LRN Study Notes1 - CCW Unit3

DP1 - Behaviours not dependent on learning
Unit 4 Psychology
Study Notes
Learning Mechanisms (part 1)
Unit 3 Psychology - Course Notes - Mind Brain Body. Pg 1 of 1
Notes based on Text Resource: van Iersel, H., et. al. (2011). Nelson Psychology: VCE Units 3&4. Cengage Learning: South Melbourne
DP3 - Applications of Learning Theories
DP1 - Behaviours not dependent on learning including reflex action, fixed action patterns and behaviours due
to physical growth and development (maturation)
What is Learning?
Read p155 of text
Define learning
Why does it say relatively permanent?
Behaviours not dependent on learning
Read p156-157 of text
List the 3 behaviours not dependent on learning:
Define reflex action and provide an example.
Define fixed action pattern and provide an example.
Define maturation and provide an example.
Unit 4 Psychology - Course Notes - Learning part 2. Pg 1 of 14
Notes based on Text Resource: van Iersel, H., et. al. (2011). Nelson Psychology: VCE Units 3&4. Cengage Learning: South Melbourne
DP2 - Mechanisms of Learning
DP2 - mechanisms of learning:
– areas of the brain and neural pathways involved in learning, synapse formation, role of neurotransmitters
– developmental plasticity and adaptive plasticity of the brain: changes to the brain in response to learning
and experience; timing of experiences
– use of imaging technologies in identification of localised changes in the brain due to learning specific tasks
Physiology of Learning
Read p157-159 of text
What does it mean to say ʻphysiological basis of learningʼ?
Describe the complexity of the neural circuits involved in learning, thinking, feeling, behaving.
Why do researchers use a simple systems approach to research? (give eg.)
Brain areas involved in learning
read p158-159
What is the cerebellum and how is it involved in learning?
Unit 3 Psychology - Course Notes - Mind Brain Body. Pg 2 of 14
Notes based on Text Resource: van Iersel, H., et. al. (2011). Nelson Psychology: VCE Units 3&4. Cengage Learning: South Melbourne
DP2 - Mechanisms of Learning
(Brain areas involved in learning cont...)
Limbic System
Define the limbic system, and itʼs key components
Summarise the role of the hippocampus in learning (take note of what it is not involved in):
Summarise the role of the amygdala in learning:
Frontal Lobe
Define the varied roles of the frontal lobe and thus itʼs role in learning
Complete Ex 5.2 p159-160, all Qʼs
Unit 3 Psychology - Course Notes - Mind Brain Body. Pg 3 of 14
Notes based on Text Resource: van Iersel, H., et. al. (2011). Nelson Psychology: VCE Units 3&4. Cengage Learning: South Melbourne
DP2 - Mechanisms of Learning
(from Grivas, Letch, Down & Carter, 2011)
Unit 3 Psychology - Course Notes - Mind Brain Body. Pg 4 of 14
Notes based on Text Resource: van Iersel, H., et. al. (2011). Nelson Psychology: VCE Units 3&4. Cengage Learning: South Melbourne
DP2 - Mechanisms of Learning
(from Grivas, Letch, Down & Carter, 2011)
Unit 3 Psychology - Course Notes - Mind Brain Body. Pg 5 of 14
Notes based on Text Resource: van Iersel, H., et. al. (2011). Nelson Psychology: VCE Units 3&4. Cengage Learning: South Melbourne
DP2 - Mechanisms of Learning
(from Grivas, Letch, Down & Carter, 2011)
Unit 3 Psychology - Course Notes - Mind Brain Body. Pg 6 of 14
Notes based on Text Resource: van Iersel, H., et. al. (2011). Nelson Psychology: VCE Units 3&4. Cengage Learning: South Melbourne
DP2 - Mechanisms of Learning
(from Grivas, Letch, Down & Carter, 2011)
Unit 3 Psychology - Course Notes - Mind Brain Body. Pg 7 of 14
Notes based on Text Resource: van Iersel, H., et. al. (2011). Nelson Psychology: VCE Units 3&4. Cengage Learning: South Melbourne
DP2 - Mechanisms of Learning
(from Grivas, Letch, Down & Carter, 2011)
Unit 3 Psychology - Course Notes - Mind Brain Body. Pg 8 of 14
Notes based on Text Resource: van Iersel, H., et. al. (2011). Nelson Psychology: VCE Units 3&4. Cengage Learning: South Melbourne
DP2 - Mechanisms of Learning
(from Grivas, Letch, Down & Carter, 2011)
Unit 3 Psychology - Course Notes - Mind Brain Body. Pg 9 of 14
Notes based on Text Resource: van Iersel, H., et. al. (2011). Nelson Psychology: VCE Units 3&4. Cengage Learning: South Melbourne
DP2 - Mechanisms of Learning
Neural Development in Learning
read p160-165
Describe the formation of a neuron through the process of cell division (p160)
Define synaptogenesis
Define filipodia and the role they play in synaptogenesis
When, during our lifetime, does synaptogenesis occur?
What role does experience play in the process of synaptogenesis consolidation?
Summarise the work/theories of Donald Webb (p160) regarding neural development in learning
Complete Ex 5.3 p163-164, all Qʼs
Unit 3 Psychology - Course Notes - Mind Brain Body. Pg 10 of 14
Notes based on Text Resource: van Iersel, H., et. al. (2011). Nelson Psychology: VCE Units 3&4. Cengage Learning: South Melbourne
DP2 - Mechanisms of Learning
Role of neurotransmitters in learning
Define the pre-synaptic neuron
Define the post-synaptic neuron
Define action potential
Define long-term potentiation (LTP) (see p8 of notes previously)
Define receptor. Explain itʼs role learning.
The nerve impulse (action potential) within a neuron is primarily _____________. In contrast,
communication between neurons is _____________, so messages are sent between neurons
chemically (neurotransmitters).
Compare the excitory or inhibitory actions of neurotransmitters.
Two of the major neurotransmitters involve in memory and learning are:
Complete Ex 5.4 p165, all Qʼs
Unit 3 Psychology - Course Notes - Mind Brain Body. Pg 11 of 14
Notes based on Text Resource: van Iersel, H., et. al. (2011). Nelson Psychology: VCE Units 3&4. Cengage Learning: South Melbourne
DP2 - Mechanisms of Learning
Developmental & Adaptive Plasticity
read p166-168
Define plasticity
Define developmental plasticity
Define adaptive plasticity
What changes occur in the brain in response to learning and experience?
Give an example of adaptive plasticity
What are the implications of plasticity, and what conditions encourage plasticity?
Complete Ex 5.5 p168, all Qʼs
Unit 3 Psychology - Course Notes - Mind Brain Body. Pg 12 of 14
Notes based on Text Resource: van Iersel, H., et. al. (2011). Nelson Psychology: VCE Units 3&4. Cengage Learning: South Melbourne
DP2 - Mechanisms of Learning
Critical Periods - The effect of timing of experience on learning
read p168-170
Define critical periods
Give an example of a critical period
List some evidence in support of ʻcritical periodsʼ
What does plasticity tell us about critical periods? Does critical period mean there is no
development outside of this time? (see p169)
Evidence in support of plasticity
read p170-172
List some evidence in support of neuroplasticity
Unit 3 Psychology - Course Notes - Mind Brain Body. Pg 13 of 14
Notes based on Text Resource: van Iersel, H., et. al. (2011). Nelson Psychology: VCE Units 3&4. Cengage Learning: South Melbourne
DP2 - Mechanisms of Learning
Imaging the learning brain
read p172-173
List the brain imaging techniques used to monitor the learning brain:
What have been some of the discoveries about the learning brain from these imaging techniques?
Complete Ex 5.6 p173, all Qʼs
Complete Chapter Review p174-176
Unit 3 Psychology - Course Notes - Mind Brain Body. Pg 14 of 14
Notes based on Text Resource: van Iersel, H., et. al. (2011). Nelson Psychology: VCE Units 3&4. Cengage Learning: South Melbourne