a^f . LAW 11 'L .,:A OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL ANTITRUST IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA'. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, Plaintiff, : V. Civil Action No . 88-1542 Judge Kosik NEW BALANCE ATHLETIC SHOE, INC ., et al ., Defendants . ORDER Upon consideration of the proposed Settlement Agreement between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Defendants New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc . and James Davis, and having reviewed all other documents and briefs submitted by the parties in support of the settlement, it is hereby : ORDERED that the propose& Settlement Agreement between the parties herein is finally approved, and the parties shall comply with the terms thereof as they relate to obligations to be undertaken subsequent to final approv Dated : f the settlement . SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW BALANCE ATHLETIC SHOE INC AND TAME . DAVIS This Settlement Agreement is entered into March 21 , 1989, between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ("Commonwealth") and New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc . and James Davis ("Settling Defendants") . 1 . As used in this Settlement Agreement : a . "New Balance athletic shoes" means any athletic shoe manufactured by or sold under the label of New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc . b . "Purchaser" means any natural person residing in Pennsylvania who purchased New Balance athletic shoes from Mail Runners Shop, Inc ., a now-defunct mail order and discount sporting goods store located in Scranton, Pennsylvania, from September 16, 1984, until Mail Runners Shop, Inc . went out of business, and who is represented by the Commonwealth as parens patriae in this action . c . "Settlement Fund" means the interest-bearing escrow account established by the Commonwealth for the purpose of maintaining, and thereafter distributing, the amount received in settlement of this litigation . d . "Settlement Amount" means the total amount of principal paid in settlement by Settling Defendants . 2 . The undersigned and their counsel agree to cooperate in seeking preliminary and final court approval of this Settlement Agreement in accordance with 15 U .S .C . § 15c(c) and to undertake their best efforts, including all steps and efforts contemplated by this Settlement Agreement, and any other steps and efforts which are reasonably necessary, whether by Order of the Court or otherwise, to carry out the Settlement Agreement . 3 . The parties agree, subject to the approval of the Court, to compromise, settle and resolve fully and finally any and all claims, actions or causes of action arising under federal or state antitrust laws concerning the retail sale of New Balance athletic shoes by Mail Runners Shop, Inc ., which the Commonwealth, in its own behalf and as oarens patriae, had, now has, or may have, whether or not heretofore known or asserted in Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v . New Balance Athletic Shoes, Inc . . et al ., Civil Action No . 88-1542 (M .D . Pa ., filed September 16, 1988), against Settling Defendants as of the date of this Settlement Agreement . 4 . In complete, total and final settlement and satisfaction of the antitrust claims released by this Settlement Agreement, which the Commonwealth, in its own behalf and as parens patriae, has against Settling Defendants under federal or state law, Settling Defendants agree to pay Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000 .00) on or before April 30, 1989 . The check should be made payable to "Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General ." This Settlement Amount and any interest accruing on it shall be maintained in the Settlement Fund by the Commonwealth for eventual distribution to Purchasers or, if it is impractical or economically infeasible to pay such Purchasers, or if individual amounts are so small that individual distributions are not meaningful relative to the benefit derived from use of the Settlement Fund in an aggregate amount or amounts, the Settlement Fund may be distributed in accordance with an alternative plan of distribution proposed by the Commonwealth to the extent that such alternative plan is permitted by law . Such distribution shall be subject to the Court's approval and shall not occur until all claims the Commonwealth has against Settling Defendants in Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v,NewBalanceAthleticShoe, Action No . 88-1542 (M .D . Pa ., Inc ., et al ., Civil filed September 16, 1988), have been finally resolved . 5. The parties shall apply to the Court for preliminary approval of this Settlement Agreement as soon as practicable after the execution of the Settlement Agreement . Thereafter, the parties shall submit to the Court for approval a proposed Form of Notice to be mailed to Purchasers, if they can be identified and if mailing is practicable, considering, among other things, the cost of such mailing informing them of the proposed settlement and of a hearing thereon . Whether or not notice is given by mailing, the Commonwealth will give notice of this settlement by publication in such form and manner as agreed to by the parties and approved by the Court . Upon application to the Court, and subject to the Court's approval, the cost of preparing and mailing the above Notice and the cost of the notice by publication may be paid out of the Settlement Fund as these costs are incurred . 6 . Following the court-approved mailing of the Notice and/or publication, a hearing as the Court may direct will take place to determine whether the proposed settlement is fair, reasonable, and adequate and should therefore be approved . At this hearing, the parties shall request the Court to enter an Order finally approving the Settlement Agreement and providing for a complete dismissal on the merits with prejudice in accordance with 15 U .S .C . § 15c(c) . 7 . Within ten (10) days after final Court approval of this Settlement Agreement and entry of a final, nonappealable judgment dismissing with prejudice this action against Settling Defendants, the Commonwealth shall release Settling Defendants from all claims arising out of the facts alleged in the Complaint under any federal or state antitrust law . The Release will be in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A . 8 . The Settlement Fund shall be managed by the Commonwealth National Bank as Trustee . The Trustee shall be responsible for investing, maintaining, administering and distributing the monies of the Settlement Fund, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and any additional instructions agreed to in writing by the Commonwealth and the Settling Defendants . The Trustee shall invest the Settlement Fund in money market accounts or in obligations of, or guaranteed by, the United States of America or any of its departments or agencies to obtain the highest available return on investment . Subject to the approval of the parties to this Agreement, the Trustee may make other investments offering a higher return with similar security . The Trustee shall not act in a manner contrary to the terms of this Agreement . 9 . Except as otherwise expressly provided below, the Settlement Amount, including any interest thereon, shall be held without disbursement in the Settlement Fund until each of the following conditions has been met : a . This Settlement Agreement is finally approved in all respects by the Court ; b . The time for appeal from any available judicial action described in this paragraph shall have expired, or the final order of the Court approving this Settlement Agreement and authorizing distribution of the Settlement Fund has been finally affirmed in all respects on appeal if an appeal is taken ; and c . Settling Defendants have been dismissed with prejudice from this litigation . Disbursement of the Settlement Fund shall be made only in accordance with the direction and order of the Court . If it is judicially determined by a final, nonappealable decision of a court having jurisdiction of this matter that the settlement cannot be approved, the Settlement Amount, together with all interest earned and accrued thereon, less expenses of administration and costs of notice, shall be returned to Settling Defendants . 10 . If a plan of distribution other than individual distribution is approved by the Court, the Commonwealth shall distribute the Settlement Fund in accordance with such plan . If individual distributions are to be made, then within forty-five (45) days after final approval of this Settlement Aqreement, the Commonwealth shall mail a check in an amount approved by the Court to every Purchaser who submits proof of claim in a manner approved by the Court . Checks not cashed by Purchasers shall become void at midnight six months after the date of the checks . 11 . Settling Defendants agree to waive any and all claims, including claims for attorneys' fees and costs which it might assert under 15 U .S .C . § 15c(d)(2), or any other cause of action which it might bring against the Commonwealth or its aqents arising from this litigation . Settling Defendants agree not to oppose the Commonwealth's petition for costs and attorneys' fees (excluding settlement administration costs and expenses) to be paid out of the Settlement Fund in the amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000 .00) to be used for future antitrust enforcement purposes . In addition, the Commonwealth may petition the Court for reimbursement of all settlement administration costs and expenses (which shall include, but not be limited to, costs of printing and mailing checks and notices as provided in Paragraphs 5 and 10 above, publication of notice, attorney and clerical time to administer the settlement, Trustee's fees and other expenses incurred by the Commonwealth in administering the settlement which shall be set forth in a written accounting by the Commonwealth) . Settling . Defendants shall not be liable for any administration costs and expenses, but all such administration costs and expenses approved by the Court may be paid out of the Settlement Fund . 12 . If this Settlement Agreement is not finally approved as provided herein and a final, nonappealable judgment entered as contemplated by Paragraph 6 herein, this Settlement Agreement shall be of no force or effect whatsoever, and it and -all negotiations and proceedings connected with it shall be without prejudice to the rights of any person . Nothing contained in this Settlement Agreement may be used or construed by any person as an admission of liability by Settling Defendants in any manner or amount whatsoever, and this Settlement Agreement shall not be offered or received in evidence in any action or proceeding in any court as an admission of liability or wrongdoing of any nature on the part of Settling Defendants . 13 . It is expressly agreed that the Settlement Amount does not contain any amount that is a penalty, fine, punitive recovery or forfeiture or similar item, or item in lieu thereof, and that all payments hereunder are incurred to compromise and settle disputed claims, the liability for which Settling Defendants have expressly denied . 14 . Settling Defendants agree to cooperate fully in identifying Purchasers, if individual distributions are to be made, by providing all information known to them regarding the sale of New Balance athletic shoes by Mail Runners Shop, Inc . from September 16, 1984, until Mail Runners Shop, Inc . went out of business . 15 . New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc . agrees that, for a period of five (5) years from the date of this Agreement, it will not, in violation of the antitrust laws, enter into any contract, combination, conspiracy, agreement or arrangement with any Pennsylvania retailer, dealer or distributor to fix, raise, maintain or stabilize the retail prices at which New Balance products are sold to the public . 16 . New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc . agrees that, for a period of five (5) years from the date of this Agreement, it will not take any action (such as, but not limited to, failure to fill orders) in order to coerce any Pennsylvania retailer, dealer or distributor of New Balance products to adhere to any of New Balance's suggested retail prices in circumstances in which such action would constitute a violation of the antitrust laws . 17 . This Agreement shall not be construed in any way to limit the right of New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc . to suggest to its Pennsylvania retailers, dealers or distributors retail prices for New Balance products, or to engage in any other behavior that is otherwise permitted by the antitrust laws . 18 . The undersigned represent that they are fully authorized to enter into the terms and conditions of, and to execute, the Settlement Agreement . 19 . This Settlement Agreement cannot be changed or terminated orally and merges all prior understandings, representations and undertakings between the parties . Dated : March 21, 1989 NEW BALANCE ATHLETIC SHOE, INC . ERNEST D . PREATE, JR . Attorney enera By : Eugene0'7F . Waye, Esquire Chief Deputy Attorney General Antitrust Section C Carl S . Hisiro Deputy Attorney General Antitrust Section Bruce C . ohnson Deputy A orney General Antitrust Section Fred Spea er, Esquire Pepper, Hamilton & Scheetz 3000 Two Logan Square 18th & Arch Streets Philadelphia, PA 19103-2799 Attorneys for Defendants New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc . and James Davis Office of Attorney General 1435 Strawberry Square Harrisburg, PA 17120 Attorneys for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania EXHIBIT A RELEASE OF NEW BALANCE ATHLETIC SHOE INC AND JAMES DAVIS The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in its own behalf and as parens patriae, for and in consideration of the promises and covenants set forth in the Settlement Agreement between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and defendants New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc . and James Davis, to which this Release is attached as Exhibit A, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, and intending to be legally bound, does hereby release, acquit, exonerate and forever discharge the above defendants and New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc .'s present and former officers, directors, agents, employees, and successors and assigns, of and from any and all claims, actions or causes of action arising under the antitrust laws concerning the retail sale of New Balance athletic shoes by Mail Runners Shop, Inc ., which the Commonwealth had, now has, or may have, whether or not heretofore known or asserted, against the above defendants as of the date of this Settlement Agreement . Signed and delivered thisday of 1989 . ERNEST D . PREATE, JR . Attorney General By : Eugene F . Waye Chief Deputy Attorney General Antitrust Section Carl S . Hisiro Senior Deputy Attorney General Antitrust Section Bruce C . Johnson Deputy Attorney General Antitrust Section Office of Attorney General 1435 Strawberry Square Harrisburg, PA 17120 (717) 787-4530 Attorneys for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 5929K