2012 annual report

Girls Incorporated®
of Omaha
Inspiring all girls
to be strong,
smart, and boldSM
At Girls Inc., it isn’t any one thing that helps girls grow into healthy,
educated and independent women. It isn’t just the caring, nurturing
adults. Or the great programs. Or access to the computer lab. Or
daily meals. Or strong community partnerships. Or daily homework
help. Or girl-only space. It’s all of it combined.
The Girls Inc. environment is safe physically, socially and emotionally.
It is a place where girls are expected
to succeed and grownups take them
seriously for the persons they are now
and for the women they will become.
Girl Power is the order of the day.
At Lunch for the Girls, 2012, Michelle Obama
said: “If the talent of one girl goes unrecognized,
if one girl’s dreams go unrealized, if one girl is
denied opportunities for reasons that have
nothing to do with her talent or character or
work ethic, then we all miss out. We are all
diminished.” Because we must purposefully
develop the strengths in every girl, we must do
more than throw spaghetti at the wall and see
what sticks. Girls Inc. programs are relevant,
field-tested, and use research-based curriculum.
Our programs help girls develop life skills, like balancing checkbooks
and cooking healthy food. They help girls read better and explore math,
science and technology. They give girls opportunities to meet people
they might not otherwise meet (like Lilly Ledbetter or Mayor Suttle or
Michelle Obama!) and to go places they might not otherwise go (like the
Joslyn Art Museum or the Olympic Swim Trials or the city of Detroit!).
They get to try things they’ve never tried before - like camping, yoga,
zucchini, or a symphony concert. They give girls the opportunity to
express themselves through painting, music, dance, and poetry. They
help girls develop confidence and leadership skills, and positive attitudes
about life and the future.
While the Girls Inc. grownups are all into
measureable outcomes, the girls really do
just want to have fun.
For a younger girl like Taylor, we
measure exposure by the days
and even hours. Taylor’s mom,
Precious, has enrolled Taylor in
our GIRLStart literacy program
for each of the last four years
and she makes sure that Taylor
has strong attendance.
Taylor had 203 visits to Girls
Inc. in 2012 and spent 879
hours with us. (We can track
Taylor’s attendance thanks to
our fancy schmancy new nFocus software system installed in
2012!) Taylor’s oral reading fluency scores and comprehension
have definitely improved this year.
For older girls, like Hawa
who has been a Girls Inc.
member since 2007, we
track attendance over a
period of years. In 2012,
with sustained support
from Girls Inc. including
homework help, a mentor,
access to the computer
lab, and educational field
trips, Hawa was the first in her family to
graduate high school and is now enrolled at Metro Community College.
It is important for every girl to have
someone in her life who thinks she is
the greatest thing since sliced bread.
For many of the girls, that person is a
Girls Inc. grownup.
Tess Larson was selected
Mentor of the Year by Midlands Mentoring Partnership
for her mentoring of Gabbi,
Danaya, and Hawa.
Crystal Allen
Shannon Bennett
Krystal Boose
Michelle Burtley
Crystal Cardenas
Eliza Cowan
Katie D’Agosto
Donella Frazier
Marcia Ghali Bergren
Carolyn Green
Sonja Hernandez
Karmen Holmes
Robyn Hubbard
Nancy Ibarra
Bricelyn Jones
Annie Kawamoto
Katie Kelley
Jennifer Kephart
Jessica Kroeker
Tess Larson
Stephanie Lewis
Mara Martinez
Fallon MacNeil
Mary McFaydenDonahue
Nisha McNeil
Lisa Mellen
Emily Mwaja
Vicky Muli
Deborah Neary
Meghan Obermeyer
Noelle Obermeyer
Barbara Osborne
Jane Philips
Candice Shorter
Evelyn Taylor
Jennifer Tricker
Antonia Valentine
Nicole Velazquez
Ashley Welsh-Petti
Roberta Wilhelm
Danae Wolcott
Activate Omaha
African Culture
Aksarben Movie Theater
Ballet Nebraska
Matt Bentley
Antwon Bradshaw
Big Garden
Boys & Girls Club
Brownell Talbot &
Jeanie Neal
BVH Architects
Catch Kids
College of Saint Mary
Completely Kids
Creighton University
& Deglman Hall
Douglas County Health
The Durham Museum
Education Quest
Empowerment Network
Executive Women
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Fantastic Clowns
Patty Fiala
Film Streams
Girl Scouts
Girls Rock
Girls Scouts Spirit
of Nebraska
Golden Threads
Graffiti Tracker
Great Plains ADL
Henry Doorly Zoo
High Hill Farm
Honey Creek Creamery
Images Inc.
Jim Nelson Media
Joslyn Art Museum
Junior League of Omaha
Keep Omaha Beautiful
Kicks for a Cure
Kroc Center
Laana Solutions
Love’s Jazz & Art Center
Methodist Hospital
Community College
Midlands Mentoring
Movin’ After School
Mullhall Landscaping
Nature Conservancy
Nebraska Childrens
Home Society
Nebraska Humane
No Frills Supermarket
Omaha Performing
Arts Society
Omaha Public Library
Omaha Summer Arts
The Omaha Symphony
Outward Bound
Peter Kiewit Institute
Peter Kiewit Foundation
Planned Parenthood
The Rose Theater
Wendy Shorter
Spaghetti Works
Susan G. Komen
The Lotus
Truck Farm Omaha
Tuskegee Airmen,
Omaha Chapter
University of Nebraska
UNL State Museum
UNO Book Club
Visiting Nurses
Michele Wilson
Woodmen of the World
smart and bold!”
An excerpt of Michelle Obama’s remarks to the Girls Inc. team of supporters,
volunteers, and staff:
…Every day, because of all of you, girls all across this city
are imagining new possibilities for themselves. You all are
providing a safe environment for them to dance and to play,
to read and to think, and just have fun and be themselves.
You’re helping them build the relationships they’ll need to
thrive -- connections with peers who understand, with
adults who listen and offer encouragement, with role
models who provide a real-life example of what is possible.
You’re showing these girls
that being smart, strong,
and bold isn’t just about
getting good grades or
staying out of trouble. It
also means being a good
friend, a good sister or
daughter, a good citizen.
It means taking care of
your body by getting active
and eating the right foods.
It means giving back to
your community and
getting engaged with
people all around you.
And every day, all of you
are opening up new worlds
to these girls. Because of
you, they are doing things
they probably never would
have been able to do.
They’re exploring museums,
going to the theater. They’re
traveling all over the country.
They’re learning to read.
They’re learning to balance
a checkbook, to change
the oil in their car. They’re
even designing robots.
So with all of your
activities and programs,
more importantly, with
all of the love and support
that you pour into these
girls, you’re not simply
giving them something to
do -- you’re giving them
something to be. Maybe it’s
a scientist, or a teacher…
or a businesswoman.
Maybe it’s being a good
student, or class president,
or a great teammate.
Whatever it is, you’re
showing them that they
can be anything they
dream of, as long as they
stay true to who they are.
Save your red ink cartridge because we ended 2012 in the black.
2012 Statement of Operating Revenue and Expenses
girlFRIENDS/Special Events
Restricted Grants
Program Fees
United Way
Total Revenue
Development Center Programs
Emma Lozier Center Programs
Inter-Center Programs*
Total Expenses
*This includes Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy, Mentoring,
Counseling, Health Access, Career & Life Planning, OP SMART,
Sports & Fitness, GirlStart, Literacy, Eureka and Outreach.
** 2012 figures
have not been
audited at time
of publication,
2011 figures
have been
Age groups
Five to Eight............................................................................................ 28%
Nine to Eleven ........................................................................................ 31%
Twelve to Fourteen................................................................................. 25%
Fifteen to Eighteen.................................................................................. 16%
Ethnic Groups
African American.................................................................................... 67%
Caucasian................................................................................................ 7%
African..................................................................................................... 6%
Hispanic................................................................................................... 8%
Native American..................................................................................... 2%
Multiracial................................................................................................ 9%
Other........................................................................................................ 1%
Annual Family Income
Under $10,000......................................................................................... 22%
$10,000 to $19,999.................................................................................. 30%
$20,000 to $29,999.................................................................................. 20%
$30,000 to $39,999.................................................................................. 13%
$40,000 and over..................................................................................... 15%
Girls who live with two parents............................................................. 19%
Mother only............................................................................................. 49%
Father only ............................................................................................. 6%
One parent at a time (joint custody)..................................................... 4%
Neither parent ........................................................................................ 22%
Girls Served
Through our Girls Inc. Centers.............................................................. 1,035
Through Outreach Programs .................................................................. 1,172
Boys and Girls Served
Through “Kid-Ability!”........................................................................... 2,253
Grand Total............................................................................................. 3,752
Number of snacks & meals served....................................................... 102,284
Number of bus and van rides to our Centers after school................. 31,360
2012 Volunteers
Tim Abariotes
Christina Bahng
Ali Bakar-Rabeiro
Catherine Bart
Maddy Becker
Christina Bladow
Kalynn Borer
Jordan Brabec
Julia Brecht
Brittany Buder
Erline Charles
Rhaniece Choice
Taylor Coleman
Natalie Davies
Andrea Decino
Gina Dhummond
Sarah Dibb
Julianna Diddle
Lauren Durie
Sarah Escamilla
Jerry Estes
Tom Ferlic
Olivia Findley
Sarah Forristal
Denai Fraction
Sheena Glover
Logan Goldberg
Katelyn Golden
LisaAnne Gregoire
Molly Grosdidier
Samantha Hall
Lauren Halloran
Kelsey Ham
Marcella Hart
Danielle Hawthorne
Ciara Hegeholz
Anna Hensel
Augusta Herman
Carissa Hernandes
Andi Hinner-Kamp
Kaitlin Hoase
Megan Huerter
Rebecca Huerter
Eloise Huneidi
Dara Hunter
Elizabeth Imperiale
Paige Johnson
Nicole Kamada
Jordan Kellerstrass
Cortney Kelley
Courtney Kern
Kelsey Kieffer
Melanie Kim
Kaylyn Krzemien
Tina Labarre
Lorrie Lanig
Christine Lee
Sasha Lewis
Sharonda Lewis
Janea Lopez-Yamagata
Erin McCarville
Mara McGuire
Precious McKesson
Michael Mellen
Marcella Miller
Ellie Morrow
Vicky Muli
Cat Nash
Katie Neghbors
Maureen O’Brien
Sally Patten
Emalee Patterson
Meredith Pawlowski
Madeline Pilney
Margaret Pope
Amanda Reinert
Jordan Robertson
Kanisha Robertson
Lusi Rogel
Erin Rossiter
Alexis Schinco
Jenny Schorgl
Carol Sievers
Ruth Sladek
Mecca Slaughter
Jody Smith
Katy Spray
Elizabeth Spurny
Kelli Stott
Ellen Stultz
Pernille Sunde
Alexis Tafoya
Stephanie Tedesco
Carly Thelen
Taylor Thompson
Tracey Tran
Lindsay Trapnell
Michelle Villegas
Makinzie Vowels
Jacquelyn Wagner
Rasheen Washington
JaQuauna Watts
Rachel Weiss
Tyrone Wesley
Kristen Whalen
Christopher Wilhelm
Michael Wilhelm
William Wilhelm
Chelsea Williams
Charles Williamson
Hannah Ziellner
Groups & Organizations:
Baker’s (Lakeside)
Cornell University Johnson Graduate
School of Business
Creighton University Deglman Hall
Executive Women
International Omaha
HDR, Inc.
Junior League of Omaha
Mutual of Omaha
Westside DECA Students
2012 Board of Directors
Esther G. Mejia, President
Mike Adams
Tracy Britt
Susie Buffett
John W. Ewing, Jr.
Barbara J. Fajen
Donna Kush
Amy Ryan
Jennifer D. Tricker
Board Members
Sheryl Abegglen
Renaisa S. Anthony MD, MPH
Lanesa L. Ballew-Holt
Yadira Cardenas
Josette Gordon-Simet, MD
Deja Gregory
Susan K. Harpster
Ellie Hess
Angela Y. Jones
Larry Lundquist
Nuzhat Mahmood
Nicole Malone
Othello H. Meadows, III
JerLene Mosley
Phil Rooney
Sharon Royers
Katie Weitz White
2012-2013 Slate of Officers
President............................................................................. Allison Balus
President-Elect................................................... Lina Traslaviña Stover
Vice President Friendraising...................................... Ashley Robinson
Vice President Fundraising............................................ Karine Sokpoh
Vice President Public Relations.......................................... Lynn Carter
Secretary............................................................................ Aimee Owen
Treasurer.............................................................................. Julia Parker
Nominating/Volunteer Chair......................................... Leilani Harbeck
Member-at-Large................................................................ April Rocker
Member-at-Large................................................................... Nisha Nair
Member-at-Large.................................................... RoseMarie Horvath
Member-at-Large...................................................Melanie N. McIntyre
Member-at-Large......................................................... Carly McCulloch
Member-at-Large................................................................Linda Sedjro
Member-at-Large......................................................... Shereece Dendy
Member-at-Large............................................................... Anne Rogers
Member-at-Large............................................................Julie McAlpine
Member-at-Large...............................................................Sarah Helvey
Member-at-Large...................................................Denise Blaya Powell
Member-at-Large.................................................................Leslie Garth
Member-at-Large......................................................Vanessa L. Warren
Member-at-Large......................................................Makayla McMorris
Immediate Past President................................................. Jill Thomsen
Allison Balus
Executive Director
Roberta Wilhelm
National Board of Directors
Susan Buffett
2012 Staff
Executive Director
Roberta Wilhelm
Director of Finance
Jane Allamong
Director of Programs
Emily Mwaja
Director of Operations
Fatema Graves
Director of Health Access
Carolyn Green
Director of Counseling
Minnie Sasser
Executive Assistant
Shannon Dunning
Development Center Director
Janae Donaldson
Emma Lozier Center Director
Crystal Cardenas
Office Assistant
Tamara Rich
Mentoring Coordinator
Meghan Obermeyer
Program Specialists
Fallon MacNeil
Mara Martinez
Nicole McKesson
Records Clerk
Joyce Adams
Rochelle Epperson
Andrea Anderson-Lucas
Faith Enright
Karmen Holmes
Kim Nelson
Kelly Roche
Arlicia Shaw
Shawna Tate
Katie Kelley
Jennifer Kephart
Program Facilitators
Fantasia Blackson
Audwin Brown
Max Delman
Phoebe Dixon
Mario Doolittle
Taliesha Goodwin
Sonja Hernandez
Barbara Heydorn
Kainette Jones
Autumn Lewis
Joe McNair
Jessica Shadduck
Candice Shorter
Nichole Starks
Tishara Wardlow
Ebony Watkins
Food Services
Philice Shields
Donna Smith
Michael Novich
Transportation Services
Darrold Bell
Kevin Carter
Bryant Mitchell
America First Foundation
Bank of the West
Best Buy Children’s
Blue Cross & Blue Shield
of Nebraska
Dr. C.C. & Mabel L. Criss
Robert B. Daugherty
Dixon Family Foundation
Dollar General Literacy
Exchange Club of
Omaha Foundation
Ike & Roz Friedman
Gabriel Interactive, Inc.
Girls Incorporated
GirlSmart Literacy
Hawks Foundation
Claire M. Hubbard Fund
Jelecos LLC
Learning Community of
Douglas Sarpy Counties
Lincoln Financial Group
Mammel Foundation
Midlands Mentoring
Mutual of Omaha
Sharee & Murray Newman
Omaha Community
Pacific Life Foundation
Amy L. Scott Family
The Sherwood Foundation
Sokolof Foundation
Target Stores
US Bank Foundation
United Way of the
Wells Fargo Foundation
Woodmen of the World
$25,000 or MORE
Rebecca Susan Buffett
The Gallup Organization
Lozier Foundation
John Morgan
William & Ruth Scott
Family Foundation
The Sherwood Foundation
Weitz Family Foundation
$10,000 to $24,999
Cox Communications
Greater Omaha Packing
Co., Inc.
Susan Kennedy / Inavale
Foundation Inc.
Lund Ross Constructors,
Omaha Public Schools
U.S. Cellular
Women’s Fund of
Greater Omaha
$5,000 to $9,999
Bluestem Prairie
George Frost
Kiewit Corporation
George & Sandy Lozier
Lozier Corporation
MidAmerican Energy
Holdings Co.
Northern Natural
Gas Company
Helen A. Pearson
Charitable Trust
Tom & Jane Rogers
Union Pacific Railroad
Valmont Industries
Vic Gutman & Associates
James R. Young
$1,000 to $4,999
100 Black Men of Omaha
Nat’l Coalition of 100
Black Women, Omaha
Abrahams Kaslow &
AIM Institute
Aksarben Cinema
Jane E. Allamong
Ambassadors Worship
American National Bank
Marcia Angle & Mark
Trustin Fund Triangle
Comm. Fd.
The Architectural Offices
Linda Arena
Patty Aresty
Asset Appraisal Services
Baird Holm LLP
Mogens & Cindy Bay
Belvedere Elementary
Borsheims Fine Jewelry
& Gifts
Boyd Elementary School
Anne & Mike Boyle
Bridges Investment
Counsel Inc.
Building Bright Futures
Judge & Mrs. Michael
Central States Indemnity
Centris Federal Credit
Charles Drew Health
City of Omaha
Cline, Willilams, Wright,
Johnson & Oldfather, LLP
Ward & Judy Combs
ConAgra Foods
ConAgra Foods
Women’s Network
Tanya Cook
Cornerstone Associates LLC
Coventry Health Care
Creighton University
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Dede McFayden Donahue
Dundee Bank
E Creative/Esther Mejia
Empowerment Network
Marleen Evans
Bill & Deanne Fairfield
Family Housing
Advisory Services
David M. Fiala
First Data
1st National Bank Bankcard
First National Bank
of Omaha
Florence Elementary
Fraser Stryker Law Firm
Ricky & Mary Fulton
Frances Gaines
Kathy Gerber
Joan Gibson
Girls Golf of Eastern
Carolyn T. Green
GWR Wealth
Managment LLC
Deryl & Ramona Hamann
Terry & Judy Haney
HDR Inc.
Susan & Patrick Heider
Richard D. Holland
Karen Hollingsworth
Drs. James &
Shirley Huerter
J Development Company
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Kellogg Company
Kiewit Building
Group, Inc.
Koley Jessen Attorneys
Donna M. Kush
Kutak Rock LLP
Diny & Jim Landen
The Landen Foundation
Michael & Susan Lebens
Lincoln Financial Group
M&M Foundation
Marcotte Insurance
RM Marrs Magnet Center
Lynn McCormack
McGill, Gotsdiner,
Workman & Lepp,
P.C., L.L.O.
Community College
Joe & Amy Moglia
Randy & Darlene Mueller
Mutual of Omaha
Nebraska Cancer
Nebraska Furniture Mart
Omaha North High
Magnet School
Offutt Youth Center
Omaha Economic
Development Corp.
Omaha Public Power
Omaha Public Schools
Head Start
Optimist Club of Omaha
Youth Foundation
Parker Family Foundation
Primrose School of
Quinlan-Perez Associates
Raikes Foundation
Restaurants, Inc.
Louise Ann Rinn
Robbins Family
Charitable Foundation
Rose Blumkin
Foundation Inc.
Amy & Mike Ryan
Dianne & John Scott
The Scoular Foundation
Security National Bank
State Farm
Streck Inc.
TD Ameritrade
Union Pacific GivePlus
University of Nebraska
at Omaha
University of Nebraska
UNMC Chancellor Harold
M. Maurer, M.D.
UNO EMBA Program
Urban League of
Vantage Communications
Milton & Miriam
Waldbaum Family Fd.
Watie & Katie
Weitz White
Gale & Judy Wickersham
Vic Gutman &
Roberta Wilhelm
Woodmen of the World
Sarah & Adam Yale
Zaiss & Company
$250 to $999
Sheryl Abegglen
Sara & Steve Achelpohl
Alley Poyner Macchietto
Architecture, P.C.
Jane Alseth
Jo Anne Amoura
Mr & Mrs Harold
W. Andersen
Mary Anderson
Ann Anderson Berry
Sarah Armstrong
Gail Baker
Jackie Barfield
Carlos Barrientos
Helen Bartee
Kathy Bass
Michael O. Beatie
Paul A. & Julie K. Becker
Jerry & Karen Bexten
Randy & Sharon
Catherine Bloom
Leslie & Steve Bogue
Ardyce Bohlke
Bonding & Technical
Services, Inc.
Rik & Shannon Bonness
Esther Brabec
Tracy Britt
Dale & Tina Broekemeier
Matilda Browne
Mary Buckley
Builders Supply Co, Inc.
Burke High School
Florence Carr
Mossie Cason
Cheri Cavanaugh
Tom Cavanaugh
Mandi Chaplin
Chase Community
Giving Program
Clark Creative Group
Kelli Clayton
Constructors Bonding
Christine Corbit
Trudi Crosby
Curley Law Office
Linda Daugherty
Mary Davey
Donna Davis
Davis Insurance
Agency Inc.
Eunice Denenberg
Judith Desarno
Danae Dinkel
Kim F. Duncan
Sue Dutton
Ehrhart Griffin & Assoc.
Beth Eliason
Emspace Group
ENR Services Inc.
Kathleen Ensz
Marilyn Erickson
Shelley Erikson
Sheila Estes
John & Vivyonne Ewing
Monique Farmer
Fontenelle Elementary
Mollie Foster PhD, PC
Alison Freifeld
Ronald & Diane Fucinaro
Edith Gallagher
Janette Garvin
Janice Gilmore
Sheree Gilmore
Josette Gordon-Simet, MD
Gary M. Gotsdiner
Lisa Gotsdiner
Celeste Greene
Lorraine Griffin
Gary Grosz
Barbara Haggart
Stephanie Hansen
Susan K. Harpster
The Harry A. Koch Co.
Yolanda Hauder
Mary Haven
Hayes & Associates
Katie Heck
Jennifer Hensley
Highland Elementary
Kimberly Hinrichs
Cookie & Jerry
Freddie Holeyfield
Andy Holland
Addie Hollingsworth
Billy House
Steven Howard
Howard Kennedy
Elementary School
Anne Hubbard
Lewis Hunter
Impact One
Kathleen Jamrozy
Karen Javitch
Kara Jeppson
Shawne M. Johnson
William Johnson
Angela Jones
Laurie & Charles Kay
Patricia Kearns
Barbara Keasling
Sheree Keely
Katie Kelley
John F. & Wende
Lynne Kotouc
Wendell & Wilma
Mary Jo Langdon
Patricia Lanphier
Joan Lappe
Marie Larchick
& Art Haney
Crystal Larson
Deanna Larson
Douglas Lash
Laurie & Charles
Barbara Leary
Lois Lee
Torrey Leeper
Patricia Lenaghan
Leo A. Daly
Donald Light
Lincoln Financial Group
Shannon Linehan
Live Well Omaha
Barbara Loring Foster
Lothrop Magnet Center
Sandra Lundholm
Lutz & Co.
Ann Mactier
Heidi Macy
Patty Malone
Eyal Margalit
Patricia Matson
Mary McArdle
Terri & Jack McDonnell
McGill Restoration, Inc.
Georgia McSorley
Mercy High School
Midwest Tire
Jane Miller
MOBA Professional
Women in Building
North Omaha Foundation
NorthStar Foundation
Oluyemisi Odugbesan
The Omaha Star
Michael & Barbara
Dennis & Jessica Pate
Stephen Peters
Ward Peters &
Jean Ann Ballinger
Amanda Pfeifer
Judy Pfeifer
Jim & Pat Phalen
Jeff & Barb Popp
Prairie Wind Elementary
Prodigy Asset
Quality Living Inc.
Venetia Reece
& Mary Neufeld
Dr. Michael Reed
Lila Rickel
Alison Rider
Kenny & April Rocker
Amy Rodie
Rick & Sharon Royers
Carol & Rick Russell
Julia Russell Designs
Beth Ryan
Constance Mary Ryan
Minnie A. Sasser
Michael J. Scherr
Barbara Schlott
Dr. Merryellen
Towey Schulz
Seim Johnson, LLP
Rev. & Mrs. John Sievers
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Simmons Boardman
Kim Simon
Eve & Fred Simon
Rebecca Smart
Laurie Smith Camp
Gregg & Trisha Solko
Rhonda Sparks
Stinson Morrison Hecker
C. Grant & Kristine Story
Team Inc.
Mary Tessin
Teri & Stan Teutsch
LB Red & Jann Thomas
Susan J. Thomas
Jill Thomsen &
Michael Rogers
Time Out
Shunta Paul
Cindy Turbes
UNMC Public Health
UNO College of
Belinda Vacanti
Jan Vrana
Sam Walker
Walls 2 Floors, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Dean Wampler
Janelle Ward
Robert Watson
Darlene Webster
Carol Wehling
Alicia White
Barbara White
Elizabeth Whited
Elizabeth Williams
Curt & Molly Witzenburg
Lucille Woodard
Wragge Psychotherapy
J. Stavely & Ellen Wright
Sharon Y. Young
Jill Zaruba
Craig Zeluf
John & Lyn Ziegenbein
Erin Zogleman
$100 to $249
Marilyn & Ernest
Elaine Adams
Joline Adams
Michael & Ali Adams
Advance Consulting LLC
Valerie Akeyo
Terri Alberhasky
Paula Albert
Dan Alberts
Allied Tours Inc.
Margaret Althaus
Bret & Ingra Anderson
Carolyn Anderson
Lynne Anderson
Marian Anderson
Michelle Anderson
Renaisa Anthony MD, MPH
Ellie Archer
Kim Armstrong
Timothy L. Ashford PC LLO
Jocelyn Baade
Sue Bace
Mary Bahney
Lanesa Ballew Holt
Lindsey Barari
Rebecca Barnes
Lynn Barrett
Angela Barry
Juanyta D. Bass-Griffin
Diane Battiato
Leah Bauer
Julie Bear
Carol Beaty
Sue Behr
Sally Bekins &
The Bekins Foundation
Darrold Bell
Eva Bell
Dr. Don R. Benning
Mary Bernstein
Kathryn Blesener
Tammy Bless
Carol & Steven Bloch
Brenda Block
Mr. & Mrs. Louie Blumkin
Dr. & Mrs. Dan Bohi
Julie Boilesen
Deborah Bolden
Della Bonner
Michael D. Boone
Sharon Boone
Elizabeth Borgmann
Anne Bothe
Sandra Bowden
Elizabeth Bracy
Dana Bradford
Andy Bradley
Kate Bradley
Kathy Bradley &
Sanford Goodman
Dorothea Brady
Mary Brame
Donald & Barbara
Amanda Brewer
Anthony Brewer
Denise Britigan
Phyllis Brooks
Walter Brooks
Bonnie Brown
Michele Brown
Sandra Bruns
Dawn Buchanan
Joyce Bunger
Abigail Burke
Jeanne Burke
Lillian Burkhalter
Carmen Burr
Julie Burt
Linda Burt
Ernestine Burtley
Phyllis Butler
Joan & Lloyd Byerhof
Rosemary Byrne
Cindy Calhoun
Karen L. Campbell, DVM
Crystal Cardenas
Mary Carlson
Jane Carmody
Pat Carnie
Mary Carollo
Elnora Carr
Jody & Gayle Carstens
Patricia Carter
Robyn Carter
Lillie Carther
Mary Cartwright
Gabriella Castro
Diane Cedardahl
Cella Quinn Investment
Gretchen Christensen
Eve Christian
Eric Clark
John & Taryn Clatanoff
Carrie Clure
Josephine B. Cobbs
James Coburn
Andy & Mary Helen
Dr. Barbara J. Coffey
Joan Connolly
Supply Company
Continental Fire
Sprinkler Company
Leigh Conway
Ron & Cheryl Cooper
Jennifer Coppa
David Corbin
Helen Ann & Robert Cox
Michael Coyle
Nancy Coziahr
Terri L. Crawford
John & Deborah
Julie Kalkowski
Joan Crouchley
Lyris Crowdy Peak
Damian Curry
Elizabeth Dagle
Jan Dahlk
Kimberly J. Daniels
Barbara Daughton
Tom & Ann Davey
Rowena Davis
Aaron Dawson
Amy Deardorff
Diane Delaney
Janice DeLoof
Paige Dempsey
DesignWorks, L.L.C.
Jeff Dickinson
Judith Dierkhising
Michelle Dill
Dawn Dinsdale
Dodge Elementary
Joseph & Jacque
Ellen Douglas
Jan Dutton
Kara Eastman
Ellen & Lee Ehlers
Charles R. Eisele
Embassy Suites Hotel
Janis Enenbach
The Diocese of Nebraska
Episcopal Church
Bobbie Epstein
Sandy Epstein
Lynn Espeland
Vanessa Evans
Mike Fahey
Jill Faith
Adrian Ferguson
Catherine & Terry
Joanne Ferguson
Pete Festersen
Carol Hunter &
Tim Rouse / FGI
Carrie Fingold
Katherine Finnegan
Claire Flatowicz
Angeline Ford
Dawn Ford
Mark Foxall
Karen Foxx
Juile Frank
Robyn & Bob Freeman
Jamie & Alex Friedland
Nancy Friedland
Cindy Friedman
Sandra Friedman
Beth Furlong
Mona Gardiner
Julie Gerken
Deanna Gilinsky
Marjean Gillaspie
Alisa Gilmore
Amanda Gilmore
Mary Gilmore
Jordana Glazer
Phyllis Glazer
Karen Gluck
Lisa Gobar
Kay Lynn &
John Goldner
Dora Goldstrom
Yesenia Goldstrom
Dan K. Gomez
Jeff & Danielle Gordman
Gail & Shane Graeve
Graffiti Tracker Inc.
Ben Gray
Sherri Green
Don & Nancy Greenberg
Judy Gregory
Cheryl Griffin
Kelly Guinan
Ally Gumbiner
Teri & Carl Gumbiner
Lori Gustafson
Sallie Hadley
Judith Haecker
Paula Hall
Jacqueline Halterman
Daniel & Jennifer
Mary Hamilton
& Jack White
Malia Hansen
Sandra Hansen
Cythina Harris
Stephen &
Paulette Heartwell
Sandra L. Heather
Jana Heckerman
Anne Hellbusch
Helen Heller
Sarah Helvey
Jan Herzog
Aubrey Hess
Mary Hewitt
Brittany Hibma
Franny High
Jacqueline A. Hill
Reginia F. Hill
Wanda Hill
Susan Hilton
Anne Hindery
Peggy Hinkle
Christian Hoeger
Shari Hofschire
Nancy Hornstein
Rose Marie Horvath
Bonnie Horwich
Sheryl Houston
Melissa How
Bob Howard
Jane Howard
Kayla Howard
Heather Hubbard
Vernice Hunter
Mary Hurley
Barbara Hurst
Hyatt Hotels & Resorts
Nancy Ibarra
The ICON Studio for Hair
George & Carolyn Ireland
Barbara Jackson
Jan Jackson
Sammye R. Jackson
Karen Jacobi
Anita Jeck
Cheri Jenkins
Chris Jerram
Mary Jessen
Barbara Jessing
Karen E. Johnson
Mary Johnson
Mitzi Johnson
Nickki Johnson-Brockmon
David & Mary Jones
Sylvia Jones
Dawn Jorn
Sara Juster
Renee Kasner
Andrea Kathol
Dana & Michael Kaufman
Susan Keasling
Ruth & Jim Keene
Anne Morton Kelley
Juliann Kellie
Vernia Kelly
Moira Kennedy
Kathleen Kersey
Ellisa Dionne Kirksey
Maxine Kirshenbaum
David & Sondra Knight
Tara Knudson Carl
Margaret Kohl
Gail Kohll
Connie Kollasch
Robyn Kortan
Marc Kpeglo
Karen Krabbe
David & Vicki Krecek
Shawntell Kroese
Sheila Kuehn
Leslie Kuhnel
Robert & Connie Kully
Sharen Ladd
Patricia A. Lamberty
Glenda Lammel
Jen Landis
Susie Landow
Ethel Landrum-Shobe
Laura Larson
Angela Law
Gerald & Carol Leapley
Marian Leary
Shari Lecci
Ruthann Lees
Kacey Lempka
Karen Levin
Thelma Lewis
Angelina Li
Anne Lieben
Paulina Lin
Maisha Liwaru
Millicent Long
Catherine Lorenz
LSL Entertainment, L.L.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Luellen
Julie Lukken
Jeanelle Lust
Bill Lyons
Kristen Madej
Nuzhat Mahmood
Jody Malashock
Meghan Malik
Gayle Malmquist
Nicole Malone
Bill March
Anne Marcotte
Adrianne Marinkovich
Cindy Martinez
Melissa Marvin
Mele Mason
Whitney Mastin
Judith Mathews
Terri Mathews
Rhonda Maun
Terrill Maxwell
Kiley Maxwell-Ward
Leslie Mayo
Erin McArthur
Jackie McCabe
Sara McClure &
Dave Steadman
Barbara McCusker
Carolyn McDougle
Charlesetta McGhee
Amanda McGill
John McHale
Lyle McIntosh
Amy McLaughlin
Andrea McMahon
Shirley McPhaull
Colleen McQuillan
Sharon Medcalf
Denise Meredith
Michele Merrill
Courtney Mertes
Kathryn Mesner
Sahar Meyer
Milder Family Foundation
Barbara Miller
Emily Miller
Melanie Miller
Patti Miller
Terrie Miller
Lindsey Miller-Lerman
Amy Moan
Courtney Molettiere
Jamesena Moore
Tonya Moore
Yana S. Morgan
Patricia Morrissey
Nola Mosley
MaryLee Moulton
Dr. Mary A. Mudd
Regan Muhs
Tom Mulligan
Iola M. Mullins
Seraphim Mullins
Maggie & Bob Mundy
Barbara Murry
Nicki Nair
Nisha Nair
Kimberly J. Nash
Hillary Nather Detisch
Nebraska Children &
Families Foundation
Jean Neff
Andrew Nelson &
Elizabeth Ortega
Diane Nelson
Kimberly Nelson
Linda Nelson
Robert & Cheryl Nelson
Lucy Newberry
Ann Newton
James Nichols
Marta Nieves
Karin Nilsson
Rebecca Noble
Nancy Noddle
Patty Nogg
Novich Consulting, Inc.
Phyllis Nsiah-Kumi
Chandra Nyirenda
Betsy Obermoller
Mary Ann O’Brien
Sue Ochsner
Peg O’Dea Lippert
James Ogden
Barry O’Halloran
Martha Olivarez
Omaha Business
Ethics Alliance
G. William & Linda Orr
Christin Orr
Bill & Paula Owen
Catherine Palensky
Michelle Austin Pamies
Jennifer Pansing
Betsye Paragas
Penny Parker
Carla Patton
Isabella Paulitz
Deborah Pearson
Pegasus Travel/
American Express
Deborah & Greg Perry
Kay Peters
Robert & Barbara Peters
Janice Petersen
Natalie Peterson
Patrice Peterson
Thomas & Patricia
Patricia Peterson
Carla Petrey
Marjorie Phillips
Edwyna Pierce
Linda Placzek
Donald Preister
Karen & Jack Prewitt
Dodie Protzman
Michaela Pulte
Shireen Rajaram
Kop Ramsey
Charles J. Randone
Sharon Rhodes
Tamara Rich
Martin & Iris Ricks
Jane Rips
D.J. Rishel
Diane Roberts
Kim Roberts
Nancy Roberts
Shinelle Robinson
Rosaleen Roeder
Debra Romberger, M.D.
Phil Rooney
Susan Rothholz
Tim & Maryanne Rouse
Sheila Runyon
Annice Russell
Jean A. Saigh, MD
Joanie Salter
Mathia Sanders
Christine Sankey
Doris Sanner-Blair
Lois Saunders
Carol Scattergood
Mary Jo Schlotfeld
Jodi Schmaltz
Kelli Schmitt
Carla Scholten
Sally Schultz
Pam Schwalb
Samantha Schwartz
Amy L. Scott
Alvin Scranton
Nancy Scurlock
Nancy Searl
Cheryl Secret
Linda Sedjro
Patty Seivert
Rae Selman
Pamela Sessions
Destynie Sewell
Carmen Shannon
Anne Shaughnessy
Lori Simpson
Suzanne Singer
Pamela Singleton-Nelson
Claudie Sires
Carmen Smith
Donna Smith
Jackie Smith
Lorray Smith
Magan Smith
Mitsie Smith
Paul & Annette Smith
Shawntal Smith
Virginia Smith
Susie Smoler
Karine Sokpoh
Catherine Sosso
Anne Specht
Connie Spellman
Dorothy Spizman
Karen Stacey
Angel Starks
Viola Starr
Keith Station
Sheila Steen
Dr. Judith K Stern
Zay Stewart
Kelli Stott
Janet Strauss
Sheritta Strong
Karen S. Matthews
MaryRuth Sunderman
Kathy Sutula
Barbara Swanson
Frances Swanson
Karen Sweeney
Christine Swinney
Mary Tanner
Charlene Tarsney
Deborah Taylor
Eleshia Teet
Telecom Pioneers
Heartland Council
Nancy Teply
Sandra Maass Thelen
Deborah Therkildsen
Carolyn Thiele
Sherie Thomas
Tom & Sheryl Thomsen
Kay Ticen
Mary Torell
Tremaine Toussaint
Lina Traslavina Stover
Jennifer & Scott Tricker
Barb Tripp
Anne Trumble
Janine Ucchino
David & Carol Van Metre
Jean Voege
Judith Vohland
Rosie Volkmer
Michelle Wade
Maureen &
James Waldron
Julie Walker
Lilly Walker
Margaret Walker
Donna Walsh
Michelle Warner
Vanessa Warren
Dana Washington
Gordon & Joy Watanabe
Laura Weaver
Rachelle Weight
Kathy Wells
Wini Wells
Judith A. Wells
Collette Whalen
Ann White
Stephanie White
Perlie M. Whitley
Ted Wickenhauser
Kate Widhalm
Vicki Wiese
Martha Wight
Andi Willensky
Pastor Pat Williams
Idalene Williams
Diane Wilson
Jennifer Winter
Melanie Wright
Sandy Zdan
Mary Zlomke
$1 to $99
Dr. Carter Abbott
Joyce M. Adams
Katie Adams
Hillary Alberts
Crystal Allen
Eric Anderson
Melissa Anderson
Missy Anderson
Andrea Anderson-Lucas
Susan Andrews
Cathi Arnold
Tara Arnold
Sarah Backhaus
Melissa L. Ball
Allison Balus
Aimee Bannister
Katie I. Barton
Gina Basile
Alison & Ryan Basye
Dino Battiato
Bill Bechaz
Katrina Yvette Becker
Brenda Beier
Shannon Bennett
Christine C. Benson
Kathryn Berndt
Mary Birkentall
Judith Boelts
Deb Bogard
April Bonertz
Denise Bowens
Nancy Bradley
Nicole Bremer
Erin Brestel
Jackie Breyfogle
Craig Brown
Kathy Brown
Monique Brown
Vanessa Brown
Pah Buay
Deborah Bunting
Mary Kay Buresh
Sandra Burns
Rayfael Butler
Tim Butz
Angela Byrne
Lynette Byrnes
Sherill A. Cackin
Liz Campbell
Roshelle E. Campbell
Kelly & Amber Carman
Lisa Carter
Carter Lake Coffee
Club Members
Cheryln Cavanagh
Georgia Chambers
Fred & Melanie Clark
Latasha Collier
Beverly Conroy
Mollie Cook
Frank Coons
Ja’Mese Coty
Creighton University
Deglman Hall
Creighton University
Inter Residence
Hall Gov’t
Asia Cross
Crystal Crowley
Allison Dahl
Dominique Davis
Max Delman
Kinyarie Dethloff
Barb Detlefsen
Annette L. Dillon
Janae Donaldson
Mario Doolittle
Jamar Dorsey
Mary Doss
Angela Drew
Linda & Charles
Carol Ebdon
Sharona Ernst
Tiffany Fisher
Flat Rate Movers
Becky Fleming
Foli Foley
Leigh Forney
Jacqueline Fox
Denai Fraction
John & Patricia French
Torry & Angela Garland
Peggy J. Geer
Kara Gehring
Ed & Pat Gehringer
Gary Gernandt
Tanya Geter
Susie Goll
Corla Graham
Jaynesha Graves
Nadia Gray
Gina Greder
Sherice Gregory
Kate Gronstal
Joan L. Grothe
Connie J. Gundenrath
Victoria Halgren
Linda Hamilton
Darlene Harris-Hogan
Ronda Harvey-Shaheen
Scheryle Haynes
Kathy Heaney
Connie Heiden
Shannan Heller
Sonja Hernandez
Ellie Hess
Denise Hill
Shannon Hite
Rebecca Hittner
Angela Hollingsworth
Nikki Hollingsworth
Mrs. Dewayne Holmes Sr.
Donald & Michele Hotz
Eh Htoo
David & Robyn Hubbard
Audrey Hulsey
F. Hunter
Louise Hyatt
Rosemary Imig
Tarsha Jackson
Nicole Seckman Jilek
Karen J. Johns
Dontavis Johnson
Kristin Johnson
Lt. Col. & Mrs.
Waldon Johnson
Nancy Johnson
BA & Dorothy Johnston
Ashira D. Jones
Kainette Jones
Valerie Jones
Emily Jung
Vicki Kellogg
Terry Kelly
Mary Kerr
Tarna Kidder
Anne M. Kocourek
Michelle Koenigsman
Amie Kroeger
Linda Kucirek
Elizabeth Langan
Michelle A. Lebens
Marquita Y. Lee
Crystal Lewis
Kristin Lewis
Linsey Lisowyj
Lashawntae Lucas
Michele Ludacka
Michael J. Lynch
Fallon MacNeil
Susan MacQuiddy
Kathy Martin
Kelly Martinson
Jasmine Maxwell
Morgan Mayers
Lakeisha McCarther
Claudine McCarthy
Tywanna McCarty-Long
Angela McKenzie
Precious & Taylor
Elmorine McKiernan
Joseph McNair
Nisha McNeil
Patricia D. Millar
Martha Millhaem
Louise Mills
Beth A. Mincer
Jim & Bobbie Montequin
Sean Moore
Maren Mosley
Jennifer Mosser
Vicky Muli
Deb Munro
Deborah Neary
Lee & Howard Needelman
Christine Nelson
Julie Newlin
Bria Nichols
Michelle Nordstrom
Nancy & Matt Oberst
Ciradah O’Campo
Palazzo Design
Kathleen Pallesen
Walter Parks
Sophia Paulitz
Susan Peffer
Leslie Peterson
Debbie Podwinski
Jane Pohlman
Angela Prince
Stephen Rahn
Charo Rangel
Suzanne Rasmussen
Gerald Rathouz
Dorla Ray
John H. Rebensdorf
Jaime Redmond
Jeri L. Regan
Edward & Susan Remar
Elizabeth Remmen
Ron & Teri Rheinheimer
Kate Rice/Katara
Jane Glazer Rips
Joan Robinson
Ashley Roby
Kelly Rodgers
Tamiko Ross
Deyna Rouse
Tammy Russell
Trevis Sallis
Michelle Sandbothe
Helen Sapp
Connie Scarpello
Esther & Steve Scarpello
Kathleen Schafer
Carla Schloten
Janet Schmitz
Melissa Schop
Lindsay Schurman
Lourdes Secola
Kary See
Debra Shaw
Margaret Shearer Fund
Beverly Shields
Philice Shields
Pat Shipley
Candice Shorter
Hope Shotbolt
Jean Siagh
Shannon Slowiaczek
Colleen Smart
Donna Smith
Karen L. Smith
Michael & Sharon
Joan Squires
& Thomas Fay
Pam Stanek
Sheryl A. Stange
JoAnn Starks
Ayesha N. Station
Howard Stimson
Jim & Deb Suttle
Amy Svoboda
Lauren Swadener
Danyell Sweet
Lee Sweet
Abida R. Taj
Shawna Tate
Erika Teutsch
Ta’Nea R. Thomas
Jennifer Thompson Kirlin
Terry Tigner
Julie Totten
James Traut
Stephanie Troester
Kathy J. Trotter
JaLisa Turner
Paula Turpen
William Urban
Chris Vacanti
Dee Vaughn
Janae Vaughn
Therese Vavra
Peggy Wagoner
Haley Walker
Anne Walsh
Jessica Ward
Bradley J. Wardell
Tishara Wardlow
Christina Watkins
Ebony Watkins
Ruth Weiner
Tony Welchen
Michelle Welson
Mary Wester
Wendy Whalen
Sheena Wheeler
Carla White
Martha Williams
Shelina Williams
LaTanya Willingham
Carol L. Wilson
Colleen Woodward
Davion Wraggs
Jen Wulf
Kathleen Yao
Shelly Young
Rosie Zweiback
2012 IN-KIND
Furniture &
Mike Adams
Jane Allamong
American National Bank
Kelsey Archer
Elizabeth Balazs
Sandra Brotherton
Pitmon Foxall
Jim Hawkins
J & M Management LLC
Jerry Leapley
Kirby Leininger
Gregory Topp
Supplies & Materials
Randy Abram
Amy Allbaugh
Altus Architectural
Bakers Supermarket #321
Borsheim’s Fine
Jewelry & Gifts
Frances Bradley
Kathleen Bradley
Lorraine Chang
COX Communications
Pat Donahue
Doubletree Hotel
Douglas County Health
Crystal Evans
Barb Fajen
Dixie Fleming
Kevin Gamble
girlFRIENDS Guild
Bradley Goodman
Michael Hale
Johnson Brothers
Stephen Kelley
Carol Leapley
Jerry Leapley
Leslie Mayo
Precious McKesson
Bryant Mitchell, Sr.
Tasha Moore
Patricia Mullaly
Omaha Steaks
Edi Pierce
Judi Plourde
Quail Distributing
Quality Brands of Omaha
Rod Rogers
Kirk Russell
Amy Ryan
Spirit World
Jennifer Tricker
Wells Fargo Bank
Ed Wilhelm
World Book Inc.
Tickets, Memberships
& Gift Certificates
Aksarben River City
Rodeo & Stock Show
Nancy Bradley
Tracy Britt
Pam Buffett
Susie Buffett
CenturyLink Center
Angela Jones
Nicole Malone
Gisele Olney
Omaha Lancers
Sandy & Dave Parker
Performance Driven
Rick Russell
Sid Dillon of Fremont
Tangier Shrine Circus
Ticket Omaha
Valmont Industries Inc.
Special Gifts
Karen Brickelmeyer &
daughters Hannah
& Emma
Tracy Britt & Scott Cool
Melanie & Makenzie
The 4 Mikes
Michael Cavel
Michael Lynch
Michael O’Malley
Michael Scherr
Whole Foods Market
of Omaha
Cox Communications
Kiewit Construction
Lund Ross Constructors
Jack Mayfield
Metro Magazine
2012 GIFTS
2012 Girls Nite Out
Ellen Wright
Elizabeth Balazs’s
50th Birthday
Vic Gutman &
Susie Buffett
UNO EMBA Program
Susie Buffett &
Roberta Wilhelm
Lisa Gotsdiner
Diny Landen
Kayla Howard
Allan & Dianne Lozier
George & Sandy
Emily Mwaja
Kara Jeppson
2012 GIFTS
Brenda Hess
Wragge Psychotherapy,
Dave Hybner
Jane Allamong
John & Patricia French
BA & Dorothy Johnston
Linda Kucirek
Jeri L. Regan
Edward & Susan Remar
Janet Schmitz
Rebecca Wardell
Sherill Cackin
Frank Coons
Joan L. Grothe
Connie J. Gudenrath
Louise Mills
Terry Tigner
Bradley J. Wardell
Joni Weddington
Denise Meredith
Evie Zysman
Barbara Ramsey
Carol Ramsey
Julie Ramsey
Mary Jane “Kop”
Mollie Ramsey
Gifts were given by the
Telecom Pioneers
Heartland Council in
memory of the following:
Evelyn A. Dawson
Robert E. Hansen
Bertha M. Heavican
Eleanor M. Krambeck
Margaret C. Perry
Rita R. Schimonitz
James Wachter
Charles J. Vessell
2012 Scholarships
Thanks to donors who
support young women
in their pursuit of selfsufficient adulthood.
Scholarship funds
• John & Harriet Wiebe
Good Citizen Award
• Christopher Cornett
Memorial Scholarship
• Sally Heng-Braun
• Reach for Joy
• Lonnie Michael, Sr.
• Lozier Scholars
• Mary S. Landen
• Edna Luttbeg
• Cookie Jar Scholarship
Girls Incorporated®
of Omaha
2811 North 45th Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68104