Western Washington University Account Codes E001 E001C E001L E001P E051 E052 E053 E054 E055 E056 E057 E058 E059 E060 E061 E062 E063 E110 E111 E112 E114 E115 E116 E117 E118 E119 E120 E121 E122 E130 E131 E132 E133 E134 2/12/2014 Prior year carryforward Commitment Carryforward Legacy Carry Forward President Approved Carryforward Auditing Services Exp Legal Exp Medical & Health Services Exp Research/Survey/Appraisals Exp Other Personal Serv Contract Exp Recruiting Services Management & Organizational Service Computer & Information Services Social Research Services Marketing Services Communications Services Employee Training Services Law Enforcement Incidentals Cost Share Supplies Supplies & Materials Expenses Books & Pamphlets Expenses Office Supplies & Materials Expenses Lab Supplies & Materials Expenses Computer Supplies‐Paper Computer Printer Ribs/Cart/Reinking Stage Props Pharmaceuticals Permit Supply Expense Parking Signs Medical Supplies Communications Exp Telephone Exp Postage & Mail Exp Other Communications Exp Sound Production E135 E140 E141 E142 E144 E145 E146 E147 E148 E150 E151 E152 E153 E154 E155 E156 E157 E158 E159 E160 E161 E162 E163 E164 E165 E166 E170 E171 E172 E173 E174 E175 E176 E177 Data Communications Utilities Exp Electricity Exp Natural Gas Exp Water/Sewer Exp Refuse Disposal Exp Other Utilities Exp Recycling Charge Hazardous Material Disposal Rentals & Leases Exp Computer Rent/Lease Exp Office Machines Rent/Lease Exp Media Rent/Lease Exp Telecable Rent/Lease Exp Building Rent/Lease Exp Films Rent/Lease Exp Software Leases/License Agreements Postage Meter/Mail Machines Tool Crib Tools Repairs/Alt/Maint Exp Building Repairs/Alt/Maint Exp Equipment Repairs/Alt/Maint Exp Parts/Supply‐Repairs/Alt/Maint Exp Other‐Repairs/Alt/Maint Exp Contracts‐Equipment Maintenance Parking Lot Maintenance Exp Printing/Reproduction Exp Printing Exp Copy/Dup Reproduction Expense Xerox Copies Exp Media Reproduction Exp Library Binding Exp State Printing Exp In‐House Copy/Dup & Printing 1 of 3 E178 E179 E180 E190 E191 E192 E193 E194 E195 E200 E203 E204 E205 E206 E207 E208 E209 E210 E211 E212 E213 E214 E215 E216 E217 E218 E219 E220 E221 E222 E223 E230 E231 E232 Other Printing/Repro Exp Manuals Library Binding ‐ Serials Education & Training Exp Education & Training Fees Dues & Memberships Exp Convention Fees & Registration Exp Profession Lic/Permits/Fees Employee Awards Expense Subscriptions Exp Asset Mgmt Fees WA St Facilities & Services Exp Labor&Industries Right‐to‐Know Exp DIS Data Processing Services Exp WA St Attorney General Services Exp WA St HEPB Services Exp Security Expense Purchased Services Exp Honoraria Exp Collection Agency Fee Exp Misc Purchased Services Exp Speaker/Performer Expense Office of Council of Presidents Purchased Computer Services Expense Bank Card Fees Technical Services‐Data Processing Conference Housing Charges Insurance Exp Reimbursement for Equipment Loss Web Service Activity Fees Ticket Service Fee Vehicle Maintenance Exp Vehicle Fuel Parking Expense Western Washington University Account Codes E233 E236 E237 E238 E239 E240 E241 E242 E243 E244 E245 E246 E247 E248 E249 E251 E252 E253 E254 E255 E256 E257 E258 E259 E260 E260A E261 E262 E263 E264 E265 E266 E267 E268 2/12/2014 Towing Expense WA St Audit Services Exp Archival/Records Mgmt Sec of State Minority & Womens Bus. Entrprs Exp. Cost Share Goods and Services Other Goods & Services Exp Advertising Exp Freight/Transport Expense Receptions/Meetings Exp Promotional Items/T‐shirts Royalties Exp Student Activities Laundry Contractual Food Service Hospitality Expense Facilities & Admin Rec Pd To Others Facilities & Admin Rec ‐ On Campus Facilities & Admin Rec ‐ Off Campus Fin Aid/Other Admin Expense Hand Tools Safety Shoes Clothing/Uniforms/Costumes Expendable Material Adv.‐ Bid & Performance Bond Exp. Tax Expense Foreign Tax Payments Recruitment Advertising Expense Penalties & Fines Meals Coffee & Light Refreshments Hazardous Material Testing Athletics Dept Team Contracts Bond Cost Amortization Administrative Assessment Fees Scenery E269 E271 E272 E273 E274 E276 E277 E278 E279 E281 E282 E283 E284 E286 E301 E303 E304 E305 E306 E307 E308 E351 E352 E353 E354 E355 E356 E357 E358 E359 E361 E362 E363 E364 Stage Lighting Expenditure Trnsfr‐Supplies & Matls Expenditure Transfer ‐ Overhead Expenditure Trnsfrer‐Repair & Maint Expenditure Transfer‐Electricity Expenditure Trfr ‐ Labor Expenditure Transfer‐Natural Gas Inter‐Departmental Activity Support Alternative Transportation Services Event Expense Property Tax Expense Use Tax Expense Interdepartmental Support Transfer to Reserve Merchandise for Resale Material for Resale / Equip Rentals Material Maint/Construction Automotive Supplies Discounts Allowed ADJC Adjustments Other Central Stores adjustments In‐State Lodging/Subsistence‐Reimb In‐State Air‐Reimbursement Private Auto‐Reimbursement Other Travel Exp‐Reimbursement Foreign Travel Exp‐Reimbursement Interview Expenses‐Reimbursement Relocation Expenses‐Reimbursement Non Employee‐Travel Reimbursement Travel Advances Issued In‐State Lodging/Subs Paid Vendor Out‐of‐State Lodging/Subs Pd Vendor Foreign Travel‐Paid Vendor Travel Brokers‐Paid Vendor 2 of 3 E365 E366 E367 E368 E369 E370 E371 E372 E373 E374 E375 E376 E378 E379 E381 E399 E401 E402 E403 E404 E405 E406 E407 E408 E409 E411 E412 E413 E414 E415 E416 E419 E420 E421 Ground Transportation ‐ Paid Vendor In‐State Air ‐ Paid Vendor Out‐of‐State Air ‐ Paid Vendor Interview Expenses ‐ Paid Vendor Relocation Expenses ‐ Paid Vendor Out‐of‐State Lodg/Subsis‐Reimbursmt Non‐Employee Travel ‐ Paid Direct Cost Share ‐ Travel Travel Gas Reimb W/Rcpt Out‐of‐State Air‐Reimbursement Taxable Meals Taxable Reimbursements Motor Pool Services Exp Taxable Relocation Expense Ground Transportation‐Reimbursement Non‐reconciled Travel Card Exp Non‐Capitalized Fixed Assets NonCap/NonInventory Computer Parts Non‐Cap/Non‐Inventory ‐ Software Non‐Cap/Non‐Inventory ‐ Other Equip Non‐Cap/Non‐Inventory ‐ Furnishings Inventoriable/Non‐Cap Fixed Assets Non‐Cap/Non‐Inv Computer Equip Inventoriable/Non‐Cap Other Equip Inventoriable/Non‐Cap Laptop Comp Capitalized Furniture & Equipment Capitalized F/A ‐ Computer Equip Capitalized F/A ‐ Software Capitalized F/A ‐ Other Equipment Capitalized F/A ‐ Furnishings Cost Share Equipment Capital F/A‐Lease Purchase Payments Library Resources Library Orders Western Washington University Account Codes E445 E448 E450 E451 E452 E453 E460 E461 E463 E465 E470 E471 E473 E476 E477 E490 E491 E494 E495 E601 E999 S340 S440 S463 2/12/2014 Library Serials SER ‐ Print Serials Land Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Costs Preparation For Use Buildings Buildings‐Gen Contract Exp Bldgs‐Maintenance Operation Exp Buildings‐Material Testing Improvements Other Than Bldgs Exp Improvements ‐ Gen Contract Exp Improvements ‐ Maint/Operations Exp Improvements ‐ Other Contracts Improvements ‐ Soils Investigation Architecture/Engineering Srv Exp Arch/Engineering‐Basic Fee Exp Arch/Engineering‐Consultant Svces Arch/Engineering‐Other Exp Other Grant Benefit Client Svc Exp Unreconciled PCARD Transactions AR Ctrl ‐ Other Receivables Merchandise Inventories Inventory Clearing Account 3 of 3