Biological Sciences 101/Molecular and Cellular Biology 198 Genetics: From Mendel to Genomes Summer Abroad 2015 Dr. Mark F. Sanders ( TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE (subject to change) Textbook: Genetic Analysis: An Integrated Approach, Second Edition (with access to MasteringGenetics) (2015) by Mark F. Sanders and John L. Bowman (required) Supplement: Solutions Manual to Genetic Analysis: An Integrated Approach, Second Edition (2015) by Peter Mirabito (required) DATE LECTURE TOPIC/ACTIVITIES READING Week 1 – Gene Transmission and Gene Mapping Sat 8/8 Arrival and check—in Vienna housing site Beginning at 1:00 pm, free day after check-in Sun 8/9 On-site orientation 11:00 at Univ. of Vienna classroom Afterwards a free day to explore Vienna M 8/10 Transmission Genetics Ch 2: 25-57 Travel to lecture location is the Mendel Museum, Brno, Czech Republic via a 7:00 am bus departure from housing location Activity: Hosted lunch followed by a tour of the museum, the monastery and the church (formerly St. Thomas church, now the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary). Bus return to Vienna approx. 7:00 pm T 8/11 Cell Division and Chromosome Heredity Activity: Tutoring session V1 W 8/12 Gene Interaction Ch 4: 105-137 Activity: Research presentation Research paper to read in advance of this talk, see Smart Site R 8/13 Genetic Linkage and Mapping in Eukaryotes Activity: Tutoring session V2 Ch 5: 143-178 F 8/14 Gene Transfer and Mapping in Bacteria No afternoon activity Ch 6: 184-203 Ch 3: 63-99 Sa 8/15 and Su 8.16 are free days to study, explore Vienna, or undertake short travel Week 2 – The Central Dogma M 8/17 Gene Transfer and Mapping in Bacteria Ch 6: 203-216 Activity: Guest speaker Research paper to read in advance of this talk, see Smart Site T 8/18 DNA Structure and Replication Activity: Tutoring V3 W 8/19 All day trip to Olomouc, Czech Republic to visit the Centre for Structural and Functional Plant Genomics in Olomouc via 6:00 am bus departure from Vienna housing. Hear from Centre scientists, tour the Centre and the town of Olomouc and have a hosted lunch at a local restaurant. Bus return to Vienna approx. 8:30 pm R 8/20 Molecular Biology of Transcription and mRNA Processing Activity: Tutoring session V4 MasteringGenetics pre-midterm 1 assignment due F 8/21 Midterm Exam (Chapter 1-6) Essay 1 and Journal 1 due Sat 8/22 Transit to the University of Cambridge Check into Clare College dormitory Sun 8/23 10:00 Tour of the University of Cambridge campus and the city of Cambridge (a walking tour, about 2 hours) 2:00 On-site orientation Free time to explore Cambridge around these events Ch 7: 222-257 Ch 8: 260-294 Week 3 – Genetic Change and Evolution M 8/24 Molecular Biology of Translation Activity: Tutoring C1 Ch 9: 298-328 T 8.25 Chromosome Structure Ch 11: 359-380 Activity: Tour the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and hear from a research presentation. Travel via public transit Citi number 7 bus to new LMB building W 8/26 Chromosome Structure and Mutation Activity: Tutoring session C2 Ch 13: 422-453 R 8/27 The Integration of Genetic Approaches: Ch 10: 332-355 Understanding Sickle Cell Disease Activity: Visit the Sainsbury Laboratory for a tour, a hands-on activity and a research presentation by Dr. Siobhan Braybrook, Career Development Fellow, Sainsbury Laboratory, Univ. of Cambridge Title: Computational Biology in the Analysis of Plant Growth and Development Research paper to read in advance of this talk, see Smart Site F 8/28 Gene Mutation, DNA Repair, Chromosome and Homologous Recombination No afternoon activity Ch 12: 383-417 Sa 8/29 and Sun 8/30 Self-guided activities for essay 2 and for journaling 2 or short travel for the weekend Week 4 – Gene Regulation and Genomics M 8/31 Regulation of Gene Expression in Bacteria Ch 14: 459-489 and Bacteriophage Activity: This is a Bank Holiday (no food service). Before class, pastry and juice in the Library Commons Room. In the afternoon, group photos followed by special tea at Harriet’s Tea House. In the evening, dinner at La Margherita T 9/1 Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes Ch 15: 494-518 Activity: Visit the Sanger Center for a tour and research presentations W 9/2 Genomics and Recombinant DNA Applications Activity: Tutoring session C3 R 9/3 No scheduled activity – time to study and review MasteringGenetics final exam homework due today F 9/4 Final Exam Activity: Farewell dinner in the Great Hall Sa 9/5 Free day or departure day Sun 9/6 Official Departure Day Chs. 16-18: TBA Note: If Sanger or another of the Cambridge visits not possible, substitute a research presentation by Nick Robinson.