Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 Proclaimed and Gazetted.
Clause 5 (Operation of the Constitution and laws)
“This Act, and all laws made by the Parliament of the Commonwealth under the
Constitution, shall be binding on the courts, judges, and people of every State and of
every part of the Commonwealth, notwithstanding anything in the laws of any State-”
Clause 6: Definitions 6. “The Commonwealth” shall mean the
Commonwealth of Australia as established under this Act.
Acts Interpretation Act 1901 Act No 2 states:“Be it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty,
the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia....”
Constitutional and official Definitions
17. In any Act, unless the contrary intention appears—
(a) “ The Commonwealth ” shall mean the Commonwealth of Australia;
(b) “ Australia ” shall mean the whole of the Commonwealth;
Without a referendum of the people and then without the Authority of the Crown the
Political Parties changed the Constitutional Definitions to create their own Private
“Australia” or “Commonwealth” or “Commonwealth of Australia”
ACTS INTERPRETATION ACT (Clth) 1973 No. 79 of 19th June 1973
BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Queen, (Note: Most Excellent Majesty removed)
the Senate and the House of Representatives of Australia, as follows:—
was an Act which amended Section 17 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 with its
Section 4:Constitutional and official Definitions
4. (1) Section 17 of the Principal Act is amended—
(a) by omitting paragraphs (a) and (b) and substituting the following paragraph:—
(a) “Australia” or “the Commonwealth‟ means the Commonwealth of Australia,
and when used in a geographical sense, does not include an external Territory;---As the Acts interpretation Act (Clth) is the dictionary for all (Clth) Acts “UNLESS
Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 Act No. 114 of 1973
AND WHEREAS the Government of Australia (Australia in a geographical sense)
BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Queen, the Senate and the House of
Representatives of Australia, as follows:—
This Act by the Political Parties and its proclamation created their own
Elizabeth the Second, = Queen of Australia
(in a geographical sense)
Australian Parliament
(in a geographical sense)
Great Seal of Australia
(in a geographical sense)
Governor General of Australia
(in a geographical sense)
Seal under which the said Royal Proclamation shall be issued.
(in a geographical sense)
This is the seal on Governor-General Quentin Bryce Commission.
An administrative assistant from Government House in Canberra
confirmed that this “is the same seal as the one that is on the
Governor-General’s Commission”.
Her Majesty The Queen’s College of Arms stated that “there are
scores if not hundreds of Letters Patent of Armorial Bearings that
have been issued to Australian citizens or Australian corporate
bodies of which The Queen is described as Queen of Australia.”
(in a geographical sense)
This Seal is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office
as Stylised Arms No. 2 (Solid) US Serial No. 8900533.
(in a geographical sense)
“The Constitution” “Australian Constitution” “Commonwealth
Constitution” “Constitution of the Commonwealth” under their Seal
all (in a geographical sense)
An Act to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia [9th July 1900]
Western Australia hadn’t voted to join the Commonwealth at that date.
Statute Law Revision Act 1973 (Cth) Act No. 216 115 pages of changes
This Act omitted
“Great Seal of the Commonwealth” insert “Great Seal of Australia”
removed “of the Commonwealth” and insert “Australia” in a geographical sense
Omit "Commonwealth Naval Forces" (wherever occurring), insert "Naval Forces of
Australia", That means our honourable Men and Women of all the Armed forces are
now mercenaries.
Omit Royal Style and Titles Act 1953.
By removing the word Commonwealth from their Acts.
Quick and Garran, Annotations of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.
Definition of Commonwealth, which is clear and unchallengeable, according to the
express wording of the Preamble and the first six clauses of the Imperial Act.
Preamble WHEREAS the people
1 Short title This Act may be cited as the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution
2 Act to extend to the Queen’s successors
3 Proclamation of Commonwealth Proclaimed after Western Australia voted 17th
September 1900
4 Commencement of Act Gazetted into our law 1st January 1901 NOT before
5 Operation of the Constitution and laws
6 Definitions
The Commonwealth shall mean the Commonwealth of Australia as established
under this Act.
The Banking Act 1974 (Cth) Act No. 132 of 1974
This Seal is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office
“Australian currency” includes
notes, coins, postal notes, money orders,
bills of exchange, promissory notes, drafts, letters of credit
and travellers’ cheques payable or expressed in Australian money,
and also includes rights, and instruments of title, to Australian money;
“Australian securities” means
securities or other property included in a class of securities
or property specified in the regulations as Australian securities; all under the system
in a geographical sense
June 1997 Australian Treasurer Peter Costello announced the sale of 167 Tonnes of
the Gold. The Gold didn’t belong to Australia in a geographical sense to sell.
This Seal is registered with the
United States Patent and Trademark
Office as Stylised Arms No. 1
(Outline) US Serial No. 89000474.
This means that money in the
Commonwealth of Australia can no longer be guaranteed by “the Commonwealth”
(as established under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901
Proclaimed and Gazetted) because the corporate “Australian Government” now
owns and controls “Australian currency” which is not legal tender currency, is
therefore counterfeit and has no equity in the World’s whole economic and banking
Australian Government and its Australian Parliament created their own
private Acts under their “Australia” their “Commonwealth” their
“Commonwealth of Australia” their Queen of Australia a Statutory
Instrument all in a geographical sense
Australian Citizenship Act 1973 No 99
Family Court of Australia 1975 within Family Law Act No 53
Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 Act No 156 Great Seal of Australia.
Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Act No 58
High Court of Australia Act 1979 Act No 137 Great Seal of Australia.
Judiciary Amendment Act (No. 2) l979 Act No 138
This Judiciary Amendment Act removed the Part II
PART II.—Constitution and Seat of the High Court. ) Justices of the High Court, ss.
4–9. Seat of the High Court, ss. 10–14.
Evidence Amendment Act 1979 Act No. 139, 1979
These 3 Acts 137, 138, 139 come into operation on the day on which the High
Court of Australia Act 1979 comes into operation
Australia Act 1986 Act No. 142 of 1985
This Seal is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark
Office as Stylised Arms. No. 2 (Solid) US Serial No. 8900533
This Seal “AUSTRALIA” in a geographical sense
Australia Act (Request Act) 1985 plus Australia Act 1986 in a geographical sense
An Act to bring constitutional arrangements affecting the Commonwealth and the
States into conformity with the status of the Commonwealth of Australia as a
sovereign, independent and federal nation in a geographical sense
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 Proclaimed and Gazetted.
Clause 2: Act to extend to the Queen’s successors
The provisions of this Act referring to the Queen shall extend to Her
Majesty’s heirs and successors in the sovereignty of the United Kingdom.
109 Inconsistency of laws
When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter
shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid.
Quick and Garran’s
Annotations of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.
The Commonwealth is only quasi-sovereign, and the amending power, though above
the State Governments and above the Federal Government, is below the Imperial
Parliament. The Commonwealth is a dependency of the Empire;
Under the Australia Act 1986 all States have created private Companies personating
Governments and Parliaments (in a geographical sense) under “Australia” or
“Commonwealth” or “Commonwealth of Australia” (in a geographical sense) outside
their State Constitution Acts.
In 1988 the Company Commonwealth of Australia (in a geographical sense)
removed the Common Law of England and replaced it with Common Law in
Australia and had their FRAUDULENT High Court of Australia (in a geographical
sense) enforce it over all State Courts (Australian Courts) Common Law in Australia
is outside the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 Proclaimed and
Gazetted inter alia all lawful State Constitution Acts.
From the 5th December 1972 forward we haven’t had any legislation from the
Parliament of the Commonwealth for Royal Assent which we would be bound and
from the States; Australia Act (Request) Acts 1985 forward there hasn’t been any
State legislation for Royal Assent which we would be bound to.
At present we are a lawless country with so called Police as thugs, totally corrupt
Australian Judicial system, Political Parties that don’t represent us, Politicians as
pathetic liars, Governor General and all State Governors, NOT representing the
Crown being total FRAUDS but all the above still are bound to the Commonwealth of
Australia Constitution Act 1901 Proclaimed and Gazetted. All we have to do is get
our heads out of the sand and stand up and be counted.