higher expectations

The main College Postgraduate Open Day is held in
December. Individual departments and divisions
may also hold open days at other times. Please see
www.imperial.ac.uk/events for details.
Open days
Our research expertise covers all the major disciplines
taught at the College, and there is extensive activity
in many interdisciplinary areas. Full details of all
research opportunities can be found at
Innovative research at Imperial explores the interfaces
between science, medicine, engineering and management.
Boosted by a dynamic enterprise culture, it delivers
practical solutions that enhance the quality of life and the
environment. In the most recent Research Assessment
Exercise 75 per cent of staff achieved the top (5*) rating,
the highest proportion in any UK university.
Graduate study_2005–06
(Faculty of Medicine courses only)
Email pgmedreg@imperial.ac.uk
(all courses except Faculty of Medicine)
Email admissions@imperial.ac.uk
Telephone +44 (0)20 7594 8001
Alternatively contact:
Postgraduate Admissions Office
Imperial College London
South Kensington campus
London SW7 2AZ
For more information on how to apply, including details
of entry requirements, fees and funding, see our website at
www.imperial.ac.uk/pgoptions or download an application
form from www.imperial.ac.uk/pgaf.
Applicants should normally hold a good first degree or
equivalent qualification. All overseas candidates must
demonstrate a high level of competence in the English
language before admission.
higher expectations
Applying to Imperial
Research opportunities
To find out more about our courses visit our website at
www.imperial.ac.uk/pgprospectus, or request a
Postgraduate Prospectus from the Admissions Office (see
the back of this leaflet for contact details).
All postgraduate taught courses are recognised for the
award of either the Diploma of the Imperial College (DIC), a
Master’s degree of the University of London (MSc, MRes or
MBA), or both. See inside for a full list of courses available.
Taught courses
Imperial is a world-leading sciencebased university whose reputation for
excellence in teaching and research
attracts students and staff of the
highest international quality.
We offer an extensive programme of postgraduate taught
courses—leading to Research Master’s (MRes), Master’s
(MSc), MBA and postgraduate Diploma qualifications and
there are wide ranging opportunities for MPhil/PhD
research studies, including integrated four-year PhD
programmes. These New Route PhD programmes enhance
students’ expertise by supplementing their research work
with professional training in academic, generic and
transferable skills. (See the Graduate Schools’ websites
for details).
Many of our postgraduate programmes have funding
attached to them and students can apply for Imperial
College awards as well as external studentships.
The Graduate Schools
Graduate School activities
Transferable skills courses
The Graduate Schools provide a suite of academic training
courses in transferable skills such as teamwork, personal
organisation and effectiveness, research ethics, writing
skills, presentation skills and thesis writing. There are also
a number of optional workshops and lectures on a wide
variety of subjects (for example, career planning,
entrepreneurship and information retrieval). Most first
year students are required to attend a number of these
courses prior to transfer to PhD status.
Social activities
Life as a postgraduate student is very different from life as
an undergraduate and Imperial has set up a network of
support mechanisms to ensure you achieve your full
potential. The Graduate Schools are a fundamental part of
this network and are here to enhance your learning
As soon as you begin your postgraduate studies at
Imperial you automatically become a member of one of the
two Graduate Schools. Membership means you are part of
a wider community, broadening and enriching your
experience at Imperial by interaction with students across
disciplinary boundaries.
The Graduate School of Life Sciences and Medicine
(GSLSM) includes all postgraduate students from the
departments and divisions in the Faculties of Life Sciences
and of Medicine. The Graduate School of Engineering and
Physical Sciences (GSEPS) incorporates students from the
departments and centres in the Faculties of Engineering
and of Physical Sciences, as well as from Tanaka Business
School and the Humanities Programme.
We organise social activities throughout the year to promote
discussion and the exchange of ideas across disciplines.
These include distinguished guest lectures, welcome events
and a research symposium—with a student poster
competition and a keynote speaker.
Quality assurance
We monitor and enhance the quality of postgraduate
education. We are responsible for the regular review of
existing taught course programmes and for considering
and initiating proposals for new postgraduate courses.
Further information
Graduate School of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Sophie White, Administrator
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7594 8126
Email: gradeps@imperial.ac.uk
Graduate School of Life Sciences and Medicine
Sally Baker, Administrator
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7594 5890
Email: gradlsm@imperial.ac.uk
Graduate study_2005– 06
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Physical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
MRC Clinical Sciences Centre
MSc in Composite Materials
MRes in Biomolecular Science
MSc in Medical Ultrasound
MSc in Computational Methods for Aeronautics, Flow
Management and Fluid Structure Interaction
MRes in Protein and Membrane Chemical Biology
MRes in Integrative Biomedical Sciences
MRes in Nanomaterials
Investigative Science
MSc in Engineering and Physical Science in Medicine
Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology
MSc in Advanced Chemical Engineering
MSc in Clinical Cytology (next intake 2005)
MSc in Applied Mathematics
MSc in Histopathology (next intake 2005)
MSc in Mathematics and Finance
MSc in Infection Management for Pharmacists
MSc in Pure Mathematics
MSc in Infectious Diseases
MSc in Molecular Medicine
MSc in Advanced Chemical Engineering with Biotechnology
MSc in Advanced Chemical Engineering with Process Systems
MSc in Advanced Chemical Engineering with Structured
Product Engineering
MSc in Optics and Photonics
MSc in Quantum Fields and Fundamental Forces
MSc in Immunology
MSc in Molecular Biology and Pathology of Viruses
Civil and Environmental Engineering
MSc in Concrete Structures
Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine
MSc in Human Molecular Genetics
MSc in History of Science, Medicine and Technology
(joint course with University College London)
Diploma in Internal Medicine
MSc in Concrete Structures and Business Management
National Heart and Lung Institute
MSc in Concrete Structures and Sustainable Development
MSc in Adult Critical Care
Faculty of Life Sciences
MSc in Earthquake Engineering
MSc in Engineering Geology
MSc or Diploma in Cardiology
MSc in Cardiorespiratory Nursing
Agricultural Sciences
MSc in Paediatric Critical Care
MSc in Engineering Geology and Sustainable Development
MSc in Agribusiness for Development
MSc in Respiratory Medicine
MSc in Environmental Engineering
MSc in Agribusiness Management
Diploma in Advanced Nursing Practice
MSc in Environmental Engineering and Business Management
MSc in Agricultural Economics
Diploma in Thoracic Medicine
MSc in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable
MSc in Applied Environmental Economics
MSc in Biodiversity Conservation and Management
Neuroscience and Psychological Medicine
MSc in General Structural Engineering
MSc in Environmental Management
MSc in Integrative Neuroscience
MSc in Hydrology for Environmental Management
MSc in Food Chain Management
MRes in Experimental Neuroscience
MSc in Hydrology and Business Management
MSc in Managing Rural Development
MSc in Hydrology and Sustainable Development
MSc in Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
MSc in Soil Mechanics
MRes in Animal Science
MSc in Human Reproductive Biology
MSc in Engineering Geology and Business Management
MSc in Soil Mechanics and Business Management
MRes in Plant Biotechnology
MSc in Soil Mechanics and Engineering Seismology
MSc in Drug Use: Evidence-based Policy and Intervention
MSc in Soil Mechanics and Sustainable Development
MSc in Advanced Methods in Taxonomy and Biodiversity
MSc in Medical Ethics
MSc in Structural Steel Design
MSc in Bioinformatics
MSc in Modern Epidemiology
MSc in Structural Steel Design and Business Management
MRes in Biochemical Research
MSc in Social Intervention for Public Health
MSc in Structural Steel Design and Sustainable Development
MRes in Biosystematics
MSc in Transport (joint course with University College London)
MSc in Crop Protection
Surgery, Anaesthetics and Intensive Care
MSc in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
MSc in Surgical Science
MSc in Forest Protection and Conservation
MSc in Surgical Technology
MSc in Transport and Business Management (joint course
with University College London)
MSc in Transport and Sustainable Development (joint course
with University College London)
Biological Sciences
Primary Care and Population Health Sciences
MSc in Soil Mechanics and Environmental Geotechnics
MRes in Molecular and Cellular Basis of Infection
MRes in Structural Biology
Humanities Programme
Environmental Science and Technology
MSc in Advanced Computing
MSc in Computing for Industry
MSc in Computing Science
Earth Science and Engineering
MSc in Environmental Diagnosis
MSc in Science Communication
MSc in Environmental Technology
MSc in Science Media Production
Tanaka Business School
MSc in Scientific, Technical and Medical Translation with
Translation Technology
MSc in Petroleum Engineering
MSc in Health Management
MSc in Remote Sensing (joint course, applications to
University College London)
MSc in Analogue and Digital Integrated Circuit Design
MSc in International Health Management
MSc Health Economics and Management
MSc in Health Informatics and Management
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
MSc in Petroleum Production Management
MSc in Finance
MSc in Petroleum Geoscience
Executive MBA
MSc in Communications and Signal Processing
MSc in Control Systems
MRes in Structural Materials for Airframes
Mechanical Engineering
MSc in Advanced Mechanical Engineering
MSc in Industrial Design Engineering (joint course,
applications to the Royal College of Art)
This information is accurate at the time of going to press and may be subject to
alteration. Please consult our website for the most up-to-date information.