Unplanned Pregnancy - Reproductive Choices

Practical Information
FOR women living in Ireland
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices is a Dublin
based sexual and reproductive health service.
Our clinic is small and friendly and our team of
experienced nurses, doctors and counsellors provide
professional support and advice. You can trust them
to respect your feelings and privacy.
Our services include:
· Unplanned pregnancy counselling
·Information about abortion clinics in England
·Abortion help and advice
·Cervical smear tests
·Male and female health checks
·Contraception – all methods available
·Vasectomy services
· Sexually transmitted infection screening
Thousands of women and men from all over Ireland
visit us every year. We keep our fees as low as
possible and booking an appointment is easy.
10/11 Berkeley Street
Dublin 7
Phone: (01) 830 0630 (24 hours)
Email: info@reproductivechoices.ie
Website: www.reproductivechoices.ie
An unplanned pregnancy can be a confusing, stressful and difficult
time. You may not know what to do or who to talk to. Here, at
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices we offer confidential advice.
We give you clear, non-judgemental information about all of the
options available so you can decide what is best for you.
Signs of pregnancy vary. They can include any of the following:
•Late or missed period
•Swelling or tenderness of the breasts
•More frequent trips to the loo
•Nausea or vomiting
(‘morning sickness’ can in fact occur at any time of day)
Every woman experiences different symptoms. So if you think you might be
pregnant, the first step is to take a pregnancy test. You can get a test at your
GP, local family planning clinic or by visiting Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices.
You can also purchase a home test from most chemists, and some chemists
may provide pregnancy testing services. Do this as soon as possible.
If you are pregnant,
what are your options?
1. Continue with the pregnancy
and become a parent.
If you wish to do this, you
should contact your GP, who
will arrange ante-natal care.
Continue with the
pregnancy and consider
adoption or fostering.
Please see the back page for
contact details.
3. End the pregnancy
through abortion.
If you do not want to
continue with the pregnancy,
abortion is safer and you
have more treatment options,
the earlier it is carried out.
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices (01) 830 0630
Abortion is highly restricted in Ireland. However, it is not against the law to ask for and obtain
advice or information about abortion, or to travel to a clinic in the UK (or any other country where
abortion is legal) to have an abortion.
It is hard to know where or who to turn to when faced
with an unplanned pregnancy. Marie Stopes Reproductive
Choices is a pro-choice organisation, which means that
our team respects every woman’s right to receive impartial
information to make her own decision about what is best
for her.
We believe that:
•Every woman has the right to complete confidentiality
•All information given should be clear and factual
•You should have information about all your options
•You should have all the support you need to make your
own decisions
Our clinic is open five days a week and there is no wait
for appointments. We also offer a completely confidential
telephone consultation service if you are not able to come to
the clinic.
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices
(01) 830 0630
You can call us on (01) 830 0630 – 24 hours
All calls are confidential
At your appointment at Marie Stopes Reproductive
Choices you will be able to:
•See a professional counsellor if you wish to
•Discuss your options with an experienced nurse
•Have a scan to confirm how many weeks pregnant you are
•Have a check on your health
•Receive advice on contraception for future use
•Ask any questions you might have
If you decide you want to end the pregnancy, we will give you
all the information you need to contact a clinic in England
about accessing an abortion as well as prices, maps and
travel information.
Not all agencies trust women to make their own decision. A number of organisations in Ireland may seem sympathetic
but, because they oppose abortion, may not give you the information you need and may try to persuade you against
having an abortion. They are often run by “pro-life” or “anti-choice” groups and may employ some of the following
• Provide information that is heavily biased against abortion
• Show graphic or anti-abortion pictures or films
•Tell you myths about abortion
•Make you feel guilty
•Try to separate you from your friend of partner if you have brought one with you for support
•Refuse to provide information about abortion and where you could go in England or elsewhere for abortion
•Ask you to make repeat appointments for scans or further counselling
•Accuse pro-choice organisations of “pushing” abortion in order to make money
If any of the above happens, or if you find yourself in any situation that makes you uncomfortable, simply leave. It is important
that you do not provide these organisations with personal information about yourself as they have been known to harass
women who might be considering an abortion.
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices
(01) 830 0630
Groups and individuals who are against abortion have
spent years circulating inaccurate information about
abortion and its effects on women, such as:
Abortion causes breast cancer
There is no evidence from the medical profession
that abortion causes breast cancer. This was
reiterated by a collaborative study analysing data
from 83,000 women in 53 countries.
(The Lancet, June 5 2004, Reardon D.C.)
Having an abortion will make it difficult to have a
child at another time
There are few health risks associated with a
straightforward abortion and little evidence of
any effect on future fertility.
A woman’s partner has to give consent to an
This is not true. It is solely a woman’s right to
have an abortion or not.
More information on this can be found at
www.reproductivechoices.ie, and any questions you
might have can be answered by the team at our clinic.
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices
(01) 830 0630
Women choose to end a pregnancy for a number of
reasons – all of which are completely valid. A woman
is in the best position to know whether or not she can
continue with a pregnancy. No one else can make this
decision for her.
While many women are very clear about their decision
to have an abortion, others are less so. If you are at all
unsure or wish to discuss your situation or your options
further, we can arrange for an appointment with our
counsellor. Young women under the age of 16 need to
see a counsellor.
We appreciate that this may be difficult, but it is best
if you can make your decision as soon as possible.
As abortion is highly restricted, women in Ireland who
decide to have an abortion must travel to obtain this
service. Those who go abroad, including to England,
have to pay for an abortion and go to private clinics.
Due to the additional costs faced by women in Ireland,
Marie Stopes International clinics offer discounted
prices. If you decide to have an abortion but think you
cannot afford one, call our helpline on (01) 830 0630
Abortion providers in England, including Marie Stopes International, provide abortion
help for thousands of women every year. They are able to offer one-day visits, but
you will need to think about your travel arrangements. Can you get to the airport, to
the clinic for the procedure, and back home in one day? When you call to make an
appointment we will be able to advise you about how long you will be at the clinic so
you can estimate your travelling times.
There are a number of airlines that fly from Ireland to England (see back of the
booklet). It is very important that you co-ordinate your flight with an
appointment. Check the available flights but don’t book a flight until you
have made an appointment with the clinic.
Take some time to weigh up your travel options carefully and don’t forget about
getting to and from the airport. Can you get transport? How long will it take? Marie
Stopes International has centres in Bristol, Manchester, Essex and London. Fares
to these cities can be cheaper. It is also less expensive to fly during the week as
opposed to over weekends.
It is really important to face the situation and assess how far into the
pregnancy you are as soon as you can.
The legal time limit for abortion in Great Britain is 24 weeks of pregnancy and the
simplest procedures (best if you’re travelling) can be done to 14 weeks. Between
14 and 19 weeks you can still have the treatment in one day but you will need to stay
a little longer at the centre. Between 19 and 24 weeks gestation you would probably
need to stay at least one night, local to the clinic. There is an Abortion Support
Network that provides accommodation and help with funding for women travelling to
England for an abortion who cannot afford it. See the back of this booklet for details.
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices
(01) 830 0630
Abortion providers and clinics in the UK will keep your details and
any other information you provide them with completely private and
There are two main methods of abortion. Medical abortion sometimes called the abortion pill involves taking a combination of
two different types of medication. Surgical abortion involves a minor procedure. Both are safe, effective and straightforward.
At the clinic in England, you will:
Surgical abortion
Medical abortion is a termination of pregnancy
Early surgical abortion (up to 12 weeks)
Early medical abortion (up to 9 weeks)
Involves a minor procedure where the pregnancy is
removed vaginally by gentle suction.
•See a doctor and a nurse
•Be informed of your abortion treatment options
•Have the opportunity to speak to a counsellor if you wish to talk further
about your situation. Marie Stopes International also has counsellors
available to speak to you over the telephone while you are in Ireland if
that is more convenient. If you would like to speak to a counsellor ask
them about this when you call
You can call the Marie Stopes
International 24 hour booking and
information service on
00 44 845 300 8090
(or 0845 300 8090 if you are calling
from the UK).
Be sure to let them know that
you will be travelling from
Ireland. They will also be able
to offer advice on travel and
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices
•Have a scan if necessary to determine how many weeks pregnant
you are
•The nurse will check your medical history and you may have a blood
test (usually just a finger prick), and a chlamydia test will be offered
Under the terms of the 1967 Abortion Act, medical professionals need to
know the reason why you are requesting an abortion, and two doctor’s
signatures are needed for an abortion to take place. These signatures
are provided at the clinic in England.
(01) 830 0630
Takes less than 5 minutes. Can be done without
anaesthetic, under sedation or general anaesthetic.
Surgical abortion (12-19 weeks)
Takes 10-15 minutes. Choice of conscious sedation
or general anaesthetic (depending on gestation).
through the use of a combination of drugs to cause
the pregnancy to pass vaginally.
As medical abortion requires taking two doses of
medication over two visits (one or two days apart), it will
mean that you will have to stay for at least two days.
It is therefore not usually recommended to women
travelling from Ireland to England as the bleeding
experienced after taking the second pills could occur on
the journey home. If you would prefer this option please
talk directly to the provider for information.
Later surgical abortion (19-24 weeks)
Performed in two stages, one in the morning for
preparation of the cervix and one a few hours later that
requires general anaesthetic.
Medical abortion can also be used between 9 and
24 weeks and is offered in some clinics in England.
You will receive additional, in-depth information about each of these treatment options during your consultation at the clinic.
You will also have the chance to raise any questions or concerns. If you would like more information about each procedure, please
visit www.reproductivechoices.ie or www.mariestopes.ie
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices
(01) 830 0630
Will anyone else find out?
No. Like all other medical procedures, abortion is strictly
confidential and no one will be told about your visit unless you
want them to be. This includes your parents, partner and doctor.
Nothing that happens at the clinic will go on your medical record
without your permission.
Does an abortion hurt?
How will I feel after my abortion?
Most women experience cramping after an abortion – very
much like bad period pains. This doesn’t last very long and
you can take painkillers to ease the discomfort.
Most women experience a sense of relief, but others may
feel more emotional. It is quite normal to feel a bit low for
a few days. The consensus of all authoritative psychiatric
and medical opinion is that for the vast majority of women,
the effects on psychological health of having an abortion
are neither major nor long-lasting. Very few women suffer
prolonged emotional distress following an abortion. However,
distress may be triggered if the circumstances surrounding the
abortion are especially stressful. Marie Stopes Reproductive
Choices has specialist counsellors available should you wish
to talk through your feelings at any point after your abortion.
There are different forms of anaesthetics that you can choose.
You could be awake during the procedure or sedated or have
a general anaesthetic. The clinic will let you know about the
pros and cons of each method so you can choose what is
best for you.
Is abortion safe?
Complications are extremely rare. Abortion is one of the most
frequently performed gynaecological procedures in the UK.
However, any surgical procedure or medical treatment carries
some risks. You will receive information about possible risks
and complications at the clinic you travel to.
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices
(01) 830 0630
How soon do I have to make my decision
about abortion?
Although it might be difficult, it is best if you can make a decision
as soon as possible. The earlier you make your decision the more
abortion options are open to you.
Is it up to me if I have an abortion?
Can my boyfriend or parents stop me from
seeking an abortion?
It is entirely your right to decide whether or not to have an
abortion. No one else can make this decision for you – or stop
you from making the decision that is right for you. UK clinics will
respect your decision.
Can I have more than one abortion?
Yes. Women are free to seek abortion services on more than one
occasion. However, there are reliable methods of contraception
available which if used properly should reduce the risk of an
unplanned pregnancy and reduce the need for abortion.
Post-abortion check-up
It is recommended that you have a pregnancy test
and check-up about three weeks after an abortion.
If you have any symptoms following an abortion,
or continuing signs of pregnancy you should seek
medical help straight away.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call:
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices
(01) 830 0630
Marie Stopes International
00 44 845 300 80 90
Both 24 hour helplines
Women who attend the Marie Stopes
Reproductive Choices Clinic for a consultation
prior to travelling for an abortion, are entitled to a
free check up at the clinic after their abortion.
There is a small fee for other women.
We can arrange for your to discuss your feelings
about your abortion with a non-judgemental
specialist counsellor if necessary.
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices
(01) 830 0630
Don’t forget about your contraception
You can conceive as early as one week after an abortion. Whether you have just
had a pregnancy scare, or whether you have recently had an abortion, if you do
not want to get pregnant, it is important to find the method of contraception that
is best for you. Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices also provides a full range of
contraceptive methods and can discuss your options with you.
Emergency contraception (morning after pill)
This is contraception that can be used after unprotected sex - whether you have
not used any contraception at all or whether your normal contraception has failed
(a split condom, missed pill etc). It should not be seen as a regular method of
contraception – it is much better to use a reliable method every time you have sex
and to be aware of the other risks carried by unprotected sex, such as sexually
transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS.
There are two methods of emergency contraception:
Up to three days: emergency contraceptive pill. Sometimes called the
morning after pill, it can in fact be taken up to 72 hours after unprotected sex,
the sooner the better. It is available from your GP or family planning clinics like
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices. It is 95% effective if taken within 12 hours
after unprotected sex and 54% effective at 72 hours after unprotected sex. A new
emergency contraceptive pill called ELLA One is effective up to five days after
unprotected sex – available soon in Ireland.
Up to five days: intrauterine device (IUD/Coil). If you have left it too late for the
emergency contraceptive pill then you can still have an IUD, also known as a coil,
fitted up to five days after unprotected sex, to prevent pregnancy occurring. It is
98%-99% effective.
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices
(01) 830 0630
✓ Take a test to ensure you are pregnant
✓ Call or visit Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices Clinic
to learn about all of your options
✓ If you decide to end the pregnancy, book an appointment at a
UK abortion clinic like Marie Stopes International 00 44 845 300 80 90
✓ Make your travel arrangements
✓ Have your consultation and treatment in a UK clinic
(try to go with your partner or a friend if possible)
✓ Attend a post-abortion and contraceptive advice appointment at
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices
✓ Keep our number - (01) 830 0630 - in case you ever need to
talk to us or need advice after your abortion
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices
(01) 830 0630
Unplanned pregnancy, a daily reality for women
What is the legal situation in Ireland?
What do Irish people think?
Abortion in Ireland is illegal unless the pregnancy endangers
the life of the woman. Ireland is only one of three European
countries, with Malta and Poland, that severely restricts
women’s abortion rights.
Public opinion on abortion in Ireland is changing and
becoming less prescriptive. This was confirmed in recent
research that Marie Stopes International commissioned
through YouGov (2009) which asked about the views of
men and women in Ireland about abortion being permitted
in Ireland. 41% of people surveyed, agree that a termination
of pregnancy in Ireland should be permitted if the women
believes it is in her or her family’s best interests, only 3% of
those asked thought that abortion was not acceptable under
any circumstances. 87% of people agreed that a termination
of pregnancy in Ireland should be permitted if the pregnancy
seriously endangered her health.
What are your rights?
Although abortion is not legally permissible thousands of
women from Ireland travel abroad, mainly to England to
access the procedure. It is every woman’s right to access
information in Ireland about all her pregnancy choices
including safe abortion.
What do Catholics think about abortion?
Although the Catholic Church prohibits abortion in all
circumstances, even at the earliest stage of pregnancy, many
Catholics are more ambivalent. Opinions vary greatly but
most Catholics recognise that abortion should be allowed,
at least in some situations. Italy, which is predominantly
Catholic, allows abortion on request in the first 12 weeks of
pregnancy and recently legalised the medical abortion pill.
For more information, please visit:
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices
(01) 830 0630
All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size
was 1002 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 3rd - 8th December
2009. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted
and are representative of all adults from The Republic of Ireland (aged 18+).
Every year thousands of women from Ireland have to
travel overseas to obtain an abortion. Others are forced
to continue with an unwanted pregnancy against their
will. If you support calls for legalisation, make your voice
heard and vote in our online poll.
Visit www.reproductivechoices.ie
Marie Stopes International
00 44 845 3008090
If you need to access an abortion
Abortion Support Network
00 44 7897 611 593 (or 07897 611 593 from the UK)
If you need to travel to England but need help with the cost of your
abortion, or need overnight accommodation.
Positive Options
One Family
(01) 662 9212
Provides support and help for single parents
The Adoption Authority of Ireland
(01) 230 9300
Provides information on adoption
Irish Foster Care Association
(01) 459 9474
Provides information on fostering
Other useful
There are many flights going between Ireland to UK cities,
check these websites for more information.
Airline Websites
Aer Arann
Aer Lingus
BMI (British Midland) Ryan Air www.aerarann.com
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices
10/11 Berkeley Street, Dublin 7
Call (01) 830 0630 (24 hours) for information and appointments
Opening hours: 9.30am - 6pm Monday to Friday
Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices is situated near the centre of
Dublin and can be reached easily by:
Local - Number 10 and 38 buses from O’Connell Street
stop on the corner of Mountjoy Street.
Provincial - Buses to Busaras Station, just a short taxi
ride to the centre of Dublin.
Train: The nearest stations are Connolly and Heuston,
both are just a short taxi ride to the centre of Dublin.
Walking up from the city centre:
Walk straight up O’Connell Street away from the city centre, proceed
up North Frederick Street. Cross at the main junction with Dorset
Street, walk up Blessington Street. Berkeley Street is half way up on
your right.