Editorial have to confess that people who go around saying, 'God told me this, and God told me that,' raise my hackles. I accept that God does speak to people, but I have also discovered that many who claim to have a special connection with him, make such claims in order to boost their low self-esteem, to exalt themselves, or to manipulate others. Recently, a certain charismatic preacher in the States told his congregation that God instructed him to divorce his wife of many years and marry a younger woman who was better suited for the work of assisting him with his ministry. The really sad thing about this particular case, is that most of his congregation accepted what he told them and still support his ministry. A few saw through him and walked out, but the majority stayed. Oral Roberts, a very gifted evangelist, who was deeply in debt because of three skyscrapers he had built 'w ith the encourageme nt of a nine-hundred foot Jesus' , stated in March 1986, that he had heard fro m God and was told that his ministry on earth would be over and he would be 'called home' if he didn ' t raise eight million dollars by March 3 1, 1987. This was not the I Good News Un limited is published monthly by Good News Unlimited Ltd. , PO Box 6788 (Unit 2/ 54-60 Industry Dr. ) Sth. Tweed Heads NSW 2486. Website: ..... www.goodnewsunlimited.org.au . Ritchiew@kiwilink.co. nz eMail: .. ... ..... ... .. ... ..... ..(07) 55245040 Phone: .... Facsimile :............................. (07) 55245900 Executive Editor: ........... Pastor Ritchie Way. Layo ut & Design: ...... ........ Patricia Tedman. Printer: ........ Spartan Press Queens Park WA. Good News Unlimited is an evangelical, nondenominational, nonprofit organization, with headquarters at South Tweed Heads, in New South Wales. GNU is dedicated to proclaiming the Everlasting Gospel. GNU is not a church, nor is it affiliated organically with any Chri stian denomination. Its mini stry includes radio presentations, preaching appointments, public seminars and the dispersal of audio and video cassettes, also li terature emphasizing the atonement of Chri st. GNU is supported solely by dona- 2 Good Ne11 ·s Unlimited first time that Roberts had made such a claim. Eighteen months earlier, he had written to hi s supporters, te lling them that God would take his life un less he raised eight mi llion do ll ars by Ju ly 1985. It's enough to put a person completely off anyone who claims that God has spoken to them . The danger, of course, is in allowing the pendu lum to swing from one extreme to another, for as Dr Ford has told us many times, 'Where the counterfeit abounds, the true will be found.' What a terrible thing it would be if we shut our ears to God's voice because of all the counterfe its. Either way, the devil wins. There are numerous examples in Scripture where God did speak directly to individuals. The Lord spoke directly to Samuel Lo give him in fo rmation that was not available in the books of Moses (I Sam. 9: 15- 10-6). The Lord gave a unique message of great support and encouragement to King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah in a time of national crisis (2 Chronicles 20). The Lord spoke to Philip and told him what to do in order to meet up with a man who would become an evangeli st for Jesus in Upper Nubia (Acts 8:26-40). And, through the Apostle Paul, the Lord gave a message of encouragement to a storm-tossed shipload of exhausted and seas ick peo pl e (Acts 27:2 1-26). What about today? Does God speak to us today? And if he does, how would we know his voice from all the other voices that clamour for our atte ntion ? That is the subject of th is issue of the GNU magazine. At the comm ence ment of another year of grace it wo uld be appropriate for me to remind our readers that the articles and Discussion Point replies, which you will read in th is magazine, are not printed to make you believe as the authors do; they are printed to challenge you to get out your Bible to 'see if these things are so.' God forbid that any GNU reader should be like the tumbleweed that bowls along before whichever wind is blowing at the time. It is our heart's desire that all our readers be mature enough to read analytically what we write and make their own decisions as to its veracity. We are responsible for what we write; yo u are responsible fo r what yo u do with what we write. If we a ll be li eved the sa me there'd be no spiritual growth . Jesus, Paul and Luther, were able to challenge the popular beliefs of their times because they saw matters differently from others. Most turned their backs on what they had to say, but those who accepted the truths they offered made up teams that changed the world for the better. So we challenge you, in 2006, to test what is written within these pages , ditch what doesn' t square with Scripture, hold fast to what does, and act tions from those who believe in its ministries. Gifts are tax deductibl e in Canada, New Zealand and the USA . Unsolicited man uscripts of interest to Chri stians of all denom inat ions are welcome, but without guarantee of return . Und er certain circumstances, paym ent may be made fo r manusc ripts at th e Editor 's discretion. Please send typed manuscripts or 3 112" disks (MAC or IBM) Word, Wordper-fect or text-only format to: Executive Editor, R Way, PO Box 6788 Sth Tweed Heads NSW 2486. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without permission in writing from the publisher. C hairman, W Sincla ir: ....................... spider55@oplusnet. com .au Pastor Ron Allen : ............. .. ro n @goodnewsunlimited.o rg.au GNU USA : .... gnu @goodnewsunlim ited January 2006 upon it. ~ ~ ~· \~v~ . ~\l\ Ritchie Way GNU Exec. Editor: ..... 0011 649 4822543 ....... ..... ... ... fax: 0015 649 4822544 GNU Printer: .... Ph./fax: (08) 93610867 GNU USA : ... ............ .0011 I 5308239690 GNU NewZea land: ...... ph:(09) 8270070 GNU Treas urer: ....... ..... ph:0413128080 Book & Tapes: .......... ph: (07) 55245040 GNU BOARD Elenne Ford ....................... (07) 32361690 Bruce Johansen ............... (03) 53811330 Douglas Ma rtin ...........••.••. (02) 66 281984 Willia : 1 Sinclair .•...•....•.. (08) 93610867 Bruce Starr .....•....••.••.••..•. (02) 98721016 Ca lvin Stewart ..•..••..•.....•. (03) 98886952 Ritchie Way .......•.......... 00116494822543 HEARIN GOD'S VOICE Ritchie Way twas winter time in Jerusalem and Jesus was walking through Solomon's Colonnade in the Temple when he was accosted by a group of Jews who demanded that he tell them clearly whether or not he was the Messiah. 'How long will you keep us in suspense?' they challenged. 'Ifyou are the Christ, tell us plainly.' Jesus answered, 'I did tell you, but you do not believe. The miracles I do in my Father's name speak for me, but you do not believe, because you are not my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice.' (John 10:22-27). What did Jesus' sheep hear that the accosting Jews failed to hear? They 'heard' the testimony of Jesus' miracles. Anyone could claim to be the promised Messiah, but only God in the flesh could demonstrate it by giving sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, legs to the lame and life to the dead. Only God himself, could tum water to wine, feed more than ten thousand people with a handful of buns and small fish, walk on water, and stop a storm in mid fury. These miracles provided indisputable evidence that Jesus was the promised Messiah. Hearing God's voice, therefore, involves more than just hearing words. Words are only one way that God has of communicating with us. Now if Jesus' miracles 'spoke' for him, what other 'voices' might Jesus use to speak for him? Hearing God's Voice in the Bible We know that Scripture speaks for the Lord. In fact, it speaks so clearly, the Bible is called 'the Word of God' (Eph. 6: 17). Yet many people can read the Bible without hearing God's voice at . all; to them it is just an ancient religious bookthe product of spiritual evolution. But to multitudes of others, it is the voice of God speaking to their hearts. They see patterns of progressive revelation in God's Word that can only be explained by the hand of God. To them, God's Word is inspired. There will always be a division of opinions about what God has to say to us, for there will be some who will claim it is nothing more than thunder, while others will declare that it is the voice of an angel (John 12:29). What you hear will depend on whether your ear is open to God's voice or not. There is a place for reading the Bible in its historical and cultural setting, but to hear God's Word speaking to me as an individual, I need to read it as a personal message to me. I need to read it with my heart open to what the Spirit has to say to me . If I read it as Jesus' message to his disciples or the Pharisees, or Paul's message to a particular church, I will miss the Bible's most important message of all-what God has to say to me as a person. I hear God's voice when I allow the word of God to judge the thoughts and attitudes of my heart (Heb. 4: 12). Do you know what the greatest curse in the Bible is? The greatest curse in the Bible is to commit a sin that can never be forgiven. What is that sin? According to Matthew 12:31-32, it is hearing the voice of God's Spirit, but attributing it to something, or someone else. That is blasphemy against the Spirit- a sin that can never be forgiven, because if you reject God's overtures to you, through Good News Unlimited January 2006 3 his Spirit, you have rejected the highest appeal that can be made to your soul. That's how important it is that we listen carefully to what God has to say to us-and act upon it. If he speaks to us, or calls us to repent and we refuse to listen, there is nothing more that he can do for us. Even though our choice puts us outside his kingdom, he will respect it. Impediments to hearing God's Voice As in the natural world, so in the spiritual, there are impediments to hearing God's voice. To illustrate this, Jesus pictured God's word as a seed which falls upon many types of ground (Matt. 13:1-23). The minds of some are so hard-like well-trodden roads-that the seed is unable to take root there. Other minds are so shallow they are unable to sustain life when the heat is on. And some minds are so cluttered with extraneous matters, the seed is choked, so it has no chance to develop. But there are those whose minds are rich ploughed soil, which nurtures the seed and produces a harvest. Note that God's word falls equally upon aJI types of ground. The problem is not with the sower, nor with the seed, but with the ground. God gives his word to all, but it is received differently by different types. In my work as a volunteer guide on the island Scientific Reserve of Tiritiri Matangi, I frequently hold up my hand to stop the group I am guiding and say, 'There's a pair of kokako up there in the canopy.' I have trained my ear to pick up the soft communication sounds these rare and endangered birds make as they move though the trees. In the same way we can train ourselves to hear God's voice. Eight times, in the book of Revelation, the Lord challenges us with these words: 'He who has an ear, let him hear.' But many spiritually-deaf people not only do not hear God's voice, they are not really interested in hearing God's voice. The first thing we need to do in order to hear the voice of Jesus is to learn what Jesus' voice sounds like. For me to be able to identify the 'voice' of the kokako, I had to spend time listening to kokako, not crows. And we are able to distinguish Jesus' voice from other voices (John 10:4) because we spend time with him in Bible study and prayer. We know his voice because his Spirit speaks to us through his Word and providential leadings; we commune with him at every oppor- -1- Good NC'11 ·1 U11/i111itet! January 2006 I have discovered that one major impediment to hearing God's voice is my need for security. I sail around, amid the storms of life, in my 'watertight' theological boat, when, unexpectedly through the tempest, comes the voice of Jesus. The first shock is that I suddenly discover Jesus is not in my boat, rather, he is out there in the raging storm. And the second shock is that he is calling me to step out of my zone of theological security and come to him. tunity: while out walking, driving the car, or lying awake in the early hours of the morning. We have a relationship with him which leads us to recoil from anything that threatens that relationship. I have discovered that one major impediment to hearing God's voice is my need for security. I sail around, amid the storms of life, in my 'watertight' theological boat, when, unexpectedly through the tempest, comes the voice of Jesus. The first shock is that I suddenly discover Jesus is not in my boat, rather, he is out there in the raging storm. And the second shock is that he is calling me to step out of my zone of theological security and come to him. Now why would any sane person step out of a good boat onto a stormy sea? There's only one reason that I can see and that is to be with Jesus. That is when I ask myself, 'Do I really want to expose myself to the raging elements to go to Jesus?' I decide that it is-for what the world can throw at me- not worthy to be compared with the privilege of walking with him. Jesus calls all of us to step out of our comfort zones and come to him, but, unfortunately, not everyone wants to hear his voice in such circumstances. Some say, 'That's the voice of Jesus calling me.' Others, who value their comfort and security more than walking with Jesus, say, 'Nah! It's only the shrieking of the wind.' + f ....,,... .,_ r'( J ~-~~-_;;.;::> i--"'5 ~~· ·- ... · · THE Dr Desmond Ford e came of peasant stock, but he has contributed more to lasting joy and peace than most aristocrats. He lived in the Seventeenth Century, but his philosophy is more modern than anything that can be found in today's newspaper. He spent many years as a soldier, but he has helped millions end the war devastating their personal life. 'A great awkward fellow who broke everything' (his own description), he has been responsible for enabling many to walk life's tightrope and to put together the disparate fragments of daily experience. They called him Brother Lawrence when he entered a Carmelite monastery after the first fifty years of his life. He served in the kitchen and after an experience he had in the Black Forest of Germany, that kitchen became to him as the house of God and the gate of heaven. It was this way. Walking amid the leafless giants of the woods one day, the thought struck him that these trees, which now in the winter seemed so dead, would in a few months be transformed. Death would give way to life, and barrenness to fertility. 'God is here,' Brother Lawrence whispered to himself. 'God is everywhere.' That truth changed his life. No longer did he feel the drudgery of his kitchen work. He did everything as unto God-that God who was with him in the monastery serving room. Thereafter, he was conscious of no difference between the hours of prayer and all other hours, for he lived continually in the presence of the Almighty. One of the most famous little books ever printed is his, The Practice of the Presence of God, which has been read by millions to their great profit. The Testimony of the Prophets The Bible speaks of this reality throughout its pages: 'He is not far from each one of us. For in him we live and move and have our being.' (Acts 17:2728). 'And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age' (Matt. 28:20). Moses 'persevered because he saw him who is invisible' (Heb. 11:27). Because Nehemiah believed in the presence of God, we find him speaking to God in the very act of serving an earthly tyrant in his throne room (Neh. 2:4). Jeremiah testifies concerning God: 'You came near when I called you, and you said, "Do not fear"' (Lam. 3:57). The same prophet announced to a rebellious people that the Creator fills heaven and earth (Jer. 23:24). Neither was this truth news to the Psalmist. Consider the one hundred and thirty-ninth Psalm where David sings of his Lord as One who has searched him and known him even to the syllables of his speech and the thoughts of his heart- a Winnower of all his ways. So Israel for three thousand years has sung the shepherd King's rhetorical questions: Good Neil's Uni imited January 2006 5 'Where can I go from your spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me; your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me," even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you' (Psalm 139:7-12). So confident is the Psalmist of God's omnipresence and omniscience that he declares God's thoughts about him to be more in number than the sand grains of the earth's mighty oceans (see v.17-18). Having said so, he adds: 'When I awake, I am still with you.' Last century, Harriet Beecher Stowe, abolitionist and author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, echoed the thought in a beautiful hymn: Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breaketh, When the bird waketh, and the shadows flee; Fairer than morning, lovelier than the daylight, Dawns the sweet consciousness, I am with Thee! Alone with Thee, amid the mystic shadows, The solemn hush of nature newly born; Alone with Thee, in holy adoration, In the calm dew and freshness of the mom. As in the dawning, o'er the waveless ocean, The image of the morning star doth rest, So in this stillness Thou beholdest only Thine image mirrored in my peaceful breast. When sinks the soul, subdued by toil, to slumber; Its closing eye looks up to Thee in prayer; Sweet the repose beneath Thy wings o'er shading, But sweeter still, to wake and find Thee there. So shall it be at last, in that bright morning, When the soul waketh and life's shadows flee; Oh, in that glad hour; fairer than day dawning, Shall rise the glorious thought, I am with Thee! To practice the presence of God continually is to bring rest of soul, peace of mind, and happiness of spirit. It grants freedom from undue anxiety, and wisdom for the way. Satan strives to make us doubt the Divine presence (see Psalm 42: 10, 6, 7, 9). But in answer, God exhausts the synonyms of language to assure us of his abiding nearness. • DEVOTIONAL EXERCISE (a) Psalm 125:2 God _ _ _ __ _ me to_ _ _ _ _ _ me. God (b) Deuteronomy 4:39 God is _____ me to_____ over me. God's face (i) Psalm 67: 1 His (j) Psalm 33: 18 are upon me to_____me. (d) Exodus 13:21 of me to____ me. His (k) Psalm 34:15 are open to_ _ _ _me. (I) Psalm 145:18 (e) Isaiah 52: 12 God goes upon me to_ ___me. me to_ _ _me. (c) Deuteronomy 33:27 God's arms are God goes (h) Isaiah 41: 13 my hand to_ ____me. me to_ _ __ me. God is to me to_ _ _ _ me. (m) Isaiah 57:15 (f) Isaiah 41: 10 God is me to_ _ ___me. God is (g) Psalm 56:9 me to_ _ _ _ _ _ _me. God in me to_ _ _ _ _me. Best of all, hear the words of Jesus: ' ... if a man love me, he will keep my words; and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him' (John 14:23). No wonder that amidst persecution and trial the ancient Christians sang: 'God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?'" (Heb. 13:5-6). This article, which has been updated from the KJV to the NEV, was first printed in the February I 987 edition ofthe GNU magazine. 6 Good Nein U11/i111ited January 2006 I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU 'Dobie Gadient, a school teacher for thirteen years, decided to travel across America to see the sights she had taught about. Travelling alone in a truck with a camper in tow, she launched out. One afternoon, while she was rounding a curve on 1-5 near Sacramento in rush-hour traffic, a water pump blew on her truck. She was tired, exasperated, scared and alone. In spite of the traffic jam she caused, no one seemed interested in helping her. Leaning up against the trailer, she prayed, 'Please, God, send me an a~gel, preferably one with mechanical experience.' Within four minutes, a huge Harley drove up, ridden by an enormous man sporting long, black hair, a beard, and tattooed arms. With an incredible air of confidence, he jumped off and went to work on the truck, with not even a glance at Dobie. The intimidated school teacher was too dumbfounded to talk, especially when she read the paralysing words on the back of his leather jacket: 'Hell's Angels-California.' After assessing the situation, he flagged down a larger truck, attached a tow chain to the frame of the disabled Chevy and whisked the whole fifty-six foot rig off the freeway onto a side street, where he calmly went to work on the water pump. As he finished his task, she finally got up the courage to say, 'Thanks so much.' Noting her surprise at the whole ordeal, he looked her straight in the eye and said quietly, 'Don't judge a book by its cover. You may not know who you're talking to.' With that, he smiled, closed the hood of the truck and straddled his Harley. With a wave he was gone as fast as he had appeared.' + Write To Us Most people have had a providential experience worth telling about. If you have had an experience in which the Lord has come to your aid in a time of need, put it down in writing and send it to us, together with an email or postal address. Later this year we will be bringing out an issue of the Good News Unlimited magazine which will be devoted to stories of providence-stories that will be an encouragement to others- and your story could be in it. Good Ne11·s U11/i111ired January 2006 7 RRUPTS Ritchie Way osemary and I have been working with a group of volunteers to create a parkland at Beach Haven on the edge of Auckland's Waitemata Harbour. One Sunday morning, after we had finished planting some frost-sensitive tawapou trees at the water's edge, I took a wheelbarrow up the track to the Resource Centre to get some wood and bark chips from a truckload that had been dumped nearby-we spread a good layer of these chips around each tree to restrain the growth of weeds and grass-on my way to the pile of chips I approached a young Asian man sitting on a park seat under a big gum tree. As I passed him a voice said, distinctly to my mind, 'This man has a problem with his marriage!' The boldness of the communication momentarily stunned me for, although I was aware of the presence of the Asian man, he didn't figure in my thoughts at all as I was intent on getting the job finished so I could go home for lunch. I was so completely 'thrown' by the intrusive nature of this message that I wasn't sure how to respond, so just kept on walking towards the pile of woodchips a further ten metres on. While I filled the wheelbarrow I worked out what I would do. On my return I caught the eye of the young man and asked him if he was enjoying the sunshine. When he responded I put down the wheelbarrow, held out my hand and introduced myself. He told me his name was Kim and that he had come to New Zealand from Korea two and a half years earlier. After some small talk I turned to him and asked, 'Kim, how are things in your marriage? Are you happy?' Not good!' he admitted glumly. 'My wife is too logic. Big worry for me.' I spent twenty minutes with Kim analysing the problem and encouraging him to try to understand his wife and adapt to her way of thinking, and to woo her again. Although I have looked for him many times R 8 Good Ne11 ·1 Unlill/iled January 2006 since, I have not seen him again. For several weeks after that I prayed for their marriage and that Kim would be grateful to the God who cared enough to answer his heart's cry that Sunday morning-even though the answer came via someone in boots and grass stains. A Red Cross Volunteer My friend, Branco, has an administrative position in a public hospital in Auckland. One morning tea time, while standing with a friend in a line at the cafeteria, a clear and strong voice said to him, 'Pray with the woman in front of you because I have got something special for her.' Being in a public place, and not knowing the woman, who was a Red Cross volunteer, Branco felt too embarrassed to do as he was asked. A second time the message came to him, 'Pray with the woman in front of you because I have got something special for her.' Once again Branco, who was in the middle of a conversation with his friend, hesitated . The woman made her purchase, Branco made his, and they went to separate tables. That evening Branco was so troubled by his failure to follow up on the Lord's prompting that he prayed for forgiveness and asked for another chance to speak to this woman. He promised the Lord, 'No matter what happens, I will do as you asked if I am given another opportunity.' Over the next two weeks Branco looked for the woman among the thousand staff that worked in his building, then one morning he spied her in the cafeteria again. Feeling more than a little scared he approached her and said, 'Excuse me. May I talk to you?' As they sat down together at a table Branco began, 'I don't know if you believe in God or not, but two weeks ago the Lord asked me to pray for you because he had something for you. The problem was, I didn't do as he asked me, and I have regretted it ever since.' Tears sprang into the woman's eyes as she lifted her hands to her mouth in shock. 'Oh my Lord!' she cried. 'Why do you say that?' asked Branco anxiously. 'Two weeks ago I was devastated with the news that my husband had been diagnosed with bowel cancer and, at the same time, my son was committed to a mental institution with alcoholism. I was shattered. I needed God.' 'Forgive me, please!' begged Branco. 'Forgive me. I have been looking for you for two weeks.' 'I haven't been at work these last two weeks,' she responde<d . 'I've been with my husband and son. But thank you! Thank you!' Several days later Branko met the woman on the stairs. With a big smile he asked, 'How are you?' She looked at him quizzically, nodded her head and passed. When this happened on two other occasions Branko stepped in front of her. 'Do you remember me?' he asked. 'How are your husband and son?' 'Oh, my goodness!' said the woman in shock. 'It is you! I thought it was an angel who came to me in the cafeteria.' She told Branko that her husband had had a successful operation, and that her son had returned home. I wish I could say that such events, when God gives a word of knowledge about another person, are common. They aren't; in fact, they are quite rare. In my nearly forty years of ministry I could count the times on one hand when God has used me in this way. It is an honour to be used by God like this, but it requires that we be alert to his voice and bold enough to carry out his wishes. + In Memoriam Lorna White 25 June, 1920 - 24 November, 2005 It is with deep regret that we in Western Australia mourn the passing of Lorna White. Loma was one of the original members who stepped out to help form the Bayswater Christian Fellowship in 1983. She was more than willing to share her talents to help spread the Gospel. During the twenty-one years life of the fellowship she was the pianist. Loma was also involved in the week-to-week running of the fellowship programme in the early days. Her cooking prowess was legendary, as we were fortunate enough to find out at our basket lunches. She was also in charge of the kitchen during Good News Unlimited Seminars, as well as playing the organ. Loma, with her husband Bob, was one of the stalwarts, who, until ill health caught up with her, helped to put the Good News Unlimited magazine into plastic bags for posting. She was a cheerful Christian lady, always with a smile and a kind word. Loma will be sadly missed. Condolences to her husband, Bob and their family. + Others Lord help me live from day to day In such a self-forgetful way, That even when I kneel to pray, My prayer shall be for others. Yes, others Lord, yes, others, Let this my motto be, Help me to live for others That I may live like thee. Help me in all the work I do, to ever be sincere and true, And know that all I'd do for you, Must needs be done for others. Let self be crucified and slain, And buried deep nor rise again, And may all efforts be in vain, Unless they be for others. And when my work on earth is done, And my new work in heaven's begun, May I forget the crown I've won, While thinking still of others. Good Ne11·s U11/i111ited January 2006 9 HEARING GOD'S VOICE Revelation 3:20 What is Christ asking in this verse? John 10:4, 26-27 How can Jesus' sheep know his voice? John 10:5 How can Jesus' sheep identify the voice of a 'stranger'? Luke 5:32 To what place does Jesus call us? Acts 2:38-39 What is promised to those whom the Lord calls? NEXT MONTH The next issue of the Good News Unlimited magazine will look at the problem of anxiety and depression, a plague that is currently sweeping the Western world and which affects Christians and non-Christians alike. If you are not already getting your own copy of the GNU magazine send your name and address to: carolyn@goodnewsunlimited.org.au with a request to put your name on the mailing list, or write to Good News Unlimited, PO Box 6788, Sth. Tweed Heads, NSW 2486, AUSTRALIA. THANK YOU FOR ANONYMOUS TITHE AND DONATIONS Mark 4:14, 20 What is the result of hearing God's word and accepting it? DECEMBER Hebrews 4:12 Where is God's voice the clearest and loudest? John 12:29 Why do you think some people confuse God's voice with natural phenomena? Pastoral Director: ron@goodnewsunlimited.org.au Magazine: ritchiew@kiwilink.co.nz Layout/Design: patricia@goodnewsunlimited.org.au Accounts/orders: carolyn@goodnewsunlimited.org.au Secretary/Treasurer: dennis@goodnewsunlimited.org.au Chairman: spider55@optusnet.com.au GNU Website design: ray@yabbagold.com GNU USA: gnu@goodnewsunlimited.org If you have received the new quarterly magazine Good News For Adventists and do not wish to receive future editions of the magazine, would you please let Carolyn know by writing, 1 ' emailing, faxing or phoning the office. GNU Aust: www.goodnewsunlimited.org.au GNU USA: .www.goodnewsunlimited.org Des Ford: www.desford.org.au GNU Website Online shopping www.goodnewsunlimited.org.au I0 Good Nell ·,· U11/i111ited January 2006 $100.00 AND $20.00 PG:~Goo d News Un1·1mite . .·d \::{~ Mission Statement Christians united in offering to all, meaning and direction in their lives by a knowledge of God's encounter with humanity through his Son, Jes us Christ. J Good News for Adventists, a new magazine which will be produced quarterly by Good News Unlimited, is a magazine that will address Seventh-day Adventist issues. Our focus will be upon the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ, also, upon anything (such as the Investigative Judgement) that has become a false substitute for the Good News. New B~q1nn1nq~ ~<\ .r~ MINISTRY ~,?' TRAINING INSTITUTE New Beginnings Christian Church at Tugun on the Gold Coast, is pleased to announce the launch of the New Beginnings Ministry Training Institute in 2006. Ken Legg, who is the senior pastor of New Beginnings Christian Church, will be stepping into a full-time teaching and training role as the Principal of the Training Institute. Ken says, 'New Beginnings MTI is identity driven. Whilst many find their identity in their ministry, at New Beginnings MTI we believe, "It's not what you do that determines who you are, but knowing who you are that will determine what you do." Both Christian living and ministry start with being, not doing. New creation identity and ~ifting is the basis to becoming people of godly influence.' New Beginnings Ministry Training Institute, which is a member of the registered training organization, Australian College of Ministries Training Network, offers a Certificate IV in Christian Ministry, Students doing the New Beg1nn1ng:, ~ft MINISTRY TRAINING INSTITUTE The Certificate IV in Christian Ministry provide8 a strong biblical basis for Christian ministry. It is a blend of biblical studies, personal growth and training for practical, effective ministry. The course includes: •Biblical Introductions. +Becoming a Person of Influence. It is our ambition to make Good News for Adventists a cutting-edge quarterly for front-line Christians in the SDA Church. Planned issues will look at the positives and negatives of Sabbath observance, the Spirit of Prophecy and creedalism. There will also be a four-part presentation on the recent history of righteousness by faith in the SDA Church. Articles written by Adventist thoughtleaders, will challenge readers to step up in their relationship with the Lord Jesus and encourage them to become more fervent evangelists for him. The success of this publication will depend upon your response. To receive this magazine, send your name and address, together with $24.00 to: Carolyn at Good News Unlimited, PO Box 6788, Sth Tueed Heads, NSW 2486, or email: carolyn@goodnewsunlimited.org.au and make arrangements to pay your subscription by credit card. completed course may qualify for Austudy, Abstudy or Youth Allowance--depending on their circumstances. The Certificate IV in Christian Ministry provides a strong biblical basis for Christian ministry. The course aim is to produce people of influence. It is a blend of biblical studies, personal growth and training for practical, effective ministry. Core Subjects Include: Biblical Introductions, Becoming a Person of Influence, Discovering My Ministry Gift, Making Sense of Church History, Authentic Christianity (selected N. T. epistles), Old Testament Survey, From Strength To Strength (Personal Growth), New Testament Survey, Truths that Transform (major doctrines of the Bible), Caring For Others (Pastoral Care & Leadership), Small Group Leadership, Introduction to Biblical Counselling. The course is delivered onsite at New Beginnings Training Centre, Airport Central, I Eastern Avenue, Bilinga, Queensland 4225. The course is also available by correspondence. To obtain a copy of the prospectus, write to New Beginnings Ministry Training Institute, PO Box 4185 Elanora, QLD 4221 . Phone: 07 55993365, fax: 07 55994173, Email: new-beginnings@bigpond.com +Discovering my Ministry Gift. +Making Sense of Church History. +Authentic Christianity (selected N. T. Epistles). +Old Testament Survey +From Strength to Strength (Personal Growth). +New Testament Survey. +Truths that Transform (major docti-ines of the Bible). +Caring for Others (Pastoral Care & Leadership). +Small Group Leadership. +Introduction to J3iblical Counselling. Good Neil's U11/i111ited January 2006 11 GNU is a meeting of minds from a wide range of church affiliations, and therefore, opinions expressed in our articles may differ from that of many of our readers. Recognising that opinions can differ and we all have much to learn and unlearn, we encourage our readers to participate in this forum. Dear Ritchie With reference to the September magazine, I can't find any scriptural support for: 1. Friday crucifixion (see enclosed article by Scot Ashley). 2. The Trinity (Satan's greatest deception). A. T. Hi A I read the article by Scott Ashley that you faxed to me and found its greatest weakness is that it imposes a Western scientific view of time upon an Eastern view, that was quite different from ours. Read again the quote that I gave from the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia. Besides, the devil would love to get us tied up in arguments over how long Jesus spent in the tomb, when the real issue is that he died and rose again from the dead. 'The sign of Jonah' is not that Jonah spent a set time in the belly of the big fish, but that even though he went down to sure death, he came forth again from the dead. Jesus foretold he would duplicate that feat. The problems we have over the Trinity, revolve around trying to force God, who is a Spirit (John 4:24), into physical moulds that can be counted. It is my belief that it's best to leave such things wrapped in their mystery. Blessings to you Ritchie. 12 Good Nc'11 · 1 UnlimitC'd Dear Ritchie Thank you for your special issue in October Good News Unlimited on God's permission for suffering. I have shared a number of articles, especially 'God Understands' where you made a poignant reference to your daughter, Ruth. God spoke to me repeatedly through what you wrote ... 'Trusting God is merely giving him the credit for being wiser than we are.' (GNU, Oct. 05, p.2) Wow! God bless you abundantly Sincerely, J. H. Dear GNU Human ego seems to have a 'death grip' on the illusion that it has blessed itself with so- called free-will or freedom of choice. 'Our freedom of choice is far more important to God than our eternal destiny', Ritchie tells us. There is room for only one Free -Will in this vast universe and it belongs to the One who alone originates. Creative 'wills' operate within His will, as per Acts 17:28. Other examples are Pharaoh having his heart continually hardened, so as to resist his Maker, also Christ's statement, 'You have not chosen me, but/, you.' And the Lord's declaration, 'Esau have 1 hated, Jacob have I loved, before they were .January 2006 even born.' Vessels from the same lump of clay, being made to either honour or dishonour;Ritchie Way, a trophy of Grace (2 Tim. 1:9; Phil. 2:13) and Judas Iscariot, a vessel of dishonour (John 13: 18), and just as important in the overall purpose of the One who works all things after the counsel of his own will (Eph. 1:11). Rev. 17:17 is a classical example of the Creator programming his creatures unknown to them-hence the creatures always reaching the wrong conclusion: 'l choose'; 'I did it.' Maybe if we 'free willers' spent seven years eating grass, we might recognise the absolute sovereignty of our Maker (Daniel 4:35) and stop de throning him, exalting ourselves at his expense as well as those around us 'less fortunate' than ourselves at this time, to be chosen as first-born in God's new creation, of which humanity has pre-eminence in the second (and last) Adam. J. N. Dear J. N. You seem to imply that God has programmed all human beings so that some of us have no choice but to serve him, as did Moses and eleven of Jesus' disciples, while others have no choice but to live in rebellion against him, as did the Pharaoh of the Exodus, Esau and Judas Iscariot. If I understand you correctly, here is my response: Because God sovereignly gave us freedom when he created us in his own image, the sovereignty of God is not thwarted by our human free dom- as you imply- but is glorified through it. God has called me to be a shepherd of the sheep, 'not because I must, but because I am willing, as God wants me to be' (1 Peter 5:2}. In other words, I have been given a choice- I have the freedom to exercise my will. The freedom to choose our own destiny is upheld by Matthew 23:37, and the freedom to obey or disobey God is upheld by John 7: 17. Ritchie. Dear Ritchie Early this week I was talking with a friend and she said that people like those who blew up the London trains would burn in hell forever. I've not been a Christian for long, so haven't thought much about hell, so is it true that God will punish sinners for ever and ever? My husband and I have some disagreements on this, so we agreed to ask for your help. We would be grateful if you could help us understand what the Bible has to say about the subject of hell. A.G. Dear A.G. There are two main views about hell held by Christians . Some believe that the final punishment will continue for ever on the basis of texts such as Revelation 14:10-11 and Mark 9:4448 . They also claim that hellfire must be eternal, because the human soul is eternal and cannot be destroyed . This latter argu ment, however, has no support in the Scriptures, for there is nothing in the Bible about an 'eternal soul.' Others believe the Bible speaks of the 'eternal consequences' of rejecting God's love . In other words, it is not the punishing that is eternal, but the punishment. There are several reasons why they hold this belief: 1. The words 'eternal' and 'forever and ever' did not have the same meaning for the people of Bible times as they do for us. For them, these words meant 'until the end of the time.' For example, Jude 7 says Sodom and Gomorrah were burnt with 'eternal fire,' yet this fire is not burning today. It says in 2 Peter 2:6 that God 'condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly.' So if the fires of Sodom and Gomorrah are an example of what is going to happen to the wicked, then the wicked will not bum forever and ever. 2. The places in the Bible that speak of eternal fire, are found in the apocalyptic writings, or are quotes from apoca1yptic . Now apocalyptic is highly symbolic and to understand these symbols we should look to those passages of Scripture which use plain language to describe the fate of the wicked. Romans 6:23 contrasts 'eternal life' with 'death' - not with eternal suffering. Hebrews 10:26-27 speaks of 'raging fire that will consume (incinerate or eat up) the enemies of God. 2 Thessalonians 1 :7-9 tells us that when Jesus comes, he will punish the wicked 'with everlasting destruction.' These plain language texts reveal that the wicked will 'perish' (John · 3: 16), not suffer forever. 3. The Bible reveals that when Jesus comes 'he will reward each person according to what he has done (Matt. 16:27; Rev. 22:12). Now, in Old Testament times, if a man wilfully blinded another man, his punishment would be to have his own eye blinded. If he deliberately knocked out another man's tooth, he would have the same tooth removed from his own gums (Deut. 19:18-21) . That is rewarding a person 'according to what they have done.' But would Jesus' 'reward each person according to what he has done' if he cast a thirteenyear old girl- who had rejected his offer of salvation- into hellfire which would bum for billions and billions of years without end? Hardly! Such a thought is quite repulsive to anyone who has the Spirit of Christ in them. 4. Finally, the Bible tells us in Romans 5:6-9, that we are saved from God's wrath through Jesus, who took our punishment. Now if hellfire is eternal and Jesus took our punishment, then he should still be enduring its eternal torments even now. But he isn't. During the three hours of darkness on the cross he ex perienced what it is like to be cut off from God and eternal lifeto die in despair, a totally lost person without hope. That was hell. And that will be the experience of all who reject the fact that he endured the unmitigated torment for them, so that they wouldn't have to. There will be no resurrection for the finally unrepentant, however, because they are evil in their inner beings- which Jesus wasn't. May God guide you as you come to your own conclusions in this matter. Ritchie. Good Ne11 ·.\ U11/i111ited January 2006 13 self. 'When I was young you called me to preach in the west and south. How can I qo that now?' he asked the Lord. Tm sitting here in this prison with crushed legs and I'm resigned to rot in this place.' Six weeks after Yun had been imprisoned another Christian prisoner, Brother Xu, told him that the time had come for him to escape. In spite of the fact that Brother Xu was a man of God who listened to God's voice, Yun replied, 'My legs are smashed and I am locked in my own cell with an iron door, I cannot even walk! How can I escape?' Next morning he awoke with the words of Hebrews 10:35 in his mind, 'Do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.' As the prison slowly stirred to life he opened his Bible and began reading the fifteenth chapter of Jeremiah. When he got to verse ten the words seemed to leap off the paper: 'Alas, my mother, that you gave me birth, a man with whom the whole land strives and contends! I have neither lent nor borrowed, yet everyone curses me' (Jer. 15:10). It was as though God, himself, had come into the cell to talk with Yun face to face. Yun had so much grief stored up inside him, it all started to gush out. He sobbed, 'Lord Jesus, just like Jeremiah said, everyone strives against me and curses me. I can't take any more. I've reached the end of my tether.' He wept so much his eyes became swollen from all his tears. The Lord comforted him like a father holding ·i his little boy. He reassured him with the next verse: 'The -,,,A:!J !?'' Condensed from c apter 2-!-WJl #~~$, Lord said, "Surely I will deliver you."' (Jer. 15: 11 ). When RI~ "'· ,. THE HE.AllENL MAN by Paul na'ltaway. Yun asked the Lord why he was in so much pain, the Lord ne of the leaders of the underground replied, 'They will fight against you but will not overhouse-church movement in China-now come you, for I am with you to rescue and save you,' estimated to have fifty-eight million ac- declares the Lord. 'I will save you from the hands of the tive members-is Liu Zhenying, more commonly wicked and redeem you from the grasp of the cruel' (Jer. 15:20-21). known as Brother Yun. As soon as Yun read these verses, a powerful vision In March 1997 Brother Yun, together with ten other house-church leaders, gathered together in suddenly came to him even though he was wide awake. Zhengzhou City, the capital ofHenan Province, for a In this vision he saw his wife Deling sitting beside him, meeting. Government agents found out about the meet- treating his wounds. She said to him, 'Why don't you ing and arrested the leaders. Because Yun, had escaped open the iron door?' Before Yun could answer she walked from custody on several previous occasions he was out of the room and the vision ended. given a severe beating, which fractured both legs and The Lord then spoke to Yun, 'This is the hour of was then placed in Zhengzhou Maximum Security your salvation.' Prison. Immediately he knew that this vision was from the As Yun was unable to walk, three other prison- Lord and that he was meant to escape. He called the guard ers were allocated to carry him to the toilet and inter- and told him that he needed to go to the toilet. The guard rogation room. At night he would elevate his legs by opened the door to Brother Xu's cell and ordered him to propping them up against the wall in an endeavour to carry Yun to the toilet. lessen the pain by reducing the blood pressure in them. Whenever prisoners were allowed outside their cells, In this way he was able to get some fitful sleep. an iron gate in the corridor was locked, so there would That was the lowest point in Yun's life and he be no chance of an escape. A stairwell leading down to complained to the Lord about his situation. He was the floors below, was on the other side of that gate which thirty-nine years old and saw no hope or future for him- could only be opened from the other side. Normally a 0 1-1- (;ood Nl'11 · 1 U11/i111ited January 2006 guard was stationed on either side of that iron gate. To get to the prison courtyard Yun would have to go through three iron gates and pass six armed guards. When Brother Xu came to Yun's cell he commanded, 'Yun, you must escape! 'Yun was dressed only in his underwear so he quickly dressed. His faith was strengthened by the fact that God had told him, in three different ways, that he was to escape. He had learned that when the Lord told him to do something there was no time for discussion or rationale. Not to obey God would be to imply that he was wiser than God. It was just before eight o'clock on the morning of 5th May, 1997. To the natural mind, this time of day was the worst possible time to try to escape! At that hour there was a lot of activity throughout the prison, with all the guards at their posts. Yun shuffled out of his cell and walked towards the locked iron gate in the hallway, totally focused on obeying God. The guard who pushed the button to open the gate, sat on the other side, out of sight behind the solid iron door. At the exact moment Yun reached the gate, another Christian prisoner, Brother Musheng, was returning to his cell, from his duty of sweeping the prison courtyard, and the gate was opened for him. To Musheng's surprise Yun walked past him and through the gate without breaking his stride. When Yun arrived at the main iron gate, leading out into the courtyard, he discovered that it was already open. This was strange, because it was usually the most secure gate of all, being locked with an armed guard stationed on either side. For some reason, however, the gate was open and no guards were present. Yun dropped his broom and walked out into the courtyard, wincing in the bright morning light. He strolled past several guards in the courtyard but none of them challenged him. Ahead of him the main prison gate was standing ajar. With a pounding heart he stepped through it onto the street. Immediately a small yellow taxi stopped, and the driver; a man in his late twenties, asked if he wanted a ride. Yun got in and said, 'I need to go to my office as quickly as possible, so please drive fast. And if we come to a traffic jam, don't stop but drive around it. When Yun got to the 'office,' which was an upstairs apartment belonging to some friends, he borrowed money to pay the taxi driver. His friends then took Yun on a bicycle, down a series of narrow alleyways to a new hiding place. Shortly after arriving at the hideaway a storm hit the city. A howling wind rattled the windows and blew bicycles over and there was a torrential downpour. Yun thanked God for the rain which would wash away all traces of his scent that could give you.''t (Jer. 15:,. iJ. .r ).:,. ~" :,:.. 'J dellver \VHH 'The Lord'said, ~:S'i.irefyq . :_· --. __ · .. :-·· :_ :,,: -__ - - . ·.-: •·: _...... :,. . 'They will fight againsty9µ~bu_t '. w.il~ 1)9toyercome:ydu, forT am>with.t you to rescue and save y:bti,' ·d~cl,~res the;"Lord . .'I wiil s.ave ybu-frpfu the:<:] hands of the wicked and .redeem yo~: f.rprfr the grasp . of the cru~I' " ., .. ·. :,,··:: (Jeremiah 15:20-21). ~-:- There had been a guard accompanying Musheng back to his cell, but as the gate was opened for Musheng, a telephone rang in an office down the hallway, and the guard returned to answer it. Yun noticed a broom leaning up against the stairwell wall so he picked it up and walked down the stairs to the second floor. An armed guard was sitting at his desk facing the second iron gate which was left open. Because this gate was always guarded it wasn't considered a risk to leave it unlocked. At that moment the Holy Spirit said to Yun, 'Go now! The God of Peter is your God!' Although the guard stared directly at Yun as he walked through the second gate, his eyes didn't acknowledge his presence. Yun expected him to say something, but he just looked through Yun as though he was invisible and didn't say a word. Yun continued past him, not looking back, expecting any moment to be shot in the back. · -~-:--~--_,--".._,· ···-··-·~- him away to sniffer dogs. For two millennia there has been a road from Jerusalem to China, a road once travelled by Marco Polo. Today, the nations along this ancient Silk Road are the most unevangelised in the world. The three biggest religions that have refused to yield to the advance of the gospel-Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism- have their heart there. Yun, together with the persecuted Church in China, have a vision entitled, 'Back to Jerusalem' -in other words, to evangelise the more than ninety percent of the unevangelised people groups that live along this road. Since 1997 Yun has been responsible for the training of missionaries and the implementation of the 'Back to Jerusalem' missionary movement. They are determined to break down the walls that keep Muslims, Hindu's and Buddhists from knowing the + sweet presence of Jesus. Published by Monarch Books (Mill Hill, London, 2002). Good Ne11 ·s Unlimited January 2006 15 This, the first of a seven studies on events, focuses on: THE LATTER RAI he grain harvest in Israel takes place in the early summer. Because grain crops could never survive the hot and dry summers they are planted in the autumn, at the time the first of the early rains fall. They grow through the winter and when the latter (spring) rain falls the crops come to maturity and are harvested in June and July. T The crop cycle The early and latter rains that fell on the land of Israel became metaphors for the spiritual early and latter rains that would fall on God's people. The known physical realm illustrated the unknown spiritual realm: 1. The soil is prepared (Jer. 4:3; Matt 13:3-9) 2. The seed is sown (Matt. 13: 19-23) 3. The seed is germinated by the early rain (Hos . 10:12) 4. It is brought to maturity by the latter rain (Joel 2:23-24) 5. It is harvested (Matt. 13:37-39) 6. The chaff is removed from the grain and burned (Matt. 3: 12) 7. The grain is gathered into the storehouse (Matt. 3:12). 16 Goot! Nell ".\ U11/i111itet! January 2006 Ritchie Way The early rain became a simile of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost- a revival that catapulted the early Church out of Jerusalem to the uttermost parts of the earth. The latter rain is the name given to the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will result in a world-wide revival at the end of time-a revival that will ripen the harvest, which will be reaped when Jesus returns (Matt. 13:39; Rev. 14:14-16). The baptism of the Spirit In Old Testament times the Holy Spirit moved with power upon a few special people. For example, when the oppressed Israelites cried out to the Lord, he raised up for them a deliverer, Othniel, son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother, who saved them. The Spirit of the Lord came upon him . (Judges 3:9-10). In a similar manner the Spirit came upon Samson, Saul and David. In desperate times, when God's people cried out to him, he sent a person anointed with his Spirit, to deliver them. The prophet Joel predicted, however, that the time would come when all God's people would , be filled with the Spirit and power: 'And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people . Your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. I will show wonders before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Joel 2:28-32.). Did you notice that even the lowest members of society, female slaves, would have the Holy Spirit working powerfully in their lives? No one would be too insignificant to receive the outpouring of God's Spirit. Now Joel said that the Spirit would be poured out before 'the great and dreadful day of the Lord.' Question: What is the day of the Lord? Answer: The day of the Lord is when the Lord breaks into human history. The Lord broke into human history with the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Was the Holy Spirit poured out at that time? It certainly was, for at his baptism Jesus was anointed with the Spirit and with power (Luke 4:1, 14, 18). His whole ministry, even his resurrection from the dead, was a demonstration of the Spirit working in power. The Lord broke into human history again when the Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost. At that time the disciples were baptised with the Spirit and with power (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8). The apostle Peter recognised that this outpouring was a fulfillment of Joel's prophecy for he proclaimed, 'This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions .. .'" (Acts 2:16-22). The Lord will break into history again at a time known as 'the day of the Lord' (2 Thes. 2:2; 2 Pet. 3: 10), or 'the day of God' (2 Pet. 3: 12). 'Before the great and dreadful day of the Lord' God's people will be filled with the Holy Spirit in order to proclaim the Gospel to the entire world prior to the return of the Lord. The prophet Malachi wrote that 'before the great and dreadful day of the Lord comes' God would send 'the prophet Elijah' (Mal. 4:5) . His work would be to 'turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers' (v. 6). On the spiritual plane, the Elijah message will be the message that re-unites the divided family of God. This family, which is broken into many fragments known as denominations, will be drawn together under the fatherhood of God by the Holy Spirit, and persecution will break down barriers by removing every vestige of denominational pride and security. Everything that can be shaken, will be shaken, so that only the 'kingdom that cannot be shaken' will remain (Heb. 12:26-28) . At that time, God's people, baptised by the Spirit, will flood the earth with the glory of God's saving Gospel-the last appeal of salvation to mankind (Matt. 24: 14). Question: What is the difference between being born of the Spirit and being baptised by the Spirit? Answer: There is a crucial difference between being born of the Spirit and being baptised in the Spirit. All true Christians are born of the Spirit, but not all Christians have been baptised or filled by the Spirit. Jesus was born of the Spirit (Matt. 1:20; Luke 1:35), but at about thirty years of age the Spirit came to him and baptised him (Luke 3:21-23; 4:1; Acts 10:38). Jesus' disciples were born of the Spirit. Jesus himself said their names were written in heaven (Luke 10:20), and that Judas was the only one who was lost (John 17:12). Although eleven of the disciples were born of the Spirit, their prophesied baptism of the Spirit didn't take place until Pentecost. la. A person who is born of the Spirit, is born into the kingdom of God. b. A person who is baptised by the Spirit, receives spiritual gifts that help him to bring others into the kingdom of God. 2a. A person who is born of the Spirit, receives eternal life. b. A person who is baptised by the Spirit, receives power to lead others to eternal life. 3a. When people are born of the Spirit, the Spirit of God comes to live in them. b. When people are baptised by the Spirit, the Spirit empowers them to fulfil the Gospel commission. When Jesus was baptised by the Spirit, he laid down his carpenter's tools and, 'full of the Holy Spirit' (Luke 4:1, 18) he took up ministry for the kingdom of God. Did Jesus not have the Spirit before he was baptised? Yes, he did. He was fully possessed by the Spirit, but at his baptism the Spirit gave him power for·his Gospel ministry that he didn't have before. Jesus did not work any Good Ne11 ·s U11/i111ited January 2006 17 miracles until after he had been baptised by the Spirit at his baptism. Similarly, when the disciples were baptised by the Spirit at Pentecost they received a special infilling (Acts 1:5) that would empower them for the ministry of taking the Gospel to others (Acts 1:8). Here is the key: Spirit-birth is based on the Cross; Spirit-baptism is based on Pentecost. Don't confuse the two. The first focuses on personal salvation, the second on Gospel commission. The baptism of the Spirit has nothing to do with receiving a greater experience, and everything to do with receiving a greater responsibility. Only as that responsibility is acted upon, does the Spirit work powerfully to save others. The Latter Rain Rosemary and I were in Jerusalem at the end of October, 2000. The farmers had ploughed their plots, sown their seeds and were waiting for the autumn rains to germinate them and set them growing. At that time, the wet weather wasn't far away as the clouds were towering up over the hill country, the lightning was flashing and the thunder booming in the mountains. The early rains were about to begin. The latter rains, which would fall in the spring, would bring the crops to maturity. In the same way, the latter rain of the Holy Spirit would ripen the harvest of the earth so that it could be reaped when Jesus returned. Jesus said, 'The harvest is the end of the age' (Matt. 13:39). And John revealed that 'one like a Son of Man' who was seated on a cloud (a direct quote from Daniel 7:13) was commanded to take his sickle and reap, 'because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe' (Rev. 14:14-15). When Jesus returns 'the harvest of the earth' will be ripe, because the same rain that ripens the wheat will also ripen the weeds. This means that no-one will be undecided, for everyone will have peaked in their allegiance, either to Christ or the Antichrist. Joel 2:28-32 predicts that a world-wide revival, followed by a world-wide harvest, will take place before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. 18 Good Ne11 ·.\ U11/i111ited January 2006 The causes of the latter rain All around the world, at various times and in various places, the Holy Spirit has fallen in miniature latter rains. We have seen these in the Great Awakening in America under Jonathon Edwards, the English Revival under the Wesley brothers and George Whitfield, and the Western Revivals under Charles Finney, and the Welsh Revival under Evan Roberts. An analysis of the outpourings of the Holy Spirit reveals many different reasons for the harvests. But in every case, the crop was ripe. Crops are brought to maturity by national grief, a loss of national or international security, spiritual emptiness or hunger, extreme poverty, rebellion against spiritual evil, revival enthusiasm, preaching the word of God, and prayer, etc. The results of true revival How will we know the difference between a true revival and a false revival? If people engage in ecstatic utterances (speaking in tongues) does that make it a true or false revival? According to Jesus, revivals should be judged, not by their gifts, but by their fruits . He said, 'By their fruit you will recognise them' (Matt. 7:20). And the fruits of all good revivals have been: repentance, love for God's Word, prayer and testifying; holiness, the reception of the gifts of the Spirit, followed by a reformation of theology and organisation. When the latter rain falls 1. It will be a time of great evil. Paul wrote, 'Mark this: there will be terrible times in the last days. People will have a form of godliness but will deny its power' (2 Tim. 3: 1-5). However, the darker the night the brighter God's stars will shine (Dan. 12:3). 2. It will be a polarising time. 'Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision!' (Joel 3:.14). Under the latter-rain, everyone will be spirit-filled: people will either be filled with the Holy Spirit or with an evil spirit. 3. It will be the end of time. 'The day of the Lord is near' (Joel 3:14). • (Dr Young's address read by Dr Robyn Priestley) A set of 3 Audio cassettes or CD's recorded at the Epping Boys High School for the Sydney Adventist Forum Tape 1: SideA. A Reluctant Participant Looks Back-Dr Norman Young B. Daniel's Key Lies at the Door-Dr Des Ford Tape 2: Side A. Daniel's Key Lies at the Door cont-Dr Des Ford B. Why Glacier View? - Dr Des Ford Tape 3: Side A. 25 Years After Glacier View: The Adventist Future - Dr Arthur Patrick B. Questions and Answers: Panel - Dr Lynden Rogers Audio's x 3 #5GV0004 $17.50 in presentation pack CD's x 3 #9GV0004 $17.50 Good News Unlimited PO Box 6788 (2/54-60 Industry Drive) South Tweed Heads NSW 2486 Aust. Phn: (07) 55245040 Fax: 55245900 Email: carolyn@goodnewsunlimited.org.au Website: www.goodnewsunlimited.org.au Good News Unlimited January 2006 19 PRINT POST APPROVED - PP63221900015 May be opened for inspection. THERE'S BEEN A CHANGE ... To ensure regular copies of Good News Australia please advise of any change of address. Return old label and your new address details to: Good News Unlimited PO Box 6788 SOUTH TWEED HEADS NSW 2486 ' ... ifyou are the Christ, tell us plainly.' Jesus answered, 'I did tell you, but you do not believe. The miracles I do in my Father's name speak for me, but you do not believe, because you are not my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice' (John 10:22-27). Subscription is free on requei;;t. \ s a guide for those "ho "i'ih to assist this minio;tr), each magazine costs at least $30 per annum, pm. tage included. Gift sub..,cription'"i arc im ited. either free or financed. The Gift Comes "ith the Gh er GOOD \'El\'~ l'.VLl\11/ [.'[)magazine is printed b) Good r..c\\s l nlimited, a non profit Chri"ltian resource organisation. www.goodnewsunlimited.org.au