Curriculum Vitae Madeline Pinsonneault (Current Address

Curriculum Vitae
Madeline Pinsonneault
(Current Address)
2814 Cheltenham Rd.
Toledo, OH 43606
(614) 406-9791
(Permanent Address)
4312 Ingham Ave
Columbus, OH 43214
(614) 447-8407
The Ohio State University
Bachelor of Science- December 2009
Biochemistry and Biology majors, Cumulative GPA 3.24
The School for Field Studies, Yungaburra, QLD, Australia
(Affiliated with Boston University, Boston, MA)
(February-May 2009)
University of Michigan – Expected Spring 2015
M.S. from School of Natural Resources and the Environment, Conservation
Ecology track
Advisor – Dr. Bradley Cardinale
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant, Center for Life Sciences Education, Ohio State University
Introductory Biology 101
- Under Dr. Stephen Chordas, autumn quarters 2008 and 2009
- Under Dr. John Cogan, winter, spring, and autumn quarters in 2010
Introductory Biology 113
- Under Dr. Erik Rothacker and Dr. Michael Weinstein, winter quarter 2011
- Under Dr. Erik Rothacker and Dr. Richard Swenson spring quarter 2011
Head Teaching Assistant, Center for Life Sciences Education, Ohio State University
Introductory Biology 1113
- Under Dr. John Cogan – Autumn semester 2012
- Under Dr. James Hopper and Dr. Candace Waddell – Spring semester 2013
Graduate Student Instructor, Undergraduate Biology Program, University of Michigan
Biology Laboratory 172
- Under Dr. Marcus Ammerlaan – Spring Term 2013
Research Experience
Masters Thesis Project, University of Michigan
I am broadly exploring how species diversity impacts harmful algal bloom (HAB)
establishment and dynamics in freshwater ecosystems.
Research Assistant, Department of Molecular Genetics, The Ohio State University
-Under Dr. Mark Seeger, August 2007-August 2008, and August 2009-June 2009
Exploring the molecular mechanisms that direct axon path-finding and synaptic target
recognition in Drosophila.
Directed Research Project, The School for Field Studies
-Under Dr. David Manahan, April 2009
Determining the utilization of government incentive programs by farmers, operating
within the Atherton and Evelyn Tablelands, to convert their current farming practices to
currently recommended practices.
Environmental Policy & Socioeconomic Values Research Project, The School for Field Studies
-Under Dr. David Manahan, February 2009
Determining whether the health of riparian zones affect water quality. Three different
watersheds, with varying degrees of degradation within the riparian zones, were
compared to determine if there was a correlation.
Rainforest Ecology Research Project, The School for Field Studies
-Under Dr. Sigrid Heise-Pavlov, March 2009
Exploring the distribution and relative size (wing span) of nocturnal moths in three
different habitats on the property of The Center for Rainforest Studies.
Principles of Forest Management Research Project, The School for Field Studies
-Under Dr. Timothy Curan, March 2009
Determining whether sub-tropical tree species, located on the property of the CRS, were
more resistant or more resilient to a sudden frost disturbance.
Work Experience
Head Teaching Assistant (August 2012 – December 2012)
I am responsible for teaching 2 laboratories sections each week as well as organizing the other 4
teaching assistant in the lecture. My responsibilities range from leading recitations and assisting
with the labs to grading, making quizzes, and answering emails from students and TAs.
Intern for Maryland Conservation Corps (October 2011 – September 2012)
I am an Americorps Volunteer for the Maryland State Park system. Through out the term I have
been asked to tackle any number of activities from trail maintenance utilizing chainsaws to
remove hazard trees, environmental education programs, general landscaping, maintenance of
park buildings, grant writing, boundary reclamation, and invasive species controlled burn.
Intern for the Ohio Environmental Council
-Under David Celebrezze (August 2010 – September 2011)
I was an intern working on a variety of projects focusing on increasing the public awareness of
local vernal pools. These included by weren’t limited to, utilizing GIS maps of Franklin County
to locate, classify, and record the large number of unknown vernal pools in the area, creating
information sheets, updating the webpage, updating monitoring forms and directions,
as well as documenting all biology teachers in Ohio. A more long-term project I worked on was
creating a teaching resource for biology and environmental science classrooms. I provided
information about vernal pools and how they relate to both the teaching standards and the
students, as well as gave suggestions for lesson plans.
Natural Resource Management Volunteer for the Central Ohio Metro Parks
-Under Carrie Morrow (August 2010 –September 2011)
I assisted on a variety of resource management projects some of which were data entry for biotic
surveys conducted through out the metro parks, assessing new areas for trails, helping with
invasive species control and removal, and conducting various biotic surveys.
Volunteer for Highbanks Metro Park (July 2010 –September 2011)
I did a variety of volunteer activities ranging from biotic surveys, to trail maintenance, nature
center assisting, helping with programs, and interacting with visitors.
Related Coursework
(*denotes coursework taken with The School for Field Studies)
 Introductory Biology 113 and 114
 Introductory Chemistry 122 and 123
 Introductory Physics 131-133
 Analytical Chemistry 221
 Organic Chemistry 251-253
 Organic Chemistry Laboratory 254 and 255
 Evolution 400
 Ecology 503.01
 Ecology Laboratory 503.02
 Animal Physiology 410
 Introductory Molecular Genetics 500
 Introductory Microbiology 509
 Field Ecology 513F
 Biochemistry 613-615
 Independent Research, Molecular Genetics 699 (taken 5 terms)
 Physical Chemistry 721.01-721.03
 *Rainforest Ecology 369
 *Environmental Policy & Socioeconomic Values 302
 *Principles of Forest Management 370
 *Directed Research 492
Trainings and Certification
 Wild land firefighting certification
 First responder and CPR certification
 Boater safety certification
 Traffic control certification
 Scales N’ Tales training
 Chain saw training
 Trail construction training
 Back country camping training
Phi Sigma Pi National Honors Society, 2005-2009