CALIFORNIA Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Test Operations Management System: Winter/Spring 2015 Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments Updated March 20, 2015 Published 18, 2014 Prepared by the Educational Testing Service® Contact Information California Technical Assistance Center 2731 Systron Drive Concord, CA 94518 Phone: 800-955-2954 Fax: 800-541-8455 E-mail: Web site: CAASPP System Table of Contents Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Assigning Student Test Settings....................................................................................................................................... 1 Update Settings by Uploading a Template................................................................................................................... 2 Update Settings One by One ....................................................................................................................................... 2 TOMS Requirements ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 About This Manual ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 Using the ISAAP Tool to Assign Test Settings ................................................................................................................. 3 Background ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 About the ISAAP Tool .................................................................................................................................................. 3 About the ISAAP Excel File ......................................................................................................................................... 3 ISAAP Tool Components ............................................................................................................................................. 3 How to Assign Accessibility Resources in the ISAAP Tool ............................................................................................... 4 Using an Excel Template to Assign Test Settings ........................................................................................................... 9 How to Assign Accessibility Resources in the Excel Template......................................................................................... 9 Reviewing and Updating Online Student Test Settings One by One ............................................................................ 12 How to View a Student Profile ........................................................................................................................................ 12 How to Update or Configure Settings in the Student Profile ........................................................................................... 13 Appendix A—Online Student Test Settings File Specifications.................................................................................... 15 Change Log ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1 File Specifications ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 Acronyms and Initialisms Used in the TOMS Online Student Test Settings User Guide CAASPP CALPADS CalTAC CDE ELA ET IEP ISAAP LEA PT RLA SC SSID TA TOMS UAAG California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System California Technical Assistance Center California Department of Education English language arts/literacy extended time individualized education program Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile local educational agency performance task reading/language arts CAASPP Test Site Coordinator Statewide Student Identifier Test Administrator Test Operations Management System Smarter Balanced Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines i Introduction Introduction The Test Operations Management System (TOMS) is a secure site that permits local educational agency (LEA) California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) Coordinators to perform a number of tasks for the CAASPP System, which comprises the Smarter Balanced online summative assessments, the remaining paper-pencil tests in science, and the remaining paper-pencil primary language tests in reading/language arts (RLA). LEA CAASPP Coordinators will be able to perform the following tasks in TOMS: Manage the LEA’s testing windows; Verify contact and address information, including delivery and e-mail addresses Indicate which students are taking which science and/or RLA paper-pencil tests Configure online student test settings (accommodations, designated supports) Review orders for paper-pencil test materials Enter and manage CAASPP Test Site Coordinator (SC) and Test Administrator (TA) access to TOMS Assigning Student Test Settings The Smarter Balanced assessment system uses technology to deliver assessments that fit the needs of individual students. Student data from the California Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) are uploaded into TOMS so LEA CAASPP Coordinators and CAASPP Test Site Coordinators can manage their CAASPP administrations. A variety of accessibility tools and accommodations for the online Smarter Balanced assessments can be delivered to students automatically based on their profile configured in TOMS. For information about the available accessibility tools and accommodations for the CAASPP assessments, please refer to Matrix One: Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations for the CAASPP System which is linked on the California Department of Education (CDE) Student Accessibility Supports Web page at For details of recommended use of each universal tool, designated support, and accommodation, refer to the Smarter Balanced Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines which are linked on the CAASPP Instructions and Manuals Web page at instructions/. Configuring online student test settings in TOMS ensures that students receive the assigned accessibility supports for the online Smarter Balanced assessments. There are two methods LEA CAASPP Coordinators and CAASPP Test Site Coordinators can use to set embedded and non-embedded designated supports and accommodations for students in TOMS: 1. Spreadsheet upload 2. One by one Print-on-demand for stimuli only can be set through file upload or configured using the TOMS interface. Print-on-demand that includes items (either items only or items with stimuli) must be set by contacting the CDE. Stacked translations for mathematics items and turning off universal tools must be set in the test delivery system only. These supports cannot be set in TOMS or the upload file. When setting a language, select “Filipino” for students requiring Ilokano and Tagalog glossaries. These students can subsequently select the Filipino glossary in the test delivery system and receive each of the available translations in the Tagal family of languages. Updated February 2015 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Setting User Guide 1 Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Introduction Update Settings by Uploading a Template LEA CAASPP Coordinators and CAASPP Test Site Coordinators can use the California version of the Smarter Balanced Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (ISAAP) Tool to facilitate the decision-making process for assigning accessibility supports to students. The ISAAP Tool is a spreadsheet with specially designed formulas that facilitate selection of the designated supports and accommodations that match student access needs for the Smarter Balanced assessments.1 The ISAAP tool can be used to produce an online student test settings file that can be uploaded to TOMS. Use the CAASPP ISAAP Tool that is available on to assign designated supports and accommodations to students. Do NOT use the version available on the Smarter Balanced Web site. LEA CAASPP Coordinators and CAASPP Test Site Coordinators can, alternatively, download a spreadsheet template from the TOMS Web page at or from TOMS itself, enter data, and upload the completed online student test settings assignment file into TOMS. Update Settings One by One LEA CAASPP Coordinators and CAASPP Test Site Coordinators can manually configure or edit the online settings in a Student Profile in TOMS. TOMS Requirements TOMS supports the following Web browsers: Internet Explorer 9 and above Mozilla Firefox 2.0 and above Google Chrome 4.0 and above Safari 3.0 and above Google Android (all) iPad Safari (all) System functionality and screen displays may operate or appear differently due to different browser and operating system capabilities. The TOMS Web site is optimal when viewed using a resolution of 1280 x 1024. Please note that, because of the nature of multi-tab/window functionality, only one session of any module of the TOMS should be open for editing at one time. Data records may become inaccurate if, for example, one set of dates are updated from one open browser tab or window and another set of dates are updated from another open browser tab or window. About This Manual 1. 2. 3. Web site users may notice slight differences between what is displayed on the Web page and what is shown in this manual due to individual browser versions, monitor resolution, PC configuration, etc. Data displayed on the Web pages or forms shown as examples in this manual are for demonstration purposes only. Web pages may appear slightly different under Macintosh, using various versions of Windows, or because of differences in browsers or browser versions. 1 Smarter Balanced, Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (ISAAP), retrieved November 14, 2014, from 2 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Settings User Guide Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Updated February 2015 Using the ISAAP Tool to Assign Test Settings Using the ISAAP Tool to Assign Test Settings Background About the ISAAP Tool Information in this section was adapted from the Smarter Balanced, Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (ISAAP) Web document at Smarter Balanced developed the Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (ISAAP) Tool to facilitate selection of the accessibility resources that match student access needs for the Smarter Balanced assessments, as supported by the UAAG. The ISAAP Tool should be used in conjunction with the UAAG as well as with state regulations and policies (see Matrix One) related to assessment accessibility as a part of the ISAAP process. LEA personnel, including individualized education program (IEP) and Section 504 plan teams, can use the ISAAP tool to facilitate the selection of designated supports and accommodations a student will need for the online Smarter Balanced assessments. Instructions for downloading the ISAAP Tool and creating an upload file from the tool are included in the Assign Accessibility Resources in the ISAAP Tool section of this user guide. About the ISAAP Excel File The ISAAP Tool is a macros-enabled Excel workbook enriched with formulas that assist in setting ISAAP profiles for 15 students at a time and is compatible with any version of Microsoft® Excel® from 2010 to the most recent version. When opening the file, choose Enable this content or other enabling prompt to view the “recommended use” language included for the different resources. You also will need to enable macros. The ISAAP Tool file is locked to prevent errant changes to the formulas that determine the functionality of the ISAAP Tool. While you may change the naming convention of the file when using the Save As function, the file must be saved in .xlsm format—saving to another Excel file format, such as .xls or xlsx, may result in corrupting or disabling many of the functionalities and features of the ISAAP Tool. The ISAAP Tool can be downloaded from the TOMS Web page at ISAAP Tool Components The following are the worksheet tabs found in the ISAAP Tool: [About] tab—Description of the ISAAP Process and ISAAP Tool [Instructions] tab—Instructions for using the CAASPP ISAAP tool 15 individual [Student #] tabs—Facilitate creation of and store data for up to 15 ISAAPs [Report] tab—A spreadsheet of the student data entered Updated February 2015 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Setting User Guide 3 Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Using the ISAAP Tool to Assign Test Settings How to Assign Accessibility Resources in the ISAAP Tool Step 1. Download the ISAAP Tool. 1. Go to the TOMS Web page at 2. 3. Select the linked file name with your right mouse button. Select the download option from the pop-up menu. Step 2. Enter student information and accessibility settings in the ISAAP Tool. 1. Select a [Student #] tab and fill in the student information in the fields in rows 3 and 5 as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Sample student information Field names are as follows: Student Last Name Student First Name SSID (consistent with TOMS) Teacher of Record Grade School (ID or Name) Educator(s) Completing ISAAP Comments Notes: Statewide Student Identifiers (SSIDs) are required to create an upload file for TOMS. These fields are optional, but recommended, for LEA reference. The Comments field may be used for various purposes as determined by the school site (e.g., for directions to Test Administrator or other school procedure). 4 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Settings User Guide Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Updated February 2015 Using the ISAAP Tool to Assign Test Settings 2. In column B, Student Need(s), which starts at row 18 and is shown in Figure 2, select all values that apply. Figure 2. Set Student Need information For each check box selected, a specific set of recommended designated supports will be populated in column D. Choices are as follows: Support for executive functioning: attention, cognition control, and processing Support for persistent calculation disability, dyscalculia Support for reading-related disabilities, print disabilities, struggling readers Support for students needing access in language(s) of translation Support for significant motor difficulties and recent injury Support for vision impairments/blind Support for hard-of-hearing/deafness 3. Next, select the Identification of Student Need(s) in column C (e.g., Individualized Education Program, 504 Plan, Educator(s) Recommendation, or some combination of these). This column signifies the documentation that is provided for the student access need. If one of the selected values is Individualized Education Program or 504 Plan, the ISAAP Tool will also populate recommended Accommodations in column F. Updated February 2015 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Setting User Guide 5 Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Using the ISAAP Tool to Assign Test Settings To ensure student’s unique access needs are met, please also review all available accessibility supports in the CDE’s Matrix One. 4. To select a support or accommodation, find the row with the required designated support or accommodation and select the corresponding cell in column E (Select Designated Supports) or column G (Accommodations), shown in Figure 3. Select from the items in the drop-down list. Figure 3. Selecting designated supports and accommodations 5. 6. 7. Designated supports and accommodations that also require separate settings or extra time are marked with an asterisk (*); the specific recommendation appears above column D when the value is selected in column E. Select the recommended value (separate setting or extra time) in column E to implement the recommendation. To learn more about suggested options, hover over the red corner of each cell to read recommended use language from the UAAG. Download a new ISAAP Tool and enter information for additional batches of 15 students. Repeat the process as needed. All embedded and non-embedded designated supports and accommodations may be assigned through the ISAAP Tool. However, turning off a universal tool or stacked translation must be done through the test delivery system, not TOMS. 6 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Settings User Guide Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Updated February 2015 Using the ISAAP Tool to Assign Test Settings Step 3. Create an upload file in the [Report] tab. The [Report] tab, which is located in the rightmost tab position in the ISAAP Tool, compiles all of the selections from the [Student #] tabs—up to 15—into one comprehensive spreadsheet so users may view all students’ accessibility profile data in a single view. 1. Enable macros in the file. b a c Figure 4. [Options] button 2. 3. 4. Figure 5. “Security Options” alert box a. Select the [Options] button between the worksheet and the tool Ribbon (shown in Figure 4). b. Select the Enable this content radio button in the “Security Options” alert box, shown in Figure 5. c. Select [OK] to enable macros (or [Cancel] to cancel). If you will require more than 15 student tabs, you may create multiple files by using the following procedure and then completing step 3. Save your completed ISAAP file using the following parameters: File type is “Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook” with an .xlsm file extension. Include “isaap” in the filename; this will help the ISAAP Tool identify all of your ISAAP files and consolidate the student data when you are done. Save all ISAAP files into the same directory. Take the following steps to consolidate multiple ISAAP files to create a single upload file for TOMS: a. Open any saved ISAAP file from the directory. b. Open the worksheet in the [Report] tab. c. Select the [Select this button to produce a Smarter Balanced accommodations upload file for TOMS.] button at the top of the worksheet and is shown in Figure 6. d. Select [Yes] at the prompt. This will create a single Figure 6. Button to create a file online student test settings file that can be uploaded to TOMS to assign designated supports and accommodations for students for online testing. Save the student test settings file that was created as a .csv file using the File > Save As option in Excel. Updated February 2015 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Setting User Guide 7 Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Using the ISAAP Tool to Assign Test Settings Step 4. Upload the student test settings assignment file into TOMS. 1. 2. 3. Select the [Students] button in the left navigation bar. Select the [Online Test Settings] button. Upload your completed .csv file. a. Select the [Browse] button. b. Locate and select the file. c. Confirm that the correct file is selected, and then select [Upload] to upload your LEA’s online student test settings assignment file into TOMS. Step 5. Check the status of an uploaded file 1. 2. 3. Select the [Students] button in the left navigation bar. Select the [Online Test Settings] button in the left navigation bar. Look for the file in the Uploaded Files section (labeled “Step 4” in Figure 7). Data shown are as follows: # Row number of the file in the Uploaded Files section Date Date the file was uploaded Filename Name given to the file by the LEA CAASPP or CAASPP Test Site Coordinator Status Status of the file; statuses are: Icon Icon name Description [Processing] A file upload is in process. [Complete] A file upload was successful. [Processing Error] A file upload failed. Uploads Number of students (spreadsheet rows) successfully updated Errors Number of students/rows with data errors (Select the link for more details on the errors.) Actions Available actions that can be taken; actions are: Icon Icon name Description [Delete File] Delete the uploaded file. [Download Errors] Download the report of file errors. 4. If the file upload failed (that is, if you see the [Processing Error] icon in the Status column), the cause could be invalid data in the spreadsheet. a. Validate the file against the file specifications in Appendix A, fix the data in error, and try again. b. If the error persists, CAASPP Test Site Coordinators should contact their LEA CAASPP Coordinators, and LEA CAASPP Coordinators should contact the California Technical Assistance Center (CalTAC) for support. 5. If your upload was successful but there are errors in the file (that is, if you see the [Download Errors] icon), select this icon to download a .csv file of errors in the file. a. Fix the file according to the generated error. b. Validate the file against the file specifications in Appendix A and try again. c. If the error persists, CAASPP Test Site Coordinators should contact their LEA CAASPP Coordinators, and LEA CAASPP Coordinators should contact CalTAC for support. 8 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Settings User Guide Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Updated February 2015 Using an Excel Template to Assign Test Settings Using an Excel Template to Assign Test Settings Student data from CALPADS are uploaded into TOMS so LEA CAASPP Coordinators and/or CAASPP Test Site Coordinators can manage their CAASPP administrations. Use TOMS to set embedded and non-embedded designated supports and accommodations for students. The online student test settings template is available to download from the TOMS Web page at as well as the Upload Online Student Test Settings Web form itself in TOMS. Use the template when you do not require the assistance of the ISAAP Tool to identify required designated supports and accommodations. The file that is submitted should be in .csv format. LEAs can submit more than one file. Use SSIDs to configure online test settings in the file for students in your LEA. Use the specifications in Appendix A for each test setting in the appropriate fields when you create your file. The completed file is converted to a .csv file and then uploaded to TOMS. You may upload as many files as you wish. SSIDs in the online student test settings file are matched with CALPADS data that have been imported into TOMS. Previously assigned test settings will be overridden if the student’s data are included with a newly uploaded online student test settings file. Step 1 Step 3 Step 4 Figure 7. Upload Student Test Assignments Web form How to Assign Accessibility Resources in the Excel Template Take the following steps to create your online student test settings file using the form shown in Figure 7. Step 1. Download the online student test settings template. 1. 2. 3. 4. Open an Internet browser. Open TOMS by going to and selecting the [Test Operations Management System] button to access the TOMS Sign In Web form. When you have logged on and TOMS has opened, select the [Students] button in the left navigation bar. Select the [Online Test Settings] button. Updated February 2015 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Setting User Guide 9 Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Using an Excel Template to Assign Test Settings 5. On the Upload Online Student Test Settings Web form (shown in Figure 7), select the [Download Spreadsheet Template] link to download the Excel template. or Download the test settings Excel template from 6. Step 2. Create and save your LEA’s online student test settings. 1. Open the template and enter data: Student SSID (mandatory; consistent with TOMS) Values, listed in Appendix A, to enable designated supports or accommodations Repeat for additional students. When you are finished, save as a .csv file using the File > Save As option in Excel. 2. 3. Step 3. Upload the student test settings assignment file into TOMS. 1. 2. 3. Select the [Students] button in the left navigation bar. Select the [Online Test Settings] button. Upload your completed .csv file. a. Select the [Browse] button. b. Locate and select the file. c. Confirm that the correct file is selected, and then select [Upload] to upload your LEA’s online student test settings assignment file into TOMS. Step 4. Check the status of an uploaded file 1. 2. 3. Select the [Students] button in the left navigation bar. Select the [Online Test Settings] button in the left navigation bar. Look for the file in the Uploaded Files section (Figure 7). Data shown are as follows: # Row number of the file in the Uploaded Files section Date Date the file was uploaded Filename Name given to the file by the LEA CAASPP or CAASPP Test Site Coordinator Status Status of the file; statuses are: Icon Description [Processing] A file upload is in process. [Complete] A file upload was successful. [Processing Error] A file upload failed. Uploads Number of students (spreadsheet rows) successfully updated Errors Number of students/rows with data errors (Select the link for more details on the errors.) Actions Available actions that can be taken; actions are: Icon 4. Icon name Icon name Description [Delete File] Delete the uploaded file. [Download Errors] Download the report of file errors. If the file upload failed (that is, if you see the [Processing Error] icon in the Status column), the cause could be invalid data in the spreadsheet. a. Validate the file against the file specifications in Appendix A, fix the data in error, and try again. b. If the error persists, CAASPP Test Site Coordinators should contact their LEA CAASPP 10 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Settings User Guide Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Updated February 2015 Using an Excel Template to Assign Test Settings Coordinators, and LEA CAASPP Coordinators should contact CalTAC for support. 5. If your upload was successful but there are errors in the file (that is, if you see the [Download Errors] icon), select this icon to download a .csv file of errors in the file. a. Fix the file according to the generated error. b. Validate the file against the file specifications in Appendix A and try again. c. If the error persists, CAASPP Test Site Coordinators should contact their LEA CAASPP Coordinators, and LEA CAASPP Coordinators should contact the CalTAC for support. Updated February 2015 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Setting User Guide 11 Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Reviewing and Updating Online Student Test Settings One by One Reviewing and Updating Online Student Test Settings One by One In the View & Edit section of the Students area, you can search, view, and edit, individual student data. In this way you can also submit student test settings individually. How to View a Student Profile 1. Select the [Students] button in the left navigation bar (or, if the Students section is already active, select the [Search] button). Figure 8. Search for Students Web form 2. 3. 4. Enter details about the student in the search fields in the Search for Students Web form (shown in Figure 8); or Select the LEA(s) the user is associated with by selecting the [Select Organization] link. a. To pull up all students in an associated organization, do not specify any search criteria. b. To view students from a particular school, enter the first part of the school’s name; select the school from the drop-down list that appears. Select the [Search] button. Check your CALPADS student records if students are not listed. 12 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Settings User Guide Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Updated February 2015 Reviewing and Updating Online Student Test Settings One by One Figure 9. Student search results 5. 6. Select a magnifying glass [View] icon shown in Figure 9 to access the Student Profile screen in Figure 10. The Student Profile opens with the [Demographics] tab selected. Note that student demographic data were imported from CALPADS and cannot be edited in TOMS. Any change to student demographic data must be made in CALPADS. Use the [Back] button to return to the Search screen. How to Update or Configure Settings in the Student Profile 1. 2. 3. Search for a student using the instructions in the previous subsection, How to View a Student Profile. Select the [Test Mode] tab to see the tests a student will take; select the [Update] button to save any changes made. Select the [Test Settings] tab, shown in Figure 10, to view and edit the student’s online test settings (designated supports and accommodations). Updated February 2015 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Setting User Guide 13 Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Reviewing and Updating Online Student Test Settings One by One 11 Figure 10. Student Profile—Test Settings 4. 5. Configure or update the student’s online test settings by selecting the appropriate settings in the drop-down menus or radio buttons. Select [Update] to save changes. 14 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Settings User Guide Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Updated February 2015 Appendix A—Online Student Test Settings File Specifications Appendix A—Online Student Test Settings File Specifications Stacked translations for mathematics items and turning off universal tools must be set in the test delivery system only. These supports cannot be set in TOMS or the upload file. These specifications provide more information about the values in the Excel spreadsheet template. For more information about each universal tool, designated support, and accommodations refer to the Smarter Balanced Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines, which are linked on the Instructions and Manuals Web page at Col Display Name Value Value Definition Test TOMS Type Setting Definition all numeric State-assigned student identifier which is unique within that state. Every student should have a unique SSID. A Student SSID 10 digits B Abacus Blank (default) Abacus is not selected mathematics check box NEA_Abacus Abacus is selected C D Blank (default) Alternate Response Options (including any external devices/ assistive technologies) American Sign Language for ELA Listening and Math Items NEA_AR Alternate Response is selected Blank (default) Do not show ASL videos TDS_ASL0 Do not show ASL videos TDS_ASL1 Show ASL videos: Legend: English language arts/literacy (ELA) extended time (ET) Updated February 2015 Alternate Response is not selected check box ELA mathematics PT check box ELA mathematics PT This tool may be used in place of scratch paper for students who typically use an abacus. Alternate response options include but are not limited to adapted keyboards, large keyboards, StickyKeys, MouseKeys, FilterKeys, adapted mouse, touch screen, head wand, and switches. Test content is translated into ASL video. An ASL human signer and the signed test content are viewed on the same screen. Type non-embedded accommodation non-embedded accommodation embedded accommodation performance task (PT) Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Setting User Guide 15 Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Appendix A—Online Student Test Settings File Specifications Col Display Name E F G H Value Bilingual Dictionary for Blank (default) ELA Full Writes (ET) Language Calculator Closed Captioning for ELA Listening Items Value Definition Test TOMS Type Setting Definition Type Bilingual Dictionary is not selected ELA PT check box A bilingual/dual-language word-to-word dictionary is a language support. non-embedded designated support NEDS_BD Bilingual Dictionary is selected ENU (default) English ENU-Braille Braille ESN Spanish (Math only) Blank (default) Calculator is not selected NEA_Calc Calculator is selected Blank (default) Closed Captioning not available TDS_ClosedCap0 Closed Captioning not available TDS_ClosedCap1 Closed Captioning available Legend: English language arts/literacy (ELA) extended time (ET) drop-down ELA mathematics PT embedded All tests are presented in accommodation English. Students who qualify for a Spanish language translation will view items in both English and Spanish (stacked format). Students who require tests in braille should have the braille option selected. mathematics check box A calculator can be accessed for calculatorallowed items. The student may use the calculator offered with assistive technology devices (such as a talking calculator or a braille calculator). Printed text that appears on the computer screen as audio materials are presented. ELA check box non-embedded accommodation embedded accommodation performance task (PT) Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) 16 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Settings User Guide Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Updated February 2015 Appendix A—Online Student Test Settings File Specifications Col Display Name I J K L M N Color Contrast (EMBEDDED) Color Contrast (NONEMBEDDED) Color Overlays Magnification Masking Multiplication Table Value Value Definition Test Blank (default) Color Contrast is not selected TDS_CC0 Black on White drop-down ELA mathematics PT TDS_CCInvert Reverse Contrast TDS_CCMagenta Black on Rose TDS_CCMedGrayLt Gray Medium Gray on Light Gray By default, tests are embedded designated presented with black text on a support white background. Students who require a different combination of text and background should be assigned the appropriate setting. TDS_CCYellowB Yellow on Blue Blank (default) Color Contrast is not selected Color Contrast is selected Test content of online items may be printed with different colors. non-embedded designated support NEDS_CC check box ELA mathematics PT Blank (default) Color Overlays is not selected Color Overlays is selected Color transparencies are placed over a paper-based assessment. non-embedded designated support NEDS_CO check box ELA mathematics PT Blank (default) Magnification is not selected check box ELA mathematics PT non-embedded designated support NEDS_Mag Magnification is selected The size of specific areas of the screen (e.g., text, formulas, tables, graphics, and navigation buttons) may be adjusted by the student with an assistive technology device. Blank (default) Masking is not selected TDS_Masking1 Masking is available check box ELA mathematics PT TDS_Masking0 Masking is not available Masking involves blocking off embedded designated support content that is not of immediate need or that may be distracting to the student. Students are able to focus their attention on a specific part of a test item by masking. Blank (default) Multiplication Table is not selected mathematics check box A paper-based single-digit (1–9) multiplication table. NEA_MT Multiplication Table is selected Legend: English language arts/literacy (ELA) extended time (ET) Updated February 2015 TOMS Type Setting Definition Type non-embedded accommodation performance task (PT) Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Setting User Guide 17 Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Appendix A—Online Student Test Settings File Specifications Col Display Name O P Noise Buffers Print On Demand Value Value Definition Test TOMS Type Blank (default) Noise Buffers is not selected NEA_NoiseBuf Noise Buffers is selected check box ELA mathematics PT Blank (default) Print on Demand is not ELA drop-down selected mathematics PT Q R Read Aloud for ELA TDS_PoD0 None TDS_PoD_Stim Stimuli Blank (default) Read Aloud for ELA is not selected NEA_RA_Stimuli Read Aloud for ELA is selected Read Aloud (for Math Blank (default) and ELA Items) (NONEMBEDDED) NEDS_RA_Items Legend: English language arts/literacy (ELA) extended time (ET) Read Aloud for Math and ELA Items is not selected ELA PT check box check box ELA mathematics PT Read Aloud for Math and ELA Items is selected Setting Definition Type Ear mufflers, white noise, and/or other equipment used to block external sounds. non-embedded designated support non-embedded Print-on-demand for test stimuli and items, stimuli only, accommodation or items only must be set by contacting CalTAC. Configuring this accommodation in the upload file will not automatically activate it for the assigned student. All requests must be approved by CalTAC and the CDE. Text is read aloud to the student by a trained and qualified human reader who follows the administration guidelines provided in the Smarter Balanced Test Administration Manual. All or portions of the content may be read aloud. non-embedded accommodation non-embedded designated Text is read aloud to the student via embedded text-to- support speech technology or by a trained and qualified human reader. The student is able to control the speed as well as raise or lower the volume of the voice via a volume control. performance task (PT) Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) 18 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Settings User Guide Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Updated February 2015 Appendix A—Online Student Test Settings File Specifications Col Display Name S T U V Scribe Value Value Definition Test TOMS Type Setting Definition Blank (default) Scribe is not selected ELA PT check box NEA_SC_WritItem s (ELA only) Scribe is selected Students dictate their non-embedded responses to a human who accommodation records verbatim what they dictate. The scribe must be trained and qualified, and must follow the administration guidelines provided in the Smarter Balanced Test Administration Manual. Blank (default) Scribe (for ELA nonwriting items and Math items) Separate Setting Speech-to-text check box ELA mathematics PT NEDS_SC_Items Scribe for items is selected Blank (default) Separate Setting is not ELA check box selected mathematics NEDS_SS Separate Setting is selected Blank (default) Speech-to-text is not selected NEA_STT Speech-to-text is selected Legend: English language arts/literacy (ELA) extended time (ET) Updated February 2015 Scribe for items is not selected PT check box ELA mathematics PT Students dictate their responses to a human who records verbatim what they dictate. The scribe must be trained and qualified, and must follow the administration guidelines provided in the Smarter Balanced Test Administration Manual. The test location is altered so that the student is tested in a setting different from that made available for most students. Type non-embedded designated support non-embedded designated support non-embedded Voice recognition allows accommodation students to use their voices as input devices to the computer, to dictate responses or give commands (e.g., opening application programs, pulling down menus, and saving work). Voice recognition software generally can recognize speech up to 160 words per minute. Students may use their own assistive technology devices. performance task (PT) Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Setting User Guide 19 Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Appendix A—Online Student Test Settings File Specifications Col Display Name W X Y Z Value Blank (default) Text-to-speech for ELA Reading Passages Grades 6–8 TDS_TTS0 and 11 Text-to-speech for Math and ELA items Translated Test Directions Translated Test Directions for Math Items Value Definition Test Text-to-speech for ELA ELA reading passages is PT not selected TOMS Type Setting Definition drop-down Text is read aloud to the embedded student via embedded text-to- accommodation speech technology. The student is able to control the speed as well as raise or lower the volume of the voice via a volume control. None TDS_TTS_Item Items TDS_TTS_Stim Passages TDS_TTS_Stim&TD S_TTS_Item Passages and Items Blank (default) Text-to-speech for drop-down ELA math and ELA items is Mathematics not selected TDS_TTS0 None TDS_TTS_Item Items (ELA) TDS_TTS_Stim&TD S_TTS_Item Stimuli and Items (Math) TDS_TTS_ALL Items (ELA) AND Stimuli and Items (Math) Blank (default) Translated Test Directions is not selected NEDS_TransDirs Translated Test Directions is selected Blank (default) Translated Test Directions for Math Items is not selected NEDS_TransDirs Translated Test Directions for Math Items is selected Legend: English language arts/literacy (ELA) extended time (ET) PT ELA PT check box mathematics check box Type Text is read aloud to the embedded designated student via embedded text-to- support speech technology. The student is able to control the speed as well as raise or lower the volume of the voice via a volume control. PDF of directions translated in each of the languages currently supported. A bilingual adult can read to student. Translation of test directions is a language support available prior to beginning the actual test items. Students can see test directions in another language. non-embedded designated support embedded designated support performance task (PT) Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) 20 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Settings User Guide Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Updated February 2015 Appendix A—Online Student Test Settings File Specifications Col Display Name AA Value Value Definition Test TOMS Type Translation Glossaries mathematics drop-down Translation Glossaries Blank (default) for math is not selected PT for Math Items (ET) TDS_WL_Glossary (EMBEDDED) English TDS_WL_ArabicGl oss Arabic TDS_WL_Cantones eGloss Cantonese TDS_WL_ESNGloss ary Spanish TDS_WL_KoreanGl oss Korean TDS_WL_Mandarin Gloss Mandarin TDS_WL_PunjabiG loss Punjabi TDS_WL_RussianG loss Russian TDS_WL_TagalGlo ss Filipino TDS_WL_Ukrainia nGloss Ukrainian TDS_WL_Vietname seGloss Vietnamese TDS_WL_ArabicGl oss&TDS_WL_Glos sary Arabic & English TDS_WL_Cantones eGloss&TDS_WL_G lossary Cantonese & English TDS_WL_ESNGloss ary&TDS_WL_Glos sary Spanish & English TDS_WL_KoreanGl oss&TDS_WL_Glos sary Korean & English Legend: English language arts/literacy (ELA) extended time (ET) Updated February 2015 Setting Definition Type embedded designated Sets student’s glossary support accommodation. Students can open a glossary to view terms presented on the test that may be unfamiliar to them. By design, all students can access the English glossary word list as a universal tool, unless this is disabled (“None”) or overridden by another language. If a combination glossary is selected (e.g., English and Arabic or English and Russian), then the student will have access to both. If a single glossary is selected (e.g., Mandarin), then the student will only have access to that glossary. The English glossary will not be available. Select “Filipino” for students requiring Ilokano and Tagalog glossaries. These students can subsequently select the Filipino glossary in the TDS and receive each of the available translations in the Tagal family of languages. performance task (PT) Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Setting User Guide 21 Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Appendix A—Online Student Test Settings File Specifications Col Display Name Value Value Definition TDS_WL_Mandarin Gloss&TDS_WL_Gl ossary Mandarin & English TDS_WL_PunjabiG loss&TDS_WL_Glo ssary Punjabi & English TDS_WL_RussianG loss&TDS_WL_Glo ssary Russian & English TDS_WL_TagalGlo ss&TDS_WL_Gloss ary Filipino & English TDS_WL_Ukrainia nGloss&TDS_WL_G lossary Ukrainian & English TDS_WL_Vietname seGloss&TDS_WL_ Glossary Vietnamese & English TDS_WL0 AB Translation Glossaries Blank (default) for Math Items (ET) (NON-EMBEDDED) TOMS Type Setting Definition Type Note: The English glossary is available for both ELA and mathematics tests. Translated glossaries are available for mathematics tests only. None Translation Glossaries for math items is not selected NEDS_TCantonese Cantonese NEDS_TSpanish Spanish NEDS_TKorean Korean NEDS_TMandarin Mandarin NEDS_TPunjabi Punjabi Legend: English language arts/literacy (ELA) extended time (ET) Test mathematics drop-down Translated glossaries are a non-embedded designated support language support. Translated glossaries are provided for selected construct-irrelevant terms for math. Glossary terms are listed by item and include the English term and its translated equivalent. performance task (PT) Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) 22 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Settings User Guide Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Updated February 2015 Appendix A—Online Student Test Settings File Specifications Col Display Name Value Value Definition NEDS_TFilipino Filipino NEDS_TUkrainian Ukrainian Test TOMS Type AC Permissive Mode AD Print Size Russian NEDS_TArabic Arabic English English NEDS0 None TDS_PM0 (default) Permissive Mode disabled TDS_PM1 Permissive Mode enabled TDS_PS_L0 (default) No default zoom applied TDS_PS_L1 1.5X TDS_PS_L2 1.75X TDS_PS_L3 2.5X TDS_PS_L4 3X Legend: English language arts/literacy (ELA) extended time (ET) Updated February 2015 Type Select “Filipino” for students requiring Ilokano and Tagalog glossaries. These students can subsequently select the Filipino glossary in the TDS and receive each of the available translations in the Tagal family of languages. NEDS_TVietnamese Vietnamese NEDS_TRussian Setting Definition check box ELA mathematics PT drop-down ELA mathematics PT embedded designated Permissive mode should be support enabled for students who require access to accessibility software in order to interact with the test (e.g., screen readers, magnifiers, etc.). When permissive mode is disabled, the only application that can be open on the computer is the secure browser. embedded designated Sets student’s print size support accommodation. This is the print size the student should have when starting a test. The selected print size becomes the default for all items in that student’s test. The default print size for all tests is 14 pt. The default font for ELA tests is Times New Roman. The default font for mathematics tests is Verdana. performance task (PT) Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Setting User Guide 23 Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Appendix A—Online Student Test Settings File Specifications Col Display Name Value AE TDS_SLM0 (default) Standard Streamlined Interface Value Definition TDS_SLM1 Streamlined Special Lighting or acoustics (NONEMBEDDED) Designated Supports Y Special Lighting or acoustics is selected N (default) Special Lighting or acoustics is not selected AG Translated Test Directions for Math (Non-Embedded) Designated Supports Y Translated Test Directions for Math is selected N (default) Translated Test Directions for Math is not selected AH Individualized Aids (Non-Embedded) Accommodation Y Individualized Aids is selected N (default) Individualized Aids is not selected AF Legend: English language arts/literacy (ELA) extended time (ET) Test TOMS Type check box ELA mathematics PT Setting Definition Type embedded By default, all tests use the accommodation standard interface. This interface is compatible with all supported desktops and tablets. The streamlined interface presents the test in an alternate, simplified format in which the items are displayed below the stimuli. All tool and navigation buttons are on the bottom of the screen. Important: The streamlined interface is not intended to be tablet compatible. check box ELA mathematics PT non-embedded designated support check box ELA mathematics PT PDF of directions translated in each of the languages currently supported. Bilingual adult can read to student. check box ELA mathematics PT A designated support and/or non-embedded accommodation that is neither accommodation offered nor available and has been approved by the California Department of Education. non-embedded designated support performance task (PT) Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) 24 2015 TOMS Online Student Test Settings User Guide Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Updated February 2015 Change Log Change Log Application Features New Former Section Date CAASPP Test Site Coordinators may upload student test setting files and change student test setting. [CAASPP Test Site Coordinators did not have this ability in TOMS.] Throughout 2/05/15 New Former Section Date NEA_RA_Stimuli NEDS_RA_Stimuli Value of Column Q, 2/05/15 Definition of Column P, 3/02/15 Value of Column W, 3/19/15 Value Definition of Column W, Text-to- 3/19/15 Value of Column X, 3/19/15 File Specifications Read Aloud for ELA Print-on-demand for test stimuli and items, stimuli only, or items only must be set by contacting CalTAC. Configuring this accommodation in the upload file will not automatically activate it for the assigned student. All requests must be approved by CalTAC and the CDE. Blank (default) TDS_TTS0 TDS_TTS_Item TDS_TTS_Stim TDS_TTS_Stim&TDS_T TS_Item Text-to-speech for ELA reading passages is not selected None Items Passages Passages and Items Paper copies of passages/ stimuli and/or items are printed for students. Print-on-demand for stimuli only can be set using file upload. Print-on-demand that includes items (either items only or items with stimuli) must be set by contacting the CDE. Blank (default) TDS_TTS0 TDS_TTS_Stim Text-to-speech for ELA reading passages is not selected None Passages Blank (default) TDS_TTS0 Blank (default) TDS_TTS0 TDS_TTS_Item TDS_TTS_Stim&TDS_T TS_Item TDS_TTS_ALL TDS_TTS_Item Updated February 2015 Print On Demand Text-to-speech for ELA Reading Passages Grades 6–8 and 11 speech for ELA Reading Passages Grades 6–8 and 11 Text-to-speech for Math and ELA items TDS_TTS_Stim&TDS_T TS_Item 2015 TOMS Test Administration Setup Manual 1 Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education Change Log New Text-to-speech for math and ELA items is not selected None Items (ELA) Stimuli and Items (Math) Items (ELA) AND Stimuli and Items (Math) Former Text-to-speech for math and ELA items is not selected None Items Passages and Items Section Date Value Definition of Column X, Text-to- 3/19/15 speech for Math and ELA items 2 2015 TOMS Test Administration Setup Manual Copyright © 2014 by the California Department of Education December 2014