) Methodology/Describe participants and why you choose them, how did you find respondents and conduct
research and what materials (survey, questions, topics, etc.). Materials of questionnaire should be an
attachment to the memo.
d) Summary of findings. Limit yourself to eight to ten key points presented in bullet form
4. Presentation: These presentations will be 35-40 minutes in length and will be made on the last four days of
class. The presentation will follow the format found on Blackboard in the form of a power point presentation
including the communications strategy accompanied by creative materials/examples as appropriate. The
presentation will be evaluated by a combination of their peers joined by some people from the advertising &
media industry. The criteria will be strategic and executional in nature.
Please note that all presentations must be submitted either electronically or on a disk/flash drive by the 26th
class regardless of whether your group is scheduled to present. This will ensure an even playing field for all
groups. Actual creative material samples can be submitted immediately after the presentation. A copy (or
CDRom) of the power point presentation should be presented the day of the presentation.
5. Individual Memo: Each INDIVIDUAL will also hand in a one to two page written memo Also found on
Blackboard in Assignment section) to me in bullet point format addressing the following areas:
- Why should the company owing the brand you selected accept your recommendation?
- What did you learn personally from this group project?
- What was your role and in the project
- What would you say was your major contribution?
- What would you do differently the next time you do a project like this?
- Any suggestions as to how the group project could be improved with reasons why
6. Milestones
These are basically short written summaries of where you are in the project and should be submitted to me in
writing prior to the class they are due.
The first milestone is a summary of sections 1-5. It will be due at session 15
The second milestone is a summary of sections 6-8. It will be due at session 22
Please work hard on the summaries for the milestones, because that will be my opportunity to provide you with
the feedback you will need for a superior finished product. The more effort you put into the milestone reports,
the better the final product will be.
7. Marketing Plans Presentation
The final marketing/marketing communications plan presentation will be a 30 minute oral report utilizing Power
Point charts which should include contributions from all team members. Wherever possible, use bullet points
vs. prose. Each group will be required to turn in the PPT presentation on the day of your presentation.
Baruch College, Zicklin School of Business,
Foundations of Marketing MKT3000H XZ13H
Fall 2010 Class Schedule (Subject to Change)
Revised 10/05/10
Class/Date Topics
Required Readings
Homework Assignment
1 (8/30)
Orientation and
course overview
Chap 1
2 (9/1)
Marketing Overview
3 (9/13)
No class
Marketing Plans
Chap 2
4 (9/15)
Analyzing the
Chap 4
5 (9/20)
Market Research
Chap 9
6 (9/22)
Consumer Behavior
Chap 5
7 (9/27)
Research/Consumer Required Readings
Behavior Cont‟d
Form teams for group project and
forward to professor
8 (9/29)
Segmentation and
Chap 8
*Go to supermarket and analyze the
Cereals section of the store. Identify the
various segments, products within the
segments, who they are targeting and
how they are positioned.
9 (10/4)
Required Readings
10 (10/6)
Chap 10
*Pick two best/most effective and two
worst/most ineffective examples of
branding/slogans and be prepared to talk
about why you selected them).
11 (10/13)
Branding Cont'd
Required Readings
Group Project /Why Chosen Memo and
presentation in class
Required Readings
Ad Summary due
13 10/20
Integrated Marketing Ch 17
Student information Sheet due
Six Steps of Purchase Decision exercise
*Conduct an mock interview (see
Blackboard for format) with a
friend/relative/stranger on a mass
consumption product.
*Conference Report 1 due
*Pick 2 food or Health and Beauty
brands you use regularly and be
prepared to explain what you perceive as
the benefits and fundamental reasons
(physical, rational) for consuming them.
14 10/25
Advertising &
Ch 18 (Pages 334353)
Milestone 1
Advertising &
Required Readings
*Select two brands you have an
emotional attachment to and come
prepared to discuss what that
attachment is and why it motivates you
to use this brand vs. competition)
In-Class Case Exam
Required Readings
*Conference Report 2 due
*Be prepared to discuss strengths and
weaknesses of TV, Cinema, Radio,
Magazines and Outdoor)
18 (11/8)
Promotion and PR
Chap 18 (353-359)
Required Readings
* Write a press release based on an
event for a restaurant or bar and be
prepared to present it in class to a
classmate. (See Blackboard for
19 (11/10)
Personal Selling &
Sales Management
Ch 19
Written Case Analysis 2 due
New Products
Chap 11
*Think of all the new products you have
tried over the past 6 months, how you
found out about them and why you
decided to try them.
21 (11/17)
Retailing & Multichannel Marketing
Chap 16
Conference Report 3 due
Global Marketing
Required Readings
Milestone 2
No Class
Topics TBD/Group
Project Work
Group Project Research Memo due
24 (12/1)
Marketing Plans
Group Project Marketing Campaign
25 (12/6)
Marketing Plans
Group Project Marketing Campaign
26 (12/8)
Marketing Plans
Group Project Marketing Campaign
Marketing Plans
Group Project Marketing Campaign
Group Project Individual Memo due
Research Participation (subject pool assignment)
Please read the document in the Appendix and follow the instructions to qualify for the five points!
Blackboard Website
This course will have a Blackboard website. Please check this website regularly since all messages to class
will be posted there by the instructor. The website will show assignments, article readings, discussion
questions, cases, etc. so get in the habit of visiting Blackboard regularly and frequently.
Academic Integrity
I fully support Baruch College's policy on Academic, which states, in part:
"Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Cheating, forgery, plagiarism and collusion in
dishonest acts undermine the college's educational mission and the students' personal and intellectual growth.
Baruch students are expected to bear individual responsibility for their work, to learn the rules and definitions
that underlie the practice of academic integrity, and to uphold its ideals. Ignorance of the rules is not an
acceptable excuse for disobeying them. Any student who attempts to compromise or devalue the academic
process will be sanctioned. "
Academic sanctions in this class will range from an F on the assignment to an F in this course. A report of
suspected academic dishonesty will be sent to the Office of the Dean of Students. Additional information
About the Instructor
Barry Soloff is a Marketing Consultant experienced in working with small to medium companies, individual
entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations in the areas of marketing and strategic planning, brand building,
creative development, production, integrated marketing and sponsorship. He also conducts seminars on
Marketing for Small Businesses for various organizations including Score:Counselors for Small Businesses
His worldwide credentials include over 30 years of developing effective and award winning US, international
and global campaigns. His client experience was with the Gillette Company, Division of Procter & Gamble
where he was Global Communications and Advertising Manager for the Duracell brand. Previously he was
Advertising and Media Manager for the Gillette International Division. His agency experience consisted of
managing strategic marketing and communications plans at Leo Burnett, J. Walter Thompson, DDB, BBDO
and Interpublic/Lintas. He directed established brands and new product efforts for clients such as Kraft,
Colgate-Palmolive, Nestle, Frito Lay, Union Carbide, Richardson Vicks, Frigidaire and Delta Airlines.
He received his MBA degree from New York University in International Business and Marketing and Bachelors
degrees from Thunderbird School of Global Management in International Management and Denver University
in History and International Relations. Barry recently received his Professional Certificate degree in Business &
Executive Coaching from New York University.
Group Presentation Evaluation Criteria and Feedback
(Grading scale: All areas will be evaluated based on Excellent
1) Organization: (12.5%)
Very Good
Needs Improvement
(excellent: presentation is clear, logical, and organized . Time is appropriately allocated among topics ; Poor:
presentation is difficult to follow, arguments are confusing, organization haphazard, improper allocation of time
among topics)
2) Use of Visuals: (12.5%)
(excellent: visuals are professional, attention getting, organized, details are minimized; Poor: visuals are
uninteresting, unprofessional, cluttered, contains too many unimportant details).
3) Use of Language (12.5%)
(excellent: proper language, technical language appropriate for the audience, sentences are grammatical,
correct enunciation ; Poor: frequent grammatical errors, incomplete sentences, vocabulary limited, improper
4) Style (12.5%):
(excellent: presentation is well paced for audience understanding, body language reflects comfort interacting
with the audience, smooth transitions among group members, the speakers are enthusiastic and confident,
speaking volume is comfortable for the audience to follow, presentation maintains audience interest, reading
from notes is minimized, personal appearances are completely appropriate for the occasion; Poor:
presentation is either too slow or too fast, speakers looks nervous and uneasy, the transitions are rough,
speakers are uninterested and inconfident, presentation is dull and boring, volume is too low or too high,
there is too much reading from notes, personal appearances are not appropriate for a business setting).
5) Depth of Content (weight 50%)
Company and Product:
SWOT Analysis
Marketing Objectives
Target Market and Positioning
Marketing Mix Strategy (Product , Price, Promotion and Distribution)
Marketing Strategy
Media plan and Mix
Creative Campaign
(Excellent: Indepth and accurate analysis, strategies are realistic and appropriate, full justification is provided
for chosen strategies, justification consistent with material learned in class, assumptions are clearly spelled
out; Poor: Analysis is shallow, strategies are unrealistic, assumptions are not explicitly spelled out,
justification for decisions are not provided, weak reasoning underlying the choice of strategies)
Research Participation Requirement
(Marketing Subject Pool For information:
As a MKT 3000 student you are eligible to join the Marketing Department‟s “Subject Pool”. Students in the
Subject Pool participate in research studies conducted by Marketing faculty and PhD students, and can earn
up to 5% course credit for participating in 2 research studies, each up to 60 minutes long (a study that is
less than 60 minutes still counts as a full 60-minute study). Research studies often involve filling out one or
more questionnaires and completing tasks such as viewing advertisements or product descriptions, or listening
to audio material.
Participation in these studies is voluntary. If you choose not to participate in the research studies, you can
still get the 5% course credit by completing a written assignment. The assignment involves reading a case
study and submitting a 3-page (typed) report on it.
How to get credit
a) You can get the 5% course credit by participating in two research studies, each taking up to 60
minutes, OR by completing a 3-page written assignment.
b) Your instructor will not know whether you participated in the two research studies or submitted a
written assignment.
c) Course credit for a research study will only be given if you sign up online in advance. “Walk-ins”
are NOT permitted. See “How to sign up for studies” below.
d) Research studies will be scheduled throughout the semester after the first 3 to 4 weeks of classes.
You will be informed when studies are scheduled.
e) For the written assignment, you can sign up anytime during the semester (see “How to sign up for a
written assignment” below), but you must submit it within 2 weeks of signing up, and before the last day
of class.
f) When you complete a study, you will get a “receipt for participation” from the researcher. Please
keep this receipt with you until you have received credit for the study (see “How to check if you got
credit” below).
How to sign up for studies
Go to
IMPORTANT: when signing up for studies, you must use the same ID number (the last 8 digits of your
CUNY ID number) each time. This will ensure that you get the proper credit.
How to sign up for a written assignment
Go to
How to check if you got credit
Credit is usually posted within 2 weeks of completing a study. To check if you received credit, go to
What to do if you did not get credit
If you did not get credit within 2 weeks of completing the study, please email
and explain the problem. Make sure to provide information about the study you participated in (Study Code,
date and time).