Need to manage your environmental impact?

Need to manage your environmental impact?
ISO 14001 through BSI will help you.
Our ISO 14001 can help you save
money, energy and the environment.
One of the key challenges facing businesses is the impact of our activities
on the environment and growing in a sustainable way. How we meet these
challenges will make a difference to how we do business and the impact on
the planet.
ISO 14001 is designed to help your business remain commercially
successful, while effectively managing your environmental responsibilities.
We can help you identify and control how your business affects the
environment, understand the associated legislation and help put in
place robust policies to conserve your resources and save money.
Working with us, we can help you deliver considerable
environmental, economic and social benefits by providing a
framework for managing sustainability, whatever your size,
sector or geographical location.
The benefits our certified clients have enjoyed speak for themselves:
65% reported first year
savings of up $25,000**
27% reported savings of
up to $100,000**
66% agree that ISO 14001
reduces operating costs***
Positive impact on
the bottom line
37% performed better in terms of
average profitability^
65% reported improved company image†
Improved company performance
Protected and enhanced
company reputation
Sales &
55% reported ISO 14001
helped with qualifying new
opportunities in the
public sector^
75% said it helped attract
new customers^^
Improved sales
Improved market access
Operations & Facilities
98% of landfill savings
directly attributable^
96% reported improved
environmental performance
of their product**
Product differentiation
98% of companies improved in
emergency preparedness**
Reduced costs
Effective operational
controls to manage impacts
84% indicated a reduction in permit violations**
55% improved their legal compliance^
Reduced risk of litigation and fines
* Vs non-certified companies when comparing average profitability (ROA) - Kent Business School – ISO 14001 certification and financial benefits 2008.
** Wharton Risk Management & Decision Process Centre Study 2007. ***NetRegs Survey 2007. ^ Defra Sept 2011. ^^ BSI Satisfaction Survey 2012. † Ruddell and Stevens research 1998.
Keen to commit to better
environmental management?
BSI can help you plan for
today and the future.
Research* with SMEs shows:
51% of companies achieved resource savings
45% of companies achieved cost savings
of companies achieved better
ISO 14001 is a world-class management system that provides
a structure for managing your environmental performance.
By developing and implementing robust policies you can reap
rewards such as waste reduction and efficiency improvements.
marketing credentials
With an effective system in place, you’ll be able to meet the
increasingly high customer expectations of corporate responsibility,
better meet your supply chain requirements and streamline your
operations, leading to cost savings.
ISO 14001 from BSI.
Our numbers add up
to sustainable growth.
Our knowledge, expertise and drive can make the difference to
your organization:
1. We are pioneers. We produced the world’s first environmental standard, BS 7750, now ISO 14001,
back in 1992. You can trust us to get the standard right and keep it relevant.
2. BSI is renowned for its innovative work in this field, constantly introducing new ways to tackle the
challenges presented by the ever-changing issues of sustainability.
3. We continue to lead the way with ongoing developments in environmental management, energy
management, corporate social responsibility, product carbon footprinting and biodiversity.
4. You can enjoy the benefits of working with BSI teams who have decades of experience helping
businesses embed ISO 14001 in an array of different sectors. They can help you understand the
challenges and share their knowledge.
5. We provide end-to-end support, helping you monitor and maintain your excellence through our
proprietary software and compliance tools so that you can confidently introduce ISO 14001 into your
6. We talk with, and listen to clients like you every day, asking them what they want and how satisfied
they are with our products and services. This way we can make sure we are responding to the needs
of our clients as they arise.
7. B
SI invests heavily in recruiting and developing the best assessors, who scored on average 9.2/10 in
our Global Client Satisfaction Survey.
Benefits of EMS on SMEs - DEFRA September 2011.
Become environmentally friendly
with our ISO 14001 toolkits.
Count on BSI to improve your numbers and your performance.
If you are serious about protecting the environment, performing
better and growing in a sustainable way, ISO 14001 is just one of
our products and services you should consider. With a portfolio of
proven services and solutions, we can help you improve what you
do, every day. We’d be happy to talk you through the products below:
Environmental Management ISO 14001 S T C
Sustainable Events ISO 20121 S T C
Social Accountability SA 8000 S C
Corporate Social Responsibility ISO 26001 S
Product Carbon Footprint ISO 14067 S
Carbon Neutrality PAS 2060 S V
Energy Management ISO 50001 S T C
Emissions Verification GHGEV V
Key: Standard S
Certification C
We all have an impact on our environment and a commitment
to improving the way you manage your resources can positively
impact on your business too. At BSI we have a range of costeffective toolkits that will help you on your journey towards
certification or assist you in embedding your system.
Including training, proprietary software and compliance tools,
you can select the combination of products you need to help
you achieve your true potential.
Training T
Verification V
Talk to one of our advisors today or
visit to find out
more and read how other businesses
made excellence a habit.
BSI Group India
The Mira Corporate Suites
A-2, Plot 1&2, Ishwar Nagar
Mathura Road, New Delhi -110065
T: +91 11 2692 9000
F: +91 11 2692 9001
Call and ask us about
training designed to
suit you with our incompany option