3rd Year Bachelor
Second trimester: week 1 – week 12
Course Manuals give more detailed information about courses within a trimester. They contain
following information per course:
course title, course code, number of credits;
name of coordinator;
teaching staff;
contact person, secretariat, room numbers, phone numbers, visiting hours;
educational form;
examination form;
examination regulation;
examples for examinations;
aims and objectives of the course;
extended description of the course content;
subjects per lecture/workshop;
required literature: books, syllabus, reader, sheets;
literature and course content to be examined;
recommended further reading.
Course Manuals will be available at the beginning of each trimester, for each year of the
Curriculum revision 2008-2009
The curriculum of the bachelor programmes offered at RSM Erasmus University was completely revised before the start of the academic year 2008-2009. The changes were implemented as a whole, meaning that, beginning 2008-2009, no courses were offered in the former style of education. This revision of the curriculum has consequences for all students who
joined one of RSM Erasmus University’s bachelor programmes before 2008-2009. Some
courses are offered in another trimester and/or another year; some courses were removed
completely; and some courses were combined to create one new course. More information on
the curriculum revision is available on the SIN-Online “Curriculum Revision Bachelor IBA”
channel, and additional questions can always be answered by the Student Advisers. Make
sure to adjust your study planning accordingly.
Article 3.4 – fraud
1. If in the matter of taking an examination, fraud – within the meaning of Article 1.2, paragraph 2 – is detected or suspected, this is set down in writing as soon as possible by the
invigilator or the examiner whom he/she must call in. The invigilator or the examiner may ask
the student to make available any items of evidence. A refusal to do this is recorded in the
written report. The student is given the opportunity to add written comments to the written
report of the invigilator or examiner. The written report and any written comments are handed
over to the Examination Board as soon as possible.
2. The Examination Board or the examiner may exclude a student who has cheated from
further participation in the examination during which the irregularity was detected, and/or take
other appropriate measures. The exclusion has the consequence that no result will be established for the examination concerned. Before the Examination Board decides to make the
exclusion, it gives the student the opportunity to give his/her account.
3. The other appropriate measures as referred to in paragraph 2 may consist of, among others, the following sanctions:
a. reprimand;
b. invalidation of the examination concerned;
c. exclusion from the examination concerned for at most one year;
d. exclusion from one or more rounds of examinations;
e. a combination of the above measures with a maximum of one year.
For more information, please read the Examination Regulations 2009-2010.
Human Resource Management
Course name:
Course code:
Course load:
Teaching staff:
Course structure:
Human Resource Management
2nd trimester
Dr. Bart Dietz (course coordinator)
Teaching assistants
Plenary lectures, plenary case discussions and assignment
Team written HR Plan and written examination
Contact Information
Office hours:
Dr. Bart Dietz (course coordinator)
010-408 1979
Tuesdays: 1 to 2 p.m.
As a consequence of rapid changes in markets and technology, organizations are more and
more forced to draw on the talent and motivation of employees. Hence, managers are constantly challenged to acquire and develop this talent, or: human capital, as efficiently as possible. The extent to which they succeed in this is often also largely predictive of their own career
development. Besides shareholders and customers, employees are probably the most important ‘stakeholders’ of organizations. From a managerial standpoint, this means that it is essential to understand the complexities of managing human resources.
In today’s economy, senior HR managers are constantly faced with questions such as: “What
kind of people do we need to select to better satisfy our clients?” “How should we monitor
performance of individuals?” or “How can we retain star performers in our workforce?” The
common denominator in these issues is that they all deal with the interrelationship of a firm
and its workforce. This course aims to develop an insight in potential answers to such questions.
Positioning of the course
The course has an introductive character, with the core objective to provide a generic insight
in the fundamentals of Human Resource Management. As the course focuses on the human
aspects of topics that are discussed in other IBA courses (e.g., Marketing, Strategy and
Finance), it provides complementary insights that are managerially relevant. These insights
are helpful in understanding interdisciplinary business problems. An important note here is that
HRM tasks are seldom the isolated responsibility of an HR manager. In practice, the “HR
Function” is more and more the domain of line managers in firms.
Learning Goals
The central goal of this course is threefold:
1. Gain an understanding of fundamental HRM practices and their theoretical underpinnings.
2. Understand how these practices can be applied to analyze and solve practical HRM
3. Develop the knowledge-base and reasoning skills to make a compact HR plan for
an organization
Career Focus
As this course aims to provide an insight in how to manage human behavior in organizations,
it is constructive for those students who seek (general) management positions in the future.
Moreover, it is a first and wide-ranging introduction to the field for students with the ambition to
specialize in HRM via the MSc. Specialization at RSM. The latter programme is likely to lead
to career opportunities in HRM-Strategy, Consulting or General Management.
Course Content
The course is designed around the perspective of a manager who aims to achieve HRM outputs via HRM inputs. This course is designed in three modules: A, B, and C. Figure 1 demonstrates this “HRM House” with its three components.
Figure 1
As figure 1 suggests, the course is build up on the basis of module A (session 1). In session 1,
I will position HRM in the wider field of business disciplines and talk about “inputs and outcomes”. Building on this fundament, I will proceed to the most substantial component: module
B. In this module, I will systematically cover the entire HRM process from “hiring to firing”
(sessions 2 to 5). In module C, (session 6 to 9), literature will be supplemented with Harvard
Business School (HBS) Case studies. Finally, in session 10, I present and discuss a coherent
framework that focuses on the important interdependencies and potential synergies in a firm’s
HRM strategy.
While session 1 and 10 respectively provide an introduction to the field, and a conceptual
framework to capture the notion of strategic HRM, sessions 2 to 9 are designed to encompass
HRM fundamentals. In analogue to the “4 P’s” in Marketing, Human Resource Management
strategies often centre around four key pillars. In HRM jargon, we call these “HRM Practices”. If you think about it from a manager’s standpoint: you want to: (i) get in the right people,
(ii) make sure they are well skilled, (iii) motivate certain behaviors via compensation schemes,
and (iv) you are probably interested in how they are performing.
In line with this argumentation: the most essential HRM practices are: (1) Recruiting, Hiring
and Promoting, (2) Training & Development, (3) Compensation & Benefits, and (4) Performance Evaluation. Module B of the course consists of these 4 pillars. Each pillar is composed
of a theoretical lecture. In module C, literature will be supplemented with case-based lectures.
Figure 2 shows the design of the course in more detail.
Figure 2
6, 7, 8, 9
Instructional Methods
In order to achieve optimal learning, the course will challenge students to engage in a multitude of educational methods. Students will be asked to study a textbook to gain exposure to
fundamental HRM practices. During 4 intensive seminars (2, 3, 4 and 5), this literature will be
discussed and the different interfaces between sub-areas of the field will be touched upon. In
order to contextualize theory, students are challenged to analyze business cases and develop
rationalized intervention strategies (sessions 6, 7, 8 and 9).
Class Meetings
Monday’s week 1 – 4, 11:00 – 12:45 a.m. room CB-017
Monday week 5, 9:00 – 10:45 a.m. room M2-03
Monday’s week 6 – 10, 11:00 – 12:45 a.m. room CB-017
Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, J.R., Gerhart, B., and Wright, P.M.: “Fundamentals of Human
Resources Management: 3rd Edition.” McGraw-Hill, New York, 2009.
CD with Articles and Business Cases.
Note: The book and CD are sold in one (sealed) package and has the ISBN code:
Evaluation of Student Performance
Students will be evaluated according to the following three components:
Individual final exam:
Individual case write-ups:
Team written HR Plan:
research studies
25% of final grade
10% of final grade
65% of final grade
Additional 0,2 or 0,4 bonus point for participation in
Grading of the team written HR Plan is subdivided in:
Problem definition
written HR Plan
SWOT analysis:
written HR Plan
Theoretical reflection, integration of theory into practice:
written HR Plan
Conclusions & recommendations:
written HR Plan
Compact, and to-the-point description of fact-based information
written HR Plan
Style, grammar, logic, and spelling.
written HR Plan
Respecting deadline
15% of team
15% of team
30% of team
30% of team
5% of team
5% of team
Critical factor!
1. Individual final exam
The final exam takes place on Thursday, March 18, 9:30 – 12:30 a.m. Use of (a) dictionaries
and (b) calculators is not allowed. The final exam will be a closed book exam on the content of
this course. In general, the exam is nothing more than a test of your understanding of the
HRM field. Hence, students who take the course seriously and structurally prepare the literature and assignments will be very likely to pass the exam. You are required to receive a 4.5 or
higher on the exam in order to pass the course.
The exam is a Multiple Choice exam and is a composition of 24 questions about the literature.
The 4 pillars of module B of the course will consecutively drive 6 questions each (4 pillars * 6
questions = 24 questions). On the examination form, I will explicitly organize the questions per
pillar. The goal of the exam is simple: I aim to test your fact-based knowledge on HRM theory,
as well as your ability to distinguish between seemingly similar concepts.
Book chapters: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 16 out of the 2nd and 3rd book edition.
I will publish the exam grades on April 1, 1:30 p.m. via SIN Online. Subsequently, I will organize an exam inspection possibility on April 6, 11 a.m. (room will be announced). During the
exam inspection I will explain the grading procedure and criteria. This session is not intended
to reflect back on the exam, nor on your satisfaction or discontent with your grade. Although I
take grading very seriously, and mistakes seldom occur, it could be that an error has been
made. Only when it is obvious that I made a significant mistake in grading the exam, and you
have a compelling argument that points this out, you have the opportunity to hand in a regrading request form and I will respond to that with a decision within a week’s notice.
2. Individual case write-ups
Four cases will be assigned (you can find these on the CD accompanying the book) for detailed analysis and write-up. Table 1 sums them up:
1. S.G. Cowen
2. Ritz-Carlton
3. Safelite
4. Morgan Stanley
Feb 4, 8 a.m.
Feb 11, 8 a.m.
Feb 18, 8 a.m.
Feb 25, 8 a.m.
Table 1: Individual case assignments
Submissions. All write-ups are to be developed individually. Please make sure that you work
effectively and your material is handed-in on time. I want to review your assignments before
the next class meeting, so in order to guarantee that: no late write-ups (see column “deadline”)
can be accepted. These papers must be submitted via the Blackboard ‘Safe Assignment’
system (technical details will be explained during the first lecture).
Content. Each person will prepare multiple short papers describing their analyses of the 4
case assignments. These papers should at least provide (a) a short (8-10 lines) synopsis of
the case presented and (b) well-motivated answers to the discussion questions (that I will post
on Blackboard under “assignments”) for each case. Please do not use external information
sources (internet, etc.) to develop your assignments. An “ideal” assignment: (a) shows a solid
understanding of the core issue (so does not mix major topics and less-relevant topics), (b)
makes meaningful use of the data in the case, and (c) formulates a well-motivated (and realistic) recommendation for the management problem at hand, (d) demonstrates a meaningful use
of HRM concepts and theories to better analyze the issue, or to come up with a superior solution. Each paper should be 1 to 2 pages long (no cover-page please, double-spaced, 12 point
font, Times New Roman font and margins > 2 cm on all sides). Additional material may be included in exhibits (not to exceed two additional pages). These limits will be strictly enforced.
Please identify all written work with your student ID number and name.
Grading. These papers will be graded pass/fail. Those persons who pass will automatically get
a grade “10”, whereas students who fail will get the grade “1”. Please note that official registration of this individual grade is conditional on two following conditions (1) You have handed in
all 4 case write-ups (on time), and (2) all 4 case write-ups meet the minimum quality criteria
(i.e., are graded “pass”). Students will be notified of their assignment results on Tuesdayafternoons via SIN-online.
3. Team written HR Plan
The third part of this course consists of a team project in which groups of students work together as “management consultants” and develop a compact HR plan for an organization of
their own choice. In order to comprehend the following, please note that the “4 HR pillars” take
center stage in this assignment: (1) Recruiting, Hiring and Promoting, (2) Training & Development, (3) Compensation & Benefits, and (4) Performance Evaluation.
The goal of this project is to make you familiar with the complexity of HR decisions, and to
train you in developing well-rationalized management decisions. The team written HR Plan
makes up 65% of your final grade. Thus, I expect you to put-in a lot of effort the project, as it is
a highly demanding exercise.
I find it important that you know precisely what is expected of you. Therefore, in what follows,
you’ll find a step-by-step explanation. Please read carefully. If this is still unclear to you, ask
any question you may have via e-mail (, please put “HR Plan” in the subject line).
1. Find an organization
Each team is expected to establish contact with a real organization. The only restriction that I
have is that the organization needs to employ at least 10 employees. Thus, you can literally
select any organization you like for this assignment, as long as they employ at least 10 employees.
I would applaud it if you were to establish contact with an international organization, i.e., based
outside Holland, but that is not necessary. The organization may be active in all types of industries and it may be a profit or non-profit organization. Furthermore, although I have a preference for larger organizations (because formal HR strategies are often somewhat more
important for larger organizations) it is perfectly ok to choose an organization of at least 10
employees. Your priority should not be to get the most impressive organization, but to get one
rapidly. To quickly get in touch with an organization, students are advised to use their individual networks (e.g. from previous academic assignments, employers, internships, family, etc.).
It is very important to start fast with finding an organization; the course duration is only 10
2. Hand in “organization enrolment form”
Via a small form, all student-teams are required to identify some details about the organization
that will be consulted (e.g. name of the organization, contact person, and number of employees). We will put this form on blackboard for you.
Deadline for submitting the form with is January 15, 8 a.m. This form will be posted on
3. Set up an appointment, and have a (phone) conversation with a person who can
inform you about HR practices of the organization
Students are advised to set up an interview (at least 1 interview) with a person who can inform
them about HR practices of the organization, as soon as possible. It would be great if you
would be able to get in touch with the most senior person in charge of HR (e.g., HR director),
as this person is most likely to know about the most important strategic HR challenges facing
the organization. However, I do realise that these senior executives are extremely busy, and I
find it more important that you have a contact person fast. Therefore, it is ok to choose less
senior HR professionals as key informants (e.g., HR managers, Recruiters, or Compensation
& Benefit specialists). Please note, many organizations (especially smaller ones) do not have
a formal HR manager, but that does not mean that they don’t face HR challenges! In those
cases, it is just fine to use non-HR managers as key informants (e.g., line managers, general
managers, plant managers, store managers, or team leaders). As long as your contact person
can inform you adequately about the firm’s HR practices and policies, or more specifically: on
how the organization handles the course’s 4 HR pillars, you’re good to go.
The primary goal of the conversation with the organization’s contact-person should be to ask
and find out about an HR-related problem (a simple, but often helpful definition of a “problem”
that management consultants like to use is: ‘a difference between the current and the desirable situation’), or issue that the organization is currently facing concerning at least one of the 4
HR pillars. A very straightforward way to find this out would be for instance to first explain that
you take an undergraduate course in HR at Erasmus which covers four fundamental areas,
and then ask:
“What, in your view, is one of the most important issues/problems/challenges that
the organization faces (or, will face in the future), concerning these four areas of HR”?
So, this interview has the purpose of identifying a problem concerning at least one of the 4 HR
pillars we discuss in the course. Thus, when you walk-away from the conversation, you should
have a good sense of the HR problem that was discussed, and be able to phrase it in a razorsharp problem-definition.
NB! If teams are unsuccessful in arranging contact with an organization, contact the teaching
assistant as soon as possible. However, experience in other courses teaches me that this has
hardly ever been a problem, as student teams have always managed to establish contacts
with (often surprisingly impressive) organizations.
4. Based on your meeting: Write a proposal for the HR Plan
Each team must submit a one to two page proposal. The proposal describes:
(1) The organization (about 1 paragraph): a description of the organization, its core business, and its corporate strategy.
(2) A short description of your current knowledge on the organization of their ‘HR pillars’
(about 1 paragraph per pillar) according to the survey and interview with the HR person,
please shortly explain how the firm manages:
a) Recruiting, Hiring and Promoting practices;
b) Training and Development practices;
c) Compensation and Benefits practices, and;
d) Performance Evaluation practices
(3) Problem definition (about 3 paragraphs). For example, problem definitions that may
come up are: Who should determine how training budgets get allocated (employees
themselves or management)? How should we change our selection criteria to better
serve customers? Should we install a variable compensation system? Should we evaluate the performance of our work-teams or of the individual workers instead? Who
should evaluate performance: managers, co-workers, or both? As you may notice, these
problem definitions all clearly relate to one of the HR pillars we discuss in the course.
When you explain the problem definition, please describe briefly:
a) What have been the key causes of this problem to occur?
b) Which HR pillar(s), and book chapter(s) and/or articles from the CD may be useful to
use in analyzing this problem?
c) Why this is an important problem for the managers of the organization? Or, in other
words: why is this issue keeping managers “awake at night”?
(4) Description of the method you intend to use to get the information you need to address the problem (about 1 paragraph). I would like to know with whom, when and where
you are going to talk; strive to be as specific as possible. I advise you to talk to HR managers (i.e., contact person), employees, and if possible General Managers, as these are
all people with interesting ideas; they have different perspectives and are able to provide
valuable information. Other methods than interviews (e.g., surveys) may also be used,
but make sure that you are managing your time effectively!
Deadline for submitting the proposal is January 22, 8 a.m. The proposal will be discussed
during a consultation with a teaching assistant. Consultations will take place on January 25,
26, 27, 28, and 29. Although the proposal itself is not graded, writing a good proposal will most
likely help you to write a good report.
5. Come to the consultation
We aim to have short discussions to talk about the proposal with each team. The goal of this is
to help you get on track fast. Coming to the consultation is not mandatory, but make sure you
do show up when you register. You don’t have to come with all members of the team per say.
In order to divide our time fair between all students, it is important that we work efficiently. The
teaching assistants will prepare well, but we expect the same from you (to come prepared).
The consultation will about maximal 20 minutes. I will post a message on Blackboard when
students can enroll for the consultation via SIN-Online.
6. Write the report:
I advise you to structure the report as follows:
a. Cover page
b. Executive summary (max 1 page)
c. Table of content (max 1 page)
d. Chapter 1 (max 1 page): Introduction, description of the organization & strategy (or organizational unit)
e. Chapter 2 (max 1 page): background (root causes) of the problem, problem definition,
relevance of a “solution” to the problem (How is this problem keeping the organization from
achieving goals such as profit, production, revenues, or customer satisfaction)?
f. Chapter 3 (max 2 pages): SWOT-Analysis: In this chapter, describe critical strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the organization, and explain for each of these how
they relate to the problem at hand. For example: if a problem definition would be: “what
should be the criteria for a new variable pay system?” And that same organization faces the
threat of loss of customers; you could argue that customer satisfaction might to be included
as a criterion (to maintain customers).
g. Chapter 4 (max 2 pages): Theoretical reflection on the problem: the starting point should be
the problem definition. The question that needs to be addressed in this chapter is: In what
possible ways could the organization potentially handle the problem according to theory?
Base yourself on the course book, the articles on the CD, and some literature suggestions I
will make on Blackboard. NB! Using additional academic literature (from a selection of scientific HR journals, which I will indicate on Blackboard) is highly appreciated!! The key
question in the back of your mind should be: What should the organization do according to
theoretical guidelines?
Hence, in this chapter, students need to compare the HR practice in the organization with
what the literature suggests. For example, within the HR pillar Recruiting, Hiring and Promoting students can compare the selection methods used by the organization with the selection options described in the book (e.g.: cognitive ability tests, interviews etc.). Please
note: the literature is important in this research. The course literature is not only provided to
you for the purpose of studying it for the exam, but also to apply it here. Please use this opportunity to get familiar with the theories in the literature, it will not only help you during the
preparation of your exam, but will also give you insights on how theory comes to life in real
business situations. This chapter ends with concrete possible answers to the problem definition.
h. Chapter 5 (max 2 pages): conclusion & recommendations / answer the problem definition
Conclude the report with an advice. Provide the organization with a strategic recommendation. The purpose here is to provide concrete suggestions to the organization about how to
handle the problem. The advice should be grounded with sound theoretical underpinnings
from the literature. Although students should be creative in making the practical recommendations, questions that can be addressed are: Which HR pillar(s) and activities related to
the HR pillars of the problem at hand should the organization prioritize (i.e., is it strategically
smart to prioritize this HR pillar)? How should they go about doing this? How can they improve identified weaknesses of the HR pillars? How should they strategically position themselves with the HR pillars in achieving their goals in the long term? When you are giving
strategic recommendations, ‘HR outputs’ are especially important. Examples of HR outputs
are: employee performance, job satisfaction, organizational performance, market share,
and stock rate. Please explain if and how your strategic recommendations would influence
these HR outputs.
i. References and possible appendices
7. Hand in first draft of the paper
N.B.! The first draft needs to be finished as if it were the final version! The reason that I
choose this structure is that I want to give everybody a chance to deliver an excellent report.
An excellent team written HR Plan will be both academically relevant and relevant for the
management of the company you’re investigating. The first draft of the case description will be
discussed during a consultation with a student assistant. Students can use the comments
made in this consultation to further improve their research report. The first draft needs to be
submitted on February 22, 10 a.m. Consultations will take place on February 22, 23, 24, 25,
and 26. I will post a message on Blackboard when students can enroll for the consultation via
8. Come to the consultation
The consultation is not mandatory, but the purpose is to help you further improve your HR
Plan. The ultimate goal of the consultation is to formulate three concrete areas of improvement
for you to address, and subsequently write an even better report. Make sure that you are well
prepared with some focused questions. Again, in order to divide our time fair between all the
students, it is important that we work efficiently. We will prepare well, but we expect the same
from you. The consultation will take about 20 minutes. We will post a message on Blackboard
when students can enroll via SIN-Online.
9. Hand in the final paper
The paper must be 8-10 typed pages (excluding cover page, table of content, references, and
appendices) with 12-point font, single-spaced. The following criteria are the most important
ones in grading your report:
Problem definition
15% of team
written HR Plan
SWOT analysis:
15% of team
written HR Plan
Theoretical reflection, integration of theory into practice:
30% of team
written HR Plan
Conclusions & recommendations:
30% of team
written HR Plan
Compact, and to-the-point description of fact-based information
5% of team
written HR Plan
Style, grammar, logic, and spelling.
5% of team
written HR Plan
Respecting deadline
Critical factor!
The final team written HR plan is due on March 17, 8 a.m. no exceptions.
Your grade on the project will be a group grade assigned to all members of the group, although the instructor reserves the right to alter individual grades on the group projects in
certain circumstances (e.g. when there are compelling arguments that an individual clearly did
not contribute to the project in a consistent and meaningful way). Your final paper grade will be
published on April 1, 1.30 p.m. via SIN-online.
In practice, a single manager seldom makes management decisions. In fact, managers spend
considerable time discussing their ideas with others to achieve consensus or to make a more
informed decision. Therefore, you are required to work as teams on the consulting project.
Group size: Experience indicates that optimum group size is 4-5 persons. Groups of
fewer than 4 or more than 5 will not be allowed.
Enrolment in study groups: You should put together your own case group of 4 or 5 persons and enrol using SIN Online ( If there are less than
four people in your group and you can't find one or more additional group members, you
can use the email function in Blackboard to let the whole class know you're still looking
for group members. Please note that SIN Online can only process enrolments that are
filled in completely and correctly.
Enrolment starts 4 January 2010, 8.30 a.m. You should register no later than 10 January
at midnight. SIN Online sends an email-confirmation to your student email address. If you
haven’t received a confirmation of SIN Online within 24 hours after the moment of enrolment, please notify Ms. Raechel Torner ( in order to check your enrolment.
Differences of opinion are normal and often yield fruitful discussions. However, if your group
experiences major group trouble and has tried but failed to work things out, come talk to me
during my weekly office hour. I will then do the best I can to help you.
Individual Class Participation
During class, I will often open the floor for discussion. I might for instance also invite individuals to comment on a theory, or call on individuals to present their case analysis. Please note:
class participation is not graded. However, I would like to encourage you to take part in classroom discussions and take a pro-active attitude, especially in the case-based sessions (6, 7, 8
and 9). To better facilitate this, I will ask you to put up nametags in class. The philosophy
behind these classroom discussions is that we learn from each other’s opinions, or proposed
solutions. Moreover, the case discussions do not intend to prescribe “one best method” of
dealing with the issue. Rather, I aim to familiarize you with an analytical and structured approach in management thinking about these management issues.
In addition, class discussions provide the opportunity to practice speaking and persuasive
skills, as well as the ability to listen. Effective class comments may address questions raised
by others, integrate material from this and other courses, draw on real-world experiences and
observations, or pose new questions to the class. High-quality participation involves knowing
when to speak and when to listen or allow others to speak. In general, I find the best class
comments to be those that:
1. Make or raise issues that are relevant to the current focus of the class;
2. Show curiosity and a willingness to experiment;
3. Use data or examples (e.g., from part-time jobs or internships) to support conclusions;
4. Are open to critique by others;
5. Build further upon the ideas already offered by others;
6. Help others feel safe about participating.
ERPS is the ERIM Research Participation System. You as student can participate in research
studies in return for exam credits. You can receive 1 credit when you participate in a session
of 30 minutes and 1 credit contributes to 0.2 points towards your final grade. You can participate until an maximum of two 2 credits (0.4 bonus point). This means participation in 2 studies
of 30 minutes or 1 study of 60 minutes.
How can you earn this extra bonus point? Sign ups are possible between: 18 January and
6 March on: You need to login with you student account. When login failed or
you have question around this send an email to with: (1) Your name (2)
Your student number (3) Course for which you want to earn bonus points (4) Whether you are
a BA or IBA student.
Monday the 11th of January 12 o’clock the system administrator comes to class to provide you
the exact information how you can earn this extra bonus points. After this lecture these slides
will be posted on blackboard so that you can sign up for these research studies.
Urgent situation
If there is anything that prevents you from performing well in this course, please let me or the
IBA office know. If necessary we can discuss individual arrangements.
The best way to contact me is by email: To prevent your e-mail from
“getting lost” in between my other mail, I kindly request you to restrict sending your messages
to this address only. I will respond to your question within a few days. My office hours are on
Tuesdays between 1 and 2 p.m. I do not use the Discussion Forum on Blackboard.
Summary of Important Dates
Jan 4, 8:30 a.m.
Opening team enrolment SIN-online
Jan 10, at midnight
Closing team enrolment
Jan 4, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Jan 11, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Class 1
Class 2
Jan 15, 8 a.m.
Deadline form organization team written HR Plan
Jan 18, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Class 3
Jan 22, 8 a.m.
Deadline proposal team written HR Plan
Jan 25, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Class 4
Jan 25, 1 p.m. – 6:20 p.m.
Consultations proposal team written HR Plan
Jan 26, 8 a.m. – 12:40 a.m.
Consultations proposal team written HR Plan
Jan 27, 8 a.m. – 12:40 a.m.
Consultations proposal team written HR Plan
Jan 28, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Consultations proposal team written HR Plan
Jan 29, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Consultations proposal team written HR Plan
Feb 1, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Class 5
Feb 4, 8 a.m.
Deadline Assignment 1 (S.G. Cowen)
Feb 8, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Class 6
Feb 11, 8 a.m.
Deadline Assignment 2 (Ritz-Carlton)
Feb 15, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Class 7
Feb 18, 8 a.m.
Deadline Assignment 3 (Safelite)
Feb 22, 10 a.m.
Deadline first draft team written HR Plan
Feb 22, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Class 8
Feb 22, 1 p.m. – 6:20 p.m.
Consultations first draft team written HR Plan
Feb 23, 11 a.m. - 12 a.m.
Consultations first draft team written HR Plan
Feb 24, 8 a.m. – 12:40 a.m.
Consultations first draft team written HR Plan
Feb 25, 8 a.m.
Deadline Assignment 4 (Morgan Stanley)
Feb 25, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Consultations first draft team written HR Plan
Feb 26, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Consultations first draft team written HR Plan
Mar 1, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Class 9
Mar 8, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Class 10 (guest lecture)
Mar 17, 8 a.m.
Deadline Team written HR Plan
Mar 18, 9:30 - 12:30 a.m.
Apr 1, 1:30 p.m.
Apr 6, 11 a.m.
Exam + Final Team written HRM plan grades published via SIN-Online
Opportunity for Exam Inspection
Jul 26, 9:30 - 12:30 a.m.
Exam (Re-sit)
Aug 10, 1:30 p.m.
Re-sit grades published via SIN-Online
Aug 11, 11 a.m.
Opportunity for Exam Inspection
Note: All assignments are to be handed in via the Blackboard ‘Safe Assignments’ function.
Course Schedule, spring 2010
4 Jan
Introduction to
HR Inputs &
“Note on
the Hiring &
Hiring and
1,2,7, 9
Training &
10, 11,
12, 13
about Pay”
& Benefits
360 Degree
S.G. Cowen:
New Recruits
The RitzCarlton Hotel
Pay at Safelite
Auto Glass
Rob Parson at
HRM: Putting it
all Together +
Guest Lecturer
HR Director,
What will I
What HRM
managers do
and what
their outputs
How firms
select for
talent and
how this is
Training and
Selection are
How incentive schemes
can motivate
and when
they can be
How managers aim to
reliably track
of employees
How recruiting
How Marketing issues
service) can
be addressed via
Pro’s and
con’s of
How star
can cause
How synergies between HRM
can be
Some terms that
will be addressed
HRM Function,
HRM Inputs, HRM
Outputs, European HRM, HRM
and Performance
Staffing, Recruitment, Innovative
Selection Tools
KSA’s, Learning
Goal Orientation,
Tacit Knowledge
Pay structure,
merit pay, fairness
360 feedback,
errors, multidimensio-nality
Synergy, Strategic
European HRM
Foundations of Business Law
Course name:
Course code:
Course load:
Teaching staff:
Course structure:
Course schedule:
Foundations of Business Law
2nd trimester
H. Gubby MA, Barrister
RSM and Law Faculty
Room T07-18
Tuesday, 13.00-15.00 hours (plenary lectures)
Requirements of prior knowledge
None. However, students may find this course quite challenging, as it is the only law course on
the Bachelor program. Law is a very different discipline from business administration and one
not familiar to most business administration students. It requires a different set of skills and a
different approach.
Structure of course load distribution
10 lectures of 2 hours
20 hrs
Self–study (reading and examination preparation) 92 hrs
Method and profile of lectures
The lectures will provide an overview of certain areas of law of importance to those involved in
business and management. The legal element of this course will focus on the business law of
common law jurisdictions (UK, USA). The reason for this focus is twofold. Firstly, the language
of international trade and commerce is English, and consequently so is the international language of legal negotiation and documentation, and an understanding of English legal terminology is therefore useful. Secondly, due to the international character of the student body in
the IBA program, texts must be accessible in English. Nonetheless, where relevant, comparisons will be drawn with the legal approach in civil law systems, like the Netherlands. The
emphasis is on the general legal problems that may concern any business enterprise. The law
of the UK and USA is used to illustrate the way in which certain jurisdictions deal with particular legal problems.
Place of the course in the curriculum
The aim of the Foundations of Business Law course is to provide students with a certain basic
knowledge of the law relevant to business.
Helen Gubby, English legal terminology: legal concepts in language (Boom Juridische Studieboeken), second edition 2007
The additional material presented on the powerpoint presentations during the lectures and the
material on Blackboard form a part of the course material.
There are three parts to the examination:
Two open question mid-term exams. Each mid-term is in the form of a case. The
first mid-term will be held on February 5, 2010 and the second on March 5, 2010.
Each mid-term counts for 5% (0.5 point) ;
Multiple-choice examination on March 22, 2010 which counts for 90% (9 points)
Failure to do either one or both mid-terms does not exclude a student from sitting
the multiple-choice exam. However, as the two mid-terms are good for 10% of the
total grade, if neither of the mid-terms is made, the maximum score that can be obtained for this course is not a 10 but a 9.
The mid-terms will be graded as ‘satisfactory’ or ‘unsatisfactory’. A satisfactory
score gives the full 0.5 point. To achieve a ‘satisfactory’, a serious and reasonable
attempt must have been made to apply the relevant legal principles to the facts of
the case. Work considered to be of a too low standard will be graded as ‘unsatisfactory’ and the 0.5 point will not be awarded.
The value of the mid-term exams is not just the 0.5 point each that can be achieved.
These open question case exams are an important and useful practical exercise for
dealing with the case application questions in the multiple-choice exam. Students
are strongly recommended to sit the mid-term exams.
Due to the importance of the mid-terms as preparation for the multiple-choice examination, grades obtained for mid-terms in a previous year will not be valid.
Introduction to course contents
Business and commerce take place within a legal context and, in the final analysis, are governed and regulated by law. Those involved in the management and administration of business enterprises cannot afford to be ignorant of the legal issues that may affect their business
ventures. This course is an introduction to some of the major areas of law particularly relevant
to business practice.
Objectives and final level
Those studying law within, and as a part of, a wider sphere of study cannot be expected to
acquire the same detailed level of knowledge as law students. It is beyond the scope of this
course to cover all the areas of law that potentially come within the range of business law,
such as labour law and tax law. Nonetheless, business administration students are expected
to have a sound basic understanding of certain legal topics. Attention is therefore paid in
particular to company law and contract law and other branches of law that relate generally to
business enterprises.
The operation of Anglo-American law is used to introduce students to how a legal system may
deal with certain problems which can confront managers. While Anglo-American law forms the
basis of the course, it is placed within a wider international perspective, being compared with
European law.
The lectures set out to explain the legal concepts behind the legal issues and to familiarize
students with legal reasoning, in particular by looking at cases. Students are expected not only
to know which legal principles are relevant to a certain legal issue, but also to recognize which
legal principles should be applied to the facts of a particular case.
Business Information Management
Course name:
Course code:
Course load:
Business Information Management
Prof. dr. Hans Borgman, 071-527 4685 (direct)
office hours before/after each lecture and by appointment
Course structure: is the central email address for
all questions. You can expect a response within 48 hours.
Plenary lectures during 10 weeks
(week 3-11, Jan 12-Mar 9 2010)
Course schedule:
See detailed day-to-day schedule for exact dates and times.
Midterm Exam, Final Exam, Bonus Case (optional)
Course contents
Rapid changes in information and communication technology (referred to as ICT or IT) and its
application over the last years have caused major changes for individuals, organizations and
industries. The Internet, and information systems and communication technology in general,
have radically impacted our personal and professional lives and challenged our thinking on
physical, geographical and industry boundaries, on distance, speed, and communication, on
how we live, work, learn, communicate, compete, collaborate, and socialise. New business
models have emerged, as have new types of entrepreneurship and new forms of leadership.
This includes management practices and views on value creation and entrepreneurship in
companies such as Microsoft, eBay, Amazon, and Google, but also movements such as Web
2.0 (e.g., FaceBook, LinkedIn and Wikipedia), open source and outsourcing to India and
China. This course, ‘Management Information Systems’, aims at providing a deeper understanding of the issues, challenges and opportunities in this area, with a specific focus on the
alignment of IT and a company’s overall strategy. The course emphasizes an organizational
and managerial approach to IT and Information Management.
Course objectives
After successful completion of this course, students should have reached the following objectives:
Be able to identify and assess strategic information systems that may (potentially)
affect corporate positioning and competitiveness;
Have an understanding of the process and products of information planning and its
relationship with both a company's overall strategy, the information systems architecture, and the development of individual systems;
Have an understanding of the process, context and issues in information systems
development projects; perform high-level information analysis and process analysis;
Have an understanding of key developments in information and communication
technologies and their possible impact on businesses.
Course and lecture prerequisites
As Information Management cuts across all functions and disciplines it is assumed that participants have a basic grasp of all areas of business administration, including marketing, finance, operations, organizational behavior, human resource management, and strategic
management. As lectures do NOT repeat or summarize textbook materials assigned for each
lecture, it is also explicitly assumed that students adequately prepare all materials assigned for
each class. Detailed information can be found below with possible updates published through
Structure of the Course
The course is structured around three conceptual blocks:
1. ICT strategy & organization, with a focus on identifying and assessing strategic opportunities and challenges for IT and e-business, organizational change, and on issues such as project justification and organizational/financial impact analysis;
2. ICT-enabled process innovation & ICT development, with a focus on process analysis and redesign to leverage e-business and IT possibilities, and on the management-issues surrounding development and implementation processes;
3. Enabling technologies, aimed at providing an understanding of some of the key
technologies in this area, with a focus on ‘Internetworking technologies’, explaining
the technology behind the internet and telecommunication networks, always from a
general management perspective.
There are ten lectures for this course: an introductory lecture, three lectures each for theme 1
and 2 and two for theme 3 plus a wrap-up lecture. The detailed course outline is available
through blackboard.
Literature and exam materials
The textbook for the course is: Information Technology for Management; transforming organizations in the digital economy by Turban & Volonino, 7th edition, Wiley, 2010. The book
comes as a so-called Wiley-Plus edition which offers (at no extra cost) access to a range of
online supplements, quizzes etc. If you buy the book make sure you ask for this edition as you
will receive a special personal access code. With this code you can register and access all
materials at the WileyPlus website companion for our course ( In
addition Wiley also offers a (freely accessible) Student companion website
( with access to a subset of the above materials including all required online technology guides.
The detailed course schedule below shows which chapters are assigned for each session and
which additional materials (available on blackboard either as a full-text article or through a
library or web link) are assigned. Please also keep in mind that lectures form an integral part
of the material required for the exam. Roughly 1/3 of the exam is based on the text book and
other blackboard literature, 1/3 is based on materials discussed during the lectures and 1/3 is
based on material discussed both during the lectures and in the literature.
Please use our central email address for all questions: You
can expect a reply within 48 hours.
Detailed course outline
Tue, Jan
3-5 PM
Tue, Jan
3-5 PM
Mon, Jan 25
9-11 AM
Tue, Jan
3-5 PM
Setting the stage: Issues, challenges, and opportunities
What is this course about? Within the context of the RSM IBA program
and the IT-related issues faced by both IT and general managers today,
we will set the agenda for this course. We will define the three conceptual blocks of the course, i.e. IT Strategy, Process Innovation, and Enabling Technologies, discuss the course assessment and present a case
study to illustrate the
various themes.
Readings: Turban et al.: Chapters 1, 2
IT Strategy I: Using IT for Strategic Advantage (a)
Information and Communication Technologies, and most recently the
Internet, have a major impact on how organizations work, compete, and
cooperate. IT and e-business are reshaping organizations and entire
industries, and more than ever the alignment of IT and strategy is taking
center stage. How do companies assess strategic IT needs and opportunities?
Using a variety of examples from different industries, we will explore
these changes and the underlying principles.
Readings: Turban et al.: Chapters 6, 9, 10, 13; Tutorial 2.2, 2.3
IT Strategy II: Using IT for Strategic Advantage (b)
This session continues the discussion from our previous session, also
providing additional frameworks for interorganizational IT applications
and on financial justification of IT investments.
Readings: Turban et al.: Chapters 11, 17
Enabling Technologies I: A manager’s guide to telecommunications and
the Internet
Did you ever wonder what happens when you send an email or
download a film? Well, you should, and curiosity should not be the only
reason. Across industries organizations today invest often over 50% of
their capital expenditures in information and communication technologies, and a basic understanding of
the underlying technology is required to assess and capitalize on these
investments and be prepared for what is to come.
With issues such as e-commerce, e-procurement and supply chain management as well as concerns about security, privacy and risks, basic
technical knowledge of ICT is no longer an issue which is the sole domain of the IT department. In a single session we will cover the essentials of the internet and of (mobile) networking technologies, exploring
topics such as the TCP/IP framework, P2P, VoIP and Cloud Computing, to
name just a few. And all of this, of course, with a general MSc.BA audience in mind.
Readings: Turban et al.: Technology Guide 4
Process Innovation I: Information System’s Development
3-5 PM
Mon, Feb 8
Tue, Feb 9
3-5 PM
Tue, Feb
3-5 PM
Tue, Feb
3-5 PM
Tue, Mar
3-5 PM
Organizational as well as Interorganizational processes are critically
dependent on Information Systems, and identifying the right systems
and subsequently developing (or buying) and implementing them is a
key responsibility of the IT department, be it alone with the other parts
of the
organization, with a software vendor, with outside consultants or with
an outsourcer in say India or China. What are the issues and how do you
manage these?
Readings: Turban et al.: Chapter 14, 16; Technology Guide 5.2, 5.3
Midterm exam (chance 1 of 3)
The exam covers all of the above lectures and the assigned readings
mentioned above as well as on blackboard. Register on time!
Process Innovation II: Getting the Right process right
Getting the right process right is the first step in process innovation.
How do you pick the right process? Which process should you improve,
and which one should you source out? How can IT make a difference?
Process innovation and excellence are often concerned with competing
time. In the second part of this lecture we will focus on cycle time reduction as process analysis method.
Readings: see blackboard
Process Innovation III: Getting the right process Right
For process innovation, this is where the rubber hits the road. Following
up on the time-based process analysis approach discussed in the previous session, we will now take a dataflow analysis perspective and go
over a number of examples.
Readings: Turban et al.: Chapter 16; Technology Guide 5.2, 5.3
IT Strategy III: IT Governance
IT planning is where the grand vision meets the legacy. How do you
translate vision into an application portfolio? Where do you set priorities? And how do you balance top-down considerations with bottom-up
realities, old legacy applications, mergers, new laws and regulations and
innovations such as m-business, wireless technologies and outsourcing?
-Heier, Borgman, Maistry: Examining the Relationship between IT Governance Software and Business Value of IT: Evidence from Four Case
Studies. 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems
Science (HICSS-40 2007), Proceedings, 3-6 January 2007, Waikoloa, Big
Island, HI, USA. (see blackboard)
Enabling Technologies II: Data management
Data play a crucial role in information systems, and in this session we
will look at data, information, and knowledge from various perspectives,
ranging from technology (‘what is a database’) to psychology (‘how do
managers deal
with information overload’).
Tue, Mar
3-5 PM
Thu, Mar 25
Mon Jul 19
1:30-4:30 PM
Readings: Turban et al.: Chapters 3, 12; Technology Guide 3.4
Wrap-up: Business Information Management
In this session we will re-visit the main themes of this course, address
possible issues, questions and concerns you may have for the final exam
and wrap up our course, also providing you with an overview of the BIM
specialization Master.
Midterm exam (chance 2 of 3)
Final exam (chance 1 of 2)
Midterm exam (chance 3 of 3)
Final exam (chance 2 of 2)
Your final grade is based for 50% on the midterm exam and 50% on the final exam. For each
you will need to score a minimum of 4.5 in order to receive a final grade. An (optional) bonus
score of 0-1 points will be added to this score for those who successfully participated and
completed the bonus assignment. All details for this assignment are available through blackboard.
The midterm is offered three times, and the final exam two times. You are free to retake these
exams without any restrictions. Your highest score counts towards your final grade.
Grades or partial grades from earlier academic years are not valid for this current year (midterm, final or bonus), and partial grades for the current academic year will also not be valid for
next academic year.
Research Training /Bachelor Thesis
Course name:
Course code:
Course load:
Teaching staff:
Course structure:
Research Training/Bachelor Thesis
Trimester 2 and 3
Coordinator: drs. R.A. Smit
See course schedule and the individual workgroup schedule
General Description of course content
In the Research Training / Bachelor Thesis course you will design and conduct a theorytesting research project, and report about it in the Bachelor Thesis. At the start of the course, a
description of 12 different themes will be offered. Teams of three students are enrolled in one
of these themes. These teams identify a proposition that is relevant to the theme, and design
and conduct a study in which this proposition is tested.
Goal(s) of the course
The general learning objective of the Research Training / Bachelor Thesis course is that you
acquire the skills that are necessary for successfully designing and conducting theory-testing
More specifically, after having finished this course you should be able
To analyze the current state of theoretical knowledge regarding an aspect of management and, based on this analysis, to decide which theoretical ideas (“propositions”) need
to be tested in order to further develop the relevant theory.
To design an empirical research project in which one or more propositions are tested.
To conduct the test.
To draw conclusions regarding the theory.
How you will learn
The learning method in this course consists mainly of “learning by doing”, i.e. by, first, doing
something (probably for the first time and probably imperfectly) and, then, understanding and
applying your supervisor’s feedback to your work. You need to read about a number of methodological principles but you will “learn” what these mean by applying them in your own research project.
The Bachelor Thesis course consists of a series of assignments. These have two functions:
Each assignment is designed as an exercise in applying one or more research skills that
you should learn. These skills are specified at the beginning of each assignment. When
you follow the instructions of the assignments, you will discover which skills you need in
order to be able to design and conduct a theory-testing study. By reporting your work to
your supervisor and by getting feedback you will learn how to improve these skills.
Each assignment is also a step in the process of designing and conducting your research. In each assignment you will produce something (such as research desing, a
data collection instrument, data, a test result, etc.) that directly contributes to the progress in your study.
Course material
Mandatory reading for all students is the course book especially written for this course. Information on how to acquire this course book will be announced on the general Blackboard-site
of this course ( RESEARCH TRAINING + BACHELOR THESIS (BAD10-09) ) not later than
November 27, 2009.
Your supervisor is allowed to set additional mandatory reading regarding the subject area of
the theme and regarding research methods.
Team work
The learning objectives of this course are individual, but you will design and conduct your
research and write your report about it in a team of three students. Your success, therefore,
will depend to a large extent on the qualities (both in terms of academic and social skills as
well as in terms of personality) of your team mates and on the quality of your team work. This
is the reason why we strongly advise you to spend considerable time, before enrolling as a
team to this course, on discussing
• each team member’s level of ambition and potential differences between team
members in this respect;
• whether there are circumstances which might hinder a team member to participate
fully in the team’s work; and
• how you will organize your work.
Participation in your team’s work, timely submission of assignments, and attendance in all
meetings arranged by your supervisor (either with other teams or with your team alone) are
mandatory. You are enrolled in a full-time day program and, therefore, circumstances such as
having a (paid or unpaid) job, being an active member of an association, being a parent, etc.,
do not count as valid reasons for not being able to fully participate in the required work or for
limitations regarding the scheduling of team meetings. If you have legitimate reasons for
absence or for limited availability for meetings with your team or with your supervisor, you
must discuss them with a student advisor who will evaluate your request and will inform your
supervisor about the legitimacy of your reasons for not being able to participate fully in this
course. Without such a statement from the student advisor, your absence or insufficient participation will result in not receiving a grade for this course.
Contact details
drs. R.A. Smit (
Bachelor 3, 2009/2010
The academic year 2009/2010 for International Business Administration starts on
Monday 31 August 2009 and terminates on Friday 25 June 2010.
First trimester
Minor, Internship, Exchange
Second trimester
no classes:
study and exam period:
week 1 – week 10
week 51, 52 and 53 (Monday 14 December
2009 – Friday 1 January 2010)
week 11 – week 12
Third trimester
no classes:
study and exam period:
week 13 – week 22
Friday 2 April, Monday 5 April, Friday 30
April, Wednesday 5 May, Thursday 13 May and
Monday 24 May.
week 23– week 25
July 2010 (week 26 – week 30)
For exact dates and times of written examinations, please check the schedule on
Satisfied or Dissatisfied with your courses?
Speak your mind and contact us with your complaints or suggestions at
We are always looking for motivated students
interested in improving courses of the International Business Administration program. If you
want to become a part of the Student Representation, please contact us.