Luhmann meets Weick: Information interoperability and Situational awareness ABSTRACT Technology and technological applications are increasingly driving our perception of reality. Reality is the product of interaction between random social and technological systems and entities, and of the information exchanged and shared in that interaction. Shared meaning of new information can contribute to the creation of ‘situational awareness’ in complex situations. Does a combination of social systems theory and the theory of sensemaking contribute to the theoretical development and creation of this communication process between random systems and entities? Keywords: enactment, interoperability, interpenetration, sensemaking, situational awareness, systems theory 0 0 Luhmann meets Weick: Information interoperability and Situational awareness INTRODUCTION Technology and technological applications are increasingly driving our perception of reality within and outside organizations. Information interoperability enables connections between man and machine (technology and technological applications), between machines amongst themselves, and between machines and man. Information interoperability hence creates new opportunities for information exchange and sharing between random autonomous systems and entities, and to use that information for further production, functioning or generation. Exchanging and sharing a growing volume of information between random systems and entities in coalitions and networks does, however, also throw up questions about the way meaning is assigned to this information within organizations. Especially under exceptional circumstances, such as disasters or crises, or with operations where large volumes of complex information must be processed under great pressure, this process of assigning meaning becomes very important. This essay attempts to, on the one hand, formulate a theoretical basis for the exchange and sharing of information based on Luhmann's social systems theory, and, on the other hand, link that theory to Weick's theory of sensemaking. Sociologist and administration expert Niklas Luhmann's social systems theory has the discernible unit of communication comprising information, utterance and understanding at its core. This discernible unit of communication, which is engendered by or from a system, can be received or rejected by another system. Luhmann draws on the concept of interpenetration to show that systems are involved in a reciprocal process of contributing to the development of systems in their environment. Luhmann claims that interpenetration comes about when systems are willing and able to open their created complexity up to other systems in their environment. System interpenetration thus creates new information within the system in the form of ‘Sinn’ (meaning), bringing about new and further activities. Luhmann uses the neologism sensemaking to refer to this process. The concept of sensemaking was introduced by social psychologist and organizational theorist Karl E. Weick. Weick's sensemaking concept departs from a social system in the form of an organization with an ability to assign meaning to incoming information. The receiving system will take action on the basis of the meaning assigned. Defining and assigning meaning to incoming information is, in Weick's view, a process of enactment. Through 1 enactment the social system opens itself up to its environment, while creating a new selfconstructed reality. This self-constructed social environment and reality determine the possibilities and constraints for further actions. Weick considers technology an integral part of the organization as a system, and with that an integral part of the process of sensemaking. But he adds that it is not technology in itself that causes the process of enactment to change, but rather that the increasing volumes of data produced by technology are making great demands upon organizations' capacity to deal with that data and turn it into meaningful information. In various sectors of our society, decisions are increasingly being based on large volumes of information produced by interconnected (digital) systems and entities. Examples include operating rooms, contingency planning or defense. Situational awareness is, put simply by Endsley, ‘knowing what's going on around you’. Situational awareness can be created and fostered by selecting the right information and using that selection to provide all parties involved with unequivocal and meaningful information. This essay shall first draw on the insights presented by Luhmann and Weick to describe how the exchange and sharing of information between random systems and entities, and the ensuing process of assigning meaning to that information, can be framed in a theory. That theory will subsequently be further explored to see whether it can be used to help create and develop shared ‘situational awareness’. INTEROPERABILITY The role of technology and technological applications in our society is becoming an ever more crucial one. Within a time span of only a few decades, information technology and the applications carrying that technology, such as computers, Internet, and cell phones, have drastically changed our society. Communicating, exchanging and sharing information using technological applications, interlinked in networks such as the Internet, has become second nature to whole generations. The number of cell phones keeps growing across the globe, rapidly making it our main means of communication. Cooper (2005) observes that the postmodern subject prefers to be continuously connected to his postmodern object - the cell phone -, taking it with him wherever he goes, wanting to be able to connect to the network anywhere and anytime, which causes the postmodern subject to lose his footing both individually and collectively whenever he is disconnected from his technological object. Cooper accounts for this need to connect or be connected within a human context as a 2 necessary strategy enabling people to present a coherent world into which non-connected elements are also assimilated. Slowly but surely these new technologies and technological applications are turning into an integral part of our everyday reality. Clark (2003) claims that this unquestioning acceptance of technological applications into our day-to-day reality is determined by the extent to which the use of these technological applications will help us achieve our goals. “What matters is that as far our conscious awareness is concerned, the tool itself fades into the background, becoming transparent in skilled use. In this respect the technology becomes, to coin a phrase ‘pseudo-neural’.” (2003:45). New technologies and technological applications are heralded by and emerge from, for example, nanotechnology or biotechnology, a development that is gaining shape at great pace across the globe. Technological applications that have been around for longer, such as RFID chips, are increasingly deployed in, for example, passports, public transport passes, and in product or book packaging. What these new technological applications have in common is that they are not only getting smaller, but consequently also getting less visible and less tangible. Their invisibility and intangibility leads to these applications surrounding us more and more without us realizing or experiencing it as such. The development towards networked objects is sometimes referred to as the ‘Internet of Things’, with every move an object makes in a physical space reflected in the digital space. The European Union defines the ‘Internet of Things’ as follows: “The Internet of Things links the objects of the real world with the virtual world, thus enabling anytime anyplace connectivity for anything and not only for anyone.” (2010:11) These technological developments will not only lead to all subjects on the planet being interconnected, but also see objects in those same networks connected through their unique identification. The hybrid networks, consisting of subjects and objects, that are arising are making it possible to strike up connections between both subjects on the one hand and objects on the other, but also between subjects and objects, and that independently of time and place. The possibility and ability to make connections, and ensuing possibilities of anytime and anywhere information exchange and sharing, is triggering an evolution in our perception of reality. Reality as perceived by us is developing into a more hybrid reality, made up of interlinked subjects and objects that mutually exchange and share information, and act, produce or create based on that information. This 3 possibility of random subjects and objects being able to exchange and share information can also be referred to as information interoperability. Interoperability is a linguistic compound that can mean several things. ‘Inter’ stands for applying mutual links between systems and entities that have been or will be designated. ‘Operability’ stands for producing, executing or influencing based on exchanged and shared information. The mutual relation that thus arises between subjects and objects, and between the physical and the digital world, requires a new and different approach to the relations between those phenomena. Verbeek (2005) uses the term ‘post’phenomenology for that new approach: “From the postphenomenological perspective, reality cannot be reduced to interpretation, language games or contexts. To do so would amount to affirming the dichotomy between subject and object, with the weight merely being shoved to the side of the subject. Reality arises in relations as do the human beings who encounter it.” (2005:113) Due to the proliferation of connections, the process of organizing, decision making, and carrying out activities within and between organizations increasingly becomes dependent on ever larger volumes of information produced by and through networked subjects and objects. This essay will now continue by describing the development of connections between systems and entities from the perspective of Luhmann's (1995) systems theory. As soon as connections between systems and entities have been established successfully, information can and will be exchanged and shared between objects and subjects in and between organizations. But incoming information will only acquire meaning for the organization when meaning is assigned to that information within the receiving organization. This process of assigning meaning will be discussed from the perspective of Weick's theory of sensemaking (1979:1995) later in this essay. Finally, this essay will conclude with an exploration of the influence technology and technological applications, and the information they generate, have on how people work in organizations. INTEROPERABILITY AND SYSTEMS THEORY Luhmann (1995) bases his systems theory on the principle of self-referential and autonomous systems. He views a system as self-referential when it is capable of forming elements that function as functional units, and when relations between these functional units and the system can be perceived as units and relations that were engendered by the system itself. The system thus continuously reproduces itself through the creation of functional units and their mutual relations. Luhmann used Maturana & Varela’s concept 4 ‘autopoiesis’, made up of the concepts ‘auto’ (self) and ‘poiesis’ (creation or production), to denote this principle. Luhmann’s theory states that a self-referential system is able to produce itself, i.e. reproduce, through new elements that stem from the system. Selfproduction of elements enables self-referential and autonomous systems to set up relations: ‘with themselves and to differentiate these relations from relations with their environment’. Double contingency In order to be able to tackle the issue of how a self-referential, autopoietic and autonomous system can interact and communicate with one or several systems, Luhmann was forced to shift the focus of his analysis from: ‘the orientation of a single given actor to the consideration of two or more interacting actors as a system.’ Luhmann refers to this change using the theorem ‘double contingency’, which basically means that two random black boxes are connected through a random event and are looking to harmonize. Each black box assumes the other black box has the same intentions. Each black box designs its own behavior through a range of complex and self-referential operations within its limits. The relation between the systems becomes more effective as the mutual assumptions ensuing from their system/environment relation increase, and as they become willing to observe themselves on the basis of these assumptions. The black boxes attempt to influence each other on the basis of what they register, and can learn from each other on the basis of the acquired information. Luhmann refers to such a developing form and structure as a social system. System and Environment According to Luhmann, the distinction between system and environment constitutes the central paradigm of systems theory. And he adds the condition that information is only really information the moment it is more than an existing distinction between system and environment: ‘it is information only if it instigates a change of state in the system,’ he states. And the latter is in his eyes only the case when he, following the example of Bateson (1972), states: ‘the perception of a difference creates a difference in the system. Something was not known; then information arrives, namely that these, and none other, are the facts of matter’. In other words: the difference that is referred to here comes into being when perception of information actually leads to changes in the perceiving systems. Within the theory of self-referential systems, the environment is mainly a condition for the identity of 5 the system, because identity is only possible if there are differences. Everything that occurs is part of a system (or a range of systems) and ‘always at the same time’ comes under the realm of ‘the environment of other systems’. Every kind of categorization presupposes a reduction. Every perception, description and conceptualization of a certain category requires a system reference, within which something can be considered part of a system or its environment. Every change to the system is a change to the environment of other systems, every increase in complexity in one area will increase the complexity of the environment of all other areas. Communication and action Communication contains information, according to Luhmann: ‘and thus is enriched with environmental meaning whenever this information comes from the environment; actions however are more easily determined as belonging to the system or not’. This means that every system has to take into consideration other systems in its environment, and every system depends on the profundity with which the environment can be perceived. If the system we depart from has the ability to understand this, this system will be able to discern another system in its environment and distinguish it from the environment they have in common. The relation between the system and the environment has to be reproduced on a higher level of system complexity with increased possibilities and restrictions. Luhmann feels that communication is based too much on the principle of sending and receiving messages or information between senders and recipients. In his opinion, the metaphor of sending and receiving positions the essential part of communication within the action of sending, i.e.: ‘the utterance’ or the communicated message. This focuses too much attention on, and demands skillfulness of the system that makes the utterance. Communication is more than just sending and receiving, with selective attention from both sides. But the selectivity of information is in itself part of the communication process, because this selective attention is only updated in relation to the great selection of information that is available to us. The third part of the selection process consists of the concept ‘understanding’. Luhmann ascertains that the understanding of communication contains a distinction between the informative value of the content and the reason why this content is uttered. Either side can be emphasized. The understanding process can focus more on the information itself or focus on the way the information is expressed. But this always depends on the fact that both facets are experienced as a selection, and therefore separated from each other. In other words: one needs to be able to accept that information 6 as such is not understood, but that it requires separate decisions. Luhmann is convinced that communication transforms the distinction between information and utterance, into one between acceptance or rejection of the utterance, i.e. a transformation from and into. In his view, communication is a fully independent, autonomous, self-referential closed way of making selections that will, however, never lose its specific characteristic as a selection. Interpenetration The communicative unit can be rejected or received by the receiving system. When systems possess a reciprocal willingness and ability to accept the communicative unit, and grant communicative acts from other systems access to their system, a form of interpenetration comes about. “Interpenetrating systems converge in individual elements – that is they use the same ones – but they give each of them a different selectivity and connectivity, different past and futures.” (1995:215) Luhmann (1995) uses the concept of ‘interpenetration’ to pinpoint the special way in which systems contribute to the shaping of the system within the environment of the system. Interpenetration is more than just a general relation between system and environment, but rather an inter-system relation between two systems that make up an environment for each other, and through which a system makes its own complexity available to build other systems. Interpenetration therefore only really occurs when these processes are evenly matched. That is the case when both systems enable each other to introduce their own and existing complexity to the other side. The concept of interpenetration presupposes therefore, according to Luhmann, the ability to connect different forms of autopoiesis, such as life, consciousness and communication. The concept of interpenetration is Luhmann's answer to the question of how double contingency between different systems is enabled, and a new system based on communication comes into being with sufficient frequency and density. Making connections between two or more systems leads to the evolutionary creation of a new and higher form of system formation. This new system formation consists of interlinked autonomous and self-referential systems, and is basically a higher form of interlinked systems that only manifests itself as it comes into being, i.e. as it enters into and maintains a communicative association. In Luhmann's view, system evolution is only facilitated by the concept of interpenetration, i.e. in the form of reciprocity. In the systems theoretical approach, reciprocity turns evolution into a self-perpetuating circular process: 7 “Therefore evolution is possible only by interpenetration, that is only by reciprocity. From the systems theoretical viewpoint, evolution is a circular process that constitutes itself in reality.” (1995:216) Every system that participates in the concept of interpenetration must be willing and able to allow a difference between system and environment created by another system access to itself without that leading to the erasing of its own difference between system and environment. The concept of interpenetration does not connect execution, but shapes connections every system uses to stabilize its own internal complexity. The difference adopted by the system is shaped by the unit of communication consisting of a combination of information, utterance and understanding. Systems want to quickly obtain new and relevant information from their environment, and be able to adequately apply this information within their own complexity. New information must therefore be acceptable for the system, and enable the system to assign meaning to the information. Luhmann (1996) borrows the neologism ‘sensemaking’ coined by US scientists to refer to this process of assigning meaning. By assigning meaning to information, i.e. sensemaking, a system is enabled to perpetuate existing executions, and to pass the ambivalence between knowing and not knowing on to a subsequent situation. A system benefits internally from new information based on what a system can or wants to do with this new information. In today's information society, Luhmann questions the possibility of rational behavior, instead favoring intelligent behavior. Within the context of the information society, we will always lack information to be able to come to purely rational decisions. Luhmann states that within that context, the direct connection between the concepts of information and decision needs to be reconsidered. Reconsidering this connection is important for the further development of the information society, because our changing society has to deal with new and interrelated structuring issues, which, in turn, lean heavily on the available information. And that is precisely when, in a changing environment, decisions need to be able to revert to a system memory that helps select what needs to be remembered and what can be forgotten. This selection process evolves as the information society evolves, because bridging this gap between virtual and actual information leads to a connection between globally available information on the one hand, and increasing local and contact-related production of this information on the other hand. Only the way in which the available information is retrieved by systems makes information meaningful information. The information society is hence built on results following from questions that, in terms of 8 structure and operations, are not available anywhere else, and derive or lose content only through communication. SENSEMAKING Karl E. Weick considers an organization a ‘complex system’ (1979:212), a yet to be identified social entity that strives to achieve several goals through coordinated activities and relations between subjects and objects. Such an open entity is open ended, and its survival depends on other subjects and (sub)systems within a greater social entity, such as a society. The organization as a social entity operates and executes activities using information as the raw material. How the organization obtains this information and where it comes from is irrelevant to the organization. In its processed form this information can come in different shapes, sizes and compositions. Within the organization, the connections within the process of information processing are introduced in the form of nouns, which in turn constitute the basis for the processing of the information. This basis is fused with the interests and activities of the subjects and objects involved, which are also present in and around the process. Based on this processing process, organizing can be considered as a set of organizational rules and regulations that together ensure orderly connections between strings of events and ensuing interactions within the organization. According to Weick, many of the ‘things’ we see in organizations spring from relations and relational links, variables that are or will be connected in the processing process in a systematic manner. Current affairs in organizations are therefore highly dependent on the way in which connections are established within the process, the direction from which these affairs are influenced, and the time it takes to move information through the available network of connections. Weick negates the existence of such a thing as ‘the organization’, and only sees interconnected events and interactions between subjects and between subjects and objects within given boundaries. “Just as the skin is a misleading boundary for marking off where a person ends and the environment starts, so are the walls of an organization. Events inside organizations and organisms are locked into causal circuits that extend beyond these artificial boundaries.” (1979:88). In Weick's theory, the process of organizing is very similar to the evolution-enabling process of natural selection (a self-perpetuating process of selection). Likening organizing to the process of natural selection is Weick's way of modeling and shaping organizing as an 9 activity based on four elements, namely: ‘ecological change’, ‘enactment’, ‘selection’ and ‘retention’. Ecological change Changes stemming from connections between the organization as a system and its environment create what Weick calls a meaningful environment. Incoming changes require the organization to act in the form of assigning meaning (enactment) by subjects or objects. Many of the incoming changes are triggered by the interpenetration of information from the environment. This penetrating information, in turn, constitutes the raw material for a process of sensemaking within organizations. Weick, like Luhmann, follows Bateson's (1972) epistemology, which states as follows: “Ecology, in the widest sense, turns out to be the study of the interaction and survival of ideas and programs (i.e. differences, complexes of differences etc.) in circuits.” (1972:491). The concept of enacted environment, where changes from the environment interpenetrate into the organization as a system, is, in Weick's view, not the same as the concept of a perceived environment. If a perceived environment were to be the core, this phenomenon would have been called ‘enthinkment’ and not ‘enactment’ (the act of assigning meaning). Weick considers reality a product resulting from an active process of social construction, and sees the concept of ‘enactment’ as the starting point of that process. Weick joins Berger and Luckmann (1966) in stating that observations of our environment from different viewpoints does not lead to everyone observing a common world in the same way. Similarities in our perception of this common world are caused by the fact that we use language as a common system. Berger and Luckmann point out that man uses language to construe his social reality. The concept of an ecological environment and the ensuing social construction of reality is based on the fact that knowledge is developed through connections between subjects and between subjects and objects. The subject observes the object, and that observation is subsequently processed cognitively by the subject, labeled in different ways, and linked to various other isolated or external events. Weick states that there is too little focus on the possibility that the development of knowledge can also move into a seemingly opposite direction, namely the potential effect of the subject on the object. The potential effect of the subject on the object makes knowledge development into an activity where the subject, partly through his own interaction, establishes the object both within his environment and within existing relations in that environment. That means, in Weick's 10 theory, that we can assume that there is a reciprocal relation between subject and object. Mutual effects between subject and object are what Weick sees as a model for the relation between enactment and ecological change. Weick mainly identifies this kind of reciprocal influence in organizations with activities that lean heavily on technology and technological applications. These have to shape enactment around and while taking account of the (im)possibilities of the technology. The high level of entanglement with technology and technological applications causes the process of enactment at organizations to change. But arguing that enactment reduces when the intensity of technology use increases goes too far, in Weick's view. Weick claims that that would ignore the fact that it is not technology in itself that engenders these changes, but rather that it is the information produced by that technology and the information that is increasingly fashioned and processed using and through technological applications that drives changes. Technology generates ever greater volumes of raw data, which is a development that is also making ever greater demands on organizations to assimilate this raw data into their own context, in such a way that this data can be turned into usable and manageable information (bracketing). Enactment Weick compares the term enactment, i.e. the act of assigning meaning, when used in the context of organizing, to the relation that evolution theory established between the term variation (the existence of differences within a kind) and natural selection. He prefers enactment over variation, as enactment has a more active connotation, and better reflects the active role people in organizations play in creating their environment, while also being willing to impose the created environment on themselves. As stated earlier, the act of assigning meaning is closely linked to the principle of ecological change. Especially where new differences arise within existing knowledge and experience in the organization, such as through the arrival of new information from the environment, this requires action from one or several actors to isolate and further scrutinize this new difference in order to eventually assign meaning to it. This kind of bracketing of new differences is merely one manifestation of enactment. Another manifestation of enactment can, for example, come about when an actor does something that leads to a new ecological change, i.e. a change that subsequently limits his scope of actions in the environment, which, in turn, reproduces a next ecological change, making this an endless sequence. 11 The process of assigning meaning is the only process through which the organism or the organization approaches its external environment. The perspective of the ability to assign meaning gives people in organizations greater self-confidence and more willingness to reflect on their day-to-day activities, on how they influence their environment, and on how their environment influences them. On the other hand, the organization should be more concerned about, and have greater awareness of, the environment and the ensuing influence on the reality constructed by the organization, and with that on the (un)intended (side-)effects on organizational processes and the ensuing information developed and shaped by organizations. If man and organization were to be more aware of the fact that they construct their own environment and hence their own reality, they would be able to influence that process more. When environments are approached from the perspective of active meaning assignation, the focus shifts from the question of what's true and what's not, to the question whether the presented or conceived version of reality is more reasonable or less reasonable. That would prevent endless discussions and questions aimed at showing whether things are perceived and judged correctly and whether they are true or not. From the perspective of assigning meaning, such discussions can, in Weick's view, be replaced by questions along the lines of: what have we done? what meaning can we, and do we want to, assign to certain actions and information? and which actions did we refrain from? This way, people are, on an individual level, challenged to analyze whether the meaning they assigned to changes in their environment has led to the right form of common meaning or sensemaking for that change. As pointed out earlier, an organization can be considered as a network consisting of random subjects and objects that mutually exchange and share meaning supported by the development and use of a common language and everyday social interaction. Exchanging and sharing meaning enables people in organizations to make sense of changes that come in from the outside. That makes sensemaking in organizations a social process that is a breeding ground for interpenetrations and interpretations. The process of sensemaking is not something that starts somewhere, because sensemaking never stops. Subjects are always in the middle of something that subsequently turns into something else, and can only be perceived when focusing on the past of that something, from a point where they have just passed that something. Selection In Weick's theory, selection is the part of the process of natural selection that is least understood. In his view, selection in an organizational context implies imposing different 12 kinds of structures on the result of sensemaking actions in organizations. These structures can be used to explain and apply meanings and the way these are shaped from actions of subjects, as well as to cut down on the possible number of multiple interpretations of the assigned meaning. Where the subject is concerned, structures imposed on the outcome of sensemaking emerge from what Weick calls cause maps: “Beliefs are cause maps that people impose on the world after which they see what they have already imposed.” (1979:135) Weick defines individual cause maps as insights compiled by the subject based on earlier acquired and applied knowledge that determines how the subject interprets observations and approaches the outside world. The subject bases individual cause maps on a collection of experiences and agreements that he has accumulated in the past by being part of an organization, and which are laid down in the technical, social and cultural system of the organization, as one of the many different meanings assigned to reality. Selection is hence the organizational process that generates answers to questions such as: ‘what is going on here?’ According to Weick, social systems use two forms of selection, namely criteria relevant to internal functioning, and criteria relevant to the external functioning of the system in its environment. The environment of the social system is here one of the crucial principles that should, from the point of view of the subject, sooner be considered output than input. Based on sensemaking and interpretations of assigned meanings, people construct a common picture of the environment in which actions are produced. The selected environment is, however, not necessarily the environment that set off the act of assigning meaning, but can subsequently still serve as an explanation of why and how applied actions and meanings came about. Selection thus determines what people do the moment meaning is assigned, for example when using and applying technology, when they improvise, develop and implement alternatives, and in the interpretation of incoming information. When seemingly strange actions lead to adaptation to changing circumstances relatively easily, certain selections will start to become a permanent and frequent part of the selection process. Removing plurality from meaning is therefore essentially both a solitary and a social process. In Weick's words: “Sensemaking is largely solitary in the sense that structures contained within individual minds are imposed on streams of individual elapsed experience that are capable of an infinite number of individual reconstructions.” (1979:142). 13 A complicating factor in the removal of plurality is that interconnected subjects and objects produce and process pieces of information within the organization at any given moment. All these pieces are in different stages of adaptation and processing within the process of organizing. Different pieces of information can impact on each other in that the interpretation of one piece of information can influence the meaning of another piece of information. Potentially interacting information takes up system capacity for plurality reduction, meaning that there is no capacity - providing it is used in the process - available for other parts of the process. That brings about many different cycles, rules, cause maps and convictions that each influence the present streams of events. Each identifiable part of the process of organizing is intensively conditioned by the context or the subject this specific part of the process is embedded into and takes place in. This context of the process of organizing is, in turn, influenced by the input taken up in the specific process of organizing, as well as the available cycles and interpretations that are, or are not, acceptable at that specific point in time. The frequency with which ecological changes occur, the extent of these changes, and the way these changes are instigated by the act of assigning meaning, are created by the existing context. At the same time, the different parts of the process of organizing also play a crucial role in their respective stages of development. The existing context and the stage of development both, in turn, also play a role in the limitation of enactment. Retention Retention constitutes relatively straightforward storage of products that have successfully come out of the sensemaking process. These products have come through the selection, and can as a result be called enacted environments. An enacted environment is therefore a detailed and connected summary of a previously plural reflection of assigned meaning. It is an enacted version of that which the plurality was based on, and from which other versions could also have been constructed. Weick uses concepts such as enacted environment or cause maps to denote retained meaningful environments to be able to refer to meaning incorporated into and assigned to the products at an earlier stage. The concept of enacted environment is used to stress that it is all about the result of the process of organizing and not about the input for that process. The cause map concept is used to stress that retained and enacted products are produced by a process that was shaped previously. Cause maps contain the variables used by the individual to establish the causal links that have resulted in the meaning. Eden (1992) argues that individual cause maps can be analyzed and 14 described using cognitive schemata that reflect connections between variables in the organization (actors and the meaning they assign) and the way in which these variables have been and are introduced by the individual: “Cognitive maps can be seen as a picture or visual aid in comprehending the mapper’s understanding of particular and selective elements of the thoughts (rather than thinking) of an individual, group or organization.” (1992:262) Such an inner reflection of supposed reality emanating from the individual is potentially applied to every act of sensemaking, as occurred previously. Analysis and reflection of this reality enables the questioning or adaptation of the applied selections. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology and technological applications are, in Weick's view, an ever more essential part of organizations, and it is key that they are covered in all discussions about sensemaking at organizations. In particular the increasingly close relation between IT and sensemaking in organizations is something Weick considers a fundamental new part of the process of sensemaking. In his words: “What is emerging as a growing issue for sensemaking is the disparity between the speed and complexity of information technology and the ability of humans to comprehend the outputs of the technology.” (1995:177). His general point of concern is here mainly caused by the fact that the development and application of information technology in organizations is driven by a decision-making rationality and not by an action or narrative rationality. In this context, Weick considers technology as an ecological change or an enacted environment for members of the organization. Under exceptional circumstances, such as during disasters or in times of crisis, the chance of the process of assigning meaning faltering increases due to the huge volume and complexity of interpenetrating information from the environment, which can in turn lead to the situation getting out of hand even further. As stated earlier, the act is the central part of the process of assigning meaning because, also in exceptional situations such as disasters and crises, subjects thus assign meaning to incoming information, or as Weick puts it: 15 “that when people act, they bring events and structures into existence and set them in motion. People who act in organizations often produce structures, constraints, and opportunities that were not there before they took action.” (1988:306). Assigning meaning is therefore both a process, i.e. the act of assigning meaning, and a product, i.e. a new environment that has been given meaning. The environment the meaning has been incorporated into is both of a public and a private nature. In its public manifestation it is a construction that is visible to other actors, while its private form is that of a list of if-then assumptions, within which acts or actions are connected to their consequences. “In any crisis situation there is a high probability that false hypotheses will develop and persist. It is largely through open exchange of messages, independent verification, and redundancy that the existence of false hypotheses can be detected.” (1990:583). If under exceptional circumstances, such as a crisis, a diversity of information is distributed among a large number of parties, each with their own interpretation of what is happening, then a great effort will eventually be required to bring all these different interpretations back into line and prevent differences and lack of clarity between the parties. If the parties involved are unable to align the different ideas of what is happening while also agreeing on what should be done next, the effectiveness of any actions will be undermined. In our information society, the success of operations in times of crisis, and sometimes even surviving such situations, increasingly depends on an ability to select, take in and understand large volumes of data quickly, according to Endsley (2001). The data is to provide information about the circumstances in the (external) environment in which the activities are set, the status of activities on site, and the condition of the resources needed to carry out these activities. This requires timely and adequate transformation of the available data into the right information that the subjects involved can assign meaning to. All available data and information is processed and absorbed by subjects and objects in a process of sensemaking, as described earlier. Subjects and objects each have an individual task in executing their activities, and therefore a dynamic and changing information need ensuing from that individual task. All subjects and objects involved must be able to interpret and understand information, available for the execution of activities, within the context of, for example, a common mission (such as a pilot, co-pilot, air traffic control). The problem of being able to understand and process a continuously growing amount of information is, 16 however, a major one, and becoming even greater. In Endsley's view, this not only goes for pilots, but also for professionals with desk-based activities. Supporting the growing information needs of all interlinked parties, while also launching a coordinated effort to fulfill those needs, in order to ensure everyone can avail of adequate and unequivocal information at the same time, is an ever greater challenge. Endsley et al. (2001) refer to this collectivity and simultaneity in having the same information as 'situational awareness', which in their view basically boils down to knowing what is happening around you and what individuals need to know to be able to carry out their activities: “Situation awareness (SA) can be thought of as an internalized mental model of the current state of the operators’ environment. All of the incoming data from the many systems, the outside environment, fellow crew members and others must be all brought together into an integrated whole. This integrated picture forms the central organizing feature from which all decision making and action takes place.” (2001:3). Even though Endsley states that the elements that make up situational awareness differ from one domain to the next, the mechanisms through which situational awareness can be achieved can still be described in generic terms. Situational awareness is, in his view, essentially based on a reflection of the situation in the environment as constructed by the subject himself. In order to be able to construct his individual image of reality, the subject will gather and compile information from sensory input, i.e. visual, auditive, tactile, olfactory and taste input. Information that is gathered and compiled from that input is then used to make decisions and determine what actions are required. Some of the available information shall be openly perceptible, while other information is only present on a subconscious level. The combination of information processed by the different senses, which is generally perceived as normal, throws up new issues when we have to increasingly go by the assumption that functionaries interlinked in networks operate remotely and are able to exchange and share information within their networks independent of place and time. Endsley therefore considers it a huge challenge to also provide these functionaries with sufficient and adequate information using a physically remote interface that is intended to compensate for the absence of directly perceived sensory information. A crucial point here is that true situational awareness can only exist in the brain of the subject, which is why presenting ever greater volumes of data for absorption, interpretation and quick conversion into meaningful information by the subject will, in Endsley's view, not be the solution. He states that successful improvement and development of situational awareness can only 17 come about when technology and technological applications that present information are developed and shaped based on clearly formulated requirements from the domain and the professional himself. Furthermore, clear description is needed of which system and environmental circumstances can influence information from the environment, and with that the situational awareness. The design process of situational awareness will have to be shaped from a system-driven approach. An air traffic controller and a motorist, but a doctor or an army commander too, operate in different domains and under different circumstances, but all need compounded information. That information is needed to acquire a situational awareness specific to their situation, which will help them be more effective in carrying out their activities. Further research into how large volumes of diverse data can be combined into new and meaningful information for specific activities or work will, according to Endsley, boost the development of situational awareness. Instead of overloading an operator or decision maker with hundreds of pieces of randomly categorized data, clearly defined requirements for situational awareness can help compress data flows into information that is needed to reflect and understand information in specific situations. The importance of the creation of situational awareness in different domains and under different circumstances is corroborated by the following examples: “Command & Control at the battalion level “The Operating Room is a critical and is performed by a team consisting of complex work environment consisting of groups of experts and staff from a variety people, devices and tools, actions and of domains including leadership and events. Effective teamwork in the OR is management, military science, logistics, critical to patient safety because health enemy intelligence, field artillery (fire workers interact with each other in order to support) and telecommunications. They achieve successfully and safely a common explore and integrate their specialized goal. To accomplish the common goal, all knowledge to create plans that will members of the surgery team must perform accomplish the intent of the battle mission their roles and tasks with full and continuous and are achievable within the constraints of comprehension and awareness of the the situation. Throughout these activities dynamic situation. To do this they rely on they communicate and share information, continuous communication, and information ideally, developing a shared understanding sharing with their team mates. Accurate of the mission and battle and working in a information sharing among people and coordinated fashion to achieve the technology is essential to effectively 18 Both examples highlight that apart from the individual need for situational awareness, the need to provide several individuals with the same information and meaning at the same time also caused complexity to increase. Salas (1995) points out that there is more to working in groups or teams than simply adding up the situational awareness of the individual team members. The greater complexity Salas lays bare is, in his view, down to, among other things, the unique activities that working in a team brings with it, such as coordination and information exchange and sharing. Case 1: Command & Control Sonnewald and Pierce (2000) state that a team must be capable of gathering information from a range of different sources, in order to subsequently examine, combine, and convert the available information into plans using their specialist knowledge, and finally see to the execution of those plans. It is impossible for one individual within a dynamic changing environment, such as a battlefield, to obtain and process all the information needed to develop and execute an effective plan. During planning preparations, individual experts therefore need to join forces with others in finding, combining and spreading the available information within the entire process of command and control. The experts involved in this process can hail from different disciplines, different branches of the armed forces, and even from different countries. Every individual that takes part in the command and control process will possess specialist knowledge and experience in his specific domain. Each individual within the team therefore develops specialist and unique situational awareness, comprising a combination of individual knowledge of and skills for the specific situation. As a result, these individuals are enabled to support the efforts relating to their domain. In addition to individually developed situational awareness, experts also need to develop and maintain intra-group or shared situational awareness across all team members. Intra-group or shared situational awareness is realized through a network of interwoven individual meanings, each stemming from individual, intra-group, and inter-group levels and jointly capable of constituting the required knowledge of the current situation. Collaboration in the group can hit a snag when team members use different (specialist) jargon and terminology, aim for different organizational targets, set different priorities, and have different past experiences in their respective fields. In these environments, the use of information technology is on the rise, with technology taking up an increasingly vital role in the efficient and effective execution of activities. Each team member uses IT on an ever larger scale, as well as technological applications based on IT, which is leading to man-computer, 19 computer-computer and computer-man interfaces growing rapidly in terms of size and complexity, in their role of links between random subjects and objects within networks. The development of these random combinations incurs further questions about how, for example, an integrated idea of the current situation can be compiled from these combinations. In order to be able to develop an integrated idea, certain questions will need answering, such as whether and how participating subjects and objects can provide realtime information, whether they can vouch for the information provided, and whether the right decisions can be made based on the information compiled, which leads Toner (2009) to note: “At this point it appears that there is lots of technology, but relatively little science.” (2009:3). Stanton et al. (2006) shift the attention in the development of ‘situational awareness’ in distributed teams (spread across time and geographical locations), consisting of interlinked subjects and objects, to the development of a situational awareness at system level. In such a system, or a system of systems, they see a developing cognitive process at system or network level, rather than on an individual level. All elements needed for distributed situational awareness are on hand in the system or network, while specific knowledge about the situation is compiled from separately operating subjects and objects, and from the knowledge and information exchanged and shared between these subjects and objects. The mutual exchange and sharing of information between different subjects and objects within these systems or networks will only take place on a limited scale, and certainly not on the basis of detailed individual cause maps. Distributed situational awareness is therefore not the same as shared situational awareness, as the latter presupposes the existence of different, but still mutually exchangeable, requirements and goals. “Therefore our approach assumes that distributed situational awareness can be defined as activated knowledge for a specific task within a system.” (2006:1291). In the theory of Stanton et al., the concept of activated knowledge enables the procurement of knowledge, both of the environment in which the situation is set and of the latest changes to the situation, from a random collection of subjects and objects for any possible situation that requires specific knowledge. The idea that a network can consist of a combination of knowledge objects that together form a system and ensure situational awareness at system level is one that Stanton et al. see leading to completely new insights on shared awareness. First and foremost that the system as a whole, and not each individual, has all the required 20 information, that each individual is presented with a reflection of reality that suffices in enabling him to execute his specific activities, and that the development of that shared awareness is not conditional on there being communication between individuals. What's important for the separate units in the network is to know who has the specific information that can be of importance for an adequate and shared idea of the situation, and whether that shared idea of the situation can lead to the provision of usable information to other units in the network. The realization of distributed situational awareness makes connections between random subjects and objects crucial because communication between the separate elements of the network is not possible without connections. Case 2: Operating Room The importance of developing situational awareness in, for example, an operating room is described by McIlvaine (2007). He claims situational awareness is key in such an environment, because there too, albeit in one room, more and more subjects and objects are interconnected and depending on each other for the execution of their tasks. A first step towards situational awareness is to regard all subjects and objects present in this space in terms of their mutual relations. Within these mutual relations, a key role is played by the data flows from electronic monitors and related comments and warnings by team members. The development of situational awareness in this environment requires, in the view of McIlvaine, care and continuous attention because situational awareness is an active construction here as well, both on an individual level and on team level: “There is an active flow of information from the environment to the individual and then between the individuals who constitute the team. Each member has a responsibility to the patient and to other team members to keep.” (2007:169). Responsibility and commitment to the patient and other team members increase as operations take longer and team members rotate, both inside and outside the operating room. Continued understanding of the current situation on both an individual level and on team level is conditional on the available data and information, but the reliability of that data and information also depends on the weakest link in this context. The importance of continued understanding of what is going on in the operating room is further underlined by Parus et al. (2010), who state that situational awareness in a complex work environment, such as an operating room, depends on mutual communication and the exchange and sharing of information between all members of the team. The ability to efficiently and 21 effectively exchange and share information between man and technological applications is essential in order to be able to properly execute and coordinate interdependent activities and tasks. In this environment too, there is a need to combine and collectively present the increasing amount of data and information coming from different sources, so that all team members can avail of a continuous stream of joint and shared information. The key to being able to develop situational awareness is again the knowledge of what the team members need to know at what moment and what data and information are critical for effective and safe collaboration in a team. CONCLUSIONS Biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy is considered one of the originators of systems theory, and he observed: “System theorists agree that the concept of ‘system’ is not limited to material entities, but can be applied to any ‘whole’ consisting of interacting ‘components’.” (1969:106). Arguing from the perspective of Von Bertalanffy, there is no distinction between social, biological and/or technological systems. He sees every system as a whole made up of interconnected and interacting components. This essay has established that new connections between man, organization and technology are cropping up all the time. Connections that, in turn, form the basis for the ability to exchange and share information between subjects and objects in random coalitions and networks. Based on these connections, and on the information exchanged and shared between subjects and objects, new systems emerge. Existing systems either evolve or cannot cope with changes and eventually disappear. The possibility of exchanging and sharing information between random systems and entities breeds new forms of interaction between different systems and entities, forms of interaction that are not bound by time and place. These new forms of interaction will inevitably and without us noticing cause our constructions and perception of reality to evolve and change into a new form of reality. This new form of reality is then partially defined by invisible and omnipresent forms of technology and technological applications, which will adapt our perception of reality to the coalitions and networks that we are part of. Both Luhmann and Weick argue their respective theories from the system as the basis and from the interlinked and interacting components in the system. Luhmann does so more from a sociological/administration sciences perspective, while Weick 22 approaches systems from a social psychological/organizational sciences perspective. Such differences in scientific approaches led Von Bertalanffy to conclude: “All scientific constructs are models representing certain aspects of perspectives of reality.” (1969:94) Both Luhmann and Weick depart from the assumption that reality, and with that knowledge, is constructed from and through communication and interaction between systems. It is interesting to take on an interdisciplinary and holistic approach and look for the synergy that can result from the - in essence complementary - theories of Luhmann and Weick. Where Luhmann focuses on the process of communication between systems, Weick's focus is on the process of how a receiving system makes sense of the information interprenetrating into the system. They both assume the perspective of ecological change and development, and lean heavily on Bateson's epistemology. Within this process of evolution and ecological change in society and organizations, the increasing use and application of technology and technological applications plays a key role. And with that the generation, adaptation and processing of information. As a result of the widespread application and use of technology and technological applications, the process of evolution and ecological change will lead to a continuously changing reality, and at the same time to changes in our thinking about organizing and organizations. New forms of organizations will have to be developed and shaped from new combinations of organization and technology in order to make the most of the growing information flow between and within organizations. Fifty years back, a similar combination of social and technological developments, such as nuclear energy, space travel and rapidly developing computer mainframes, were the basis for the development of general systems theory: “Modern technology and society have become so complex that traditional ways and means are not sufficient anymore, but approaches of a holistic or systems, and generalist or interdisciplinary nature became necessary.” (1969:xx). 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