Thomas Edison High School STUDENT, PARENT AND GUARDIAN HANDBOOK The Tommie Creed I will respect others and myself. I will prepare for college and the career of my choice. I will honor my family, my school and myself. I will restore relationships and advocate for myself. I will make good decisions. I will do my personal best. I will be Open Minded I will be a Thinker I will be a Communicator I will be Caring I will be a Risk Taker I will be Balanced I will be Reflective I will be Principled I will be Knowledgeable I will be an Inquirer Thomas Edison High School Minneapolis Public Schools Principal: Carla Steinbach 700 22nd Avenue NE Minneapolis, MN 55418 Phone: 612.668.1300 Fax: 612.668.1320 Web: School Hours: The school day is from 8:15 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. School doors open at 7:45 a.m. and lock at 3:15 p.m. (except for students in supervised after school activities or sports). The information in this student handbook was updated July 2014, There may be possible additional information of changes during the 2014-2015 school year. The policies and procedures in this handbook stay in effect until the new rules are adopted. Thomas Edison High School Vision Statement Through innovation and personal empowerment, the Edison community will partner with our students, igniting a passion for lifelong learning, instilling the ideals of international mindedness, leading our students to succeed at Edison and beyond. Thomas Edison High School Mission Statement All students will graduate with the skills necessary to excel in their post-secondary aspirations. School Song BLUE GOLD - Thomas Edison School Song Blue Gold ___________________ our foe, we will win this fray. Blue Gold, our team is bold on the field of play. Blue Gold, Blue Gold for us, We will always cheer With a rah, rah, rah, and a siss boom bah, We will win this game! IB learner profile The aim of all IB programs is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. Edison students and staff strive to be: Inquirers - They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives. Knowledgeable - They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In so doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines. Thinkers - They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions. Communicators - They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others. Principled - They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them. Open-minded - They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to grow from the experience. Caring - They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. Risk-takers - They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs. Balanced - They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others. Reflective - They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development. Student Conduct – Student Wide Engagement Plan The entire school community will work together to promote the following environment: • Safe • Conducive to learning • Free from harassment and bullying • Embraces and embodies the IB Learner Profile Positive student behavior is an important element in a school’s learning climate. At Thomas Edison we work hard to provide students with a safe and productive learning environment. Our Tommie Creed is our motto for appropriate student conduct. The Tommie Creed I will respect others and myself. I will prepare for college and the career of my choice. I will honor my family, my school and myself. I will restore relationships and advocate for myself. I will make good decisions. I will do my personal best If students fulfill these expectations, they will be successful in and out of school. The student’s main purpose is to achieve at the highest level possible. We want all students to be college and career ready and have choices in their future. Each teacher will implement a classroom engagement plan to help students be successful in each classroom. The Administration and Deans will support the classroom through restorative practice, teaching school wide and classroom expectations. School Contact Information Main Office Attendance Athletics/Activities Office Nurse Fax Staff Email 612.668.1300 612.668.1311 612.668.1344 612.668.1319 612.668.1320 OFFICE HOURS: 7:45-3:30 School Information Sources Thomas Edison High School offers a variety of ways to keep with important news and information on your school and district. WEBSITE: The schools website offers a wealth of information about the school including school news, class/departments, student support services, athletics events, career center, academic events, and links to the district information. Make sure that you regularly visit: FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Thomas Edison High School Mailings home Automated messages Parent-Teacher Conferences Parent Newsletter Confused or Frustrated? Call Thomas Edison Family Liaison at 612.668.1307 Weather Relation School Closings Announcements regarding school closings due to inclement weather and/or hazardous conditions will be announced on WCCO radio (830AM) and on the district website. The district will make decisions to close the schools by 6:30 am, and will pass the information to the local news as quickly as possible. It will not be helpful to call the school for closing information. Student Services Health Office The primary role of the school nurse is to support student learning. The school nurse provides nursing care, health education, health counseling, assesses mental health needs, provides interventions and refers students to appropriate school staff or community agencies. If you are ill, please make the decision with your parents to stay home. If you become ill during the school day, obtain a pass from your teacher before going to the Health Office, except in an emergency. You must obtain permission from the nurse and an assistant principal before you may go home. Students will not be sent home without permission from a parent/guardian regardless of student’s age. Ongoing medical problems should be communicated to our school nurse so that the information can be recorded, shared with appropriate staff and available in case of emergency. Emergency Referral information must be completed and returned to school in case of emergency. Medication taken at school must be in a prescription bottle, labeled by the pharmacy with student’s name, name of medication, dosage and the time to be given. Medication will be stored in the Health Office and dispensed by the school nurse. No medication can be given at school without a doctor’s signature on a consent form that states school health office staff is authorized to administer it. This includes over-the-counter medications. School Based Clinic In addition to the school nurse, Thomas Edison has a school-based clinic staffed by professionals from the Minneapolis Department of Health and Family Support. Students may use the clinic for physical examinations, immunizations, acute or chronic illness, information about sexually transmitted diseases including HIV, legal advice, nutrition and weight counseling, pregnancy prevention and diagnosis, or any other medical concern. Social work services are available for personal or family problems and for resource information. Written parent permission is necessary for students, except when there is a confidential issue, to use the clinic. Call 668-1321 for further information, or stop in for appointments. Staff referrals are welcomed. Social Workers The social workers at Thomas Edison High School are here to assist with a wide variety of student and family needs. We provide in-school advocacy to help students and families access all the resources that are available inside the school and their community. We are open to consulting with students, parents, families and the community in order for all students who attend Edison High School to have a successful learning experience. Special Education Department The Special Education Department at Thomas Edison exists to serve all students with special needs. Services include: adapted physical education, occupational therapy, physical therapy, vocational training experience, speech services and social work services. It is the intent of the Special Education Department to ensure that learners who have disabilities are identified, evaluated and provided with appropriate educational services. Questions regarding a student’s educational needs should be directed to his/her counselor. Counseling Department Counselors are available by making an appointment in room 101. Counselors help students succeed at school. Learn about high school requirements and how to succeed in high school; Learn about yourself and what careers you want to explore and the education they require; Learn how to choose and apply for schools after high school; Resolve personal, social and school-related problems. Thomas Edison Collaborative The Thomas Edison Collaborative is a collaborative effort between Thomas Edison High School, Change Inc., Guadalupe Alternative Programs and community mental health partners. The Collaborative was designed to ensure that the emotional needs of students could be addressed before, during and after every day that school is in session. A main goal of the project is to identify barriers to educational success and to create solutions to those barriers and other challenges. Services provided include: • Walk-in brief counseling • Individual Therapy • Family Therapy • Diagnostic Assessment • Psychological Evaluation The Thomas Edison Collaborative is located in room 100. Parents and students are free to drop in or call 668-1212 to speak with a mental health practitioner. Lost and Found Lost and found items are turned in at the Welcome Desk. Valuables should be turned in promptly. Books are returned to the Media Center. Lunch Accounts Prior to the opening of school, parents/guardians may receive a letter from Hennepin County for your child to receive free or reduced-cost meals. This form must be given to the Lunchroom Manager. Many families qualify for free or reduced meals. We ask that all Thomas Edison families complete a Free/Reduced Lunch Application, as this completed form helps the school comply with State and Federal mandates and receive extra money for students. Each eligible student is assigned a lunch number to be used at the lunchroom cash registers. Attendance Policies and Procedures Classroom attendance and academic success are directly related. Students are exposed every day to many valuable experiences and interactions in the classroom and need to attend class to take full advantage of those educational experiences. Additionally, there are many long-term benefits resulting from developing and maintaining good attendance that will carry over to other aspects of life and work. The importance of attendance and the impact it has on lifelong learning cannot be overstated. The attendance policy has been developed to encourage academic success and is intended to hold students accountable for their class presence. Student Responsibility It is the student’s responsibility to be in school and to attend all classes, including advisory. It is also the student’s responsibility to follow the correct attendance procedures when absent from a class or for the entire school day. Students with two or more unexcused absences per quarter are at risk of failing the class. Possible consequences may include: court referrals, alternative school placement, or court ordered requirements. Parent/Guardian Responsibility It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to encourage and monitor his or her child’s school attendance, to report all student absences according to the school’s attendance policy and procedures, and to work cooperatively with the school and student to solve any attendance problem that may arise. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school of changes of contact or emergency information. Absence Verification Procedure Excused Absences An excused absence is one that is initiated by the parent or guardian and that meets the definition of an excused absence. Verification of a student’s absence is a note signed by the parent or guardian and brought directly to the Attendance Office. The note must include the student name and ID number, the reason for the absence, exact dates and times of the absence, a parent/guardian signature and phone number. It is the student’s responsibility to get written verification (note) to the Attendance Office as soon as possible or within two (2) days of returning to school. Notification of Parent/Guardian At three (3) absences from class, the Attendance Office will notify the parent/guardian by mail and the student’s classroom teacher or advisor will call home. If a student is absent 6 times in a quarter, an attendance committee member will require a parent and student meeting to develop an attendance contract. Upon the fifteenth (15) consecutive absences from classes, the student will be automatically withdrawn from school. A parent or guardian must return with the student in order to be registered. Parents/Guardians will receive automated phone calls when students are absent. Common Attendance Questions When should I prearrange an absence? If a student plans to be absent for three (3) consecutive days or more, a special absence request form must be completed in advance of the planned absence. This form is obtained from the counselor by presenting a note written by a parent/guardian, which explains the reason for the impending absence. The student is responsible to present this form to each of his/her teachers to sign. The form is then returned to the Attendance Office for an administrator’s signature. Extended absences will only be approved if in accordance with the Minneapolis Public Schools Attendance Policy. How do I sign out of school if I must leave school during the day? The student must present a note from a parent/guardian to his/her assistant principal explaining the reason and time the student needs to leave school. Once approved, the student must take the signed note to the Welcome Desk to be released from school. Notes need to include a phone number for verification. Students will not be released if a parent/guardian is not contacted. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange his or her own transportation. Bus passes are not available from the school. If a student becomes ill during the school day, he/she needs to report to the school nurse. The school nurse will coordinate the student’s release from school if necessary. Check and Connect Check and Connect is a school engagement program designed to help students stay in school and on track to graduate. Thomas Edison High School is committed to significantly increasing graduation rates, improving academic achievement, and better preparing our students for work, citizenship, and lifelong learni “Excused” and “Nonexcused” Definitions Excused Absences Parents or guardians may excuse their child for the following reasons: • Illness: School staff may request a health care provider’s verification for absences longer than three (3) consecutive days or more than four (4) absences due to illness, or illness of a dependent, in a semester. If the family does not have a medical provider, they should be referred to the school nurse for assistance; • Religious instruction or observance, when the school is notified in advance; • Recognized cultural observance, when the school is notified in advance; • Funeral or other family emergency, for three (3) days or longer as arrange with an Assistant Principal; • Family activity for three (3) or more days within one school year, when arranged in advance; • Transportation problems caused by a failure of the MPS transportation system; • Appointments with health care providers or other professionals and court appearances when unable to schedule outside school hours and when school is notified in advance. School Authorized Absences School-authorized absences are absences of students initiated by the school for a school-sanctioned activity. Examples are: • • • Field trips, co-curricular or athletic participation; Required school appointments that are pre-scheduled (examples: support groups, a meeting with the counselor/principal); Other reasons as authorized by an assistant principal. Unexcused Absences Absences are recorded as unexcused if the student: • • • Is absent from school or a class period without parental permission or administrative approval; Did not follow the proper procedures when leaving the school building, or arriving late; Arrived tardy to school for reasons that are unexcused; some examples of unexcused tardies are missing the bus, flat tire, car trouble, riding with someone else who was late, and oversleeping. Parent Notification of Absences: Computerized Notification System Each time a student is tardy or absent from a class, Thomas Edison’s computerized calling system will contact their home. Calling the Main Office at 612-668-1300 may access further absence information for a student. Should you have any questions, contact your child’s administrator. Additional Policies Tardy Policy Attendance is one of the first indicators of academic success. Students are expected to be in class on time. Students arriving late to class must have a pass to excuse their tardiness; otherwise, the tardy is unexcused and subject to classroom interventions. Students who are in the halls without a pass after passing time has ended, will be sent or escorted to class by security staff, deans and administrators. Students arriving to 1st hour with 10 or fewer minutes remaining in the hour will be detained until the passing bell. Tardy students are expected to enter quickly, quietly, and respectfully. Teachers may apply consequences as set forth by the Classroom Management plan. Habitually or egregiously tardy students may be referred to their dean for further intervention. ID Policy To ensure safety and security, all staff and students are required to possess identification badges at all times in the building. Identification badges are required for students to: • Enter the building • Attend athletic events • Attend dances and other school sponsored events • Check out media center resources • Leave the building for lunch and prayer • Obtain hallway passes • Receive lunch All students entering the building must have an ID. Students who lose their ID must purchase a new ID for $3.00. Hallway Policy To ensure a formal educational setting, hallways should remain orderly throughout the day. Students are expected to be responsible and respectful of the educational environment. Student Personal Electronic Devices High school students may possess personal electronic devices at school, or at school events off campus. Unless the device is being appropriately used under the five bullets below, the student shall secure the personal electronic device either out of sight or holstered and turned off. High School student use of personal electronic devices is limited to: 1. Before and after the regularly scheduled school day; 2. During the student’s scheduled lunch period; 3. During passing time between classes; 4. During class time when the classroom teacher permits the use for educational purposes only; and 5. During the school day by permission from the school principal or principal’s designee for personal purposes. CONSEQUENCES FOR VIOLATIONS Failure to keep a device off or appropriately secured. At the first infraction, the staff person shall require the student to secure the device and turn it off. The staff member may require the student not to respond to a call. The student will be reminded of the consequences for failure to keep the device off and appropriately secured. At a second infraction, the staff person shall confiscate the device and turn it in to the school office, where the student may retrieve it after the close of classes for the day. At a third infraction, the staff person shall confiscate the device, notify the parent or guardian, and turn it into the school office where the parent or guardian may retrieve the device. The principal or principal’s designee may elect to return a device to a student. The parent will be notified of the consequence of an additional infraction. At a fourth infraction, the student will forfeit the privilege to possess or use a personal electronic device at school. Students bring personal electronic devices to school at their own risk. Thomas Edison High School assumes no liability for loss, theft, damage, nor liability for any unauthorized use of an electronic device. If device is confiscated under this policy no responsibility for the safety or security of the device is guaranteed. Bullying/ Cyber Bullying/Hazing Students will not engage in behavior defined as the use of force or coercion to negatively affect others. This expectation applies to any of the following behaviors: Teasing; Intimidating; Defaming; Threatening; Terrorizing; Retaliation. This expectation applies to any cyber bullying or hazing behavior, regardless of whether such acts are committed on or off school property and/or with or without the use of school district resources. The school shall discipline or take appropriate action against any student who is found to have violated this policy. Obligations Textbooks, library books, athletic equipment, etc., are for student use. These items must be returned by their due date. Fundraising money and items must also be returned. If an item is not returned, students will be placed on the obligation list. Seniors will not be able to participate in commencement exercises or receive their diploma until all obligations are returned or paid for. Underclassmen must also return or pay for obligations. All obligations will be carried over to the next school year. Lockers All students will be issued locks and lockers. Only school issued locks will be allowed on lockers. All other locks will be removed. Students cannot share lockers. Students should not share lock combinations with friends. Locker cleanout will be conducted on a regular basis. It is the student’s responsibility to clean out their locker when they withdraw from Thomas Edison, or at the end of the school year. Students must return all items from their locker to the appropriate place. Locks must be turned in. If a student loses their lock, a replacement fee of $10.00 will be assessed. Lockers and locks are the property of Thomas Edison High School and may be opened for inspection at any time. Dress Policy It is the Thomas Edison philosophy that good attitudes and behavior are directly related to appropriate dress and good grooming. Appearance and dress are to be in good taste at all times. For health reasons and community standards, proper dress shall be enforced. A. Pants, Shorts, and Skirts Length of shorts and skirts must be mid-length of your thigh or longer and must cover undergarments (even when wearing leggings) Pant legs must be worn at the same length B. Head apparel Hats, caps, hoods, visors, skull caps, du-rags, sunglasses and bandanas should not be worn in the building; they must be kept in your locker. C. Coats, Jackets, and Shirts Outdoor Coats are not to be worn in the building; they must be kept in your locker. D. Shoes Shoes must be worn at all times for health and safety concerns House slippers are not to be worn in the building E. Other Clothing that includes words or pictures which are sexually and physical obscene, vulgar, abusive, discriminatory or promotes violence is not to be worn in the building. Clothing that advertises alcohol, drugs, chemicals, tobacco products, RIP shirts, is not to be worn in the building. Clothing that promotes threat and hate groups, as well as gangrelated clothing, colors, accessories and symbols are not to be worn in the building. Deans and Administration has final determination of what is appropriate clothing for our school. ** Exceptions can be made for religious or medical purposes upon administrative notification/approval** Eighteen Year Olds MN Law 120.06 states that school districts may impose the same rules and regulations on students 18-21 years of age as those imposed on students under 18. All Thomas Edison High School Students are expected to adhere to the same set of policies and guidelines. Building Security All Thomas Edison High School doors will be locked during the school day with exception of the front doors. The front doors of the building will be unlocked by security staff at 7:45 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. Once school has ended, students are not allowed to leave the building and return. If students are participating in after school activities and/or clubs, they should remain in the building. Students are not allowed in the building after 3:15 p.m. without staff supervision. Athletes will use the gym doors to enter and exit their practice areas after 3:15 p.m. daily and during weekend activities. Camera Surveillance Cameras are used at Thomas Edison High School to promote safety. Questions regarding our surveillance cameras should be directed to the principal. Fire Drills/Fire Alarms The fire alarm signals students to proceed promptly and orderly from each classroom. Students must move away from the building and remain at a safe distance at the direction of teachers and staff. The signal for pupils to return to the building will be the sounding of the outside bell. Several fire drills are held throughout the year. Students identified as pulling false fire alarms will be subject to school suspension, transfer to another school, and/or a possible fine and arrest. Weather Emergency When an outside signal (weather siren) sounds or an announcement is made on the public address system, an emergency may be occurring. Listen to your teacher and proceed promptly and quietly to the areas designated by your teacher. One tornado drill will be held each year. Bus Transportation All students may be required to show their school picture ID when boarding the bus for transportation to and from school. Students who fail to show their school picture ID can be denied access to bus transportation. Edison High School will collaborate with Minneapolis Public Transit with any bus concerns. If you have bus card issues students should see Check and Connect. Bus transportation is a privilege, not a right. Bus 1. 2. 3. 4. Safety rules: Be on time. Keep the bus on schedule. Obey the driver’s safety instructions. Keep your body inside the bus. Remain seated while the bus is in motion Cafeteria Policy Lunch is served daily in the cafeteria. All food must be consumed in the cafeteria. Additionally, all students are responsible for disposing of wrappers, cartons, lunch trays, etc. in the cafeteria’s trash cans. Cafeteria Conduct The right of the student to eat in the cafeteria is coupled with the responsibility of keeping the area clean and presentable for others. A student will be asked to leave the lunchroom and may be required to clean the lunchroom if his/her behavior is unacceptable. Food throwing and other disrespectful conduct may result in suspension from school and parent/guardian contact. Again, students are expected to eat all food in the cafeteria and discard any lunch waste appropriately. Off Campus Lunch Off campus lunch is a privilege for 11th and 12th grade students with a 2.0 GPA or better from the previous quarter. 11th and 12th grade students who choose this option are expected to return to school on time without food. Abuse of this privilege will result in the loss of this privilege. Possession of a Weapon The Gun Free Schools Act of 1994 states that any student who is determined to have brought a weapon to school, to a school sponsored activity, or onto school property, will be put up for administrative transfer or expulsion. The student will also be referred to local law enforcement. A weapon is defined as any firearms whether loaded or unloaded, any device designed as a weapon or through its use capable of threatening or causing bodily harm or death; or any device or instruments which is used to threaten or cause bodily harm or death. Examples include, but are not limited to: guns, air guns, pellet guns, BB guns, look a like guns, toys mistaken as real and non functioning guns etc, knives or other blades, metal knuckles, nunchucks, throwing stars, explosives, fireworks, mace and other propellants, stun guns and ammunitions. Telephone Use Telephone messages for students are restricted for emergencies only and will be referred to the student’s dean. Students are allowed to return emergency phone calls with the supervision of their dean of students. Students are allowed to use their cell phones to make or return phone calls during lunch and passing time. Academic Lettering Students who exhibit outstanding academic achievement, good citizenship and attendance while attending Thomas Edison, will be awarded a “Letter in Academics.” Lettering in Academics Criteria: Four (4) consecutive quarters of the GPA, enrollment date and credit requirements of “A” Honor Roll Once a student has lettered in academics, he/she starts over with the lettering requirements. The most a student can letter in academics will be four times while at Thomas Edison High School; The first time a student letters in academics/athletics, etc., they receive an “E” from Thomas Edison at no charge; Students lettering in academics will be recognized; Teacher/administrator maintains the right to deny the issuance of a letter. A and B Honor Roll Criteria 1. Quarter GPA of 3.6667 or higher for A Honor Roll 2. Quarter GPA of 2.6667 - 3.6666 for B Honor Roll 3. Enrollment date at Thomas Edison High School to begin the first week of each semester. Grade Point Average (GPA) Your grade point average is determined by the grades you receive for each class at the end of each quarter. You receive honor points as follows: A 4.0 B+ 3.33 C+ 2.33 D+ 1.33 F 0.00 AB C D 3.67 3.00 2.00 1.00 B - 2.67 C- 1.67 D- 0.67 GPA Honor Roll “A” Honor roll is 3.6667 and above “B” Honor roll is 2.6667 - 3.6666 Gold Honor Tassels Honor tassels go to seniors with a 3.2000 cumulative grade point average or above. Gold Honors Cords Highest honors students must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.6667 or above. Visitor Policy Thomas Edison High School welcomes all parents and/or guardians to visit the school at any time to check on the academic progress of his or her child. Meetings with specific staff should be prearranged whenever possible. Please contact your child’s dean of students or assistant principal to schedule an appointment. Students are not allowed to bring guests, i.e. family, friends, etc., to visit Thomas Edison High School during the school day. Unauthorized guests are subject to a trespassing letter and/or an arrest. Former Thomas Edison students will not be allowed to be in the building without a specific purpose. Students will have to get approval from the Assistant Principal. Thomas Edison’s administration reserves the right to not issue a visitor’s pass to unauthorized guests. Honors Diploma Requirements Seniors graduating with a 3.6667 or higher G.P.A. after Quarter 3 will earn Highest Honors. Seniors earning a 3.2000 - 3.6667 will be awarded Honors. There will be no rounding up. Graduation Participation Credits Please see policy as determined by Minneapolis Public Schools (updated yearly). ALC/On-Line Credit Opportunities Students have the opportunity to earn credits in after school classes. Online classes are available, also. Students should meet with a counselor to discuss this option. Parent/Guardian-Teacher Communication Parent/Guardians are encouraged to contact the school to resolve academic or behavioral concerned. Teachers can be reached through email or voicemail. Parent/Guardians-Teachers Conferences will be scheduled two times per year. Academic Fraud, Plagiarism and Cheating Student work is highly respected and important to academic success. For that reason academic fraud cannot be tolerated. Plagiarism is regarded as a serious offense. Plagiarism involves passing off other people’s work as your own. Any copied or plagiarized work will be reviewed and may result in a zero for the assignment or appropriate consequences. If you feel extreme academic pressure, please contact your counselor. The Edison Staff wants all students to succeed using their own product or work. Co-Curricular Activities Academic Requirements to Participate A student who wishes to participate in co-curricular activities must achieve at least a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) on the last report card prior to the season or activity period. If a report card is issued during a season or activity period, a student must remain eligible in order to participate. Students who are not eligible may not be allowed to practice with the team. Transfer students are required to meet the district’s eligibility requirements at the time of transfer in the Minneapolis Public Schools. 1. GPA will be computed using all classes in which a student is enrolled. A pass in a pass/fail class will count as a credit, but will not be counted in the GPA. A fail will count as a in credit/no credit will be lost and figured in the GPA. 2. Students participating in co-curricular activities listed must pass two (2) credits and be enrolled in four (4) credits during the quarter of participation. A senior who may not need to take a full day of classes to graduate will have the GPA figured on the number of credits taken. 3. A student must qualify on both requirements above. 4. All entering ninth graders who have not been on a senior high eligibility list are scholastically eligible. If an eighth grade student has been on a senior high eligibility list, he/she must have a 2.0 GPA for fourth quarter in grade eight to be eligible in the fall as an entering ninth grader. 5. The Minnesota State High School League (Bylaw 407.000) defines eligibility as making satisfactory progress toward graduation. The new Minneapolis policy does not require eligibility to be determined on a cumulative GPA. Students are required to maintain 4.13 credits per quarter on a cumulative credit basis. Students remain eligible if they are within two credits of their cumulative credit record. Students who are making satisfactory progress toward graduation will average 4.13 credits per quarter. At the end of ninth grade, satisfactory progress is 14.5 credits; the end of tenth grade 28 credits; the end of eleventh grade is 47.54 credits; and seniors graduate with a minimum of 64.06 credits. A student who is ineligible because of too few credits may regain eligibility by attending two consecutive quarters and earning 4.13 credits during each quarter for a total of 8.26 credits. If the second quarter is the quarter prior to participating, then the student must have a 2.0 GPA or better. The regaining of eligibility as described is automatic and determined at the building level. 6. Fourth quarter will be used to determine fall eligibility. 7. Summer school credits shall be averaged with spring quarter grades to determine eligibility. 8. Exception Procedures: All students that are deemed ineligible may, depending upon their grades and credits, are eligible to file an appeal to regain their eligibility. Interscholastic Athletics Fall Sports Cheerleading Football Cross Country Swimming Soccer Tennis Volleyball Winter Sports Basketball Cheerleading Dance Team Gymnastics Hockey Swimming Wrestling Spring Sports Badminton Baseball Golf Softball Tennis Track Note: The school-based clinic offers free sports physicals. Students should have a valid sports’ physical on file before the sport begins. Co-Curricular Activities Edison Record (newspaper) Gay-Straight Alliance Math Team National Honor Society Student Council (government) Wizard (yearbook) Beacons Robotics After School Clubs Debate Team Thomas Edison has many clubs that celebrate specific cultures, depending upon student interest. All students are welcome in all clubs at Thomas Edison. Expected Behaviors at School Sponsored Events The same rules for expected behaviors in school are to be practiced at school sponsored events. Graduation Requirements Students in the class of 2015 must meet the GRAD assessment requirements in Reading, Mathematics and Written Composition, earn a minimum of 64.5 credits, and earn passing scores in the specific courses listed below. There are many pathways for meeting these requirements, please check with your individual counselor to ensure you are on track for graduation. Three years of math at algebra level or higher and three years of science are required. However, most students planning on attending college elect to take 4 years in each subject. If a student is planning on taking IB or CIS, they could elect to take the 3 year science alternative and then an IB/CIS/AP course for their 4th year. If you have questions, please ask your counselor. Required Classes: • PE I & II • Health I & II • Fine Arts (2 courses) • English 9-12 • Geography, World History, US History, Government & Economics • Algebra with Quad, Geometry & Advanced Algebra/Trig • Biology/Physics – 9th grade • Chemistry – 10th grade • Biology/Physics – 11th grade • Math – three years of which must include Advanced Algebra/Trig If you plan to attend college, be sure to plan your high school program according to the entrance requirements of the school of your choice. You will learn about entrance requirements from your counselor or advisor, and you can get special information in the Career and College Center (CCC Lab) in room 219 at Thomas Edison. For a Bachelor’s Degree, most colleges and universities encourage or require 4 years of both science and math in high school. They also require students to take a foreign language for at least 2 years. The option to take the foreign language classes in college is possible at some schools for those students who have not taken foreign language in high school. Check the entrance requirements for the specific college or university that you would like to attend. If you plan to attend a technical college or vocational school, you will find many courses that will prepare you for that experience. Counselors will give you more information, and the CCC Lab has additional resources. Additionally, many of our course offerings prepare students for college courses. Due to the rigorous nature of these courses, we have resources available to help students be successful. If you have questions regarding resources to help you achieve academic excellence at Edison High, please contact your child’s counselor. If you do not plan to go on to school following high school, talk with your counselor or advisor about taking courses that will help prepare you to get a job. Plan your program carefully, pass your classes, work for your best grades, and monitor your credits. If you need help or have questions see your counselor, advisor or the CCC Lab Coordinator. We are here to help you. Progress Reports All students receive a midterm progress report, which includes information from each teacher approximately four to five weeks into the quarter. These progress reports are distributed at Parent/Teacher Conferences. Parents can continually monitor student progress by accessing the Parent Portal. If parents want to schedule a meeting with their child’s teacher, they should contact the teacher. Conferences with one or all teachers may be set up at any time during the school year. Grades/Report Cards Final grades for each quarter are mailed home. The report includes comments on learning performance, attendance, quarter Grade Point Average (GPA) and the cumulative GPA. Student Aide Positions Student Aide status may be granted for students who have met all of the following criteria: 12th grade; on track with all credits toward graduation; meet the requirements for GRAD Reading, Mathematics and Written Composition 3.0 Cumulative GPA. Student aides are expected to follow the same rules for attendance and punctuality as in all classes. The staff person to whom they are assigned assigns duties to the student aides. *Student receives a “Credit” or “No Credit” grade at the end of the quarter. Media Center Welcome Tommies! Our Thomas Edison Media Center collections and services are here to help all students succeed in school. There is access to several computer labs in the library and over 30,000 great books, magazines and additional resources. We provide support with reading, research, and technology to students and classroom teachers. The Edison collection is searchable via our website. The Thomas Edison Media Center hours are: Monday-Thursday: 7:45 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Friday: 7:45 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Checkout of books/textbooks/resources: A student ID is required to check out books and textbooks. There is no limit on required texts checked out and they may be kept for two weeks. There is no fine for overdue items, but lost or damaged books and textbooks must be paid for. Seniors will not participate in commencement exercises if obligations are not paid. Passes: Students using the Media Center during class time must have a Media Center pass issued by their classroom teacher that indicates what work they will be doing. Passes are not necessary before and after school. Passwords: Online reference resources or ‘databases’ are accessible at school and at home (with passwords). These include World Book Encyclopedia, Culture Grams, Net Trekker, and Atomic Learning. Others are provided to each Minnesota school and library in the ELM (Electronic Library of MN). For links to these resources visit (Media Center: Find Online Articles & Encyclopedias). Contact Edison’s media specialist for off-site passwords. Computers: Computers are available for educational and informational purposes, such as research, writing and multimedia production. Students may not use computers for personal research or playing games. Students should display their ID while working and demonstrate responsible use. Printing is limited. Read, Research, and Work Responsibly: When using the Media Center, students should work independently, quietly and productively. Students should treat others in the Media Center with courtesy and respect. Misuse or abuse of Media Center materials or other school property is prohibited. Eating, drinking and chewing gum are not permitted. Internet Acceptable Use Policy Internet access is available at Edison High School. Internet offers valuable, diverse and unique resources to both students and teachers. Access to the Internet will enable students to explore thousands of libraries, databases and research projects while exchanging messages with users throughout the globe. With this access also comes the availability of material that may not be considered of educational value. Families should be warned that some material obtained via the Net may contain items that are illegal, inaccurate, or potentially offensive. We have taken precautions to restrict access to controversial information, either by accident or deliberately. The benefits to students from online access far outweigh the possibility that users may procure material that is inconsistent with our educational goals. The smooth operation of the network relies upon the proper conduct of the students who must adhere to strict guidelines. These guidelines are provided here so that you are aware of the responsibilities students are about to assume. If a user violates any of these provisions, future access will be denied. To gain access to the Internet, all students under the age of 18 must obtain parental permission and must have their Internet Permit beside them when using the Internet. The signature(s) in this document are legally binding and indicate(s) that the party (parties) who signed has (have) read the conditions carefully and understand(s) their significance. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL MINNEAPOLIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS, EDISON HIGH SCHOOL, OR ANY STAFF MEMBER BE HELD LIABLE FOR IMPROPER USE OF THESE RESOURCES. Internet Terms and Conditions 1. Students are responsible for good behavior on the school computer networks, just as they are in a classroom or a school hallway. General school rules for Behavior and communications apply. 2. The network is provided for students to conduct research and communicate with others. Access to network services is given to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Access is a privilege, not a right. That access entails responsibility. Inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of Internet privileges. The administration, faculty and staff may request the system administrator to deny, revoke or suspend specific use privileges. 3. Users are expected to abide by generally accepted rules of network etiquette and conduct themselves in a responsible, ethical and polite manner while online. 4. Users are not permitted to use the computing resources for commercial purposes, product advertising, political lobbying or political campaigning. 5. Users are not permitted to transmit, receive, submit or publish any inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, offensive or illegal material. 6. Physical or electronic tampering with computer resources is not permitted. Damaging computers, computer systems or computer networks will result in cancellation of privileges. 7. Users must respect all copyright laws that protect software owners, artists and writers. Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated. 8. All communication and information accessible via the computer resources shall be regarded as private property; however, staff that operates the system may review files and messages to maintain system integrity. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to the authorities.