Aspect-Oriented Modeling of Adaptive Web Applications with HiLA ∗ Gefei Zhang Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München ABSTRACT Modeling adaptivity is a challenging task for two reasons: 1) adaptation is usually strongly interwoven with the general functionality of the web application, separation of concerns is hard to achieve, and 2) adaptation rules may be conflicting, i.e., changing and revoking the effect of each other. We propose to use our aspect-oriented extension of UML state machines, High-level Aspects (HiLA), to model adaptation rules of web applications. With HiLA, adaptation rules can be modeled separately from the general functionalities. We also provide an automatic technique for checking the consistency of the aspects (i.e., the adaptation rules). Therefore, HiLA provides valuable help for modularly modeling adaptive web applications and keeping the adaptation rules consistent. 1. INTRODUCTION Being one of the key instruments to tie the generally a priori unknown users in a highly competitive market, adaptivity is a very important feature of modern web applications. Modeling adaptation rules elegantly is a highly desirable goal of Web Engineering. Since adaptation is usually interwoven with general functionalities of the web application, “elegance” is hard to achieve. Instead, model elements concerning adaptation are often entangled with those concerning general functionalities such as navigation and presentation, while single model elements are involved in both general functionalities and adaptation rules. The result are complex models which are hard to maintain, and prone to errors. Moreover, complex web applications may be subject to a large number of adaptation rules, which may be conflicting, i.e., they may change or even revoke the results of each other. Keeping an overview over all adaptation rules and determining if any of those conflicts with another is often a hard job. Automatic detection of conflicts between adaptation rules would clearly be very desirable. We propose the use of High-Level Aspects (HiLA, [18, 19]) to model adaptation rules of web applications. HiLA is an aspectoriented extension of UML state machines, a popular language for modeling behaviors of software systems. Since state machine are ∗Partially supported by the DFG project M AEWA (WI 841/7–2). Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. MoMM2009 December 14–16, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Copyright 2009 ACM 978–1–60558–659–5/0012 ...$10.00. deemed to be simple, they are widely used, in particular, to model web applications. Adaptation rules, however, can be hardly separated from basis functionalities. The complexity of state machines may increase rapidly when modeling adaptive web applications. We apply HiLA to a UML state machine (the base machine) which models the general functionalities of a web application. The base machine can be constructed by any state machine based web modeling approaches, such as [5, 9, 11]. Aspects are used to model adaptation rules, separately from the base machine and separately from each other. Aspects are then weaved to the base machine, yielding the complete behavior of the system in the form of another UML state machine. Conflict detection between the rules then amounts to consistency checking between the aspects, which (at least partially) can be done automatically in HiLA. This way, HiLA helps solve both of the two aforementioned difficulties of modeling adaptive web applications. The wide acceptance of UML state machines in Web Engineering improves the chance of HiLA being helpful for a broad community. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: the following Sect. 2 shows by means of an example how cumbersome adaptation modeling can get even for simple systems. After a brief overview of HiLA given in Sect. 3, Sect. 4 presents how to model adaptivity rules using HiLA. In Sect. 5 we discuss how to detect potential conflicts between adaptation rules. Related work is discussed in Sect. 6 before concluding remarks are given in Sect. 7. 2. EXAMPLE We use an e-learning system as our running example. The state machine in Fig. 1, adopted from [19] and slightly modified, models an e-learning system (which is not adaptive). The user can first select a level (state SelectLevel), and then answer questions (ShowQuestion) of this level. If an answer is right (Right), he can proceed to the next question, otherwise he may choose to try again (event again) or to see the key of the question (key). Instead of answering the question, the user may also choose another level (transition from ShowQuestion to SelectLevel). The state machine is very simple because the e-learning system is very simple. As soon as its requirements get complex, the complexity of the state machine increases rapidly. For example, consider an adaptation rule stating that selection of a level l > 0 is only allowed when the user has answered minRight questions on level l − 1 correctly in a row. Note such a feature does not necessarily require the user to login,, e.g., stores the browsing history of unregistered users, too. Figure 2, also taken from [19], shows how this restriction might be modeled in a standard UML state machine: a new attribute variable crir is introduced for counting the length of the current stroke of correct answers, it is incremented in state Right and reset to 0 once Wrong setLevel SelectLevel newLevel exit / l = inputLevel() ShowQuestion inputAnswer [right] Right [else] end again Wrong key next ShowKey next Figure 1: E-learning system setLevel [r[l] >= minRight] / if (cl != l) crir = 0 SelectLevel entry / cl = l exit / l = inputLevel() end newLevel ShowQuestion setLevel [else] inputAnswer [right] Right do / crir ++ [else] again ShowError Wrong do / r[l] == max(r[l], crir); crir = 0 key next ShowKey next Figure 2: E-learning system: level selection restricted (erroneously) is active. Array r is introduced to store the maximal length of crir at each level. Once the user gives a wrong answer, the system updates this record if necessary. In order to know whether the user has selected in SelectLevel a different level than the current one or just continues with the same level, another new variable cl stores the current level each time SelectLevel is entered. The transition from SelectLevel to ShowQuestion is split into two to handle the cases whether the level inputted by the user is selectable or not. Finally, the variable crir has to be reset to 0 when the user has successfully changed to another level. Obviously, it is unsatisfactory that the model elements involved in this one, rather simple adaptation rule are scattered all over the state machine, switching the feature on and off is difficult and requires modifications all over the state machine. Not bad enough? Well, this solution is wrong! Suppose the user selects a new level l, r[l] still has the default value 0. Then the user answers minRight times correctly, and proceeds to choosing level l + 1 without answering a question wrong. Since Wrong has not been active, array r is not updated. Consequently, upon setLevel, the value of r[l] ≥ minRight is false, the transition therefore disabled. The mistake is that r[l] must be updated both in state Wrong and on the transition from ShowQuestion to SelectLevel. This mistake was not discovered until we model checked Fig. 2 using the tool Hugo/RT [8], six months after the publication of [19]. 3. HILA IN A NUTSHELL Insufficient separation of concerns as exhibited by the above example is an inherent weakness of UML state machines. The language High-Level Aspects (HiLA), an aspect-oriented extension of UML state machines, was defined in [19] to address this problem. In HiLA, an aspect is a graphical specification of an additional or alternative behavior of a UML state machine (base machine), to be executed at certain points of time in the base machine’s execution. These points of time are when a transition is being fired while certain states are active, or if firing the transition would make certain «history» hs1 = # Pattern1 hs2 = # Pattern2 «aspect» Name «pointcut» selector State* {xor} ST* {Constraint} «advice» AdvBody Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Figure 3: Concrete syntax of aspects states active. The transitions are specified by the pointcut of the aspect, the behavior to execute by its advice. We say the aspect advises the transitions selected by the pointcut. The advice of an aspect is also a state machine, except that its final states may be labeled. When a transition which is advised by an aspect is taken, the advice of that aspect is executed; when the advice state machine finishes, execution of the base machine is resumed with a transition from the advice to the target state of the advised transition. The concrete syntax of HiLA aspects is shown in Fig. 3, the oblique identifiers being place holders. With State* a set of states is specified. The selector may be either «before» or «after». A pointcut labeled «after» selects all transitions leaving any state in State* while the base machine is in an active state configuration1 containing all states in State*. A pointcut labeled «before» selects each transition T in such active state configurations that after taking T all states in State* will become active. Alternatively, the selector 1 In general, UML state machines contain several concurrent regions. At a given point of time in the execution, there is always one state active in each region. The set of the active states is called the active state configuration. The execution of a UML state machine can be viewed as its active state configuration changing over time. «aspect» RightInARow «pointcut» «history» a(l) = # Right Wrong «aspect» TooManyRights [minRight..*] [0] «advice» «pointcut» «history» SelectLevel {l > 0} ShowQuestion [(a(l−1)) > 0] r(l) = # 1 [else] ShowError goto SelectLevel «before» Right qs(l) = # ShowQuestion ShowQuestion «advice» [qs(l) >= minQuestion && r >= qs(l)*quota] [else] 1 Figure 4: Aspect for level restriction ShowError goto SelectLevel may be empty and a set of states and transitions ST* may be specified. In this case the pointcut matches all transitions in ST* into active state configurations in which all states in ST* are active. The pointcut may also contain a constraint. In this case, the advice is only executed when the constraint is satisfied. The labels of the final states in an advice are used to specify the state configuration to activate when the advice’s execution is finished. In particular, label 1 means the base machine should resume at the target of the advised transition. A label of the form goto X indicates the base machine to go to an arbitrary state X. For other labels, see [17]. In Fig. 3 three resumption strategies are defined. Depending on the execution of AdvBody, one of them will be used. Moreover, an aspect may contain optional history properties in its «history» compartment, see Fig. 3. A history property contains a pattern consisting of active state configurations and constraints, and its value is the number of matches of this pattern by the base machine’s execution history where the constraints evaluate to true. Fig. 3 shows two history properties, hs1 and hs2. Property can be used in pointcuts and advices to define history-sensitive behavior. 4. MODELING ADAPTIVE WEB APPLICATIONS WITH HILA HiLA helps separate cross-cutting concerns of UML state machines. Since adaptivity is in general such a concern, HiLA helps modeling adaptivity separately from the main functionality model (the base model). We assume a state machine as our base model, and call it also base machine. This machine can be obtained using common engineering methods, which model web applications with state machines, including [5, 9, 11]. In the following, we use Fig. 1 as our base machine, and enrich this application by adaptation rules. The aspects we are going to define will show how HiLA keeps adaptation modeling separate from the base machine, and thus reduces the complexity of the overall design. 1. Selection of a level l > 1 is only allowed when the user has answered minRight questions on level l−1 correctly in a row. While being hard to model in UML, this rule can be easily modeled in HiLA, see Fig. 4: the history property a counts for each value of parameter l how often (operator #) the pattern on the right hand side is matched by the execution history. The pattern contains two states, each associated with a multiplicity. It is matched by any subsequence of the execution history in which state Right has been active at least minRight times (multiplicity [minRight..*]) and in which state Wrong has not been active ([0]). The pointcut contains two states and a transition. It selects therefore the points of time just before the transition is fired, provided that the constraint l > 0 is true. In such moments, the execution of the transition is interrupted, and the advice executed. If the value of a(l-1) is greater than 0, then such a sequence could be Figure 5: Aspect to avoid too many Rights found on the level l − 1, i.e. the user did answer minRight questions correctly without being interrupted by answering any question wrong. In this case, the advised transition is resumed (final state labeled 1), otherwise an error message is shown, and the state machine resumes by activating the state SelectLevel (final state labeled goto SelectLevel). This way, the level restriction rule is modeled separately from the base machine, without invasive and pervasive modification of the latter. More importantly, “monitoring” the Right sequences is now modeled declaratively. It is only necessary to define what to do, i.e., the system should count the number of right answers in a row. How this should be done, on the contrary, no longer needs to be specified. Compared with the UML solution, the HiLA solution is thus much less likely to be erroneous. 2. When the user has mastered a level, i.e., when he has answered at least minQuestion questions and achieved a Right rate of quota, then no other question on this level is allowed. This adaptation rule is intended to increase the challenge factor of the system. Figure 5 shows how it is modeled in HiLA: two history properties qs and r are defined, which count for each level l how often states ShowQuestion and Right have been active in the execution history, respectively. The pointcut specifies the points of time just before (stereotype «before») state ShowQuestion gets active, i.e., just before a new question is to be displayed. The advice then checks if the user has answered enough questions on this level (qs(l) >= minQuestion) with “too many” right answers (r >= qs(l)*quota). If this is not the case, the interrupted transition is continued (1), otherwise an error message is shown, and the base machine resumes at SelectLevel, the state indicated by the label of the final state, to ask the user to select another level. Again, HiLA allows the adaptation rule to be modeled separately and declaratively. 3. When the user is beginning a “winning series” of at least 5 questions, a congratulation message should be shown. We model this feature with an after aspect, as shown in Fig. 6. The symbol ⊥ in the pattern of the history property s is matched by the end of the execution history. The arrow → means “directly followed by”. The whole pattern is therefore matched by the most recent state configurations of the history if they start with a Wrong, followed by five consecutive Rights. Every time after («after») state Right has been active, the advice is executed: if there is one match of the pattern, then the congratulation message is shown, and the base machine is instructed to proceed to the next question (goto ShowQuestion). Otherwise the advise does not do anything but simply terminates. «aspect» Congratulation «pointcut» «history» s(l) = # Transition SelectLevel → ShowQuestion «after» Fig. 5 Right Right [5] ⊥ Wrong Wrong «advice» [(s(l)) == 0] [0] Fig. 5 Wrong → ShowQuestion ShowKey → ShowQuestion Fig. 6 Fig. 5 Fig. 5 1 Aspect Advising RightInARow (Fig. 4) TooManyRights (Fig. 5) SelectLevel → ShowQuestion SelectLevel → ShowQuestion Right → ShowQuestion Wrong → ShowQuestion ShowKey → ShowQuestion Right → ShowQuestion Figure 7: Aspects and advised transitions CONFLICT HANDLING Modern web applications are often subject to a multitude of adaptation rules. The rules may be conflicting, i.e., they may change or revoke the effect of each other. Automated consistency checking of the rules would be therefore very desirable. Since in HiLA adaptation rules are modeled in separate aspects, consistency checking of rules amounts to consistency checking of aspects. While this problem is generally undecidable, HiLA provides a methodology to detect potential conflicts caused by different resumption strategies of aspects. If a transition is advised by two or more aspects, it is possible that different goto targets are set by different aspects. In the realm of web applications this means that different results of navigation adaptation are imposed by different rules. This kind of conflicts of HiLA aspects can be detected automatically in three steps. 1. List all aspects and the transitions advised by the aspects. The purpose of this step is to determine all transitions that are subject to some aspect. Obviously, a «before» aspect advises all transitions leading to each state contained in the pointcut; an «after» aspect advises all transitions leaving the states contained in the pointcut; a transition aspect (like Fig. 4) advises the transition specified in the pointcut. For our e-learning example, we obtain the table in Fig. 7. 2. Determine for each advised transition the advising aspects. If a transition is advised by multiple advises, list all labels of the final states in the advice. The purpose of this step is to create a table where transitions, that are advised by multiple aspects, can be easily determined. We omit the non-advised transitions, and build a “reverse” table of the last step. The result in the e-learning example is given in Fig. 8. Note it is not necessary to include the labels of an aspect if it is the only aspect advising a transition, for conflicts of resumption strategies are not possible when a transition is advised by only one aspect. Note also that we resolve keyword 1, and replace it by the target of the transition. Label SelectLevel ShowQuestion SelectLevel ShowQuestion ShowQuestion SelectLevel ShowQuestion — — Figure 8: Transitions and advising aspects Figure 6: Aspect for showing congratulation message Congratulation (Fig. 6) Right → ShowQuestion [else] Congratulation 5. Advised by Fig. 4 3. If a transition is advised by multiple aspects, and the different aspects can use different resumption strategies, then there is a possible conflict, and the modeler should examine the corresponding adaptation rules to resolve the conflict if necessary. Otherwise we can be sure that our model is free of resumption strategy conflicts. According to Fig. 8, the transitions from Wrong and ShowKey to ShowQuestion are advised by only one aspect. They are therefore clearly free of resumption conflict. On the contrary, the transition from Right to ShowQuestion is advised by two aspects. It is possible that the execution of one of the aspects finishes at a final state labeled SelectLevel, and the other finishes at a final state labeled ShowQuestion. This is where the modeler should examine the rules modeled by these two aspects. The aspect Congratulation in Fig. 6 defines only an additional behavior. It is only important that this behavior gets executed, rather than a special resumption strategy being followed. Therefore we decide to assign its “concurrent aspect” TooManyRights (Fig. 5) a higher priority, i.e., in case of conflict, the resumption label taken by TooManyRights is used, independently of the label taken by Congratulation. The most complex case in this example is the transition from SelectLevel to ShowQuestion. This transition is advised by two aspects, both of which can take two different labels. Clearly, this is also a potential conflict, since one aspect may require the base machine to resume at SelectLevel while the other says ShowQuestion. This potential conflict is caused by unter-specification of the requirements: while two rules are defined for restriction of level selection, their relation to each other is not specified. That is, it is not specified what to do if, given a certain execution history, one of the two rules allows selecting a certain level but the other forbids it. We suppose that the two rules are both “important”, i.e., selection of a level l is only allowed when the user has performed well enough on level l − 1 and not “too well” on level l. This can be easily modeled by modifying the advice in Fig. 4 to take into account r and qs in Fig. 5 as well. 6. RELATED WORK Adaptivity has been recognized as a key instrument of custom tieing of web applications and has been an important part of Web Engineering research. Consequently, engineering methods for adaptive web applications are provided by a large number of web engineering approaches, such as OO-H [6], WSDM [1], UWE [10], OOHDM/SHDM [12], Hera [2], and WebML [3]. More details are given in [14]. We point out that UML state machines are also used by Dolog [5], and Aspect-Oriented Modeling by UWE [10], Hera [2] and Schauerhuber [13]. Moreover, our aspects using history properties are reminiscent of the Event-Condition-Action rules used in WebML, WSDM, and OO-H, see also [14]. As opposed to the above approaches, HiLA is the only approach which supports consistency checking of the adaptation rules. In fact, this topic seems to be surprisingly little investigated, the only publication to our knowledge being [16], where conservative conditions of potential conflicts are also given. In comparison to HiLA, this approach defines “only” a reference model rather than a graphical modeling language. Moreover, the result of weaving HiLA aspects to the base machine is also a UML state machine (due to space limitation not shown in this paper), which can be verified using formal analysis, such as theorem proving or model checking. An example of model checking the weaving result of HiLA aspects is given in [7]. This provides valuable support to find modeling mistakes in an early step of the software development process. Compared with other Aspect-Oriented Modeling approach, such as [4, 15, 20], HiLA is a high-level approach: it is only necessary to specify what to do if what happens (see our history properties) rather than how to achieve it. 7. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK We presented how the language HiLA can be used to model adaptation rules in web applications. HiLA enables separating adaptation rules from the base model, and increases the modularity and maintainability of the models, and reduces their error-proness. We also provided an automatic method for checking potential conflicts between the rules as well as guidelines for conflict handling. HiLA was defined as a general extension of UML state machines. It increases generally the modularity of UML state machines. Its applicability is not limited to Web Engineering only. Examples of applying HiLA to the development of crisis management systems and computer games are given in [7, 18]. 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