Security solutions for the enterprise
Logical and Physical Security
Integration Solution
The IBM Logical and Physical Security
Integration Solution addresses this
growing challenge by providing
services, software, hardware and
expertise to help large enterprises
create a comprehensive, integrated
security program.
Solution description
The IBM Logical and Physical Security
Integration Solution helps customers achieve standardized security
platforms that integrate logical (IT and
data) and physical (site and employees) security programs with back-office
applications such as human resources
databases and e-mail systems.
A comprehensive, enterprise-wide
security program integrated in this fashion can help reduce overall security
The challenge of security
costs and increase security effective-
Large enterprises typically grow in
ness at the same time. This solution is
such a rapid and dynamic manner that
tailored to meet the challenges of com-
services and expertise to help
challenges are increasingly created
plex, large-scale, IT-centric integration
large enterprises create a
for protecting data and assets, such as
and implementation across existing or
comprehensive, integrated
information, PCs, servers, buildings and
new facilities and infrastructure.
security program
people. Many enterprises achieve secu-
 Provides software, hardware,
rity with a diverse and complex array
of physical-access and logical solu-
The solution is cost effective.
and physical (site and
tions, but the physical and IT policies,
• Helps lower maintenance and IT
employees) security programs
processes and systems of a company’s
infrastructure costs by integrating
with back-office applications
security program are often designed,
security subsystems, including
implemented and operated by separate
access control and surveillance, on
organizations. As a result, the overall
a common IT infrastructure
 Integrates logical (IT and data)
 Meets the challenges of complex,
large-scale, IT-centric integration
security program may be less effective
and implementation
and less efficient than it could be.
• Helps save on one-time
IBM has industry-leading technology
administrative and operational
and expertise.
costs by reducing or eliminating
• Take advantage of the industry-
needless redundancies
leading technology and
experience IBM offers across
The solution helps enable a
many components of IBM Logical
comprehensive enterprise-wide
and Physical Security Integration
security program.
• Helps customers increase their
- Badge request and
overall security posture via
consistent and aligned logical/
- Security incident management
physical security programs which
- Single sign-on solutions
can be modified in a cost-effective
- Secure-area management
manner to accommodate the
- Identity management
changing security needs of
- Integration of physical access
growing businesses
• Helps increase the security
to e-mail and other back-office
IT applications
effectiveness of employees
and security staff because IT
Why IBM Global Services
integration allows for better security
IBM Global Services has implemented
accountability and reduces staff
some of the most complex and effective
focus on low-priority administration
large-scale security programs in the
world. This includes the development of
standardized and integrated physical
IBM is a single provider for integrated
and logical security systems that pro-
security solutions.
tect enterprise operations across more
• You can benefit from our proven
than 2,500 locations in 170 countries.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2003
IBM Global Services
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IBM does not provide legal services or warrant
that the services or products IBM provides
will ensure a customer’s compliance with any
particular law. It is the customer’s responsibility to
engage competent legal counsel to advise it as to
the identification and interpretation of any relevant
laws that may affect customer’s business and any
actions needed for compliance with such laws.
References in this publication to IBM products
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