AOM No.: I l-001 Date: January 14,2011 AUDIT OBSERVATION MEMORANDUM (AOM) lor Hon. Jed Patrick E. Mabilog City Mayor City of Iloilo Attentron. Ms. Ninda D. Atrnado City Budget Officer Ms. Michelle O. Lopez City Accoun$ant We have auolted the account Representatron Expenses (783) and observed that out of tlre total expenditures of P3,822,803.18 for Fiscal Year 2010, *3,617,428.69 or 94 62% did not fall within the purview of official meetings/confbrences/entertainments contrary to the Updated Description of Accounts under the New Government Accounting System per COA Circular No. ?004-008, and Section 336 of Republic Act No. 7160 thus, resulting in inappropliate use of the lirnd and overstatement of Representation Expenses in the financjal statements. A total of P4,094,000.00 was appropriated for Representation Expenses under the LG'LI's annual and supplemental budgets fbr Fiscal Year 2010. Based on the Updated Description of Accounts under the New Government Accor"urting System per COA Circular No. 2004-008 dated September 20, 2008, Representation Expenses should be for official meetings/conferences/enterlainments. As provided in Sec. 336 of Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991, flrnds should be available exclusively for the purpose for which they have been appropriated. On the contrary, the arnount provided for Representation Expenses totaling P3,617.428.69 was used by the LGU management fbr activities rvhich are inconsistent with the intended purpose, summarized as lollorvs: t\. \\'t \ \ I 7 / Amount Particulars i. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. Floldmg actlvltles, programs and events Procurettrent of supplies and services Payrnent of traveling expenses pr_ricl.rase of flowers for the bereaved family of the dead schools, Grant olfinancial assistance to the barangays, government and private individr-rals and organizations Paytnent of registration fees Pui'chase of birthday cakes for the senior citizens . 8. Purchase oflechon 9. Sponsorships extended to government and private organizations 7 10. Others P 939"056 65 578,834.48 566,857.67 531,900 00 394,766.00 109,100.00 106,690.00 78,000.00 68.945.00 243,278.89 P3,617.428 69 Total rrom tne tbregorng tnat Some expenoirures which should have Extra Ordinary Expenses been classified as'Or5er \{aintenanc. und Operating Expenses, Expenses were disbursed (Discretionary Expenses). Traveling Expenses and Office Supplies Based on of the as Representation Expenses (Please see Annex A for details). of appropriations for the buclget registries, this ma1 have been done due to insulliciency othei accouuts. tt couid Oe gleaneo expenses within We recommencl that the LGU management limrt its representatron spending is intended for the purview of rules goveruing such and .*u." that government public pllrposes. measures we firlher recommencl that the city Budget offrcer lnstitute tighter control respective the against ro asceftain that governrnerrt obligations o.. "hutg"d appropriately Duoget> :'o; proper and correct reporting (i 5) we have Your comments on the tbregoing audit observation within fifteen calendar days from receipt hereot. N'[ay OFELIA T. DEMEGILLO Statd Auditor IV Audit tleam Leader ? g^ W,*,q*L plnon E. LIM lunnn State Auditor V Supervising Auditor