Chapter Three Chapter Overνiew Purpose Το develop techniques for aggregating units of production, and determining levels a nd workforce levels based οη predicted demand for Key Points 1. Aggregate units of production. Thi$ chapter could also have been called Macro Production Planning, since the purpose of aggregating units ί$ to be able to develop a top-down plan for the entire firm ΟΓ for some subset of the firm, such as a product line ΟΓ a particular plant. For large firms producing a wide range of products ΟΓ for firms providing a service rather than a product, determining appropriate aggregate units can be a challenge. The most direct approach is to eχpress aggregate units ίη some generic measure, such as dollars of sales, tons of steel, ΟΓ gallons of paint. For a service, $uch as provided by a consulting firm ΟΓ a law firm, billed hours would be a reasonable way of eχpressing aggregate units. 2. Aspects of aggregate p/anning. The following aggregate planning: are the σιοει • Smoothing. (05tS that arise from changing production • Bott/enecks. Planning in anticipation important feature5 of and workforce levels. • Treatment of demand. ΑΙΙ the mathematical model5 in thi5 chapter consider demand Ιο be known, i.e, have zero forecast error. 3. Costs ίπ aggregate p/anning. • Smoothing costs. The CO$tof changing production and/or workforce level5. C05t of dollar5 inve5ted in inventory. • Shortage costs. The CO$t$associated with back-ordered ΟΓ 105t demand. • Labor costs. These include direct labor costs on regular time, overtime, 5ubcontracting costs, and idle time cost$. 4. So/ving aggregate p/anning prob/ems. Approχimate solutions Ιο aggregate planning problem5 can be found graphically, and eχact solutions via lίnear programming. When solving problem5 graphically, the first 5tep is to draw a 124 5. The /inear decision ru/e. The aggregate planning concept had its ωοιε ίη the work of Holt, Modigliani, Muth, and Simon (1960) who developed a model for Pittsburgh Paints (presumably) to determine their workforce and production level5. The model used quadratic approχimations for the costs, and obtained simple lίnear equations for the optimal policies. This work 5pawned the later interest in aggregate planning. 6. Mode/ing management behavior. Bowman (1963) considered linear decision rules similar to tho$e derived by Holt, Modigliani, Muth, and Simon eχcept that he suggested fitting the parameters of the model based on management's actions, rather than prescribing optimal actions ba$ed on ωει minimization. Thi$ is one of the few eχamples of a mathematical model used to describe human behavior ίπ the conteχt of operations planning. 7. Oisaggregating aggregate p/ans. While aggregate planning is useful for providing approχimate solutions for macro planning at the firm level, the que$tion is whether these aggregate plans provide any guidance for planning at the lower levels of the firm. Α disaggregation scheme is a means of taking an aggregate plan and breaking it down to get more detailed plans at lower levels of the firm. of peak demand periods. • P/anning horizon. One mU$t cho05e the number of period5 considered carefully. If too short, 5udden changes in demand cannot be anticipated. If Ιοο long, demand foreca5ts become unreliable. • Ho/ding costs. The opportunity 125 graph of the cumulative net demand curve. If the goal ί5 to develop a level plan (i.e., one that has constant production ΟΓ workforce levels over the planning horizon), then one matches the cumulative net demand curve as closely as possible with a straight lίne. If the goal is to develop a zero-inventory plan (i.e., one that minimizes holding and shortage costs), then one tracks the cumulative net demand curve as cl05ely as possible each period. While lίnear programming provide5 ωει optimal 50lutions, the method does not take into account management policy, such Β5 avoiding hiring and firing as much as possible. For a problem with a Tperiod planning horizon, the linear programming formulation requires 8Tvariables and 3Τ constraints. For long planning horizons, this can become quite tedious. Another issue that must be dealt with is that the solution to a linear program ί5 noninteger. Το handle this problem, one would either have to specify that the problem variables were integers (which could make the problem computationally unwieldy) ΟΓ develop some suitable rounding procedure. Aggregate Planning suitable production aggregate units. Aggr,ga,e Planning As we go througlllife, we tnake both Illicro and macro decisions. Micro decisions tnight be \vhat Ιο eat forbreakfast, whatroute Ιο take towork, what auto service ιο use, orwhich movie to rent. Macro decisions are the kind t!Jat change the course of one's life: where Ιο lίνe, what Ιο major ίη, whicll job Ιο take, wllom Ιο marry. Α cotnpany also must make both micro and macro decisions every day. Ιη this cllapter we explore decisions made at the macro leve!, such as planning companywide workforce and production leνels. Aggregate planning, which might al50 be called macro production planning, addresses the problem of deciding how many employees the firm Sllould retain and, for a manufacturing firm, the quantity and the mix ofproducts to be produced. Macro planning is ηο! lίmίted Ιο manLIfacturing firms. Service organizations must determine employee staffing needs as well. For example, airlines must plan staffing levels for flight attendants and pilots, and !lospitals must plan staffing levels for nurses. Macro planning strategies are a fundamental part ofthe firm's overall business strategy. Some firms operate οη the philosophy that costs can be controlled only by making frequent changes ίn tl1e size andlor composition of the workforce. The aerospace industry ίη Califomia ίη the 1970s adopted this strategy. As government contracts shifted fron1 one producer Ιο another, so 126 Chapter Three 3.1 Aggregalι! Plαnning did the technical workforce. Other firιns have.a reputation for retaining employees, even" ίη bad times. Until recently, ωΜ andAT&Twere two we1J-known examples. Whether a firm provides a service οτ produces a product, macro planning begins with the forecast of demand. Techniques for demand forecasting were presented ίη Chapter 2. How responsive the firιn can be το anticipated changes ίη the demand depends οιι several factors. These factors include the genera], strategy the firm may have regarding retaining workers and ifs οοτυηιίτυισιιε-το existing empIoyees. As noted ίη Chapter 2, demand forecasts afe generallY'wrong because there is aImost always a random οοπιρουεφι ofthe demand that cannot be predicted exactly ίη advance. The aggregate pIanning methodology discussed ίη this chapter requires the assumption that demand is deterministic, οτ known ίη advance. This assumption is made Ιο simpIify the analysis and alJow us το focus οτιthe systematic orpredictable changes ίη the demand pattem, rather than οτι the unsystematic οτ random changes. Inventory management subject to randomness is treated ίη detail ίη Chapter 5. TraditionalJy, most manufacturers have chosen ιο retain primary production ίηhouse. Some components might be purchased from outside suppliers (see the discussion ofthe make-or-buy problem ίη Chapter Ι), but the Ρήmary product is traditionalJy produced by the firm. Henry Ford was one ofthe firstAmerican manufacturers το design a completely vertically integrated business. Ford even owned a stand of rubber trees so ίι wouId υοι have το purchase rubber.for tires. That philosophy is undergoing a dramatic change, however. Ιιι dynamic environments, firms are finding that they canbe more flexible ifthemanufacturing is outsourced; that is, ifit is done οτι a subcontract basis. One exampIe is Sun Microsystems. a Califomia-based producer of computer workstations. Sun, a market leader, adopted the strategy of focusing οιι product innovation and desigiJ rather than οιι manufacturing. It has developed close ties ιο contract manufacturers such as San Jose-based Solecιron Corporation. winner of the Βaldήge Award for Quaiity. Subcontracting its primary maηufactuήηg function has allowed Sun Ιο be more flexible and Ιο focus οη innovation ίη a rapidly changing market. Aggregate plaBning involves competing objectives. One objective is Ιο react quickly ιο anticipated changes ίη demand, which would require making frequent and potential1y large changes in the size ofthe labor force. Such a strategy has been called a chase strategy. This may 1Jecost effective, but could be a ροοτ loηg-ruη business strategy. Workers who are laίd off may ηο! be avaiIable when business tums around. For this reason, the firm may wish Ιο adopt the objective of retaining a stable workforce. However, this strategy often results ίη large bUΊldups of inventory duήηg Ρeήοds of low demand. Service firms may incur substantial debt tomeetpayrolJs in slowperiods. Α third objective is Ιο develop a production plan for the firm that maximizes profit over the planning hοήΖοn subject Ιο constraints οη capacity. When profit maximization is the primary objective, explicit costs ofmaking'changes mustbe factored ίηΙο the decision process. Aggregate planning methodology is designed Ιό translate demand forecasts ίηΙο a blueprint for planning staffing and production levels for the firm over a predetermined planning horizon. Aggregate planning methodology is ηοΙ lίmίted ιο top-Ievel planning. Although generaJ]y considered Ιο be a macro planning ιοοl for determining overalJ workforce and production leνels, large companies may find aggregate planning useful at the plant level as well. Production planning may be viewed as a hierarchical process ίη which purchasing, production, and staffing decisions must be made at severallevels ίn the firm. Aggregate planning methods may be applied at almost any level, although tl1e conceptis one of maήagίηg grotιps of items rather than single items. The inventory planning methods discussed ίη Chapters 4 and 5 are geared toward single-item control. Aggregar< UnitsofPrαlucιion 127 This chapter reviews several techniques for determining aggregate plaίIs. Some.6f these ετο heuήstίό (i.e., approximate) and some are optimal. We hope tοcοήΎeΥ ιο the reader ετι understahding of the issues involved ίη aggregate planning'i'a kή6wleage"of the basic tools available for providing solutions, and an appreciation of the dif!icιJltίes associated with imp(ementing aggregate plans ίτι the real world. ,~ , " AGGREGAtE .,0 '}' ,,"0 ,"~; \ "1" , ,'~:r~"';CI'~::, : ONITS'"OFpRobuttION. The agg~ega:te planning approach is predicated οα the e~istence of an aggregate υηίι ofproduction. When the types ofitems produced are similar, an aggregate production υηίι can couespond Ιο 'aΠ "av~rage" item, but if many different·types of items are produced, ίι would be more ερρτορτίειε το consider aggregate units ίη terms of weight (tons of steel), νοίυπισ (gallons of gasoline), amount of work required (worker-years ofprogramming time), οτ dollar value (value ofinventory ίτι dollars). What the approρτίετε aggregating scheme, should be is πο! always obvious. Ιι depends ωι the context ofthe'pafticular planning problem'and the leνel of aggregation required. Example3.1 Α plant managerworking lor a large national appliarice lίrm is considering implementing an aggregate planning system ιο determine the worklorce and production levels in his plant. This particular plant produces six models ΟΙ washing machines,The characteristics ΟΙ the machines are Model Number Α5532 Κ4242 Ι9898 Ι3800 Μ2624 Μ3880 Nlιmber of Worker-Hours Required to Produce 4.2 4.9 5.1 5.2 5.4 5.8 , SeIIing Price $285 345 395 425 525 725 The plant manager must decide οπ the particular aggregation scheme Ιο use. One possibilίΙΥ is to deline an aggregate υπίΙ as'on'e dollar ΟΙ όυιρυΙ Unlortunately, the selling prices ΟΙ the various models ΟΙ washing machines are ποΙ consistent with th·e number ΟΙ worker-hours required Ιο produce them. The ratio ΟΙ the,selling price.divided by the worker-hours is $67,86 for Α5532 and $125,00 ΙΟΓ M::J880, (The company bas~s its pricing on the faet that the less expensive models have a higher sales volume.) The manager notices that the percentages οΙ the total number οΙ sales Ιοτ these si\<models have been fairly constant, with values οΙ 32 percent lοr Α5532, 21 percent lοr Κ4242, 17 percent Ιοτ ~9898, 14 percent for L3800, 1Ο percent lοr Μ2624, and 6 percent for Μ3880. He decides to define an aggregate uni! ΟΙ production as a lίctίtίoυs washing machine requiring (.32)(4.2) + (.21)(4.9) + (.17)(5.1) + (.14)(5.2) + (.10)(5.4) + (.06)(5.8) = 4.856 hours ΟΙ labor time. He can obtain ~ales forecasts for aggregate produetion units ίπ essentially the same way by multiplying the appropriate Iractions by the lorecasts lor υπίι sales ΟΙ each type ΟΙ machine. The apptΌach used by the plant manager ίο Example 3.1 was possible because of the relative similarity of the jJroducts prodtIced. However, defining an aggregate υη1ι of production at a higher leνel ofthe firm is more difficult. Ιη cases ίη which the firrn produces a large νaήety ofprodncts, a natural aggregate υπίι is sales dollars. Althollgh, as we saw ίη the' example, tl1ίs will 110!11ecessarily tral1slate Ιο tbe same nnmber of units of prodnction 'for each item, ίι wiH generally provide a good approximatio11 for planning at tl1e highest leνel of a firm that produces a diverse product lίηe. 128 Chapter Three Aggr,gaιc Planning 3.2 FIGURE 3-1 TI,e /1ierarchy of 129 ροτίοσε of time, stIcb as weeks, quarters, ΟΓyears. An important featιιre of aggregate planning is that the,de,mands are treated as known constants (that is, the forecast error is assumed ιο be zero). Thereasons for making this assumption will be d,iscussed later. The goal ofaggregate planning is το determine aggregate production qua.ntities and the leνels of resources required το achieve these production goals. Ιτι practice, this translates to nnding the number ofworkers that should be employed and the number of aggregate tInits ιο be produced ίη each of the planning periods J, 2, ... , Τ. The objective ο[ aggregate planning is to balance the advantages of producing to tneet demand as closely as possible against the disrtIptions caused by changing the levels of producιίοο and/or the workforce levels. The primary issnes related ιο the aggregate planning problem include produclion pIanning dccisiol1S Aggregate planning (and the associated problem of disaggregating the aggregate plans orconverting them ίπΙο detailed master schedules) is closely related το hierarchical production planning (ΗΡΡ) championed by Hax and Meal (1975). ΗΡΡ considers workforce sizes and production rates at a variety oflevels ofthe nrm as opposed 10 simply the τορ level, as ίπ aggregate planning. For aggregate planning purposes, Hax and Meal recommend the foJlowing hierarchy: Ι. /tenls. These are the nnal products ιο be delivered to the οιιετοηιετ, Απ item is often referred 10 as an SKU (for stockkeeping ιαιίι) and represents tl1e nnest leνel of detail ίπ the ρτοοιιοτ είτυοιυτε. 2. FamiIie:,·. These are denned as a group of items that share a οοηιπιοη mantIfactιιring setιιp cosΙ 3. Types. Types are groups of families with prodtIction quantities that are determined by a single aggregate production ρlαη. lπ Exalnple 3.1, items would Α family might be all washing Hax-Meal aggregation scheme the aggregation method shotIld and prodllCt Ιine. correspond 10 individuallnodels ofwashing machines. nJachines, and a type might be large appliances. Τhe wiII πο! necessarily work ίη every sitιιation.ln general, be consistent with the nrιn's organizational strιtcΙUre [η Figure 3-1 we present a sCl1ematic of the aggregate planning fιlnction and its place ίπ tl1e hierarchy ofproduction planning decisions. 3.2 Overview of the AggregaLe ]Jlαnning IJroblem OVERVIEW OF ΤΗΕ AGGREGATE PLANNING PROBLEM Having now denned the appropriate aggregate ιιηίι [or the leνel of the firm [or which αη aggregate plan is ιο be determined, we assume that there exists a forecast ofthe deInand for a specined planning horizon, expressed ίη terms of aggregate prodtIction units. Let DJ, D2, ... , Dr be the demand forecasts for the next Tplanning periods. [π most applications, a planning period is a month, altl10tIgh aggregate plans can be developed for other Ι. SmooIhing, Smoothing refers το costs that resιιlt from changing production and workforce levels from ουε period το the ηοχΙ Two ofthe key components of smoothing costs ΗΓοthe costs that result frol11 hiring and nring workers. Aggregate planning methodology reql1ires the ερεοίϋοειίοτι of these costs, which may be difficult to εειίmate. Firing workers could have fal'-reaching consequences and costs that may be difficult to evaluate. Firms that hire and nre freqtIently develop a poor public image. This could adversely affect sales and discourage potential employees frOI11joining the company. Furthermore, workers that are laίd off might not simply wait around for busiiιess ιο pick up. Firing workers can have a detrimental effect οη the futιιre size ofthe labor force ifthose workers obtain employment ίτι other indusιries. Finally, tnost companies ΗΤοsimply πο! at liberty Ιο hire and fire at will. Labor agreements restrict the freedom of management το freely alter workforce leνels. However, ίι is διίll valtlable for management ιο be aware of the cost trade-offs associated with varying workforce leνels and the attendant savings Ιτι ίnνentOlΎ costs. 2. Bottleneck probIenIs. We use the term bottleneck ιο refer το the inability of tl1e system το respond το stIdden changes ίπ demand as a restIlt of capacity restrictions. For example, a bottleneck cotIld arise when the forecast [οr demand ίη οιιε month is unusually high, and the ρΙΗΩΙdoes υοτ have slIfficient capacity το meet that demand. Α breakdown of a vital piece of equipment also οοιιί« result ίn a bottleneck. 3. P/anlling horizon. TI,e number of periods for which the deI11and is to be forecasted, and hence the ntImber of periods for which workforce and inventory levels are Ιο be determined, mlIst be specified ίη advance. The choice oftl1e value ofthe forecast horizon, Τ, can be significant ίη determining the usefulness of the aggregate plan. If Τ is 100 sI.nall, then cnrrent production leνels might ηο! be adequate for I11eeting the demand beyond the horizon length. Jf Τ ίδ 100 large, ίι is likely that the forecasts far ίηΙο the fιιΙUτo wiII prove inaccurate. If futιιre demands turn out Ιο be very different from the forecasts, then clIrrent decisions indicated by the aggregate plan could be ίπcorrecΙ Another isstre involving the planning horizon is the end-oJ-hoI'izon effect. For example, the aggregate plan might recommend that the inventory at the end ofthe horiΖοn be drawn to ΖοΓΟίη order to minimize 110lding costs. This cotIld be a ροοτ strategy, especiaIIy if demand increases at that time. (However, this particIIlar problem can be avoided by adding a constraint specifying mil1imnnJ ending inventory leνels.) Ιπ practice, rolling schedules are almost always tIsed. This means that at the time of the next decision, a new forecast of demand is appended Ιο the fornJer fΟΓecasts and old forecasts ll1ight be revised Ιο reflect new information. The new aggregate plan may recommend different production and workforce levels fol' the cwTent period. than were recomlnended one peTίod ago. When only the decisions fol' the CΙΙΓrentplanning period need Ιο be illlplemented imJnediately, II,e schedule shotIld be viewed as dYl1anlic ra!her than static. 130 Chapter Three Aggr,gaιe Ρ/αηηίηι 3.3 Co,ιs ίη Aggr,gaιe Plaηning 131 Although rolling schedules are common, ίι is possible that because of production lead times, the schedule must be frozen for a certain number of planning periods. This means that decisions over some collection of future periods cannot be altered. The most direct means of dealing with frozen horizons is simply Ιο label as period Ι the first period ίη which decisions are τιοτ frozen. οι 4. Treatment demand. As noted above, aggregate planning methodology requires the εεειυυριίου that demand is known with certainty. This is simultaneotIsly a weakness and a strength of the approach. Τι is a weakness because ίι ignores the possibiIity (and, ίη fact, likeIihood) offorecast errors. As noted ίη the discussion of forecasting techniques ίη Chapter 2, ίτ is virtually a certainty that demand forecasts are wrong. Aggregate planning does αοι provide any buffer against unanticipatedforecast errors. However, most inventory nιodels that allow for random demand require that the average demand be constant over ιίσιο. Aggregate planning aIIows tlle manager Ιο Ιοοιιε οη the systematic changes that are generaJly αοτ present ίη models that assnme random demand. ΒΥ assuming deterministic denland, the effects of seasonal fluctuations and business cycles can be incorporated ίητο the planning function. 3.3 COSTS ΙΝ AGGREGATE PLANNING As with most ofthe optimization problems considered ίη production managelnent, the . goal ofthe analysis is to choose the aggregate plan that IIlinimizes cost. Ιι is important to identify and measure those specific costs that are affected by the planning decision. Ι. SI1700t!lil1g cσsfs. Smoothing costs are those costs that accrue as a result of cllanging the production levels from one period το tlle next. Ιη the aggregate pIanning context, the most salient snιoothing cost is the cost of changing the size of the workforce. Tncreasing the size of the workforce requires time and expense to advertise ροsitions, interview prospectiνe employees, and train new hires. Decreasing the size of the workforce means that workers ιτιιιετ be laίd off. Severance pay is thus one cost of decreasing the size of the workforce. Other costs, somewhat 11arder ιο measnre, are (α) the costs ofa decIine ίη worker morale that lllay result and (b) tlle potential for de-'.· creasing the size of the labor ροοl ίη tlle future, as workel"s who are laίd off acquire jobs with otller firnlS ΟΓ ίη otller ίηdustΓίes. Most of the models that we consider assume that the costs of increasing and deCl"easing the size ofthe workforce are lίnear functions ofthe numbeI' ofemployees that are hired οτ fired. That is, there is a constant dollar amount charged for each employee' hired ΟΙ' fired. TIle assumption of linearity is probably reasonable ιιρ Ιο a ροίηι. As the supply of labor becoInes scarce, there may be additional costs reqLIired 10 hire more wοrkeΓS, and tlle costs of laying off workers may go ιιρ substantially if the nuιnber όf workers la.ίd off is Ιοο large. Α typical cost function fol" changing the size of the workforce appears ίη Figure 3-2. 2. Ho/ding costs. Holding costs are the costs tllat accrue as a Γesιιlt ofllaving capital tied ιιρ ίη inventoI)'. Jf the firm can decrease its inventory, tlle money saved coLIld be ίπ-. vested elsewJlere with a return that will vary witll tlle indnstry and with the specific company. (Α more complete discussion ofholding costs is deferred to ChapteI" 4.) Holding costs are almost always assLImed Ιο be lίηear ίη the number ofunits being 11eldat a partictIlar ροίηΙ ίη time. We will assunle for the Ρuφοses of the aggregate planning analysis that the holding cost is eΧΡΓessed ίπ terms of dollars per ιιηίι held per planning period. We also will assume that Ilolding costs are charged against the inventorY.. remaining οη hand at tlle end of the planning ΡeΓίοd. This assLI1Ilption is Inade fqr' convenience onJy. Holding costs could be charged against starting inventory inventory as well. ΟΓ average 3. Shortage costs. Holding costs are charged against the aggregate inventory as long as ίι is positive. Ια some situations ιι may be necessary to incuI" shortages, \vhich ετο represented by a negative level of inventory. Shortages can occnr when forecasted denland exceeds the capacity of the production facility ΟΓ when denlands are higher than anticipated. For the purposes of aggregate planning, ίτ is generally assunled that excess demand is backlogged and filled ίη a future period. Ιπ a highly competitive situation, however, ίι is possible that excess demand is lost and the customer goes elsewllere. This case, which is known as lost sales, is Inore appropriate ίη the management of single items and is more common ίη a retail than ίη a manufacturing context. As with holding costs, shortage costs are generally assumed to be lίnear. Convex fllnctions also can accllrateIy describe shortage costs, but lίηear flInctions seem Ιο be the most common. Figure 3-3 shows a typical holding/shortage cost function. 4. Regular time cost~·. These costs involve tlle cost of prodLIcing one nηίι of output during regular working hours. Included ίη this category are the actual payroll costs of regular employees working οη Γegular time, the direct and ind.irect costs ofmateriaJs, and other mannfactιIring expenses. When aII production is carried οιι! οη regular time, reguIar payroII costs become a "slInk cost," because the number ofunits produced lllust equal the number ofunits demanded over any planning horizon ofsufficient length. Jf there is ηο overtime οτ workeI" idIe time, reglllar payroll costs do ηο! have Ιο be included ίη the evaluation of different strategies. 5. OIIeI·tinze al1d .S1Ibcontracting costs. Overtime and subcontracting costs are the costs of production of units ηο! produced οη regular time. Overtime refers Ιο producιίοη by regular-time eInployees beyond the normal workday, and subcontracting I'efers Ιο the production of iteIns by an outside SUΡΡlίeΓ.Again, ίι is generally assumed that botll of these costs aJ'e lίηear. 6. ldIe time costs. The complete formulatioIl of the aggregate planning problem also includes a cost for underutilization ofthe workforce, οτ idle tifRe. Ιη most contexts, ,132 'Chapter Three ,,3.4, "Α j>rororyp<.prρblim Aggregαιe PIαnning 133 5. :A'large-manufacturer ofhousehold.consumer goods ίιι considering ihtegτating ετιaggregateop!anning nΊodel ,ίηιο its rήanιJfacturing 'strategy. Twe· of th.e, company -νίοε presitlehtsdisagre~ strongly' astot~e'~atΊie ofthe ~pproach. What arguments . m'ighteach 'of the'Yide:presi'dents',use'fo'sUpport 'his or'Her 'ροίιιτ of view? ' FIGURE-3=3 Holding and backorder costs ~ '-, :~ ι" j~\ T'~ _c(_"----·;"Ξ{·.;;;(ι,j""v~.. .• Ά,; '·"ί"'ί);;::Jι~-' .;.' , " 6. .Descrioe' th~ follqwing costs and discu'ssΊhe difficu1ties.that arise ίη attempting 'measure them in area1 operating enviromnent. " .- . )~, 10 ' ~;;':- α.: Smοοthίl1gιcosΙs b.' Hdldirig costs σ, ,PayroJ[ costs 7. OiSCtIS§tJle followiiig statenienl: '''Sirlce''we ιise a roiling production really doii'theed το know tlIe demaridbey~nd'next πιοητίι," schedιtle, Ι 8, St. Clair County Hospital is attempting το asse~k iis needs [or nurses over the coming four montbs (January to April), The need for nurses depends οη both the riumbers aηd',tneΊΥΡes of patients ϊη the hospita1. Based οο a study conducted by constIltants, th§nosp1tal has determined that the following ratios of nurses ιο pati en ts are required: Patient Type the idle time cost is zero, as the direct co~ts of i'dle 'time wbϋld' be taken into account ϊη labor costs and lower production levels, However, idle titιie could have other consequences' for the firm. For exaIi1ple, i,fthe aggregate units aτe ίπρυτ to another process, idle time οτι theliIie cott1d, resul!'in hi'gher'costs ιο tlle subsequent ρτοοσεε. Ιτι such cases, one woUld exp!icitly include εροείυνο idle οοει. When plannitιg is dohe ata re!ativelY'high Ieve! ofthe fiτm: the effects of intangib!e factors are mbre ρτουοιιαοεο. Any sο!utίόή td the aggregate p!anning prob!ern obtained from'a cos't-based ιποde!'musΙbe considereίI carefully in'the context of.companypol'icy. Απ optimal so!ution to a t1iathematica!Ίri.ode!'migHt resultin a policy that requires fTequent hiring and' firing of p~rsoimel. Such a po!icy may' be infeasib!e because of prior contract agreements, οτ uiJdesirab!'e~because of the potential negative effects οτι the firm's public image. Problems for Sections 3.1-3.3. 'Numbers of'Nurses (Required per Patient Major surgery ΜίηΟΓ surgery Maternity C ritical care Other Forecasts '·i·Jan. Feb. ,Mar. 28 12 22 75 80 21 25 43 45' 94 16 45 90 60 73 0.4 0,1 0,5 0,6 0.3 Patient ."',1'" " a. How many nurses shollld be working eachmonth 'ΑΡΓ, ";' 18 32 26 30 77 το most close!y match patient forecasts? "ψ"ι 'ι:11 b, Suppose the hospita1 does not want το change its'policy of πο! increasing tlle nursing staff slze by more than 1Ο percentjn any montll'. Suggest.a sehedule, of nurse staffing over the four months that meets this requirement and a1so meets the need for n\Jrses each month. ι Ι. What does the term aggregαte unit ofpl-oduction mean? 00 aggregate production units always correspond to actual items?,Oo they ever? Discuss, 2. What isthe aggtegation scheme recominended by'Haxarid 3, Oiscuss the following problem: terms and their re!ationship ' 3.4 Α PROTOTYPE PROBLEM 'Ι,,, το the aggregate planning a. Smoothing b, Bottlenecks c. Capacity d. Planning horizon 4. iA local macHine shop eIllploys 60 workers whb have a Y'ariety of skills, The shop accepts one-time orders and a!SΟ'maίήtaίη's a nuTnber ofregu1ar clients, Discuss some ofthe difficulties with using the aggregate p!anning methodology in this context. "" '" , " : ", One can obtairi adeiIl\hte,,,sollltions for many aggregate pla.ιining problems by hand or by using relativel'y straightfoτwaτd graphical techniques. Linear progranuning is a means of ob!aining (nearly)·optimal solutions. We illustrate the different solution techniques with the'fo]Jowing examp!e. ' Meal? Example3.2 Densepack is Ιο plan workforce and production levels for the six-month period January ΙΟ June, The firm produces a lίη-e of disk drives for mainframe computers that are plug compatible with several computers produced by major πianufacturers, Forecast demands over the' next siχ months for a ρartίcύ(ar lίne of drives produced ίη the Milpitas, California, plant are 1,280, 640. 900, 1,200, 2,OOO,and.1 ,400, ..There are currently(end of December) 300 workers employed ίη the Milpitas plant. Ending inventory'in December is eχpected to be 500 units, and the firm would Iike to have 600 units οη hand at the end of June, 134 Chapter Three AggregQte Plιtnning . 3.4 There are several ways ιο incorporate the starting and,the eriding inventory constraints ίη the formulation. The most convenient iSsimply το modify the values οΙ the predicted dema Define net predicted demand ίπ period'l ·as.the predicted demand minus initial inventor:y. there is a minimum ending inventory constraint, then this .amount should be added Ιο the ,c mand ίπ period Τ. Minimum buffer inventorie.s also can be handled by modifying the predicte demand. ΙΙ there is a minimum buffer inventory ίπ eve'r'yperiod, this amount should be added't, the first period's demand. Ιι there is a minimum buffer inventory ίπ only one period, this amourit should be added το that period's demand and subtracted from the next period's demand. Actual. ending inventories should be computed using the original demand pattern, however. . Returning to ουΓ example, we define the net predicted demand for January as 780 (1,>280.'"", 500) and the net predicted demand for June as 2,000 (1,400 + 600). ΒΥconsidering net de~ mand, we may make the simplifying assumption that starting and ending inventories are both zero. The net predicted demand and the net cυmulative demand for the six months January to June are as follows: Month January February March ΑΡΓίl May June Net Predicted Demand Net CumuIative Demand 780 640 900 1,200 2,000 2,000 780 1,420 2,320 3,520 5,520 7,520 Α Prow,:Ype'Probwn 135 Ιπ order to illustrate the costtra.dg,offs οΙvarίρ.u.s ρ(ος!ucψ<n plans, ,we V\(ίΙΙassume' il!1·,the example that there are~only three.cos'ts to be considered: costof hiring workers, cost ol'fi-ring workers, and cost οί holding inveniory. De.fine· . (Η t; = Co~t.of, hi~ing οοε worker = $500, = C;st6ffiring o~J,w~rker = $f':ooo" , (, = Cost.of holding oπ~. unit οΙ inventory (F for one month = $8Ό. We require a means()f translating ~~gregate production ίπ units to wo'rkforce levels. B~c'ause ποΙ all months have an equal number οΙ working days, we will us.e a day as an indivisible υπίί of measure .arid define ' Κ = Number οΙ aggregate. units produced by one .worker ίπ one day. In the past, the plant manager observed that over 22 working days, cbnstant at 76 workers, the firm produced 245 disk drives. That means duction ratewas 245/22 = 11.1364drives per daywhen there were 76 plant. It follows that one .worker produced an'average'of 11.1364/76 day. Hence, Κ = 0.14653 lοr this example: with the workforce level that οπ average the ΡΓΟworkers employed atthe = 0.14653 drive ίπ one We will evaluate two alternatiνe plans ,[ΟΤ managing the. worl<.force that represent two essentially opposite management strategies. Plan Ι· is to change the workforce eacll month iη order Ιο produce enough un.its to most closely,matcll tJ1e demand pattem. This is known as a zero il1vel1tory ρΙαη. Plan 2 is το maintain the minimun1 constant workforce necessary to satisfy thenet demand. This is known as the constant wοrkjΌΙ'ce ρΙαη. The cumulative net demand is pictured ίπ Figure 3-4. Α production plan is the specification ΟΙ the production levels for each month. ΙΙ shortages are not permitted, then cυmulative production must be at least as great as cυmulative demand each period. Ιπ addition Ιο the cumulative net demand, Figure 3-4 also shows one feasible production plan. Eνaluation cίf a Chase Strategy (Zero Inνentory Plan) Here, we will deνeIop a 'production, plan Ιοτ Densepack that minimizes the leνels of inνentory the firnl must hold during the six-month planning horizon. Table 3-1 sumIllarizes the ίιιρυι ίηίοτυιειίωι [or the calculations al1d Sl10WStl1e minimum number of workers required ίη each month. Ol1e obtail1s the entries ίη the final cOll1mn ofTable 3-1, the m.inimum number of workers required each Illonth, by dividing the forecasted netdeIlland by the number of units produced per worker. The νalue of this'ratio is then rounded tιpwαrd ιο tlle next FIGURE 3-4 Α feasibIe aggregate plaη for Densepack 5 6 ~Ι;{ 3.4 136 Chapter Three Α P,oto<ype P,oblem 137 Aggreg",e Pi<ιnning ΤΑΒΙΕ 3-3 Computation ofthe Minimum Workforce Required by Densepack ΤΑΒΙΕ 3-4 higher integer. We.mustround upwardtoguarantee that shortages do πο! occur. As an example, consider the month ofJanuary. Foτming the ratio 780/2.931 gives 266.12, which ίε τottnded ιιρ Ιο 267 workers. The number of working days each month depends ιιροο a variety of factors, such as paid holidays and worker schedules. The reduced number of days ίπ June is due το.a planned shutdowη ofthe plant ίη the last week of Ιυτιε. Recall that the nttmber'ofworkers employed at the end of December is 300. Ηiήηg . and fiήng workers each month το match forecast demand as close!y as possible resttlts ίπ the aggregate plan given ίπ Table 3-2. The number of units prodLIced each month (τοίυαιυ F ίπ Table 3-2) is obtaίned by the following formula: 'ι Number of units ρτοσυοοσ Number Average number of . of workers χ aggregate LInltSproduced ιτι a month by a slngle worker rounded το the nearest integer. The tota! cost of this ρτοοιιοιίοη p!an is obtained by mtt!tip!ying the totals at the bottom of Table 3-2 by tbe ερρτορτίειο costs. Ροτ this example, the total cost of hίήng, firing, and .ho!ding is (755)(500) + (145)(1,000) + (30)(80) = $524,900. This cost must now be adjusted το ίnc!LIdethe cost ofholding Ιοτ the ending inventory of 600 units, which was netted ου! of the demand for Ιιιυε, Hence, the tota! cost of this plan is . 524,900 + (600)(80) = $572,900. Note that the initial inventory of 500 units does τιοτ enter ίηΙο the ca!culations because ίι will be netted ουι dttring the month of January. Ιι is usually impossible το achieve zero inventory at tl1e end of each planning period because i(is ποΙ possible το employ a fractiona! number of workers. Ροτ this reason:, there will almost always be some inventory remaining at the end of each period ίπ addition Ιο the inventory required Ιο be οτι hand at the end of the planning horizon. Ιι is possible that ending inventory ίπ one οτ more periods could bui!d ιιρ to a ροίυτ the size of the workforce could be reduced by one οτ more workers. Ιτι this example there is sufficient inventory οη hand ιο reduce the workforce by one worker ίπ the months of both March and May. Check that the resu!ting plan hίΓes a total of 753 woτkers and fires a tota! of 144 workers and has a total of on!y 13 units of inventory. The cost ofthis modified plan comes Ιο $569,540. Evaluation of the Constant Workforce Plan Now assume that t!le goa! is ιο e!iminate complete!y the need for hiring and firing during the planning horizon. !π order to guarantee tI1at sl10rtages do ποΙ occur i,n any JIIventory Lcvels for Constant Workforce Schedule period, ίι is necessary Ιο coιnpute the minimum workforce required for everγ month ίη the planning horizon. Ροτ January, the net cumulative demand is 780 and there are 2.931 units produced per worker, resulting ιτι a τυίυίπιιυ» workforce of267 ίη JanLIary. There are exact!y 2.931 + 3.5 Ι 7 = 6.448 units produced pel" worker ίη January and February combined, which have a cumulative demand of 1,420. Hence, !,420/6.448 = 220.22 = 221 workers are required to coverboth January and February. Continuing to form the ratios of the cumulative net demand and the cumulative number of units prodLIced per worker for each month ίιι the horizon results ίη Table 3-3. The minimum number of workers required for the entire sΊX-month planning period is the Π1aΧίmum entry ίη coluι'nn D ίτι Table 3-3, which is 411 workers. It is on!y a coincidence tl1at the maximum ratio οccuπed ίη the final period. Becatlse tllere are 300 wo.rkers employed at the end of DeceΠ1ber, the constant workforce plan requires hiring 111 workers at the beginning of January. Νο further hiring and firing ofworkers are required. The inventory leνels that resu!t from a constant work· force of 411 wo.rkers appear ίη Table 3-4. The monthly production leνels ίη column C ΟΙ the table are obtained by mtIltiplying the number ofunits prodnced perworker eacll Π10ntt by the fixed workforce size of 41 Ι workers. The total of the ending ίnνentoΙΊ leνels ί~ 5,962 + 600 = 6,562. (Recall the 600 units that were nette<1οιι! of the deιnand for JlIne .. Hence tl1e total inventory costofthis plan is (6,562)(80) = $524,960. Το this we add t11( cost of increasing the workforce froιn 300 ιο 411 ίn JanLIary, which is (Ι 11)(500) = $55,500, giving a total costofthis plan o.f$580,460. This is sσmewhat higherthan the cos oftlle zero inventory plan, which was $569,540. Howeνer, because costs ofthe ιwo plan are close, ίι is like!y that the coιnpany would prefer the constant workforce plan ίη orde to avoid any unaccounted for costs of making freqLIent changes ίn the workforce. 138 Chapter Three 3.4 Aggregare Planrtίng Mixed Strategies and Additionalfonstraints - ",·1 <. .~ ,:i-tπ!~: Η,1 The zero inventory plan ana constant workforce strategies just treated ate l?uie,.strafe1 gies: they are designed to achieve one objective: With τυοτε flexibility,sιhal1'm6dific~tions can result ίή, dJamaticaliy lower. c6.8t~:;One -migbt que~tion tbe interest }Ίι ίiiιinιrai calculations cbnsidefing tbat aggregate~planhing 'prohlems can be formuJafJd "and solved optimally by Jinear programming.". ... '. ,.'. .' Manua). ,αi\cιi1atίοns· eiίhance ίntuitίοrίandιihderstandίήg. Cbmj:>liters aredumb. It ~\./ easy to overlook a critical constraint (π objectlve when using a computer. Ιι 's inιportant Ιρ , bave feel for the rίght soJution beforesolvmg a probJem οτι a computer, so that gJaring' mistakes are obvious. Απ important skiH, largely ignored these days, is being able to do'a ballpark calculation ίn one's Ilead before pulling ου! the calculator οτ computer. Figure 3-4 shows the constant workforce strategy for Densepack. The hatched area represents tbe inventory carried ίη each month. Suppose we alJow a sίngJe change ίη the production rate during the six months. Can you identify a strategy fi:om the figύre tI1at substantially reduces inventor)ι without pennitting shortages? ' , ",ι,,·, ' Graphically, the problemis το cover ihe cuΊnulative net demaήtl clIrve with ~ό straight lines, rather than one straigbt JiJ;1'e. This can be accompJished by driving'fbe net inventory ιο zero at the end of perίod 4'(April). Το do so,we'need ιο produce enolIg]j , ίη each oftbe months January through Αρτll ιο meet the cumuJative net demand each month. 'Πιετ means we need το produce3,~20/4 = 880 tJnits ίη each of the .first four months, Ιπ Figιιre 3-4, the line connecting'the origin το 'the cumulative net dem'and in' Aprillies wholly above the ουιυιιίειίνε net detnand curve:for tl1e ρτίοτ rtιonths. Ifthe g.raph is accurate, that means that there shouJd be τιο shortages occurring ίη these lnonths, The May and Ιιυιε production is then set το 2,000, exactly matching the net demand ίη these lnonths, With this policy we obtain Cumulatiνe NetDemand . ΑΡΓίl May June': As we will see ίη Section 3.5, this poJicy .turns·out ιο be optimal for the Densepack problelll, :., The graphical solution method also can be used when additional constraints are pres-;, ent. For exanΊPIe, suppose that the production capacity ofthe plant is only 1,800 units "._.... ' per montb. Tben the policy is infeasible in May and June. Ιη this case the constraint ;1Ω\ΊΙ.' Ι,;"~ Γ means tl1at the slope of the cumulative· ,production curν,e is bounded by ] ,800, One solHtion ίη this case would be to produce 980 ίη each of tlTe first four months and 1,800 units ίη each of the last two months. Another constraint might be that the maximun1 change fromone τηοηΙlι ιο the next be ηο more than 750 units. Suggest a producιίοη plan ιο meet this constraint. , TlTes,eare a,few'examp.les of constraintsthat mighι.arise ίη using aggregate planning methodology, As. the constraints become:. more compJex, finding good solutions graphically becomes tnore difficult: Fortunatelyl·most cbnstraints of this natl1re can be' incorporated easily into the lίιιear programming formuJations of aggregate planning probJeJns., ί"l-' "1 . " ;:, "ι . .ι.,· ,~ Ι; i.~'· ,~-,~I ''1';'': :τι \;t~iT ;~;{) 'J •• ';, ,Ι,' . ,'Γ , ιω\ , 'j:or;~asted Deman,d' , (t~ousands of, packages) jf. 300, 120 '1 2 3 4 5 20o' 110 135 , ,A'ssume that ea,ch wοrker,staΥsΌη.the.,jόb, for at!IEast one year, and that,Grey 'currently has three workers οα the payroiI. Heestimates that he wψ have 20,000 .packages on'lfantl'at',the ofthe ς:urrent y~at: A:ssuiiι~'that, οε theaverage, ach worker i,spaid $25,000 per year and is r~s'poiιsible for prodlIcing 30~000 packages. In"elitO'ry' .costs 'havevl)eeh 'estiInated td"be" 4"ce'ιιts pei package per year, and shortages fι~e'1)ot aI10\Ved;f' η .:<, "Ι ' i . Base<;loiι' the effort( of interνiewing and, training new workers, Farmer Grey εεtimates tha.t ίι ,costs $,500 for, each worker hired, Severance pay amounts to $1,000 per worke,r. " _ end ι:: .. α" Assutning, that sho'rtages are ηοί allowed, determine the minimum constant workforce that he will Jieed over the next five years. Cumulatiνe Production 880 1,760 2,640 3,520 5,520 7,520 !-\..- ~,:ι Η; _ ~ ,ι b. Evaluate tbe cost of the pJan found ίη part (α), , tl" January February March 'ι: Pro",rype,ProbJem 139 , 9,. Harold Grey QWΠS)i sm3lI fann ίn .the Salinas Valleythat grows apricots. The. apri; ;"cots,are·dried -οιι the .premise,s and sold· to a ,number,of large supermarket chfiins. ·Based οτι past,~xperϊe\lce,and comllli,tted contracts,h'e,esiimates that s<ilesΌver the next five years ihthotlsanos of',I'ackages wil\be as follows: a Month ;4;' '~·ι Α 10, F,0r'the datagi~eh ίη ProbJem 9, ιraph the cumulative net demand. α. Graphically detennine a production plan that changes the production rate exactly once during tp.e five years, and evιΗuate the cost of that plan. b, Graphicany deter,mine a product~on plan. that changes the prodlIction exactly twice dlIrίng the five years, and evallIate the cost of that plan. rate 11. Αη ilnplicit assurnption made in Problem 9 was that dried aprίcots unsold a( the end of a year couJd be sold ίη subsequ~nt years, Suppose that apncots unsold at the end of any year π;ιust be discarde,d, Assume a disposal· cost of $0.20 per package. Resolve Problelll 9 under these conditions. 12. The personnel departrnent of the Α&Μ Corporation wants to know how many workers will be needed each month for the next six-month production period, The following is a monthly demand forecast for the six-month peribd. Month July August September October November December' Forecasted' Demand 1,250 1,100 950 909 1,000 1,150 3.5 140 Chapter Three Soi"rionσ{Aggregaιe PlanningProblems.1ry ΙίneΙJi"ΡrΟgTamrhίng ~41 AιweRaι, PlanninR α. DeterrniI\e. the mίnίmιιm ..constarit:workforGe:i,t)Ίat",will The lnventoτy οτι harid at tlJe endΌf Ιιπιε was 500 units ..:τheocompany, wants 10 malntaln a mlnimum inventory of 300 tInits each month 'and w~~ld ΊίΊce to have 400 unlts 'οη hatιd at the end of Deeember.!.Each ιιηίί requires five employee-honrs to ptodnce .•.thereare'20 workingdayseach mbilth,iιnd each emp1oyeeyνorks an eight-honr day. Tlie workforceat the end·of June was'·35 workers. " ';~', 'ο α. What' ls the' minimum constant workf~rce r~;quired to meet demand over the next four months? Ά b. Αεειισιε that CΙ, = ω cents pec cο(}kίe'Ρer,ιmοnt11;,cΗ Eva1uate the cost ofthe p1an detlved ·ίη part (α), = $100, and cF = $206. ' 3.5 Days J'anuary February 22 March "6 21 ApriI 19; [ΊΛaΥ 23 20 June July August September October November December 24 12 19' 22 20 16 'τ,'·,·'.:".-'" . ,Ι' -, ΑGG~~,G~Τ~,~ΡίΑΝΝljΝGPRO'B,LEMS SOLUTlON OF Βγ LINEAR PROGRAMMING _ι~, \f Linear prograJI) ί5,a τοσο uS,e<!. to ,de~cribe a generaJ,class of optimization problems. The objecti:ve is tp,determine va1ues 9fn n.onnegative rea~variables ίη order το maximize ΟΓminlmize ε.Ιίαεετ .function of these.yariab1es ψat ls m lίnear constralnts of ,ιηese variab1es.1 Th,e primary iniformulating a,problem as a 1inear program ls that ορτίπιε! so!tItlons can be found 'Very efficiently QY'the'si:nιplex method. When all costf\mctions are lίnear, there ls a linear programming formulation of the g~ne~a1:aggregat~IPlanning problem.· Because of the efficie)lcy of commerclal 1inear ,ΡrοgramΠ1ίng οοαοε, this means t4aι'(essentίaIlΥ) optima1 sqlutions can be obtained for 2 Cost Predicted Demand (ίπ $10,000) 340 380 220 100 490 625 375 310 175 145 120 165 ]nventory holding costs are based οη a 25 percent anntIal lnterest charge. !t'is' anticipated that there will be 675 workers οη the payroll at the end of tlle cnrrent year and inventories will amοunΙlο $120,000. The firm wotIld like to 11aveat least $100,000 of inventory at the end of December next year. 1I is estimated tllat eabll WΟΓkeraccounts for an average of$60,000 ofproduction per year (asstIme that one· year conslsts of 250 working daYs). The cost of hirlng a new worker ls $200, and the cost of !aYlng off a worker ls $400. Parame~ers and Given Information The following νείιιεε ar~ asslImed to'be known: τ ,CH = ~ost'of,hiring one.worker,,,", ,C,p = ,Cost:of firing ουε worker; πΙ" C[ Month ,ί very large problems 14. Α local semlconductor firm, Superchip, ls p.1anning lts workforce and productlon 1evels ονετ' the ne~t year. Tlie firm' fnakes a'vIιribty όf'm'icrΟΡrocessοrs and uses sa1es . doJlars as lts aggregate ρτοσυοιίοιι measure: Βεεοο ση orders recelved and sales ,. forecasts provided by the marketing department, the estlmate of dol1ar sales for the next year by month is as follows: .Production 'r,' >" . b. Determine the' prodnction plan that' meets demand but does αοι hire οτ fire workers dύπng the six-monih period. 13. Mr. Meadows Cookie COJnpany makes a variety of chocolate chip cookies ίη tbe plant ίη Albion, Michigan. Based ωι orders recelved and forecasts ofbuying babits, ίτ ls estimated that the demand for the next [οιιτ months is 850, 1,260,51 Ο, and 980, expressed ίη thousands of cookies. During a 46-day period when there were 120 workers; the-company produced 1.7 mil1ion cookies. Assume that the'ntImber ' of workdays over the [οιιτ months are respectively 26, 24, 20, and 16. There are currently 100 workers employed, aiid thete ls υσ startlng inventory of cookies., ;'1- ,\1'":-' ] 5. Fot the datainProblem~14, determine the cost oftheplaiιthat changes theworkforce size each period to most '~lb!ie1y;n~tch the demaιid. 16. Graph the cumιι1atίve,net'delnand fofthe SUΡerchίΡ data of.Problem ]4. Graphically deterrnin"e' a, Ρrοdιιctίοή;ρ1aπ'that changes production levels υο mόre that! tllree tirnes, and deterrnlne the tota1cost of that p1an, α, Determine,a minimum ίηv~~!ότy jxoduction plan (i.e., one that al10ws arbitrary hiring andfiring). meet the predicted demand fot the comlng ~e&r·,i";.,,, ; , ";,, b. Evaluate.the cost όftheρlan deterh1ined Ια -part (αΙ. = Οοει of holding one υηίι of· stock for one period, cR = Cost Ο[ΡrοducίηgC;~eΉ~ίt~~ re~lar time, Co = lncr~nie,htal cost of,prod~cing o'η~ unit οτι oyertime, Cu = Idle cost per unit,o~prodtIctjon, .. ," Cs = Cost to subcontriιct one υηίι ofproduction, '., ηι = Number οfΡrοdιιctiοn daΥs.lrtΡeι'iορ.I", Κ = Number of aggregate units produced by oIίe worker ίη one day, 10 = 1nitial;inyentory οη haI)d,atthe.start o~ the p.lannipg 110τίΖΟΠ, Wo = !nitia1 workforce at the start of the planning horlzon, Dt = Fοreca'stΌf demand ίη period t. The cost parameters a1so may be tirne dependent; thatls, they may change wlth t.Timedependent costparameters could be ύsefυ1 for Π10deiing changes ίη thecosts οfhίήng or firing due, for example, to shortages ίπ tl1e labor ροοl, οτ changes ίη the costs of ρτοduction and/or storage due to slJortages ίη tiie supply of resources, οτ cllanges ίη interest rates. , An overνiew of Iinear programming 2 The qualifier is intluded point Iater. can be found because rounding ma{ιjive ih Supplement suboptimal 1, which foIIows this chapter. solutions. There wiII be more about this 142 Chapter Three Aggrcgatf Planning 3.5 Ρι = Production ι, Ιενεί ίη period Ι, Ιι = Inventory leve] ίη period ι, Ηι = Number ofworkers hired ίη period ι, FI = Number ofworkers fired ίη period υ ι, τ ΟΙ = Overtime production ίη units, υι = Worker of Aggre~αte PIanning Linear Ρrο.ι:rammίη,(!' 143 lη addition Ιο these constraints, lίnear programming requires that all problem variables be nonnegative. These constraints and the nonnegativity constraints are the minimum that must be present ίη any formtllation. Notice that (Ι), (2), and. (3) οοτιετίιιιιε 3 Tconstraints, rather than 3 constraints, where Tis the length ofthe forecast horizon. The formu]ation also reqnires specification of the initial inventory, 10, and the ίηίtia] workforce, Wo, and may inc]ude specification of the ending inventory ιτι th.e final period, lτ. The objective function inclndes all the costs defined earlier. 'Πιο lίnear programming forιnll]ation is to choose values ofthe probleIn variables W" Ρι, 1" Η" Ft, Ο" ι, and S,lo Problem Variables The following are the problem variables: WI = Workforce ]eve] ίη period Soluιion Σ (cHH Minimize idle time ίη units ("undertime"), + cpF, + ctl, + cRP, + coOI + cυU, + C8S,) I '=1 SI = Number of units st1bcontracted from ontside. snbject 10 The overtime and id]e time variables are determined ίη the following way. The term Knt represents the number of units produced by one worker ίη period t, so that Kn,W, would be the number ofunits produced by the entire workforce ίη period ι. However, we do υοι require that Kn,W, = Ρ,. If Ρ, > Kn,Jflt, then the number of υυίιε ρτοdnced exceeds what the workforce can ρτοσυοε οη regular time. This Ineans that the difference is being produced οη overtime, so that the number ofunits produced ωι overtime is exactly ΟΙ = Ρ, - KntW,. If Ρι < KntWt, then the workforce is producing less than ίι shotIld be οη regular time, which means that there is worker idle time. The idle time is measured ίη units ofproduction rather than ίη time, and is given by ι = Kn,W, - Ρι. υ W, = W,_ 1 + Ηι - F, (conservation Ρ, = Kn,WI + Ο, - for Ι :s t :s Τ of workforce), U, for Ι :s t :s Τ (production and workforce) 1ι = Ιι- ι + Ρ, + SI - Dt for ] :s t:s Τ (inventory balance), Η" F" Ι,, Οι, U" S" W" Ρι ~ Ο (nonnegativity), (Α) (Β) (C) (D) ρίιιε any additiona] constraints that define the values of starting inventory, starting workforce, ending inventory, οτ any otheI' variab]es with νείιιεε that arefixed ίη advance. Problem Constraints Rounding the Variables Three sets of constraints are required for the ]jnear programming formιιlation. They are included το ensure that conservation of labor and conservation of units are satisfied. Ι. Conservation of workforce constraints. WI = Wt-1 Number = Number of workers of workers ίη t ίη Ι - Ι + Ηι + Number hired ίη Ι Ft - Number fired ίη Ι for Ι :s t :s Τ. 2. Conservation of units constraints. Ιι = lι- ι [nventory = Inventory ίη ι ίη ι - Ι + + Ρι Number ofunits produced ίη Ι 3. Constraints relating production Ρ, Nuιnber of units prodtIced ίη t = KntW, = Number of units produced by regtIlar workforce ίη ι + + + + Dt SI Number - Demand ίη ι ofunits subcontracted ίη ι for 1 :s ι :s Τ. levels Ιο workforce levels. Ο, U, NuInber - Number of units of units prodtIced of idle οη overproduction time ίη t ίη t fol' ] :s ι :s Τ. Ιn general, the optimal values ofthe problem variables wiII τιοτ be integers. However, fractional va]ues for many of the variables do ιιοι make sense. These variables include tlle size of the workforce, tlle number of workers hired each ρειίοτί, and the number of workers fired each period, and είεο may include the ηUΠ1ber of units produced each period. (Ιι is possible that fractional numbers of units could be produced ίη εουιε applications.) One way Ιο deal with this problem is το require ίη advance ιίιετ some οτ aII ofthe problem variab]es assume οηlΥ integer values. Unfortunately, tlliS makes the solution algoritllm considerably more CΟΠ1Ρ]eχ.The resulting ΡrοbleΠ1, known as an ί ηteger lίnear ΡrοgraΠ1Π1ίηg prob]em, requires mtIch Π10re computational effort Ιο solve than does ordinary Jinear prograInming. For a moderate-sized pΓOb]em, solving the prob]em as an integer ]jnear program is certa.inly a reasonabJe alternative. Ifan integer programming code is l1navailable οτ ifthe problem is simply Ιοο Jarge Ιο solve by integer programlning, linear programmingstill provides a workable solution. However, after the lίnear programIning soltItion is obtained, some of the problem variables must be rounded Ιο integer valtIes. Simply rounding off each variable Ιο the closest integer may lead Ιο an infeasibJe solution and/or one ίη which prodllction and workforce levels are inconsistent. It is ηο! obviolls wllat is t]le best way to round the variables. We recotnmend the following conservative approach: rollfid tlle values ofthe numbers of workers ίη each period ι to W" the next ]arger integer. Once the va]ues of W/ are determined, the va]ues ofthe other variables, Η/, Ft, and Ρι, can be fOl1nd along with the cost of the resulting plan. Conservative rounding will always result ίη a feasible sollltion, but will ΓarelΥ give the optimal soltItion. The conservative solution generally can be improved by trial-and-error experimentation. 144 Chapter Three 3.5 Aggrcgaιe Plann,ng SQluιionο[ Aggregare Planning Problems by Unear ProgramminR 14! There iS τιο guarantee that if a problem can be formulated as a lίnear program, the final solution makes sense ίη the context of the problem. Ιτι the aggregate planning. problem, ίι does αοι make sense that there should be both oνertime production and idle time ίη the same period, and ίι does τιοι make sense that workers should be hired and. fired ίη the same period. This means tllat either one οτ both of tlle variables ΟΙ and U; must be zero, and either one οτ both of the variables Η, and F, must be zero [οτ each t/:. Ι ,s; t ,s; Τ. This [eqnirement can be included explicitly ίη the probleIn formtIlation by ~i, adding the constraints ' . O,U, = Ο for Ι ,s; t,s; Τ, H,F, = Ο for Ι ,s; ι,,;; Τ, since iftlle prodnct oftwo νariables is zero ίι means τίιετ at least one ηιυει be zero. Unfortunately, these constraints are τιοι Ιίαεετ, as they involve a prodnct of probleni variables. However, ίι turns ου! that ίι is αοτ necessary Ιο explicitly inclnde thes~ constraints, becanse the optimal solntion ιο a lίπear programming problem always οοcurs at an extreme ροίτιτ oftlle feasible regioll. It can be showll that every extreme pdint . solntion autotnaticaIIy has tlliS property. Ifthis were ιιοτ the case, the lillear prograrrt: ming solution wotIld be Il1eaningless. '. Extensions Linear programming also can be used to solve somewhat more general νersions ofthe aggregate planning problem. Uncertainty of demand can be acconnted for indirectly by asstIming ιίιετ there is a minilllnm bnffer illventory Β, each period. lπ that case we wotIld include the constra ints for Ι ,s; ι,,;; Τ. [,~B, 'Πιε constants Ξ, would have ιο be specified ίπ advallce. Upper bonnds ου the number of workers hired and the nutnber of workers fired each period could be included in',;t.C! a similar way. Capacity constraints οπ the amount of production each period cduld' easily be represented by the set of οοηειτείτιιε: P,,s; C, for Ι ,s; t ,s; Τ. The lίπear programming formnlation introduced ίπ tlliS section asstIIned that inνen-:~j' tory leνels wotIld neνer go negative. However, ίn some cases ίι Inight be desirable oτ~ even necessary to allow demand Ιο exceed slIpply, [οτ example, if forecast demand : exceeded prodnction capacity over some set of planning periods. lπ ol'der ιο treat backlogging όf excess demalld, the invelltory level [Ι must be expressed as the djffer: ence between two nonnegatiνe variables, say [,+ and 1,-, satisfying [Ι = [/ - [,-' 1/ ~ Ο, lπ the developmellt ofthe lίπear programming model, we stated the requirement that all the cost functions ηιυετ be lίπear. This is ιιοι strictly correct. Linear programming also can be nsed when the cost flInctions are C017vex piecewi8e-li17ear !ul1ctions. Α οουνοκ function is one with an illcreasillg slope. Α piecewise-linear function is one that is composed of straight-line segments. Hence, a convex piecewise-linear functioll is a function composed of straight lίnes that Ιιενε increasing slopes. Α typical exalnple is presented ίπ Figure 3-5. [η practice, ίι is likely that some ΟΓ all of the cost Ιιιαοιίωιε for aggregate planning are convex. For example, if Figure 3-5 τερτοεεητε the cost of hiring workers, then tlle marginal cost of IJiring οιιε additiollal worker increases with the number of workers that Ιιενο already οεετι Ilired. This is probably more accnrate than asstIIning that the cost of hiring ουε additional worker is a οοπετωιτ jlldependent of tlle nnmber of workers previously hired. As more workers are hired, the available labor ροοl shrirιks and lnore effort mIIst be expended Ιο hire tlle remailling available workers. lη order Ιο see exactly how convex pίecewίse-~jllear functiolls would be incorporated ίnΙο the lίnear ΡrοgΓaιnιnίπg formlllatioll, we wil1 consider a very silnple case. Snppose that the cost oflliring new workers is represented by the function pictured ίπ FίgUΓe3-6. Accordillg Ιο the figure, ίι costs CHI Ιο Ilire each worker υπιίΙ Η* workers are hired, and ίι costs C/12 for each worker hired beyond Η* \vorkers, with CHI < Cfl2. The variable Η" the number ofworkers hired ίll period ι, mnst be expressed as the stlln of two variables: ζ ~Ο. The holding cost wonld 1l0Wbe charged against [/ and the penalty cost for back οτ' ders (say cp) agaillst [,-. However, notice that for the solIItioll to be sensible, ίι mnst be true that [/ and 1,- are ηοΙ botll positive ίη the same period t. As witlJ the oνertitne and idle tilllC and the hirillg alld. firing variables, the properties of lίπear programming wil1 guaralltee that this holds wi Ιπου! having Ιο explicitly illclude the constraint [/ ς = ο: ίπ the fOI·mlIlation. Η, = Ηι, + Η2,. Interpret Ηιι as the nUlllber ofworkers hired up Ιο Η* and Η2, as tlle llutnbeI' of workers hired beyolld Η* ίπ period Ι. The cost οΓ hiring is now reΡΓesented ίη the objective fUllction as τ Σ I=Ι (CI'IIHII + CInH2'), 146 Chapter Three 3.6 ."'κgregare Plαnning SoI<ing Aggregαte Planning Problemsby,Lineαr Progrcmm'ng' Ah. EXDmple 147 be.J;Iloreefρcient for)argeproblem~ aηq <eOUldpI9y,idesoMions whep, some ofthe cost functions are nonlinear. Α paper that details a transportation-type procedure ιυοτε. effic cient than thesimplex method for solving aggregate planning problems is Erengιic and FIGURE 3-6 Convex piecewiseIinear- hiring cost function >': Tufekci(1988 SOιVING AGGREGATE Pi:.ANNiNGPROBLEMSBYLINEAR PROGRAMMING: ANE~AMPΙE We ,wiHdemonstrate the use oflinear programming'by:(Jnding theoptimal solution ιο the example presented ίn Sectlon 3.4. As there is υο subcontracting,.overtime, στ id1e time aHowed, and the cost coefficients are constant with respect το time, the objective function is simply " ·6 Σ Ηι + 1,000Σ Minimize. ( 500 ,t=l 6 .,. Ρ, +80 ι=\ 6 ΣI ι=ι t). The boundary conditions .comprise .the specifications of .:the initial inventoτy οί 500 unlts, .theinitlal wprkforce of 300 work:ers, and. the. ending inventory of 600 units. These are besthanp1edby including a separate additional constralnt for each boundary and the additional condition. The constraints are~.όbtaίηed by substltutlng t "=1, ... , 6 ίηΙο Equations (Α), (Β). and.(C). The·fuH set:qf.constraints expressed ίη st~ndard Ιίτιεετ programmίng forma1 (with all problemvariables the 1eft-hand side and nonnegatlve constants ση thε right-hand side) is as fol1ows: ση constraints Ht ='Ηιι + H2t Ο :5 Ηιι:5 Η* Ο :5 H2t must also be included. Ιη order for the final solution (α make'sense, itcan never be the case that Ηιι < Η*, and H2t > Ο for Some t. (Why?) Ηοινενοτ; because lίnear programming searches for ιΜ minimum costsolution, ίι will force Ηιι ΙΟ its maximum value before aIIowing H2t Ιο become positive, since CHl < CH2' This is the reason that the cost functions must be convex. This approach can easily be extended το more than two linear segments and to any of the other cost functions ρτεεέιιι ιιι the objective function. 'Πιε technique is known as separable convex programming and is discussed ίη greater detail ίn Hillier and Lieberman (1990). . .' Other SοlutίοnΜetl1όds Bowman (1956) suggested a transportation form.ulation ofthe aggregate planning problem when back orders are ηοι permitted. Several authors have explored solving aggregate pIanning problems with specially tailored algorithms. These algorithms could be faster [ατ solving large aggregate planning problems than a generallinear programming code such as υΝΟο. Ιτι addition, some of these formulations allow for certain types of nonlinear costs. For example, if there are economies of scale ίn production, the production cost function is likely Ιο be a concave function ofthe number of units produced. Concave cost Ιϊυιοιίοηε are not as amenable το linear programming formnlatio11s as convex funcc tions. We believe tllat a general-purpose linear programrning package is sufficient for most reasonable-sized problems that one is likely ιο encounter ίη the real wOl·ld. Ηοινever, the reader sho.uld be aware that there are alternative solution techniques that conld ·= Ο, W1 - Wo - Ηι + Fι W2 - Wl - W] - W2- .= Η2 + F2 Η] Ο, + F3\=0, W4 - W3 - Η4 + F4 = Ο, Ws - W4 - Hs + F'i;= Ο, W6 - - Ws Η6 + Ψ6 (Α = Ο;' + 10 = 1,180, + I1 =640, Ρ3 - Ι] + 12 = 9ΡΟ, Ρ4 - 14 + /3= 1;200, Ps - 15 + 14= 1,000, Ρ6 - 16 + 15 = I?~OO; Ρι - I1 Ρ2 - /2 Pj - Ρ2 - 3.517W2 = Ο, Ρ3 - 2.638W] = Ο, Ρ4 - 3.81Or1l4 = ο, 2.931 Wl = Ο, Ρ5 - 3.224W5 =0, Ρ6 - (Β 2.198W6 = Ο; (C 148 Chapter Three ΑglζΓeφιe Plonning 3.6 WI,· .. , W6, Ρι,· .. , Ρ6, lι,· .. ,/6, FJ, ••• , F6, Ηι, ... ,Η6;ΞΞ: SoIving Am,rregate [)!anning Problems b-yLinear Programming: An ExαmfJle 149 Ο; Wo = 300, 10 = 500, /6 = 600. We Ιιενε solved this lίnear progranl using the LlNDO system deve]oped by Schrage (Ι 984). The output ofthe LINDO program is given ίη Table 3-5. Ιη the ειιρρίοηιεητ οο linear programming, we a]so treat so]ving linear programs with ExceJ. The Exce! ΤΑΒΙΕ 3-5 Linear Programming Solution of Densepack Problem Solver, of course, gives the same resυlts. The value of the objective function at the ορtimal solution is $379,320.90, Wllich is considerably less than that achieved with eith.eI" the zero inventory plan ΟΓ the constant workforce plan. Ηωνενετ, this cost is based ου fractional values ofthe variables. The actnal cost wiJJ be slightly higher after rounding. FoJJowing the τουικίίιη; procedure recommended earlier, we will τοιιικί alJ the valιιοε of W, το the next higher integer. That gives WI = ... = W4 = 273 and Ws = W6 = 738. This determines the νείαοε ofthe other problem variables. This means that the fίrm shonld fire 27 workers ία JanlIary and hire 465 \vorkers ίη May. The complete solution is given ίη Table 3-6. Again, because co!umn Η ίη Table 3-6 corresponds το net demand, we add th.e 600 ιυυτε of ending inventory ίη June, giving a total inventory of 900 + 600 = 1,500 units. Hence, the total cost ofthis plan is (500)(465) + (1,000)(27) + (80)(1,500) = $379,500, \vhich represents a sHbstantial savings over both tlle zero inventory plan and the constant workforce plan. 'Πιε restIlts of the !inear programming ana!ysis suggest another plan that might be more suitable for the company. Βεοειιεε the optimal strategy is το decrease the workforce ίη .fanuary and blIild ίι back ιιρ again ίη May, a reasonab]e alternative might be to πο! fire tlle 27 workers ίπ JanlIary and ιο Ιυτε fewer workers ίη May. ]η this case, the most efficient method for finding tJle οοσεοι nl1mber of wοrkeΓS to hire ίπ May is ιο simp]y re-solve the lίnear pτogram, bl1t without the variables FI, ... , F6, as αο firing of workers means that these variables are forced ιο zero. (lf νου wish το avoid reentering the problem ίπΙο the computer, simply append the old formυlation with the οοηετιείατε Ρι = Ο, Fz = Ο, ... , F6 = Ο.) The optima! nl1mber of workers to hire ίη May turns οιιι το be 374 if ηο workers are fίred, and the cost ofthe plan is approximately $386,120. This is only slightly more expensive than the optimal plan, and has the important advantage of ποι requiring the firing of any workers. Problems for Sections 3.5 and 3.6 17. Formnlate Problem 13 as a Jinear program. include all tlle reql1ired constraints. Be sure ιο define aJJ variables alld 1 SO Chapter Three Aggre~αte ΡΙαπnίιιι 3.6 18. Problem 17 was solved οα the computer. The lίnear ΡrogΓammίng ουιρυι of the ΡrοgΓam is as follows: SoI'Iinf:" Aggregαιc I)kInning α. Write down tl1e complete ΡrοblCΠL~by Uneαr Programfning: lίnear programnling 'forιntIlation Απ Example ofthe 151 revised problem. b. Solve the revised problem using a lίηear programming code. What difference does the new 11iringcost function make ίn the εοίυτίοη? LΡ ΟΡΤ1ΜυΜ FOUND ΑΤ STEP OBJECT1VE 1) FUNCT10N {~:~.{~)~~1;:, .~~:;: 14 *22. VALUE 36185.0600 VAR1ABLE Η1 Η2 Η3 Η4 F1 F2 F3 F4 11 12 13 W1 w2 W3 W4 Ρ1 Ρ2 Ρ3 Ρ4 14 VALUE 6.143851 64.310690 .000000 116.071400 .000000 .000000 87.662330 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 106.143900 170.454500 82.792210 198.863600 850.000000 1260.000000 510.000000 980.000000 .000000 REDUCED .000000 .000000 300.000000 .000000 300.000000 300.000000 .000000 300.000000 59.415580 189.285700 31.006490 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 .000000 120.292200 COST Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 Belts Handbags Attache Cases 22 20 19 24 21 17 2,500 2,800 2,000 3,400 3,000 1,600 1,250 680 1,625 745 835 375 240 380 110 75 126 45 α. Using worke!" hours as an aggregate measlIre of ρτοτίυοτίοη, convert the forecasted demands ιο demands ίη terms of aggregate units. b. Determine another plan that achieves a lower cost than that determined ίη part (α) while still retaining feasibility (tl1at is, having a nonnegative amount of inventory οη hand at the end of each period). b. What wotIld be the size of the workforce needed το satisfy the deInand for the coming six months οη Γegular time only? Would ίι be to the conιpany's advantage το bring the permanent workforce ιφ to this level? Why οτ WllYτιοι? α. Formulate Problem 9 as a lίnear program. c. Determine a production plan that meets the demand lIsing only regular-time employees and tl1e total cost of that plan. b. Solve the problem a linear programming code. Round the variables ίη the resulting solution and determine ιίιε cost of tl1e plan you obtain. *20. Number of Working Days The belts reqιIire an aνerage of two Ιιοιιτ» to ρτοοιιοο, the handbags three Ιιουτε, and the attache cases six hours. ΑΙΙ the workers have the skill ιο work ση any itetD. LeatheΓ-ΑlΙ11as 46 employees who each has a share ίη the firm and canσοι be fired. There are an additional 30 locals that are available and can be hired for short periocls at higher cost. Regular employees earn $8.50 per hour οιι reglIlar time and $14.00 per hoιIf ου overtime. ReglIlar time comprises a εενεη-Ιιουτ workday, and the regular employees will work as much overtime as is available. The additional workers are hired for $11.00 per Ιιουτ and are kept οτι the payrol\ for at least one flIll mOI1t11.Costs of hίι-ίηg and fiι-ίng are negligible. Because of the competitive natnre of the indlIstry, LeatheΓ-ΑIΙ does τιοτ want to incur any demand back orders. α. ΒΥ rounding the values of the variables using the conservative approach described ίη Section 3.5, find a feasible solution το the problem. Determine the cost of the resulting plan. 19. Leather-AII ρτοσιιοεε a lίne of handmade leather ρτοσυαε. Αι the present time, the company is producing οηlΥ belts, handbags, and attache cases. 'Πιε predicted demand for tl1ese three types of items over a six-montll planning horizon is as follows: α. Ροιπιιιίειε d. Determine a ρτοοιιοιίοιι plan that ιιιίίίεσε only additional employees to absorb excess demand and the cost of that plan. Ρτοοίεπι 14 as a linear program. b. Solve the problem using a lίηear programlning and determine the cost oftl1e resulting plan. code. RolInd off the εοίυιίωι 21. Consider Mr. Meadows Cookie Company, described ίη Problem 13. Suppose that the cost ofl1iring workers each period is $100 for each worker ιιηιίl20 workers are hired, $400 for each worker when between 21 and 50 workers are hired, and $700 for each wot·keI"hired beyond 50. *23. a. Formulate the problem of optiIllizing Ιeather-ΑIΙ's hiring schedule as a lineaI· program. Defil1e all problem variables and includ.e whatever constraints are necessary. b. Solve the problem formulated ίη part (α) using a lίnear progran1m ing code. Ronnd all the relevant variables and detern1ine the cost of the reslIlting plan. Compare Υουτ restIlts with those obtained ίη Problem 22(c) and (ά). 152 3.7 Chapter Three 3.8 Aggτegaιe Pkιnning ΤΗΕ LINEAR DEClSION RULE Ατι interesting alternative approach το solving the aggregate planning problem has been suggested by Holt, Modigliani, Muth, and Simon (1960). They assume that all the rele~ vant costs, including inventory costs and the costs of changing production leνels and numbers of wοrkeΓS, are represented by quadratic functions. That is, the total cost over the T-period plannil1g 1101'ίΖοηcan be written ίη the form Σ [clW, κ + C2(W, - W,_t)2 + C3(P, - Kn,W,)2 + C4P, + cs(l, /, = J,_I + Ρ, - D, Ρ, = - C6)2) subject το for 1 s t S Τ. The valtIes of the constants Ct, C2, ... , C6 must be deteτmined for each parιicιιlar application. Expressing the cost functions as quadratic functions rather than sitnple lίnear fUl1ctions has some advantages over the lίnear programming approach. As quad- . ratic functions are differentiable, the standard ruIes of calct1lus can be used ιο determine optimaI solutions. The optimal solution will occur where the first partiaJ derivatives with respect to each of the probIenl variables are zero. When quadIatic functions are differentiated, they yield first-order equations (\inear εσιιετίοαε), which are easy ιο solve. Also, quadratic functions give a more εοοιιτετε ερριωωηετίοιι ιο general nonlinear functiol1S than do lίηear functions. (Any nonlinear flInction may be approxinJated by a Taylor series ωφετιείοιι ίη Wllich the first two terms yield a qlIadratic approximation.) However, the quadratic appIΌach aIso has one serious disadvantage. It is that qIIadratic fllnctions (that is, parabolas) are symmetric (see FiglIre 3-7). Hence, the cost , Number-units held (bl Cost of chonging ίπνθηΙΟΓΥleνels Σ (a"D + n=O I II + bWt-t + cJ,-l + d). The terms απ, b, c, and d are constants that depend οτι the cost parameters. WI has a είπιilar form. The οοωριιιετίοαεί advantages of the lίηear decision rule are less itnportant now than they were when this analysis was first done because of the widespread availability of comptlters today. Because lίnear programming provides a much more flexible framework foτ formulating aggregate planning probleIns, and reasonably large Ιίιιεετ ΡΓοgrams can be solved even οτι persohal computers, one would have ιο conclude that lίηear programming is a preferable solution technique. Ιιshould be recognized, however, that the texl by Holt, ModigJiani, Muth, and Simon represents a laηdmark work ίη the application of quantitive methods ιο production planning problems. The authors developed a solution method that reslllts ίn a set of for.mulas that are easy το iIllplement, and they actually undertook the implementation of the method. The work details the application of the approach 10 a large manufacturer of hotIsehold paints ίη the Pittsburgh area. The analysis was actually implemented ίη the company, but a subsequent visit Ιο the firm indicated that serious problems arose Wllen tlle lίηear decision nlle was foIIowed, primarily because ofthe fiτm's policy of ποι firing workers when the model indicated that they should be fiΓed. (See Vollmann, Berry, and Whybark, 1992, ρ. 627.) MODELING FIGURE 3-7 Quadratic cost functions lIsed ίη deriving t!le Iίnear decision ru!e (01 Cost of chonging workforce leνels 1S3 ofhiring a given number ofworkers must be the same as thecost offiring the same number ofworkers, and tIle cost ofprodllcing a given nlllflber ofunits οη overtime τιιιιετ be ιίιε same as the cost attached το the same number ofunits ofworker idle time. The probIem can be overcome somewhat by υοι setting the center of symmetry of the cost funcιίοη at ΖθΓΟ, but the basic problem of symmetry still prevails. The most appealing feature ofthis approach is the simple form ofthe optimal policy. For exanιple, the optimal production level ίη period t, Ρ" has the form τ ,=ι Mod,/ingManag,ment Bεhαoίor MANAGEMENT BEHAVIOR Bowman (1963) developed θη ίηteΓestίηg technique for aggregate planning that should be applicable Ιο otheI' types of problems as well. His idea is Ιο construct a sensible model [οτ controIIing prodllction leνels and fit the ΡaraΠ1eters of tlle lnodel as closely as possible Ιο the actllal ρτίοτ decisions made by management. Ιη this way the model reflects the judgment and the experience ofmanagers and avoids a number ofthe problems that arise when using more traditional modeling methods. One such problem is deternlining the accllracy of the assumptions required bythe lnodel. Another problem that is avoided is the need to deteflfline vaIues of ίηριιι par31nelers that could be diflicult to meastlre. Let us consider the problem of producing a single product over Τ planning periods. Suppose that Dt, ... , Dr are tlle forecasts of demand [or the next Τ periods and Ihat production levels ΡΙ, ... , Pr must be determined. The silnplest I'easonable decision rule is Ρ, = Dt [οτ Ι ,;; ι s Τ. Trying Ιο match prodllction exactly Ιο demand will generally result ίη a production sClledule that is 100 enatic. Production smootlling can be accomplished tIsing a decision rule of the form Ρι = Dt + α(Ρι-ι - Dt), 154 Chapter Three Aggrega", Ρ/αππίππ 3,9;])jsαggregaIing,Aggτeg~ιe pian; 155 ~; 1,\";'1 whefe α iS a'sϊl1οΌthίng fa'ctor for pToduction,lτav.iJi'gthe property Ο S α S ι, (The, effect of smoothing here ί5 the sameias,that of exptJnential.smoothing, di,scus5ed ίη detail ίη Chapter 2.) When α equals zero, this rule is 'identical to tlIe, -οτιε jU5t,presenti:d, When α =; Ι, the ρτοσυοτίοη. iJf,period ι'ί); exactly the 'same as the ρτοάυοιίοτι ίπ period ,Ι -' Ι. 'Πιε choice of α provides a meanS'ο[φΙacίng a relative weightootι matching production with' demand Verst!'S'holdingproduction constant from period το perJod. i' - , . Ιη addition το smoothing production, the firm al50 mJght be interested ίπ keeping ίτιventory leνels near εοτυε target leνel, say ΙΝ. Α model that smooths both inventory and production simultaneously is . + a(Pt-I""D,) + β(IΝ - h -, . , , . W, the where Ο S β S Ι measures relatlve ~~ight pl~ced o~ ~m~CΊthing of inventory. Finally, the model should incorporate ctemand forecasts., Ιιι this way, productίon leνels can be increased ,στ decieased.ίή :anticipation of ε. change ίn the pattem of demands. Α rule that includes smoothirig' of production' 'and inventory as well as forecasts of future demand is ' I~" ,"~ = .οιαο, + .0088Dt+J.+ , . the foclιu]a .' ..i'.' 'ι " . :007.1DH2,+ ,0054D'+3 j + α(Ρι-1 - D,) + β(ΙΝ ,0042D'+4 ~" ::",>'1 <.1, i:''-' Ά ;,,'1·1; ';~"J>,j;' 11' ~.'r ',(; ..Suj>pose tfιat Ιοτεσεετ demands for the corning months are 150, L64, 185, 193, 167, )43,,\26,93,84,72,50,66. Th,r current nιunber of employees is ]80, and the cnrrent in~entory .Ievel ls 45 aggregate units, α. Compute the "alues όf the aggregate productionleνeland Σ αt-i+ID + .003IDt+5 + ,0023D,+6 + ,0016D'+7 + ,0012DH8 +, ,0009Dt+9 + 1,0006Όι+Ίο +.0005'Dt+ + ,743W,_1 ...: ,0111-1 - 2,09:' Ι+" Ρι = - ,009D'+8 - .46411_,1,+ 153, ~,~.Γ ~'-~_ .". + 4 f :008D,+6 -.OIQDI+7 - .068b,t9~:Ob7D;tlO'~:005Di+11 +.993W,rl .013Dt <"_", ,-Ι - ,022D,+s:'" 1,-1), + . η= :463D;,+"'.':Δ4DΜ+;111Dι!t{+,Ο46Dι+':j'+ and the w6rkfofce level ί~ -peHod Ι froin Ρι ='0,' f 111'{, 24. .Πισ fΟrm,οfΦe bptίmal prod\1ction rule derived bY,Holt, Modig]iani, Muth, ii1ι~ ,11." SinlfJI!( 196Q) fόr,-the case; pK):hepaint coIηpanY,indicates that the ρτοτίυοιίοη Ιενο! ",';.,," inper;cid t ShofiTd,be computed from the'formula ό the number ofworkers that the company should be usiηg ίη the curtent ρετίοά. -/'-1), ί=! b, Repeat the οείουίετίου you performed ίη part (α) bnt ignore a1l terms with a coefficient ιίιει Ιιεε an absolute va]ne·less thiιn οτ equal to ,01 when calculatlng P,,-and less than equal to ,005 when calculating W" How much difference dbyou obSerνe ίη th'e,ariswer?-- ι, ' ,ι This decision rule is arrived at by ,a straightforward common-sense analysis of what a good production rule should be. It is interesting ιο note how similar this rule is' to the lίnear decislon rule discussed ίn Section 3.7, which was derived from a mathematical model. Undoubtedly, the previous work οα the lίnear decision rule insplred the form ofthis rule, Ιι.ίε often the case.that-the most-valuable feature οί-ε model ,js, lndicating the best !oi'm' of ah optiriιal ;i:rategy, and ηΌι necessariΙΥ tli~ stra'feg~ itself, This particulat model for Ρι requires determina!ion of αl, , , , , αn, α, β, and [Ν' Bowman suggests that the νa]ues ofthese paranιeter~ be deterriιined by retrospectively obserνing the system for a'reasonable period of time, and fitting the parameters το the actual history of management actlons di.ιiil1g th~t tinιe bsing a'technique such as least squares. Ιη this way the model,becomes a reflectioiι ofpast management behavior, Bowτnah cbmpares the 'actiJal experience' of 11 'nuffiber of companies with the experience thaΊ they wόuΙd' have had ιising his approach, and shows that ίη most cases ~" there would have'been 'a substantial cost f~diJction, The modei merely emnlates man-~'· agement behavior, so why shonld ίι outperform actu<il mariagement experience? The theory is thata πIodel derived ίη this 'manner ί!>a reflection of managemeiιt making " ratlonal decisions, as most of the tlme the system Is stable, However, if a sudden unl1sl1alevent oc'curs, such as a fuuch~higher-than-anticipated demand οτ a su,dden decline ίη productlve capacity due, for example, ιο the breakdown of a machine οτ the loss of key personηel, ίι ί5 likely that many managers would tend Ιο overreact. However, the model would recommend production leνels that ar~ consistent,with past declsion making, Hence, the use of a simple but coηsistent model {οτ making decisions would keep management ποιή paiιicking ίη an unusuaT situation. Althougli' the approacllis concep- , tually appealing, there are few reports ίη the literatιireof successful implementations of such a techniqne, jj~sr στ σ. Siίppose thatthe cιίrreίιtdem~ήd is re~lized ιο be Ι ~~"and the new forecast one ""year ahead is ,72'.'Usirig tlie approxim~tidn suggestediti part (b), deterlnίne'the new values fQ,!the aggregate productίop ievel and the-nιιmber of workers. [Ηίιιι: ί: Yoil'fiίιist cΌm'ρute ,the'he~ι:'-QaΙUeγ,..:'{and 'assume1:h1it'the new value of Wt-I thevaΙuecόΜΡutedίnΡart'(a):], ',γ,' ι, 25" is Usirigthe f6116wίήg ν~lίΙ~~&[fuanagenieJι{~όefficίeiitSj'i'οr Bowman's smoothed , , . ,. -' ('Ι' <,' • '.:',' "ι"." ';;'_~/' \ ','" , --'---',." . ι Ρ'i'οd!!'ctίοήmodel, ~.eteilniiJe the pl'Oductί?iilevel for which Harold Grey (described in Problem, 9) shoίlld plan ίη the cοmiήg year: .A:.ssumetHat the cunent production level i~ Ί :Sb;Odbpackag~~,' / ,,' 'Ι,ι," ,t" ,οι ';" ,3416,; αs,= ,0023,' ,~)I α2 =,Ι2l.1"α3 . α = ;6", = .0?56", β = 3, ,!j α4 = .0663, ΕΝ = 40,000, 26, α, Discnss the similarities and the differences betwee~ th'e linear decislon rule of Holt, Modiglianl, Muth, and Simon and Bowman's management coefficients approach, ' b. Discuss the relatίve advantages and disadvantages of linear decision rules versus lineaτ program,ming for solving aggregate planning problems, DISAGGREGATlNG AGGREGATE PLANS As we saw earlier ίη ,this chapter, aggregate p]anning Inay b" done at several leνels of the fiπn. Example 3,] considered a single plant, and showed how one might define an aggregate unit to includ,e the slx different items produced at that plant. Aggregate ~·!·rl, .,.-,~.----~ 156 Chapter Three Aggregate P/anning planning might be done for a single plant, a product family, a group of families, οτ fl the firm as a whole.. There are two views of production planning: bottom-up οτ ιop-down. The bott~ υρ approach means that one would start with individual item production plans. Th plans could then be aggregated up the chain of products το produce aggregate plans. The top-down approach, which is the one treated ίπ this chapter, is ιο start with an aggregate plan at a high leνel. These plans would then have Ιο be "disaggregated" Ιο proσυοε detailed production plans at the plant and individual item leνels. Ιι is σοι clear that disaggregation is an ίεευε ίη a11οίτοιυυετεηοεε. [f the aggregate plan is tIsed only for πιεοτο planning purposes, and τιοτ for planning at the detaillevel, then one need υοτ worry about disaggregation. However, ifit is important that individtIal item ρτοάυοτίοιι plans and aggregate plans be consistent, then ίτ might be necessary to consider disaggregation schemes. The disaggregation problem is similar to the classic problelJl of resource allocation. Consider 110W resources are allocated ίη a university, for example. Α tIniversity receives τενευυεε from τιιίιίοτι, gifts, interest οπ the endowment, and research grants, Costs include salaries, maintenance, and capital expenditures. Once an annual budget ," is determillecl, each school (arts and science, engineering, business, law, etc.) and each btIdget center (staff, maintenance, buildings and grotInds, etc.) woLIld have Ιο be allocated its share. Budget centers would have to allocate funds Ιο each oftheir stIbgrotIps. For example, each school would allocate funds το individual departments, and departments wotIld allocate funds ιο faculty and staff ίη that department. Ιη tlle manufacturing context, a disaggregation scheme isjLIst a means of allocating aggregate units to individtIal items. JtIst as funds are allocated οιι several leνels ίη the university, aggregate units might have το be disaggregated at severallevels ofthe firm. This is the idea behind hierarchical ρτοουοτίου planning championed by several researchers at ΜΙΤ and reported ίπ detail ίη Bitran and Hax (1981) and Hax and Candea (1984). We will disctIss one possible approach ιο the disaggregatioll problem from Bitran and Hax (1981). StIppose that Χ" represents the numbel' of aggregate υυίιε οί ρτοουοτίοιι [οτ a particular planning period. FtIrther, ευρροεε that Χ* represents an aggrega" ιίοτι of η different items (Υι, Υ2, ... , Υιι)' The qtIestion is how το divide up (i.e., disaggregate) Χ* anlong the n items. We know that holding costs are already included ίη the determination of Χ", so we need τιοτ incltIde them again ίπ the disaggregation scheme. Suppose that Kj represents the fixed cost of setting υρ Ιοτ ριοοιιοιίου of~, and λ) is the annual usage rate for item j. Α reasonable optimization criterion ίη this context is το choose Υι, Υ2, ... , Yn το millimize the average annual cost of setting up [οτ ρτοοιιοιίοη. As we will see ίη Chapter 4, the average annual setup cost [οτ item j is KjA/~. Hence, disaggregation requires solving the following mathematical programming problem: J Minimize KjAj ΣΥ j=1 } subject to J Σ~=x* j=I and ajs,~s,bi [οτ Ι s, j s, J. ρ. ;π , ':Ι:ii;i<,-: ':."" ", The upper and lower bounds οη Yj account [οτ possible side constraints οη the producτίοιι leνel [οτ itemj. Α number of feasibility issues need ιο be addressed before the family τυη sizes Υί are further disaggregated ίυτο lots for individual ίτειυε. The objective is ιο schedule the lots for individtIal itelns within a family so tllat they run out at the scheduled setup time for the family. Ιη this way, items within the same family call be produced within the same productioll setup. The concept of disaggregating the aggregate plan along organizational lilles ίn a fashion that is collsistent with the aggregation SC!lenle is an appea.1ing one. Whetller ΟΓ ηοΙ the methods discussed ίn this section provide a WΟΓkable link between aggregate plans and detailed item schedules remains to be seen. Anotheτ appτoach Ιο the disaggregation problem has been explored by Chung and Krajewski (1984). They develop a mathem.atical progra.mming fOllnulation of the problem. lnputs Ιο the program include aggregate plans [οΙ' each product [ωηίΙΥ· This includes setup time, setup status, total production leveI for the family, inνentory leνel, workforce leνel, overtime, and regular time availability. Tlle goal of the analysis is to specify lot sizes and timing ofpJ'Oduction runs [οτ each individual item. consi.stent with the aggΓegate information [οτ the product family. AltllOUgh sllch a fOlllll1latiol1 158 Chapter Three 3.11 Aggr'gaIe Planniiιg PrαccicαlConsideranons 159 •.~,.).,:\;;1' Ρrόνid~s"~'~οt~~tίaJ link between the aggregate plan and the master production SChi ule, the resulting mathematical program requires many inputs and can result ίτι a very " large mixed integer problem that could be very time-consuming to solve. For these re~:.; sohs, firms are unlikely to use such methods when there are large numbers of ίndίνΓdual items ίη each product family. Strategies for market penetration, local content rules, and quotas constrain product flow across borders. Ρτοουοι designs n1ay vary by national market. Centralized control of n1ιιltinationa! enterprises creates difficlllties [οτ several reasons, and decentralized control requires coordination. CtIJtural, language, and skil1 differences can be significant. Problems for Section 3.9 27. What does "disaggregation of aggregate plans" mean? 28, Discuss the following quotation made by a production manager: ''Aggregate plahning is useless ιο me because the results have nothing to do with my master production schedule." 3.1 Ο PRODUCTlON PLANNING 'ί' ΟΝ Α GLOBAL SCALE Globalization of manufactu.ring operations is commonplace. Many major οοτροτε-" tions are now classified as multinationals; manufacturing and distribution activities routinely cross intemational borders. With the globalization of botl1 sources of pτo~ duction and markets, firms must rethink production p!anning strategies. One issue explored ίη this chapter was smoothing of production plans over τίηιε; costs of increas~ ing οτ decreasing workforce levels (and, hence, production leve!s) play a major τοίο ' ίπ the optimization of any aggregate plan. When formu!ating g!obal production strategies, other sJnoothing issues arise. Exchange rates, costs of direct labor, and tax . structure are just some of the differences among οουτπτίεε that πιιιετ be factored ίηΙΟ a global strategy. Why the increased interest ίπ global operations? [η shorι, cost and competitiveness. According to McGrath and BequiI!ard (Ι 989): The benefits of a properIy executed international manufacturing strategy can be νΟΓΥ substantial. Α well deνeloped strategy can haνe a direct impact οη rhe financiaI performance and uitimateiy be reflected ίη increased profirability. Ιη Ihe elecIronic industry, rhere are exampIes of companies attributing 5% Ιο 15% reduction ίη cosI of goods sol<l, 10% Ιο 20% increase ίη saIes. 50% Ιο Ι50% improνement ίη asset UΙilizaIion, and 30% Ιο 100% increase ίη inventory tu.rnover Ιο their intemationaIization ofmanufacturing. Determining optimal globalized manufacturing strategies is clearly a daunting problem for any multinational firm. One can formulate and so!ve mathematical models similar το the lίnear programming formulations of the aggregate planning mode!s presented ίπ this chapter, but the results of these models must always be balanced against judgment and experience. Cohen et al. (1989) consider such a model. They assume multiple products, plants, markets, raw materials, vendors, vendor supply CO!ltract alternatives, τίιηε periods, and countrίes. Their forn1ulation is a large-scale mixed integer, nonlinear program. One issue τιοι treated ίη their model is that of exchange rate fluctuations and their effect οη both pricing and production planning. Pricing, ίη parιicu!ar, is traditional1y done by adding a πιετκιιρ το υπίι costs ίπ the home maΓket. This cornpletely ignores the issue of excl1ange rate fluctuations and can lead. 10 unreasonable prices ίο sorne countries. For example, this issue has arisen at Caterpillar Tractor (CaterpillaI" Tractor Company, 1985). [π this case, dealers all over the WΟΓldwere bil!ed ίπ U.S. dollars based οη U.S. production costs. When the dol1ar was strong relative ιο other cιιrrencies, ΤΟΙθίΙprices cl1arged το overseas customers were ιιοι competitive ίπ local markets. Caterpil1aI" folInd itself losing market share abroad as a result. Ιη the early Ι980s the firnl switched το a 10caΙΙy cornpetitiνe pricing strategy το counteract this problern. The ηοιίοιι that l11anufacturing capacity can be used as a hedge against exchange rate fluctuations 11as been explored by several researchers. Kogut and Kulatilaka (Ι 994), [οτ example, develop a rnathematical model [οτ determining when ίι ίδ optirnal Ιο switch prodllction frorn one locatίon to another. Since the cost of s\vitching is assuIned to be positive, there mnst be a snfficiently large difference ίπ exchange rates before switching is recoll1mended. As an example, they consider a situation where a firl11can produce ίΙδ product ίη either the United States οτ GerιηaπΥ. Ifproduction is clIrrently being done ίπ οπο locatίon, the model provides a lηeans of detern1ining if ίι is econon1ical ιο switch locatίons based οη tlle ΓeΙatίνe strengths ofthe eUIΌand dollar. Wllile stIch lηοdels are ίn the early stages of developlnent, they provide a n1eans of ("ationalizing international prodnction planning strategies. SiIl1ilar issues have been explored by Ηucl1ΖeΓιneίer and Cohen (1996) as \vel1. Cohen et al. (1989) outline some ofthe issues that a firm must consider when planning production leve!s οπ a wor!dwide basis. These inc!ude Τπ order ιο achieve t!1e kinds of economies of sca!e required Ιο be competitive today, mlIltinationa! plants and vendors must be managed as a g!obal systen1. Duties and tariffs are based οη material flows. Their impact n1ust be factored ίπιο decisions regarding shipments of raw lηaterίal, intermediate prodllct, and finished product across national boundaries. Exchange rates fllIctuate randomly and affect production costs and pricing decisions ίπ countries where the product is produced and sold. Corporate tax rates vary widely from one country to another. Global sourcing ιηust take ίηΙο account longer lead tίιηes, lower unit costs, and access to new technologies. PRACTlCAL CONSIDERATIONS Aggregate planning can be a valuable aid ίπ plaoning prodlIction and workforce levels for a company, and provides a Ineans of absorbing deιηand fluctuations by srnootlling workforce and plΌduction leνels. There are a number of advantages for planning οπ the aggregate lονοΙ oveI"the detai! level. One is that the cost ofpreparing forecasts and deteΓInining productivity and cost ΡaraιηeteΓS οη an individllal iten1 basis can be prohibitive. T11ecost of data collection and ίnρυ! ίδ probabJy a 1110ΓΟ significant drawback of ]aΓge-scale Il1atheιηatίcal ΡlΌgΓaιηmίng fΟΠl1l1latίοns of detailed production plans than is the cost of actllally perfoΓIl1iI1gtl1e COIl1plltations.Α second advantage of aggΓegate planning is the relative improvement ίη forecast aCCUΓaCΥ that cal1 be achieved by aggregating items. As 160 Chapter Three Aggregalc P"'""ing 3.13 \ve saw ίη Chapter 2 οα forecasting, aggregate forecasts are generally more accurate than 3 indivi<lual forecasts. Finn.lly, an aggregate planning tramework allows the manager, ΙΟ see the "big picture" and υοι be unduly influenced by specifics. With all these advantages, one would think that aggregate planning would have an important place ίη the planning of the production activities of most companies. How.:,. ever, this does ηοι appear το be the case. 'Πιετε are a ntImber of reasons for tl1e lack or interest ίη aggregate planning methodology. First is the difficlIlty of properly defining art aggregate ιιηίι οί ρτοσιιοιίοιι. There appears το be ηο simple way ofspecifying how ίηdividtIal itenls shotIld be aggregated that will work ίη all situations. Secolld, once an ag- . gregating scheme is developed, cost estimates and demand forecasts for aggregate units are required. It is difficult enough το obtain accurate cost and deInand information for real units. Obtaining such information οα θη aggregate basis cotIld be considerably more difficult, depending ου tl1e aggregation schetne tbat is used. TlΊίrd, aggregate planning models rarely reflect the political and operational realities of the environnlent ίη which the company is operating. Assuιning that workfoioce levels can be changed easily is probably αοι very realistic for most companies. Finally, as Silver and Peterson (Ι 985) suggest, managers do τιοι want ιο rely οη a mathematical Inodel for answers ιο the extremely sensitive and important issues that are addressed ίη this analysis. Another issue is whether ΟΤ αοι the goals of aggregate planning analysis can be achieνed through methods other than those discussed ίη this chapter. Schwarz and Johnson (Ι 978) clainUhat the cost savings achieved lIsing a lίηear decision rL1lefor aggregate planning could be obtained by improved Inanagement ofthe aggregate inventory alone. They substantiate their hypothesis using the data reported ίη Holt, Modigliani, Muth, and Simon (Ι 960), and show that fortl1e case ofthe paintcompany virtual1y all the cost savings ofthe lίηear decision rule were a result ofincreasing the bIIfFer inventory and ηο! ofmaking major changes ίη the size oftl1e labor force. This single comparison does ηοΙ verify the authors' 11ypothesis ίη general, but suggests that better inventory management, using the methods Ιο be discussed ίη Chapters 4 and 5, could return a large portion . ofthe benefits that a company might realize with aggregate planning. Even with tlΊίs loηg lίst of disadvantages, the mathematical models discussed ίη this chapter can, and should, serve as θη aid to production planners. AlthoLIgh optimal solutions Ιο a mathematical model may ηοι be true optimal solutions Ιο the problenl that they address, they do provide insight and could reveal altel'natives tl1at would ηο! otl1erwise be evident. 3.12 HISTORICAL NOTES The aggregate planning problem was conceived ίη ηη important series οΓ papers that appeared ίη the mid-1950s. The first, Holt, Modigliani, and Simon (1955), discussed the structLIΓeoftl1e problenl and introduced the quadratic cost approach, and tl1e later sttIdy ofHoJt, Modigliani, and Muth (Ι 956) concentrated οη the coInplltational aspects ofthe model. Α complete description ofthe metl10d and its npplication Ιο production planning Γοτ a ρηίηι coInpany is presented ίη Holt, Modigliani, Muth, and Simon (1960). That prodIIction planning problems could be formIllated as linearpΓOgrams appears Ιο have been known ίη the early 1950s. Bowman (1956) discussed tl1euse οΓa transportation model for production planning. The particular lίηear programming forιnlIlation of tlle aggregate planning problem discllssed ίη Section 3.5 is' essentially tl1e same as the one 3 More precisely. ίl the individual lorecast error lor the aggregate lorecasts are πο! perfectly correlated, then the standard will be less than the sum ΟΙ the standard deviations ofthe deviation indlvidual ΟΙ the Summary 161 deνeloped by Hansmann and Hess (Ι 960). Otl1er lίηearprogrammίηg formulations oftl1e production planning problem generally involve nlu1tiple products ΟΓmore complex cost structures (see, for example, Newson, Ι975η and Ι975b) .. More recent work ου the aggregate planning problem has focused οιι aggregation and disaggregation issues (Axsater, 1981; Bitran and Hax, 198 Ι; and Ζοίίει, 1971), the incorporation oflearning curves ίnΙο lίnear decision rules (Ebert, 1976), extensions ιο al10w for multiple prodncts (Bergstrom and Smith, 1970), and inclusion of marketing and/or financial variables (Damon and Schramm, 1972, and Leitch, 1974). Taubert (1968) considers a tecllnique he refers Ιο as the search decision rule. 'Πιο method requires developing a computer simulation model ofthe system and searcl1ing the response surface using standard search techniques Ιο obtain a (υοι necessarily ορtimal) solution. Taubert's approach, which was described ίη detail ίη BlIffa and Tanbert (1972), gives results that are comparable Ιο those of Holt, ModigJίani, Μιιιο, and Simon (1960) for the case ofthe paint company. Kamien and Li (1990) developed a mathematicalInodel ιο examine the efFects of subcontl'acting ου aggregate planning decisions. The authors show tllat under certain circumstances ίι is preferred το producing in-house, and proνides an additional πιεεηε of smootl1ing production and workforce levels. Determining οριίωε! production levels Γοι'all products Ρrοdιιced by a large firm can be ηη σιοτυιουε undertaking. AggI'egate pIannil1g addresses this problem by assuIning that individIIal items can be grouped together. Ho\vever, finding an effective aggregating scheme can be difficult. The aggregating scheme chosen must be consistent with the structure of tlte organization and the natιιre of the products produced. One particular aggregating scheΠJe that 11asbeen sttggested is itenIs,jamiIies, and types. ltems (or stockkeeping ttnits), representing the finest leνel of detail, wοιιld be identified by separate part numbers ..Families are groups of items that share a commollIllanufacturing setιιΡ, and types are natural grΟΙιΡίngs of families. This particular aggregation scheme is ΓθίΓIΥgeneral, but there is ηο guarantee that ίι wiJl work ίη every application. /η aggregate planning one assun1es deteπιιίnίstίc den,and. DeIlland forecasts over a specified planning hOI'izon are required ίηριιΙ This assLImprion is ηο! made for the sake of realisIll, bllt ιο allow tl1eanalysis ιο focus οη the changes ίη the demand that are systematic rather than random. Tl1e goal of the analysis is to determine the nllmber of workers tl1at should be employed eaCI1peI'iod and the nunlber of aggregate lInits that SI10uldbe produced each period. Theobjective is to Ininimize costs ofproduction, ρηΥΓΟΙΙ, holding, and cl1anging the sizeof the workforce. The costs ofmakillg changes are generaIIy referred Ιο assnlOoI/,il1g C08tS.Most ofthe aggregate planning Inodels discussed ίη this chapter assume that all the costs are Iineaι" jitnctions. This means tl1at tl1e cost of hiιing an additional worker is the same as the cost of hiring the previous,and the cost ofholding αη additional ιιηίι of inventory is the same as the cost ofholding the previous ιιηίι ofinvenιory. This assttmption is probably a reasonable approximation for Inost real systems. Jt is unlikely that the primary probleIn with applying aggregate planning metllodology Ιο a real sitIIation will be tllat the shape ofthe cost functions is incorrect; ίι is more likely thatthe primary difficulty will be ίη corτectly estimating the costs and otl1errequired ίηριιΙ information. One can fίnd approximate solutions ιο aggregate planning problems by gΓaΡΙ1ίcaΙ nletl1ods. Α prodLIction schedule satisfies demand ίΓ the graph of cIImulative prodlIction lίes above the graph of cumulative dCΠland.As long as all costs aI'e lίηear, optimal solιιtίοns4 can be found by lineaι' pl'lJg1'OrιIIning. Because solIItions of lίηear programIning forecast errors. 4 That is. optimal subject ιο rounding errors. 162 Chapter Three AggτegaIe I'lιιnning probIems may be fractions, way ιο round appropriateness must Linear ΟΓ all oftbe vaήabΙes ίε αοι aIways obvious. be considered οοετε and constraints intangibIe the probIem must be rounded Once ίη the context solution of the pIanning that might be difficult ιο integers. an οριίοιεί probIem, its as there are ίο include directiy ίη impossible ΟΓ The best ί$ found, formulation. also can be used το determine programming individual Inight some the variables item levei, but the size ofthe Inake such progranlming an approach fornJuiations resulting unreaIistic ρτοσυοιίοιι optimai. problem ievels at the and the ίnρυι data requirements for large οοιυρεηίεε. However, detailed Iinear could be used at the faΠ1ίΙΥ level ratller than the individual item level for Iarge firms. EarIy work by Holt, fUl1ctions be quadratic ροΙίCΥ is a simple assumption Modigliani, functions. lίnear of quadratic Muth, and With quadratic function, (1960) required ιοο is probably that the form of the resulting as the lineαI' decision known cost functions Simon costs, optimal πι/e. However, το be restrictive the cost accurate for the πιοει reaL ρτοοίσιηε. lnanαgenIent coefficients modei fits a reasonable matllematical model of the το the actual decisions made by management over a period of time. This approach Bowman's system Ilas the advantage managemel1t ofincorporating ρετεοτυιεί management's υιτο the intuition to be COl1sistent ίπ future decision model, and encoLIrages making. ρίωιε will bc of lίttle ιιεο ΙΟ the fim) if they cannot be coordinated witli (ί.ε., the master ρτοτίιιοτίου schedllle). The probLcm of dis'agg,.,i" gαting aggregαte ρ/απ!>' is a difficu1t one, bllI one that must be addressed, ί f the aggregate pIans ετε ιο have νείιιε το the firιn. There Ιιενε beel1 some mathematical programnling Aggregate detailed item schedllles formlIIations of the disaggregating gation schenles problem have yet το be proven \. /' •.-. ~ ,.7 ::. ~" ;iI' " ) J ΙΛ ι., f ,. ίΊ:,·Η Η,,' \Ί.- ίπ tl1e lίterature. but these disaggre- ~~,; ·':ι,ι::. ': :4' ι ι~':,ι:~I ι. ' ,An aggr'~gil\e, planning P,10de( j.s"beifJg"c~?~i,ίle!~d f9r the follo\,:!ng' applicaiions. Suggest an agg'regate measιire Όf Ρrόductiοi:ι and discuss tl)(: difficulties ofapplying Ά 'aggl'eg,\~e '; '.d.' Planhing ":'>,1 ,.<'.' .rI, 29. ~,ι ::t; :/.," . ,1 'Ι" ;(> Additional Problems ου: . Agg'l-egate Pla:,rt~iiig:1H suggested ίη practice. . pLaruling in~ach'c~~e',:,::,~':,K~' for tlιeΆsίΖe 0'ft11e',facult),i'jh:a ·1). "DeteΙ'li1ίηίng<\ί15rkfοr6eΨeqiiιre'i"'~J1'tg'fδr j ';'~>';~';,'",ι} :'-' ,,'Ι, university:';1 1i'trave! ii'geilcy.'!/ . c. Planning workt;orc$, a~d ~rodUc\t}?,~.,!~y~ls ,ί~~,~sn;~~D\:e's'sing plant ihat proctuces _ canned sardiιi.e~; ~c~ovies, kippers,a~~'Smbk!;d b);'sters. _ '; "'_l: '_,:1 ';' .• ,;:ζ~.:~.J_ ' .."J~~' ι, ι •• ,[:' . ..' 30. Α plan! )ηanager ,emploxed bya 'I1ational ;produ~er of kitc!)en; products is 'planning j' wοι;kfοrceleveΙs ιιη average ~ f,or the' next three monihs. of [our labor Αιι .aggregate hours. ηοreC,astdernaίιds' un,j,t of ρτοτίιιοτίωι [οτ th,e thι;ee-mοί1tli follows: ~, Forecasted , Demand (ίn aggreunits) ', gate 1"Ι, ' ;,', ,(1,2;400 \1 ;..ι ,; ,,~;. requires 110τίΖοη 'art: as )jΙ,.Ί , . 11 , ,iI ,Ι ' Additi011αl Problcms 164 Chapter Three Aggregace Pωηηίη,~ σ, Deteπnine the mlnlmuln constant workforce p]anfor Parls Palnt atid the cost p]an, Assume that stock-outs arc υοι al1o\ved. c. If.Paιis were able 10 back-order excess den1and al a οοει of$2 per ga]]on pe~ ter, detcrιnlne a mi~imuln constant workforcep]an that Ιιοκίε Ιοεε lnventory t the,plan you foundinpati (α), but incurs stock-outs iηquaΓteΓ 2. Detcrminc the' of Ilte new plan. //~ }\υΙ- (37, \,'- t]1is ρίεη. Month ΑΡΓίl May ho Foπnu]ate Ρτοοίεηι 32 as a ]jnear program, Assume tl1at stock-outs al1o\ved, June July August September . 35, σ, Formulate Prob]cln 33 as a linearprogram. b. S()lvc the ]inear progra111.Round the variables arid determlne the cost oftlte reslJlt plan, ' Ι:,: 36, The Μτ, Meadows Cookie Company can obtain accurate forecasts fOr based οη fιrm οπίετε. These forecasts and the nnmber of workdayspermon\h a fol1o\vs: Demand Forecast cookies) (ίη thousandsof 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 850 1,260 510 980 770 850 1,050 1,550 1,350 1,000 970 680 14 21 23 24 21 13 During a 46-dayperiod when there \vere Ι 20\vorkers, the fir111 1,700,000 cookies. AssunJc tl1at there arc 100 workers employed at the hMinninO" IJ10nth 1 and zero startlnginventory, ά.. Fίnd the minlmum constant workforce needed ιο meet montl1]y denland. 11 22 20 23 16 20 Forecasted Demand (ίπ hundreds of cases) 85 93 122 176 140 63 α. Based οτι tl1iSintorιnatlon, find the ιιιίηίωΙΙΙl1 constant workforce plan for Yeasty over the six l11ontI1s,and detcrmine I1iring, firing, and holding οοειε associatcd witl1 that ρίεα, b. Suppose tl131ίι takes 01lCηιοιιι]: to ΙΓαίη a nclv WΟΓker,How \νίΙΙ that affect youι· solution? Workdays 26 24 20 18 22 23 Production Days As of ΜaΓcΙ131, Yeasty 11ad86 workers οη the payroll. Over a pcriod of 26 WΟΓking days \vhen tl1ere were 10Οworkers ου tl1e payrol], Yeasty produced 12,000 cases οfbeCΓ. 'Πιο cost ιο hirc each \vorkcr is $125 and tl1e cost of laying off each \vorkeI"is $300. Holding costs ευιουυι Ιο 75 cents per case per ηιοητίι. As of Marclt 31, Yeasty cxpccts ιο have 4,500 cases ofbecI" ίη stock, and ίι i'ants to maintain Η nlininnlm bttffer invcntory of ] ,000 cases each month. Ιτ plans Ιο start Οοιοοετ with 3.000 cases οη hand. '~"'!;X b. So]ve the linear program, Round.the variables and determine the cost ofthe resιJlti Month 165 11eYeasty ΒΓe\viηg Coιnpany produces ε popular Jocal beeI· known as Ιτοη Stomach. Becr saJes are solnew]lal seasonal, and Yeasty is planl1ing its ρτοουοϋοη and worktoI·ce levels οο MarcJ1 3 J for the next six ll1onths. The dell1and forecasts aI'c as follo\vs: 33. Consider the problem of Parls Palnt presented inProblem 32. Suppose that the Ιιεε the capacity ιο elnploy a maxlmum of 370 workers, Suppose that regu]ar,ti employee costs are $12.50 per Ιιοιιτ, Assume sevcn-hour days, five-day wceks, a four-week months. Overtime is paid οη a time-and-a-ha]f basls. Subcontracti~g avai]able θ! a cost of$7 per gallon ofpaint produced. Overtlme is ]imited Ιο three per employce per day, and πο more than 100,000 gaJlons can be subcontracted. any quarter. Deteτmine a policy that mects the demand, and the cost of that ρ()Ιί (Assume ειοοκ-οιιιε are nο! aJlowed.) plan. l'/anηing c. Construct a ρlηη that changes the Ιενε! 01" ιίιο workforce το ιυοει montl11Y del11and as c]osely as possible, Ιη designing the logic for your calcu]atiol1s, be sure that invcntory does υοι go negative ίη any month. Dctermine the cost of b. Determinc the zcro invetιtdry p]an thathiresaιid fires wοτkers eac]l match deInand as c]osc]y as ,possib]e and thc cost of that p]an. G. A,ggreJ.:"are δ, Assuιne cI = $0.1 Οper cookie per month, cll = $] 00, al1d cp = $200. Add colulnns that give t]le ουυιυίετίνε on-h.and invenlory and invel1tory cost. W]lat is the total cost of the constnnt workforce plan? Assume that Parls currently has 80,000 gaJlons ofpaint ίη inventory and wou]d the year with a11lnventory of at ]east 20,000 gal1()ns. ιο end 34. οη ('. Suppose tl1at the maxiI11tI111 numbeI" ot' WΟΓkerstl1at the colnpany can expcct to bc able 10 hire ίn one ιηοηιΙ1 is 10. How wil1 that Hffect youl" solution to ρπτΙ (α)? Ρι vt' c!. DeΙeΓnJiηe the zcro invcl1tolOY ρΙπη and t11Ccost of that ρΙηη. [Υοιι ΙΙΙΗΥ ignoI·c tl1C conditions ίη pHrts (b) and (c').) I~ \ 38. α) Fonl1tIlHtc 111CΡΓοblenι of p]anning Ycasty"s procluction leve]s, as dcscribed ίn ''-..J' PΓOb1em37, as a linear prognlll1. [Υοιι ιηaΥ ignΟΓCthe conditions ίη parts (b) and (ι-).) 6, Solvc tllCrcstIltlng JincaI"ριυgram. RotIIld tl1Cnppropriat.e vHriabJes Hnd detcrn1inc tl1Ccost οΓ ΥΟΙΙΓsoltItion. c. Suppose Yeasty does ηο! wish to .fire3l1Y\Vorkers. \Vl1at ls IJ1Coptimal Ρ]ΗΙΙ sub.iect 1001is cOl1stralnt? 39. Α local canning COll1fJanyselJs c3nned vegelables to a supermarket chain ίn tl1C Minneapolis al'ea, Α typical case ot' canned vegetables reqtIlres an average οΓ 0,2 clay of labor to pJ"Oducc. The aggregate inventory οη hand "ι 111eend of .func i5 166 Chapter Three AIW<garc ['lanning Appendix 3-Α 167 800 cases. The demand for thc vegetables can be accLIrately predictccl for about 18 I110nths based ΟΙ1 o,-ders received by the firn1. The predicted demands for the next 18 months arc as foIIows: Month July Augu5t September October November December January February March Forecasted Demand (hundreds of cases) 23 28 42 26 29 58 19 17 25 Workdays 21 14 20 23 18 10 20 14 20 Month Month 29 33 31 20 16 33 35 28 50 20 22 21 18 14 20 23 18 10 aggregate plan and b. ΟενεΙορ a spreadsheet ιο find a ρlηη that hires and. fi[es workers I110nthly ίπ ordcr το n1inimize inventory costs. Dctern1ine the total cost of ΙΙ13Ι Ρl3η as \veII. c. Graph ιΙ1' ctImulativc nct deI11and and, using thc grapl1,find ,1ΡI,lη that cl1anges (he workforce level exactly once during tl1e 18 l110nths and 11as" 10,,'e1"cost than either 0[t11C plans considcI'ed ίπ parts (11) and (b). ::f~ 40. Consider tl1e lίnear ρτοοικιίοη rule of Ηοίι, Modigliani, Muth, and Sil11on, appcaring ίη Problem 24. Design 3 spreadsheet το οουιρυιο Ρ, and W, [ΓΟΙ11deI11and Ιοτοοοετε. Ιηζ particular, supposc that ει tl1e end ofDccember 1995 the workforce \Vas ΗΙ 180 and the inventory was ει 45 aggregate units. a. Using the forecasts of demand for the nlOnths J"Hnuary tllfolIgh DeccIllber 1996 given ίη ProblcIll 24, find tl1e recommended levels of aggregate production and.: workforce size for January. ', *b. Design ΥΟΙΙΓ sprcadsheet so tl1al ίι can cffίcicntly tIρdate recoI11I11cnded.· levels as demands ετο realizcd. Ιη partictIlar, ειιρροεο ιίιετ the dCI11l1ndfo;' JantIary was aCttIally 175 and tl1e forccast for January 1997 was 130. WJlat are the I'ecoI11Illcndcd levels οΓ aggregate ρτοουοτίο» and wοrkfΟΓCC size for February? (Ηίαι: Stol"C the denland forccasts and coetΊicicnts ίη separate, οοίιυυτιε and modify ιίιο conlptIting formtl1a as nc\v data a1"C appcnded Ιο the old.) . *c. Πιε actιιal realizations of dCll1and and new forecasts of demancl for tl1CreI11ainder' of 1996 are given ίη the followiI1g table. Detcrmine updatcd valnes fOΓ Ρ, and W, each Inonth. 148 200 190 180 130 95 120 68 88 75 60 160 175 120 190 230 280 210 110 95 92 77 Glossary of Notation for Chapter 3 Tl1e ΓΊτη1currently has 25 \vorkcI·s. The cost ofhiring and training a new worker is $ 1,000, and ιίιε cost το lay off onc worker is $1,500. The firn1 cslin1ates a cost of$2.80 Ιο store a casc of vegetables for a ηιοηιίι. Tl1ey woLIld like ιο have 1,500 cascs ίη inventoIOYat the cnd oftl1C 18-ιηοηιl1 planning horizon. a. Develop a spreadsheet ιο find the minimum constant workforce detcrmine the total cost oftl1at plan. New Forecast (1997) February March ΑΡΓίl May June July August September October Novelnber December Forecasted Demand (hundreds of cases) April May June July Augu5t September October November December Actual Demand (1996) " = SIll00111iI1!!const,IIlI fOl"JJl"OCIUCliOIl "'1d clcIllanc] usccl ίη BOWHl<II1'sl11odel. .., β = SIllootl1in!! COI1stant [οι· ίΙ1veη1ΟΓΥtlSccI ίη 80"'Ι11:1Ι1'5 ιυοοε]. ΙΊ.· ('11 = = ('1 = Cost οι' 110lding one ιιηίι ο! stock fOΓουε [1CI·iod. Cost" οΓ ΙίΙ'ίηι; one WΟΓΙCCΓ. Cosl οΓ 11ίΓίηι;one \vol·kcI·. Ι'() = ('1' = Pcnalty σοει ·foΓbacl< o,-dcr5. ('Ι( Cosl οί' ριυdιιcίηg = Cost οί' ιποcJιιcίng onc Lιπίι 011ονειιίιυο. OI1C ιιnίι οιι I'egLII.H ιίυιο. (".Ι' = Cost 10 sιιbcοηlΓΠCI ουε ιιnίι οί ρ.οοικιίωι. ('ΙΙ = I(ile cost ]JCI'ιιηίι (1Ι' ]JI"OCltICriOI1. D, = FΟΓCC'lSΙοΙ" (lcInal1ll ίη JJCI'ioclι. F, = NUInbel' οΓ wOl"kcrs fiI'cd ;η JJeriod r. Ν, = NlIIllbcI" of ,vorkcl's 11il'ccIίη pcγjod ι. Ι,. = Il1vcnt"ory Icvel ίl1 (JCI'iod ι. Κ = Nun1ber o]',tggreg<1te units lποdιιccd Ι'Υ OI1C\VOI"kCI'ίl1 OI1Cday. λl = ΑηηΙΙ<11dCIl1Hnc!ΙΟΓt':1I11ily.i(rcfcI' to Scclion 17, = NtllllbcΓ σΓ IJΓOdtIct"iOJldnys ίl1 I,eriod /. Ο, = OvcrtiIllC 1"'oclιrctioI1 ίη units. Ρ, = Ριυουοιίο» levcl ίη I'CΓίοcl ι. ;), = NtIInbcI" οΓ ιιηίι, SlιbCΟΠΙΓacle(1lίΌΠ1otIlsidc. r = Νυιιιίιο. οΙ" I'C,-iocls ίη 111C111,1Ι1nίlψ110ΓίΖοη. U, = \VΟΓkCΓi(llc tiI11Cίη ιιηίι, ("lII1CICI·tiI11C"). Η/, = 'ΝΟΓkΓΟΓCCIcvel ;n pCI'iocl ι. 3.9). 168 Chapter Three "'\~σr('~αιι>Ρlnηl1ίη~ Bibliography Allel1. S. 1.. αικ! Ε. W. Schllstcr. "Ρτεοιίσε! Ρτοοικτίωι SCllCdlIlil1g,νίιl, Capacity C0l15trail1tSal1d DYl1aIllic DCrn::lI1CI:F,ιιηίΙΥ PlanIling and Oisaggrcgation." αIlΙII,1\Ιf!nlVΙ:v 1\40Ilαg~nιel1t.J()ιιπιaI3S. ΡΙΌ(lιιι·tίοll 110. 4 (Ι 994), ρρ. 15-20. Ax~[ltel-. S. "Άggι'cg,ΙΙiοl1 οΓ Prodttct Dcιta for HienlΓcllic~ll PI'o(ltIctiol1l'I,,"ning:' OlJeIvIioII.I· Πρ.ι·ρ",.ι·!, 29 (Ι 98 Ι). ρρ.744-56. BergstroIll, G. Ι .. and Β. Ε. Sl1lirh. "'Mulri-Itcm Productiol1 Extension ofthe HMMS ρρ, 6 Ι 4-29. Plallnillg-AIl RLIles." MllJlagenIent 16 (Ι 970). S6enC'e BiIran, G. R., [Ιllι1 Α. I-Iax. '"Oisaggregation nηcl Resοιιrce ΑlΙοcηιίοl, Using ("nvex Knapsack Problcills with BoIInde<1 VaI'iablc5:' Manag,'nIeIII 8cieIIC"e 27 (198 Ι ), ρρ. 431-4 Ι. BO\VI11al1. Ε. Η. "Ρτοοιιοιίοη Schedulil1g by the ΤΙ'ηηΨΟΓΙηιίοιι Mctllod of Lil1ear Programl1lil1g." Opel'OIions ΠΡ.,.ιll'ι!ι 4 (Ι 956). ρρ. 100-103. Βο\\ιιηί1l1. Ε. Η. "CUl1sistcncy <JIld ΟΡιίlηalίtΥ ίn M~lIHlgeri,11 D~ι:ίsίοl1 M"lkil1g." Mal111genIel1f $ι:;eιιι'e Ι 19(3). ρρ. 310-2 Ι. 9 f-Iarvard BllSil1CSSSCl1001 ("cIse :1~5-·276 ( 1985). (ΊH!Π~, ΙΌ, HJld L. J. Knljcwski. M:.I.stcl· Ρωιluctίοn Μ"ιιageιιι<'ιιι. "Plnnning Horizol1s fol' SClleιiuling.·' '/ollI-naΙ (!f'OfJf!I-ali()n.~· Fisllcr: UI1(1.1. J~likΙlJllar. ''InteJΊ1HtiOIl:II ΜnnΙIΙ:1CΙΙΙl,ίl1g <lllιl Distl'iblItioll Nct\\lorks:' [η j\ιIΙΙlla~ι:ίJ1g 111!(!1'11ι.ιιίοI1ΙΙI Λ4UΙΙΙψΚ!ll1'ίl1g, ed. Κ. FCΓdο\νs, ρρ. 67-93. Am,rcrιl,IIn: Nl)I·th Ηοίίεικ], 1989. C\)11CI1, Μ. Λ.; Μ. Ι. Dnmon. \\1. \\/.. ""'1 I~.SCllΓanll11."Λ SimIIltnneotιs l)cι:ί ...• ίφη Μοοο! 1'01' Ρωιίικηοη. Markcting. 19(1972).ρρ. nn<1 r-Inrll1ce," 161-72. Μα.ncιgel1ιeI115'ι'ίeΙl(·Ι'. ι " V()llIIllC Ne\vYork: EIsevicr. 1975. Ι. SClledLIling οί ρειεοιιυε]. 2. SeveΓal varieties of blending pΓObleIlls incllIding and stecl nlaking. 3. Inventory σοιιιιο! and ριυοιιοιιοι: planning. Ιοίιεl1, R. Α. "M,trkcting St"IIcgy al1dΟριίιηηl ProdtIction SchccilIlc.'· .ι,'/αιιαgeιιιeιιι S'l'iellc:e 20 (1974). ρρ. 903-1 Ι. McGratll, Μ. Ε.. "n(1 R. Β. Boqιιίllηrιl. "lnterl1atiollal Strategies [ιl1ιi InfrastnlcfιII'al C'onsidcrations ίπ ιίιο Electronics InιΙιlstlγ" Ιη Μallagiιl,Ι!.ΙlΙf~ΠΙafίΟl1α! Μαnιι{aι·ιιιι·ίιιg. cd. Κ. Fc"lows, ρρ. 23-40. AIllsterdam: ίπ Ι, ΙοχiΔ·lίc.\·, cd. Μ. GeisleI·. 4. Distribution and logistics 5. Assigtltllenl problems. cattle feed, salIsages, ice crean ρτοοίεηιε. Μaπιιfactιιrίng ProbleIlls witll thousands οfvaΓίables and tllous,ιnds οΓ constraints are easily solvab οιι οοιηρυιειε ΙΟΙΙΗΥ.Linear pΓOgnll11Illing was developed to solve !ogistics ρτοοίεη cillI'ing World War 11.George Dantzig, a Illatl1enllttiCi<1n etllployed by the RAND (.οφ nΙΙίοη Η! the tiIIle, c!eveloped a εοίυιίοη pΓOcedore 11Clabeled the Sitllplex Method. 'Πι tl1C nletl10d tuΓηed ου! 10 be so efficient ΓΟΓsolving l<trge probleIlls qιtick ΙΥ W,IS a $ΙΙ prise evetl (ο its developer. That fact, οοιιρίαί \vith tl1e sitllltltaneolls developIllent of"!! electronic οοπιριιτει, established lίneaΓ progt'atllJ11ing as .111ίιυροτιωιι 1001 ίη 10gisti n1anagemeni. The εικσοεε oflinear ΡΓΟgΓanιιιιίng in indLIstry spa\vned the cleveloptlle oJ"tlle disciplines οfΌΡeratίοns t'eseat-c11 (InC!IllHnageIllent science. "Πιο Sirnplex Metlll 11,IS\Vitl1Stoocl tl1e test oftime. Only ίπ recent ΥeaΓS 113SHnotller Illetllod been clevelop, ιΙ1ηΙ potentialIy could be n10re efficient 111<1n the Sίιιιρleχ Metl10d ΙΟΓ solving very lar~ specially stt"UctLIred, lίnear prograIlls. TI1iS Illethod, known as Κ,ΙΤΙΙΙθrkar's Algoι'itllll1, natlled Γοι' tl1e Bell Labs Il1atl1etllatician Wl10 conceivec! ίι lη Section S 1.2 we consider a typical tll,ltllIfactlIt'il1g ΡΙΌbΙem ιlιηΙ 've f'OΓIlllII,1te ΗΙ solve lIsing lίne,ιι' prograIlln1ing. Later \ve CΧΡIΟΓe110\VOl1e solves sn1aII probletlls (ti" is, having ι:xnctly two llecisiotl vaΓίables) grapI1ic<tlly, ΗηιΙ 110W one solves Ι,ΙΓ pI'obletlls using a COIllplIter. Νοννεοη. Ε. F. Ρ. "Μulιί-Ιιοιl1 ΙΟΙ Sizc SclIclIlIlil1gby Heuristic, Part Ι: \ινίιlι Fixctl ReSΟΙIΓces." IVlal1a,r;efl/f!1I1 .)("/·eιιce 21 (1975a), ρρ. 1186-93. Νεινεοιι, Ε. F. Ρ. "Multi-ItClll ί.οι 5ize ScIleduling by ΗeΙΙΓίstic, Ρ,ιη 2: \ViIh Fixed RCSΟllΓCCS." :'vIl1na~ψηllenι 8"ί(,1κρ 2 Ι ( Ι975b). ρρ. Ι Ι94- 1205. Inf(!gc'l; υιιιl Q/((,/llnlfic: Ρ,-Ο,Ψ'(l1ΙΙJl1ίrιg LlNDo. ΡηΙο ΑJtο, (Α: Scicntillc PI"ess. 1984. SCllr<.1gC, Ι. LineaI: THubert. \ν. Η. ".ι\ Searcll rJCCiSioll f.ιιιιc f('II'II1C AggrcgaIe SCIlc(Iolillg Pr()blclll." Λ4ωΙ(Ψ.i!IIΙΡΙΙ! S'ι'ίι.:ιιι:e 14 (1968). ρρ. Β343-59. Βαχ, Α. ( .. and Ι-Ι.C".Mc"l. "HienIΓcI1ic,,1IlItcgI'atioll of ,)'/lI(/ίι~<"; Lineat· "rognll11ming is a tllathematical tecllnique for solving a broac! class of ορι ιιιίΖΗιίοη problenlS. These problems reqLIire maximizing οτ tllininlizing a lίηCHΓ fl1II( ιίου οΓ 11 Γeal variables subject to 111 constraints. One can fOΓllll1late ,Ind solve a IΗΓg nlJtllber ofreal problems with lίneaΓ ΡωgΓaιιιιιιίηg. Α ΡaΓιίallίst includes Flexibility under Excllangc 1~"IcRisk." Ορο/ηιίοιι.ι· 44 (1996). ρρ. 100-13. Κεηυεη, Μ. Ι., and L. Ιί. "SubcontI'acting, Coordination, Flexibility, and Production Smoot'hil1g ίπ Aggregate I'lanning.·· MaIIαgeIJ1el7I S"C"ίeIIl'e 36 ( 1990). ΙΨ )352-63. Koguι, Β.. ill1d Ν. KIIlatilaka. "'Orerating Flcxibility, Global lΙe.<eαπh SiIver, Ε. Α .. :ll1d R. PCIeι-sun. O('ι'ί,~'ί()1/ 5:\'.\'T(~nι.\-.ι;)I' Λιfalιagι!171ι1111 Οllι! Ρι'οι!lι('/ίΟ/1 P/lIllIIillg. 211(1 ed. Ne,vYork: JOlll1Wilcy & SOI1,. 19R5. Hax, Α. C .. :.1llιiD. ('3nLlcu. PJ-ol!lfuion Οl1ι!lnl'ΡΙΙfOl'11 MUl1agelIIellf. Eng!c\vo()(I Clifl's, NJ: Prelllice 1-1:.111, 19R4. Ιπ ΤIΛιf8 INTRODUCTlON 117\'enfOJ:I' 35 (Ι ')~X). [ψ 414-25 SCI1C(!IIling." 51.1 ρρ.844-49. Ηanslη:ll1l'J. Ε, ,11)(1 S. W. Hcss. "Α Lillcar Progrίlll1lnillg AjJpl'();Icll tu Ρωι!ιιctίοn <ll1d EmploYIl1cnI Sclιcdιllίlψ.'· Μalιa~ΨJΙΙΙ(!ΙΙΙ Τ(!ι'/ιιιοl(ψ,.\' Ι (Ι ~(0). ρρ. 46-5 Ι . 311(1 Linear Programming Englewood Elnpir.icnl Perfol'nlaI1ce οΓ Il1C Lillcal' Decisioll RLIle tor Aggregate Planning." IvfolllIgenIenl $ι-ίell('(! 24 ( Ι 978), S., ,111(1S. ΤιιΓckcί. '".Δι ΤrίιtlSΡοrtaιίοl1 ΤΥρε -"gHreg:.lιc "IΌ(IlICtiOI1 Mo(Iel with Bounds 011 Ιl1vellιulγ •. ΙΙΙι! (3:Ick.onlel·ill,g." ΙΊιnφt'οn JυΙΙΠJa! (?(OfJ(!I'CII;OIl.'" Ρlut1l1ίιψ J#)/'~/i.)f'(:(!. Sch,v"rl, Ι. Β.. ,tnd R. Ε.. lol,n50ll. ''Απ Apρl"ais,,1οΓ tllc Εn:ιιgιιc. ΡrοcΙιlctiοlι (,/I1ΙΙ HHcl1zerιneier. Α .. anιl Μ. Α. COllCtl. "Vι:llιιίπg Ορετειιοιιε! ,,·ίι!ι E.l1ert, It. J. ·Άgl:.!l'\~g<\ιl' PI~ltlning \vith Le;Πllilι~ (ΊIΓve f}!'()ιΙιιcιίvίΙΥ·" :HCII1ί1J.ξeIIIι..,II 5"L'it:l1C'(! 23 (1976), IΨ 171-82. !ic.'·"(f/"("!' IJ7VCl1fοτίe,\·. ΝΟΓΙΙ,Hollal1d, Ι9R9. August 1984, ρρ. 389-406. Μalιagt'll/(:IΙΙ.5"C"ίι:Iι,ι: Ρτο(JIΗ;tίοl1, ancl tI1C Option VnlLlc οΓ[l MLlltillationa! Net\vork." Mαlla.fζειιιoιιι S'cieII('e 40 (Ι 994). ρρ. 123-39. McGrH\\·-Hill/lI"\vil1. 1972. Τπ:lctΟΓ CοιηΡί1nΥ." P!olll1ing CΙiffs, NJ: Prentice ΗΗΙΙ,)960. Ηοίι, (. C.; F. MocIiglilllli; alld Η. Α. Sinlon. ''Α Lincar Dccision Rule for EmploYIncl1tand Ριοσυοιίοο SCIICdulil1g." Μaιιαgeιιιenι SC'ienc~ 2 () 955), ρρ. ) -30. ΜΗnιιfactυrίng. Βιι !ΤΗ, Ε. S .. ί:llld W. Η. TalIbcrt. Ρι-υdιιc:!;υη-lιινentOl:\} ::':ω'ιel/ιχ: PlallIIing αll(1 Cοιι"υ/. Rev. ed. Νειν York: "Cωcφίllal' ΗίllίΟΓ,F. S.. al1dG ../. LicbclΊll,lIl. !nIIvdIIcIioll Ιο Operaιio 5th cd. Sal1 FI'al1cisco: Holdcl1 Day. 1990. Ηοlι, C. C".; F. Mo<ligliani; and J. F. MlItll. "ΟΟΓίvηιίοηof a. Linear Decisiol1 RlIlc for Ρτοιίικιίοη alld Εηιρίονηιοητ." MallGgeIIIenl Sι:ίι'nce 2 (Ι 956). ρρ. 159-77. Ηοlι. ο. ο. F. Modiglialli; .1.F. Μυτη: ,,"d Η. Α. δίηιοη. Hρ.5~αι·(·!ι. νΟΙΙΙll"ηl1.Τ. Ε.. \V. Ι. ΒοιτΥ; ,,"d D. <.:. Wllyb"I"k. Μωιιι/;ιι'III,.ίιlJ~, fJIGfJl1ing, ΙΙΙΙ(! ('ΟI/IΙ'ο! ,~\'.\'!(,IJI'.\'. 31'(1 α!. Nc\\' York: McGrn,v-Hill/lrwin, Ι~92. Zollcl', Κ. "ΟριίΙl1ίΊ! r)ίsa~gΓCΗα.ιίοιι oJ'Aggn:gίJte Ρrοdοctίοll P/"I1S:' /\ι/αιια.ψιIιCI1Ι &ί",,('(' 17 (Ι 971). [ψ Β533-49. 51.2 Α PROTOTYPE LlNEAR PROGRAMMING ExampleS/.I PROBLEM Sidneyville manufactures household and commercial furnishings. The Office Division produr two desks, ΓΟllΙορ and regular. Sidneyville constructsthe desks ίπ Its plant outside IVledfo OregoΓl, from a selection οΙ woods. The woods are cut ΙΟ a uniform thickness οΙ 1 IncrI. For t reason, one measures the wood ίπ unlts of square feet. One rolltop desk requires 10 \quare ιι ΟΙ pine, 4 square leet ΟΙ cedar, and 15 square feet οΙ maple. One regular de\k requI