"The Lottery Ticket" Analysis: Satire & Literary Elements

The Lottery Ticket
SATIRE: The use of humour as a device to expose flaws in people or society in general.
EXAMPLE: “The Simpsons” is a type of satire. Most characters in the show are
designed to expose flaws in our society.
For instance, Homer Simpson holds the record at the nuclear power plant for the
most years worked at an entry level position (in the opening segment he finds a
uranium rod in his car and just tosses it out the window). The advice he gives his
children is often misguided and ridiculous. For example, when Bart asks, “How
important is it to be popular?” Homer responds, “Begin popular is the most
important thing in the world.”
Through these and other actions we can conclude that Homer’s character
represents some of the most destructive vices of our society: Laziness, apathy
and ignorance.
ELLIPSIS POINTS (…): These can be used to show where text has been left out of a quoted
passage. However, in literature, they are more often used to indicate halting dialogue or an
interrupted train of thought.
EXAMPLE: “I thought I saw…no, it couldn’t be.
Read the story, “The Lottery Ticket”. Answer the following questions in complete
sentences in your notes.
Describe the main character. Provide specific evidence from the text to support
your answer. You should have at least two quotations in your answer.
Near the end of the story, Checkhov switches the perspective from Ivan to that of
his wife. Why do you think Chekhov does this? What effect does it have?
Chekov’s story can be considered a satire. What is this story satirizing? Provide
Explain the irony of the ending.
Is the title of the story effective? Explain why or why not. Include references to
the text.
The tone of a story is the voice in which the narrator tells the story. Just as your
own voice may have an angry tone or a sarcastic tone, so can a story. In what
tone does the narrator tell this story? How is this tone established?
What effect does this tone have on your response to the story?
What is the theme of The Lottery Ticket? Provide at least two
examples/quotations to support your answer.