LS3-2, W05 C. Lin, Life Science 3 (LS3-2) Introduction to Molecular Biology Winter 2005 (January 3 – March 16) Instructor: Professor Chentao Lin, Office: 3317 Life Science Building (LSB), Phone: 310-206-9576, email: Homepage: Lectures Tuesday and Thursday, 2:00 am - 3:15 pm, Franz 1178 Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30-4:45pm, Tuesday and Thursday, or walk in at any time (better in pm). LSB 3317 Text: “Molecular Cell Biology” (2004) by Lodish, et. al. Supplemented by handouts and Course Web site: --Lecture slides, grades, and announcements. -- Please email questions to Dr. Lin or your TA directly Lab & discussion Sections: Lab (wk 1, 3, 5, 6, 9) and discussion sections (wk 2, 4, 6, 8, 10) will be lead by Dr. Gaston Pfluegl (, 794-4113), and TAs. See the “LS3 lab manual” for details of the lab sections. Teaching Assistants: Dmitry Tulchinsky, Jin Xu, Jeremy Burton, Christopher Park, Sara Tajyar, Mitsuko Yamamoto, Cecilia Chan, Administration: Exams & Grading: • • x51491 x65111 x58511 x45711 x68792 x72593 437-9849. Please address all administrative problems to Tammy Johnson (825-8445) or Mark Gray (825-6614) In “Life Science Core Curriculum Office”: LSB2305 Laboratory: Midterm (Thur. 2/3, normal class time) Final (Tue, 22/3, 6:30PM-9:30PM) 100pts 150pts 250pts 20% 30% 50% Tests are closed book and will cover material from lectures and required readings. In case you are unable to take an exam, you must contact the Life Science Core Curriculum Office before the examination. LS3-2 (W2005) Syllabus Week #Lecture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Date Topics Reading 1 Thursday, 1/6/05 Introduction Chapter 1, 2, page 1-59, 2 Tuesday, 1/11 Protein structure Chapter 3, page 59-100 3 Thursday, 1/13 Protein function 4 Tuesday, 1/18 Protein analysis 5 Thursday, 1/20 DNA and RNA structures 6 Tuesday, 1/25 Gene structure and and transcription 7 Thursday, 1/27 Translation 8 Tuesday, 2/1 DNA replication (I) 9 Thursday, 2/3 Midterm 10 Tuesday , 2/8 DNA replication (II) Chapter 23, page 961-970 11 Tuesday 2/10 Molecular biology techniques I Chapter 9, page 351-403 12 Tuesday 2/15 Molecular biology techniques II 13 Thursday, 2/17 Molecular biology techniques III 14 Tuesday 2/22 Genome structure I 15 Thursday, 2/24 Genome structure II 16 Tuesday 3/1 Eukarypotic Transcription I 17 Thursday, 3/3 Eukarypotic Transcription II 18 Tuesday 3/8 Post-transcriptional regulation I 19 Thursday, 3/10 Post-transcriptional regulation II 20 Tuesday 3/15 Review Tuesday, 22/3/05 Final Exam (6:30PM - 9:30PM) Location TBA 11 Chapter 4, page 101-145 Chapter 10, page 405-449 Chapter 11, page 447-491 Chapter 12, page 493-531 Winter 2005 Life Sciences 3.2 Dis rooms YHS Lab rooms M Lin MS 3915G MS 3915H SH 2834 MS 3915G MS 3915H SH 2834 MS 3915G MS 3915H SH 2834 MS 3915G MS 3915H 2336 2370 2379 2336 2370 2379 2336 2370 2379 2336 2370 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8:00 9:00 2C 2G 2J 8-10:50 8-10:50 YH 2336 YH 2370 SARA CHRIS Friday 9-11:50 10:00 YH 2336 2D 10-12:50 11:00 CHRIS YH 2379 2M 10-12:50 2H 2K 11-1:50 11-1:50 YH 2370 12:00 LYNN YH 2336 YH 2370 DMITRY 1:00 2E SARA DMITRY 2N 1-3:50 2:00 1-3:50 YH 2379 LECTURE LECTURE FRANZ 1178 FRANZ 1178 3:00 4:00 YH 2370 JIN DMITRY 2A 2B 2F 2I 2L 4-6:50 4-6:50 4-6:50 4-6:50 4-6:50 5:00 YH 2370 YH 2379 YH 2379 YH 2336 YH 2370 6:00 LYNN JIN CECILIA CECILIA DMITRY 7:00 1/5/05 Winter 2005 Life Sciences 3.2 Lin 1/5/05 Winter 2005 Life Sciences 3.2 Lin SH 2834 2379 Friday 2O 10-12:50 YH 2379 JEREMY 2P 1-3:50 YH 2379 JEREMY 1/5/05 Winter 2005 Life Sciences 3.2 Lin 1/5/05